The assholery of the Politico knows no bounds:
As a part of its ongoing effort to retain exclusive brand licensing rights to a word that’s been a part of the English language since the early seventeenth century, Politico has ordered a British website called Tory Politico to stop using the word “politico,” because — who knows? Maybe you might accidentally end up at the latter site and become confused as to why your favorite Beltway press-release mill has suddenly become obsessed with Parliament and Gordon Brown and Torchwood or something?
Personally, if I ran the Tory Politico, I would change my name so as to not be accidentally confused with those hacks. I’d change it to something that invokes more professionalism, competence, and attention to detail.
Like, for example, the Tory Weekly World News.
Personally, I hope we can get a blog campaign going to stop linking the Politico until they stop this nonsense.
The Tory Enquirer. At least when they break political stories they turn out to be true.
Reminds me of the NFL trying to trademark “Who Dat.” New Orleans Saints fans have been saying that for decades. All of a sudden the NFL decided to try to trademark it. Talk about ticking off the fans!
O/T re site issues, your blog is still loading slowly.
“Personally, I hope we can get a blog campaign going to stop linking the Politico until they stop this nonsense.”
You should never have been linking to Politico in the first place. Just saying.
Yea I went there this morning and found out Obama and Pelosi are having a huge feud. I normally just read headlines but made a mistake of hitting the Bill Maher story they had and of course Mahr said O is EPIC FAIL. He will be emphasizing this when his show starts soon. I think I’ll skip him this yr–just not in the mood. I didnt read the feud story or anything else. Enough! Stay away from HuffPost also.
Norma Lampson
Well Politico must be related to WP, like Sally Quinn and Broder they are soooo special. I cannot stand them, and they are everwhere. Norma
Bill E Pilgrim
Yeah but since Politico is a house organ for our Tory party basically, people wouldn’t be that confused.
I guess that’s the part that Politico doesn’t want to admit.
Frank Chow
By the way I am suing anyone with the words “Asian-American” on their website as well as the words “Balloon Juice.” Sorry guys…you’ve been served.
Anton Sirius
They only care about Drudge traffic anyway. No need to give them any more than that.
In all fairness I was already kinda obcessed with Torchwood…
And I have no rational explaination for it.
John Quixote
@cat48: Bill Maher is a douchebag. We all remember his Acadamy Award winning performance in Pizza Man.
dr. bloor
Those guys exist to draw eyeballs, and they’ll do/say anything up to smearing their own feces on the wall to accomplish that goal. There’s no reason to link to them under any circumstances.
@John Quixote:
@dr. bloor:
Agreed. I avoid them completely. Refuse to give them any hits.
In good news today, WP poll–75% support gays in the military!
@dr. bloor:
Agreed. If you want them to go away, stop giving them any attention.
The Simpsons had it right:
Fix’d, because one’s going to happen right after the other.
John Quixote
I’ve seen other polls that give a smaller number (but still a majority) to allowing homosexuals to serve openly. Didn’t realize that there was a difference. You learn new things everyday.
Notorious P.A.T.
OT: I apologize for the last few days. Obviously I’ve let emotions and events get the better of me.
I have stopped reading Politico a year ago.
Even sometimes I accidentally hit the link to them (you can’t be careful enough!), I wouldn’t read it and would leave it right away.
Oh, the same with WaPo, and I am starting to be irritated by lots of Huffington Post’s headlines.
I stopped going to Politico some time ago and if I ever get the urge to go back, I am reminded of how they show up on Morning Joe almost every day giving Joe a fan base for his stupidities.
Remember November
This qualifies as a Dick Move.
Dave Fud
@Notorious P.A.T.: Good on you. It seemed sort of two sided emotionality ruled the day on that crazy thread, but only the participants can say, I suppose.
@John Quixote:
Looked closer at poll: 83% for not serving openly, but that 75% is for serving openly. Dems, Women, and Independents more in favor than Repugs.
Looks like 47% for gay marriage now. All and all, a favorable poll especially for folks in the military.
