Here’s a thread for you- had rehab today and I am actually in a helluva lot of pain- as bad as early last week. I just don’t see much blogging for me happening tonight.
Also, Chuck.
by John Cole| 99 Comments
This post is in: Open Threads
Here’s a thread for you- had rehab today and I am actually in a helluva lot of pain- as bad as early last week. I just don’t see much blogging for me happening tonight.
Also, Chuck.
Comments are closed.
Rest up buttercup. You’ve blogged your heart out today and at almost 300 comments and going, you deserve a break.
O-bot programming note – Michelle Obama is going to be on Larry King live tomorrow night. Larry King is the worst interviewer, mainly because he’s half dead, but Michelle is always lovely.
Josh Huaco
I’m sorry to hear that, John. I hope this passes soon.
Glad there’s no gator gator gator gator gator gator ad right now.
No, even all dead he’d be terrible.
Has DougJ seen that Dana Milbank has admitted to being a Republican?
General Winfield Stuck
You did good blogging today, so relax, buttercup. :–0)
Midnight Marauder
Whoops! Looks like…I am in the wrong thread. I thought this was the site of the Balloon Juice Thunderdome.
Sorry about the pain. Progress with rehab is often uneven; you might wake up in the morning feeling much, much better.
And that was one great post there earlier. It’s been quite the disappointment to realize that many in the so-called new media are every bit as flawed as the mainstream media figures they are seeking to replace.
To me, a number of the “progressive” whiners are just looking for an angle to boost their careers, and the MSM is always looking for some stooges for a “critics on the left” attack on Democratic politicians.
How about a scared lookin puppy to tug on the ol’ heartstrings?
And ain’t it about dinnertime?
Click on my name and I’ll tell ya all about it.
Brian J
I don’t mean to beat a dead horse, but I just thought I’d add the following:
Obama sucks
Rahm sucks
Obama and Rahm suck
Obama sucks
Rahm sucks
Obama and Rahm REALLY suck
Seriously now, is anyone here a fan of “Damages”? It’s been good this season, although since I only watched a little bit of last season, I forgot how much of a mind trip the constantly switching time line is.
Also, “Real Time with Bill Maher” returns this Friday. I’ve been feeling oddly optimistic lately, so I guess it’s about time that I come home on Friday night for my weekly dose of pessimism. He’s pretty sharp most of the time, although I’d wish he lighten up on the anti-medication stuff.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Napoleon: Good find. This part is good too, from Weigel
He’s referring to McCain, Hagel (is Clemons still here?) and Bloomberg
John, hope you feel better soon.
@Brian J: Olympics opening ceremony is on Friday.
Piss poor programming on Bill’s part, IMO.
Josh Huaco
Don’t know if this has been mentioned in prior threads, but the Buffalo Beast has released its annual list of the 50 most loathsome Americans. IMO the writing is a little weaker than years past. But as always, ‘You’ is my favorite entry.
We are happy/worried at work right now because my boss had her twins early this morning. Happy because, well, baybeez! Worried because they weren’t due until April.
But still — baybeez! Apparently they’re far enough along gestationally that they have a 90-95 percent chance of doing just fine (yes, I Googled it), so I may just be a worrywart.
Brian J
Perhaps, although much of his core audience, like me, doesn’t give a hoot about the Olympics, although I do like the “HHHH, HAHUH, HAHUHHAHUHHAHUH” beat that they always bring.
By the way Ezra is on Keith tonight.
Open thread says: why is he climbing a mountain?
General Winfield Stuck
Oh noes!! It’s bath day for teh Charlie Monster dry off
Local forecasters sound almost gleeful that we, i.e. northern NJ, Manhattan and Long Island will probably get flattened by this Wednesday’s storm.
Comrade Mary
@General Winfield Stuck: Damn it, that picture has to cheer up poor John. Worked for me, it did.
You gotta love a dog that looks like a dandelion with static shock build-up.
@General Winfield Stuck: That’ll teach him to be careful around electricity, it will.
