The number of mentions at Reason’s Hit and Run about Shelby’s hostage crisis for billions: ZERO
Number of mentions of Nelson’s 100 million dollar deal for HCR? You count ’em. I have shit to do.
Predicted glibertarian response should they even notice: “Hey, we are all in favor of anything that shuts down government!”
There is a reason folks think you all are Republican strategists.
*** Update ***
Good on Captain Ed, though.
Much to my surprise, Reason comes out against this! Cue the Hallelujah chorus.
Include Landrieu’s deal, too. They bleated about that.
John Quixote
I’m shocked, shocked I tell you, that the MSM isn’t following up on this. Must be because of ‘RetardGate’. Or the clusterfuck going on in Nashville this weekend.
In lighter news, the Dick Whisperer haz a sad.
August J. Pollak
Why is this “good on Captain Ed?” He says flat-out in his post that “while this may SEEM good, he’s doing it about pork.”
Ed doesn’t give a shit that 70 Democratic nominees are being blocked by a massive abuse of power that if done by anyone to the left of Trent Lott he’d be calling “treasonous.” He’s just mad that he has to mention it or look like a hypocrite over the Nelson stuff.
Foolishly, I still held out hope for a few of the Reasonoids. Then Radley Balko, whom I previously considered the most principled, went after Martha Coakley for her egregious past prosecutorial abuses, yet managed not a peep about how she supported trying suspected terrorists in civilian courts, while Scott Brown asserts that those accused of terrorism have no rights. Because the behavior of state AGs is much more the purview of the US Senate than treatment of detainees in the “War on Terror,” apparently. Now I can’t even go over there to enjoy a bitter laugh from the noxious sociopathic stupidity on display.
The asshats at Politico have the Shelby story buried near the bottom of the page. The top Politico headline reads “Dems Grouse as Obama Tacks to Center” and “Big Bang Explodes on Dems.” Man I hate Politico.
Alex S.
The Republicans achieved all their political goals they could possibly achieve through an electoral mandate. Privatizing social security and dismantling medicare/medicaid will have to happen indirectly, via collapse of the government.
Dave C
Has anybody seen or heard any mention of the “Cotton State Cockblock” on CNN or MSNBC? I’ve checked their websites and didn’t find anything.
How to be a Republican:
If you are in the majority, steal everything that isn’t nailed down.
If you are not in the majority, break everything until you are in the majority again.
Also, screw Cap’n Crunch. He’s a hack the other 95% of the time and you know it.
Yeah, good on Capt. Ed for mentioning that it’s about Richard Shelby protecting the interests of Northrop-Grumman, as opposed to the more complete “Northrop-Airbus partnership”. Cuz it’s all about the optics, y’know.
The Grand Panjandrum
You these guys at Reason … oh, never mind. But in other news today it looks like SC Governor Mark Sanford has had a change of heart when it comes to taking money from the Federal gummint.By contrast, Sanford’s office told The State newspaper on Friday that the governor was no longer interested in fighting the stimulus — a pledge Sanford’s trip to Washington this week to campaign for Race to the Top dollars seemed to solidify. I guess walking the Appalachian Trail cleared his head up a bit. Or something.
To clarify on the optics, Northrop-Grumman is a US company that has a long history of making US military planes, while Airbus – who is Northrop’s partner on the Alabama refueling project – is a European firm (based in France(!)) responsible for making the major passenger jet competitors to Boeing.
Notorious P.A.T.
“Reason”–isn’t that the libertarian magazine that asks for donations?
Notorious P.A.T.
Some people are incapable of learning:
@Notorious P.A.T.: Max Baucus needs to be locked in a closet, only to be trotted out when he is needed for a cloture vote. That man is a menace.
El Cid
@Notorious P.A.T.: Well, fuck, no problem then — get Republicans to write all your legislation, get just enough conservative Democrats to join them, and, bam, it’s 1990s again, baby!
Capt. Ed might have been cool (could’ve been even cooler really)….but did you read the troglodites in the comments section? Why aren’t they all in Nashville at the for profit Tea Party?
Instapundit, King of the PorkBusters, finds it completely uninteresting, too. Not one mention.
Checked out all the main news sites -MSNBC, CNN, & Google home page. Nada. Might pick up steam over the weekend, but right now, Nuthin. Once again, I’m sure the only MSM who will mention are Keith & Rachel tonight (& maybe not Rachel. She’s in NOLA tonight).
Maybe that will get someone interested at another MSM outlet, but I doubt it. This is what passes for news now a days. One senator can stop the seating of every appointed position in the United States of America, but damn, Edwards might have a sex tape, Palin emails, & it’s Superbowl weekend, so who gives a fuck!!!!!
Capt. Ed’s commenters are all calling Shelby an ex-demorat, hence holds are in his gene-thingies.
@Notorious P.A.T.:
I used to think max was a naive simpleton, but now I see him as a guy looking for an excuse.
Chad N Freude
We are all Us Weekly now.
Clambone Instapundit isn’t around he is at the Tea Party convention.
The Corner has a post about this. They point out that Reid and Obama held up appointments when Bush was in office for their own political purposes. I think what he is doing is wrong but this isn’t anything new to the US Senate. One Senator should not be able to hold up appointments like this.
From Instapundit:
RICHARD SHELBY: Unrepentant porker. Somebody put up a Tea Party challenger! link
From The Corner:
Richard Shelby (R., Ala.) is rightfully catching heat link
Nothing to see here kids, move along.