I hope Up in the Air gets something, I am torn between the two supporting actresses, they were both great. By the applause I am thinking precious will get it.
gogol's wife
Go Colin Firth!
Mike Kay
Hopefully we’re done with Haiti and the media can return to covering what’s important, namely Mark Halperin’s book.
back to football for a minute: people in san diego have too much going for them already. they shouldn’t get too bent out of shape about losing today.
Demo Woman
The Hurt Locker has been getting a lot of publicity lately but I hope that Avatar wins. Julie and Julia was great but my favorite comedy would be 500 Days of Summer. Now if Sandra Bulloch wins for the Prospect I might swear of award shows.
Award shows a waste of time
Mike Kay
Anyone look hot?
Mike Kay
MAN, check out the Golden Globes on Christina Hendricks
Super creepy character from a great season.
I made beef short ribs for the first time today.
Marinated them overnight in coffee and red wine and then roasted them in the slow cooker all day with some grilled onions and more red wine.
Finished them off with mushroom and cooking liquid reduction and served with brown rice.
Yum Yum Yum.
I will make these again.
Thank you to those of you watching the Globes so I don’t have to. I’m in Iron Chef / Big Love land and then, I am going to give that new Fox show, Hard Target a shot. The lead actor was good on Fringe and he’s married to the lead actress on Fringe, so Ima support it, unless it’s horrible.
I miss Joan! She’s my avatar. Every Sunday I feel something’s not right, and then I remember there’s no Mad Men to look forward to until late next summer. I can’t wait until it’s 1964 again. Joan in Pucci anything please.
Demo Woman
Has anyone seen In The Loop? I can’t understand why that wasn’t nominated. Of course if you take out the fuck word, the movie would be about 30 minutes.
@valdivia: I like her too. I think I’m going to become a redhead, in part inspired by her. Sick of being a boring brunette. Not that all brunettes are boring, I just am bored with my natural(ish) color.
I am aware of all internet traditions, and I’ve never heard of Christine Hendricks.
I’m going to try to get back into 24. I sorta slacked off last year and stopped watching after a point. Tonight, I’ll try to get back in the saddle, if only because Starbuck will be on the show.
If I can’t get excited about Jack Bauer, there’s always Burn Notice and Caprica.
BTW, I just watched the segment about American Samoa on 60 Minutes and am wondering about the fact that these kids are playing with even worse equipment than “hand me downs”.
The fact that there have been numerous Islanders who have gone on to star in the NFL and all of the money generated by NFL football why doesn’t the NFL cough up a little of their profits and send these kids some real helmets and uniforms?
Seems to be just another example of the greed in the NFL. Jerry Jones builds a $1 bil. stadium to showcase his ego (funded by visitors and residents).
Just a thought.
@valdivia: Hodgkins, so the Globes are an episode of House after all?
And we are all redheads now, right? (in the denver airport, waiting for flight to STL and then 2 hours to smudge.)
@gogol’s wife: When I saw you posted that I immediately thought of Peter Firth, whom I saw just this weekend on an episode of the Magnificent Seven tv series. This is an actor that is a core part of my childhood, having been the “star” of “The Double Deckers” I also adore Colin Firth (wonder if they are related?)
@Mike Kay: Gabrielle Anwar? She’s from the UK and has been around for-evah.
I like her and have a fondness for her since her role in Scent of a Woman.
60 Minutes again.
Penelope Cruz is definitely the Sexiest, most gorgeous woman alive! I was transfixed just gazing at her during the interview with Charlie Rose.
Call the police or fire department. Or try the old bent coathanger trick.
Mike in NC
Has anyone seen In The Loop? I can’t understand why that wasn’t nominated. Of course if you take out the fuck word, the movie would be about 30 minutes.
Got it last night from Netflix. Gandolfini was OK, but otherwise it was HORRIBLE!
instead of using her time to scold Obama over the public option ridiculous nonsense like whether someone named Gruber no one has heard about or cares about is corrupt or unethical or wrong or Obama just like Bush no I know you are but what am I waaahhhgrblggbrlggs
I gotta say that I cannot believe that Glenzilla/BTD/Emptywheel thread is still going.
@Cat Lady: Oh good, you’re here. I just watched Bab’Aziz. Just finished it about 15 minutes ago. Just beautiful. I loved the music and the look of this film in particular among the three. The faces in all three films, from brief screen appearances to lead characters, are fascinating — extraordinarily beautiful in a very *real* way. I will be returning to this again and again, and I can’t thank you enough for calling it to our attention so many months ago.
@valdivia: I liked January Jones’. She has good style.
WTF is up with Mariah Carey. Someone needs to tell her to put those away. Not attractive.
Ditto on Hudson, Margulies. Also loving Helen Mirren and Sophia Loren is just stunning. Chloe Sevigny also looks lovely.
Upon viewing pictures, I must clarify re: Kate Hudson-love the dress, but the stripper shoes must die.
@The Grand Panjandrum:
Heh. I just told Chairman Steele that he should include links if he’s gonna ask for donations to Haiti relief orgs. What a dumbass. That guy is a dumbass.
ps. the penis reduction plils don’t work!
eta: we can say penee on this site now?
oops, sorry, mr mod
I’ll have to find a photo of Helen Mirren, missed her and love her. And agree Chloe S.’s dress was beautiful.