J.W. Hamner
Finished Mass Effect 2 last night. I won’t spoiler anything, but I was surprised with the variation in the endings from reading various gamer sites. Obviously, you either win or you don’t, but there seems to be a large range of final scores.
Comrade Mary
@jeffreyw: No, I’M Yoda. Dude, back off you should.
Cat Lady
Hank Paulson’s book “On the Brink” will do little to dispel the notion, which Paulson acknowledges, that some Republicans believe him to be a closet Democrat. Hank Paulson being a closet Democrat makes me feel dirty.
Oh, and for those who can’t get enough of the Peytie Pout. This one’s for you.
General Winfield Stuck
@Comrade Mary: I call it his Phyllis Diller look.
so we had 30″ of snow dumped on us – looks like another 10-20″ is coming tomorrow. The plows aren’t clearing secondary streets (which we’re on). And I’m running out of diapers for an 18 month old who is doing her best to go through more diapers than Vitter after a weekend bender…the brochure for kids said “It’s going to be Awesome!” – still waiting for that part…
demo woman
@Brian J: I really enjoyed Damages the last two seasons. FX put it behind a pay wall this year so I have not been able to watch it.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Just clicked through O’Reilly long enough to see Jim Vandehei whinily pleading with Bill-O to be nice to him, and referring to Politico reporters as “refugees from the mainstream media”.
dammit, why hasn’t obama repealed DOMA with an executive order yet?? and also gramm/leach/bliley! too.
demo woman
@General Winfield Stuck: The dog looks like you plugged him into a socket. lol
Famous last words.
ETA: I think I’ve posted this pic before, but here’s the smudge again. She has been very vocal over the past couple of days about me leaving her for the weekend. Seemed pissed. Tore up another roll of toilet paper.
She is no doubt plotting a coup as we speak.
I wish Obama would give us public option by executive order – he could do it with AIG.
oh, that would be sweet.
Equal Opportunity Cynic
They tried to make John go to rehab, he said, no, no, no….
Seriously, John, best wishes on your recovery.
Brian J
@demo woman:
Really? I didn’t know the network would want to do something like that.
Perhaps you can download it, either legally or illegally.
Keith O reporting the Reps are saying that among preconditions to attending a health care summit that Obama must discard going the reconciliation route among a bunch of other things.
Goddamn groundhog. Guess he was right.
Dave C
My apologies if this has been discussed already here today, but I thought Tim F. and the BJ phonebankers might be interested in the Great Big HCR Phonebank on Feb 24th and 25th.
Also that there must not be any camera’s in the room.
¡Caramba! Kristin Kreuk is teh hot. And perky. Normally I hate perky, but perky and hot can be a good combination. If people like this really worked at Geek Squad, I would never do my own computer maintenance.
That is all.
When I get laid up with long recovery illnesses (flu, strained back), it just means its time to load up the first couple of seasons of Farscape on the DVD. And Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan.
Seriously, how can you not feel better after watching Shatner over-act screaming “Khaaaaaaaaannnn!!!!”. Plus, you get (1) pre-fat Kirstie Alley in Spock ears, (2) Ricardo Montalbon in a wig and a fake chest, (3) 80s looking duded with perms and (4) Spock dies.
Up to 20″ more snow for the DC area? Holy shit.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Napoleon: I wonder if that will finally backfire on them?
Brian J
The truly hysterical reactions to the potential for snow this past weekend were something else. You’d think we were about to experience something one step below a nuclear attack. In the end, of course, nothing happened, so I will save my reactions for when the snow actually appears.
@Napoleon: Wow, the summit is a week off and already the GOP have failed it. Heckuva job, guys!
@Brian J: I love the Olympics. I’d watch almost every minute if I could. I’d much rather support amateurs who have put years of effort into winning for their nation than some jackasses who can’t resist needling up so they can get their $30M contract renewal.
Get ready for 13 posts from John within the next hour!
I have tried to get into Chuck,but no can do.
