PUMAs are going on Breitbart now. No could have predicted.
We are receiving help with this stand against PUMA hunters from the most unexpected and encouraging places.
As we talked about on Breitbart yesterday, there are a great many layers to all of this. There are many Obama supporters involved. This has been going on for some time. Many people’s lives and businesses have been ruined because they did not support Obama.
The American voters need to hear this story. These attackers need to be exposed, just as they outed many anonymous Hillary bloggers. The difference is, once identified and exposed, instead of being menaced (the way these Obots attacked Hillary supporters), these people will be prosecuted.
I’ve been so caught up in health care and the Washington Post chats and whatnot that I’ve lost track of PUMA mythology, so I don’t understand what they’re talking about.
Update. The comment section is good.
demo woman
Makes perfect sense to me. Are they having a fund raiser for the guy who wrote the penis monologue?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I”ve seen hints about this in the last couple days. Rumproast is one of the blogs they’re going after.I couldn’t read through all that jibber jabber, but I did see something about “coordinated attacks” by “cells” of Obama supporters.
Does anyone with a stronger stomach than I have know what they imagine people are going to be “prosecuted” for? Is there a Star Chamber of Hillary Is MEEEEE! ! ! ! blogs where people are tried in absentia for being Big Meanies?
demo woman
Well, since I am in moderation, I’ll reword my comment. Are the pumas having a fund raiser for the guy who wrote the pen.i.s monologue?
Are the pumas having a fund raiser for the guy who wrote the pen.i.s monologue?
General Winfield Stuck
There are no PUMA’s. Only rightly concerned progressives.
Rick Taylor
Atrios comments on this here, and has links to rump roast.
Ask the Rumpies sometime about how nice the Hillbuzz folks play.
licensed to kill time
“PUMA hunters” ?
demo woman
@DougJ: Chuck Norris could be the emcee.
General Winfield Stuck
@licensed to kill time:
Them PUMA’ers ain’t gonna Ratfuck themselves. It’s a dark and diabolical world.
sweet jeebus, i only wish our side was HALF that organized or vindictive.
progressives don’t play near dirty enough.
Nethead Jay
For the love of the FSM, DougJ, don’t wander into the PUMAsphere. That way lies only madness…
Mike E
Prof. K&G
I will award 10 internets to the person who posts the craziest comment on that hillbuzz post.
I’d like to see exactly how much crazy it needs to be before their moderators will refuse to post it.
If that isn’t over the top parody, satire is truly dead.
Davis X. Machina
Many people’s lives and businesses have been ruined because they did not support Obama.
Well, why should the International Jooish Banking Conspiracy, the Illuminati, the Jesuits, the Freemasons, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations, and guys pissing on trees in the Bohemian Grove have all the fun?
Competition is the life-blood of a free market.
(*And Skull and Bonesmen. I forgot them.)
What have the PUMAs actually achieved?
Other than discrediting themselves.
The accepting outing culture is when folks get hurt.
Terrible stuff.
@General Winfield Stuck:
I think you mean:
You’re welcome!
Poor darlings. It’s a shame there are so few real problems in the world that some people are forced to make their own. A conspiracy theorists world must be a scary place to live.
Chad S
The puma-tards think Obama changed the order of succession? Really? Take your pills please.
Prof. K&G
@BTD: I don’t know what this means.
licensed to kill time
After some hesitation I finally clicked on the Hillbuzz link. I’ve never read any PUMA stuff and to my surprise they say PUMA = People United Means Action. I honestly thought it meant Party Unity My Ass ’cause that’s what I always read here.
The trees are not laughing, are they? Are the helicopters?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Somebody (DougJ?) posted the distressed wail of a PUMA the other day, who reacted to a poll showing that BHO has the support of 90% of self-ID’d Dems by mewling “Are we really that small a sliver of the party?” They really think they’re a silent majority oppressed by the fiendish Soros, or Obama, or Kos, or… I’m not really sure.
Remember the great PUMA Strike of ’08 that was gonna bring the blogosphere and the Democratic party to its knees? I confess I miss some of the unintentional comedy of those posts.
Another thing to blame Rahm for.
@Prof. K&G:
As I read the RumpRoast FAQ, the issue appears to be about outing and personal harassment.
Writing nasty things about someone at a blog is pretty meaningless imo.
When you out someone’s identity and go after their livelihood and family, that is terrible.
Mike E
@Chad S:
I think that was the giant owl talking, or maybe DougJ is channelling Lazlo Toth again.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
And they think they’re the entire 10%. I wouldn’t lump the hamsherites in with the pumas, nor the kossacks, and both make up a larger slice of that 10% disapproval than the pumas.
General Winfield Stuck
@TR: Yes, you are right. Kudos for your correction.
Wow! What amazes me (but shouldn’t) is that the PUMA’s are using the same type of conspiracy theory attacks that the right used against the Clintons. It probably flies right over their heads.
The PUMAs seem to have taken a page from the Prop 8 trial in California. The people who promoted overturning gay marriage are terrified of being named because they’ll be harassed, poor bigoted things.
Has anyone seen Hillbuzz and Scrutator in the same room together?
That has got to be a parody site. If I read that post correctly an anonymous blogger is threatening to sue commenters/trolls for defamation. How the hell does someone who is anonymous claim defamation? How could you ever calculate damages to the reputation of someone who has no reputation? The mind boggles.
PpgAz has been pretty scarce, so that must be what he has been up to. Still, I am not going back… It hurts the brain to try to process such nonsense.
The whole Hillbuzz-Rumproast thing is fucking despicable. I mean, like Bill Maher says, “Even the Mob doesn’t go after a guy’s wife.”
Color me ever-so-surprised to learn where the PUMAs ended up.
Harriet Christian/James O’Keefe 2012.
If the progs vote to deregulate the banks one more time, I’m gonna go over to FDL and give em a what-for.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
From personal experience, I can say that a lot of the firebaggers at one prominent blog are PUMAs, or latent PUMAs, who have re-written the history of the ’08 primaries as a corporatist conspiracy against Hillary Kucinich, Detroyer of the Filibuster, Slayer of the Broderist Establishment, Unstoppable Bringer of Single Payer, Immediate Withdrawer, and Inventor of the No-Cal French Fry (I admit, that last plank would’ve got me on board).
Omnes Omnibus
Did you email your credenza?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@batgirl: the PUMA’s are using the same type of conspiracy theory attacks that the right used against the Clintons.
I used to try and point out that similarity when they started screaming about Reszko and the obscure real estate deal, but they never seemed to get the irony.
