Got busy reading with the Dog Whisperer on in the background and forgot all about Caprica. It occurred to me tonight that I have watched that show so many times I am developing a parasocial relationship… with his dogs. Hands down, Daddy is my favorite.
In other news, I’ve gotten about 6-7 inches (Update: OF SNOW, PERVS) in four hours. If it keeps up like this, we will definitely end up with well over a foot of snow in the morning.
kommrade reproductive vigor
yeah, okay, SNOW. (phew) I thought you were bathing again. Or. You know.
Bad Horse's Filly
Oh, I wish…..
Caprica replays in half an hour.
General Winfield Stuck
That sounds serious. If I knew what the fuck it was.
Is Caprica good? I’ve been recording it but haven’t watched it yet. I was eternally confused by BSG and wondering if this is the same way.
Ya really gotta watch how you word things around here.
General Winfield Stuck
Anyways, got Terminator Salvation today from Netflix. gonna watch that, and catch Caprica when it’s put on the Syfy website for streaming.
Well, at least y’all know how to handle it up there.
Down here, the weatherman calls for “up to a one inch accumulation”, and the stores will be packed with mobs scarfing up gallons of milk and several loaves of bread, schools shut down, gas stations get overrun by cars and trucks topping off tanks… people, it’s going to be 45 degrees the next afternoon. Chill.
John Cole
@SIA: The first three episodes have been very good.
John Cole
@General Winfield Stuck: Here.
El Cruzado
Well, in snow as in sex, anything over six inches is just asking for punishment more than anything else.
I had to double-check to see if Anne wrote this post…
mai naem
Well, we were cold here today too. It was about 70 degrees and tomorrow, we are supposed to get rain and its supposed to be even cooler. Think the weather guy said 69 degrees.
@D-Chance.: Even the people who are lactose intolerant will buy up all the milk because they’ve been trained that it’s the proper thing to do in a snowstorm.
@John Cole: Good think I will watch it then. Maybe if I watch one of these series from the beginning I can follow the story line.
Snowed in. Less than 3 miles from DC in Arlington and it looks like 10 inches so far, although it looks like about 6 because it so damned heavy. We’re getting it good and all the neighbors keep going out to peek at what’s happening outside. They’re saying an inch an hour for the next 8 hours.
kommrade reproductive vigor
@D-Chance.: You’ve just described the DC area response to a forecast that features even a hint of a suggestion that we might get snow.
It really is too fucking embarrassing for words.
If it’s any consolation, it’s 3 degrees out at the moment. Not a cloud in the sky, though.
@John Cole: So that pretty much describes all of us here, no?
General Winfield Stuck
@John Cole:
Well. I just learned something new.
My love life in a sentence.
Brick Oven Bill
Rahm says:
“Fucking Retards”
Tim Maloney, a Special Olympian designated as ‘retarded’ by Nancy Pelosi’s Health Bill says:
“Focus, take time, and relax. Keep your eyes on the alley.”
As he good naturedly gives the President advice.
Roland Burris, a United States Senator, says, according to this FBI transcript:
“I’m doing fine, I’m doing fine. What’s … (chuckles) what’s going on? I was just discussing you yesterday. “
“I know you’re calling telling me that you’re gonna make me the king of the world, and uhhhh…”
“… and therefore I can go off to, you know, wherever and do these great things.”
Keith G
I just happen to catch Nick Gillespie debating Larry Lessig re Citizens United on Bill Moyers
Nick is a piece of work – so very sure that corps deserve the same speech rights as citizens, so very sure that corporate money will not further skew election results, and so very sure that American voters are sophisticated enough evaluated corporate messages during elections.
Lessig is a good man but hardly able to keep up with the aggressive filibustery style of Gillespie.
It makes me happy that my 70-year-old widowed mother, whose only interest in science fiction was a modest affection for “Star Trek,” is an absolutely foaming fan of BSG and Caprica. I missed it last Friday and she was irritated all week that she couldn’t talk about it for fear of spoilers.
Cats, also.
General Winfield Stuck
@Brick Oven Bill: Riding the crazy train tonight, I see.
We’ve gotten more than that here already. So far this weather forecast has been spot on.
