Howie Kurtz’s chat today featured six questions about Tiger Woods, two about the lack of coverage of Jim Bunning’s hostage-taking, one about health care reform.
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by DougJ| 58 Comments
This post is in: General Stupidity, Good News For Conservatives, We Are All Mayans Now
Howie Kurtz’s chat today featured six questions about Tiger Woods, two about the lack of coverage of Jim Bunning’s hostage-taking, one about health care reform.
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Pen is, pen is, pen is.
And now, the local news.
What, no Desiree Rogers?
I’m outraged!
Ha! I’m sure he got questions about La Quinn but didn’t take them.
Welcome to WaPo.
See also, fuck cnn.
Did any of those questions involve the Raelians? That’s the only way that six of them can possibly have any worth.
What I want to know is if Washington is obsessed with Tiger’s public breakdown, why they aren’t obsessed with this guy’s:
We should impeach Tiger Woods. He might not actually be the president, but he does look a little like him. That’s close enough for government work (if you’re a Republican, anyway).
John PM
Why do you do this to yourself?
You do have to wonder, though, whether her resignation (firing, removal, erasure, whatever) was announced while the Olympics was going on to minimize any negative publicity. I only saw one news mention.
The Chilean earthquake also made doubly sure that the Rogers story would float quietly into the ether. Was she mentioned on any of the pundit shows?
But covering Tiger-Gate lets the media maintain the appearance of moral superiority and righteousness while avoiding such complicated and confusing issues as health care and obstructionism. I mean, those things are HARD to figure out, what with all the lies and distortions. What we really need in some sort of institution that could keep an eye on public figures and report if what they are doing is in the public interest.
Yeah, the media would REALLY love to find such a thing, but they have no idea where to look
Mark S.
One of the Tiger questions:
Isn’t that pretty subjective for a bar bet?
The best I can tell, the guy’s argument is that Tiger is more popular than Ali was when Ali was banned from boxing, so Tiger has had more impact on popular culture. Tiger also got to meet the president more often than Ali.
Obama’s nefarious plan to destroy the birth certificates on all of Hawaii with a tsunami was thwarted though.
John PM
Are you suggesting that Obama caused the Chilean earthquake in order to distract attention from StateDinnerGate?!?! I knew he was diabolical, but I had no idea he had power over the tectonic plates!
John PM
Bastard! You beat me by one minute and with a better joke!
RE: The Chilean earthquake also made doubly sure that the Rogers story would float quietly into the ether.
I was going to add a line about how the earthquake was a fortuitous, an act of god. However, I have no doubt that the deep conspiracy nuts could imagine that Obama regularly breaks the world in order to have his way.
I’m also waiting to hear Rush and assorted fools float the insane idea that Obama will have the US contribute to Chilean relief efforts in order to woo Latino voters.
Substantive policy discussion does not fit into the fearful (artful, fartful, dreadful?) symmetry required for professional corporate news coverage.
In edit: If Tiger renames himself Tyger, that will be deemed big news and pust everything off the front page. Take that, TAFKAP, or weird buglehorn, or whatever it was supposed to be to represent TAFKAP.
Well, the fact that Rogers said, coming into the administration, that she planned to stay a year and no more leads me to believe that there is no “there” there.
She sure was on “This Week.” Digby covers the damage.
Ash Can
You mean they haven’t yet? Did they all take the day off or something?
T. Bagger
@John PM:
So, so you now get how much of a danger the guy represents?!
Jason Bylinowski
Has there been a lack of coverage on the Bunning filibuster? I’ve actually been really surprised, I heard about it this morning on GMA, and then also on NPR after lunch. Perhaps what is meant here is lack of criticism, in which case, I have to admit the usual overabundance of false objectivity applies.
Just imagine the questions if Tiger Woods would have been seriuosly injured while playing in Kentucky on their bluegrass.
Sweet goddess Kali. The urge to take some heads and wear it as belt is overwhelming. Between that and Senator Dick “Holding A Gun To America’s Head” Shelby’s blanket holds I just wanna punch things. Our government is so fucked.
What makes it even worse, is this douche is holding things up to prevent free market competition in favor of Northrop Grummand (sp).
@Mnemosyne: Jesus, when did Cokie turn into the sane one?
@ruemara: Northrop Grumman is just a beard for Airbus.
Who knows. That Rogers intended a short stay from the jump is not mentioned in the obviously friendly report on her leaving by columnist Lynn Sweet in the Chicago Sun Times, an article that also seeks to downplay the Party Crashers incident.