I should have started watching from the premiere, because Mat Bomer played a recurring character named Bryce Larkin who kicked major butt, and I’ve become rather fond of Bomer…
… except that the only reason I like Bomer is because I finally started watching White Collar after resisting its not-very-original yet too-cute-by-half premise for months. The premise is still ridiculous, but the acting is quite good, the characters interesting right down to the supporting roles (I love Mozzie to pieces), and now of course I regret that I didn’t start watching White Collar earlier in its run.
I miss seeing GOP ads on the site. I always clicked those suckers, sinfully enjoying their wasted pennies.
@JGabriel: I thought that was only me.
Comrade Mary
Shelby blinked.
demo woman:
You know, uTorrent is your friend.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
I bought 2 budget-price games on Steam this weekend, Watchmen: The End Is Nigh and NBA2K10.
Watchmen looks good and is a straight beat’em up. You control either Rorschach or Night Owl and you fight your way from checkpoint to checkpoint picking up new fighting moves along the way. Rorschach has some especially vicious finishing moves, my favorite being one where Rorschach slides beneath the thug’s legs delivering a kick to the crotch before popping up behind with three elbows to the base of the neck and a finishing chop to the adam’s apple.
NBA2K10 is the only basketball title available for the PC since NBA Live left for console-only after 08, and despite the $19.99 price, it cuts no corners. The menu system gives the game away as a console port and there seems to be some controller issues (button assignment doesn’t match the controller default) with both an Xbox360 or Logitech controller but they are not anything that can’t be easily overcome with just getting familiar with a new control scheme. The game looks amazing. The details are sharp and varied. Whether it’s the life-like crowd or the team mascots goofing around during a time out NBA2K10 looks really great.
Gameplay is solid and doesn’t breakdown to rushing up and down the court trading easy scores around the basket. At the default setting personal fouls seem a little too infrequent but there are user sliders to adjust AI tendencies. The controls take some time to master but work well once you get them down pat.
The My Player mode allows you to play as a raw developmental league player. You design your look and style of play and then compete in drills and d-league games until you gain enough skill points to be called up to the NBA. In this mode you’re only responsible for your player and regularly have to watch part of the game from the bench (though you can sim through the game until you’re subbed in).
I’m really looking forward to MLB2K10 on March 2nd. If the NBA title is any indication it looks like I will be spending a lot of time with that game.
Also, I bought some White Sox tickets today – yea! I have 2 for Opening Day and 2 for the Saturday night game against the goddamned Cubs in June.
Spring training is just weeks away.
General Winfield Stuck
@Comrade Mary: My guess is he got clobbered with the idiot stick by some of his slightly more sane Senate wingnut buds. Placing a blanket hold on ALL of Obama’s appointees was a bit far for even them.
Brian J
I assume you are referring to Conan as opposed to Maher.
I don’t really hate the Olympics. I just don’t care about them. I guess it’s nice, though, that this means fewer repeats of some of my favorite NBC shows.
The Main Gauche of Mild Reason
It’s not that ridiculous of a premise.
“In 1974, after he had served less than five years, the United States federal government released him on the condition that he would help the federal authorities without pay against crimes committed by fraud and scam artists, and sign in once a week.[6”
Bad Horse's Filly
@General Winfield Stuck:
Charlie: You were suppose to dump the water on the witch, not me!
Ash Can
@Comrade Mary: I wonder what or who made him blink.
Good. I’m beginning to think the GOP is on its own path to become a Greek tragedy, a really funny one, with hubris as its major flaw.
It’s like they don’t even realize they’re setting themselves up to look like obstructionist assholes to even the independent voters. Treating the President of the United States like he’s Iran or N. Korea, and that Republicans won’t talk to him unless he meets their ultimatums … that’s not going to fly very well with anyone but the more extreme half of the teabaggers.
@goblue72: It was NOT a fake chest. That was all Ricardo Montalban, thank you very much.
Bad Horse's Filly
And John, sorry you’re feeling under the weather. But there is Chuck and Big Bang to comfort you. I’d say Castle, too, but I think that’s more of a “I loved Nathon Fillion naked in Firefly so I watch Castle” girl thing.
