I was emailed that someone wanted a Project Runway open thread.
Comrade Mary
Oh God, John, you’re so sweet when you’re stoned.
(We really are a source of amusement for you while you’re laid up, aren’t we?)
General Winfield Stuck
@John Cole: Well, ok then, I guess Max will be around telling us what it is. Or we’ll have to wait for the next email instructions to filter through the system.
In case anyone has failed to mention it, those nice pain meds they gave you should not be mixed with copious amounts of booze, it will not turn out well.
@Litlebritdifrnt: LOL. I’m not drinking, and I hate painkillers. I hate how they make me feel.
Ash Can
I have no idea in hell what’s going on.
I’m so glad this is actually an open thread. I realize this causes instant revocation of my gay card, but I honestly could give two shits about Project Runway. No offense to anyone here, it just has never appealed to me.
Damn John, what a slacker.Just because your arm’s held on with duct tape you think you’re excused from bowing to our slightest whims?
I realize this causes instant revocation of my gay card, but I honestly could give two shits about Project Runway.
I thought the concept sounded interesting (full disclosure – I DO own a sewing machine) but a) Anything that smacks of Reality TV makes me stabby; b) It sounds like a non-stop dramafest, fuck that; and c) I always read it as Project Runaway and that just sounds wrong.
wasabi gasp
Project Runaway and Launch My Lyin, Palin Doctrines, both. Also, the spreadin’ velveeta mafia, too.
I caught a few episodes, and it wasn’t really for me, although I do profess a deep admiration for Tim Gunn. He is a VERY elegant man — something you don’t see much anymore.
I think that’s great John, now mebbe you should have a little lie down?
Now then, who’s taking the little princess out for a walk tomorrow morning? We don’t wan’t an other shower incident, do we…. did you call Tammy?
Left Coast Tom
@John Cole:
asiangrrlMN is frequently asking for pictures of Tunch that don’t get posted…
Cole went out to walk the dog at night in the ice and snow. The dog decided to walk Cole.
This resulted in a misallocation of resources–namely, 4 legs are generally more efficient than 2 when negotiating slippery surfaces.
There was a slip and fall incident that I suspect started out like those old TV commercials (Cole: “Help, I’ve fallen and can’t get up.”)
Cole, realizing that going Galt maybe hadn’t been a great idea in this situation, manned up and drug his ass to safety where he attempted to relocate his discolated shoulder with a doorknob.
This relatively new medical procedure enjoyed only limited success (kinda like trying to slip on that second wetsuit, sounds easy, but….) and Cole availed himself of socialistic medical services.
Expert diagnosis revealed that Cole has broken his right shoulder—which may or may not suggest some sort of Divine retribution for past sins. Ymmv.
Cole now seems to be blogging in some sort of fugue-like state, perhaps due to the fact that he’s giving Limbaugh a run for his money in the Oxycontin sweepstakes—sadly absent the Costa Rican hookers.
That’s my take on the situation but I’m +6 and feeling a little woozy myself, so I might have missed something.
Me three. I don’t even like advil. I once got Vicodin after a root canal. Those were good. It was reeeeeaaaaal easy to see how people could get hooked on those. I threw them out as soon as the pain was bearable.
“It’s a Brown-out……a massive change in the political landscape.”
Concern Troll is Conceerrrrrrnnnnnned.
Brian J
I think Heidi Klum may be an example of the atypical woman, the sort who actually gets better looking as she ages. Granted, she’s probably not old right now, but she seems to get look better and better as she ages. That Victoria Secret’s commercial where she flipped her head back on the couch while wear gray bra? One of the better things etched into my brain.
Keith G
Uh-oh dont feed the hoary shits living under the bridge
Fuck all you haters! Project Runway rocks! Especially Tim Gunn. Though if I was a judge, I’d be more like mean Nina Garcia. And Seth Aaron is my guy. He’s cute, straight, and his rock and roll style is totally me. Wish I was still 25 and could still pull off that look without looking ridiculous.
Have I mentioned that Laettner decided that being a house cat was an OK gig? Happened while I was traveling earlier in the week. She still tends to disappear when the dogs are in the house, but that will hopefully change. Now it’s definitely time for a trip to the vet.
Oops, I didn’t see this thread and watched solo while I was brushing out Max the freshly washed wheaten terrier who needs a hair cut.
Here’s my synopsis of the designers:
Maya and Mila – the bang twins (sorry boys, not what you think) Anthony – southern, black, gay who wants to design for pageants (love him, he’s my fave) Ping – nuts Seth Aaron – pretentious rocker dude, but I hate when people use two names Emilo – glad he won. He seems kind and calm. Janeane – she’s going to be the one that cries every week.
The others I don’t even remember, so that must mean they are meh.
Good Memory, @JohnCole. I didn’t email you, and only mentioned it once on your I’m Going Galt (the original thread). Pain makes your mind sharp! Next week! I’ll run the table for those who are interested.
BTW – is anyone watching the new season of Celebrity Rehab? It’s wild.
