This will go over well with women voters:
The crowd responded enthusiastically as Brown made his case against AG Martha Coakley (D) — even interrupting frequently to make Brown’s case for him.
“I’ll tell you what,” Brown said, using a megaphone to address the crowd. “There’s negative campaigning, and then there’s malicious campaigning.”
“She’s malicious!” a man in the crowd cried out. “She’s a phony!” shouted another. “Shove a curling iron up her butt!” a third man interjected a few moments later.
Why is it always about putting things up people’s butts with Republicans these days? Seriously.
Update. Eddie Murphy said it best.
The Republic of Stupidity
Innit El Rushbo allus talkin’ ’bout droppin’ trou and grabbin’ his ankles?
It is peculiar… it is…
If Martha Coakley wins because of this it will be time to bend over and grab your ankles . . .
El Cid
“Shove a curling iron up her butt…”
I don’t think such phrases come so easily to one’s lips without having been bouncing around as thoughts for quite a while.
M. Bouffant
That, & the “shoved down our throats” reactions to health insurance reform.
Sometimes it is as simple as Freud.
A curling iron? Really? That’s the inanimate object he went with? In a world full of items of *probative* value, he goes for a curling iron?
Remember that scene in “Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves” where the Sheriff threatens to rip out Kevin Costner’s entrails with a spoon? This seems kind of like that. Only, you know, more misogynistically Freudian.
Tres Chouette
Whut Clark said.
The Republic of Stupidity
Cool… playing the fear card…
And no doubt, that final revelation caused many in the crowd to gasp as they soiled themselves in terror… proving once agan, the terrorists have ALREADY won…
The Republic of Stupidity
Well… at least no one suggested using a spork…
With all of wingnuttia cheering on the anal rape of their political enemies and their overarching embrace of torture this nation is in for some real trouble ahead.
If the tea-bagging factions get back in a strong position they’ll be itching to fill stadiums full of apostates so that they can be re-educated.
apparently this is a reference to a guy who was accused of raping his two year old niece with a curling iron, who for whatever reason was not prosecuted by Coakley’s AG office
Dave Weigel of the Wash. Independent offered these tweets from the same rally
He also says that half the people at the rally are not from MA, according to his interviews
The Grand Panjandrum
I just want to know if Brown will pledge to keep the gummint out of Medicare.
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but…thank FSM for the 2nd Amendment.
General Winfield Stuck
Well, that is bad for sure. But want to see something really scary
Laura W
We are all Heidi Klum now?
Comrade Darkness
@Jim: In a commonwealth there aren’t any prosecutors? State AG must be a really busy job.
We are all Heidi Klum now?
I don’t get it.
Isn’t this incitement to violence against a public official? Seriously….
Joshua Norton
The first place wingnutters mind goes is to Teh Buttsecks no matter what the subject may be. They’ll then claim it’s icky, but only after they’ve talked about it in fappery inducing detail.
@DougJ: I’m assuming that because she’s a model, therefore she uses a curling iron? I dunno. Swing and a miss on that joke. But hey, even Sandy Koufax got rocked once in a while.
The right wing are obsessed about sticking things about butts and throats for a very simple reason. They fear that someone will treat them as they treat women, that is, as holes to be sexually used on the terms of the other person.
Talking to any right-winger about sex and you will quickly realize that they seem completely oblivious to the concept of consent or to consensual sexual activity, instead viewing it on the sole terms of something men do to women and to which women either succeed or fail to resist and before anyone argues that this is a ludicrous claim, actually analyze right-wing arguments about sex. They often center on good sex and bad sex along lines of the style of sex, whether both partners are married, etc… and have no frames to separate consensual activities of sex between friends, sex between two men or two women, or even orgies from things like rape or other forms of coerced consent (which are also rape but not always legally rape). You even get them defending marital rape from time to time because their wives “consented” by getting married to them.
Whereas DFHs often view good sex, bad sex wholly under consent lines, seeing “sex” without consent to be instead rape and not at all desired. It’s also behind things like the intense wingnut fear of gays in the military or gays in general. The intense fear that some gay man will treat them as they treat women. Most of it is the fear that results from being so violently invested in misogyny that someone will “get revenge” and “do it to you”.