Joey Maloney
Instead of or in addition to delinking, I think we should all rename our blogs in solidarity – Balloon Juice Politico, Atrios Politico, TBogg Politico, Sadly, No Politico, etc., etc.
…I was joking when I started typing this but upon reflection it might actually be a good idea. It would bury the real Politico in Google results and they’d probably crap an entire outhouse worth of bricks.
Zandar Versus The
StupidPolitico is in.Intercourse Ben Smith with Dick Cheney’s robotic heart.
@dr. bloor:
Agree. I never knowingly link to Politico (although I’ve been fooled into doing so a couple of time — AARGH! AARGH!)
On the other hand, I’ve already visited the Tory-Politico site twice, and plan to continue to give it eyeballs as often as possible. We should all do this. A lot.
Welcome to my world. I no longer look at Politicrap nor HuffPo nor WaPo nor RCP, and will soon be able to count Kos and Sully in that list if they keep going the way they have lately. Before long, all I will have left is this place, Benen, TNC and All Recipes. Then what will I do? Work?
@John Quixote: Yeah 59% think homosexuals should be allowed to serve, but 70+% are okay with gays serving.
You’d probably find the same kind of thing going on with just about any issue. No one ever accused the American populace of overweaning intellect.
mr. whipple
@Notorious P.A.T.:
:-p Meh, it happens to the best of us.
This is almost as bad as Trump trying to copyright “You’re fired!” and Spike Lee trying to sue Spike TV.
edmund dantes
@Violet: The actual stance of the NFL was quite well grounded and important. They weren’t going after “Who Dat” by itself. They were out there tamping down anyone that used Who Dat in conjunction with New Orleans Saints or identifying trademarks they owned to sell shit.
Some clumsy PR flack with a bad sense of vague words and a reporter that’s an idiot made it sound like they were going after Who Dat itself.
P.S. I’m usually on the other side of this, but I hate seeing real stuff get lumped in with the fake stuff like Monster cable. If you want to see someone abuse trademark on a common English word. Go take a gander at Monster.
Next up: Target sues hundreds of firing ranges nationwide.
@John Quixote:
The difference is in how you ask the question for some reason. Support for “gay men and lesbians serving” gets 70%+ vs “homosexuals serving” gets 55%+.
Putting “lesbians” in the question probably gets 15% additional support for anything. Call it the Howard Stern Factor.
Just to verify my theory, someone should test support for government-run health care for lesbians.
You could probably get another point or two in the poll is you said “allow gays and lesbians to serve in the military like Israel does.”
mr. whipple
“Welcome to my world. I no longer look at Politicrap nor HuffPo nor WaPo nor RCP, and will soon be able to count Kos and Sully in that list if they keep going the way they have lately.”
Ditto on all of those, plus Americablog is right out. Keef is right out. TPM, rare. Rachel, rare. I stop at Kos once or twice a day to see the reason du jour why Obama is worse than Hitler, and Atrios’ place every so often foolishly hoping against hope the crazy abates. My universe is shrinking.
Wait, the Tories are obsessed with those things? It just needs a little bit of alteration for this side of the Atlantic:
and you’ve got the Republican Party. For the Conservatives, it’s like a funhouse mirror that makes your reflection stupider.
That’s great, because soon we might be able to correct the historical record for WWII vet Captain Jack Harkness.
Comrade Dread
I think they should change their site name to:
But that’s just me.
Ash Can
Here’s hoping Politico’s asinine case crashes and burns in court, and that the fuckers are soaked for astronomical legal expenses in the process.
@mr. whipple: AmericaBlog has always been the monkey house of the liberal blogs. Kos isn’t so bad if you stay out of the Breaking! Exclamatory Diaries! Section! The one I’ve been surprised to see degenerate so rapidly was Atrios. Then again, WHEEEEE! Shitpile. Someone should do something. Cramdown. Locomotives. Open Thread.
