Got a new phone today, and I chose a Samsung Flight. I ‘spose it does a bunch of things that I will never do, but the highlight for me was that the numbers are big on the screen.
I’ve spent the last two hours trying to figure out how to get the Geico ringtone downloaded to the damned thing. I can connect to my Mac via bluetooth, and it says the file is transferred, but for the life of me I can not find it.
*** Update ***
Figgered it out. The ability to bluetooth stuff to the phone is rather nice.
After a day full of win, you, you just…ugh…
Just use the damn ring a ding that’s on there. Anything other than that should be cause for a flogging.
Comrade Dread
I’m sans cell phone at the moment, and enjoying my relative freedom.
Eric U.
I have to have the horrible ring tone from geico for when my friends are pissing me off. I wouldn’t use it otherwise. ATT seems to kill file attachments, I was going to transfer the ring tone using a SD card.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
I’ve had a cell phone only for several years and still haven’t figured out most of the functions. My fingers are too big and have astygmitism to boot. Sometimes the fucker rings, sometimes it vibrates, sometimes it doesn’t do anything at all. Think I’ll go ask Alice.
The Dangerman
O/T (is there a Topic?), but WTF is up with the Big East? ND goes down, Villanova is lucky they didn’t go down, and GTown is spitting the bit as I type.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
@The Dangerman: And Kentucky is kicking ass. That last second win over Miss St on Sunday gave them all a spring in their step. But I guess you likely don’t care.
My beloved alma mater, the Ohio University Bobcats, are leading the Hoyas by 15!
Holy shizz.
Also, POTUS has Murray State and Butler, pretty sweet. Maybe shoulda copied his bracket.
The Dangerman
@General Egali Tarian Stuck:
UCLA Grad here; Coach Cal took out the Bruins couple years back (the cheating year, IIRC). So, no, other than any good Ashley Judd shots, don’t care much for UK (though I have them going to the Finals in both my brackets).
BTW, MSU got hosed in the non-selection, but their own damned fault. See the end of Villanova today? No foul, make them hit a 3, they win.
The Raven
“I have always wished for my computer to be as easy to use as my telephone; my wish has come true because I can no longer figure out how to use my telephone”.–Bjarne Stroustrup, inventor of C++
The people around you are thankful for your technological ineptitude.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
@The Dangerman: I have Villanova in my final four, I’m already not doing too good in the pool, but them going down this early would have been all she wrote. Whew!
Artful Dodger
You should’ve gotten the Jitterbug. All the numbers are big.
mr. whipple
JenJen! Is this awesome, or what?
Emo Pantload (fka Studly)
Mrs. Pantload it threatening to get that ringtone (it’s available for direct download through the Droid apps store for 99 cents). Fortunately, about the only person that calls her is me and her mom (we’re extreme introverts).
The Dangerman
@General Egali Tarian Stuck:
A lot of people’s brackets would have been shredded early…
…as I think the Vill/RM game was the first of the day. First start, not the first to finish because of the OT.
Nothing against the Big East, but they got 8 in and if 7 of those 8 go out quick, that works for me (with a kind nod to the WVU people here). Yesterday, I said that Syr/Vermont could be a game and, well, we shall see…
@mr. whipple: I’m pretty much freaking over here.
Also, the “Boss Button” over at CBS is a joke. They really could’ve put a bit more effort into that.
demo woman
@General Egali Tarian Stuck: Nova might have a few problems before the final four.
The big east looks shaky.
Verizon had some kind of rule that I couldn’t use the Bluetooth on my Mac to transfer pictures and such, I had to use their proprietary network and pay for it.
And I said I didn’t want it. And it showed up on the bill, at the end of the month, when I already had it and I didn’t use it, so they made me pay for it, and then it went back on, and it took me two hours on their customer service line to get it refunded, and then…
I cut the phone down to bare minimum service and gave up.
You have a ringtone from an INSURANCE COMPANY?
Jesus H. Frickin’ muttermuttermutter …
@Emo Pantload (fka Studly):
I so covet the Droid.
Tazistan Jen
My daughter manages my cell phone. I have to get her to put the Stargate theme on as a ringtone.
The Dangerman
BTW, for you Roundball junkies out there, you can get all the CBS games through Yahoo Sports (WA/Marq on TV, Ohio/Gtown on the computer, and if I had a faster connection like FIOS, I’d load up all the games on the computer).
I feel like I need to think about Detox (6′ 7″ former baller here, it’s in the blood).
Omnes Omnibus
@Dreggas: It is not the Droid you are looking for.
I think it’s the rappy RING A DING DING DA DING jokey one.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
@demo woman: the way they played today, I think you are right. But going down in the first round is a bracket buster on a FF pick.
Sentient Puddle
@Emo Pantload (fka Studly): A buck? Shit, I just downloaded the MP3 file, transferred it via USB, and set it. Free FTW!
@General Egali Tarian Stuck:
How tall is she?
Sentient Puddle
Speaking of Droids, Verizon was supposed to start rolling out Android 2.1 today. But once again, they punted.
It’s why he supports HCR. He just luvs him some insurance companies! Oooo, he’s the most corporatistest ever! [smooching noises]
Tom Hilton
Sorry, but if you have a cellphone at all you don’t get to tell kids to get off your lawn.
I don’t own a cellphone and never will. Get off my lawn, you damned kids!
Emo Pantload (fka Studly)
We each have the G1. It’s a great phone, except for the itty-bitty internal memory (74mb, and you can’t store apps in the expanded memory unless you hack the thing – wtf?). The Mrs. wasn’t in any hurry to ditch her RAZR, but when she lost it and agreed to give the G1 a go, she became hooked.