Alex S.
Is there any personal continuity in the PUMA blogs? It looks like former Hillary voters were replaced by Norquist-paid troll-bloggers. Who keeps these blogs going?
General Winfield Stuck
Maybe we should make a distinction between upper case Puma and lower case puma. The first being spawned from the 08 dem primaries with all the murky characters they represent, and the latter small p as representing emotional fact challenged and unfocused criticism on Obama by some dems.
John Cole
This is all so meta. I honestly have no patience to read through months of the insane scribblings of some PUMA nitwit to figure this all out, so I will just stick with what I know- Kevin K. is a solid dude and anything he needs, I will help him.
There seems to have been a new outbreak of panty-sniffing on the right the last few weeks. Some of the usual suspects in the Malkinverse were all worked up about some jackass writing letters to newspapers and decided to put on their sleuthing hats and out him. Nothing gets the amateur detective shut-ins in the right blogosphere harder than posting a screenshot publicly avaliable information and then patting themselves on the back about their investigative prowess.
I’m going back to watch some more Chuck and ice my shoulder.
Rump Roast deleted all references made in comments by a commenter monikered Bigot Buster that revealed the identity of this HillBuzzer person (I admit to never having known of this person’s existence) but this Hill Buzzer person decided to go after the Rump Roast blogger and his family and livelihood.
People actually had yard signs that said “I’m a PUMA”, or “Vote PUMA” or “Screw Nike, buy PUMA”??
I had no idea.
@John Cole:
To your other point, interesting how the Malkinverse got all wee-wee’d up about Ellie Light, but O’Keefe’s Insane Clown Posse not so much.
It is all so very, very meta, indeed. And worthless.
@Prof. K&G:
I’m torn, truly torn. There are no guideposts, and all is fog and squishy, wet ground in there. The tough questions ask themselves: Is there enough alcohol in the wet bar? Is it too early in the day?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: The Reszko argument at FDL was utter sophistry. Beginning of the end for my reading over there.
You and me both, DougJ. “Lives and business ruined?” “Outed Hillary bloggers?” The fuck?
Just who are they keeping up this level of outrage for? Tho I’m sure she would’ve liked to snagged the White House, Hillary is doing quite well, thank you.
Little Dreamer
Okay, maybe I’m an idiot, but I just read that Hillbuzz announcement and I’m seriously trying to figure out how someone calling out racism against a political blogger costs that blogger employment and interferes with contracts.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Seems to me I saw a bumper sticker or two “Proud PUMA”, “Hillary Voter for McCain”. Statistically insignificant, obviously. I did see a “How’s that Hopey Changey thing workin’ for ya?” I was wondering if it was a PUMA or a Republican. I was a bit surprised that “Hopey Changey” shit made it out of the blogosphere, but I guess all thins are possible with Cafe Press.
@Punchy: The shoe war wasn’t between Nike and Puma, it was Adidas. Both in the same town, founded by former partners. Heard a big story on the wireless about it a few months ago.
Ah. Here’s NPR on it:
demo woman
OT but Halperin has done it again! Maybe there are drugs for his condition.
BTW, at this point, the person who seems to have the clearest legal action is Hillary Clinton, whose name is being associated with this lunacy.
Comrade Kevin
@licensed to kill time: It means that kind of the same way that C U N T means “Citizens United Not Timid”, and the word that spells out is just a coincidence.
Alex S.
I clicked on the links provided by the names of the commenters. One of them was a tea-bagger, one was writing about the “american-muslim war”, one was sending malware, one link wasn’t working, and the lady with the burning tree was a real hardcore Hillary supporter.
There are a lot of crazy people on blogs. There are a lot of crazy people in real life. Ever been to an open political event on a local topic? People will stand up and tell you, with a trembling voice, that their neighbors are poisoning their trees, leaving garbage on their lawns, or slamming car doors especially loudly as a way of sending a message. If you read That Home Site, where people gather to exchange information on gardens and home renovations, there’s even a subsection for stories about awful neighbors which not only contain all those accusations but people even confess, happily, to having *done all those things* as a way of getting back at neighbors. The amazing PUMA woman who is convinced that the O-Bots are out to get her is just in a long line of disturbed people who are paranoid and see everything that happens to them as the result of malevolent forces. Just a few years ago she probably thought the same things were happening but it was the Bush supporters, or the Kerry people. Its really not attached to any political philosophy or identity.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
Here’s my response to the second comment:
John Cole
@BTD: If I were she, I would be pissed. I think she has been a really good SoS, and in my mind has completely rehabilitated her reputation. As much as I loathed her in the campaign, I would vote for her in 2016 without hesitation.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@demo woman:
Oh my god. They’re literally saying Obama is too smart, too good to be effective. The other day Halperin said on the TeeVee, “Maybe I’m stupid, but….” Only in Mr Broder’s Neighborhood of Green Rooms and Round Tables could that slow fat one have gone unhit.
They’ve got a Hillary 2012 Facebook page.
@aimai: I’m about to embark on a major home renovation project, and you’re scaring me. Thanks for the heads-up!
Little Dreamer
Actually, ppGaz has been ill, is dealing with personal stuff, has of recent times (before he got ill) been getting laid a lot and is helping me with my paper route at odd hours, so he’s not posting very much lately.
ppGaz wouldn’t write such things, unless he wanted to find out what it’s like to be escorted out the door of our partnership. ppGaz doesn’t write inane bullshit that he doesn’t mean, that would be DougJ – you’re looking in the wrong direction man!
General Winfield Stuck
@John Cole:
I have said this before and will again. Ditto for me. Hills is tops as SoS.
If those libs pass one more tax cut for the rich, I’m gonna be really, really mad.
@Little Dreamer: Hey, I did not mean to cast aspersions. I thought he was behind Scrutator.com, which was the funniest thing in the last few decades. Sorry to hear he has been ill. I thought he was just getting bored now that most of the trolls have given up on this place.
Short Bus Bully
I think this all goes to show just how similiar the far right and the far left actually are (see: Hitchens, Christopher). People think that the two ideologies are going in opposite directions, what they miss is that the opposite directions are actually a CIRCLE.
demo woman
@Alex S.: I thought the lady with the burning tree was joking. lol Does she know B.O.B? Maybe they can have a meet-up.
I agree with the blog master. I think Hillary is doing an excellent job as Sec. of State.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I don’t know that I ever loathed her in the primaries, though I did get really pissed at the RFK comment. I was just astounded and frustrated at her shape-shifting and transparent, desperate anger and being denied what she thought was all sewn up (see also McCain, John). And given the way she, Bubba and Penn ran the primary campaign I still think Clinton/Bayh would’ve lost to McCain/Lieberman.