OT (or maybe not), Depressing Metaphors Division:
I’m not sure how it got there, which application installed it, but on one of my drives there’s a folder called “My Works”. And every time my mouse pointer hovers over it for a second or two, it pop up with the message: Folder is Empty.
So depressing and sad.
General Winfield Stuck
Well, that’s just peachy. Max get her own thread and don’t show up. And nobody says what Project Runway is leaving us dweebs in the lurch. I want my own bitching thread Cole, just because, that’s why. :-)
wasabi gasp
@geg6: There’s a lady near me who owns and runs a eclectic junk yard/Zoo/Mexican Restaurant. She’s somewhere around 150 years old. She dons a twelve inch mohawk, purple the last time I saw her. You’re never to old to live. Fuck ’em all. :)
… I hate painkillers. I hate how they make me feel.
Hmm, depends on the painkiller, for me. Codeine/T3 – not a fan, makes me feel kind of dislocated from my own body. Vicodin and Valium are okay though. I’ve never felt any urge to take them recreationally, but I don’t mind the side effects so much when I need them.
But I’m mostly an aspirin & caffeine guy. I only take the prescription stuff when necessary.
They are just trying to do whatever the fuck they can to tear Obama down. The rest of the article goes to show what the Administration’s response has been so far yet they fucking lead with that.
John, the Hallmark Channel seems to have a “Golden Girls” marathon in progress. Wanna put up an open thread for that?
My only reality-TV-watching confession to make is that I do occasionally keep up with Biggest Loser. But shit, I’m 30 pounds into a 75 pound weight loss/general fitness improvement program, and Richard Simmons God knows these fuckin’ wheat crackers ain’t shit for motivation. So yeah. I like to go slumming and feel better that I’m rocking at 249 instead of, say, 430lbs. Also, I think Bob is cool and sincere. If there is a Team Bob out there somewhere on this series of tubes, they should consider me an honorary member.
General Winfield Stuck
@Max: I guess you did show up. Don’t mind me, I’m in full joke about everything mode cause what is on my teevee and news is so unbearably sad :-)
@JGabriel: I had surgery a couple years ago and was on a morphine pump with the finger button thing and I learned the hard way that I am allergic to morphine.
I was hallucinating and felt like bugs were under my skin and I could not stop crying.
It was horrible. Thankfully, about an hour after they removed the iv, I was fine.
Now, I do appreciate that Tylenol with Codiene are over the counter in Canada and always try to get a bottle or two when I visit the Great White North.
@General – I seem to be taking some shit on this thread. Fuck you guys! ;)
I was freaked out by that poll, then I saw it was done by Suffolk, which has a pretty poor reputation according to 538. It also says only 1% are undecided which I think is impossible. I have stopped freaking out. Another poll from today shows Coakley up by 8.
@JGabriel: We are opposites, the yin to my yang, the metric to my imperial. I do not drink coffee or coke but I am a natural born buzz junkie and frankly I am surprised that I’ve not ended up in rehab at some point. The only thing that may save me in the end is that I have never been beholden to one particular buzz.
::looks at own username, considers consequences::
By which of course, I mean to say, that I am fond of getting HIGH ON LIFE.
@Yutsano: But I thought basically noone could get into Haiti for the first 24 hours. I mean, besides, trucking in from DR or literally swimming onto shore. I’m pretty sure the airports were completely locked out for safety reasons for the first day or so, and sea-going vessels can only travel so fast. Oh well, that guy is a tool and it’s not going to bother me today.
Have I mentioned that Laettner decided that being a house cat was an OK gig?
YAY! for Laettner (& also Hurley, of course).
Two of our three cats are ex-ferals, and since rescue Papillon Gloria-the-cat-startler joined us several months ago, I’ve seen Toby maybe once a day and Maddy once a week, if that. The dogs are debarred from the two lowest levels of the house, but the cats definitely blame me for bringing home yet another disgusting stinky og-day. They are still talking to the Spousal Unit, but me — I am so off the list. Sigh…
@Lolis: Read the polling questions and methodology and it gets even more suspicious. Of course it makes a great meme so no big surprise the press decided to run with it. Plus it doesn’t indicate if the sample was random or targeted, which a poll should always do if it’s anywhere near legit. And read the questions, there’s an obvious agenda there.
Huh. The quake occured, if I am not mistaken, about forty-eight hours ago. A google search tells me that military personnel were on the ground in Port-Au-Prince twenty four hours ago, but General Honore says they should have been there a day earlier. I’m willing to give the guy who tried to fix the Bush admin’s mistakes in NOLA the benefit of the doubt. But mightn’t some enterprising reporter have checked this out?
@Yutsano: Somebody in charge of part of the NO rescue is complaining? Fuck him. He’s unqualified to talk about how to handle emergencies, and he’s already proved it. If someone who had never been involved in such a situation had said what he did it would carry more weight than someone who had fucked it up.
Is it going OT if I post this on an open thread?
Rachel Maddow had a segment about donating via texting on her show tonight. It appears that the money won’t be sent to the charity until after you pay your phone bill. Rachel’s guest (who runs the charity-by-texting company) said that the turnaround is typically 90 days.