@FlipYrWhig: The only thing that expands one of his posts to above Twitter-limit usually has to do with local bus schedules.
John Quixote
@FlipYrWhig: You know what keeps me away from the Great Blue Satan? Duncan’s post headings are just too damn long winded. He needs to keep it short and simple.
My blog universe is shrinking also. I have cut out Politico, Huffington, Kos, Americablog. I have subbed this site, Booman and Al Giordano at the Field. I figure it’s better to go for quality over quantity.
I need advice. I got home delivery of the WaPo since I moved her 15 years ago. I canceled it a few months ago after they published the lying ad from Fox about they being the only ones to cover the Tea Parties. At that time, they offered me a deal where I ended up paying about 75 cents a week for 6 months. A few months later I canceled that deal out of disgust. The last two months I am getting it for free, not sure why since they did stop delivery for a period after cancellation.
My question is should I say anything, or just let it continue? Today’s Post has columns by the following:
Charles Krauthammer
Michael Gerson
William Kristol
Mike Mukasey
Naturally each column rakes Obama over the coals for something.
Because of the snow I didn’t read SOF (senile old fart) Broder’s column about the Alaskan idiot, but any column about her that is all positive is a sign that said columnist should be dropped from the paper (you would think that he might want to mention that she is such a serious candidate that she thinks declaring war on Iran would be a good “polotical move” – of course, she doesn’t know that the Congress declares war).
El Cid
I would like to think that this would be embraced by the Democratic leadership. I said, would like to.
Jason Bylinowski of Politico
@Joey Maloney: I can get behind that. Will do on my blog too.
mr. whipple
@FlipYrWhig: You forgot gypsy shit.
Bah, back to work.
El Cid
@El Cid: Crap. Last blockquote my dour commentary, not original text.
OT: Yglesias tweeted earlier today that there were only 11 signatures on the “Draft Harold Ford” online petition.
Since then, a few more have appeared, but, well… let’s just say this petition is turning out to be a real opportunity for creative expression:
I’m sure y’all can come up with some more good names to add.
Church Lady
@FlipYrWhig: You discount “gay” being such a happy word. Surely worth a few points, too.
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
@John Quixote:
Don Imus was his babysitter. E’nuff said. Sometimes I think Maher flips a coin to pick whatever side he is going to take on any issue, he really doesn’t come across as all that engaging. More like he is trying to make something funny from what is on hand and he usually comes up short.
He hits on something good once in a while but that is about it.
Tonal Crow
Politico: the Charmin of commentary sites.
@Meg: I’m with Meg. I stopped even reading Politico for the most part and avoided linking to them for well over a year. Same for Kaplan Test Prep Daily, with the exception of Ezra and Greg Sargent.
I’ve also avoided HuffPo to some extent, but more because it takes forever to load on my old puter with all the damn scripts on their page. I’m not one of the people who are offended that they’ve gone all cheesecake. They still have some fine writers who are breaking hard news. Admit I wait for someone to link though. That site has always been too busy for me, even when it first started.
Anyway, I’m for any reason for the big bloggers to stop linking to Politico. Even if they’re only mocking them, it’s still drives traffic and that’s all they care about.
How’s this for a bit of insanity? The Teabaggers declare war on Captain America.
Now, most sane human beings would immediately conclude that the analogy was spot on and worthy of depicting in a comic book series known for taking on fascism. But, alas, Marvel has been bought out by Disney so you know what happens next:
Now you know why I fucking hate everything that the Mouse puts his grubby hands on….
Politico should change its name to Steaming Pile of Excrement to more accurately reflect its content.
Kudos to Lawrence O’Donnell for his smackdown of former Bush speechwriter Marc Thiessen
I guess the answer depends on if you have a bird with a cage that needs lining or a puppy that requires paper training. If not, I think I know the answer.
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
Last time I read Politico was some time back during the primary war. The place flat out sucks and the commentary isn’t any better.
I’ll let that be one of the places John reads so I don’t have to.