Of course, I’d be lying if I didn’t also mention that some fair bit of it might also be freudian slips of homoerotic desire. I have a personal and exceedingly unscientific opinion that if everyone was fully honest, at least 50% of the population is some form of bi (even if it’s Kinsey 1 or mostly straight, but Brad Pitt y’know) and well wingnuts are kings of frustrated repression so it wouldn’t be surprising if they got a bit obsessed with cocks especially if their intense loathing for women was suppressing any remaining sexual attraction for women.
But I suspect most of it stems from their uncaring-for-consent idea of sex and sexuality.
Bad Horse's Filly
Sigh. Here’s the horrific story around that rallying call:
Coakley vs. Child Rapist
It’s a horrible story and of course this would be how low the GOP sinks. I have no idea if she acted within normal standards or not…but you know the GOP only cares because they can now say things as DougJ has quoted.
The Republic of Stupidity
Uh… actually, the man was prosecuted AND convicted. He’s currently serving two life terms. A Republican running against Coakley for the AG’s position claimed she was refusing to prosecute for political reasons…
Al Qaeda is in our shopping malls? Has Brown called for full body scans for all shoppers yet? Or maybe just brown ones?
Laura W
@DougJ: Well, I was trying to make a tongue-in-cheek correlation between the curling iron and a top model, DougJ. Much like I drew an arc from your previous wine in MA post to the Mondavi family. Too obscure?
I am just still so damned enamored of your “We Are All Mayans Now” title/tag that I look for any opening to test drive some of my own.
I’ll stop now and go chat on the Oprah boards.
And when are you coming to Asheville to see your gal pal, BTW? I told you I’d meet you guys halfway at the wine bar in Arden. I think we have a couple of locals in this ‘hood.
Yeah, that one was kinda weird, too. I guess we’re going to have to invade the gallerias now? At least they’re air conditioned. And have Cinabons.
@The Republic of Stupidity: You know that we have to FEAR Teh Terrahists or they’ll win. Honestly, I thought everyone knew this. You must freak out every time someone threatens you. And always buy duct tape. Lots and lots of duct tape.
Once again the Republican Rules are applied.
Good Rev. Huckabee need not be taken to task for pardoning a future homicidal maniac but Martha Coakley’s record shall be pored over in order to prove she’s just another soft on crime feminist.
Or is she a ball chomping man hater who railroaded Tookey Amirault into jail?
I can’t keep up with rightwing cognitive dissonance anymore.
General Winfield Stuck
What is also amusing is wingnuts getting all hot and bothered because Coakley says Brown supported letting hospitals decide to not treat rape victims with emergency anti pregnancy actions.
Seems he proffered an amendment to do just that, that was defeated, but he ended up voting for the rape treatment bill/And all of this is disclosed on Coakley’s website.
Now wingers and some pundits are crying foul cause he ended up voting for the bill after his odious amendment was defeated.
How many times have wingnuts used similar tactics for procedural votes and amendments that were defeated for presidential election ads and congressional ones. It is a major opposition research tactic they deploy for every federal election. whiners, and hypocrites, all of em.
The bank tax applies to the banks as entities, not the individual executives, and is targeted at banks with over $50 BILLION in assets. Does this idiot really think that it’s indistinguishable from raising taxes on the proverbial Everyday Hard-Working Job-Creating Small Businessman?
@Jim: Yeah, that kinda got me, too. I was just at the mall, and I didn’t see any terrarists. Which means they must be ninja terrarists. Just because it hasn’t happened before, doesn’t mean it can’t happen, sheeples! How long until
ObamaOsama and his cronies unleash their ninja minions on America? What will you do then, Lie-bruls?DougJ
And when are you coming to Asheville to see your gal pal, BTW?
Still working on it! I should be in Atlanta in the not too distant future!
This one’s easy. In another time, in another place, this guy who wants to anally rape Coakley with a curling iron is the Congolese militia man who rapes defenseless villagers with the muzzle of his AK-47. He’s the Croatian militia man who presents Croatian fascist dictator Ante Pavelic with a bucket of Serb eyeballs. He’s the Russian army colonel who abducts, rapes and kills Chechen women for sport.
He is nine meals from being an animal.
Laura W
@Kobie: Could you just follow me around in my daily life and ‘splain me to people, please?
‘Cuz I could really use that type of service right now.