Pigs & Spiders
You know, it’s funny. The iPhone has the best accessibility software for the impaired ever implemented on the phone, yet everyone I know who has poor eyesight goes for the big ‘ol junk phones just because the numbers are big in the store. Sad.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
@Svensker: Since she quit the pills, who knows?
Emo Pantload (fka Studly)
@Sentient Puddle:
We have no prob with a 99-cent convenience fee. If we tried it your way, we’d probably be as successful at it as Mr. Cole.
I’ve had a Blackberry for almost 3 years and I still don’t “get” or use all of the functions.
Its a damn tough phone though, I left it on the roof of the car, drove away and as I entered traffic at 70 mph on 405 I heard a “clunk” and realized it had to be my phone…I found it in 3 pieces spread over about 200 yards of the shoulder…put it back together and it worked! Couldn’t recover the skin, it was in the traffic lanes!
J. Michael Neal
@General Egali Tarian Stuck:
I care. I hate Kentucky, so your message disappoints me. I wouldn’t know, though, because I’m too busy watching the North Dakota/Minnesota-Duluth play in game at the WCHA Final Five. Go Dawgs!
General Egali Tarian Stuck
@J. Michael Neal: We thrive on yer hate.
Not wanting to get too giddy about Sunday, but just in case, may I request a new thingy at the top “Americans for Prosperity FUCK YOU!” I heard our local “chapter” dickhead (Dallas Woodhouse) on the local am radio station today saying he was organizing a bus trip to DC this weekend to protest health care reform “just $25.00 per person, that is only half the costs” (in other words Dick fucking Army is ponying up the rest), because “if they are going to attempt to destroy the greatest health care system in the world and trample on the constitution then I am going to go and say something about it” You know what ASSHOLE? You don’t have the greatest health care system in the world, in fact you are number 37! (BTW just as an aside this guys brother is the communications direction for the DNC – no shit, The Woodhouse brothers, read about em
Brian J
I’m pretty up on technology but use it in a simple (simplistic?) way. I’ve had an iphone for almost two years now and don’t use half of the cool features it has. I mostly use the browser because it’s better than any other browser I’ve seen. And rather than use RSS feeds, for instance, I randomly update blogs and other sites I like throughout the day, hoping to find something new. At some point, I’ll probably change, but it’s easier to stay with old habits when there’s nothing in particular, like a job, that requires you to adapt so frequently.
mr. whipple
“I’m pretty much freaking over here.”
Ditto. I have my OU shirt on for good luck. Crap, they just took off my Bobcats! WTF?????????????
General Egali Tarian Stuck
Don’t know if anyone has followed the minor wingnut blog swarm claiming Obama made up a quote in the Fox interview about Hawaii having a recent earthquake. Turns out there was one in 2006 and Bush declared the state a national disaster. I know we have seen this movie many times before, but it still gave me a chuckle.
Ed in NJ
O/T, but I LOL’d at this Grayson rebuke of Caribou Barbie. Why can’t all Dems be like him?
Grayson vs. Palin
The Dangerman
@mr. whipple:
Yahoo is carrying the CBS feeds. Ohio still playing well.
I’m holding out for a Windows Phone 7 myself. Part of it’s an MS-Apple thing (I won’t own any Apple stuff), but the specs on those suckers are excellent (hardware 3d, good CPU) and they’ll probably have OLED screens, which have beautiful color.
Roger Moore
@Tom Hilton:
Nice try Cole, but I am more out of it than you are any day.
What is a Samsung Flight?
What is a Geico ringtone?
What does ‘to bluetooth stuff’ mean?
What does ‘to bluetooth stuff to the phone’ mean. I thought bluetooth was some kind of phone.
WTF is this post about?
You kids go play someplace else. My wife is sick and yer bothering her. Bahh! Humbug!
mr. whipple
@The Dangerman:
Hot damn, Ohio is beating Goergetown. That is another one of my upset picks for today. And bonus points for me if Ohio can pull it off.
And now that we’re home from karate I can enjoy an adult beverage and watch some hoops madness :)
I need a new phone, but everything AT&T sells has shitty reviews. Would go to Verizon, but then all the iPhone and Android users whining about wanting to go there will screw up that network.
mr. whipple
Jeebus, they dropped from up 17 to up only 7.
@mr. whipple:
I knew it was too good to be true.
demo woman
@mr. whipple: Take deep breaths and pray.
mr. whipple
For people who may not understand: OU sports are so bad that when I was there, people would go to football games to see the band, and leave after halftime.
So, for them to beat Gtown would be a huge deal.
Back up to 10. We’ll see if they can hold.
Emo Pantload (fka Studly)
@The Raven:
What’s weird is he said that back in 1990.
Ohio’s back up by 12 with 1:47 to go. And it is still not on my teevee!!
mr. whipple
I know, this sux BIGTIME!
demo woman
Looks as though the Big East is real shaky. Another one is about to bite the dust.
mr. whipple
Second NCAA game win for OU in 45 freaking years!!!!!!
demo woman
@mr. whipple: They seem pleased but not jumping up and down pleased like Murray State. Maybe they don’t know how to act since it’s been so long.
The Dangerman
Props to Ohio; they remind me a lot of LMU in the Bo Kimble year. They could be dangerous.
@mr. whipple:
Congrats, your team knocked off Georgetown in a most convincing fashion. Sadly, UNLV fell to N. Iowa, which was not at all a part of my master plan. Oh well, neither one of them is getting past Kansas.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
@mr. whipple: CongratS!
Even if I lost the bracket.
We have peeps in the pool with 10 out of 10. I’m wondering if gawd and his buddies came in as ringers.
mr. whipple
Thanks folks!!! Me happy.
Plus, the crying Irish lost today. A fine, fine day.
She was just small.
(Late, I know, but what the hell.)