I don’t think that Rogers’ departure is as big a deal as some in the Village probably think, but I do believe that the Obama Administration is using the old tradition of manipulating the news cycle to minimize the impact of the announcement.
@Jason Bylinowski: The WH and Dems should be screaming from the rooftops about it. The Medicare cut is a BIG deal, particularly with the GOP base. Dems really should be hanging this around the GOP’s necks like a noose.
Keith G
Howie, talking about Mohamed Ali,
American name?
Mr. Kurtz, you are a freekin fool. Now I remember why I do not pat attention to you.
Though he answered my question about the lack of Bunning on the sunday news, my prime questions I sent in were about his show on Sunday.
Kurtz was grilling Politico’s Jonathan Allen about working for a Democrat for a month and whether he could still be seen as unbiased. I asked why Jonathan Allen was getting grilled about this, while no one ever brings up the fact his co-worker Jonathan Martin worked for Republicans for like 10 year as a republican operative (he even worked for a reublican gov. candidate in VA yet was allowed to report on last years VA governor’s race), and no one complains about that.
Bob K
RE: Lack of coverage of Jim Bunning tantrum. MSM SUCKS more than anything Hoover EVER made. Nothing but corporate propaganda. And face it, the outcome of U.S./Canada hockey was probably of more interest to most people. Now if you are one of the unfortunate who are losing their benefits (like my wife), or their families it’s a different story. A lame-ass senator who is so bad that his party doesn’t want him running again throws a tantrum and basically says “F Y’ALL” and 400,000 people lose their unemployment benefits. Way to put party first A$$HOLES. Can’t you just feel the love the rethugs have for us? Would like to see this used come November, but somehow the G(NO)P will just convince the sheeple that it was all the Libruls fault.
I just heard Tim Pawlenty say ER’s should turn away patients. (I thought was the entire G(NO)P plan for health care for the uninsured).
Oh, you and your silly facts, and accurate reporting!
Don’t you know that there’s a narrative that has be played out, and damnit! They will fudge the facts (and outright lie) to make the “facts” fit that story arc, so help them!
@Keith G:
Kurtz actually said “American name?” Seriously? American name? Not Christian name or slave name, but American name?
Kurtz is an ass. But then, we all knew that.
Keith G
@Keith G: There are times when I truly regret not taking typing in 9th grade.
Upper West
Kurtz is a jerk, but I do give him credit for at least mentioning the Bunning story, which the Sunday gasbags ignored.
OMFG. BOXEDwhinehouse concern trolls Obama’s alcohol intake.
Via Media Matters
@Upper West:
According to TPM, Bunning’s filibuster is causing all kinds of bad stuff with people getting laid off, doctors not getting paid, the ADA is pisssed. Bunning is not listening to his party either from what I can tell. What a asshat. Doing something that can cause people their jobs in this economy is not a good thing, Bunning. Safe to say that he obviously is living with middle finger high in the air.
Bob K
Kentucky must be proud of one of its’ finest.
There WAS a bomb threat to Jim Bunning’s office on Friday.
Sounds like he’s off his meds. Anger management problem, much? Maybe we’ll get lucky – he’ll bite off some reporters’ ear and get taken off to the padded cell he belongs in.
@Bob K:
I wonder who the jackass was that called in th bomb threat. That was wrong.
I do appreciate Jim Bunning giving the press the bird, although he’s still an ass of epic proportions. He’s definitely off his meds. BTW he gave ABC the bird according to a tweet. (see dailykos frontpage)
I will love to know how fox news will report on this story. It’ll be awesome.. (we probably need a thread to discuss Bunning)
Government money is good enough for Jim Bunning and his unqualified-for-the-Federal-judiciary son who he got a Bush nomination and Senate confirmation for.
Fucker. I’m embarrassed that I ever voted for him, and even more embarrassed that I took a call here in the office from him last year without taking the time to be rude.
Nowadays, I wish I could see him eating so I could slap the fork out of his mouth.
It is obvious that Sen.
BunnyBunning is getting back at the doctors for their outrageous assault on him and his wife at Fancy Farm.You must remember the Attack of the Little Green Doctors?
This old coot has gone batshit insane.
well, it is howie.
Miami Herald:
The Atlantic:
What’s interesting to me about some of the Bunning coverage has been not even the content but just the tone. I almost wonder if Republicans are at risk of losing the media over this (if the media ever starts paying attention).