Keith G
Okay, I need your help. Why is Chuck a watched show, to the degree it is? I just watched my 1st epi.
I mean, it seems to be bunch of white kids with really good teeth playing grown up. Its a “How I Met Your Mother” with an extra 30 min and a semi serious (at times) spy-comic book twist.
Maybe I just answered my own question. Well, the last segment of Ema is on Masterpiece Classics.
Saved by edit.
@General Winfield Stuck:
Ha ha ha. Threaten to show that to his girlfriends when he’s all grown up.
@Martin: Nope, not just you, though I’m surprised more haven’t chimed in. I expect a lot us ran up the click-throughs on RNC and other wingnut ads, just for the pure joy of it.
@Cat Lady:
Thank you. Enjoyed the heck out of it. I always love when Peyton does the “how the HECK did you miss that catch?!” look.
John, if it’s really excruciating pain, make sure you inform the PT about it and maybe adjustments to the schedule will be needed. It never pays to be silent about it.
That other post was excellent though I have to admit I did not see what caused it.
@Keith G: Dude, you’ve only watched one episode, and it was the third episode of the third season — there is a TON of backstory that you’re missing.
No, it’s not a deep show (although it does have that underlying thread of how someone can lose who they are while pursuing a dream, and not even realize it until they’re too far in — which is a fairly heavy theme for such a “fluffy” show). But it is a hell of a lot of fun to watch, it’s got some great dialogue, some damn nifty stunt scenes, appealing characters, and Adam Baldwin, who is always a delight to watch.
There are much worse ways to spend an hour.
Anything the democrats can learn from the Saints?
Ash Can
LOL! Those assholes are going to bail, I just know it. They’re already loading up with excuses. And when Obama says, “Why can’t you guys just come and talk about all these great ideas you have?” they’ll all wail that Obama won’t work with them and isn’t being bipartisan. And if at that point anyone in the news industry (who isn’t senile and doesn’t work for Roger Ailes) still takes the GOP congressdorks seriously, their bosses should kick their asses out into the alley and set fire to their desks.
John Cole
@Keith G: Start with Season One- not in mid season 3.
Dave C
Despite its ridiculous premise and consistently-hokey “spy” plots, Chuck is a great show. Why? Because it has a great cast playing great characters, lots of well-written comedy, and because it exudes mass amounts of pathos in nearly every episode. That’s why I love it, at least. Not since Buffy have I seen a show that can change tones on a dime like Chuck can.
Joshua Norton
I haven’t seen tonight’s episode yet, but Chuck is starting to get on my nerves a little. He seems to only have the “powers” needed to create forced suspense for the storyline in that particular script. One week he can kung fu 6 guys at once while shooting a gun out of some baddie’s hand and the next week he’s a quivering mess getting kicked in the face.
Annoy. Ing.
The WaPo’s Murtha obit is further proof the paper is little more than Wikipedia for right-wing nuts.
And Newsbusters doesn’t even get a tagline in the rewrite (no doubt due to librul bias).
For some perspective, the foreign media was all over the infamous Haditha murders.
John Cole
@RedKitten: I am starting to get very worried that they are going to write Sarah out of the show.
And I hate that she is cheating on Chuck.
@Ash Can: They are losing excuses one by one. If they bail, how do they say that Obama shut them out? Lying won’t cut the mustard. It’s out there long enough so that they can’t find wiggle room.
They’ve been whining forever about not being included.
The problem the righties have is that they are starting to bump into reality. I hope it smarts.
Open thread? I’m informed there are deals to be had on a German washing machine somewhere immediately adjacent to Denmark. Really. We report, you….
@Joshua Norton:
That’s kind of the point. The intersect is only as good as the person it’s in. And Chuck is not a cool, calm and collected guy who can just access that stuff at will. Part of the whole narrative is that it’s still unreliable, which mirrors Chuck’s evolution as a spy.
@John Cole:
I haven’t heard any rumours about Yvonne leaving the show, but I suppose the viewers and the writers were getting a little tired of the on-again, off-again thing with Chuck and Sarah. It makes sense to give them their own side romances so as to not always make the show about their angst.
