The ad, called “12 inches of Global Warming” is specifically targeting Reps. Rick Boucher (D-VA) and Tom Perriello (D-VA) in advance of the fall midterm elections.
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by DougJ| 53 Comments
This post is in: Bring on the Brawndo!, General Stupidity, Good News For Conservatives
The ad, called “12 inches of Global Warming” is specifically targeting Reps. Rick Boucher (D-VA) and Tom Perriello (D-VA) in advance of the fall midterm elections.
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And I bet they’ll be shoving it down our throats.
dr. bloor
Big surprise. Making people dumber (and more fearful) is the only trick they’ve had in their bag for some time now.
John Quixote
Check out Larry Flynt’s newest production, ‘Nalin’ Palin with 12 Inches Of Global Warming’. Starring Lexington ‘I’m not Michael’ Steele.
licensed to kill time
That’s just… Dirk Diggler!
I await the sequel
And this pretty much and excellent example of a political party intentionally banking on ignorance to get a win.
GOP… we want to win, so keep being stupid America!
John Cole
What is awesome is how this is probably going to mirror the Republican’s collective sex lives. They are going to promise them 12 inches, and they will probably only get 3-4. And what better time to down a wetsuit that during freezing rain.
Oh god, Green Balloon Juice. Please, Green Balloon Juice.
There’s only so much fucking mindless stupid one can take in a day before wanting to bash one’s head through their keyboard. And it’s only 2:15PM here!!
@John Cole:
…ok, thanks for that John, I needed a laugh after all of this.
@Kryptik: try living on the west coast (still 11:20 am here), where you wake up to this stupid.
Michael D.
And the first comment on the TPM post is great:
Snow? In winter?! Unpossible!
Now they’re killing tens of thousands of jobs* by voting on cap and trade legislation. I do appreciate that legislation still bottled up in the Senate suddenly becomes cannon fodder in the House. Remind me again how anyone is supposed to take the GOP seriously.
*job losses may be more fictitious than they appear.
In other news of wingnut insanity, Tom Tancredo gave a hell of an opening speech at the Teabagger Convention. He’s apparently blaming Obama on the fact that we no longer do literacy tests in order to register to vote.
That there dog whistle is so loud, I’m betting that every stray within a hundreds miles was ringing the Opryland Hotel and Convention Center. They should have let those dogs in. That way they might have actually filled the room.
Makes you appreciate the virtues of sleeping past noon, doesn’t it?
OT but equally pathetic: Poor Dana Milbank–A McCainiac No More…for now.
Chyron HR
How is it that this argument convinces anybody? Surely even stupid people can see the logical flaw in “They tell you that something is wrong with the weather, but look at all these record-breaking monster storms we’ve been having!”
it’s clear that there’s no such thing as “inflation” : things keep going on sale !
Dana Said:
How the hell could he miss someone who never really existed?
The Maverick Myth was just that, Dana. Myth.
It snowed here today and a winger in one of my classes insisted that it meant global warming was bull. Seriously I live in fucking Wisconsin, it’s gonna take a lot of warming to stop snow.
El Cid
Hey, if there’s all this damn invisible “gravity” that libruls keep talkin’ about, how come birds and planes fly through the air? Huh?
Why don’t your fancy ‘gravity’ theory explain how come there was dogfights in the air in WWI and WWII between planes? Did your precious Isaac Newton forget to turn the gravity switch back on?
Ash Can
And in other news, the Teabaggers’ Convention has opened with Tom Tancredo being his usual bigoted self.
ETA: I see geg6 beat me to it!
Does it also star an unintelligible white rapper?
It ain’t Global Warming until we can wear Short Sleeves in Siberia, you should know that.
You woke up this morning. Can you doubt that you are immortal?!
@Kryptik: I’m half-surprised he didn’t break out the lyrics to “People” in that column.
Also, it’s practically spring already where I’m at. Seriously, daffodils are blooming. How many inches of the global warming would that be exactly?
Brick Oven Bill
One of the great things about The Facility is that it is an endeavor of stamina, and not power. This means that women can succeed. And those who succeed achieve wonderful tone in a month or so.
These ladies know exactly what they have, and are not always shy in their choice of clothing.
I really enjoy working at The Facility.
A little BBQ, a little tire swingin’, and all will be forgiven.