Little Dreamer
He used to be a contributor, but AFAIK he has never been behind any website. Such things are too much like work for him to indulge in.
HillBuzz is teaming up with Breitbart and Reynolds?
It’s gonna be hard work not letting my mind get lost in an infinite recursion loop trying to figure out whose character will be cheapened more by this relationship.
Isn’t it ironic…don’tcha think?
JenJen, Good luck with the renovation! They can be fun but they can be difficult, as well. I had a blast reading and posting over at That Home Site/Garden Web and I learned a lot about various parts of the renovation when we were doing ours. As is typical of blogs there are people who become obsessive about something: tile, stoves, water heaters and they do all the research and share what they find. In real life they are probably nuts, and very often right wing–but on a blog discussion of whether a given product has a good record on repairs? they are invaluable. But the neighbor story section was an eye opener! The number of people who proudly confessed to poisoning their neighbors’ trees and plants (massive doses of herbicide applied nightly) was astonishing to me.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Short Bus Bully:
I don’t think this is so much a case of the extremes meeting, as the power of the echo effect of the blogosphere. PUMAs, Firebaggers, fervent supporters of a local sports franchise. If you self-select your info sources down to people who angrily and righteously agree with, never look at polls, never watch national news, just post “Right on, JANE!!” or “MEGA DITTOES!!”, you wind up fantasizing about George Soros, ACORN, etc.
Dr. Squid
Who was destroyed anyway? Larry Johnson? Which would indicate that PUMAs are blaming Obots because there isn’t really a Whitey tape?
Worst. Presidential Race. Ever.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Aimai, is that site Thehomesite dot com? I’m thinking of a new deck and am looking for ideas. TIA
Woah! Just read the hillbuzz article. This leaped out at me:
Italics mine. I mean–The Lightbringer? That is some prime manichean snark, right there.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I caught Geraldine Ferraro on Bob Edwards’ podcast on women and politics. She blamed the Coakley loss on “the Axelrods of the Democratic Party”
When will there be Hillaryis45?
Jim, Foolish Literalist,
Its called Gardenweb or That Home Site and that link should take you to the forums. I really learned a lot there and even wound up meeting about sixteen local posters who were all working on kitchen renovations. It was a very weird experience, though, politically. And man there are some amazing kitchens out there.
Huh, Jim foolish literalist, I just posted this but don’t see it. Here’s the link.
Little Dreamer
Yes, they think he’s Lucifer himself – LMAO!
Jim, I tried to post a link to the gardenweb forums but for some reason my posts don’t show up, not even to tell me they are in moderation. Can gardenweb be more offensive to our filters than p**n*s or sockaliazm? Anyway, try googling “gardenweb” or “that home site” and you’ll find the forums.
Wow. I need someone to bring a little dose of sanity after reading that PUMA-Breitbart stuff. Need to hear from a saner voice. Talk to me, Orly Taitz.
Re Hillary: I have been extremely pleased with her performance as Secretary of State, and she seems to love the job. It’s true, she didn’t get to be the “first female” president (*or* SoS), but if she holds any regrets about that she’s not letting it interfere with the work she’s doing. I agree with the poster (BTD?) who said that she’s really the only one with a legal case here.
@aimai: Thank you! I’m a voracious reader when it comes to major projects of any sort, but I hope I can stick to the stuff I need to learn and stay out of the boggy backwater. Doubt I’ll be able to, though. :-)
kommrade reproductive vigor
And NO, you may not ask for examples of people who have suffered damages due to whatever it is they’re screaming about! Only bullies and stalkers and mean people ask for proof!
Shut up or you’ll be added to The Master List of Co-Conspirators!1eleventy.
General Winfield Stuck
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
What you say? Obama gonna get kilt at the ballot box by his unhappy base. This is just an Obot Covert Ninja Operation to Diebold that poll to make Obama look good. Geesh!
@aimai: @Jim, Foolish Literalist: Another example of supposed Progressives and Democrats borrowing GOP memes like “get in their faces,” which the Malkinites to this day use to “prove” that we are “thugs.”
demo woman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Even if the President were to drive a pick-up truck and go bar hopping, some would complain.
Little Dreamer
If you are an Obama supporter who has called anyone a racist or engaged in attacks upon that person, and you are reading this, we suggest you take down everything you did to attack that person. If you are a regular at Daily Kos or DemocraticUndergrond, we suggest you advise your cohorts there to cease and desist their libelous attacks, lest they join Mr. O’Sullivan in Birmingham as a co-defendent as this case moves forward.
Ummm, so I don’t really have freedom of speech and the ability to call someone out when they make racist attacks anymore? Racists get to hide behind a veneer of security so long as they point a finger and state someone smashed their flowerpot (even if that person never set foot on their property)? Again, WTF? And they think they’re going to win this in a court case? Something tells me such actions would get laughed at in a courtroom.
Nethead Jay
@aimai: Yeah, that one kind of struck me too, among all the other craziness. Strange stuff.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
thanks aimai, I took John McCain’s advice and made a google and found the site
Hillary’s a grownup. Too bad many of her biggest fans aren’t.
Do they think she wants them to be doing this shit? Do they think she’s only working in the Obama administration to try and bring it down from the inside?
I meant that to sound crazy when I typed it, but of course, that only meant it’ll make perfect sense to the PUMA patrol.
General Winfield Stuck
I like threads where everybody agrees. BP med.
Well, I’m not so sure I agree that people are “borrowing” GOP memes. Memes are out there because they are culturally available to us because they are already popular. People on all sides of the divide started parodying “hope and change” almost instantly, even Obama voters often parody it or refer to it without “borrowing.” I think lines like “get in their faces” and “chicago politics” and “thug” are on a continuum of images and ideas that are floating around there and that people more or less freely avail themselves of.
But I do think that some images and memes get borrowed and transformed in specific ways as they move through different groups. I’m thinking of “chicago politics” which is something I originally understood as a coded reference to gangster/al capone style hard ball politics but only later understood to be a new model reference to a kind of “super” politics of black corruption which combined traces of ideas of the Daley Machine (which was, of course, whiteywhitewhite) with the fact that Chicago was briefly run by Harold Washington and was being touted and re-imagined by anti-Obama republican forces as a hotbed of urban black gang style evil instead of the largely ethnic white neosuburb that it is.
General Winfield Stuck
@General Winfield Stuck:
I knew it wouldn’t last.