Quaker in a Basement
How about they change the name to something like:
“Not The Politico. No, Really.”
“I Can’t Believe It’s Not the Politico.”
“We’re Very Glad We’re Not the Politco, Thanks.”
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
That or it is useful in a pinch as bathroom material (if you don’t mind smearing newsprint on your ass).
O/T speaking of Trump, the local paper is reporting that Midtown Trump Towers (Atlanta) is in foreclosure.
@DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal): I spent my formative summers on a farm with an outhouse and learned to appreciate the Sears-Roebuck catalogue. The pages weren’t as absorbent as newsprint, but OTOH the ink didn’t rub off (as far as I know, that is — never actually looked).
In British Commonwealth countries like the UK and Australia, doctors have long been referred to in informal speech as medicos and politicians as politicos.
You can’t up suddenly decide to own a word that is wide usage. The wankers at Politico are vying with other right wing wack jobs in the ignorance stakes—for example, the Investor”s Business Daily (kind of a lower brow WSJ) distinguished itself (NOT) last yr by saying that Stephen Hawking is lucky he is American–he would not have been able to survive decades with ALS in a medical insurance system like that of the UK. Hawking issued a press release saying that he was indeed lucky to be British—the National Health Service deserved credit for keeping him alive and functioning.
I, for one, am grateful that Politico lights the path to permanent Democratic majorities:
Step 1) Make a political blog called “The Republican”
Step 2) Hire lawyers to keep my trademark from being used in partisan campaign materials. Like ballots.
My favorite thing about Daily Kos is how the weekly poll they pay for and print is consistently in direct conflict with their diarists.
Either that poll is bullshit, or the Kos diarists don’t read any content but their own post. I can’t get my head around what is discrediting who, and most importantly, why.
@DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal):
That’s because Mahar goes with a gut reaction du jour to any political issue he comes across. With him it’s always very simple, very neat, and completely shallow. Possibly because he is also completely shallow. Funny, for the most part, with some good quips, but not someone I would turn to for anything remotely resembling cogent thought.
The man got bowled over on economic theory by Ron Paul, for godsakes. Nuff said.
OT, but FDL tool Cenk goes full teabag, and the natives are less than happy with him.
Kay – The poll is Research 2000 and should be pretty accurate. The diarists (some of them) are full of shit, and the people who comment are getting worse all the time. They remind me of people who comment at The Hill and Politico – yuk! I guess, when a site grows as big as Kos has, you are going to lose some quality and class. There is a lesson there for all bloggers – stay small and ride herd on the people who comment or lose your unique spot in the universe.
They keep promising us that their going to go out of business soon. You’re just helping them on their way.
There’s really two ways to look at it. 1) It makes a strong statement that you don’t want their rag even when they give it to you for free. On the other side 2) Where I live the cost of garbage collection is offset by the amount that you recycle. If that’s the case for you, they’re reducing your garbage collection bill even if you don’t read it.
I have to admit, I don’t read the comments. It’s shallow, but I don’t like the format. Reading those long, zipping strings is too hard.
I should have given up when they excommunicated bonddad. I liked him. He was earnest and well-informed :)
They accused him of all kinds of things. HE HATES THE POOR!
Did you know that? HE DOES!!!
Jay S
If you forced Republicans to use a different party name, they might win more elections. I seem to recall (I can’t find a link though) that some candidates were using GOP and avoiding Republican here in the last major election.
Kind of like Xe.
Remember November
Bob Cesca is already stuffing it back in their faces.
Misquoting a poll to support your argument will do that.
Cenk: New numbers from a CBS News-New York Times poll indicate that only 8% of Americans want their representative in Congress re-elected.
Actual Poll: Just 8 percent of Americans want the members of Congress re-elected, according to a CBS News-New York Times poll taken nine months before roughly one-third of the Senate and the entire House face voters.
Everyone hates Representatives except their own. That’s been the standard for decades.
Jon Stewart got bowled over by John McCain in 2000. Bill Maher and Jon Stewart are very funny guys, but they’re obviously not the smartest political analysts.