They are just trying to do whatever the fuck they can to tear Obama down.
Maybe. But I don’t see how anyone can hear (or read) Honore saying that we should have been in Haiti a day earlier, without thinking, “And how many days did it take you to get to New Orleans?”
BTW, I’m not implying that’s Honore’s fault. Just pointing out that he’s not exactly the best fount for that particular criticism, and that with it he’s more likely to inspire comparisons between Bush’s NO reponse and Obama’s much quicker response in Port-au-Prince.
In fact, I can’t help thinking that CNN may have led with Honore just because the irony of the statement is itself kind of newsworthy.
When I was at McGill in the late 70s, there was nothing like a couple of 222s and a nice afternoon nap (in that order) when monthly cramps got nasty. And the one and only Vicodin I ever took was when I was stuck in the hospital a few years ago with a lymph node infection that required surgery. The pain wasn’t really too bad, but I wanted a decent night’s sleep, so I asked the nurse for an analgesic, which happened to be Vicodin. Man, that bad boy was smooth as silk. I hear Jim @18 loud and clear; I could see how those suckers could become Momma’s best friends in a hurry. Yowza.
@Max: Seth Aaron is already irritating me. Both the design and the whole pseudo-punk act were blatantly derivative of erstwhile PR winner Jeffrey Sebelia. Also, I think he used to work as an organ grinder’s monkey and decided to keep the little red jacket.
Rachel’s guest said that the turnaround is typically 90 days.
Is that relevant? Not being snarky, I ask in true curiousity.
I tend to assume large aid organizations, like the Red Cross, already have funds available in some relatively liquid form, and that the donations sent in during an emergency at least serve to keep the books balanced until they can be used to replenish the coffers.
Anyone here with experience on the accounting/finance side of the aid equation who can clear that up?
Awesome ep.
Tears within the first 2 minutes and they just kept coming.
I love Ping.
General Winfield Stuck
@Jim: by that math, they should have been on the ground while it was happening.
So the knock-down, drag-out fight between the unions and White House is ongoing, but a couple of outlets are putting out what looks like is the compromise deal on the excise tax:
1) The threshold for family plans is increased by $1,000 and the individual plans is increased by $900 (to $24,000 and $8,900 respectively).
2) Temporarily increases the threshold in high cost states
3) A mechanism to temporarily increase the threshold between 2010-2013 if costs shoot up unexpectedly.
4) Dental and vision is exempt starting 2015.
5) Increases the threshold for plans covering women or older workers. Increases for high risk professions and plans that cover retirees remain.
6) A transition window between 2010 and 2015 to renegotiate contract benefits, in which they will not be subject to the tax. There’s also something about transition relief for employers and negotiators to adjust to the tax, but that could mean anything.
7) Negotiated plans will be able to go through the exchanges starting 2017.
One through five are all minor stipulations designed to give union plans some breathing room so the transition period in six can be better utilized. Dental/vision are actually valuable services that are hard to argue are contributing to overall medical inflation, and women tend to incur higher costs because of pregnancy.
But the biggest thing, and most surprising for me, is seven. And it’s pretty damn good. It will do a whole hell of a lot to bolster the cost controls of the exchanges, since it has the potential to add millions of employees to a system that thus far has been limited to individuals.
Aside from that, it isn’t a huge deviation from the original proposal and I find that my suspicion that this was all Chicken Little talk was just political theater. Hill to die on, indeed.
You’re probably right, but in the case of texting it is the middleman who’s holding back the donation for 90 days before the charity even gets it.
I got caught up in all the NOW NOW NOW of the donation drives today and was a bit shocked to find out that the money didn’t get used right away. Naive on my part…
General Winfield Stuck
@Sly: Well, any concessions to big labor is giving the wingnuts the vapors. Malkin is beside herself with outrage, or her natural state plus a notch or two up.
This will get done, unless the unthinkable happens and we lose the Mass senate seat.
@Ash Can: Yeah, Vicodin is whispered about in hushed tones by teenagers for a reason, but Percocet/Endocet is really where you can wind up in trouble, as the opiate dosages are effectively doubled up while having the same amounts of paracetimol. More buzz, less risk of spontaneous liver failure. Back in my group therapy days, I knew several doctors who ended up getting high on their own supply, as they say, writing scripts for Oxycontin just so they could function normally. It’s a hell of a drug, as Rick James would say. You have to be damned careful. I have a love/hate relationship with drugs of that kind, as I am a bit allergic. One time I was in the hospital for this crazy surgery on my thigh bone (they had to sever it, twist it to another angle, then reattach it with screws), and I got the proverbial morphine drip. Like Max @ 34, things did not go well, as I apparently kept seeing demons in the room and was actively trying to thwart them with my IV stand. Eventually though, I seemed to settle into it and things got just sleepy for a couple of days straight. I came out of all of it with quite high tolerance for the stuff, which only took about five days to develop. Not something to play around with, as I have in later years found that although I am in no way addicted to these things, I still find I need to take more than the usual amount to really get any real analgesic effects from it. Thankfully I don’t have any more chronic pain issues at the moment, as I’d hate to share any sort of demographic with Rush Limbaugh, who of course is a piece of shit.
