The thousand injuries of the Red Sox I had borne as I best could, but when Curt Schilling ventured upon politics, I vowed revenge. If Scott Brown wins tomorrow, I am no longer a Red Sox fan.
Consider this an open thread.
by DougJ| 98 Comments
This post is in: Sports, Assholes, Good News For Conservatives
The thousand injuries of the Red Sox I had borne as I best could, but when Curt Schilling ventured upon politics, I vowed revenge. If Scott Brown wins tomorrow, I am no longer a Red Sox fan.
Consider this an open thread.
Comments are closed.
The Grand Panjandrum
C’mon Doug the only real smear in this campaign was upon Yankees fans … Curt is a Yankees fan? For shame, Martha! For that reason alone she should lose.
Dude – I’m still a Bills fan. I mean come on.
(I had color, full newspaper page images of The Juice on my wall for years when I was a kid.)
Here’s an extremely depressing report from the Washington Post
I’m sure this sixty-five year old, uniquely American voter has great insurance from her two jobs slinging hash, and won’t be at all relying on the Medicare program she has such a firm grasp of. No wonder she’s voting for tax-cuts for the people who fired her from her desk job.
No offense, Cathy, but you are why I’m a proud elitist.
I had color, full newspaper page images of The Juice on my wall for years when I was a kid.
At this point, the bloody sock bugs me more than the bloody glove.
General Winfield Stuck
Well, I’m a Reds fan and don’t have much use for the American League, cept to beat them in World Series. That said, I hate the Yankees with a passion and the Mets more than that. So by defacto, I guess I’m a Red Sox fan, abeit never in the WS.
I would be root for Herpes if they played the MFY’s.
But Curt Shilling is a caustic wingnut turd, so sayeth we all.
Why were you ever a Red Sox fan? A little bird just told me that if Brown wins tomorrow, the Red Sox will not win another world series until the last of his voters has passed on to the great beyond.
Go Yankees!!!
Now, now, DougJ. There’s no need to go that far, is there? I mean, casting off sports loyalties in the name of politics? Boy, do you have your priorities backwards.
@Jim: Sadly, I have a friend in Mass whose female friends are all voting for Brown because they ‘just don’t like Coakley’ and because they think Brown is cute. Ugh.
@lamh31: True that. Thank you for reminding me.
I know to right now MA and Haiti is the big stories today, but today is also a day of remembrance for me and mine as well, I know it kinda an afterthought to some…but still it’s worth a mention and a little reflection…right!
Longevity Has Its Purposes..Remembering Dr Martin Luther King Jr.
I always like the Casque of Amontiallado ( I know it’s spelled wrong). It was one of my favorite short stories.
Um, what about the – you know – bloody woman and man?
I always like the Casque of Amontiallado ( I know it’s spelled wrong). It was one of my favorite short stories.
I like Poe a lot.
I was just thinking that a lot of the anti-Coakley sentiment is because she’s a woman, even from women. She’s not warm, motherly, likeable whatever-the-fuck people mean when they talk about this shit. I am feeling very frustrated with my country. Again.
Isn’t this like all those female democrats interviewed by the media who would be voting for Palin because she had female bits? I really don’t know how this will turn out but the reports from the ground and the people who I trust on reading dynamics is encouraging. The media is now dancing for Brown just like they did for Hoffman. We’ll know tomorrow no?
Laura W
I don’t get the title.
Can anyone explain what’s going on at
Brown is a 5:2 FAVORITE over Coakley for God’s sake.
I don’t believe it for a second. What gives?
Davis X. Machina
Oh, crap. Cleek has unleashed a Poe filter, too.
General Winfield Stuck
@DougJ: Big O’Henry fan. Ransom of Red Chief, best SS ever imo.
Sentient Puddle
Don’t take Intrade seriously.
@Jim: Yeah, I think this might be true. It frustrates the hell out of me (as someone who is not a very womanly-like woman myself) that women can still be such damn harpies towards other women for whatever reason.
And, Dave Stewart incorporating MLK for an Obama video. I know it’s old, but I don’t care.
@DougJ: I love Poe, surprise, surprise.
@LT: Bills fans of the world, unite. All six of us.
area man
I won’t apologize for being a Red Sox fan as I never recall ever being given much of a choice. My earliest acquaintance with soul-crushing disappointment was at 8 years old watching Bucky “Fucking” Dent hit that homerun and seeing Yaz’s shoulders slump. Over the years that feeling has become so intermingled with my history as a liberal voter that I can’t even pick them apart anymore.
I know it’s oft posted but Mencken sure did nail it:
“Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.”
Courage, mes amis!
In other news it’s raining so hard and the wind is so vicious here in So-Cal that one gust literally shook our building here at work.