@Jay S:
Hmm, good point. Didn’t Scott Brown run as an “Independent” (R)?
@Jay S:
2008 Washington Gov race, Dino Rossi (Prefers G.O.P. Party). The republicans lower on the ticket had (Prefers Republican Party).
Zandar has joined in solidarity.
John, can we haz Politico Juice please?
Mike G
Jon Stewart got bowled over by John McCain in 2000. Bill Maher and Jon Stewart are very funny guys, but they’re obviously not the smartest political analysts.
I’ll give them a pass since that was back in the Dark Ages before blogging went mainstream.
I think we underestimate what an impact it has had that people who seek to be well-informed now have many sources of political information that aren’t large, corporate-controlled mainsteam media outlets.
I was a voracious reader of news magazines (The Economist, Time, Newsweek, etc.) in the pre-internet days, but looking back I can really see how the variety of viewpoints on blogs has made me much better-informed now.
Oscar Leroy
Maybe our time would be better spent campaigning to get Congress to pass cap-and-trade, or to get Obama to make more recess appointments?
Oscar Leroy
@Oscar Leroy: Do Seymour Butts and Ivana Laya count as signatures?
I’m waiting for Tory Balloon Juice. Just imagine the post Question Time rants!
Paul in KY
I hope they tell Politico to fuck off (in a polite manner, comment delivered in crisp upper-class English by a prim young lady).
So that would be the Grand Old Party Party?
Will not link to the twat, but Lady Jane’s latest delusion of grandeur is on display over at Lake Batshit for all her drooling groupies to ecstasize over. She’s explaining how HER most awesomest activist skills are like, SO much better at getting shit done that that lame-ass copycat OFA.
I’d like to see her and Sarah Palin claw it out sometime. They’re two sides of the same twisted coin.
I’m afraid I have to side with Politico on this one. This is just the way the law works.
There are different rules for different kinds of intellectual property. With patents and copyright, a company can choose to selectively enforce. In other words, a company is not required to sue a company for violating their patent or copyright.
For trademarks, a company must enforce their trademarks. If a company repeatedly chooses not to enforce a trademark and allows its use by competitors or the general public without enforcement, it loses rights over the trademark.
The law sucks, but given what the law says, Politico is compelled to defend its trademark, or else it effectively loses its trademark.
@Frank Chow: Oh really? I think I just may have to add Asian American into my blog name then. Never say I back away from a challenge.
This is bullshit. Politico was a word before they usurped it, anyway. Fuck them. I never read ’em, anyway. I used to like Cenk, but he went off the deep end. I took a look at the diary linked, and firebaggery it is. By the way. I like both tea and fire. Do I really have to give them both up? And, I no longer read HuffPo, which I devoured during the campaign. I pretty much stick to WaMo, TNC, and TBogg for the basset hounds.
licensed to kill time
“Bug” R. Ahf
Buster Hyman
Seymour (Rusty) Spitchcock
Just Some Fuckhead
If The Politico woulda just named themselves The Republicano everything would be simpler and make more sense.
@licensed to kill time:
Erasmus B. Dragon (h/t the Car Talk guys)
licensed to kill time
@SiubhanDuinne: also the law firm Dewey, Cheatem and Howe
I love Click n’ Clack, the Tappett Brothers :)
Grumpy Code Monkey
You need to find blogs and forums devoted to other topics. Being a code monkey, I hang out in places where arguments over whether pointer declarations should be written as “int *p;” vs. “int* p;” never get old.
Little Dreamer
Doesn’t matter if you refuse to link or not, since I’ve been boycotting that establishment for quite a few months now.
Didn’t take me long to see what they were about and I have said so in these very pages.
Glad to see you’re catching on, John!
Little Dreamer
Yes, yes he did!
What’s up with that, is it a Cenk~> Wes Clark ~> Hillary didn’t win thing?