Even a change in the Mass. seat, though lamentable and probably not going to happen, wouldn’t impact the deal. First it will take time to certify the election, and state election laws demand that counties hold off certification for ten days until all absentee ballots have been counted. Then they have five days to file the returns. Then you’re in the transition period, during which Kirk will still be a lame duck. If Obama, Reid, and Pelosi are serious about getting this through before the SotU, it will get through long before the next Senator from Massachusetts takes office.
But in the interest of getting Coakley elected, her supporters should play up the “endangering reform” angle every chance they get.
I liked Ping’s design…kinda 80’s Comme des Garçons/Bananarama looking.
My favorite though was Emilio and Mila’s.
I’m just glad they are back in New York and Kors and Nina will be on each week.
Last season sucked.
General Winfield Stuck
@Sly: Thanks, that relieves some worry. And I don’t think when voting time comes, that Mass, arguably the bluest state in the union, would elect a wingnut to replace the icon liberal lion Ted Kennedy. But special elections are notorious for strange things happening.
@Sly: Seriously Democrats need to get some fear in their hearts in Mass. They need to honestly decide if Coakley is a worse alternative to not only HCR but also NOTHING happening. Brown is not even running on a platform where he’s said he’ll do anything for the state. It’s all about stopping Obama period. If that’s what they decide fuck them all for letting it happen.
I see the inevitable has occured…
George Clooney and MTV are doing a telethon on Friday the 22nd. It will be simulcast across the networks.
God, if the Fugees could reunite for this show, I will die happy.
@sly: I read that as “So the knock-down, drag-out fight between the unicorns and White House is ongoing”
Hmm, nice to see they’re finally moving on the universal unicorn initiative. Quite understandable that the process of capturing and wrangling 300 million unicorns will be bruising, to say the least
Virtually any downer you can name is essentially meaningless for me unless i take an overdose for someone much larger than myself. I am really seriously fucked if I need heavy duty work done on me or mitigation for such a thing. Just dental work requires multi-drug concoctions that exceed dosage for 350 lb man – and I’m 150 soaking wet, dressed.
Those who understand drugs like this know that such resistance doesn’t mean the fatal OD level is that much higher, just that the intended effect isn’t realized. Bad things like no pain killing, being awake when supposed to not be, shit like that – or being killed by the drug. Not cool, good thing I’m relentlessly healthy.
Cole now seems to be blogging in some sort of fugue-like state, perhaps due to the fact that he’s giving Limbaugh a run for his money in the Oxycontin sweepstakes—-sadly absent the Costa Rican hookers underage Dominican rent-boys.
Drugs, a show about models with the word reality in the title, gayness quotients, more drugs, Massachusetts under threat by a teabagger, healthcare for poor people, even more drugs, helping the helpless, and some more drugs. Man, this place feels like a really great pot party sometimes.
In case anyone has failed to mention it, those nice pain meds they gave you should not be mixed with copious amounts of booze, it will not turn out well.
Only because they’re concerned with driving. Drinking with the medications is fine as long as it’s a mild amount and you don’t do it immediately before sleep.
@Left Coast Tom: Yeah! WTF up with that? Max mentions ONCE that she wants a Project Runway Open Thread, and bam! She gets it with an apology for it being late. Me? I ask and I ask and I get no love in the form of my Tunchie? Who does a grrl have to blow around here to get a picture of a kitteh?
@Yutsano: I’m right with you, hon. Then again, I don’t have the girl gene that allows me to put on makeup without looking like a skeery clown.
@Max: And now you can take away any het cred I have because Jesus does nothing for me.
Again I must say fuck you haters (I’m looking at you, Max). Seth Aaron is the awesome. So awesome, I’d do him. Thus speaks the punk rocker I will always be deep in my heart. Oh, and Ping is a travesty. That was the ugliest outfit I’ve ever seen in my life.
If you have tolerances for pain meds, get the gas. He may feel you up a bit, but thats a small price to pay for skipping the dentistry, lol.
<blockquote I don’t have the girl gene that allows me to put on makeup without looking like a skeery clown.
It isn’t genetics but skill.
I didn’t see Ping’s outfit, but it couldn’t have been any worse than Santino’s lingerie.
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Do what? How many painkillers did you take?
General Winfield Stuck
Wut? Put what up? and what’s a Project Runway? is it like a Project Wonderful with models?, or am I losin’ mind tiny mind?
General Winfield Stuck
This keeps up, we may have do the intervention thingy.
John Cole
I was emailed that someone wanted a Project Runway open thread.
Comrade Mary
Oh God, John, you’re so sweet when you’re stoned.
(We really are a source of amusement for you while you’re laid up, aren’t we?)
General Winfield Stuck
@John Cole: Well, ok then, I guess Max will be around telling us what it is. Or we’ll have to wait for the next email instructions to filter through the system.
In case anyone has failed to mention it, those nice pain meds they gave you should not be mixed with copious amounts of booze, it will not turn out well.