@licensed to kill time: You had it right the first time – it did come from “Party Unity My Ass”, but when they got to the point of creating a PAC, someone not entirely crazy realized that they needed a better name.
The Republic of Stupidity
Whoa… what incredible prose… and to think I was not informed of this attack…
Dang… where’d I put my hob-nailed boots?
I can only HOPE to be this self-important and delusional someday…
@John Cole:
Quick Summary: Some UK blogger named the BigotBasher called the main (only?) HillBuzz blogger a racist, and in the process used his real name and posted info making it clear that the Hillbuzz guy is basically just a standard Republican operative. Hillbuzz guy went nuts, threatened lawsuits (and raised loads of cash to pay for said lawsuits), and garnered attention from people like Glenn Reynolds and RedState and HotAir by claiming the whole thing was a George Soros and David Axelrod conspiracy against everything that is right and good.
He seems to have succeeded in distracting attention from the whole Republican operative thing because Republicans are eating his shit up and the paranoid delusions make it really difficult to figure out what the original problem was. He also claims he and his employers were harassed, I guess by the UK guy since no one else on the left seems to give a crap. Kevin K. and many others got added into the hysteria because they have pointed out crazy things at Hillbuzz before and this seems like a get-even-with-everyone-and-raise-lots-of-cash-from-rubes opportunity.
I don’t think this means what they think it means.
The Republic of Stupidity
Somehow… the specter of Robert Downey drawing a backwards swastika on his forehead in a rest room comes to mind… perhaps in this case, it will be a backwards hammer and sickle…
Bubblegum Tate
One of the comments on that site says this:
and I honestly can’t tell if it’s spoof or not.
licensed to kill time
Thanks, Hob – nice to know I wasn’t misled by BJ snarkydom. Not that there’s anything wrong with that!
Little Dreamer: And if the judge is in a pissy mood he’ll clobber the lawyers too. It would be interesting to see…. from the slow motion trainwreck perspective.
@aimai: Very well said, and yes, “borrowing” wasn’t the word I should have been reaching for.
January 31st, 2010 at 1:28 pm
Chad S
The puma-tards think Obama changed the order of succession? Really? Take your pills please.
-They need to suck hard on a running car’s exhaust pipe.
Suck hard & inhale, PUMAS!
There is nothing new here. I don’t mean that to stop the fun but the accusation that a prominent political figure has “minions” and “criminal contacts” and is deadly dangerous goes way back. Both Bill Clinton and Hillary were both accused publicly of drug running, murder, rape, lesbianism (well, Hillary was) and pretty much everything else you can imagine. That was a pretty well funded campaign, run out of southern churches if I recall. Videos and taped speeches circulated as a kind of samizdat. And people would come forward and testify, tremblingly, about being raped by Clinton, or secret love children, or whatever long before it rose to the level of the public/legal proceeding.
I guess what I’m trying to say is that at that point the kind of crazy fixations that lonely people have on political figures jumped species and became a very clear part of the Republican attempt to stay in power. I think the accusation that this Hillbuzz guy is, in fact, a Republican operative ought to be taken very seriously. The posters and true believers in the PUMA shit are dupes in a much bigger right wing game, not really serious political actors. They certainly aren’t in their right minds, looks like. But we should all be scared that the Republicans have time and money enough to keep stirring up a very fringe political community. Would that we had time and money to be manipulating the Sarah Palin for President crowd.
The Republic of Stupidity
I have no doubt this could really be the case. I was pointing out the other day that behind the facade of a ‘populist uprising’ there’s the distinct possibility that many of the teabagger phone calls to Congress are actually being made by professional phone banks financed by conservative deep pockets.
Considering just how manufactured almost everything else about the Tea party movement has been, from the name itself right down to Fox deliberately manipulating protest footage, why the phone calling too?
@JenJen: A friend of mine is doing major renovation and blogging about it. You might find it interesting; she’s a good writer. Don’t let it scare you off.
Four Go Mad in a Cardboard Box
demo woman:
The moderation filter is the only thing that keeps me from changing my user handle to ThePENlSMightierThanTheSword.
Some of the PUMA stuff is performance art orchestrated from the right. There are some genuine folks in it, characterized mainly by barrel-bodied, alienated, embittered 55+ year old feminists of the sort who worshipped the ground that total fucking morons like Catherine MacKinnon hauled their sour-assed, atrophied bodies around on.
Tom Hilton
“Tortious interference of contracts”? d’Fuh?
Serious batshit.
Excellent work, Michael! So glad to know you are comfortable enough here to let us know that you hate “barrel bodied fifty five year old feminists…” How awful of us even to exist.
Tom Hilton
@Michael: Umm…I think the sexism in this comment is the sort of attitude the PUMAs acccuse all of us O-bots of harboring. Just saying.
(And believe me, I despise Catherine McKinnon as much as anybody. Still.)
I have thought this for a while now…not all of what we say is PUMA craziness and even some of the more outrageous, in your face leftie stagecraft is the “innocent” outcome of true, if crazy, beliefs. Some of this is bought and paid for, intentional and absolutely planned. What to do? Have to let it flow, just keep in the back of our minds that you may be witnessing theater more than real politics and that the players may not always be apparent behind any move..
Ash Can
Hillbuzz and Breitbart — a match made in heaven. Or somewhere.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: And to think I was such a Ferraro fan back in the Mondale-Ferraro days. I feel a little ashamed when I think of it. I had no idea then that she was like this.
@OriGuy: Bookmarked! Thanks very much! And you’re absolutely right… she’s a good writer.
I don’t understand what wingnuts are talking about 99% of the time. Even more confusing is that other wingnuts (reading their comments) seem to know exactly what all the gibberish means or do they? I beginning to think that almost every one of them gives a cursory listen or read & then they all shoot off on their own individual trajectories.
I don’t think it means anything.
I’ve said from the beginning that the whole PUMA movement stinks just like a Roger Stone operation right down to the way “Party Unity, My Ass” mimics both the grammatical form and sexual entendre acronym of “Citizens United, Not Timid”
Hillary’s done a great job at SOS, but she’ll be too old in 2016 to be a first term president.
Chad S
@JGabriel: Considering that one of their main organizers had only ever donated to McCain’s campaign, I think that’s pretty realistic. I don’t know if its an active campaign to try and ratfuck the Dems, but I wouldn’t be shocked if the people funding it were getting the money 2nd/3rd hand from institutional GOP donors.