@Comrade Mary: Speaking of Haiti, if y’all are looking for a good way to donate that’s cheap and easy, Coinstar has partnered with UNICEF for a fund dedicated directly to Haiti. Make sure when you go to the machine you select donation code 5556 (5555 is just UNICEF and goes directly to their general fund), drop in your coins, and the donation is made! So if you have some spare coinage laying around the house or a jar just sitting on your desk, you now have a good option for using it.
Silly BJers watching the Golden Globes when 24 is on. Don’t you realize that is how the world really works.
Although I don’t see how the guy who ran Shawshank prison became the U.S. Secretary of State.
No probs, I see his sister is a voice coach, I have an unending respect for those people, one of their ilk turned my absolutely clodhopping lancashire accent into a “basic BBC” many of the people who listen to me speak today would never have guessed that it is the result of a serious amount of voice training, at the hands of a master, (the guy who trained Dith Prahn for Killing Fields) not many people know how hard it is to convert ones basic speaking style into something else, into something that is considered
“acceptable” in general society, the only time that I revert to my “clodhpping” lancashire is when I am a) drunk or b) in the presence of my sister, who’s accent just tends to rub off on me and we end up in a treacle of language that completely and utterly baffles my husband.
24 officially died for me when it clobbered the audience with partisan vitriol coupled with ridiculous stories like Jacks dad and his arc.
“why are Nadia’s privledges being revoked? She as patriotic as any American. She’s a republican fer crying out loud!”
yeah, fuck this show.
@Litlebritdifrnt: Heh. I’ve mentioned this story before, but one of my bosses is British (a right bloke too) and I have a smooth High Carolinan, so when the two of us get into conversation it’s battle of the competing accents. It can get really bad especially if I’m tired and cranky. Keep in mind this is in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, so I think we both get stared at.
@MJ: I suppose that is one of the most redundant comments I have ever heard, ever, I mean really? Halley Berry always looks stunning, I would bet that Halley Berry could go out on a bender, get screaming nasty drunk, go to bed, get up the next morning and she would still make the rest of us schmucks look like shit. I mean comparing us mere mortals to Halley Berry is just so not fair.
I’m so happy you enjoyed it – it gets better with every viewing. I’m a desert person and the whole movie was in my wheelhouse, but there’s something in it for everyone who has inchoate spiritual yearnings. The little girl is amazing, and so is the actor who is Bab’Aziz. I’ve almost memorized Bab’Aziz’s speach about death – the best advice I’ve come across yet of how to anticipate the end.
FYI – the ruins where the dervishes gathered at the very end was completely destroyed by an earthquake the week after the filming ended. Whoa.
Dang, I wanted Kathryn Bigelow to win Best Director just so I could get an eyeful of her making her speech. Well, that, and the movie’s damn good.
Comrade Luke
Olivia Wilde
@You Don’t Say
I totally agree. I think that its her signature look.
But just in case any of you other BJ reading ladies are thinking about trying to pimp Halle’s style by getting that haircut.
Don’t. Just don’t.
Please take it from someone who learned this the hard way. Halle Berry aside, the pixie haircut is not “universally flattering for all women”. (No matter what your stylist tells you while you’re sitting in “the chair”.)
Was that Jodie Foster just now? Another wow! I came to the GG late tonight and missed seeing most of the women mentioned upthread, but a great many of those names are no longer, shall we say, in their 20s. I realize they have access to the finest designers, hair and makeup artists, personal trainers, etc, but I don’t have the sense (the way I would have a few years ago) that it’s all a result of plastic surgery and Botox. Maybe that’s still part of it but it seems that more and more women are *finally* entering their mature years with not only acceptance but gusto. And it shows. Look at Loren at 75. Good on ’em.
ok, yeah, Raging Bull is in my queue. Gangs of New York, I have.
I’m wondering if I should get Blair Witch Project again. I watched Serenity again recently and wondered why I liked it. sry, hon.
You Don't Say
@freelancer (itouch): It’s like Veritgo. Definitely a great film but not my favorite Hitchcock (or Scorsese).
The Hangover beat Julie & Julia??? Wow.
@You Don’t Say
I totally agree. I think that its her signature look.
But just in case any other mere mortal women on this blog are thinking about trying to pimp Halle’s style by getting that haircut.
Don’t. Just don’t.
Please take it from someone who learned this the hard way. Halle Berry aside, the pixie haircut is not “universally flattering for all women”. (No matter what your stylist tells you while you’re sitting in “the chair”.)
Ha, Ricky has done a great job hosting in my eyes. But it’s pretty clear he won’t be hosting it again.
Comrade Luke
@Morbo: It was worth watching for the Mel Gibson comment alone.
I agree, and think he could do it again. He didn’t do anything completely over the top, and was consistently funny without trying too hard.
Mickey Rourke scares me.
Ash Can
@Max: How about it! It was interesting enough for a while, but good fucking grief. Even Thomas Aquinas would have given up by now and gone home. While all that crap was going on, my son and I went to church, came home and had lunch, and went back out and exchanged all his non-fitting Christmas/birthday gifts. We came back with some nifty clothes and a new Lego set for him, I made supper, he put his new Lego model together, we all ate, we relaxed for a while, I signed onto BJ — and saw that those fools were all still arguing. What a sorry fucking waste of a perfectly good Sunday. Those guys do good work overall and I respect them for it, but crap in a hat — go home, already.
