A friend of mine who lives in MA just got this anti-Coakley email:
Here’s the full email in pdf:
Update. Regardless of how one feels about the issues, it is very strange to get an email like this from a wine store, no?
by DougJ| 61 Comments
This post is in: Assholes, Good News For Conservatives
A friend of mine who lives in MA just got this anti-Coakley email:
Here’s the full email in pdf:
Update. Regardless of how one feels about the issues, it is very strange to get an email like this from a wine store, no?
Comments are closed.
Chad S
You’re with the vinters or you’re against freedom.
Notorious P.A.T.
Wine? What’s next, accusing her of being anti-arugula?
that last paragraph reads like it was written by the people who write the e-mails for those Nigerian princes/bankers/ministers’ widows.
The Grand Panjandrum
Yes I think any discerning person would vote for a half-bright quasi-birther over Martha Coakley because she was doing her job as AG. Jesus! Her job is to ENFORCE the laws of Mass not make them.
Chad S
@Notorious P.A.T.: the brie cheese lobby prefers Brown.
I will put up a real pdf of it when I get home.
Now there’s an issue that will resonate with the voters. I thought that all good conservatives drank nothing but mass produced Amurrican beer from companies owned by the Belgians.
dr. luba
OT, but somewhat related to arugula, is this:
http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/01/17/obama-treats-wife-surprise-birthday-party/?test=latestnews .
You just know someone will complain…….because American burgers and steak aren’t good enough, or the place is too expensive, or why are they enjoying themselves when we are at war?
Common Sense
Not for nothing but we did away with these laws in Texas a few years back and it completely reinvigorated the wine, beer, and liquor industries here. I’m not defending the email bomb but these laws suck for anyone who likes a choice in spirits. States are basically run by cartels that split the liquor profits. It’s no different than the ’20’s — well, minus the gangland killings of course.
Col. Klink
Reads like it was written by Erick Erickson himself.
CT Voter
“We recommend that you do not we recommend”. . .
This campaign is causing truth, grammar and spelling to be cruelly and unusually punished.
Is this thing accompanied by donation information? Could be fun to follow the money …
Comrade Darkness
Lobbiest is apparently uncountable, like jello.
Also, defending the commonwealth (I have to add a little midwestern ehem of wtf) was her freaking job, no? Someone sues the commonwealth and the AG defends it. Sounds pretty straightforward. They are now screaming that they want activist Attorneys General as well as activist judges? Anarchy for the commonwealth! whoo hoo!
Good thing as u.s. senator, Brown will be able to fix this state-based problem in a snap. *rolls eyes*
@CT Voter:
I know this race is a fucking retard fight, but did they hire BOB as their Communications Director?
I certainly hope someone was thrown under the bus also.
One of the pets got loose and is making a paycheck. Cool.
Can you smell the populism?
CT Voter
@Jim: I think this paragraph MUST have been written by the Nigerian bankers:
That, or the author was channeling Sarah Palin. . .
Comrade Darkness
@Common Sense: Too true. But the AG doesn’t make policy.
This email rant is a classic. Bad grammar, personal insult badly masked with an attempt at generalization, cliché and buzzword ridden, and a childlike misunderstanding of how the fuck things work.
Laura W
We are all Robert Mondavi now.
In all fairness, a last minute left field claim like this is great when targeted against uninformed voters. If I didn’t know the first thing about Coakley, it would be the first thing on my mind when I went to the polls.
Of course, if I didn’t know the first thing about Coakley, I probably wouldn’t be voting in a special election to begin with. So I can only assume this is something of a GOTV suppression attempt.
The Republic of Stupidity
@Comrade Darkness:
What you’re saying is… that the greasy thumbprints of the Teabaggers iz all over this thing?
my i suggest a BLOCKQUOTE around the text of the letter ?
I cannot find one thing weird about this email.
It’ll resonate on: Martha’s Vineyard! Ba-da-bump.
Get it? Cause Coakley’s first name is Martha, and there’s an island in MA named …
(Anybody else think that maybe the e-mail is an elaborate bad pun?)
As someone who bought his wife a Wine of the Month Club subscription for X-Mas, this would seriously piss me off. But I wouldn’t jeopardize healthcare reform over it.
@Toast: Or risk having a certified insane right wing nut job lock up a very blue senate seat for the next six years, right. Right??
Full of lobbyist? Just one? I guess we really do have an obesity problem in this country.
The Republic of Stupidity
Then clearly you haven’t bothered to read it.
Winos for Brown? who coulda figured that one out? Will they stand outside the polls dressed like wine boxes?
All the Scott Brown ads I’ve seen — and they’re all over the airwaves for the playoff games this weekend in my locale (curse it) — say basically that he’s not business as usual in Washington. That he has a plan to save the nation and its poor economy! That plan? Tax cuts!
Um ….
That worked out so well during the Bush years, leading to years and years of amazing highs in job growth, expansion of the economy that faded so badly under Clinton, and, of course, created a massive surplus that allows us to piss away trillions on unnecessary wars and “defense” spending. Alas, there won’t be enough money for health care reform, so, well, suck on that. But otherwise, ponies for all.
What I’m getting at is, given the message of the Brown campaign: We Know You’re Too Stupid To Breathe, I’m not surprised by the email quoted above.
& Americans do have a sorry history of voting against their best interests, time & again…
Chyron HR
No, I can’t find one thing weird with this e-mail, either.
Notorious P.A.T.
