A disciplined, fanatical minority making their country ungovernable during a crisis has a proven track record as a path to power. Just sayin’.
by Tim F| 24 Comments
This post is in: Assholes
by Tim F| 24 Comments
This post is in: Assholes
A disciplined, fanatical minority making their country ungovernable during a crisis has a proven track record as a path to power. Just sayin’.
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Unfortunately, I made the mistake on my drive home this afternoon of listening to that asshole Lynn Samuel on Sirius. It’s the end of the world, you know. And it’s all Obama’s fault.
Revenge of the PUMA’s.
El Cid
Via Research 2000 polling.
@El Cid:
Nobody likes a pussy. In the figurative sense, anyway.
Paul in KY
Worked for the Bolsheviks…
Eric U.
I’m trying to figure out what sort of crisis will shake loose enough republicans so that the government can work again. There was a time where a significant number of republicans were reasonable people. Now that number has effectively been reduced to zero. I hope a new party shows up and leaves the 20% of batshit insane republicans behind. I’m not confident that will happen though.
thomas Levenson
@Paul in KY: I believe Tim is referring to this.
If he’s not, he could be.
“The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity.” – WB Yeats “The Second Coming”
You’re right about determined minorities gaining power through obstruction and paralysis.
Has this road to power ever led to anything but disaster?
I am seriously depressed. I called my rep. and told him to suck it up and vote for the bill. But now Labor has officially come out against it. They are definitely being short-sighted. Progressives can’t get their act together. I need health care reform because I am disabled. It seems like too many of the people controlling this debate don’t have any need for health care.
Re: Hitler?
Say what you will about the tenants of nihilism, dude, at least it’s an ethos.
Tom Hilton
@El Cid: I saw that poll. Un-be-fucking-lievable: people who want Democrats to oppose Republican policies voted for a guy who will make it even harder for Democrats to oppose Republican policies. It’s times like this that I think the human race is too fucking stupid to live.
Edit: and by the way, in light of that poll, who really thinks all that toxic Firebagger shit was harmless?
Not all labor, I just read that Andy Stern has signed on for “vote it now, fix it later”
At this point, I think the previously discussed political violence needs to happen. We are represented by ethical wimps or members of a messiah death cult. That’s a recipe for nothing. So, the people need to settle it. Have a nice little dust-up, crack some skulls, and when it’s all over (and the professional politicians fear the people again), then maybe some governing can happen.
Col. Klink
I saw Sarah Palin giving a speech at a beer hall last night, an I hear she’s got a new book in the works being transcribed by Glenn Beck. We’re all Weimar Kenyans now.
@Tom Hilton:
You are correct in that thought — at least as to such humans who populate this clusterfucked country.
They have forfeited their right for me to care what happens to them.
Chris Andersen
@Tom Hilton:
That just proves that voters are no more intelligent then their representatives (see Barney Frank).
Shit. Do any of the people controlling this debate have any need for health care?
Speak for yourself. Figurative or literal, I like it.
Of course I’m not talking about those pansy Dems in pants.
@Tom Hilton: This was my favorite thing I saw on the Boston Globe’s Web site yesterday:
Deval Patrick is the governor of Massachusetts. That’s right — this guy voted to send a conservative state senator to the federal Senate because he thought that would reduce state spending and state taxes.
There need to be remedial civics classes outside voting booths, I swear.
@El Cid:
An unbelievably nutty way to say “not progressive enough”.
George Bush is still not the president any more. We have reason for hope.