The new softer, cuddlier Taliban:
The Taliban have embarked on a sophisticated information war, using modern media tools as well as some old-fashioned ones, to soften their image and win favor with local Afghans as they try to counter the Americans’ new campaign to win Afghan hearts and minds.
The Taliban’s spiritual leader, Mullah Muhammad Omar, issued a lengthy directive late last spring outlining a new code of conduct for the Taliban. The dictates include bans on suicide bombings against civilians, burning down schools, or cutting off ears, lips and tongues.
We’ll know for sure they are serious about working on their image if they try to change their name to Xe.
They already have a very sophisticated media outlet,
it’s called FOX News!
General Winfield Stuck
what a bunch of sweet hearts. Maybe cutting off the entire head is a loophole.
This is Republican light
So, they’re moving to the center? Broder must love this!
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
So, does this mean they no longer set female students on fire? Or do they still torch them, but then quickly douse the flames?
Ah, compassionate conservatism…
Cat Lady
Um… okay. Personal ignorance time.
Isn’t this pretty much the best we could hope for.
There was now was of utter elimination of the Taliban, just creating an enviroment where the violence and terrorism is no longer an effective way for the Taliban to gain and maintain its powerbase?
I do realize this is more than likely a PR campaign, but if we’ve altered the situation where a “political” Taliban gets more results than a terrorist Taliban then … it sounds hopeful at least?
@General Winfield Stuck:
LOL…You are just too quick sometimes :)
Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle
@General Winfield Stuck: Republicans are Taliban-lite. Where is there commitment to the cause, if you know what I mean.
So what’s to stop Afghanis from having man-on-dog sex? God is going to be really pissed about this.
Almost everything is Orwellian pr now. Greed is God’s work. Up is down. Left is right. It’s exhausting just trying to process the amount of bs slinging going on every day. No wonder so many people not paying attention get sucked into right wing talking points.
The Grand Panjandrum
And in other religious fanatic news:
And, no Steve, that is not MENSA on the other line. Sheesh.
Why oh why
Why not read enemies of the Taliban their Miranda rights too? Doesn’t Mullah Omar know his country is at war? Doesn’t he want to keep Afghans safe?
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
The Taliban have proven themselves to be soft on terrorism.
Comrade Sock Puppet of the Great Satan
Why not rebrand as Altrialiban?
my first thought was What’s you betcha? in Pashto (or whatever). Also.
Okay, that’s funny. You just know after the directive came down…
…some were bitching about Omar using an executive order to cave to the far left. Allahdamned DFHs.
Tax Analyst
Are you SURE this is the Onion, John?
Bizarre, to say the least, but I must say this thread has generated an excellent snark-to-comment ratio so far.