John Cole
@Litlebritdifrnt: LOL. I’m not drinking, and I hate painkillers. I hate how they make me feel.
Ash Can
I have no idea in hell what’s going on.
I’m so glad this is actually an open thread. I realize this causes instant revocation of my gay card, but I honestly could give two shits about Project Runway. No offense to anyone here, it just has never appealed to me.
kommrade reproductive vigor
Damn John, what a slacker.Just because your arm’s held on with duct tape you think you’re excused from bowing to our slightest whims?
I thought the concept sounded interesting (full disclosure – I DO own a sewing machine) but a) Anything that smacks of Reality TV makes me stabby; b) It sounds like a non-stop dramafest, fuck that; and c) I always read it as Project Runaway and that just sounds wrong.
wasabi gasp
Project Runaway and Launch My Lyin, Palin Doctrines, both. Also, the spreadin’ velveeta mafia, too.
I caught a few episodes, and it wasn’t really for me, although I do profess a deep admiration for Tim Gunn. He is a VERY elegant man — something you don’t see much anymore.
I think that’s great John, now mebbe you should have a little lie down?
Now then, who’s taking the little princess out for a walk tomorrow morning? We don’t wan’t an other shower incident, do we…. did you call Tammy?
Left Coast Tom
@John Cole:
asiangrrlMN is frequently asking for pictures of Tunch that don’t get posted…
@John Cole:
You and me both. General conversation between me and DH. Me “my leg hurts” DH “take a painkiller” me “no, they make me woozey” etc., etc.
I would rather see a Jersey shore thread. Its comedy gold. wasss upp internet my names bobby brusha aka bobby b. aka. bobby bottle service. http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/07c4a5443c/bobby-bottleservice-talks-to-all-the-sexy-internet-ladies
@Ash Can:
Cole went out to walk the dog at night in the ice and snow. The dog decided to walk Cole.
This resulted in a misallocation of resources–namely, 4 legs are generally more efficient than 2 when negotiating slippery surfaces.
There was a slip and fall incident that I suspect started out like those old TV commercials (Cole: “Help, I’ve fallen and can’t get up.”)
Cole, realizing that going Galt maybe hadn’t been a great idea in this situation, manned up and drug his ass to safety where he attempted to relocate his discolated shoulder with a doorknob.
This relatively new medical procedure enjoyed only limited success (kinda like trying to slip on that second wetsuit, sounds easy, but….) and Cole availed himself of socialistic medical services.
Expert diagnosis revealed that Cole has broken his right shoulder—which may or may not suggest some sort of Divine retribution for past sins. Ymmv.
Cole now seems to be blogging in some sort of fugue-like state, perhaps due to the fact that he’s giving Limbaugh a run for his money in the Oxycontin sweepstakes—sadly absent the Costa Rican hookers.
That’s my take on the situation but I’m +6 and feeling a little woozy myself, so I might have missed something.
Me three. I don’t even like advil. I once got Vicodin after a root canal. Those were good. It was reeeeeaaaaal easy to see how people could get hooked on those. I threw them out as soon as the pain was bearable.
Concern Troll is Conceerrrrrrnnnnnned.
Brian J
I think Heidi Klum may be an example of the atypical woman, the sort who actually gets better looking as she ages. Granted, she’s probably not old right now, but she seems to get look better and better as she ages. That Victoria Secret’s commercial where she flipped her head back on the couch while wear gray bra? One of the better things etched into my brain.
Keith G
Uh-oh dont feed the hoary shits living under the bridge
Fuck all you haters! Project Runway rocks! Especially Tim Gunn. Though if I was a judge, I’d be more like mean Nina Garcia. And Seth Aaron is my guy. He’s cute, straight, and his rock and roll style is totally me. Wish I was still 25 and could still pull off that look without looking ridiculous.
Have I mentioned that Laettner decided that being a house cat was an OK gig? Happened while I was traveling earlier in the week. She still tends to disappear when the dogs are in the house, but that will hopefully change. Now it’s definitely time for a trip to the vet.
Oops, I didn’t see this thread and watched solo while I was brushing out Max the freshly washed wheaten terrier who needs a hair cut.
Here’s my synopsis of the designers:
Maya and Mila – the bang twins (sorry boys, not what you think)
Anthony – southern, black, gay who wants to design for pageants (love him, he’s my fave)
Ping – nuts
Seth Aaron – pretentious rocker dude, but I hate when people use two names
Emilo – glad he won. He seems kind and calm.
Janeane – she’s going to be the one that cries every week.
The others I don’t even remember, so that must mean they are meh.
Good Memory, @JohnCole. I didn’t email you, and only mentioned it once on your I’m Going Galt (the original thread). Pain makes your mind sharp! Next week! I’ll run the table for those who are interested.
BTW – is anyone watching the new season of Celebrity Rehab? It’s wild.
OT (or maybe not), Depressing Metaphors Division:
I’m not sure how it got there, which application installed it, but on one of my drives there’s a folder called “My Works”. And every time my mouse pointer hovers over it for a second or two, it pop up with the message: Folder is Empty.
So depressing and sad.