Comrade Mary
@SiubhanDuinne: I think some of the most stunning 40+ women look awesome not just because they have kept fit, avoided the sun, and are blessed with great bones and great genes, but I think some are just using a light, discreet hand with plastic surgery. If I see anyone over 45 with a jawline that seems awfully clean for their age but a naturally lined and expressive face, I can be pretty sure that they’ve has a subtle mini-lift. For some reason, many people think lines are what age a face, but the sag that hits in the forties is much less flattering, I think. But trying to fix everything? It’s like playing wack-a-mole, and you end up looking like waxworks very, very soon.
(Sarah Palin is starting to look a little jowly. If she wants to run in 2012 and keep the starburst crowd drooling, I predict she’ll have a much more taut jawline pretty soon.)
Big Love is so good! The first two episodes have been the strong.
My bet is on Nicole Kidman to be the next Dyan Cannon. Do. not. want.
Comrade Luke
Big Love is great, but Jane Lynch should win any award she’s nominated for. She’s that good in Glee.
Huh, that Robert Downey Jr. speech was something else. “Take it easy!”
@Ash Can #115: I hadn’t even thought to check that thread, and I guess I never will: it’s gone to 685 comments. That has to be a record or the nearest thing to one.
Nicole has been hitting the Botox needle quite hard. At least she’s gone back to closer to her natural red hair color instead of the washed out blonde.
How funny! I’m liveblogging over at my place, too! Only I’m liveblogging me reading a book — which is just weird. And more than a little geeky.
I find it interesting that somehow, every year, I feel like I should be watching the Golden Globes, though I never have, not once. I only have enough interest for one awards show, and that has to be the Oscars — sorry Ricky!
When something is this thoroughly IN THE AIR, though, it really gets into the Kool Aid, doesn’t it? I find myself reading all kinds of stuff and watching videos about the NBC late night wars, for instance — even though I never watch any of those programs. NEVER. Well, like, once a year, I’ll watch Letterman or Conan, because of the guest. Oh, I suppose I watch Craig Ferguson’s monologue a few times a year, too.
The Hangover was a better and funnier film. The Meryl Streep parts of J&J were great. The other parts and the framing story — stale cheese.
Oh yeah. Jeff Bridges is one cool dude. A well deserved win.
@Comrade Mary: yes, as an older woman myself (who has not been under the knife, at least not for that) I must agree that gravity is no friend. But I’d rather see (and have) a little jowliness or extra chin than look like Joan Rivers, or Joan Collins for that matter.
@ellaesther: Right here! Love that show. Andre Braugher is sooooo good.
Commie Hollywood liberals give the finger to real Americans by selecting godless anti-American anti-family screed Avatar as Best Picture.
The Baby Jesus is smiling. Bitchez.
some guy
WTF? I have not seen Avatar, but I have a really hard time believing it is a better film* than Precious, Hurt Locker, or even Inglorious Basterds.
*from an “artistic merit” standpoint rather than a “gross box office receipts” standpoint
@Ahab(3uler #124: Well *that* description makes me want to dash on over immediately!
Comrade Mary
@SiubhanDuinne: Oh yes, a thousand times yes. But somewhere in between the truly natural look and the horror show is a delicate balance that I think some celebrity women have managed to achieve. If they’re really smart, they’ll let a little more sag show with the passing years, because there is no way short of a miracle that a 60 year old woman will ever look 30 again.
Emo Pantload (fka Studly)
Wow, Avatar. Has a sci-fi flick ever received such a high honor?
@ellaesther I’m getting into MOACA. Last week’s ep, where Joe went on his first date in eons, was *painful*! But I’ve been in the position of divorcee getting back into “the market,” so I could identify with it.
@You Don’t Say: What you did there. I see it. And I agree.
@Chat Noir (iPhone): Oh my goodness, yes. And if you had told me that I would one day find myself loving, talking about, and thinking about any show starring Ray Romano for days after each episode aired, I would have chuckled most heartily indeed! Last week’s episode was just — well, brilliant comes to mind, actually. (And how ’bout that episode where Andre Braugher strips down to his tighty-whiteys…! The man has much bravery, my friend).
@ Emo Pantload (fka Studly): Painful, exactly. I kept taking off my glasses to make it fuzzy!
@Ash Can: The line crap in a hat—go home, already is going to be worked into my daily conversation as much as humanly possible.
Which, granted, won’t be much, but I am going to do my best.
The Other Steve
The Hangover was funny…
Although by far the funniest movie I saw last year was Zombieland. I’m surprised that wasn’t even nominated.
We got “Definately, Maybe” DVD for Christmas and finally watched it last night. It was actually pretty good. It didn’t suck, rather it was actually really good. It actually has a rather interesting political substory with it.
I agree with you. Men of A Certain Age is a great show. It is completely different from anything on TV in recent years. Great writing, acting and story line.
Ray Romano et. al. are amazing. TNT has put on some excellent shows and now with Southland they are continuing that leap to one of the best providers of comedy and drama.
Bet NBC wishes they hadn’t let Southland get away and also Medium. NBC is rapidly becoming insignificant.
I squeed that out loud and my husband looked at me odd.
He does not watch near enough Doctor Who or he would know that Blink is one of the best episodes evah!
I feel sad I missed the liveblog.
and RDJ is hot and so hot and yeah he’s hot….
@RedKitten: I would suggest that Christina Hendricks has achieved her lovely figure in part because she knows to not put the cookies down too often. One needs something to fill out the curves, madam!
pourmecoffee sez: Avatar beats Watchmen for Best Blue Soft Pr0n.