@JGabriel: I’d say most commenters on this blog, at the time, were heavily invested in the “Junior Ratfuckers” PUMA theory. I, for one, feel a little vindicated, and you should too, JGabriel.
It’s simple if you take into account their assumptions.
1) Obama and Democrats are inherently unpopular.
2) Republicans take back Congress in 2010.
3) Republican Majority “goes after” Obama.
4) Republican Majority will need ammunition. That’s where we come in.
All this ACORN-Soros-SEIU-Chicago stuff is just Arkansas Project redux. Only not as well financed and run by morons.
@tammanycall: SOS is a tough job. She’s 62, has been through a grueling prez campaign & her life in the public prior has been anything but a picnic. She looked exhausted when I saw her right after the Haiti earthquake. Just thinking about her life makes me feel tired. I was disappointed in how her campaign was run later on but she is doing a good job as SOS/ I can’t imagine why she would want to run again. I think she could make a better contribution in almost any other avenue she chose.
Cat Lady
Also, she’s going to have her hands even fuller with China. China… is.. not… laughing….
Nethead Jay
@Michael: Aside from unnecessary sexist stereotypes, do you have anything else to contribute?
Classless behavior.
@JenJen: Thanks, Jen. It was so lonely. (sob, tears of vindicated relief)
@MikeJ: Only a small proportion of DK’ers (I always thought Kossacks was dumb) don’t support the president overall.
Some don’t support some things he does. Others do not support other things he does. The pumafuckers probably do make up about 7-8%.
@Shalimar: Nice summary! The whole episode sounds worse than a reality teevee show.
You Don't Say
I read Rumproast’s FAQ about it. That’s some scary shit. Truly.
The Sheriff's A Ni-
So, let me get this straight: BigotBasher pulls a simple WHOIS query on Hillbuzz. He then posts the results of said query on his website and DKos, outing said site owner as a Republican operative. This leads to Mr. whois hillbuzz.org flailing at all of the real and imagined ‘PUMA Hunters’ while crying crocodile tears to all his 28 percenter buddies and raking in the cash from his gullible followers.
If it wasn’t for all the bystanders getting caught in the crossfire, I’d laugh. If Kevin K or one of the other Rumproasters drops a legal hammer on Mr. whois hillbuzz.org, then I’ll really laugh.
@demo woman:
In their whacked out heads those guys and Rush are more “feminists” than Obama.
kommrade reproductive vigor
Best case scenario for them (and assuming anyone in that fever room has any real intention of trying to get a district attorney interested in their prolonged temper tantrum): Every lawyer they approach guffaws and tells them to go play in the street.
But then Orly Taitz isn’t the only loon with a law degree so I guess it would be down to the D.A. to protect them from the judge. Who would eat them alive. Feet first.
@General Winfield Stuck: PUMAs are by their very nature unable to ratfuck. They are completely unable to conceal their insanity and masquerade as anything else. Easy to exploit, easy to convince, impossible to convince anyone else.
You Don't Say
@Shalimar: Yes, but you left out Hillbuzz’s persecution of Rumproast, apparently simply because BigotBasher posted there, a post Rumproast removed once they were aware of it. Frightening stuff.
And why am I getting flashbacks to junior high?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I got really pissed when they put Stephanie Tubbs Jones on teevee after the Obama Kenyan garb picture came out to tell us:
Anger. Seething anger after that one. I donated to Obama for the first time at that point.
But since Hillary became SoS and appears to be doing her job as a true professional, I got over it.
@The Sheriff’s A Ni-:
I do not know how accurate4 this all is, but the WHOSIS I saw showed a pretty consistent donor to Dem campaigns. I did not see any GOP donations.
Anyway, I hate this sort of shit anyway. People write stuff on blogs. Big fucking deal.
The entire thing is slimy.
freelancer (itouch)
roflolcopter, this is one of you guys, right? DougJ? Fuckhead? Anyone here wanna step forward and take a bow?
Y’know, the prose at Hillbuzz sounded familar, so I did some digging, and found the author, captured on video….
might also be a wonketeer, we’re not the only purveyors of snark.
Strike that, the person only donated to Hillary. I confused it with a different Hill Buzz.
All the hate on the PUMAs is unjustified. They were instrumental in getting Barack Obama elected:
1. They hastened Clinton’s exit from the campaign with their ridiculous antics circa the rules committee meeting and whatnot. If her most vocal supporters weren’t insane and damaging her reputation, Clinton could’ve held out longer (which, while annoying, is good for her for a number of reasons).
2. Without PUMAs, we wouldn’t have Sarah Palin. Steve Schmit brought Palin out because he thought there were more than a few hundred PUMAs in the country (he was considered the nation’s top GOP strategist, by the way); he thought there were enough to influence the election! And this was after the McCain campaign had held pathetic teleconferences with the most influential PUMA people.
Similarly, I think it’s best to let the Tea Parties get as large as possible as they eventually implode and bring down whatever politicians counted them a critical asset.
@General Winfield Stuck: “I have said this before and will again. Ditto for me. Hills is tops as SoS.”
Based on everything we’ve accomplished diplomatically this year, I agree. Based on the only two stories about her personal involvement I’ve noticed/remembered this year, I disagree. The reset button thing in Russia was the dumbest political stagecraft ever; seriously dumber than Mission Accomplished. And there was the whole oh-no-you-didn’t moment when she didn’t recognize the possibility of a translation mistake.
Suffice to say, the diplomatic evidence is more convincing.
General Winfield Stuck
@Zach: I support your ironic and perverse sense of optimism. It is the most delicious kind imho.
General Winfield Stuck
Yes, I remember that. Wouldn’t be Hills without a little personal and misdirected ruthlessness now and then. Nobodies perfect and all that. I love her most though, cause she’s SoS and not President.
@The Republic of Stupidity:
Talking to the staff for one of our local congressmen, they said one reason they no longer even count pro/anti email on major issues like HCR is that they’ll get multiple identical emails a day from HCR opponents. While it could be the case that teabaggers have nothing better to do all day, I strongly suspect that whereas liberal organizations send out appeals to their members to customize a message and email their reps, Republican organizations are just spamming Congress and filling in names from their mailing lists.
It’s win-win for them. If the emails get taken at face value, they can easily overwhelm any real constituent effort, and if they cause all email comment to be ignored, they’ve destroyed a tool that their more Internet-savvy opponents could use.
It makes it harder for actual voters to communicate with their reps, of course, but that’s also a win for their corporate backers.