General Winfield Stuck
Well, that’s just peachy. Max get her own thread and don’t show up. And nobody says what Project Runway is leaving us dweebs in the lurch. I want my own bitching thread Cole, just because, that’s why. :-)
wasabi gasp
@geg6: There’s a lady near me who owns and runs a eclectic junk yard/Zoo/Mexican Restaurant. She’s somewhere around 150 years old. She dons a twelve inch mohawk, purple the last time I saw her. You’re never to old to live. Fuck ’em all. :)
John Cole:
Hmm, depends on the painkiller, for me. Codeine/T3 – not a fan, makes me feel kind of dislocated from my own body. Vicodin and Valium are okay though. I’ve never felt any urge to take them recreationally, but I don’t mind the side effects so much when I need them.
But I’m mostly an aspirin & caffeine guy. I only take the prescription stuff when necessary.
Jesus tapdancing Christ these people suck:
They are just trying to do whatever the fuck they can to tear Obama down. The rest of the article goes to show what the Administration’s response has been so far yet they fucking lead with that.
John, the Hallmark Channel seems to have a “Golden Girls” marathon in progress. Wanna put up an open thread for that?
Jason Bylinowski
My only reality-TV-watching confession to make is that I do occasionally keep up with Biggest Loser. But shit, I’m 30 pounds into a 75 pound weight loss/general fitness improvement program, and
Richard SimmonsGod knows these fuckin’ wheat crackers ain’t shit for motivation. So yeah. I like to go slumming and feel better that I’m rocking at 249 instead of, say, 430lbs. Also, I think Bob is cool and sincere. If there is a Team Bob out there somewhere on this series of tubes, they should consider me an honorary member.General Winfield Stuck
@Max: I guess you did show up. Don’t mind me, I’m in full joke about everything mode cause what is on my teevee and news is so unbearably sad :-)
@JGabriel: I had surgery a couple years ago and was on a morphine pump with the finger button thing and I learned the hard way that I am allergic to morphine.
I was hallucinating and felt like bugs were under my skin and I could not stop crying.
It was horrible. Thankfully, about an hour after they removed the iv, I was fine.
Now, I do appreciate that Tylenol with Codiene are over the counter in Canada and always try to get a bottle or two when I visit the Great White North.
@General – I seem to be taking some shit on this thread. Fuck you guys! ;)
Anne Laurie
(That’s supposed to be a Bronx cheer. I’ve been using this name for 50+ years now, and it’s too late for you to complain to my parents.)
I was freaked out by that poll, then I saw it was done by Suffolk, which has a pretty poor reputation according to 538. It also says only 1% are undecided which I think is impossible. I have stopped freaking out. Another poll from today shows Coakley up by 8.
Jason Bylinowski
@JGabriel: We are opposites, the yin to my yang, the metric to my imperial. I do not drink coffee or coke but I am a natural born buzz junkie and frankly I am surprised that I’ve not ended up in rehab at some point. The only thing that may save me in the end is that I have never been beholden to one particular buzz.
::looks at own username, considers consequences::
By which of course, I mean to say, that I am fond of getting HIGH ON LIFE.
@Yutsano: But I thought basically noone could get into Haiti for the first 24 hours. I mean, besides, trucking in from DR or literally swimming onto shore. I’m pretty sure the airports were completely locked out for safety reasons for the first day or so, and sea-going vessels can only travel so fast. Oh well, that guy is a tool and it’s not going to bother me today.
Anne Laurie
YAY! for Laettner (& also Hurley, of course).
Two of our three cats are ex-ferals, and since rescue Papillon Gloria-the-cat-startler joined us several months ago, I’ve seen Toby maybe once a day and Maddy once a week, if that. The dogs are debarred from the two lowest levels of the house, but the cats definitely blame me for bringing home yet another disgusting stinky og-day. They are still talking to the Spousal Unit, but me — I am so off the list. Sigh…
@Lolis: Read the polling questions and methodology and it gets even more suspicious. Of course it makes a great meme so no big surprise the press decided to run with it. Plus it doesn’t indicate if the sample was random or targeted, which a poll should always do if it’s anywhere near legit. And read the questions, there’s an obvious agenda there.
Huh. The quake occured, if I am not mistaken, about forty-eight hours ago. A google search tells me that military personnel were on the ground in Port-Au-Prince twenty four hours ago, but General Honore says they should have been there a day earlier. I’m willing to give the guy who tried to fix the Bush admin’s mistakes in NOLA the benefit of the doubt. But mightn’t some enterprising reporter have checked this out?
Via Nate Silver’s Twitter feed:
Attention Ladies and Gay Men –
To make up for not being here to live-gossip PR – Here’s a mea culpa in the form of photographic proof that Madonna’s latest boy toy is muy caliente.
Yes, I know that he’s Brazilian, and I should have used portuguese, but I do not know any of that.
@Yutsano: Somebody in charge of part of the NO rescue is complaining? Fuck him. He’s unqualified to talk about how to handle emergencies, and he’s already proved it. If someone who had never been involved in such a situation had said what he did it would carry more weight than someone who had fucked it up.