Nate did a post a long time ago on how Intrade seemed suspicious to him and the trades were being driven by one or tow individuals in political contracts. I think Intrade reflects the CW no?
Tax Analyst
I USED to feel sorry for the Red Sox, especially after the Billy Bucks play against the Mets. But they have totally cured me and now I would almost prefer ANYBODY win other than them. Well, maybe not the Yankees.
OH…any brave and courageous he may be, Curt Schilling’s political preferences should have absolutely zero relevance to any sentient human being. Someone should dismantle the platform he uses to spew them out from, or at least move it out of everybody else’s way.
Can’t Schilling just move back to Arizona? We only rooted for the laundry, you fat douchewaddle.
oh and WRT the coakley “gaff” about schilling, maybe she meant it as…you know…an insult to schilling? I mean c’mon that’s insider stuff that most people in MA would pick up on. It’s like saying “Your mother was a hamster and your father smells of elderberries” to a monty python fan.
I think progressive sports fans have to keep a firewall in their brains and souls between politics and the players they root for. Randian greed-heads and bible-thumpers, most of ’em.
I can’t handle this Scott Brown stuff.
He’s from my town and I know people are going to vote for him just because of that.
“Open thread” means “open thread,” right? One can talk about anything, right?
So, I’m going to try something again for which I got almost no love this morning — but which, to my mind, was perfect for this crowd! I’ll give it another shot.
A gift for my Balloon Juice pals, on this federal holiday:
“[The] prevalent tendency toward softmindedness is found in man’s unbelievable gullibility… seen in the tendency of many readers to accept the printed word of the press as final truth. Few people realize that even our authentic channels of information—the press, the platform, and in many instances the pulpit—do not give us objective and unbiased truth. Few people have the toughness of mind to judge critically and to discern the true from the false, the fact from the fiction. Our minds are constantly being invaded by legions of half-truths, prejudices, and false facts. One of the great needs of mankind is to be lifted above the morass of false propaganda.” [emphasis mine]
This quote is from Martin Luther King’s Strength to Love. The book was published in 1963, but if I understand its chronology correctly, the sermon from which that passage is taken was written in about 1955.
There is nothing new under the sun, and Dr. King had us pegged more ways than we even know anymore.
@Jim: This is actually true for me. I have to disregard so much of the shit that goes along with sports in order to actually enjoy them. And, to be honest, I have watched less and less as the years go by. It really isn’t easy to be somewhat of a progressive and love sports.
@ellaesther: Wow. Talk about speaking to the truth way before his time. Dr. King sure knew of which he spoke, didn’t he?
Schilling I knew to be a jerk, but I was crushed to see that Doug Flutie is also aboard the Wingnut Express.
@Sentient Puddle: Good advice. Although, right now Intrade is giving Coakley better odds (28-70) than the default 538 model (25-75). But no one really knows how to interpret polls during a special election, so who knows what’s really going on.
Tax Analyst
@ #22 Dreggas:
So at least some good would come out of that horrible defeat.
Chad N Freude
@asiangrrlMN: So who’s cuter, Brown or Palin?
@asiangrrlMN: There was a study done that showed women were more likely to be critical of female candidates than men were. It was done before the ’08 primaries and I wish I could remember more about it because it did ring true for me.
Sentient Puddle
Pretty much. You’d think that this sort of mindset would have gone out the window after that whole “Dems can’t take back the Senate” crap, or at least after ’08 proved every vestige of CW wrong. But no. The news cycles are still incredibly important to Intrade, and for that reason, there’s no good reason to rely on it as an indicator.
By the way, I was unaware of the fact that Nate did a post on it, but I searched and found it. As is typical, a good read.
And speaking of Nate and election indicators, the scenarios he gamed out are about all you need right now.
@Tax Analyst: Yep, me too. I felt for Sox fans until they won the Series and became every bit as obnoxious as Yankees fans.
Shit. On. Me.
I have spent countless hours defending that fucking midget, trashing Rob Johnson and Wade Phillips up one side and down the other, and he’s a winger?
@Chad N Freude: Now you’re just baiting me, aren’t you? Neither. Ugh.
@beltane: I would completely believe it. Women have always been very critical of other women, unfortunately. It’s part of the mean girl syndrome, and we tend to let men get away with shit more than we do other women.
hmmmm…… Chuck Todd is speculating/predicting that Scott Brown could win by as many as ten points, which will be a clear and strong rebuke of Obama’s agenda by the country as a whole, in this off year election in Massachusetts.
This is the most optimistic I have felt about the MA race in a week.
Lisa K.
As one Red Sox fan to another-Curt Schilling is the blowhard to end all blowhards. While I will love him forever for the bloody sock, if I never heard him open his mouth again it would be far too soon.