My guess is that they’d write Agent Superman out of the show before they’d write her off.
Sentient Puddle
@RedKitten: That and if Chuck was a super-awesome spy agent without any sort of flaws, he’d make for a terrible character.
Ash Can
@Maude: Oh, to be sure. But looking like perfect asses has never stopped them before, because no one has ever really called them on it starting with the press. This time, though, they’re getting jammed so tightly into a corner that it’s hard to imagine anyone in their right mind buying their bullshit. (Not saying much, I know, but still…) In typical O-bot fashion, I will speculate that Obama’s shooting for making it virtually impossible for the press to give the congressional GOP fuckwits any more cover.
Michael D.
I knew it. The Ring and The Borg are one in the same.
Sentient Puddle
OK, and as extremely not terrible this season of Heroes has been, I think they rather dropped the ball with the ending. Bah.
@John Cole:
But Chuck’s cheating on Sarah! He kissed Hannah while Sarah was still pushing Shaw away. If Chuck moves on, Sarah gets to move on too — and let’s not forget that it was Chuck who refused to run away with Sarah, not the other way around.
@jeffreyw: where is the shelter? I’m sure some readers want to adopt these beautiful critters you’ve been showcasing!
@SIA: I agree! I almost posted earlier to say that the photos from Mrs. J show animals that are much more appealing than the ones from our shelter here, just a few hours north of jeffreyw, who lives somewhere in southern Illinois.
@WaterGirl: I agree, those photos were great and having the animals out and being held makes them better. Sometimes the shelter pictures are so pitiful it’s hard to even look at them. I would adopt every single one of them if I could!
@SIA: My guess off the top of my head is somewhere in southern Illinios since that’s where the crew of them are all based. It could be over the border somewhere however.
I totally agree…its a longer haul than people expect with rehab
About 3-4 months in on my shoulder rehab, I thought that I had done the wrong thing, picked the wrong surgeon and had fucked up my life forever
What happened as I worked and participated in a number of different activities and exercises, was that I really improved. But it wasnt smooth — I would make a jump then plog along then jump…
John, I don’t know your deal or anything, but once I got to six months they talked to me about starting to swim — initially just holding onto a float and using my operated arm gradually. I tell ya — that swim thing took me to a level that I never dreamed. I was not sore afterwards and I guess because of how swimming works the muscles etc., I had way more extension and flexibility than with “land” exercises.
Not saying that will happen for you, but when the therapist says this is possible, give it a whirl and see what you get. I LOVE swimming for me — its relaxing and wonderful for all my muscles and also fun.
Keep after it, man…
Cute animals, per usual. Awesome food pr0n, per usual. Cole, please be careful. You are a national treasure, you know. Wouldn’t want your wing to be permanently busted. Shelby is still a dick as are most of the Republicans in general.
I think that about covers all the topics in this open thread.
@asiangrrlMN: The Summary According to Meh!
@Yutsano: Yup. Pretty much. See, I can be succinct when I feel like it. Unfortunately for humanity, I don’t much ever feel like it!
I am so glad I didn’t start reading this thread before watching my DVR’ed episode of Chuck! Chuck, Big Love, and Supernatural are the three shows I most look forward to in the week. Each one has great acting, good comedic and dramatic moments, and excellent supporting casts and characters (I heart Morgan and felt so bad for him tonight.). All of the shows also have great one-liners. I think my fav line of the week so far is from Big Love: “I don’t know why anyone would want to be a Democrat. We [Republicans] have all the fun.”
Big Bang Theory isn’t bad, either, and this week’s episode was cute with a very satisfying ending.
@YellowJournalism: I know…poor Morgan. I just wanted to cry for him.
bob h
Yes, physical therapy separates the men from the boys.
@SIA: I’m sorry I’m late to answer, here is the website of the shelter.
Joe Bauers
Oh hells yeah, sweet baby Jeebus is Kristen Kreuk unbearably cutehot as Hannah.