I only got to see a few bits of the GG’s since we were at a relative’s house. I’m so glad that part of what I saw was Streep’s win. Wonderful speech from an amazing, yet humble woman. (Too bad one of our relatives had to be an ass and make fake crying noises during the part about her mom and her feelings on the tragedy in Haiti. “Just play the music. This is boring. Too long.” I had to really try to tune it out.)
Also very happy that Drew Barrymore got the award for Grey Gardens, which was another great one from HBO.
Hubby and I just plain gave up on 24. Same story each year since the third year with some godawful plot twist thrown in.
@Comrade Mary: Yes, on Sarah Palin. That hot librarian look will turn on her. She’s showing signs now. And men with starbursts in their pants will look at her and resent her for not staying hot and starburst worthy. Those glasses will make her look pissed and scolding. And unless she gets lots of sleep it will happen sooner than she thinks. Perhaps just around the 2016 election.
@fraught: I loathe Sarah Palin intensely, but when I saw the clips of her with O’Reilly and Beck, I actually had a twinge of sympathy for her, because she had the quintessential WTF? face, like, a lot.
I actually had a twinge of sympathy for her, because she had the quintessential WTF?
I thought she was lost. John posted a transcript of some of her ramblings, and it’s clear, she has a very thin and narrow base of knowledge. Ya know, I’m not sure she could pass a citizenship test. Her basic knowledge of civics and history is that lacking. Christ, she didn’t even know about the Korean war.
Thanks John. The Gervais intro is pretty funny.
I hope Up in the Air gets something, I am torn between the two supporting actresses, they were both great. By the applause I am thinking precious will get it.
gogol's wife
Go Colin Firth!
Mike Kay
Hopefully we’re done with Haiti and the media can return to covering what’s important, namely Mark Halperin’s book.
back to football for a minute: people in san diego have too much going for them already. they shouldn’t get too bent out of shape about losing today.
Demo Woman
The Hurt Locker has been getting a lot of publicity lately but I hope that Avatar wins. Julie and Julia was great but my favorite comedy would be 500 Days of Summer. Now if Sandra Bulloch wins for the Prospect I might swear of award shows.
Award shows a waste of time
Mike Kay
Anyone look hot?
Mike Kay
MAN, check out the Golden Globes on Christina Hendricks
The Grand Panjandrum
I digging some of the ads on the site right now:
1. My Gun Spot dot com: Social networking for gun owners.
2. Pen1s reduction pills.
Gotta be a joke in there somewhere.
@Mike Kay:
Yeah I dig Joan on MadMen. But probably for different reasons than you do. ;-)
The Grand Panjandrum
@Mike Kay: Whoa! That’s enough to make anyone a mad man.
mr. whipple
Wow. Never heard of her.
Anyway to open a car door if you locked your keys in the car??? I got a Chinese delivery guy stuck at my house right now.
Laura W
Super creepy character from a great season.
I made beef short ribs for the first time today.
Marinated them overnight in coffee and red wine and then roasted them in the slow cooker all day with some grilled onions and more red wine.
Finished them off with mushroom and cooking liquid reduction and served with brown rice.
Yum Yum Yum.
I will make these again.
Thank you to those of you watching the Globes so I don’t have to. I’m in Iron Chef / Big Love land and then, I am going to give that new Fox show, Hard Target a shot. The lead actor was good on Fringe and he’s married to the lead actress on Fringe, so Ima support it, unless it’s horrible.
freelancer (itouch)
@mr. whipple:
Clearly you never saw Firefly
Cat Lady
@Mike Kay:
I miss Joan! She’s my avatar. Every Sunday I feel something’s not right, and then I remember there’s no Mad Men to look forward to until late next summer. I can’t wait until it’s 1964 again. Joan in
Puccianything please.Demo Woman
Has anyone seen In The Loop? I can’t understand why that wasn’t nominated. Of course if you take out the fuck word, the movie would be about 30 minutes.
@valdivia: I like her too. I think I’m going to become a redhead, in part inspired by her. Sick of being a boring brunette. Not that all brunettes are boring, I just am bored with my natural(ish) color.
I am aware of all internet traditions, and I’ve never heard of Christine Hendricks.
@Cat Lady:
I am definitely team Joan and I am happy she is back now that the show ended as it did. Can’t wait for summer.
redheads are fun. I don’t have the coloring to be a redhead but if you do, I say go for it.
mr. whipple
@freelancer (itouch):
Jack is back!!
I wanted Hamm to win but I cant help but cheer for Hall in Dexter. He looks better than I expected.
Laura W
OK, now I’m pumped.
Michael C. Hall was so overlooked in 6FU. Brilliant actor.
Edit: How gorgeous is Glenn Close?
So, mac or pc? I’m torn :)
Mike Kay
She concurs.
mmm. redheads.
Fav actors are Hugh Laurie and Tim Roth. Brits FTW.
Eh. Downloading the Open Beta trial for Star Trek Online. Think I will give that a shot for awhile tonight…
Mornington Crescent
Werner Herzog Reads Curious George
@Mike Kay:
so you really are a fan eh?
I see Max and I started a talk that you guys are taking to a male place ;-)
But yes, if I could be a redhead I would be. It seems you guys all agree.
freelancer (itouch)
Better than expected? Does he have cancer or something?
Eta- damn. Karen O and Carter Burwell shoulda got that. The WTWTA soundtrack is infectious.
@valdivia: My other redhead inspiration is Shirley Manson, so my hair dresser has her work cut out for her.