The Red Sox transcend Schilling. Don’t let that asshole take away ALL your joy.
Sentient Puddle
@MikeF: And in response to this, I think the default model includes that Brown +15 poll that nobody takes seriously. Might be wrong on it, but until we get a new post up, I’d take that 75-25 split with a grain of salt.
@Gus: I believe you meant to say more obnoxious. Sox fans pretty much invented the concept of the “sore winner”.
Tax Analyst
@#27 Jim
@Lisa: You know that was ketchup, right?
Oh, and Flutie’s a winger? I’ve logged at least a hundred hours defending that damned midget and trashing Wade Phillips and Rob Johnson. And he’s a winger? Damn it all to hell.
Chad N Freude
I, too, am an admirer of Poe (one of the Poe folk, I suppose). Were you aware that Poe anticipated the existence of Rush Limbaugh?
Lisa K.
@Laura W:
Dan Shaughnessy hates Curt Schilling, and vice versa.
@Toast: Well, he endorses Scott Brown. Here is the Google search results. I didn’t have the heart to link to an actual site.
@Chad N Freude: Damn you Chad N Freude! How apt your name, cruel sir, how apt!
Lisa K.
*I* do not care if it was strawberry jam. It did the job, didn’t it?
Chad N Freude
@asiangrrlMN: You should know by now that I am master at baiting.
How stupid is this:
Anybody every heard of the Sepoy Mutany?
@Tax Analyst:
So much for your so-called Climate Change! Suck on it, fatty!
/fucktard AM radio listener aka “a great american”.
@Tax Analyst:
Driving in on the 55 wasn’t too bad this morning given that it’s a fed holiday, so holiday lite when it comes to traffic. Going home i expect to be another story.
It’s pouring here and no sign of letting up any time soon and the wind has been hellacious.
I’m not a Cowboys fan, but I sort of like Romo, and I figured if Ta-Nehisi likes them they’re not all bad.
After seeing this I wanted nothing more than for them to get creamed Sunday.
Now, I’m not a big Scott Brown fan…
@Kobie: Right on.
(And Go Lancaster!)
@Jim: What does Bill Kristol have to say? That is what matters most.
area man
Thanks for posting that, ellaesther. Too true. Listening to some of Dr. King’s speeches today on the radio I was struck by how much of what he talks about is off limits in today’s media landscape. He repeatedly called out the military-industrial complex. These days hinting at the merest reservations about the “Moar War 4-evah!” philosophy instantly confers DFH status and reveals one as a deeply unserious person. Hell, in one of the speeches I listened to today he actually proposed a national minimum income for every citizen. Can you imagine how a-quiver that would set George Will’s nostrils if some national figure proposed that today? Gaming the refs sure has worked wonders for the conservative movement in this country.
“Not even God would bet on the Bills.”
-Det. Meldrick Lewis
Flutie? Damn. 9I think I still have a box of Flutie Flakes somewhere.)
@ellaesther: Sigh. Still no love….
Ok, BJ, I tried to give you a present! I’ll just take it back to the imaginary Quote Store from which I bought it in my imagination, if you don’t want it.
Also, just to be on-topic a smidge, this whole election in Massachusetts has me so fucking nervous that I can barely even think about it.
I still don’t understand the thing.
Shouldn’t we be loading up on Coakley at nearly 2 1/2 to 1?
Or is there a legitimate betting house that offers realistic odds? Wouldn’t one want to protect one’s Coakley bet with an even money one on Brown, the true odds? I figure you can’t lose.
@Toast: There’s no way Flutie doesn’t play the playoffs. Just wrong.
Chad N Freude
@Tax Analyst:
It is necessary to do this in bad weather to obtain a CA driver’s license.
Fun fact: When it rains hard after a period of no rain, oil, and maybe other petroleum products, dripped from cars into grooves and pits in the pavement of the freeways rise to the driving surface, making the freeways a lot like high-speed Disneyland thrill rides.
@Chad N Freude:
Disneyland doesn’t have high-speed thrill rides, if they did i might go again :P.
Chad N Freude
@ellaesther: My apologies. I have been so busy pretending to be humorous on various threads today that I did not take the time to respond to your MLK quote. It’s an eloquent statement of an immutable law of nature, and I thank you (twice) for posting it.
Charlie Pierce on Brown, Schilling and Flutie:
I wish his blog had more politics.
Well, I liked it. MLK seemed to figure stuff out pretty good.
Chad N Freude
@Dreggas: OK, Magic Mountain then. Are you trying to out-pedant me?
“Not even God would bet on the Bills.”-Det. Meldrick Lewis
“I couldn’t find my own behind with a map and a three day headstart.”
–Det. Meldrick Lewis
I love the guy. Better than Bunk, IMHO.
