Anyone worried that our wingnut compatriots will actually manage to pull off a revolution needs to read this.
Then go watch this. “Sounds like the 1930’s in Germany, folks!”
I love the shaking/hyper-caffeinated tone in his voice. I bet any amount of money he is busy at the very moment buy some non-hybrid seeds and sending silly putty via Red State to someone in Congress.
We may actually see the Wingnut Event Horizon early next week, if not approach it.
I got a robo-call from some outfit called Americans for Prosperity about yelling at Congressmen who vote yes on HCR.
My Wingnut roommate missed out.
No, I never thought there would be a wingnut revolution. Their idea set is empty of any real lasting value to citizens. That fact is what they impale themselves on over and over again. “I got mine” is not really a compelling rallying call. Nor is “I don’t got mine because somebody else got stuff they didn’t deserve.” It’s all just fail. Their schtick depends on anger and on being ill-informed. Both of those are temporary, they go away.
And from another thread, I voted for hope and change, but somehow or other the snark wisdom was that these are fanciful and fairy tale things. Nuh uh. The Hope and Change I voted for was hope that when the chips were down, our guy would fight like a bulldog for my best interests most of the time, and get change despite the best efforts of the bulldogs that do not have my interests at heart. Very practical stuff. And this week, I am getting what I voted for. My guy is a better bulldog than their guys, and I think my dog is going to win. I am very happy with what I got for my vote. I am going to be on the side that beats the morons at their own game.
Comrade Jake
It’s almost like these people take pride in being ignorant.
Dinner must be very entertaining at your house. I live with my Libertarian brother who’s also pro-universal health care, mostly because his work insurance sucks elephant testes. We get into it all the time, it does annoy him that I don’t shrink back from the epithet “liberal” anymore.
(206) 666-6666 to hear the messages on the machine. Just another stick to poke the idiots. Hehehehehe.
So there are three choices:
A) Limbaugh’s an idiot.
B) Limbaugh’s a secret Democratic operative.
C) Obama has taken over the phone system, and no matter what number you call, you’ll get “Democratic propaganda.”
Where is my time machine to send this yahoo back to 1930s Germany?
@Yutsano: We have an understanding never to talk politics. Thank goodness, or I would have built a Thunderdome in the apartment courtyard in 2008.
Comrade Jake
All I can say is that I hope Nancy Pelosi’s security is solid. After next week, when it actually sinks in with the wingnuttia that she is who they thought she was (only exceptionally competent), we should expect the crayzee to go nonlinear. There’s no plausible way Beck, Rush, Hannity & Co. are possibly going to be able to contain themselves.
I’d put this Washington Times op-ed in the same category as well.
Green socialism!!! Impeach Obama!!!!
@MikeJ: I just called. Hilarious.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
So what if the mighty Wurlitzer throws a rod now and then.
He will just blame it on liberals like always, and the writhing natives will be none the worse for wear.
Btw – I think anybody who is calling to register his voice “against healthcare” should be banned from ever getting any kind of healthcare.
Seriously, dude, get yourself some rubbing alcohol and bandaids and hope for the best.
Someone send salt to Maine … double time!!
Quaker in a Basement
Rush gave his listeners a number for Families USA, an advocacy outfit that supports HCR!
Since I will grocery shop tomorrow morning I need to figure what special meal I need to make Sunday to celebrate the passage of HCR and to enjoy while I surf the web reading reports of the beginning of the great right wing freak out of 2010 while eating.
Why, it DOES sound just like 1930 in Germany! Exactly like it. I am amazed.
(The Dems better fookin’ pass the bill, cuz I haz a happy and I don’t wanna give it up. Also, the wingtards’ tears are tasting like sirloin and cabernet sauvignon and I don’t wanna go on a diet, neither.)
This is what happens when you have a community of people who are convinced that “being an @sshole” is the same as “being clever”..
@Napoleon: Ooh, that’s a good idea. Also, I need to forget about getting any work done this weekend. (Just like today *cough*)
Cat Lady
Banana and shitpeanut butter sandwich.stickler
Well, since HCR will make getting preventive care easier, why not live large and get a couple T-bone steaks, wrap ’em in bacon, marinate it with Dr. Pepper, and grill the whole thing on the barbie.
Or maybe a Terducken.
Not because it would be ironic — just because it would be damned tasty.
Yesterday I heard a few minutes of Glenn Beck’s radio show while I was in the car. He was shilling for a company called “Food Insurance.” Apparently they provide you an emergency food supply with a “long shelf life.” Between that, the non-hybrid seeds, and the gold, his advertisers seem like they’re targeting a bunch of paranoid, panic-filled pansies. I guess they’ve got the demographic right.