I need some advice. I’m gonna be in New York for 1 day & 1/2 this April, and then I’m off to India for 8 days! I’ve been assigned the task of finding and selecting a tour company and planning out our day in NYC. What would ya’ll suggest we do? What tour company would ya’ll recommend? When in New York, what do you just HAVE to do?
I need some ideas ASAP. So whatcha got?
Blizzard conditions for us here along the Bay for the next 24 hours:
Heard somebody on the national news railing about some grocery store’s cheese section being sold out somewhere around DC. WTF are those people going to be doing with all that? I don’t think Super Bowl nachos require quite that much, but what do I know?
@General Winfield Stuck:
LOL. In the last thread I loved your last comment me even though I had no idea what it meant….
In DC we are getting a “snow thunderstorm,” and I have no idea what that means…I’m thinking we probably have about an hour before the electricity goes, and I start breaking the furniture for wood for the fireplace because I could not buy any yesterday…
Wine and my novel by candle light. It wouldn’t be the first time.
J.W. Hamner
I finally blogged my Coq au Vin preparation.
This might have been one of my greatest cooking weeks of all time (please be aware I’m a cooking newb)… I made Thomas Keller’s roast chicken with root veggies (Ad Hoc at Home) on Sunday… then chicken stock from the carcass (simmered in the oven to morning)… and then made a root veggie and chicken hash with the leftovers on Wednesday… and ending ultimately with making Coq au Vin with the aforementioned chicken stock.
I’m usually not this cooking energized.
General Winfield Stuck
@Punchy: Your mind is deeper in the gutter than mine. And that’s saying something.
General Winfield Stuck
Sounds comfy cozy:)
LOL. In the last thread I loved your last comment me even though I had no idea what it meant
edit – that’s ok, I probly didn’t either.
Mark S.
At least nobody’s getting 12 inches of global warming.
dr. bloor
@Brick Oven Bill:
Tim Maloney clearly should have been giving Roland Burris the advice.
BTW, I don’t think Nancy Pelosi’s bill includes any classification guidelines for intelligence.
Something Fabulous
@BGK: I do so love that they are all variations on the theme.
@General Winfield Stuck:
It will be, until the heating goes, and I start drinking straight out of the bottle…:))
@Mark S.:
Except for Mother Earth, up the ass as it were.
Comrade Mary
I’ve got 12 inches of Snow for you right here, John. Consider this your CanCon for the night.
Always hilarious around my place.
@BGK: Oh, the one on the right reminds me of my darling Romeo, who was killed by a beast a few years ago.
Your kittehs are pretteh.
@lamh31: How large a group are you traveling with? I am not very good at judging what people have to see when they come visit> Are you looking for something uniquely New York, like a Broadway (or off Broadway) play? Personally, I am a fan of the Museum of Natural History/Hayden Planetarium but others prefer the Museum of Modern Art (a couple lesser known suggestions would be the Musuem of TV and Radio and the Roack and Roll Hall of Fame annex) If you end up all the way downtown, the Staten Island Ferry will take about an hour or so round trip and it gives a nice view of the Statue of Liberty as you go by. And like Harold Ford, you will be able to say you have been to Staten Island.
@Something Fabulous:
They help me pack, also.
@J.W. Hamner: Hey, left ya a link to that recipe-the chicken/tomato thing in the comment section of the pic, but here it is again: Shameless blog plug.
General Winfield Stuck
@BGK: Awwe! 4 little cutie pies.
I thought the second episode was a let down, but tonight’s was pretty good. The teens, unfortunately, remain very annoying.
Yeah, I was skeptical of Caprica at first, but so far it’s pretty solid. It’s really interesting to see what Joe Adama is really like, as Lee’s descriptions of his grandfather made him sound really bookish and cerebral — sort of an Atticus Finch sort of guy.
“You go in when they take roll call, and THEN you skip school”. Sam Adama: best role model EVAH!
@General Winfield Stuck:
Ahem. Five. Don’t forget Angus.
Also, not little. The pics don’t convey scale well, for they are all cat-beasts. Angus is 9 pounds, but my “small” cat Sophia is 11.5 and they go up from there. Must be something under my house.