Yea for being a girl!
I’m going to try to get back into 24. I sorta slacked off last year and stopped watching after a point. Tonight, I’ll try to get back in the saddle, if only because Starbuck will be on the show.
If I can’t get excited about Jack Bauer, there’s always Burn Notice and Caprica.
@freelancer (itouch):
yes hodgkins. I just heard about it this week.
General Winfield Stuck
Charlie in love
Pookiewith Betty Davis Eyes
Just Charlie havin’ fun
Jack is back!
BTW, I just watched the segment about American Samoa on 60 Minutes and am wondering about the fact that these kids are playing with even worse equipment than “hand me downs”.
The fact that there have been numerous Islanders who have gone on to star in the NFL and all of the money generated by NFL football why doesn’t the NFL cough up a little of their profits and send these kids some real helmets and uniforms?
Seems to be just another example of the greed in the NFL. Jerry Jones builds a $1 bil. stadium to showcase his ego (funded by visitors and residents).
Just a thought.
@valdivia: Hodgkins, so the Globes are an episode of House after all?
And we are all redheads now, right? (in the denver airport, waiting for flight to STL and then 2 hours to smudge.)
Mike Kay
the french chick from Burn Notice is pretty sexy.
Laura W
Where is my JenJen?
Grey Gardens, FTW!
The Other Steve
I’m watching The Rock on TBS. I’m going old school tonight.
@General Winfield Stuck:
such cuteness. Now you have put that Kim Carnes song in my head. Why????
yeah we get to do all sort of fun things to change up no?
@gogol’s wife: When I saw you posted that I immediately thought of Peter Firth, whom I saw just this weekend on an episode of the Magnificent Seven tv series. This is an actor that is a core part of my childhood, having been the “star” of “The Double Deckers” I also adore Colin Firth (wonder if they are related?)
@Mike Kay: Gabrielle Anwar? She’s from the UK and has been around for-evah.
I like her and have a fondness for her since her role in Scent of a Woman.
60 Minutes again.
Penelope Cruz is definitely the Sexiest, most gorgeous woman alive! I was transfixed just gazing at her during the interview with Charlie Rose.
well played sir (on the House comment)
but wait *you* are redhead? and is smudge a secret redhead?
Mike Kay
Penelope Cruz is overrated.
Comrade Mary
Meryl Streep just made me cry by pimping Partners in Health.
Demo Woman
@Comrade Mary: Me too. Good for her though for mentioning Haiti.
Mike Kay
@Comrade Mary:
I can’t believe she talked about Haiti instead of using her time to scold Obama over the public option
Oh I wanted Kenneth Branagh to win for Wallander.
Emo Pantload (fka Studly)
Diggin’ Drew Barrymore’s hedgehog.
Notorious P.A.T.
Call the police or fire department. Or try the old bent coathanger trick.
Mike in NC
Got it last night from Netflix. Gandolfini was OK, but otherwise it was HORRIBLE!
My favorite quote on the subject of redheads:
Redheads are like other women. Only more so.
Demo Woman
@Mike in NC: Might be my sick sense of humor but it made me laugh.
Cat Lady
@Mike Kay:
I gotta say that I cannot believe that Glenzilla/BTD/Emptywheel thread is still going.
That’s got to be some kind of flame record.
Sophia Loren looks afuckinMAYzing!
gogol's wife
They’re brothers.
@Max: Did Greenwald do the sensible thing, decide we’re a bunch of raving idiots and leave? Or is he still there?
You Don't Say
Let’s talk dresses:
I liked Kate Hudson’s, Jennifer Garner’s, Julianna Marguiles’ and Sofia Vergara’s.
mr. whipple
No way. Reminds me of this:
Cat fights R SRS BIZNISS
Cat Lady
@mr. whipple:
@gwangung: I think he went over to his own blog to call us Obama Cultists. Or some such.
yay Mad Men won!
@Max: Hm. I think I’d prefer raving idiots. Much more accurate.
@gogol’s wife:
Really? WTF IMDB is lying to me.
I think Mickey Rourke is there in disguise as Bob Dylan, or vice versa.
@You Don’t Say:
I loved Juliana Margolis’, Sofia Bergara, January Jones, Helen Mirren.
gogol's wife
Oops, sorry, I was thinking of Jonathan Firth.
@Cat Lady: Oh good, you’re here. I just watched Bab’Aziz. Just finished it about 15 minutes ago. Just beautiful. I loved the music and the look of this film in particular among the three. The faces in all three films, from brief screen appearances to lead characters, are fascinating — extraordinarily beautiful in a very *real* way. I will be returning to this again and again, and I can’t thank you enough for calling it to our attention so many months ago.
@valdivia: I liked January Jones’. She has good style.
WTF is up with Mariah Carey. Someone needs to tell her to put those away. Not attractive.
mr. whipple
serious lust.
@You Don’t Say:
Ditto on Hudson, Margulies. Also loving Helen Mirren and Sophia Loren is just stunning. Chloe Sevigny also looks lovely.
Upon viewing pictures, I must clarify re: Kate Hudson-love the dress, but the stripper shoes must die.
@The Grand Panjandrum:
Heh. I just told Chairman Steele that he should include links if he’s gonna ask for donations to Haiti relief orgs. What a dumbass. That guy is a dumbass.
ps. the penis reduction plils don’t work!
eta: we can say penee on this site now?
oops, sorry, mr mod
Mario Piperni
Compilation video of Political Illustrations set to music.