@DougJ: Atlanta? That’s like in a whole ‘nother state from here. I’ll drive half hour to meet you, Guy. Tops.
The bit about the spoon means carving out the person’s stomach organs with a dull instrument since it would hurt far more then using a knife and take far longer to.
Their intensity stems from the depth of their closetedness. Denying their true natures so violently just creates too much pressure, and it has to vent somehow.
Either that, or they’re just assholes. Come to think of it, it’s probably both.
Notorious P.A.T.
Oh, acting like a jerk turns off women now? Dream on.
See Limbauh, Rusty
The Republic of Stupidity
Prolly not… he’s just betting the people he’s hoping will vote for him can’t tell the difference…
The Republic of Stupidity
That’s odd… seeing as Coakley’s spent her entire political career to date in LAW ENFORCEMENT, not sure what she ever had to do w/ enacting taxation measures…
Notorious P.A.T.
Jesus freakin Christ, how many posts here lamenting the ignorance of other people are going to contain horribly misspelled words before it’s over?
@Laura W: Sure, you can keep me on retainer if you’d like. ; )
@DougJ: As SIA noted gleefully in an earlier thread today, there’s quite the contingent of Juicers in Atlanta. Please let us know your plans as they progress. We’d love to meet you (and each other!)
Zapp: “We don’t know much about our enemy, what they look like, what their opinions are or how they communicate. But I assure you they stand for everything we don’t stand for. Also, they said you guys look like dorks.”
Bender: “They look like dorks!”
A curling iron. Good thing they’re not sexist or nothin’.
Yep…. some of these teabagger fucks are so damn scary to me.
I could totally see them eating people ala “The Road” if it meant they would live and be in control.
Oh my God. What’s next? Wal-Mart?
@DougJ: If you pass through Raleigh on your way to Asheville, I’d guess we could muster a greeting for you…
The Republic of Stupidity
Notorious P.A.T.
I’m guessing… quite a few…
And let’s not even get STARTED with the bad punctuation…
The Republic of Stupidity
Givewn the enormous destruction Wal-Mart has already wreaked on the economy… you’d think Al Qaeda would be big fans…
@RSA: According to sources, al Qaeda is next planning to be in our butts brandishing curling irons.
Democrats, liberals, progressives, etc. need to get off their asses and go out there and support Democratic candidates. We need to go out and march for progressive reforms. Look at what Tea Baggers are doing. You can’t underestimate the fact that they are mobilized and making their ridiculous voices heard. And what are we doing? Nothing, but complaining about Obama not fixing everything in the world fast enough, Rahm being evil personified, and getting rid of actual progressives in Congress, instead of actually doing something (And by “we” not my fellow BJ people, but FDL and others like it). The fact of the matter is, ever since the general election in 08, we’ve become complacent. If Browns wins, it will be a testament to that complacency. There is absolutely no reason why Brown should take Teddy’s seat. I get light headed and nauseous thinking about that.
@General Winfield Stuck:
Yes I saw Sulli’s head was exploding because of the rape victims ad. They like to play dirty but can’ take it when someone says the truth about them. Typical Republicans.
Lisa K.
Get a bucket close by, then, because I do not see anything that will stop it. Who would have thought the Commonwealth of Massachusetts would drop a dime on us?
Nobody can snatch defeat from the hands of victory the way Democrats. Way to go, fellas. You suck, and I give up.
“Shove a curling iron up her butt…”
Wow, misogynist and makes light of a very young child’s trauma.
Those teabaggers have class to spare.
Mr Furious
@Laura W:
Me, for one. For another month or so, anyway.
I am so sick of this crap coming from the Right. Like you said, it has everything to do with getting back, as they see it, into power. As far as what they’d actually do, once in ascendency, they haven’t a clue. Beyond more tax cuts for the rich and fixing health care by making it harder for people to sue their doctors, what exactly is their grand plan for America?
On CNN today they had the usual smirking suspects, prattling about the MA election. Listening to Mary Matalin, it all seems moot. According to her it’s all a disaster for Obama and the Dem’s, whether Coakley wins or loses. Apparently, a close win is as bad as a loss. Or in her ridiculous terms, ‘apocalyptic’.
Laura W
@Mr Furious: Great. I think there are a couple others up your way.
Let’s see if we can drag DougJ out here, and maybe get Fuckhead to come down from VA.
