But I would bet any amount of money that this woman is a PUMA.
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by John Cole| 63 Comments
This post is in: Clown Shoes
But I would bet any amount of money that this woman is a PUMA.
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I loved the Hurt Locker , but did not catch the significance of the phrase “Hurt Locker”. Anyone have an insight?
Sin Nombre and Where the Wild Things are were overlooked.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
LOL. just skimmed the article, but sounds like Burkett is hard to please. Her documentary wins an Oscar, but she’s disappointed cause it wasn’t made the way she envisioned. Puma? absolutely, but nothing a personal plastic Unicorn won’t fix.
Sounds like a solid pair of assholes to me. I mean, yikes, they’re just completely after each other.
@Zifnab: I can’t really blame him. Dude, she dissed his gramma!
bad dad
Even better, she’s a white Zimbabwean.
Probably still refers to herself as Rhodesian…
demo woman
It was definitely an awkward moment but I thought that Williams handled it as best he could. At the end he made sure to point out that Prudence was in the audience.
OT The NYTimes now has the story that will be in Sunday’s magazine section.. The Limits of Rahmism
Please make it stop… gee
bad dad
Even better, she’s a white Zimbabwean.
Probably still refers to herself as Rhodesian…
Backstory here:
You can’t make me read that.
Phoenix Woman
Here, have some nice fluffy kittens.
Meh, tempest in a teapot. Move along.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@demo woman:
Heh. I saw that too. Guess what the Sunday shows will be about. “Senator McCain, do you feel the President made a mistake in hiring Rahm Emanuel? -Well, David, it’s not really my place to say, but as I learned while a prisoner of war….”
@Phoenix Woman: That’s much better.
The film that won was very different from the film she wanted to make, by her own admission, so I don’t see how Burkett thinks she should be the one person to accept. How does she know the one she wanted to make would have even won?
Phoenix Woman
@slag: You’re welcome.
Ya gotta watch out for those cane-wielding 87 year olds! My mom is nobody to be trifled with.
I don’t know if she’s a PUMA or not (though my experiences with PUMAs suggest that yes, yes she is). But I do know that she is a classless bitch.
Should be an easy enough question to answer. Check the FEC filings for Clinton and Obama. All that stuff is available online. One couldn’t really be a true PUMA without contributing to Clinton in the primaries but not Obama in the general, right?
demo woman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Maybe Fox News will have Glenn on to get his reaction. Hamsher can go on CNN.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: McCain was a prisoner of war?!? What the . . . ?!?
OT, but here is Chapter 3,485 of Why I Love the Rude Pundit:
I think it’s a grunt term for the mental place you go when you’re messed up.
JD Rhoades
It’s a soldier’s expression for being wounded, not necessarily just mentally. i.e. “He really got put in the hurt locker.”
Fergus Wooster
When she came on, my first thought was, “Hey, what the hell is Harriet Christian doing at the Oscars?”
@Phoenix Woman: Kittehs!
That was weird, but I thought, “Forget it, Nick, it’s
chinatownL. A.”jeffreyw
Not a “chicken hawk”.
@RolloTomasi: srv pretty much hits it on the head, but here’s the definition at Urban Dictionary.
OT, but so juicy…….
So Palin and family benefitted from the Canadian health care system…one that neither Palin nor her family helped support…
We. are. so. screwed.
She’s a lunatic. Here’s how she described it in 2007:
“Palin drew from her Skagway past to illustrate her point. Her brother burned his foot badly jumping through a fire, and her mother had to take him down to Juneau on the ferry to the hospital. “All these years later, that’s still what people have to rely on here in some instances,” she said.”
Ferry, train, Alaska, Canada, she doesn’t know what the hell went on.
Does she have a brother?
@kay: What went on is whatever is most convenient at the moment. Nobody’s ever going to call her a liar, that would be impolite. So why not jazz up the story?
The Washington Post calls it “an alternate story”.
I’m using that.
My first thought, of course, is: does Andrew Sullivan know about this yet?
I just read the story on the Huffington Post.
“Palin has also told an alternate version of the story that had her family traveling south by ferry to Juneau from Skagway for treatment of her brother’s burned foot, rather than to Canada, according to a 2007 report posted by the Skagway News.”