It’s gonna just be me and my friend. 2 single ladies in Nyc for a day. I’m definitely leaning towards the Museum (how can I not, when I love the 1st “Night at the Museum” movie). Since we only have 1 day, my friend thought it might be a good idea to book one of those “hop on/off and ride” deals. Ya know just to get more bang for our buck, and so we can see as much of the landmark sights as possible. While I would love to see a Broadway show, my friend is not really into that.
So I got in trouble today. Never run out of food with three cats in the house. Things get really ugly really fast. Fortunately I rectified the situation and all is well.
@J.W. Hamner:
We all started out that way. You seem like you have a solid cooking foundation to build on, it’s a great skill to have. Coq au vin is a rather advanced dish, especially if you did the traditional three day method. Enjoy your success and hey don’t beat yourself up if tomorrow you burn everything. Any cook who says they’ve never been through that is a bald-faced liar.
General Winfield Stuck
@BGK: LOL, Angus looks like he’s got some serious ‘tude going on. They are all beauties,
@Annie: That is just crazy. Y’all just had 2 feet a couple of weeks ago!
I can’t wait to talk to my mom in the morning! At least she has a brand-new house that’s all cozy, with a gas fireplace. (Our old house got squished by a tree.)
The last time I remember that much snow was ’79, when we got three feet. I spent my 16th birthday snowed in at my girlfriend’s house for three days.
Royston Vasey
meanwhile, a report has been released about the deaths of 8 servicemen in Afganistan….
Royston Vasey
blockquote fail
@Yutsano: Damn! You’re lucky they didn’t Marie Provost your ass!
Oh BTW I’m enjoying the snow but for completely disparate selfish reasons. The Dawg is in Virginia, I’m hoping he gets snowed in and gets some time on his hands. :)
I don’t know if this has been mentioned before, but it’s spellbinding to watch.
Sand animator Kseniya Simonova, winner of “Ukraine’s Got Talent”. She’d only been doing this a year when the contest started.
Well then I would suggest skipping NYC completely and heading out to New Jersey :)
I have never taken any of those double decker bus tours and I no longer work or live in NYC so I don’t even know any of the latest buzz. I guess you pretty much have to go to Times Square on your first visit (probably better at night when everything is lit up). I dont know if it is better on the bus or on foot. A lot of that really depends on how much you want to be on your feet and what else you have planned for the day. I would probably start by figuring out the top couple things you want to see/do and then figure out the how based on that.
A random note: 1 mile is about equal to 20 city blocks and 1 crosstown avenue is about the equivalent of 3 city blocks. I have not taken a cab in forever so I have no clue what the current fares are.
John Cole
I should probably say goodbye. There is no wind and this is wet, small, snow, and as is always the case in WV when that happens, tree limbs will be breaking every line in town. Guarantee I will have no internet tomorrow.
So we’ll expect at least 5 posts from you tomorrow, then?
Mark S.
@John Cole:
Geez, that started out like a suicide note.
Maybe Tunch could use a new friend.
kommrade reproductive vigor
A weaker version of the normal kind. We saw some lighting flashes a while ago in College Park. It really is one of the coolest things nature throws our way.
Added bonus: I told the S.O. about thundersnow years ago and until tonight he’s thought I was either insane or a liar.
And way more than 7 inches. Hur.
Good luck. I hope Tunch doesn’t take advantage of your isolation.
General Winfield Stuck
Somebody should say a few words. guess I just did.
Comrade Kevin
Cute Overload from Larry Madill.
Think I’ll make a chowder tomorrow.
Bad Horse's Filly
@J.W. Hamner: Very excited for you. It all sounds wonderful!
OMG. Your last house got squished by a tree! I am now looking at my neighbor’s tree with new respect…and wondering if it is swaying closer to my townhouse than before…the wind is both awesome and scary…
Growing up in Pittsburgh I have great respect for snow storms, but this is the worst storm I have experienced in a long time — not expecting it to happen in DC. Hope your mom is doing fine. The good news is that I live in a development with a lot of military guys, who have been shoveling snow all day. The bad news is that they are losing…
General Winfield Stuck
@Comrade Kevin: Cute overload indeed. Thanks for posting that!!
Whew. Just got in from my jogging about. As I hit the door my iPod chose “No More Running” by Animal Collective (from Merriweather Post Pavilion). And now there’s a Billie Holiday biopic on the teevee. Yea!
