I’ve done something different today. Other than the Weather Channel for a few minutes this morning and about ten minutes of the Andy Griffith Show in the waiting room at the physician’s office, I have not had my tv on once today. I also have kept blog surfing to a minimum. I gotta admit I’m in a pretty good mood.
And because if for no other reason than as an apology for that 900 comment abomination regarding Gruber yesterday, here is a pet rescue story:
The story:
We found Max on petfinder.com, a great way to search multiple adoption sources in a particular area. His name at the Queen Anne’s County shelter was Fletcher, which was the name of the deaf, epileptic (pedigreed) Dalmation we lost the previous year – kismet! Fletcher had been a classic high-maintenance dog, out the door at the crack of dawn or spend some cleanup time on your hands and knees, meds every several hours to keep him from spinning around like a rodeo bull, resting his head on your feet to be sure if you tried to move. So of course we loved him like a special needs child and his loss left a big hole in our lives.
Max turned out to be the best, lowest maintenance dog I’ve ever had. Disposition of a saint (a good one), patience of a shepherd, bladder like a camel’s, healthy for his first seven years (only non-manifested Lyme Disease so far). We adopted Max as our son was entering high school so, for my wife, he’s been the perfect pseudo-replacement for our now-living-on-his-own professional firefighter. She can still dote.
When we flew the empty nest on the Eastern Shore to the mountain west, Max rode in the car with Mom (w/safety harness) while Alpha drove the 22-foot belongings truck. While checking out the local shelter, High Sierra, for possible short-term boarding, we met Clio (then Amanda). She popped up in a window as we were leaving past the cat room – “pick me!” So we took Max in and Cloi came over and did the leg rub on Max like had been feeding her. She’s beautiful and just like Max, sweet and innocent to make your heart smile. Oh, and last spring, the wife flew back east to collect the two little black 14-year-old rescued kitties we left with the boy when we moved. It’s a bit of a zoo but we introduced Tina and Aretha to Cloi very slowly and methodically, as prescribed, and we’re one big pretty entertaining family these days.
I’m off to watch Chuck. You all stay classy.
Now this is the thread I’ve been hoping for.
Amazing how that works out, eh?
Demo Woman
What a sweet story. I’m also watching Chuck and just chilling but I do hope that Mom checks in with news about Abby. I hope that the check-up went okay.
I’m tired, my back is sore, and my head’s all dried out to the point where I feel like I could pick my nose for hours (Damn you adult social conventions!). I hope it’s not the precursor to me getting sick.
Happy MLK Day, Cole, or as Drudge called it… yeesh.
Oh thank god for this thread. The ritual sucide is getting out of hand today.
The Grand Panjandrum
@D-Chance.: Drudge is Drudge.
We visited the Civil Rights Museum (which includes the Lorraine Motel) back in August 2008 on our cross country road trip to New England. Of course, today I thought about that place and I found this snippet of video (via TNC).
BTW, this site has the damnest collection of ads anywhere.
Bottom to top on the left sidebar:
a) penis reduction pills (“enormous johnson”?)
b) a long rifle standing fully erect above that
c) half of a really creepy panting puppy above that… who’s in the line of fire of the rifle.
I did five (5) loads of laundry today, I’m very slowly getting my excess yarn containerized, and I’ve been starving all day because I put a pot roast in the crockpot at 10:30 and it’s been smelling yummy the whole time.
Kittehs are enjoying being allowed into the bedroom now (at least while we’re home) and getting to sprawl out on the Big Couch (aka our bed).
I started turning off the TV more and more. I noticed I had it on more for background noise than anything. Forgot how nice it is to have some quiet at the end of a day and the joy of starting up on the stack of new books I need to read. Having one of the kitties curl up in the lap is a bonus.
Chuck is pretty awesome (no pun intended) tonight.
mr. whipple
Haha. That’s the first time I noticed the ad. I tune them out.
I think if you wanted people to think you had an enormous Johnson, you’d just whip it out and whack them upside the head with it.