This makes me wonder how John McCain, as president, would have handled the Tiger Woods situation. Damn you, David Gregory, for not asking!
John O
Jim Bunning was a helluva pitcher.
In Utah, a building with an IRS office called Hazmat. A person was taken out in a stretcher. No details.
Oh, sure, negative hate the government, esp. Obama isn’t doing any harm.
Bunning is a mean snake. He did this to have power.
There have to be consequences for this little caper.
It was a short trip. He never was wrapped real tight anyway.
Back when he was still thinking of running for re-election, he’d called here to see if one of my partners (one of the last GOP moderates) would support his efforts. Dunno if my partner ever called him back.
John O
But he’s lost his marbles.
Upper West
A key part of this story is not to limit it to Bunning, asshole that he is.
Everything Democrats do right now has to be aimed toward completely discrediting Republicans and convincing the voters that they cannot be trusted to have a majority in Congress.
@Upper West: Maybe a question to be asking is why Republicans can’t control Bunning.
And why Jon Kyl tried to defend Bunning as “quite correct” over the weekend.
Wascally Wabbit
AIG Sells Asia Life Insurance Arm to U.K.’s Prudential for 35 Billion.
Considering how much of OUR money AIG got in bailouts, I suggest we take the lot, stuff Sen. Bunny with as much as will fit and and use the rest to fund the unemployment extension he’s so worried about paying for. :^)
It was a legal manoever to protect his music. Sony claimed to own the name “Prince”. So he changed it to something a corporation couldn’t own. Once Sony relented (or the courts told them to relent — I forget which), he changed it back.
John O
I have really, really learned to hate the Senate, and I’m not reflexively anti-filibuster, mostly because the masses are asses.
Republicans are unfit to be in government at this point. I am 38 and will never vote for one again.
oh and also they are a mean bunch of southern MOFOS
John T
@Keith G:
Conservatives still resent him for changing his name. A few years ago I worked as a graphic designer for the Muhammad Ali Center in Louisville. I was chatting with my dad about work and he asked me, “how’s that Cassius Clay project going?” “Dad, he changed his name forty years ago!“
Bob K
Jim Bunning does not have to worry about running for re-election in November. He can even give the finger to his
G(NO)P buddies for kicking him out of the senate. Senator Bunny doesn’t need any post senate lobbyist loot. $504,000.00 That must be a lot of baseballs, mitts and jerseys to sign.
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
The Repubs have been distilling themselves down to the bitter dregs at the bottom of the vat for some time now and they are just about done with it. That party is now comprised of little more than racists, Birchers, Birthers, Deathers, Teabaggers, KKKers, Rapture Ready religious types, Tim McVeigh-style militia types and other sundry crazy-assed nutjobs. These nuts have finally combined forces and have almost completely taken over a political party so they can push their selfish, bigoted, hateful agendas. Unlike the Repubs of old, there will never be peace in the party once the takeover is complete. Once these factions decide that ‘they’ all are in control the agenda then they are going to start feeding on each other. The more powerful factions will join up and cut off the other weaker factions. Power is everything to these types, absolute power is the orgasm they are aiming for.
In the end, they are the purist purists; once they purge the party of the few remaining moderates then the various factions are going to gang up and cut off the other factions so they can have absolute control. Right now I believe that the G(NO)P is thinking that they have this multifaceted tiger by the mane and that they are going to wrestle it into submission so they can carry on their merry way until the next uprising from their peasant supporters. Wrong. This isn’t a tiger, it’s a cage full of tigers and the old guard don’t stand a chance.
I think the few remaining sane Repubs are going to lose this fight in their ranks and completely lose control of the party to the crazies. Hell, they’re almost at that point now. Clear out a few more Republican Senators and that side of the Senate is owned by the crazies. Right now that is the line in the sand for them, they want to use the Senate to bring Obama and the Democrats to a stop and if any Repub ‘crosses’ these nuts then they are going to regret it.
The Republican party is largely a regional party now and if they keep boiling the pot eventually all that will be left at the bottom of the pot will be the south. The only thing that is keeping the Repubs from completely crashing, burning and possibly disintegrating is the M$M. They are the only thing between the politicians and a large segment of the population learning the truth and arming themselves with tar, feathers, rusty pitchforks (and chainsaws!) and pitch torches and then marching on Washington. The pols are safe as long as the M$M keeps feeding the public the Republican bullshit.
Since the rich have a lock on the M$M I would guess that unless something extraordinary happens, we’re pretty much screwed.