Caprica is on the Time Warner On Demand where I live. I was thinking about giving it a shot. Thing is, I have not watched one second of BSG since the old reruns back in the early 80s. Do I need to know squat about BSG to watch Caprica, or will I be lost?
This will sound quite bat-guano crazy, but I would love to be in DC right now.
If any of y’all are in the DC area, and you’ve never been to the Wall, you should go when there is fresh snow on the gound. The quiet, and the contrast between the black granite and the white snow, is incredible. It will rock you, and you will stay rocked for a while.
So, I’m reading Sully and he refers to Sarah Palin as “the loony alleged mom” and I wonder, is this just teabagger bait or is the guy actually sitting on something big?
And keep your dirty minds to yourselves.
Sentient Puddle
I’m right there with ya. I’ve never experience a crazy shit-ass snow storm in my life. Something I probably should do before either I die or before global warming renders snow a thing of the past (whichever comes first).
@Paul: Just another retarded birther. Ignore Sullivan.
@burnspbesq: I’m with ya. I think pretty much any city is great to walk through when it is covered in fresh snow and there is nowhere you have to be and nothing you have to do.
I’ll believe it when I see it on my teevee, but the Villanova athletics website says that the Nova-G’town basketball game is going on as scheduled, at noon Eastern time tomorrow at the Verizon Center.
I love watching the Doppler of this storm hovering ever so close to but not quite touching Massachusetts. Granted, I have to drive to White Plains tomorrow, but still, slightly encouraging.
About fookin’ time. Maybe we’re finally at the beginning of the beginning of the end of three centuries of insanity in Ulster.
Been plowing through and reading a lot of scripts for one of my theatre companies. (asianMNgrrl, don’t be jealous. A lot of these scripts are baaaaaaaaddddddd). Started a smoky garlic soy sauce marinade; hope it turns out OK overnight.
@El Cruzado:
Well, in snow as in sex, anything over six inches is just asking for punishment more than anything else.
Back to the cervix thread already?
Comrade Luke
@Keith G:
God, Gillespie is ridiculous. I hate the glibertarians who calmly state that if you removed all barriers to everything everyone will sing kumbaya and work together.
It would be great if he would shut up and let Lessig speak, and it would be great if he had a better defense than “I/We’re not sure about that”
We’re so screwed.
Tea Party Con forms 501c pac so they can accept small donations for the 2010 elections. They “might” accept corporate money. Meanwhile, RedStateEric backs off calling the Con “scammy”.
@lamh31: do you really need a tour company? Pick up a copy of Fodor’s guide and find what you like.
But you must, must, must see Fela while you’re there.
I personally tend to chalk the whole Trig thing up to Palin’s tendency towards self-aggrandizement, but Sullivan seems almost giddy lately about her impending doom…ah, maybe it’s just wishful thinking.
@Comrade Mary: Internetz, we have a winner!
@Annie: It was a really, really, old tree. I grew up in a virgin oak forest surrounded by Gaithersburg.
He was massive, and our old brick patio was built around him. Mom had had tree surgeons out to look at him (we get state arborists assigned to our trees like GPs), but he hadn’t leafed out on the top in years.
My mom was in the john when he went down, and only the plumbing stack saved her from being impaled. My godmother used to say the trees in our town will never hurt you. I guess she was right.
Our town started off as a Methodist Camp Association, and they were always careful to build around the trees. One house has a tree growing through the porch, and the bark kind of sags over the roof like stretched-out stockings.
The whole town is on the National Historic Register, so destroying the house was a major act that involved years of pleas and petitions.
But anyway, we’re talking about a massive, ancient oak tree. That died of old age. Unless you’re living in the woods, you probably don’t have much to worry about.
It’s been 6-8 years since I’ve been, but buying dope and playing chess in Washington Square Park is something I did damn near every time I ever went, which when I lived on that coast, was every few months. It’s a bit of fun for the people from the boonies.
Comrade Luke
@Keith G: You know what else kills me? Conservatives and libertarians are more than happy to criticize other conservatives and libertarians IN RETROSPECT.
Oh yea, the war was stupid. Oh yea, this thing in the past was dumb, that was mistake.
Yet when they list their suggestions for how to make things better, the the things they list are exactly what caused the things they criticize to happen in the first place.