I lost one of my babies yesterday (he was 12), he went to sleep and didn’t wake up. He was a good kitteh, always asking for kisses and scritches, always stinky and snuffly, he really was the most sorry excuse for a cat you could ever meet but I loved him like you would not believe. I shall miss him terribly especially in the mornings when he would greet me as I made my tea, but despite my tears I can smile because in his 12 years he had the best life a cat could ever hope to have and I know he was happy.
(for more clicky the linky dinky for the blog about him)
@Litlebritdifrnt: So sorry for your loss.
Yes, perhaps not the most photogenic of cats (wow). But love is indeed blind!
General Winfield Stuck
Well, what do expect after months of three armed Pam Anderson.
Demo Woman
@Litlebritdifrnt: How sad for you but I’m happy that you had the twelve years with him.
I knew I wasn’t the only one who only reads the open theads and animal blogging threads. I’m on holidays and atm even the bj politics theads piss me off too much to pay attention to them. Sheesh.
He really was awful, I would be embarrassed when he went outside and the neighbors saw him, and he always smelled, really, really bad. But despite everything he was my beautiful boy, and I could even stand it when he would ask for a kiss and then as I reached down to smooch him he would sneeze in my face (which he did regularly). Yes he was nasty, but I loved him.
John Cole
@RedKitten: I could watch Glenn Beck for twelve hours if Angie Harmon was also on. RAWWR!
BTW- is it just me, or is Sarah getting hotter and hotter?
@Demo Woman:
Me too. He really lived a charmed life. He lost his eye as a kitten as a result of a nasty flea infestation, he really should have gone then, as it was he enjoyed 12 great years. There are so many stories I could tell about him (covering himself with cooking oil is one, jumping directly into flood waters during Floyd of 99 is another, setting fire to his tail cause he was lying close to the cooktop another), I am overcome with moments of sadness but at the same time I keep remembering the absolutely brilliant times we had, and how absolutely precious he was and I just smile. I suppose I am weird.
I’m so sorry for your loss. I think you can take comfort from the fact that you gave him a happy life and he passed away comfortably in his own home.
@Litlebritdifrnt: A former roommate of mine had a cat somewhat similar to Nelson; stinky, sneezy, sickly, and stunningly slovenly (kitteh dreadlocks + dingleberries = blergh!). But such a sweetie, really.
Comrade Mary
@Litlebritdifrnt: Oh, it’s the goofy, stinky ones who set up shop in our hearts (and make them all stinky, but bigger). It sounds as if he had a swift and painless decline and a gentle death, and a long and lovely life with you for so many years before that. I’m so sorry that you couldn’t have had even more time with him.
@Litlebritdifrnt: Oh god bless. He sounds like he was a wonderful boy.
I just read your post, and am crying, too. I am sooo sorry for your loss — what an adorable darling. The main thing is he knew he was loved.
@John Cole:
I think you hit more than your shoulder…..
@John Cole: I don’t care what you watch but, could you do us a favor?
Stay seated while you do it. Tunch and Lily will thank you too. They need to eat.
Condolences. It never gets any easier, but I always think of the good years given to them, especially the rescues, and especially the less than perfect among them. :)
@Tattoosydney: See, that’s what I should have a done a few weeks ago, instead of getting into it in a political thread then storming off in a snit.
@ thread: What a great story. I found myself walking into an adoption fair at my local Petco this weekend and came home with Chloe, a 14 pound, 9 year old anyone’s guess mixed breed. The shelter thinks Sheltie and Jack Russell.
I walked past her to get to the cat food section. She was sort of cowering under her handlers chair. I stooped down to scritch her head, then kept going. For some reason I paused, looked back and she was straining to the end of her leash to get to me. Not wagging her tail, not barking or whining, just desperately straining toward me. And that was it. I made the token bid for my daughter’s approval, but I’d already made up my mind.
This is her a couple hours after coming home. http://img70.yfrog.com/i/77n.jpg/ This is my cat looking at Chloe with malice (Chloe is in his spot on my chair). http://img131.yfrog.com/i/ts9q.jpg/
I’ve never had a dog bond with me so quickly. She is glued to my side during waking hours, sleeps cuddled next to me under the covers at night. I really couldn’t be happier about my decision, even after being seriously chewed out for leaving her alone all day with the horrible, awful cats when I got home from work tonight.