You Don't Say
@madmommy: Ooh, didn’t see the shoes.
I’ll have to find a photo of Helen Mirren, missed her and love her. And agree Chloe S.’s dress was beautiful.
@Comrade Mary: Speaking of Haiti, if y’all are looking for a good way to donate that’s cheap and easy, Coinstar has partnered with UNICEF for a fund dedicated directly to Haiti. Make sure when you go to the machine you select donation code 5556 (5555 is just UNICEF and goes directly to their general fund), drop in your coins, and the donation is made! So if you have some spare coinage laying around the house or a jar just sitting on your desk, you now have a good option for using it.
Silly BJers watching the Golden Globes when 24 is on. Don’t you realize that is how the world really works.
Although I don’t see how the guy who ran Shawshank prison became the U.S. Secretary of State.
@gogol’s wife:
No probs, I see his sister is a voice coach, I have an unending respect for those people, one of their ilk turned my absolutely clodhopping lancashire accent into a “basic BBC” many of the people who listen to me speak today would never have guessed that it is the result of a serious amount of voice training, at the hands of a master, (the guy who trained Dith Prahn for Killing Fields) not many people know how hard it is to convert ones basic speaking style into something else, into something that is considered
“acceptable” in general society, the only time that I revert to my “clodhpping” lancashire is when I am a) drunk or b) in the presence of my sister, who’s accent just tends to rub off on me and we end up in a treacle of language that completely and utterly baffles my husband.
Wow! Halle Berry looked awesome.
Okay, that settles it. Off to the gym tomorrow!
freelancer (itouch)
24 officially died for me when it clobbered the audience with partisan vitriol coupled with ridiculous stories like Jacks dad and his arc.
“why are Nadia’s privledges being revoked? She as patriotic as any American. She’s a republican fer crying out loud!”
yeah, fuck this show.
@Litlebritdifrnt: Heh. I’ve mentioned this story before, but one of my bosses is British (a right bloke too) and I have a smooth High Carolinan, so when the two of us get into conversation it’s battle of the competing accents. It can get really bad especially if I’m tired and cranky. Keep in mind this is in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, so I think we both get stared at.
John Cole
Raging Bull is still Scorcese’s best.
Laura W
If Rick Warren were involved, they’d all just be getting warmed up.
gogol's wife
Come to the States. We think any variety of English accent is classy.
You Don't Say
@MJ: I love her short hair. Glad she’s back to it.
@freelancer (itouch): Yeah, my tongue was well into my cheek when I made that comment.
@MJ: I suppose that is one of the most redundant comments I have ever heard, ever, I mean really? Halley Berry always looks stunning, I would bet that Halley Berry could go out on a bender, get screaming nasty drunk, go to bed, get up the next morning and she would still make the rest of us schmucks look like shit. I mean comparing us mere mortals to Halley Berry is just so not fair.
Hot damn! She certainly won the gene pool lottery, didn’t she? Stunning!
Also liking Sandra Bullock’s very purple frock.
@gogol’s wife: I live in North Carolina, I know how an English Accent controls.
Cat Lady
I’m so happy you enjoyed it – it gets better with every viewing. I’m a desert person and the whole movie was in my wheelhouse, but there’s something in it for everyone who has inchoate spiritual yearnings. The little girl is amazing, and so is the actor who is Bab’Aziz. I’ve almost memorized Bab’Aziz’s speach about death – the best advice I’ve come across yet of how to anticipate the end.
FYI – the ruins where the dervishes gathered at the very end was completely destroyed by an earthquake the week after the filming ended. Whoa.
@John Cole:
The Last Waltz
Emo Pantload (fka Studly)
Dang, I wanted Kathryn Bigelow to win Best Director just so I could get an eyeful of her making her speech. Well, that, and the movie’s damn good.
Comrade Luke
Olivia Wilde
@You Don’t Say
I totally agree. I think that its her signature look.
But just in case any of you other BJ reading ladies are thinking about trying to pimp Halle’s style by getting that haircut.
Don’t. Just don’t.
Please take it from someone who learned this the hard way. Halle Berry aside, the pixie haircut is not “universally flattering for all women”. (No matter what your stylist tells you while you’re sitting in “the chair”.)
freelancer (itouch)
@John Cole:
Strangely, Raging Bull did nothing for me.
Was that Jodie Foster just now? Another wow! I came to the GG late tonight and missed seeing most of the women mentioned upthread, but a great many of those names are no longer, shall we say, in their 20s. I realize they have access to the finest designers, hair and makeup artists, personal trainers, etc, but I don’t have the sense (the way I would have a few years ago) that it’s all a result of plastic surgery and Botox. Maybe that’s still part of it but it seems that more and more women are *finally* entering their mature years with not only acceptance but gusto. And it shows. Look at Loren at 75. Good on ’em.
mr. whipple
@freelancer (itouch):
I’m with John, for the cinematography of the fight scenes alone. Pure artistry.
ok, yeah, Raging Bull is in my queue. Gangs of New York, I have.
I’m wondering if I should get Blair Witch Project again. I watched Serenity again recently and wondered why I liked it. sry, hon.
You Don't Say
@freelancer (itouch): It’s like Veritgo. Definitely a great film but not my favorite Hitchcock (or Scorsese).
The Hangover beat Julie & Julia??? Wow.
@You Don’t Say
I totally agree. I think that its her signature look.