Grumpy Code Monkey
@Grumpy Code Monkey: Oh for crap’s sake…anyone know how to escape asterisks?
Little Dreamer
If they made up the word, yeah! But, not so much the reality of the situation.
MicroSoft I can see. Apple Computers I can see, Politico (the website) – just a word with a .com after it.
@Little Dreamer: For better or worse, you can get trademarks for words that are not made up. (e.g., Apple)
“Politico” is a fairly unique word. It’s not like they’re trying to trademark the word “Politics”.
Politico is evil for all sorts of reasons. I just think that in this case, they’re doing what the law compels them to do.
you’re absolutely right about the TM law.
@MagicPanda: But as someone commented, politico has been used across the pond to describe a politician for ages. Fuck the TM laws, then.
@Little Dreamer: I have no idea. He was funny and enthusiastic, but fairly rational during the campaign. Then, afterwards, he slowly slid into the crazy. Sore winner.
Little Dreamer
Funny MP, Apple was a record company before it was a computer company. Perhaps someone should take THAT lawsuit to court?
Little Dreamer
Wow, that DK diary by Cenk has some interesting comments. Not many happy kossacks on that one. Thanks for the tip, I’ve been hoping people were going to catch onto him soon.
Little Dreamer
Moreover MP, Apple is not “Apple” it is Apple Computer, Inc, and Apple Electronics – they do not command ownership of all use of the word Apple. They have a website at because they chose it before anyone else did, pure and simple.
The word Politico has been in use for centuries, and Politico cannot stop others from using it. That would be like one company in Florida claiming that all other companies with the word SunState in any part of their name are in TM violation. That’s simply CRAZY TALK!
carlos the dwarf
Geez, what happened to Cenk? I remember loving his show back in the day. Was I that stupid, or has he gotten crazier?
Yes, but you own the mark, not the word. Two different things.
Ford(tm) for example, is the Blue Oval, often referred to as the logo of the company. They don’t own the name Ford, or the word “ford.”
Little Dreamer
Exactly, thank you honey! ;)
Little Dreamer
@carlos the dwarf:
He became a Hillbot!
@Little Dreamer:
Any time, darlin(tm).
Little Dreamer
Hmm, what all does that cover? ;)
I told you that you were smarter than me. (gotcha!)
@Little Dreamer:
There is no way I am smarter than you. Sure, I can balance a fork and spoon on a toothpick on the edge of a water glass, but ……. that’s just gypsy stuff.
@DonBelacquaDelPurgatorio (and others): Apple had a long legal battle with Apple records that prevented Apple from adding sound functionality to their computers for quite a while. It was eventually resolved, although I don’t remember the details.
Politico is not claiming blanket ownership of the word in all contexts. They are protecting their TM from another website that is calling itself “Tory Politico”.
This is not that different than if, for example, a magazine decided to call itself “Canadian Cosmopolitan”. Cosmopolitan is a word, but I would imagine that the original “Cosmopolitan” has it trademarked.
I’m not saying that the laws are good laws. I’m saying that Politico only has two choices: (1) defend the trademark or (2) lose the trademark. It’s not like patent law or copyright law where they can selectively enforce. Given the laws as they stand, Politico pretty much has to do this.
So, TimesOnline will be suing New York Times?
Northwest Indiana Times? The Times of Trenton? Gainesville Times? Shreveport Times? Beaver CountyTimes? Pawtucket Times? The Times Irish Pub? Smithfield Times? Times-Picayune? Albany Times-Union? Port Huron Times-Herald? Los Angeles Times? Times West Virginian? Forest Lake Times? Burlington Times? The Times of Central Asia? Spencer Times-Record? Florence Alabama Times Daily? Times Leader? Times Standard? Times-Gazette? Times-Tribute? Times-Dispatch?
Florida Times-Union? Times-Sentinel?
Tax Analyst
@licensed to kill time:
Dick Hertz
Mike Hunt
Peter Small
R.U. Cyrius
Little Dreamer
A word is NOT a trademark, you missed his point entirely.