You better be talking about Sarah from Chuck.
Otherwise, you have become the Percocet.
You Don't Say
@Litlebritdifrnt: I’m sorry about your kitty. I think he’s handsome.
I lost one of my cats this past Christmas day. Same story, he didn’t come for food and I knew something was wrong. Jean Luc was about 13, but had had two chronic conditions so lived longer than expected. (John Cole featured him and my other cat Duncan in a pet adoption story about two months ago.) I miss him, and I’m sure you miss Nelson. Sounds like you gave Nelson a Very Good Life.
It’s that ‘contract with the devil’ thing.
Sorry about the loss of your Nelson. It sounds like he had a great life. Kudos to you for giving him that.
General Winfield Stuck
@Litlebritdifrnt: sorry for your loss litlebritdifrnt!
@debit: Such a cutie, the cat has the evil eye out. You can ward it with tuna.
@General Winfield Stuck:
Daily kisses to our Charlie. So has he taken the car or is he playing with the remote deciding what to watch tonight (hopefully, something other than what happening in MA) :))
Thank you all for the kind thoughts. I am trying to be sad, I really am, but I just keep thinking about how long he lived (when he really shouldn’t have) and what a great life he had for a cat. I know it sounds weird, but in this case (I am usually a basket case when I lose one of my babies) I am so utterly calm about it cause I know he would not have lived even a year without my care and attention, and I know he would have died a miserable death without me. As it is, he simply chose one of his favorite spots (the futon) went to sleep and didn’t wake up, he was warm, he was comfy, he was well fed and he was happy. You cannot ask for more than that.
What a great adoption story, and what a great description:
It’s a bit of a zoo but […] we’re one big pretty entertaining family these days.
Spectacular. The way it otta be.
Just picked up our latest rescue addition today; she was trucked in from Nebraska. So, we’re 2 Aussies, 5 Border Collies, and one Borzoi (aka Russian Wolfhound). Just to keep it interesting. Seven herders and a sight hound. There might be a book in this.
@jeffreyw: Heh. The cat outweighs the dog by 4 pounds and knows it. And the dog knows it. Hence the baby gates to keep the dog in the kitchen and protected from the cats when I’m at work.
Hell, I couldn’t ask for more than that. Er, in about 50 years or so, that is.
Someone we know has a brace of Borzois, striking dogs. And from what I’ve seen, very low-key. I’ve always been partial to the herding dogs myself, but they can be handful.
Litlebritdifrnt, typically I read a thread before I comment. Whenever I don’t, I wish I had. Apologies for my poor manners. I don’t need to crow about an addition to my pack, within hours of your loss. I’m sorry your special friend is gone. May he live long tucked underneath your heart.
RIP Nelson.
I always tear up when I read about the Rainbow Bridge. My ex introduced me to the concept years ago and it stuck with me.
@jacy: I spent the day babysitting 4 of ’em while the owner – who is the local rep for the National Borzoi Rescue Foundation spent the day driving to pick her up. Yes, herders can be very high energy – but after 12 hours with her 4, I can honestly say I’m exhausted. They can be extremely playful… and, jeeze, they can jump higher than my head?!?!? Granted, I’m not very tall, but sheesh. I’ll given ’em this though, when they sack out, they really do collapse. Our Borders position themselves between us and the door – just in case – and sleep with one eye open.
@Litlebritdifrnt: It sounds like he was a great boy who had a great life. It’s always the stinkers who seem to worm the deepest into our hearts, isn’t it?
Today Lolcats posted a video about a kitty rescue that’s pretty cool.
I’m glad that your cat had such a happy life and went out so peacefully. He was a lucky cat.
Absolutely no need to apologize, I am delighted that you have adopted a new member of your family, it warms my heart to know that another special animal will have a good home.
@bystander: I love sight hounds. Had an Afghan Hound long ago and always wanted a Borzoi but never found a local breeder I liked. Then I got cats and a sight hound was out of the question.
So… got pictures?