The daughter’s boyfriend’s family puts on a huge St. Joseph’s altar — which happens to be this Sunday. They have an obscene amount of food, and the nice thing is it’s open to everybody, so a fair amount of disadvantaged/poor people stop by for a meal.
I’m making desserts – so German Chocolate Cookies, Lemon Coconut Torte, and Carrot Cake. I figure it works as both outreach to the neighborhood and a convenient way to celebrate the passage of healthcare reform. Locally brewed Strawberry Wine for everybody!
@MikeJ: Those messages were EPIC FAIL.
It reminds me of the Jimmy Dean Sausage voicemail, except on acid.
Where is this from?
Linda Featheringill
I watched the video – Germany in the 1930s. Sigh.
The idea that there may be been some mistake in the phone number he had was never talked about. Rush is infallible?
What about this recording reminds one of Germany in the 1930s?
He does know that the Nazis were right wing, doesn’t he? And absolutely lily-white? And really did not rely on campaigning [or even propaganda] to gain power?
Humans. The best Mother Nature can come up with? Jeez!
demo woman
@MikeJ: I didn’t bother to call the number. I’m surrounded by enough wingnuts that I don’t need to hear them on tape.
@Linda Featheringill:
No, no, no. That would be cats. Or possibly bacteria. Depends on how you define “best”.
@DaBomb: Limbaugh told his listeners to call the capital. Rather than give the switchboard number, he gave the number of a pro HCR goup who play a message and forward the call. The group dropped the number so they wouldn’t get stuck with the phone bill for anti people to call. Pro HCR prankster gets the number and doesn’t forward it, just plays a message and records. Hilarity ensues.
Love the new tagline. Very appropriate for this thread.
Spike votes for cats. Since he’s coming off some weird skin infection, bacteria not so much.
Nevermind. I read the whole article and looked at the video.
I teach Nazi Germany (among other things) for a living. The comparisons we’ve seen the last few years make me want to puke. The fact that it’s right-wing loons comparing Obama (!) to Hitler is inexcusable. Just wrong on so many levels.
The total lack of self-awareness of this yob as he pokes at his $400 wankphone, while complaining about being “against health care” is epic. I kind of half-wish that the corpse of a 1930 SA Strassenkämpfer could be re-animated and dropped into his neighborhood to teach him a few lessons. Those goons were just as ignorant about issues as this guy seems to be, but they sure knew where they stood on folks with more property than they had.
Since HCR will spell the doom for capitalism in the US maybe dinner should be some Cuban sandwiches chased down with some Black Russians.
Actually I am thinking paella or perhaps tuna lasagna for Sunday night.
By the way a few years ago here in Cleveland somehow a local law firms 1-800 call in phone line somehow got crossed with a sex line. Hilarity ensued.
These are the same people who had a candidate who was held as a POW in SE Asia where he was tortured and then they called Obama a “Manchurian candidate”. Like they’d never read the book and somebody had just given them a phrase to repeat. Something like “John McCain is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life. “
That dude needs to take it easy. Limbaugh gave out the wrong number. He made a mistake and now this bonehead is ready to burn the country down in his paranoia and unfocused, inchoate rage. He just take a deep breath and get a good night’s sleep,. lay off the coffee and stop listening to pilled up losers like Rush Limbaugh. He’ll feel a lot better. And so will the rest of us when we don’t have to worry about every ignorant fuckface going out and shooting congressmen.
By the transitive property of lie, does this mean the peak wingnut is a cake?
Sort of like the right-wing cries of “appeasement.”
If Health Care Reform passes on Sunday, I will violate my long-standing personal boycott and listen to Rush Limbaugh on Monday morning.
I usually view Schadenfreude as counter-productive but damn it, this is one I can’t pass up. (sometimes personal weakness feels so, so right)
Talk about a stab from the past, my folks subscribed to Dan’s newsletter and bought None Dare Call It Treason in bulk. Good times.
Comrade Jake
Are Rush’s listeners … retarded?
Mark S.
Jeez, that food insurance ain’t cheap. I don’t know what to make of the fact that the cheapest one is out of stock.
mr. whipple
Reminds me of the ‘make a gop url to piss off liberals’ epic FAIL that was so much fun.
Do I know what “rhetorical” means?