Is it going OT if I post this on an open thread?
Rachel Maddow had a segment about donating via texting on her show tonight. It appears that the money won’t be sent to the charity until after you pay your phone bill. Rachel’s guest (who runs the charity-by-texting company) said that the turnaround is typically 90 days.
Here’s a link to the segment.
@Max: muito quente
Maybe. But I don’t see how anyone can hear (or read) Honore saying that we should have been in Haiti a day earlier, without thinking, “And how many days did it take you to get to New Orleans?”
BTW, I’m not implying that’s Honore’s fault. Just pointing out that he’s not exactly the best fount for that particular criticism, and that with it he’s more likely to inspire comparisons between Bush’s NO reponse and Obama’s much quicker response in Port-au-Prince.
In fact, I can’t help thinking that CNN may have led with Honore just because the irony of the statement is itself kind of newsworthy.
@MikeJ: Thank you. Jesus is definitely that.
Ash Can
When I was at McGill in the late 70s, there was nothing like a couple of 222s and a nice afternoon nap (in that order) when monthly cramps got nasty. And the one and only Vicodin I ever took was when I was stuck in the hospital a few years ago with a lymph node infection that required surgery. The pain wasn’t really too bad, but I wanted a decent night’s sleep, so I asked the nurse for an analgesic, which happened to be Vicodin. Man, that bad boy was smooth as silk. I hear Jim @18 loud and clear; I could see how those suckers could become Momma’s best friends in a hurry. Yowza.
@Max: Seth Aaron is already irritating me. Both the design and the whole pseudo-punk act were blatantly derivative of erstwhile PR winner Jeffrey Sebelia. Also, I think he used to work as an organ grinder’s monkey and decided to keep the little red jacket.
Crap. I broke the link trying to edit it. Here’s the link.
Is that relevant? Not being snarky, I ask in true curiousity.
I tend to assume large aid organizations, like the Red Cross, already have funds available in some relatively liquid form, and that the donations sent in during an emergency at least serve to keep the books balanced until they can be used to replenish the coffers.
Anyone here with experience on the accounting/finance side of the aid equation who can clear that up?
Awesome ep.
Tears within the first 2 minutes and they just kept coming.
I love Ping.
General Winfield Stuck
@Jim: by that math, they should have been on the ground while it was happening.
So the knock-down, drag-out fight between the unions and White House is ongoing, but a couple of outlets are putting out what looks like is the compromise deal on the excise tax:
1) The threshold for family plans is increased by $1,000 and the individual plans is increased by $900 (to $24,000 and $8,900 respectively).
2) Temporarily increases the threshold in high cost states
3) A mechanism to temporarily increase the threshold between 2010-2013 if costs shoot up unexpectedly.
4) Dental and vision is exempt starting 2015.
5) Increases the threshold for plans covering women or older workers. Increases for high risk professions and plans that cover retirees remain.
6) A transition window between 2010 and 2015 to renegotiate contract benefits, in which they will not be subject to the tax. There’s also something about transition relief for employers and negotiators to adjust to the tax, but that could mean anything.
7) Negotiated plans will be able to go through the exchanges starting 2017.
One through five are all minor stipulations designed to give union plans some breathing room so the transition period in six can be better utilized. Dental/vision are actually valuable services that are hard to argue are contributing to overall medical inflation, and women tend to incur higher costs because of pregnancy.
But the biggest thing, and most surprising for me, is seven. And it’s pretty damn good. It will do a whole hell of a lot to bolster the cost controls of the exchanges, since it has the potential to add millions of employees to a system that thus far has been limited to individuals.
Aside from that, it isn’t a huge deviation from the original proposal and I find that my suspicion that this was all Chicken Little talk was just political theater. Hill to die on, indeed.
I thought I was going to die when Nicole said she’d wear that shit that Ping put on the runway.
You’re probably right, but in the case of texting it is the middleman who’s holding back the donation for 90 days before the charity even gets it.
I got caught up in all the NOW NOW NOW of the donation drives today and was a bit shocked to find out that the money didn’t get used right away. Naive on my part…
General Winfield Stuck
@Sly: Well, any concessions to big labor is giving the wingnuts the vapors. Malkin is beside herself with outrage, or her natural state plus a notch or two up.
This will get done, unless the unthinkable happens and we lose the Mass senate seat.
Jason Bylinowski
@Ash Can: Yeah, Vicodin is whispered about in hushed tones by teenagers for a reason, but Percocet/Endocet is really where you can wind up in trouble, as the opiate dosages are effectively doubled up while having the same amounts of paracetimol. More buzz, less risk of spontaneous liver failure. Back in my group therapy days, I knew several doctors who ended up getting high on their own supply, as they say, writing scripts for Oxycontin just so they could function normally. It’s a hell of a drug, as Rick James would say. You have to be damned careful. I have a love/hate relationship with drugs of that kind, as I am a bit allergic. One time I was in the hospital for this crazy surgery on my thigh bone (they had to sever it, twist it to another angle, then reattach it with screws), and I got the proverbial morphine drip. Like Max @ 34, things did not go well, as I apparently kept seeing demons in the room and was actively trying to thwart them with my IV stand. Eventually though, I seemed to settle into it and things got just sleepy for a couple of days straight. I came out of all of it with quite high tolerance for the stuff, which only took about five days to develop. Not something to play around with, as I have in later years found that although I am in no way addicted to these things, I still find I need to take more than the usual amount to really get any real analgesic effects from it. Thankfully I don’t have any more chronic pain issues at the moment, as I’d hate to share any sort of demographic with Rush Limbaugh, who of course is a piece of shit.
