In case you are in or around Pittsburgh on the 13th, consider attending a benefit concert to support earthquake victims in Chile. More info here.
Treat this as an open thread.
by Tim F| 18 Comments
This post is in: Music
In case you are in or around Pittsburgh on the 13th, consider attending a benefit concert to support earthquake victims in Chile. More info here.
Treat this as an open thread.
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Where’s the best place to get a Devonshire in Pittsburgh?
Damn those are good. I had one somewhere around terminal way some years ago. Great city.
“God Bless the Chile, that’s got his own, that’s got his own.”
Mike Kay
sounds delicious. I love spicy chile with black beans.
H/T Pandagon, O’Keefe and Breitbart discussing their next escapade.
Cat Lady
You know what makes me crazy about the reporting from these places devastated by natural disasters? The reports of “looting”. Desperate people who’ve lost everything aren’t looters. I know it matters what color the “looter” is. From Katrina to Chile, that one loaded word gets trotted right out and changes the dynamic of the reporting and response. Seriously, it isn’t that hard to imagine losing everything and taking anything you can. I know I would. Anyone would.
“I love spicy chile with black beans”
I’ve been eating black beans, onions, chili sauce, peppers topped with cheese and two poached eggs as my everyday breakfast routine.
It’s damn good and damn good for you.
You’re in a place. Disaster hits. Everything you have and everything your neighbor has is smashed flat and gone. Some stuff is left. Isn’t it just kinda stupid to let it just lay there and not put it to use??
Stand by the mountain, chop it down with the edge of my hand, cause Imma Voodoo Chile baby.
Suddenly, out of the blue, Dana Milbank writes a glowing, unsourced article about Rahm Emanuel.
What Milbank doing? Is he:
A) Signaling to Rahm that if Rahm needs someone to fluff him or take dictation from him, now or in the future, Milbank is his man.
B) Milbank is already an Official Rahm Fluffer / Stenographer.
C) Milbank is writing an objective news article.
Bob K
Maybe we could send more money to Chile if we didn’t give 138 Billion to the over priveleged rich in this country by doing away with inheritance taxes and we could send an additonal 10 Billion from the unemployed that we should just let starve. We SO deserve to be the third world nation that we WILL be when we drown government in the bathtub. FUCK THE RICH
So, apparently Bunning and the Senate leadership have reached an agreement…that’s exactly what Reid offered the douche last week. This whole week did nothing but delay unemployment checks, furlough thousands of people, and lead to more government dysfunction.
Thanks a$$hole Bunning.
@Cat Lady:
There’s a difference between taking things you need to survive and taking things you don’t need that don’t belong to you. I’ve seen picture of SOME people in Chile taking appliances and TVs and all manner of luxury goods. That, by any definition, is looting.
The thing that pissed me off about Katrina, was pictures of white people taking things from grocery stores were tagged as “foraging,” but pictures of black people in same situation were tagged as “looting.” Made my blood boil.
That said, there’s always looting in disaster areas, and speaking as someone who actually lived through Katrina, people who are REAL looters should be charged with a federal crime and locked up for as long as the law will allow.
I don’t care if you take all the loaves or bread, water, hell, even caviar, but when you break into your next store neighbor’s house or the corner store and start lifting jewelry and TVs, that’s looting. Taking advantage of human misery to commit a crime is about as low as you can go.
I personally know several people in New Orleans who stayed in their homes rather than evacuate, because everything they had was there, and they were terrified that the minute they left it unattended, somebody would take everything they had.
So I agree with you that people who are just trying to survive have been unfairly tagged as criminals, but that doesn’t excuse real criminals who take advantage of a situation.
@Cat Lady: I did hear some use of the word “scavenging” re: Haiti, and that just makes more sense to me. I’m sure some are exploiting the situation and trying to benefit — people being people and so on — but I’m equally sure that I can’t know from this distance who they are, vs. the much greater number of people who are just trying to survive. Scavenging.
Linda Featheringill
To Bob K:
We are dependent on the rich people to dole out salaries or capital to start a little business, etc. etc.
What we really need is to figure out how to meet our needs without depending on the greedy little bastards. But I haven’t figured that out yet.
Keith G
I have a request.
I would like to be pointed to a site or a blog that does a thorough, critical analysis of the climate change debates and related sideshows.
I would love it if such a site(s) was not grinding a particular axe, just following the science.
I am getting ready to ride into combat and I need to sharpen my sword and know that it can hold up.
Mike Kay
You must telecommute to work :-)
Ash Can
D) Rahm scowled at Milbank the other day and made him pee his pants with fear, and now he doesn’t want to take any chances.
Tim F.
@Keith G: Try RealClimate from the science section of our blogroll, at right. They have fantastic info if you can handle the relatively high academic level.