But just in case any other mere mortal women on this blog are thinking about trying to pimp Halle’s style by getting that haircut.
Don’t. Just don’t.
Please take it from someone who learned this the hard way. Halle Berry aside, the pixie haircut is not “universally flattering for all women”. (No matter what your stylist tells you while you’re sitting in “the chair”.)
Ha, Ricky has done a great job hosting in my eyes. But it’s pretty clear he won’t be hosting it again.
Comrade Luke
@Morbo: It was worth watching for the Mel Gibson comment alone.
I loved Julie & Julia, but I’ve got to admit that The Hangover was shamefully & ridiculously funny.
How can they give an award to
The Hangover –what stupid trash, even if some of it was funny…
@Litlebritdifrnt: I live in North Carolina, I know how an English Accent controls. In NC maybe. Try DC or NY where they can tell RP from a Manc.
Funny comic:
some guy
Sally Sparrow!
I agree, and think he could do it again. He didn’t do anything completely over the top, and was consistently funny without trying too hard.
Mickey Rourke scares me.
Ash Can
@Max: How about it! It was interesting enough for a while, but good fucking grief. Even Thomas Aquinas would have given up by now and gone home. While all that crap was going on, my son and I went to church, came home and had lunch, and went back out and exchanged all his non-fitting Christmas/birthday gifts. We came back with some nifty clothes and a new Lego set for him, I made supper, he put his new Lego model together, we all ate, we relaxed for a while, I signed onto BJ — and saw that those fools were all still arguing. What a sorry fucking waste of a perfectly good Sunday. Those guys do good work overall and I respect them for it, but crap in a hat — go home, already.
Comrade Mary
@SiubhanDuinne: I think some of the most stunning 40+ women look awesome not just because they have kept fit, avoided the sun, and are blessed with great bones and great genes, but I think some are just using a light, discreet hand with plastic surgery. If I see anyone over 45 with a jawline that seems awfully clean for their age but a naturally lined and expressive face, I can be pretty sure that they’ve has a subtle mini-lift. For some reason, many people think lines are what age a face, but the sag that hits in the forties is much less flattering, I think. But trying to fix everything? It’s like playing wack-a-mole, and you end up looking like waxworks very, very soon.
(Sarah Palin is starting to look a little jowly. If she wants to run in 2012 and keep the starburst crowd drooling, I predict she’ll have a much more taut jawline pretty soon.)
Big Love is so good! The first two episodes have been the strong.
Thank Allah for HBO.
Can’t wait for Treme.
Cat Lady
@Comrade Mary:
My bet is on Nicole Kidman to be the next Dyan Cannon. Do. not. want.
Comrade Luke
Big Love is great, but Jane Lynch should win any award she’s nominated for. She’s that good in Glee.
Huh, that Robert Downey Jr. speech was something else. “Take it easy!”
@Ash Can #115: I hadn’t even thought to check that thread, and I guess I never will: it’s gone to 685 comments. That has to be a record or the nearest thing to one.
@Cat Lady:
Nicole has been hitting the Botox needle quite hard. At least she’s gone back to closer to her natural red hair color instead of the washed out blonde.
How funny! I’m liveblogging over at my place, too! Only I’m liveblogging me reading a book — which is just weird. And more than a little geeky.
I find it interesting that somehow, every year, I feel like I should be watching the Golden Globes, though I never have, not once. I only have enough interest for one awards show, and that has to be the Oscars — sorry Ricky!
When something is this thoroughly IN THE AIR, though, it really gets into the Kool Aid, doesn’t it? I find myself reading all kinds of stuff and watching videos about the NBC late night wars, for instance — even though I never watch any of those programs. NEVER. Well, like, once a year, I’ll watch Letterman or Conan, because of the guest. Oh, I suppose I watch Craig Ferguson’s monologue a few times a year, too.
Very odd. To me, anyway.
@SiubhanDuinne: It is a shit tornado.
Is there any love in this thread for Men of a Certain Age?
@ellaesther: Eh, the only things reliably entertaining about late-night television are the succession crises.
George Clooney. Yum!
Cat Lady
The Dude abides.
The Hangover was a better and funnier film. The Meryl Streep parts of J&J were great. The other parts and the framing story — stale cheese.
Oh yeah. Jeff Bridges is one cool dude. A well deserved win.
@Comrade Mary: yes, as an older woman myself (who has not been under the knife, at least not for that) I must agree that gravity is no friend. But I’d rather see (and have) a little jowliness or extra chin than look like Joan Rivers, or Joan Collins for that matter.
You Don't Say
@ellaesther: Like Jeff Bridges?
Chat Noir (iPhone)
@ellaesther: Right here! Love that show. Andre Braugher is sooooo good.
Commie Hollywood liberals give the finger to real Americans by selecting godless anti-American anti-family screed Avatar as Best Picture.
The Baby Jesus is smiling. Bitchez.
some guy
WTF? I have not seen Avatar, but I have a really hard time believing it is a better film* than Precious, Hurt Locker, or even Inglorious Basterds.
*from an “artistic merit” standpoint rather than a “gross box office receipts” standpoint
@Ahab(3uler #124: Well *that* description makes me want to dash on over immediately!
Comrade Mary
@SiubhanDuinne: Oh yes, a thousand times yes. But somewhere in between the truly natural look and the horror show is a delicate balance that I think some celebrity women have managed to achieve. If they’re really smart, they’ll let a little more sag show with the passing years, because there is no way short of a miracle that a 60 year old woman will ever look 30 again.