The problem is that it’s not supposed to stop snowing here until tomorrow (well, this) evening. :P
@lamh31: I know I said it before, but whatever else you do, you absolutely have to go see Fela if you possibly can.
@Comrade Luke:
Not so, good sir. One particular Republican has put together a concrete plan for electoral reform….
@lamh31: I’m not too up-to-date on the tour guides/buses or anything, though I know that a bunch of them have starting points at Penn Station (34th St. and 7th Ave.)
The best advice I have is to figure out which attractions/museums/landmarks/whatever you want to see (Central Park, Rockefeller Center, the Apple Store cube, Times Sq, etc.) and look up tours that will take you to those places.
If you’re feeling adventurous, I’d say swing by the NYU area (8th St aka St. Marks, from 2nd to 5th Ave thereabouts). They have all kinds of shops, restaurants, and random nooks and crannies to explore in that area. I doubt a tour formally goes through there, but if you have a map and a spare hour in case you get lost, it’s a really neat area.
Ben S.
10-12 inches already on the ground here in D.C…the Metro has shut down above ground and all bus service has stopped. Looking forward to spending all day in bed tomorrow.
@Ben S.: Exactly what the Senate needs: another excuse to do nothing.
A lyric snippet from one of my favorite Nashville bands, Stone Deep:
lamh31: One of those double-decker bus tours would be good. You can see a lot and those buses will have better schedules than city buses will. Our MTA is in a deficit hole and service has been cut back and we are expecting more. The Staten Island ferry ride is good for seeing the harbor and Miss Liberty.
And get a one or two one-day unlimited Metrocards. Cost $8.25 each and you can keep using it. Otherwise you need to have all change ($2.25 per fare with one transfer) for the bus. Subways only take Metrocards.
Check an open thread tomorrow and I’ll have more information for you.
@MikeJ: Heh, I can vouch for that. Although the weed there is kinda shitty now (I mostly get hydro from my friends as a result), Washington Square is still a cool place to at least check out.
@lamh31: Speaking of Washington Square, there’s a pretty decent Caribbean restaurant on 3rd St. called Negril Village. If you’re into that kind of cuisine, it’s pretty good. I took my mom there for brunch once (my family’s Jamaican, so she’s an authority on that kind of food) and she liked it a lot.
Again, I have no idea what you guys are really looking for, I’m just in a brainstormy kind of mood tonight.
Ms. Redshift and I had tickets for the Caps game in DC, so despite the dire warnings not to go out after dark, we drove downtown to the game (which was awesome! Thirteen-game winning streak!) We took our time and it wasn’t bad, even getting back into the neighborhood, which was the only thing I had worried about.
I doubt we’ll be going anywhere tomorrow, though.
@Kobie: I just watched most of the first episode – I thought it was intriguing, even though almost all of the characters are irritating! :) great visual and futuristic design/tech mixed in with fedoras, ties, and current corporate ambiance. I’m hoping if I watch from the start I’ll be able to follow the story, which I never did with BSG.
@Redshift: Downtown where?
I’m feeling really homesick.
I saw the Caps play at Cap Centre, which some of you may remember from Heavy Metal Parking Lot. We went on stick night!
I know the DC Coliseum is no more, but my grandmother took me to the circus there, and I wore shorts with green and purple elephants. Later it was the venue for the Reverend Sun Myung Moon’s mass-marriage massac—uh, ceremony.
I will forever look forward to seeing George Herbert Herbert Bush in Hell for granting that crazy fucker his imprimatur.
PurpleGirl is still predicting snow for NYC. From the website right now:
A steady snow will continue to fall through early morning. Cloudy with increasing winds. Temperatures slowly falling to near 25F. Winds NE at 15 to 20 mph. Chance of snow 90%. Snowfall of 2 to 3 inches through 7am.
We’ll see if snow does appear.
Just saw this on Sportscenter and it is adorably funny.
I suspect the writers have felt free to improvise on the characters as they’ve gone along. Probably the Atticus Finch type grandfather didn’t provide enough interest when they realized they had a whole new series to develop a narrative arc for.