LOL. Part of me hopes yes — always good for a few screaming posts…
Part of me hopes no — can’t take a few more screaming posts…
licensed to kill time
I just have to say “Palin” and “Skagway” in the same sentence is pretty funny.
Also, the fact that she pulls assorted stories out of her brain and reshuffles them to fit the talking point du jour is rather reminiscent of Reagan. I’m sure she’d be pleased to hear that, though it is hardly a compliment.
(reposted from Sully thread because no one is there at the moment.)
Joey Maloney
Speaking of grifters, I wish I had thought of this scam.
Nancy Nall has an even deeper background story on the woman who did the reverse Kanye West:
One person, one time, referred to an “alternate version”. Do you think we’ll ever hear about this again, even if she brings it up? Compare with, “invented the internet.”
licensed to kill time
Here’s a more in depth look at the term hurt locker from the BBC.
For god’s sake let a white woman, born in Rhodesia, have her say. Why are people ganging up on her when she obviously knows that black men are not up to task of speaking for a white woman.
demo woman
Folks, Before we get carried away with Sarah and alternative stories or lies, let’s remember an important fact, her brother has two feet. Just like Jesus had two feet her brother had two feet also.
I must add that I do assume that her brother still has two feet but I have not verified that fact yet.
Well, as a childless person who has had to endure more from friends and the people I work with who have children than anyone ever should, I won’t hold her hatin’ on the privileges given to those who bear children in this insane society against her. I simply can’t disagree with many of the things she bitched about there (though I draw the line at name-calling). Being rude and taking credit for shit she shouldn’t, however, definitely makes her a loser of the highest degree.
I’m surprised she didn’t go all “unqualified black male” on the poor guy.
In the spirit of crazy, Massa is apparently on Glenn Beck tomorrow for the full hour.
This guy is a crazy mofo who is determined to bring the democrats down for not covering for him like the Republicans covered for Foley. And since he can’t do that; he’s going to screw with them as much as possible.
Yeah, Massa has completely lost it. I mean, just lost it. Wonder how DougJ is feeling about him today.
@Rhoda: Yea, it will do wonders for his credibility to appear on the Beck show.
@Will: I believe the word you are looking for is “inadequate”. And I only mention it because, in this usage, “inadequate” has so much more poetry than “unqualified”, and I wouldn’t want us to do the PUMAs any injustice.
i chased around some links on salon and realized why i don’t read that place anymore…
i did like the guy who called out barbara streisand for trying to steal bigelow’s limelight.
@demo woman:
Yes, but did he take notes with and keep notes on either one of his two feet, one that apparently was saved by the gracious Canadian government-supported health care system. I think God and Sarah wrote about this on their palms…
The Grand Panjandrum
Homina, homina, homina …
He’s no longer interested in credibility – he wants to be cast on a reality TV program. Cable news publicity tours are the essential next step toward this goal for disgraced public servants (see Blagoyevich, Delay, Palin, etc.). If he had been outed a few years later, McGreevey might have ended up sharing a hottub with The Situation on Jersey Shore.
You’re right. Good catch!
Grumpy Code Monkey
Salon? Fuck you, I’m having a shitty enough day as it is — the DHCP server issued a different IP address for my VM since it was shut down all last week, but the DNS server won’t update itself and still returns the old address, so nothing fucking works anymore. Can’t mount the VM drives on Windows, can’t run the CM software, can’t use PuTTy terminals to connect to the VM, nada.
Going to Salon would just be shitty icing on the shit cake.
Just Some Fuckhead
Does the PUMA label have any inherent value now that Stuck is a PUMA?
Tax Analyst
@Phoenix Woman:
General Egali Tarian Stuck
@Just Some Fuckhead:
Hail Mary
Tax Analyst
Anybody know where Sarah was when this little “accident” happened? She was probably standing by with an empty can of gasoline and a half-used book of matches.
Corner Stone
@srv: Next will be social security.
Corner Stone
I’m not sure we have all the facts yet, or even enough to make much of a reasonable conclusion about Mr. Massa.
It seems he has something to say.
Zuzu's Petals
Which gives a whole new meaning to the title of her book:
So Many Enemies, So Little Time: An American Woman in All the Wrong Places