And better than the newspaper guy in Season 5. (I’m not sure which is a better comparison — Bunk is the same character, newspaper guy the same actor).
Sentient Puddle
OK, so Nate just posted his numbers, and like I expect, he kept CrossTarget (that firm that had the Brown +15 number, as well as another one with its finger on the scale). So yeah, I don’t buy the 3:1 odds. And I’m going to call it now: There’s no way in hell Brown can win by double digits.
I hope Nate follows up with some rejiggering of the numbers like he did the last post I linked.
@Chad N Freude:
What I remember about driving in L.A. in the rain (besides the fact that my 65 VW convertible would fill up with water like a bathtub until a boyfriend shot a hole in the floor) was that everyone went insane. Right turns from the left lane, running red lights, trying to defy not only all traffic laws but laws of physics as well. Just freaked out because there was this WET stuff all over — they were like, OMG!
Chad N Freude
@Svensker: Nononononono! That is normal SoCal driving behavior. Down here, red lights are suggestions. And turns from any lane always begin with a quick lurch in the direction opposite the turn direction, presumably to let other drivers know that it is not safe to pass a turning car.
@Chad N Freude:
Oddly enough, a news story about Poe today.
From the Poe folks at home.
Chad N Freude
@Brachiator: Thanks for that. We should go out and wall somebody up, at least a cat, in honor of his birthday.
Not only a somber expression, but considerably thinner and somewhat haggard features.
@Chad N Freude:
no i was actually being serious LOL
Chad N Freude
@Dreggas: Pedantry is serious business.
Chad N Freude
OMG. It has stopped raining and the sun has broken through! All of those donations to Pat Robertson have worked! Hallelujah!
@Chad N Freude: Waiting for someone to confuse that with “pederastery” again lol.
@Kobie: Only if u r doin it rong.
Good lord, I completely missed asiangrrl and area man! I’m very sorry!
And also Chad N Freude and Svensker: Yay! Pouting worked, too! (Please don’t tell my kids).
I’m reading the book that passage is from and it’s just so amazing. I thought I knew a little bit about the man, and I did, but I knew about him, I hadn’t read him . He was so young when he started his work (I think that when he wrote the above he was somewhere in the vicinity of 26 years old) — it just slays me.
If Dr. King had not been taken from us, what would he have achieved? I feel like I’m just now beginning to understand the enormity of our loss.
Comrade Kevin
I see that Schilling and Flute have weighed in. Has anybody checked in with Tom Brady yet?
@ellaesther: et al., people whitewash King’s political evolution. He became more radical later on in the ’60s.
Chad N Freude
@Kobie: Been done. see this. It’s another BJ tradition.
Edit: Sorry, I missed “again” in your comment. The rain made me do it. Is “pederastery” the GWBush spelling?
@arguingwithsignposts: Hell. YEAH.
That’s why, when ignoramuses talk about how King was really Republican, or “he was really one of us”, I laugh in their faces.
Chad N Freude
Perhaps a different verb is in order here.
Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. I will continue to love what Curt Chilling did for the Red Sox despite the fact that I despise his political views.
Keep in mind that former Red Sox pitcher Bill Lee is a progressive.
arguingwithsignposts, ellaesther, Chad N Freude
History professor Peniel Joseph discussed Martin Luther King’s progressive politics on BookTV’s After Words program in an interview about his new book “Dark Days, Bright Nights: From Black Power to Barack Obama”
@Chad N Freude:
Fuck it i am still building a boat.
@arguingwithsignposts: I did not know this. Cool.
@ellaesther: I was gonna say, what am I, chopped liver?
@gwangung: They no can haz him. Harumph.
Chad N Freude
@Dreggas: You’re a real Noah ‘tall.
chrome agnomen
major league sport players are lifelong-pampered, insulated from real life, vastly overpaid performers. no one can be surprised that they will be predominately conservative. they have their own chapter in the best-seller IGMFU.
@Chad N Freude:
hope you’re a good swimmer :P
I’m so sad Flutie’s a winger. I used to love him, but that’s enough for me to know he’s either evil or really dumb. Either way, another fallen hero.
If Schilling’s efforts grant victory to the nihilists, then may every team that ever gave him money know nothing but misery and failure until every ballpark he ever called home returns to the ground from whence it came.
wait, people listen to schilling? i thought we just tolerated the blabbering cause he was a good pitcher, and now that he’s retired, we were ignoring him and encouraging him to spend more time running his video game company.
no one ever actually listened to him, did they?
also, if he fucks up healthcare reform, will that affect the value of his autograph? cause i’ve got his sig from when he was in the minors.
@twiffer: Thanks for reminding me that I still haven’t gotten around to microwaving the High Heat CD that had him on the cover. One more thing to add to my to-do list…