The phrase has become synonymous with “wolf” to me. I’m waiting for some people to start dying.
@General Winfield Stuck:
Even a change in the Mass. seat, though lamentable and probably not going to happen, wouldn’t impact the deal. First it will take time to certify the election, and state election laws demand that counties hold off certification for ten days until all absentee ballots have been counted. Then they have five days to file the returns. Then you’re in the transition period, during which Kirk will still be a lame duck. If Obama, Reid, and Pelosi are serious about getting this through before the SotU, it will get through long before the next Senator from Massachusetts takes office.
But in the interest of getting Coakley elected, her supporters should play up the “endangering reform” angle every chance they get.
Nicole has dead eyes.
She scares me.
I liked Ping’s design…kinda 80’s Comme des Garçons/Bananarama looking.
My favorite though was Emilio and Mila’s.
I’m just glad they are back in New York and Kors and Nina will be on each week.
Last season sucked.
General Winfield Stuck
@Sly: Thanks, that relieves some worry. And I don’t think when voting time comes, that Mass, arguably the bluest state in the union, would elect a wingnut to replace the icon liberal lion Ted Kennedy. But special elections are notorious for strange things happening.
@Sly: Seriously Democrats need to get some fear in their hearts in Mass. They need to honestly decide if Coakley is a worse alternative to not only HCR but also NOTHING happening. Brown is not even running on a platform where he’s said he’ll do anything for the state. It’s all about stopping Obama period. If that’s what they decide fuck them all for letting it happen.
I see the inevitable has occured…
George Clooney and MTV are doing a telethon on Friday the 22nd. It will be simulcast across the networks.
God, if the Fugees could reunite for this show, I will die happy.
Fu gee la
And text “YELE” to 501501 to donate $5 to Wyclef’s Yele.org. 100% goes to Haiti relief.
Jill (aka jwh186)
A Red Cross tweet says they have received $35M in the 48hrs since the earthquake
Anyone here remember Quaaludes?
@fraught: Quatloos?
Rorer’s or Lemmon’s?No, what are you talking about?
@sly: I read that as “So the knock-down, drag-out fight between the unicorns and White House is ongoing”
Hmm, nice to see they’re finally moving on the universal unicorn initiative. Quite understandable that the process of capturing and wrangling 300 million unicorns will be bruising, to say the least
Chuck Butcher
Virtually any downer you can name is essentially meaningless for me unless i take an overdose for someone much larger than myself. I am really seriously fucked if I need heavy duty work done on me or mitigation for such a thing. Just dental work requires multi-drug concoctions that exceed dosage for 350 lb man – and I’m 150 soaking wet, dressed.
Those who understand drugs like this know that such resistance doesn’t mean the fatal OD level is that much higher, just that the intended effect isn’t realized. Bad things like no pain killing, being awake when supposed to not be, shit like that – or being killed by the drug. Not cool, good thing I’m relentlessly healthy.
@cbear: Flight 714 now lifting off.
Drugs, a show about models with the word reality in the title, gayness quotients, more drugs, Massachusetts under threat by a teabagger, healthcare for poor people, even more drugs, helping the helpless, and some more drugs. Man, this place feels like a really great pot party sometimes.
EDIT: …and kittehs, and ghostly e-mails. Dudes.
The Main Gauche of Mild Reason
Only because they’re concerned with driving. Drinking with the medications is fine as long as it’s a mild amount and you don’t do it immediately before sleep.
@Left Coast Tom: Yeah! WTF up with that? Max mentions ONCE that she wants a Project Runway Open Thread, and bam! She gets it with an apology for it being late. Me? I ask and I ask and I get no love in the form of my Tunchie? Who does a grrl have to blow around here to get a picture of a kitteh?
@Yutsano: I’m right with you, hon. Then again, I don’t have the girl gene that allows me to put on makeup without looking like a skeery clown.
@Max: And now you can take away any het cred I have because Jesus does nothing for me.
Again I must say fuck you haters (I’m looking at you, Max). Seth Aaron is the awesome. So awesome, I’d do him. Thus speaks the punk rocker I will always be deep in my heart. Oh, and Ping is a travesty. That was the ugliest outfit I’ve ever seen in my life.
If you have tolerances for pain meds, get the gas. He may feel you up a bit, but thats a small price to pay for skipping the dentistry, lol.
<blockquote I don’t have the girl gene that allows me to put on makeup without looking like a skeery clown.
It isn’t genetics but skill.
I didn’t see Ping’s outfit, but it couldn’t have been any worse than Santino’s lingerie.