@debit: There is a great dane across the street from me, she is called Nelly. She is an absolute delight, and occasionally her toddler “enabler” Calvin will open the front door and allow her free roam of the front yard, at which point my boxers go nuts, I will go out and say to her “Nelly, now you know you should not be out” and she will bow her head, and dutifully walk back in the front door. She is precious.
@debit: Not yet. Badly needs a bath. And, this critter don’t fit in a conventional mop sink. ;-)
Afghan hounds have got to be a professional groomer’s dream in terms of job security. Gosh they’re graceful, and nearly ethereal with all that silky hair. And, when they move out! Wow! Went to the Grand National Lure Coursing event in Falcon, CO last fall. You’re right. Cats and sight hounds don’t seem like the best mix. Maybe if raised together as babies? Dunno. I probably wouldn’t be brave enough, or determined, or optimistic enough enough to try it.
Sorry, I know there’s supposed to be no politics, but the Tweety/Tom Joyner thing could be a hoot. Just five minutes in and Joyner’s verbally punched Tweety in the groinal-crotchal region three times already.
Heh, indeedy.
Marginally on topic: my mother’s cat Josephine. Don’t let that sweet floof fool you. She tried to eat Jack…
@BGK: I’m watching it too.
I need some pro-Obama programming tonight and I love Melissa Harris-Lacewell.
I also like Chris.
@John Cole:
Angie Harmon is definitely very attractive. She has that Jennifer Connolly-esque, cerebral brunette thing going on. Great cheekbones. The type of woman you would imagine owns absurdly expensive, tasteful and gorgeous lingerie.
And yes, everybody, he means Sarah from Chuck. And she is lovely. She’s in my husband’s “Permitted celebrity flings” list.
I enjoy Chuck because it’s just such a goddamn FUN show, and mainly for Adam Baldwin, although I will never complain during the shirtless Awesome scenes, thank you very much.
We should all be so lucky to say goodbye to this world in such a fashion. He was very, very, very lucky to have you.
@bystander: Generally dogs and cats don’t mix unless they are raised together, my dogs and cats have always grown up together at some stage each with the other, they therefore get along, however in a strange development my dogs are fine with the cats when they are in the house and tolerate my cats when they are out on the front lawn, however if perchance a “strange” cat walks across the yard the dogs go absolutely and utterly bananas, I do not know how they “know” through a window, several feet away, that a tabby cat is not “one of their tabby cats” but they do and they react accordingly.
@RedKitten: Thanks. I knew it, but I needed that, if you know what I mean.
Such a great pet rescue story! Sweet things, both of them. And Chloe- what a pretty girl! Her face is a little like my Mayzie, who we think is Jack Russell/sheltie as well, but her coloring is more sheltie. (black tri-color) I’m so happy for both of you!
@Litlebrit- so sorry about your kitteh, but I am glad for you that his decline was pain-free. He was a lucky boy- I’m sure he felt lucky to have found you.
I have 3 cats and a dog (my elderly, stinky Jasper) on the sofa right now. None of them are currently on the laptop, so my typos can only be blamed on me.
Heh, every time I look at this pic I think “OMG! He assploded!”
@jeffreyw: Oh my goodness that’s quite hysterical!
As I write this in bed, I am wedged between Scully, the Cavalier King Charles from Tipperary, and Charles the black cat, who was found as a kitten by a fried of mine, literally in the middle of rush hour traffic on Broadway and 63rd st. across from Lincoln Center. He scooped her up in his palm, took her home and held her under the faucet and waited as the water turned from pure black to clear. This dirty little bugger became the most confident and fearless of my three cats. At night, like now, she and Scully double time me, one on each side, squeezing in on me, dead to the world as I type. UMM, what a lucky bastard I am!
I had a boyfriend right out of high school whose family had four dogs, including two Borzois. The Borzois were absolutely convinced that they were lap dogs, which made watching TV a little tricky.
Something Fabulous
@Litlebritdifrnt: I read you blog and looked at his pictures. He sounds like a great boy. What a lovely thing, to have had such a bond. So glad you are not too sad. (and your pictures of your garden coming back to life are all quite stunning!)
@jeffreyw: Just out of curiosity, what IS your wife doing to that poor beast?