LOL. Stupid human tricks. :)
@hamletta: Verizon Center, formerly MCI Center, at 7th and F. It’s a pretty nice arena. I wasn’t a hockey fan back in the old days, but I saw a number of concerts at Cap Centre, including the Who concert that was my first date with Ms. Redshift.
I saw the circus at the Coliseum, too!
@General Winfield Stuck: Oh, God. This post is LOL funny. PERVS.
A foot of snow on the front walk now, here in the inner VA suburbs of DC. Woo-hoo!
Just watched BSG ep 33 again. Classic stuff.
(Not so sure about Caprica yet; haven’t watched tonight’s. pacing last week … seemed … very … slow.)
Midnight Marauder
Somehow, it’s even better with the update.
In Seattle we’re having a crazy warm January. I like getting some snow, maybe 4-5 inches, nothing like what you folks back east are seeing.
But the warm is definitely freaking us out – esp. because, one, the less snowpack, the greater the chances of drought; and two, last summer’s heat waves were just bloody awful and a warm winter might mean another intolerably hot summer.
I’ve been watching Caprica. It’s one of those shows that are more subtle and conceptually complicated than they appear. I don’t know that I’m “enjoying” it per se – it’s hard to actually like any of the characters, esp. after what Adama did to Greystone – but it’s sure compelling TV.
Dear East Coasters: I hate you all. Sincerely, asiangrrl (very little snow in) MN. Not really, but I am so jealous of all the snow you are getting. I would love to have a foot or two more.
@Yutsano: Oh, no you didn’t! I am a bit OCD about my cats’ food. I never let it get down to the point where I even have to think about scrounging around for something for them to eat. Hey, did you see I fake-married El Cid? He claims we were already fake-married, but I don’t remember that. Welcome him to the family when you have a chance.
@BGK: Awwww! Want! Your kittehs are soooo cute! Though I agree that Angus looks like he’s got a bit of an attitude in that pic.
@J.W. Hamner: Nicely done! That looks marvelous.
@John Cole: Never ever start out a comment with, “I should probably say goodbye.” That said, I hope you don’t lose your power. It’ll be easier for Tunchie to eat you with no other sounds in the house.
@OriGuy: Every time I see her, I’m mesmerized. She’s very talented.
Hee hee hee….my big time playwright friend is in Minneapolis for the local premiere of his play at the Guthrie. He seems quite proud that he was able to navigate his rental car through the snow there.
@asiangrrlMN: There are three other people in this house, you would have thought someone would have mentioned the cat food was low. But meh, crisis averted and they all tolerate me again. At least I was on top of it, last time everyone else was out-stubborning each other about getting it. Yeah it’s a bit frustrating living here right now why do you ask?
I’m making Meyer lemon pie tomorrow just to tease you.
@gwangung: Oh, I hate you, too, for getting to read all those scripts. I don’t care how awful most of them are! Who is your big playwright friend? And, we have maybe two to three inches on the roads. Not a very impressive feat.
@Yutsano: It’s a good thing I live alone, then, because I only rely on me to take care of my boys! And, I bet you like to be on top. Talk to the Dawg lately? Lemon pie? Harlot!
@asiangrrlMN: I got sent fifteen pounds of lemons I gotta do SOMETHING with them! Fortunately my lemon pie recipe is EASY. Like four ingredients easy. And soooo good.
I’m hoping he gets snowed in and has some time on his hands. Although the last time he actually got time to surface was at 5 in the morning so I guess we’ll see.
@asiangrrlMN: That’s David Henry Hwang (he used to be a hotter name than he is now, but winning a Tony is still pretty decent stuff). He’s started out a California boy, but he’s a New Yorker now–and doesn’t drive a lick there. Driving in the snow is a big deal that impresses all of his old friends from California….
Hate me all you want, but I have to plough through these scripts. And talk intelligently about them to the other folks on the committee. It makes me want to unleash my inner Simon Cowell…
@Yutsano: That’s a lot of lemons. I’m glad you’re making lemon pie and not lemonade. Though, homemade lemonade is also tasty. I hope you get some time to chat with The Dawg, damn it.
@gwangung: Holy shit. You know David Henry Hwang? I am completely jealous of you now. I don’t hate you: I wanna BE you! Heh. I would pay to see you go Simon Cowell on the scripts.
Hey, wait. DHH is HERE??????