Lord knows he’s not going to have any friends left in any other states once this weekend is over.
General Winfield Stuck
@valdivia: Your blog looks cool. I will read some of it later. I am burnt out right now.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Laura W:
My dog still likes me. (Although he was standing at the kitchen stove earlier. Not sure if it he was scoping out the salmon we had for dinner or checking out my countertops.)
Laura W
@Just Some Fuckhead: Right. And isn’t your dog the one that taught you how to lick your own…
Oh never mind.
You win.
DougJ, you made my day referencing that old Eddie Murphy classic…I remember it from one of his 1982 stand up cassettes…utter classic.
“Squeeze it…please it…but don’t tease it…”
I still can’t understand what this is supposed to refer to. From what I’ve been able to piece together, Coakley was a DA when a police officer raped a toddler with a curling iron, but Coakley didn’t get the grand jury to indict the guy the first time she tried to bring it to trial. She got it on the second go, but she was elected to AG before the case was prosecuted, and it was her successor that got the guy convicted to two life sentences. Also something about the DA (whichever one it was) not asking for bail.
Apparently this all means that Coakley is as bad as, if not worse than, the rapist. I actually heard Hannity throw spittle about this case (I’m a glutton for punishment), but even listening to Hannity I couldn’t figure out why Coakley’s treatment of this case was supposed to be objectionable.
Yeah. Those dumb Republicans.
Why can’t they be as virtuous and honest and rise above the vulgarities of the modern election campaign.
You know, just like Democrats?
I think more attention needs to be paid to the fact that the entire Brown campaign staff appears to be classified as contractors. For one thing, it’s probably illegal, and he’s going to wind up owing some hefty back taxes when this is over, win or lose.
Employers don’t get to decide arbitrarily who’s an employee and who’s a contractor. Because if they did, all employers would classify their entire workforce as contractors – it would save them a whole heap of money, and that money would be coming out of the hide of their workers. Employers don’t have to withhold income taxes for contractors or provide medical coverage, and it’s the medical coverage that’s getting the most attention, since HCR is the issue of the day.
But also a significant savings, employers don’t have to pay their share of FICA to contractors, who are considered self-employed. If the staffers were classified as employees, they would pay 6.2% in FICA tax and the campaign that employs them would also pay 6.2%. But as independent contractors, the staffer would have to pay the entire 12.4% FICA tax out of his own pocket. That’s a shitty, shitty way for a campaign to save money, in my opinion.
And it’s also almost certainly illegal. As I said, it’s not arbitrary – there are rules for who can be classified as self-employed independent contractors. If these staffers are working full-time for Brown, if they have no other clients, if they are entirely under the direction of the campaign, if the campaign provides them with a work space and office equipment, along with other criteria, then they should be classified as employees, not as contractors.
I’m sure the IRS is already raising their eyebrows about this situation, and Brown will pay for it eventually – I just think that’s something that people ought to consider come time to vote.
Because remember, ALL employers would call you an independent contractor and skate out from under paying their share of FICA, providing health insurance and all the rest of it, if they could.
Jay in Oregon
Alan Rickman and Michael Wincott delivering those lines:
Part one:
Part two:
Had to wade through pages of wing-nut headings to find a sober description of what happened with the child-rape case.
Ash Can
@Sanka: True. Pretty Boy doesn’t want them turned away, he just doesn’t want them to get treated too well. We women should be grateful to him for that much, shouldn’t we?
Peter J
And who’s defending Brown over at the Plum Line…
kommrade reproductive vigor
Democratic pols are responsible for the words, thoughts and deeds of their family members, friends, staff, school teachers, class mates, college roommates, neighbors, acquaintances, employees, endorsers, supporters and voters. When the Democratic pol in question is a minority s/he is also responsible for the words, thoughts and deeds of every other member of that minority group.
Republican pols aren’t responsible for anything, ever. Including their own words, thoughts and deeds.
@Ash Can:
Unsurprisingly, you appear to be illiterate. Read the bill — don’t just imagine what you think it might say.
Brown’s bill was to exempt hospital employees from being forced to do something against their religious beliefs. Many of these employees (let’s say, half) are WOMEN. He didn’t say they couldn’t provide whatever care was requested if they chose — only that no one could be forced to do something against their belief system.