@Tattoosydney: You realize of course the big question on everyone’s mind is where in the world are you right now? Okay by everyone I mean me but still fess up good sir!
@Yutsano: Knitting him some new guts? LOL
@John Cole: Even to this day Angie Harmon was my favorite DA on Law & Order. I think they cut her loose way too soon. I forget what show she’s on now?
Comrade Kevin
@Yutsano: The last thing she was on was this James Patterson thing that I think was a victim of the writers’ strike a couple of years ago.
Ohh Lordy, Texas is 40 seconds away from losing at K-State, which will leave a certain Lexington, Kentucky based criminal enterprise as the last remaining unbeaten. Gen. Stuck will be insufferable.
@Litlebritdifrnt: I am so sorry for your loss. The usual comforting phrase – “You gave him a terrific life” – is doubly true in this case: you absolutely gave him a terrific life that he would not have otherwise had. And as deaths go, that was a good one: he died in his own place, in his own space, where he felt safe and loved.
Anne Laurie
@Litlebritdifrnt: I’m so sorry for your loss. Nelson’s next life may be as a gorgeous perfect male model (of whatever species) but I’m sure he won’t be any more loved than he was in this one.
@Comrade Kevin: I SWEAR one upside and down the other she was on a TV show the other night. It’s possible she was just guest starring but I know those cheekbones well. Though honestly what does it for me is the voice. Smoky contralto with a sight Texas twang. It would almost be enough to make me switch. Not really though, I’ll take her husband any day though.
@Anne Laurie: If the cat is lucky (and cats are lucky like that) in his next life he’ll get loved by Lilbrit again.
When my time comes, I hope to be so lucky.
I am sorry for your loss, but very glad for the 12 years the two of you had.
Jon really hit the nail on the head on the opening segment of The Daily Show tonight. If you missed it see it on the web page.
It is truly must see tv for any Dem’s.
Just proof positive that the Dem’s can’t govern.
Great thread, good pet stories and pictures… good to relax with before going to bed.
General Winfield Stuck
@burnspbesq: Did I mention that Kentucky is now the only unbeaten team in Div. 1 college basketball. Just an update. I like to be helpful and keep folks informed.:-)
Anne Laurie
@debit: Oh, my goodness, how wonderful that you and Chloe found each other! (And kudos for taking on an older dog, when so many people worry about giving their hearts on a short-term lease.) Hope you all (including the aggrieved cats) have many happy years together.
@burnspbesq: All’s I can say is you called it my good gentleman. I guess we’ll have to put up with him until the Cats experience the agony of defeat. Hopefully sooner rather than later.
Sentient Puddle
@John Cole:
John, be careful what you wish for. She says she would support a Palin run in 2012 (warning: Fox News link). And if Fox News will give a platform to Jon Voight, would it not follow that they’d get a hot actress to spout off as well?
Anne Laurie
… if they let you have writing materials in the asylum! You are a brave & generous person. And at least the Borzoi gives you an excuse when your fellow herding-breed fanatics try to convince you to give your dogs their very own flock (ducks, at least, if not sheep).
I’m so sorry, but like everyone else said, at least you have the comfort of knowing he had a great life with you that he wouldn’t have otherwise had.
As Yutsano said, don’t be surprised if Nelson turns up again in some form. When Charlotte appeared (G found her under a car in the parking lot at work), it only took a few days before we realized what she really was: our late cat Boris’ revenge on Keaton. Boris loved Keaton, but he didn’t love Keaton constantly pouncing on him. I swear we can hear Boris egging her on sometimes. ;-)
litlebrit–I’ve said goodby to enough kitties to know how hard it is. I’m glad your kitty had a happy life.
I volunteer at a dog rescue and I never get tired of the happy endings. Today was one. A little old pitbull lady, fat little thing with a face white from age, who lived most of her life in the woods baring litter after litter got adopted on Saturday. She went home with a retired gentleman who said he wanted a dog that would sit on the couch and watch TV with him. He dropped by today to say how happy he was–he is in love with his dog! After a long hard life sweet old Nala will be cherished and a lonely man has company. I get teared up thinking about it.
freelancer (itouch)
I carry a torch for Jill Hennessy myself. Then again, I’m smitten by cute pixie-ish ubernerds.