In all seriousness, was this mailer outsourced to China or something? Maybe this is what you get when you won’t provide benefits to your campaign staff.
licensed to kill time
@Chyron HR: That looks like it was written in China.
@Notorious P.A.T.: You beat me to it.
George J.
One can sum up this blog for sometime now as;
pony,pony,pony, people stupid, stupid people, everyone stupid who is not us.
No wonder you don’t have any influence and are not able to persuade others to your points of view. Fact is you chase many away that stop by here and might be receptive over time to the liberal message.
You really need to read a book, try and get some kind of education on how to win over and influence people because you are sadly lacking.
Nothing here but the Doug and usual cohorts who enable him and together actually do more harm than good for the democrats.
funny, all the mocking and thinking you are somehow superior to others–and all along the joke is really on you.
Well this does it for me. I’ll vote against her even though I don’t live in Mass. That’ll teach her.
Dave Fud
@DougJ: It looks to me like your friend’s email is contained in the email at the bottom in the unsubscribe area. You might want to rectify that… And oddly, the person sending the email is Doug Jones – please tell me that this isn’t you being over-the-top or something.
Hugs and kisses,
Corporate Wines
Dave Fud
@George J.: Holy crap, is this the son of BoB or something equally bizarre?
DougJ, stop being together with your usual cohorts and actually doing more harm than good for the democrats. Or a baby Jesus on a pony will cry. Because your you’re forgot it’s apostrophe.
@Laura W: I LOL’d.
How about that “Scott Brown wants hospitals to turn rape victims away” mailer? It was paid for by the Massachusetts Democratic Party.
Or is that not to be discussed here?
CT Voter
Nothing here but the Doug and cohorts…
The Doug.
I like that.
Thanks, The George.
So don’t vote for her because she actually did her job in the last job she was elected to?
Garrigus Carraig
Where did these random bozos come from? Will they stay? I hope they don’t stay. I blame Makewi. Also, too.
@Dave Fud:
i think your “it’s” stole it!
@Napoleon: I blame you for being chased out of Haiti and causing the earthquake. Or whatever. The third.
Actually, Coakley’s actions are a “slap in the face” of every minor using his parents’ credit card to order wine over the internet.
Seriously, we should oppose her because, as attorney general, she’s opposed selling alcohol by mail?
Notorious P.A.T.
@George J.:
Relax, Chief. We’re not saying people who agree with this email are stupid. We just think this email is a little odd, is all.
This Volvo drinking latte driving liburel has had it up to here with the govmunt trying to stop another depression. If I’m depressed then everyne should be depressed.
Bob In Pacifica
My friend in Walpole wrote me: “My sister in law saw him regularly, until the campaign went national, flirting it up with a waitress at a bar near Milton, his home town, the waitress is eating french fries off his plate. I wonder if she could come forward with an eleventh hour affair.”
The french fries eating is a tipoff. Expect another Repub scandal if this guy goes to DC.
@Bob In Pacifica:
For a Repub, that’s not a scandal since neither a dead girl nor live boy were involved.
All kidding aside, ‘eating french fries off of his plate’ is weak beer as far as a scandal is concerned.
Now if she were licking the ketchup off of his ‘french fry’, that’d be different.
@Ecks: Only 2 1/2 years. Its up in 2012.
licensed to kill time
How many lobbyist? Millions of lobbyist!
@Quiddity: Sure, let’s discuss it. ‘Cause, you know, it’s true, http://tbogg.firedoglake.com/2010/01/16/reality-has-a-well-known-liberal-oh-screw-it-dont-these-guys-ever-get-tired-of-being-wrong/
Unless, of course, you’re being intellectually dishonest.
Good news, Republicans! We’re convincing Americans of all ilks that we can convince them of being convinced. But wait, there’s more! Act now and we can convince those who haven’t been convinced that their not being convinced is unconvincing to those who were convinced long ago.
Convinced yet?
Comrade Darkness
@WaterGirl: I thought it self explanatory and could stand alone, which is what I think dougj thought. For a second I thought you may be a troll and I was going to ask if I could pet you.
Bob In Pacifica
Glocksman, we can only hope that there’s a “rest of the story.”
Wine shipment laws are a huge deal. The Supreme Court has even been involved, and in my opinion as well as the opinions of most legal experts who’ve looked at the issue, state laws that ban the direct shipment of wine to consumers across state lines are unconstitutional.
Everybody likes to drag out the “What about the children?” whine, but it’s ridiculous and irrelevant to the actual legal issue at hand. The issue is about states setting unfair advantages for in-state distributors and disadvantaging out-of-state competition. In other words, they don’t give a shit if your 12-year old orders wine from the local distributor who’s bought and paid for your state government. They only give a shit if somebody from another state gets your money.
Besides, there are protections upon protections to keep your 12-year old from getting his hands on shipped wine. I am an adult, and I should be able to purchase a legal, well-regulated product.
This e-mail is only stupid because it assumes this is somehow Coakley’s fault, and if only she’s defeated then all will be well.
Desert Rat
On the positive side, regardless of who wins the elections, the wine dealer just alienated half his customer base.
When we upped the sales tax by 1% in MD and as part of the bill got rid of the sales tax exemption for service gigs, a lot of companies started emailing their client list to complain. Of course, this was an attempt to influence pending legislation (or maybe it was by referendum, I don’t recall) whereas this email is just carrying out a grudge based on something she did a long time ago.