Regardless, you must admit that the mailer is a vile lie designed to dupe low-information voters. This, coupled with Ed Schultz’s “Get out there and cheat for Coakley!” rant, should knock you phony, self-righteous Donks off your high unicorns… for about ten minutes.
Ah, the imagined decorum of the “Save Mother Earth, Kill Bush” crowd, which now shows its genteel nature by referring to its opponents with homosexual slurs.
And you lot have the nerve to whine (incorrectly) about cognitive dissonance.
Comrade Darkness
@Bender: Brown’s bill was to exempt hospital employees from being forced to do something against their religious beliefs
Too fucking bad. Choose another profession if you can’t do your god-damn job.
Comrade Darkness
@NonWonderDog: Come on. You are supposed to manipulate the grand jury. Like they do in New York.
Some of those people have been in their profession for decades before Plan B was even invented. They shouldn’t have to change lifelong professions because a new product goes against their beliefs.
Then they’re being untrue to their profession. And, yes, they should change their lifelong profession IF THEY CAN’T SERVE THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PATIENT. It’s about the best interest of the patients, not their beliefs.
The Republic of Stupidity
And patients in real need shouldn’t have to suffer because of somebody’s personal superstitions…
@The Republic of Stupidity:
I welcome any politician to campaign on throwing people out of their lifelong professions because they aren’t atheist enough. That would be a hoot to watch!
And again, you must admit that the mailer is a total lie.
So, basically, you’re saying it’s OK to subvert your profession, right? And you want the government to force their profession to take on substandard practitioners, right?
Good luck with that.
@Bender: Nope. And that was a terrible try.
The Republic of Stupidity
Excuse me?
What is this incoherent nonsense supposed to mean?
Which campaigning politician talked about ‘throwing people out of their life long professions’?
Of course, we do have this idiocy going on…
The Republic of Stupidity
And I repeat my contention, which have failed to reasonably rebutt…
Care to try again?
” before Plan B was even invented.”
Plan B is the fracking birth control pill just maxed to the gills. It’s a huge dose of the birth control pill. If the woman is already pregnant then it does nothing.
Pharmicists doctors each year in fact every day have to face new drugs to distribute or old drugs that have been reaproved that may violate their supposed santosect religious beliefs or what they believe their beliefs tell them to do. If they cannot handle the possiblity of that then they shouldn’t be in the field. It’s like Chrisitan Scientists becoming pharmasicts and them refusing to give out any medicine including cold medicine since it violates their beliefs.
Fuck you for a thinly disguised bill to allow Hospitals to deny care to rape victims.
You can take your religious claptrap and save it for your personal life, but let it interfere with your fucking job to help people and your ass is grass.
If a hospital employee denies care to a patient because they don’t believe the magic asshole sky-fairy they worship would approve, they deserve all the scorn, contempt and legal actions they get.
daniel rotter
This is not very complicated. If you find that your religion prevents you from fulfilling all of your job duties, THEN IT’S TIME TO FIND ANOTHER JOB.
Uhh…let’s look at the actual language of the amendment Brown introduced:
Given the actual text of the amendment, all of the claims about turning women away from ER’s and denying them access to the ‘morning after’ pill seem to be a little overblown, to put it mildly.
Or to be more blunt, they’re bullshit worthy of Turd Blossom.
Florida Cynic
@JoyceH: I hadn’t heard he was doing that. It’s extraordinarily stupid if he is. From what I recall, the fine was $7k per misclassified employee (it’s been about 12 years, so that number may or may not be accurate), and full backup withholding on all wages paid to each individual, whether or not those individual paid their taxes themselves.
If you aren’t aware that time is a bit of an issue and even an hour is a critical time period. Plus guess what it may be a hundred or miles to another facility to get the treatment. Why should someone have to go to another facility to get something that is covered with a doctor’s prescription.
Yes they are turned away from the ER. That is what means to be told go somewhere else.
Given the actual text of the amendment, a woman could find herself surrounded by hospitals full of people who won’t treat her and keep referring her to the “next hospital down the road”.
Again, fuck you for being a bullshitter.
Given the actual text of the amendment, a woman could find herself surrounded by hospitals full of people who won’t treat her and keep referring her to the “next hospital down the road”.
Again, fuck you for being a bullshitter.
Michael E Sullivan
I see your Eddie Murphy, and raise you Samwell.