Seriously, I just watched the YouTube clip, and the number the guy calls has a message that says it’s a private number and not a government line, but the guy calling keeps insisting that this is the number Rush told him to call, so it *can’t* be a private number, and therefore Nazi supermen are controlling the White House.
Or something. I’m not fluent in retard.
mr. whipple
OMG, these recordings are hilarious.
Even speaking as a former conservative, I admit I am unable to come up with any explanation for the wild.incoherent fear and rage.
Bruce Bartlett showed that it isn’t taxes or spending.
All I can come up with is the raging resentment of class and race.
In that sense I worry that guy is right about 1930’s Germany.
South of I-10
Jebus! I thought the comments in my local paper were insane. Six months ago, I really thought the right couldn’t get much crazier. Wow.
O/T but WTF is going on in the open thread one down? I have posted at least three posts that haven’t shown up and when I look at the date stamps the last one that appears is over an hour ago. Very weird.
Felonius Wench
Just yelled out to the husband that we need vodka and Kahula for Sunday night, as well as mint and rum for mojitos. Inviting the neighbors over for a Commie Victory Party.
As I told a friend today “they can call me a fucking liberal all they want, at least I’m getting laid.”
has anyone posted the recordings to the tubes?
I cannot wait for sunday, the frabjous day. I cannot wait to post a link to yes, we can on my facebook and wait for my brother to comment.
Actually, it’s more likely that Limbaugh thought he was being clever by routing the calls through a pro-HCR organization to pay for them.
Fortunately, they caught on pretty quickly and shut down their line, which somehow got transferred to someone who pranked the dittoheads.
No doubt Limbaugh will use tomorrows show to blame liberals for his failed ratfucking attempt.
Guy manages get 666-6666 for his phone number and has a system that can manage – I’m guessing – hundreds to thousands of simultaneous calls?
All within 24 hours?
This is a prankster with deeeeep pockets.
It isn’t the thread, it’s the website. Some glitch (reportedly associated with the spam filter) just eats posts.
No moderation notice, no nothing. Just gone. Nothing can seem to be done about it.
I haven’t observed any particular way to write around the post eating monster. So the bugs are winning the battle of WordPress, apparently. It was bad before, now it’s worse. For WP, I guess that looks like progress.
Agreed. The whole thing is bizarre. Humorously bizarre.
@JGabriel: Good numbers take patience more than anything else. As for handling the volume, who says he did? My guess is he just dropped excess on the floor.
Somebody needs to dub that recording over the movie scene where Hitler is ranting….
They are collectively losing their shit. To be fair, this has been an ongoing process ever since wingnuts have been wingnuts.
Leelee for Obama
@JGabriel: I’m fairly sure El Gordo doesn’t work week-ends. By Monday, he will, FSM willing, have an exploded head and no show, at least for a few days.
I’m not one to wish ill on anyone, if for no other reason than the “I’m rubber, you’re glue” thing, but I have to admit, Rush makes this rule of mine sooooo difficult to stick to.
I second a previous poster, The Dems HAVE to pass this bill because I haz a tremendous happy, and I don’t want it to go away.
I even sent, through Obama’s e-mail, a reason for my Critter, Posey to vote for the Bill. My Grandkids, his younger constituents, one of whom has asthma, and will be saddled with a pre-existing condition forever for being unfortunate enough to have this chronic illness. I have tried reason, I have tried anger, I’m working on shame now.
Texas Dem
pree-cisely and that had not occurred to me.
great catch.
John O
Can you comment on YouTube without having an account?
It would be funny to alert him to the fact he’s now famous for being a complete effing drop case. Dude, TIME magazine! You’re famous!
That way maybe we could see him in the MSM.
Anyone have a password over there? I’ll volunteer to go give him the links in comments, which he’s no doubt reading while astounded at his number of hits.
Chuck Butcher
I discovered a long time ago that there is no use in pointing out to these idjits how screwed up they just were. They’ll simply move their feet to the side and insist that the shit pile they were standing in is over there while the septic tank they’re actually in is full anyhow.
I’ve tried it with friends and they will NOT admit to shit. It is like the missing WMDs in Iraq – they were magically transported … somewhere. OR Saddam wanted us to think he had them – including dumping thousands of pages of docs trying to show he didn’t. Right after GWB didn’t yank the UN inspectors out…
@John O:
He removed it.
“This video has been removed” :(
Proper Gander
(206) 666-6666
Funniest goddamn thing I’ve heard in forever. Most of the whingenuts sounded drunk. I hope HCR will open up access to mental health treatment, we’re going to have a crisis on our hands.