@scav: I’m not even sure I exist
@Brick Oven Bill: what the fuck?
OT, but this is an interesting Friday document dump:
h/t Sully
@Zam: some days, I’m not sure I want to. schrodinger’s vacation for me.
I think BOB has watched too many episodes of LOST while off his meds
Ash Can
@geg6: Hey, being governor of Alaska is a lot of work. Somebody had to do it.
licensed to kill time
BOB’s been locked up at “The Facility” and he’s just trying to suck up to Big Nurse Ratchet.
@R-Jud: You see…If you change positions for political purposes, you’re just a politician. If you change positions for political purposes and you have a tire swing, you’re a maverick. Who doesn’t love a tire swing?
Liberal voters would be more likely to pass a literacy test than the republican base unless the test comes right out of the upcoming textbooks written by the Texas Board of Education.
@bemused: Trust me writing the tests would be put to the teabaggers. Or else it’s cheating and the baggers will revolt because they can’t read that crazy black speak otherwise known as english.
Ash Can
Actually, this gives Boucher and Perriello the perfect opportunity to push back on the denier bullshit, beginning with why the correct term is “climate change” rather than “global warming.” Once the great unwashed finally get it through their heads that they can expect more severe cold and snowstorms during the winter due to fucked-up weather patterns, rather than less, they might start demanding that their elected officials stop being ignoramuses, charlatans, and energy-industry sockpuppets on this issue.
Liberal voters could still then at least match their counterparts so long as they forgot everything they know and marked scrupulously random responses.
Grumpy Code Monkey
Jesus Christ, does anyone on the right understand the concept of averages? Such as average temperatures?
That kind of bullshit makes me want to take a baseball bat to these idiots.
@El Cid: I am seriously thisclose to fake-proposing to you. You bring it with every comment. Kudos to you, Sir.
I would like twelve inches…of snow. I love snow. I would like twelve inches, if it’s six inches twice!
Brick Oven Bill
As we have previously calculated, a worker in my current line of work generates 350 continuous Watts. If one generates 350 continuous Watts over full work-weeks, wonderful changes often occur to the human anatomy.
Rachel may be interested to know that one of my co-workers is a male dancer, perhaps former, but I’m not sure as he always seems to have a lot of money for a guy in our line of work.
I think this should be their ad. (Just up to 1 min 25 seconds).
El Cid
@asiangrrlMN: I thought we already got fake married. Wouldn’t this be a fake renewal of vows? I’m there babe.
John Edwards (Big John) is probably available.
@El Cid: Oh, shit. I always wondered what happened that night. So, you are officially FH#3! YAY! I am officially a fake-polygamist. Here’s to ten more fake years, hon.
@geg6: I’m pretty sure sully jumped the shark when he wrote a treatise explaining why he didn’t descend to the depths with John Edwards that he descended to with Sarah Palin. When an already gossipy person decides the key to improving their credibility is to become more gossipy, I’ve lost whatever interest I once had.
They probably have already figured out how to write the test in wingnutese & privatize it’s production.
Goddamn, at least if they simply admitted they think giving the slightest of fucks about the environment will bankrupt their corporate backers instead of denying that climate does not = weather the honesty would be refreshing. But no…
Anyone who lives in the Ohio/NY snowbelt knows that it doesn’t stop snowing like crazy until Erie freezes. Global warming ain’t making the Great Lakes colder dudes. Lake Erie + July water temps 72+ = more snow the following winter. We get some of our worst storms in April AFTER the spring lake thaw.
Off topic.
I couldn’t help myself, and looked at the cartoons for the week posted. They are exactly what the earlier thread from today on Deficit and Iraq War. The exact same type of hysteria with no historical backup. I’d say 15 of 20 cartoons were all like that.
@dr. bloor: and it works like a charm every time.
Understanding the difference between climate and weather is a part of the Virginia Standards of Learning for Earth Science, which students are required to pass to graduate high school. Many students take it as early as in 9th grade. This means that the Virginia GOP literally understand less science than the average 10th grader.
Actual Standards of Learning standard.
A new level of stupidity uncovered: Virginia’s Republican governor, Bob McDonnell — you know, the guy who’s the effective head of the Republican Party of Virginia, which made the ad — says he believes in global warming and reducing carbon dioxide emissions.