@asiangrrlMN: Heh. I’ve made lemonade too. At some point I’m making whole wheat spaghetti with lemon cream sauce and taking that to work. So uhh yeah gonna be a very citrusy couple of weeks around my house. The smell of the lemons is amazing also.
I knew that factoid was going to occur to you. Dare I guess what trouble you’re going to be up to tomorrow?
Anne Laurie
As someone who has loved the American Museum of Natural History since I was tiny, I would definitely recommend it! (Some of the movie stuff was… more invented than necessary… but the Akeley Hall with the elephat exhibit is just that cool.) If you are moderately active, it’s easy to visit the AMNH and then walk through Central Park to visit the Metropolitan. Both museums have good websites where you should be able to pick out the exhibits that each of you will love most, and they both have FANTASTIC gift shops as well. And it’s been some years since I did the cross-park walk, but it used to give people an excellent slice-of-the-City experience.
@asiangrrlMN: Well, YELLOW FACE is opening at the Guthrie Saturday night and he’ll be there (he’s been doing some fancy meet the author stuff all week). If you’re there, you can meet him as he paces in the back of the theatre during the show….
Dave and I go way back (I knew him before he and other Asian American playwrights had pretentious middle names). Honestly, I’ve used his coat-tails to get whatever reputation I have–and he’s kind enough to give that help freely to his friends, and that’s the sort of thing you do to build community.
@Anne Laurie: And I may be committing a heresy here but don’t go up the Empire State Building. The views from the Chrysler building are just as breathtaking and it’s usually not as crowded.
@gwangung: Good sir/madam, methinks you are about to get proposed to very very soon.
There really isn’t much you can do in NYC in a day and a half, except get in a lot of trouble.
You should probably do the usual tourist thing:
1. Museums (Pick one):
A. East Side Group: Metropolitan Museum of Art, Guggenheim, Whitney
B. West Side Group: Museum of Modern Art, Museum of Natural History.
C. If you’re really into books, you might want to hit the Strand and the Morgan Library. If you decide on the Morgan, you might as well add a side trip to the Empire State Building too — they’re within walking distance of each other.
D. If your crew isn’t the bookish or museum type, then try the Statue of Liberty/Ellesmere Island, a Circle Line day cruise, and some time at Times Square to look at all the pretty blinking lights. You probably won’t have to meet or mix with any actual New Yorkers, except those who work in the service industry, if you choose this option.
2. Go for a meal at a decent restaurant, something with at least an 18 rating in Zagat’s.
3. Theatre, concert, or clubbing.
@Yutsano: Well, shit. I mean, DHH. Here. Damn it. I have got to get plugged into my community again.
@gwangung: Man. That is just too damn cool. So, if I meet him, can I say, “Hey, you’re a friend of gwangung’s!” Will he know who the fuck I’m talking about? Damn. Of course it’s a Theater Mu Rick Shiomi Production. DUH! I did a bit of acting with Theater Mu more than a decade ago. Sigh.
@Yutsano: Do I NEED a third fake gay husband?????
@Yutsano: I was gonna say the same thing. It is vastly overrated given the time and annoyance it requires but I did not want to ruin it if lamh31 had her heart set on it.
I cannot believe I completely blanked on the Met and did not mention it all. Especially egregious since I used to live a couple avenues away from it and skated by it hundreds of times on the way into the park.
If they could handle the walking and if the weather is nice, I would suggest starting at the Met, walking across Central Park to the Museum of Natural History then walking down the west side of the park through Strawberry Fields then go west around 65th street to Broadway and walk down past Lincoln Center and Columbus Circle into Times Square.
@lamh31: Chinatown! I loved it. I also did Broadway, but I love musicals. I eschewed all the tourist stuff. Central Park was nice, as was the Met (OK, I know those are pretty much tourist things, too, but still).
@MattR: Gah. You beat me to it, good sir. That’s what I get for being so damn verbose.
Going from a RedKitten recommendation (still a bit jealous of this but I’ll get over it) you might want to sample Babbo. She raved about how wonderful it was.
@asiangrrlMN: NEED? Probably not. Want? Well…you two do have a few commonalities there. I just muscled my way into your life. :)
@Yutsano: This is true. But, I am so glad you did! Good night!