@Redshift: “they’ll get multiple identical emails a day from HCR opponents”
Why don’t they just implement the most basic spam filter ever and slough similar emails into a separate folder? Not that they still wouldn’t get too many emails to read, but it would make sending a random sample of them to the Congressman (like Obama does nightly w/ snail mail letters) feasible.
JD Rhoades
I swear, I’ve read this exact rant somewhere before, during the 2008 election.
I was under the impression that they don’t bother to count emails on much of *anything*, due to the ease involved in sending them out.
@The Sheriff’s A Ni-: You can go look at BigotBasher’s blog if you want to read the post that started it. He proudly has it at the top of the page even though it’s several weeks old. The connections he points out are after the election so I think there is some question as to whether Hillbuzz guy was a dem before his anti-Obama obssession kicked in. I do think that being connected to Republicans was the real reason for the extended freakout though since that would be far more damaging to his online cred than being called a racist for various anti-muslim posts, which is what he claims to be mad about.
@maus: I had heard that before, too. He’s a freshman, so maybe they’re still learning. On the other hand, I have actually gotten responses from my congressman to emails I’ve sent, so they’re clearly not just trashing all of them. Dunno whether they’ve got something like the spam filter Zach discusses, or if some poor staffer has to go through hitting delete if it’s in the “seen it!” category.
This post by Hillbuzz looks pretty racist to me.
via TheBigotBasher @ GOS
The PUMAs only hate blacks slightly less than they hate Islam.
Yeah, I’m not an insider, but there’s probably a difference between the emails that actually ask a question, and the issue-based ones that demand “LISTEN TO ME”.
I am proscuting the Obots who set my tree on fire back in July of 08. . .They caught the men finally and I am waiting for their trail to start.
Like Bill Maher says, even the Mob doesn’t go after a guy’s trees.
Wonder when that trail is starting? The proscuters are going to put these thugs away, man.
If you want more PUMA-crazy (as if that weren’t enough) try Roseanne Barr’s blog.
Amazing to think that such a previously bitingly funny, sharp person could go so loopy…
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
Whenever I read “Rise, Hillary, Rise.” the first thing that comes to mind is it sounds like they are trying to revive a corpse. It doesn’t help when that is preceded by what usually sounds like some invocation to the gods.
Maybe they want her to rise like Putin’s head over Alaska but in this case it’s Hillary’s head rising over the White House? I don’t know how to describe these idiots other than they’re a bunch of ratfuckers who are busy fucking chickens and worrying about being defamed.
Hmmm… it seems like Hillbuzz is also being credited, on the right at least, with starting the Mark Kirk is gay rumour that was floated by nutbag Andy Martin last month in the Illinois republican primary.
He doesn’t seem to have many friends except on the far fringes of both parties.
@Liberty60: Oh mah gawd that is wonderful, especially the last 20 seconds or so of that rant:
That’s gonna be my ringtone.
Edit: I didn’t do anything to cause that weird formatting (except caps lock?) but it adds to the crazee, don’t it?
General Winfield Stuck
True, that is why they are on Breitbart. He is more than happy to lend a hand.
Comrade E.B. Misfit
Lord, yes. I went to a local “illegal immigration” town hall thrown by the local politicos. I haven’t seen that many nutballs in one room since the state closed the insane asylum in the next county.
@Comrade E.B. Misfit:
You really have no idea.
I not only agree but can improve on that experience, the most recent in our area of Northwest WA state related to paranoia in having “the govmint” check on septic systems. “We like to manage our own poop” and “we do a good job”, despite the ongoing closures of beaches, recreational shellfishing, etc.
Their new gig is to rescind oversight of their sewage from running into creeks, streams and the drinking water of over 70,000 people!!!
I tell ya — time to move back to the big cittee!1 Yowza!
@Comrade E.B. Misfit:
You must also recognize the mental illness is severely under diagnosed and way undertreated across the board in the United States. We have googobs of certifiable folks walking around and we all know who they are amongst our neighbors and friends. Every now and then one goes bonkers and kills or maims others, but mostly they just make the lives of their primary relationships just unbelievably horrible. They are the parents, friends and relatives that we all treat with kid gloves and hope that someway somehow they someday “get help”. We joke about them, but its no joke and I think a lot of ’em have key roles in our political leadership..as many attest
@Davis X. Machina:
(Channeling Shrubya) Uhhh, you forgot the Rosicrucians! He forgot the Rosicrucians!
Wile E. Quixote
@Nethead Jay:
Yeah, it’s so PC to go after Michael, tell me, did any of you who are jumping on Michael actually go to a caucus, because Michael’s description of PUMAs is dead on accurate. At the King County Caucus there was a large group of large women wearing absolutely horrible fleece sitting in the stands behind me who did everything they could to shout down the speakers for Obama. The taunts they used were straight out of the wingnut playbook. They shouted “empty suit”, “he’s inexperienced”, “Hillary has 35 years of experience” etc, etc, etc. The Obama supporters didn’t do anything like that for the speaker for Clinton, who insulted the whole audience by essentially telling us that we should just ignore Clinton’s support for the AUMF and support of the Bush administration’s war policies because that was all in the past.
But apparently the fact that a group of women who supported Hilary Clinton and proudly describe themselves as feminists turned out to be every bit as racist as Rush Limbaugh and every bit as authoritarian and filled with hate and as any teabagger holding up a sign saying “Obama = Hitler” is something that we’re not supposed to mention in polite company. Apparently having self-described feminists say that they were going to vote for John McCain in November instead of Barack Obama is something that we’re not supposed to mention either. Now I’m just waiting for someone to tell me that those women really aren’t true
Scotsmenfeminists and that’s not whatbeing a true Scotsmanfeminist is all about.Oh, and I’ve decided to take a page out of aimai’s book and seek outrage under every rock. So in the future, whenever someone on this blog uses words such as “lame”, “gimp”, or “crippled” I am going to assume that it is because you hate the handicapped in general and me in particular.
Wile E. Quixote
Wow, that is some serious crazy. It reads like Brick Oven Bill in drag, which is really, really disturbing.
Wile E. Quixote
I saw something on the news Friday while I was at the gym. I think it was on CNN and there was one of those little teaser things they do for an upcoming story that had the headline “Hillary Clinton to run in 2012”. Did anyone else see this or was it just a hallucination bought on by exercise induced oxygen deprivation? I thought it was interesting because it seemed to come out of nowhere, making me wonder if perhaps this was CNN or some other group attempting to stir up some shit, either for ratings or to drive a wedge between the president and the secretary of state, which might just have been paranoia caused by exercise induced oxygen deprivation.