And the “sounds like 1930’s Germany” dipshit is moderating comments for Exhibit A in his competency hearing, so I’ll reproduce what I wrote here (as well as I can remember it).
“This video exposes your lack of perspective, knowledge and judgment. I hope you get a great deal on health care, and that it makes you sick to your stomach every time you use it.”
Damn it’s been a long fight, glad it’s near over.
Zuzu's Petals
Oh my gosh, those comments are hilarious. Well, scary hilarious.
That’s a quality crowd you attract there, Rushbo.
Zuzu's Petals
My dear Bircher mom was a long-time subscriber too. My neck veins stick out just thinking about it.
Loon Juice
Damn, I missed the video, though if anyone ever wants to see the Rantings of the Wingnuts live and in person, get a Paltalk account, go into the political rooms, and you can see them gathered together decrying the destruction of their beloved God-fearing country by the communist librals. The names of the rooms will tip you off to where they are……..the 911 conspiracy theorists gather there too if you want to get really way out.
Tune in, turn on, freak out, I can’t remember who said that first but it’s a great quote.
And boy do I like wine.
And yet the guy had it in very short time. So either he already had it available (a little unlikely, but eminently possible), or he paid for it. I’m assuming that we can both agree that getting a number that good by chance is out of the question.
Maybe you’re right, but I haven’t seen any complaints about people having trouble getting through.
So, maybe I’m wrong, but deep pockets looks to be the most likely scenario, as of right now.
Libertarian fail for your brother. A true libertarian whose insurance sucked would just get a job with better insurance through the wonderful invisible hand of the free market.
Bubblegum Tate
@Linda Featheringill:
Not in his world they weren’t. In Greater Wingnuttia, the Nazis were leftists all the way.
No need in listening to the wing nuts-I live in Texas-sigh. And I sure hope all the “Fans” on Senator Cornyn’s FB page have good health insurance. I have a feeling there is going to be a super meltdown on Sunday and they are all going to need their mental health insurance for counseling. Wonder if they can get together and get fleet rates for it???
I’m reading a book right now, “Ideology of Death: Why the Holocaust Happened in Germany,” by John Weiss, that has me a little bit concerned because so much of the rhetoric and protests of the teabaggers and other right-wingers very strongly echoes that of the racists and anti-Semites of Austria and Germany, dating from the middle of the 19th century and increasing in viciousness up and including WWII.
I called the number and listened to the vitriol and was more disturbed than I was amused. Let’s just hope that, if Sunday goes as well as we here hope it will, these sociopaths will be happy just to call and leave nasty messages, and not take any action to match their rhetoric.
Wow. I’m almost regretting the fact that I didn’t get to see the video before it was pulled. Almost.
Listening to the recordings was more than enough to unsettle the stomach. Visuals might have been too much.
@Texas Dem:
Actually, there are reasons to make comparisons to 1930s Germany and Austria, but they’re not the comparisons that are being made by Beck and the teabaggers and other right-wingers. Given the rhetoric of the teabaggers, their enablers in Congress, and the right-wing blogosphere and press, it is far more apt to compare THEM with the racists and anti-Semites of 1930s Germany and Austria. This is a period of history with which I’m very familiar, being an amateur scholar of the Holocaust. Scenes such as the ones played out at teabagger rallies and language similar to that on the recordings I listened to are strikingly, chillingly similar to that which started appearing in Austria and Germany across a broad spectrum of the population as early as the end of the 19th century, building to a crescendo in 1930s Germany, albeit a crescendo that lasted for more than a decade.
Frightening stuff, and something that we all to think about if we are at all inclined to sit out the upcoming elections. I don’t tend to engage in paranoia, but I’ll be finding a lot of Democratic campaigns to help out with rather than take the chance of Republicans gaining control of either chamber.
I think the enemy they have picked: ‘liberals’, is too large
and unidentifiable in comparison with the one the Nazis picked.
Liberals can start asking, “Do you think government social security is a good thing? – then you are liberal too”,
or “Do you think government medicare is a good thing then you are a liberal, too.”
In addition, I think there is far too much of the reality of a heterogeneous population in the US that the white racism will not work to take over – not enough white racists left in comparison with the whole mixed population.
Oh sweet jeebus, I called the 206-666-6666 number with the wingnut messages, and I’m laughing my ass off over here! If you haven’t yet called, go make a sammy and put it on speakerphone.
Truly, the funniest moment for me in Teabagger History so far. Peak Teabag. We haz reached it.
dj spellchecka
the vid is gone, i suspect due to massive blowback from various commentors…anyone have a screenshot?