@freelancer (itouch): Jill is very cute I agree. plus very Irish, not to mention a helluva singer. She’s a very talented one, I’m hoping she gets a new vehicle after Crossing Jordan.
Comrade Mary
You know that Jill is a twin, right?
@Comrade Mary: I think Freelancer needs a towel now.
going to bed — william fichtner film festival on the dvr tonight, an anodyne for all the crazy in world for me.
My rescue kids– bismarck, delphi, fate, serena, spike, and wilson — say goodnight, and thank you for all those whose rescue unwanted critters. Sleep well, all, and a better tomorrrow.
And speaking of the hawt — Simon Baker is like a combination of a sunset and a basketful of puppies — makes me unashamed to watch CBS.
Smooches to all BJers.
Jacy +6
Aw, I love the adoption story that headlines this thread. So sweet. Does my heart good to see an animal adoption thread.
@Litlebritdifrnt: Your Nelson was a beauty, regardless of physical imperfections. Thank you for giving him twelve wonderful years. I am sorry for your loss, and I am glad you are comforted by knowing you loved him well.
@debit: Aw! Chloe is a cutie, and I looooove the black cat giving her the evil glare.
@BGK: Josephine is adorable! I refuse to believe she tried to do anything malicious towards Jack. She was probably just loving him.
gbear, that was a great video. Exactly what I needed.
bystander, congrats on the new addition to your home!
@asiangrrlMN: I’m just appreciative of getting away from the radioactive threads down below. What happens tomorrow happens tomorrow and unless we live in Mass. we can’t do much about it. I hate to sound fatalistic but there it is.
@Yutsano: I have skipped checking in on the bottom threads. I just don’t have the stomach or the heart. And, you are correct about tomorrow. I wish I had faith that the good people of Mass. will do the right thing, but I don’t. How are you?
@asiangrrlMN: I’m doing all right, there is the slight possibility I might be ratting out a co-worker for being a complete fuck-up tomorrow that might cost him his job. I’m not really looking forward to it but if this is how he’s going to act unsupervised (walking all over the center, taking extended breaks & lunches) then either someone does something about it or else they may be down a few staffers, me included. It sounds a bit petty but tonight was just too damn blatant for me to ignore it.
Otherwise I’m doing pretty good. Oh I find out if I get to do jury service Friday night. Woot.
@Yutsano: It’s not petty. It’s infuriating, and you are well within your rights to address the problem.
Jury duty: I never want to be tried by a jury of my peers after having experienced being questioned as part of a jury pool. Never.
As it is, he simply chose one of his favorite spots (the futon) went to sleep and didn’t wake up, he was warm, he was comfy, he was well fed and he was happy. You cannot ask for more than that.
This really is all any living thing needs. It’s a privilege to receive this. And it’s as much of a privilege to be able to provide it. Glad you could provide all that for Nelson, it sounds like you both got the best end of the deal, always a good thing.
@asiangrrlMN: I am all about a magistrate trial. I’d rather put it in front of a judge than 12 random joiks off the street. Of course I’ve never been arrested so there’s that. Plus it’s a federal jury so they pay better.
The only thing holding me back is the fact that it will get back to me as the person who said something. My workplace isn’t the best on discretionary matters like this. My only saving grace is the individual in question doesn’t work tomorrow. I really think I should just put in my two weeks now then when they ask me why tell them frankly that I just can’t put up with this individual and his antics. That might get some attention.
@Yutsano: I am with you on the magistrate judge. The way the jury is picked is frightening, to say the least.
As for your job: do it! Put in your two weeks! Stir up some shit, and then get the hell out of dodge (as long as you have something else lined up first, of course). I hate office politics.
OK. I am out of here. Talk to you on the flip side.
Remember November
We got Montana thru PF. Wife saw a pic of his smiling face and we got him. We had to send letters of reference to the rescue group- and he went through a few months of heartworm treatment but he was worth it- he’s a cuddly ball of collie/golden energy. Had his first trip to the beach this weekend with his older bro.