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
Like aiming the gun at yourself when it ain’t pointed at ya? ;) You quoted Michael as saying “barrel bodied fifty five year old feminists…” when what he really said was “barrel-bodied, alienated, embittered 55+ year old feminists”. Now as I read it originally, Michael was pretty descriptive about who he was disparaging. Yet when you read it you got outraged because a part of that description might fit you?
Selective outrage indeed…lol! Geez, talk about reaching…
@DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal):
The thing is, what does their having “barrel bodies” have to do with their obnoxiousness? If he had said, “fat 55-year-old embittered women” you would probably have understood that the “fat” thing was a gratuitous insult.
As a 55+ woman who is tending to the barrel shape at this point, myself, it bothered me, too.
Maybe we’re too sensitive.
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
First may I say that I am not agreeing with what Michael said. Second, I am only pointing out the selective editing of a supposed direct (” “) quote to better fit the outrage. There is more than enough reason to disagree with Michael if a person is so inclined to do so.
Editing what was said is not the way to do it. ;)
I’d like to chime in here as it was my blog that caused the explosion of Repug madness.
May I say from the outset I have no idea who Kevin K is, but he does run a good blog and has a very cute cat. I really regret that he and the other Roasters (and their family) find themselves involved in a matter that had absolutely nothing to do with them.
May I also note before all the screaming wingnuts start looking up the details of JC, I have no idea who he is either. I’m sure you are a great guy too. I do read your blog quite often though.
I personally think the racist thing is nothing but a way to rattle the money box for his blog.
He was buoyed by the success of his Scot Brown campaign. There were even sitings of Hottie McAwsome posters in Ma. He got Republicans off their arse and used racist language to do it, but it worked. He got them phonebanking and more, some less lawful tactics then others, never mind that is politics.
A pure guess on my part, but I am of the belief that what has really annoyed him is that he was getting Republicans really whipped up in to a crazy frenzy, which for obvious reasons he wanted to do some what privately. Much of that crazy has now descended upon my head (and as I said I regret the effect it has had on others). He started to up the anté calling for protests on the Senate if Scott Brown was not immediately seated. He then upped the anté more and started to make ever more serious threats against the President and Congress. His blog called for their head in a not so subtle way.
I outed him at a very unfortunate time for him. It is not so easy to carry on making those threats if you know that you are being watched. His hear me now cries have ended and they have become the meow most associated with the standard PUMA roar.
So I can understand why he is pissed.
I wasn’t the only one to pick up on it either.
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
You outed the ratfucker? Congratulations! Hillbuzz must be like the PUMA site Hillaryis44, which is run by a former Perot ’92 supporter and infested with the batshit insane, many of which are foaming at the mouth racists.
Good luck dealing with the crazies. And more power to ya! :)
Way to go TBB!
Unfortunately,I was bored enough to look into this a little. Some insane media whore at HillBuzz is making up all this shit for publicity and attention. You google his name and several Chicago area articles appear where he is quoted as a Dem for McCain, etc. Its total bullshit. Nobody was ‘outed’ but he likes the attention he gets from the Malkin and Putz crowd. The harassment he’s doing is to get more attention. The guy is certifiable and if what happened to Rumproast happened to me, I would contact the FBI. Seriously, the guy is deranged.
I was involved in Scrutator to a really minor extent. I know nothing of Hillbuzz.
I love good spoof, but I can’t do it. I am just not any good at it. Persona is what I do, a style of persona in which the character is expressing my own actual views. The personality is the created part, but not the viewpoint-content. It’s a subset of the persona arts, just as the true Spooftroll is.
Whatever you can imagine in the blog context, somebody out there is doing it. In fact, somebody in here is probably doing it, and plenty of it.
The last thing I’ll say about my own persona work is that I never try to hide what I am doing. I am pretty upfront, even obvious, about being me (TZ) no matter what handle I am using. The handles serve a different purpose, but that story will have to wait for another day and another thread.
Mrs. Polly
DougL, I must, as part of the collateral damage caused by BB’s decision to out Spammy Glick of Shillbuzz, object. And even if I didn’t now have these despicable loons enquiring about my place of residence and calling me a b***h using my given name, I would still object to outing bloggers, no matter how vile their political stripe. Someone out there will always use that as an excuse to out you too, and furthermore, Harvey Bilk has been swanning around in his feathery martyr togs, all from BB’s imprudent action.
BB, you have always seemed to me a very nice fellow, but now that you’ve gotten so many of us covered in the ordure you were burrowing in, don’t you think it might be time to move on to something else? You have every right to defend yourself, of course, but while my life is being delved into, and those of my friends, all of whom had nothing to do with this, I would request that you try to play it cool.
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
@Anonymous: “Seriously, the guy is deranged.”
That seems to be a common malady among the bitter dead-enders and his kind of deranged bullshit attracts them like flies to a frosted shit cake. I don’t think they really care who is running what as long as they are being given a forum to be heard and they have people who back them. These hog wallows on the internet are hate magnets; the stronger the hate there the more haters it attracts. More haters means louder and nastier commentary as they get emboldened by their numbers and fight to outdo each others rhetoric.
Crazy is as crazy does and boy do those people do it.
Is typing ‘whois hillbuzz.org’ into a terminal and posting the info “outing a blogger”? I really do not think so.
This whole story is just completely deranged from top to bottom.
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
@Mrs. Polly:
Outing a blogger who is trying to remain private while running a legit site because of a disagreement you have with them is not right. IMO only. Outing a ratfucker for the purposes of identifying said ratfucker as a ratfucker? Fine by me. Again, IMO only.
Those who are not respectable and try to hide behind a veneer of respectability in the pursuit of nefarious goals deserve to be outed.
Mrs P, may I say again, I really regret that you, Kevin K in particular, (what was done to him was far far worse than anything I can be accused of in relation to the hillbuzz “boys”) and the other Roasters find themselves involved in a matter that had absolutely nothing to do with them.
I just want to add though, that If however you google stories about Mark Kirk, you will find that I was not the one who outed them. The Chicago GOP are not exactly enamored with Hillbuzz either.
Going after them however, would not of got Limbaugh’s Chicago babe on Breitbart tv though.
that one
It’s really unfair to blame all this on guilt by association with the bigotbasher. Rumproast and all the other blogs they are going after, were big time anti-puma blogs who have joked and prodded them all for a laugh, I know cause I always enjoyed reading the puma updates at rumproast and stupidpuma by pumarubbernecker, to even suggest, that all you are going through now is because of bigotbasher, is really not true. You yourself wrote one of the best guide books concerning the puma movement, which by the way wasn’t very favorable, so I believe they have more than enough reason to hate on you without the bigotbasher, I’m just sayin…..