Emo Pantload (fka Studly)
Wow, Avatar. Has a sci-fi flick ever received such a high honor?
@ellaesther I’m getting into MOACA. Last week’s ep, where Joe went on his first date in eons, was *painful*! But I’ve been in the position of divorcee getting back into “the market,” so I could identify with it.
freelancer (itouch)
Fuck. I hate being right. Where’s the ipecac?
@You Don’t Say: What you did there. I see it. And I agree.
@Chat Noir (iPhone): Oh my goodness, yes. And if you had told me that I would one day find myself loving, talking about, and thinking about any show starring Ray Romano for days after each episode aired, I would have chuckled most heartily indeed! Last week’s episode was just — well, brilliant comes to mind, actually. (And how ’bout that episode where Andre Braugher strips down to his tighty-whiteys…! The man has much bravery, my friend).
@ Emo Pantload (fka Studly): Painful, exactly. I kept taking off my glasses to make it fuzzy!
@Ash Can: The line crap in a hat—go home, already is going to be worked into my daily conversation as much as humanly possible.
Which, granted, won’t be much, but I am going to do my best.
The Other Steve
The Hangover was funny…
Although by far the funniest movie I saw last year was Zombieland. I’m surprised that wasn’t even nominated.
We got “Definately, Maybe” DVD for Christmas and finally watched it last night. It was actually pretty good. It didn’t suck, rather it was actually really good. It actually has a rather interesting political substory with it.
I agree with you. Men of A Certain Age is a great show. It is completely different from anything on TV in recent years. Great writing, acting and story line.
Ray Romano et. al. are amazing. TNT has put on some excellent shows and now with Southland they are continuing that leap to one of the best providers of comedy and drama.
Bet NBC wishes they hadn’t let Southland get away and also Medium. NBC is rapidly becoming insignificant.
@SiubhanDuinne: I challenge anyone to read all 698+ comments and disagree!
Having seen Avatar, I now understand the people my age back in 1977 who didn’t like Star Wars and couldn’t understand what all the fuss was about.
freelancer (itouch)
Well there’s always the oscars.
To sum up my latent reaction to Avatar…
@AhabTRuler: You have thrown down a gauntlet! And I’mma leave it right there on the ground, untouched.
/walks away from that tornado shit-storm thread, whistling.
@freelancer (itouch): That review is so fucking funny, I am actually gonna go watch it again.
You Don't Say
OT – John Cole, what’s the most commented upon BJ thread ever?
Just curious … the Greenwald/Gruber thread just broke 700 …
Notorious P.A.T.
Oh yeah, one can’t get enough fascist television. Has the hero tortured anyone yet?
I must say, I’m enjoying all of the redhead love that I saw earlier in this thread. :) Now if I only had Christina Hendricks’ figure…
/puts down cookies.
@some guy:
Sally Sparrow!
I squeed that out loud and my husband looked at me odd.
He does not watch near enough Doctor Who or he would know that Blink is one of the best episodes evah!
I feel sad I missed the liveblog.
and RDJ is hot and so hot and yeah he’s hot….
Not that it’s gonna happen, but I want to look like Helen Mirren when I am her age.
@RedKitten: I would suggest that Christina Hendricks has achieved her lovely figure in part because she knows to not put the cookies down too often. One needs something to fill out the curves, madam!
pourmecoffee sez: Avatar beats Watchmen for Best Blue Soft Pr0n.
Emo Pantload (fka Studly)
With my luck, I’ll look like Ms. Mirren when I’m her age.
=0 (
@Jules: I wanna do Helen Mirren–at her age! Man, but she’s scrumptious.
@Emo Pantload (fka Studly): Ha!
I only got to see a few bits of the GG’s since we were at a relative’s house. I’m so glad that part of what I saw was Streep’s win. Wonderful speech from an amazing, yet humble woman. (Too bad one of our relatives had to be an ass and make fake crying noises during the part about her mom and her feelings on the tragedy in Haiti. “Just play the music. This is boring. Too long.” I had to really try to tune it out.)
Also very happy that Drew Barrymore got the award for Grey Gardens, which was another great one from HBO.
Hubby and I just plain gave up on 24. Same story each year since the third year with some godawful plot twist thrown in.
@Comrade Mary: Yes, on Sarah Palin. That hot librarian look will turn on her. She’s showing signs now. And men with starbursts in their pants will look at her and resent her for not staying hot and starburst worthy. Those glasses will make her look pissed and scolding. And unless she gets lots of sleep it will happen sooner than she thinks. Perhaps just around the 2016 election.
@fraught: I loathe Sarah Palin intensely, but when I saw the clips of her with O’Reilly and Beck, I actually had a twinge of sympathy for her, because she had the quintessential WTF? face, like, a lot.
freelancer (itouch)
@freelancer (itouch):
have I mentioned how much it sucks, realistically anticipating that likely results of a corrupt and overly moneyed institution?
Mike Kay
I thought she was lost. John posted a transcript of some of her ramblings, and it’s clear, she has a very thin and narrow base of knowledge. Ya know, I’m not sure she could pass a citizenship test. Her basic knowledge of civics and history is that lacking. Christ, she didn’t even know about the Korean war.
@Mike Kay:
From Fox News:
(Therefore you may want to save it in a permanent document).
Thanks for Fox link, plus their own interview “with” Palin, to Lawyers, Guns and Money