The things you find out on teh internets …
Yellow Face was thought-provoking, not surprisingly. I saw what I think was the workshop/premiere here in Los Angeles @ the Mark Taper Forum a couple years ago and would be curious at what it looks like now. Got all fehrklempt cuz it was my first “live” DHH play. (I missed his revival of Flower Drum Song in the same venue.)
But, ultimately, I think I would love to see a revival of M Butterfly! It was great to read but obv it’s meant to be performed.
You can go up the Chrysler Building? Damn, I didn’t know that. We went up 30 Rock one day, and that would have been a neat view if it hadn’t been foggy. We also did the Empire State Building, just as it was our first visit to NYC, and thus, kind of a must-do. But I wouldn’t do it again — that line-up was looooooonnnng!
Blue Neponset
Cat Question!!
Yesterday, our sizist veterinarian told my wife that our wicked awesome cat is “overweight”. The poor guy has to go on a even worse diet than he is already on. The problem is we have another wicked awesome cat who is as skinny as a rail. The diet cat food is wicked expensive and must be served in measured doses so we don’t want the skinny guy to be eating it.
The Vet suggested putting skinny cat’s food under an upside down laundry basket and cutting a hole in the basket that the not-skinny cat will not be able to fit through. We are going to try this but I am not very optimistic about its chances of success. Both cats are very stubborn and very smart and have a lot of time on their paws so I think they will find a way to mess this up.
Has anyone else had a similar problem? If so, how did you solve it?
What an awesome story to wake up to — thanks!
Side note: I can hardly see outside the snow is so deep, and blowing against the windows. It is both beautiful and creepy — no noise. No cars, buses, people…I can’t remember a time when the world was so quiet…
Cheryl from Maryland
New York stuff — Look at the Time Out Magazine for Manhattan. It is the best guide to what is happening.
General — get Metrocards. You can buy them at machines at the subways. They are good on buses and subways.
Circle tours around Manhattan are wonderful, especially if the day is nice. If time/money is short, the Staten Island Ferry is good, and my spouse and I love to take the subway to the Brooklyn Bridge and walk across it (there’s a special pedestrian walkway). Put Gershwin on your ipod for the bridge.
Unless you have a serious time crunch and are doing the equivalent of the 6 minute Louvre, walk! Up Fifth avenue from the NYPL to Rockefeller Center to Barney’s/Tiffany’s is a great walk with wonderful window shopping experiences.
Museums — Met and AMNH must sees if you like museums. If you want to splurge, eat lunch at the Petrie Court at the Met — excellent but chi chi food in a sit down place with a lovely view of Central Park. Oh, my husband says the Petrie Court is also good for tea or a late afternoon dessert.
The walk across the park is lovely, not only to see the Park, the Dakota, Strawberry fields, but the Belvedere Castle. Great views from the Castle.
As for AMNH, I’d miss the Rose Planetarium. The interior hasn’t worn well, it is noisy, and basically a holding pen for school groups. But the reinstall of the paleo halls on the 4th and 5th floors, even if done fifteen years ago, are stellar, especially the bone sets. There is no good place to eat at the AMNH, but if you go out the back and south a few blocks, there is Jacquemo’s — a New Orleans style chain, but nice.
The Guggenheim has just had its interior cleaned up. Fabulous building. Not good for seeing art, but a work of art in itself.
Small but interesting museums — The Museum of Sex is a fun ride through NYC’s history (it was standard for young clerks like in Hello Dolly to keep mistresses). The Cloisters up in Fort Tryon Park. The Frick (you can hate the man for being Carnegie’s enforcer, but he had good taste).
Have fun.
@Paula: Ditto on the M. Butterfly. I will be first in line when they do a revival.
@Blue Neponset: Um, I am going to give you a ‘bad’ answer. I would forget the expensive diet food and try to get the big cat to exercise a bit more. See what kind of interactive toy s/he likes and go with that. I am not a big fan of diet cat food (or diet foods in general) or really restrictive diets as the body needs a certain amount of fuel just to function. That’s just me, though. YMMV.
@asiangrrlMN: Hm. Good question. A fairly good chance, but he’d twig to it if you said I was from Seattle.
Third fake gay hubby? Well, the stuff I’d have to fake is the gay part (then again, I AM in theatre…)