BigotBasher – when will you learn that it’s all more than about just you? Your reckless actions have brought down a ton of s**t on my friends and co-bloggers and all you can say is “I really regret it”. And then add a bunch of stuff about how it’s really not your fault anyway. Screw you, you stupid jerk.
Little Dreamer
Please describe what a “ton of shit” is? I see nothing of the sort. Perhaps if you stated actual damages, your argument might hold some actual water – so far it appears to be empty.
I somehow think we are too sensitive about this issue.
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
@Little Dreamer:
I chased down Kevin’s latest post about the whole brouhaha and I agree with marindenver being upset insofar as TheBigotBuster dragging them into this by posting the outing information on Rumproast, especially the implied threats against Kevin’s wife. While this precipitated the threats I am pretty sure there is some past history regarding PUMAs and discussing them at Rumproast, I am sure that Mr. Hillbuzz used his mistaken identification of KevinK as TheBigotBuster as an excuse to start an online jihad against Kevin and company.
While TheBigotBuster is responsible for their posting personal information about someone on a site other than his own, I don’t think the whole affair can be blamed on him since it takes two to tango and Mr. Hillbuzz seems to have wanted to dance with Kevin (or anyone who he perceives as a threat to his whatever) as evidenced by the way he has sunk his fangs into this and is worrying it for all the cash he can.
Mr. Hillbuzz and his cohorts are fucking nuts and you can’t blame that on The BigotBuster. His (TheBigotBuster) part in this has been admitted, apologized for and that is about all they can to to rectify this mess. Mr. Hillbuzz is in full
outragefundraising mode over this and he is going to use anyone he can to do it. If there are any threats there I hope that Kevin is successful in bringing the law down on Mr. Hillbuzz.We had to deal with an internet nut stalking our daughter a few years ago so I know how upsetting this can be. All I can say is that if you are going to have ‘fun’ on the internet then you better be ready for anything, insanity is out there and the internet seems to give them a soapbox to howl from. Followers of the same sort give them a false sense of power which they love to wield against anyone they view a threat.
IOW, shit happens. Usually assholes make it happen. Mr. Hillbuzz is an asshole. The BigotBuster was dumb for what they did in posting this somewhere they shouldn’t have but they don’t come across as an asshole.
Little Dreamer
@DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal):
Reading a link that I found on Rumproast, it seems that there is no actual proof of anyone doing anything – except Hillbuzz creating a fantasy money-making crisis point.
Would PUMA even exist if Obama was a white male?
Little Dreamer
The more I read about this, the less convinced I am that certain personas here on BJ who have been upset with Obama for not listening to his centrist plans for his administration and are upset that he’s not liberal enough are probably part of a ratfucking operation:
From Hillbuzz (December 7, 2009):
The entire list of the goals for this operation is quite stunning. If you haven’t read this, you should.
@Little Dreamer:
Little Dreamer – marindenver is a Rumproast blogger, not a HillBuzzite! She has reason to be afggrieved. Maybe that makes more sense of her comment you reacted to.
Little Dreamer
@Little Dreamer:
Whoops, FIXED!
I think that’s wrong. I mean, certain aspects of PUMA would be *different* if Obama were a white male, but something just like PUMA would exist, of course. Clinton himself is an example. Once Clinton was accused of having sex with ML and Kathrine Willey and all the other “I was raped/fondled/insulted” crew came out of the woodwork there was a concerted attempt to create an Anti Clinton Women’s alliance in which the language and politics of feminism were co-opted to attack a Democratic president. It didn’t coalesce around a candidate because there was no candidate available at the time.
Sure, there’s a lot of racism in the current PUMA thing, but there’s also a lot of response to perceived or imagined or real sexism on the part of the (largely white) commentariat. That’s not new and that’s not the product of Obama’s blackness. Its related to ideas about his youth, though, and free floating white female rage about hitting the glass ceiling and bouncing back while someone younger than you soars through. I think we’d have seen a lot of the PUMA stuff *in spades* if Obama had miraculously been replaced, on the Democratic side, by a younger, more charismatic, sexy, white female senator (Sarah Palin, in effect). Then the PUMA thing would more clearly be about a backlash against an old guard of older women who got bypassed for the win just at the moment that they thought they would get the prize. Think of the marvellous scene in “Up in the Air” when the young thing says to Michael Clooney’s older woman date “thanks for all you feminists did for me, of course.”
@Little Dreamer – I am a Rumproast blogger and I would define “a ton of s**t” as receiving e-mails from HillBuzz threatening your family and having ghouls on the HillBuzz blog call you a b***h and actively try to out your identity in addition to making comments about guns and steel boots. That is what I perceive as a “a ton of s**t” and I think you would too if it was happening to you.
Little Dreamer
I agree, it appeared from what I was reading (perhaps I read wrong) that you were calling that supposed suffering of the HillBuzzers to be the ton of shit, and so far I haven’t seen that they’ve proven they have suffered the loss of jobs and such.
What they did to Rumproast’s writer, his wife and his contributors is crap.
I’ve read hillbuzz.org sporadically from the election campaign until the present, and believe me, the Republicans don’t even want to associate with this crew. If you say, hillbuzz exists to squeeze money out of it’s audience, you wouldn’t be far off.
They began fundraising for themselves, first to drive off to campaign for McCain/Palin in Ohio. When that was done, they begged for more $$$ to host an election party in a hotel across from Grant Park with the Young Republicans of Chicago.
Last spring, hillbuzz asked for donations to set up their own website with a target date of June. When the new website failed to materialize, the blog went totally dead for several months, with commenters wondering whether they were still alive. (They’re still at WordPress, BTW.) A few months ago, it was a request for $$$ to attend a dinner for Bill Clinton, where they promised to report back.
This thing with thebigotbasher was a godsend for the blog, upping the audience and having real bloggers suggest people send money to help them. Well, with all those donations, don’t you think they’d hire a real investigator to scope out their “persecutors?” We’ll see if a real lawsuit is ever filed. I doubt it.
We won the election and now these sore losers will continue to spew your hate with lies. The way our courts work is that you get a competent lawyer, verifiable facts and present them to a judge, if the facts are real and not half baked lies, then, and only then, you proceed to trial. The Birthers seem to be having a problem with the so call facts that they present. Let’s face it no one will go along with you until you guys win a case, but until then, you will continue to appear dumb, crazy or racist, or maybe all three. Keep plucking that chicken.