Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) just told our Brian Beutler that a short time ago, a protestor watching the House proceedings from the gallery got rowdy, yelling “Kill the Bill.” He resisted four Capitol Hill police officers trying to remove him from the gallery and as this was happening he was cheered loudly by dozens of House Republicans.
“I’ve never seen members of the House cheering on a guy resisting being kicked out of the gallery,” said Frank. “It’s a dangerous situation and the Republicans are cheering him on.”
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thomas Levenson
It’s my hope, and hope only, that the one truly critical segment of the electorate is watching all this and going “yuck!” That would be, of course, the mushy middle independents — the low-knowledge, low interest truly variable voters, not the “indies” who just don’t like saying where they already know they stand.
A lot of those folks don’t care much about politics, but do have, I think, a pretty strong sense of the difference between civil disagreement and insanity. The more the GOP becomes identified with spitting, assassination mongering, foul-mouthed cretins, the less likely these folks are going to want to identify themselves with such company.
Or so I hope…
Snarky Pickles
Joe “You Lie!” Wilson was just the start.
Mal Carne
…anyone surprised at this point?
Imagine if Democrats had cheered on anti-war protesters, even totally non-violent ones?
A mass censure is in order here if nothing else.
First thing needs to be done once this bill passes, is we figure out how to cut off coverage to these Republicans’ districts. They don’t want health care coverage, then we shouldn’t force it on them.
Oh, but didn’t you know? These actions, along with the slurs from yesterday, are *totally* justified since the Democrats are using totalitarian tactics:
He was doing his patriotic duty trying to stop HCR. He just wants to avoid another war of northern aggression.
I’ve heard from a reliable source that the protester was wearing a Marco Rubio t-shirt and was yelling racial slurs as he was being removed. I hope someone got it on video.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
pfft! Won’t matter, was Obamunist doctored propaganda. Nothing is real, until K-Low says it is. There are only families, babies and good will from wingnuts.
Why the fuck is CSPAN re-running this insulting interview with Nunes again? I want to punch my tv! He is exhibit #1 for why these violent, racist psychopaths think they have every right to act out like this. And now I have to watch that asshole Issa whining about earmarks.
Mike Kay
this loon doesn’t sound any different than the Firebaggers. Oh wait…
Pigs & Spiders
Did Nunes really say, “We aren’t using fear tactics! If you’re afraid, you should be!”
Sweet Christ on a Space Shuttle these people are clueless!
Dems don’t appear to have the votes.
Arrrgh! What else can we do?
@clonecone: Someone should have told the GOPers this was one horse they didn’t want to ride.
Tonal Crow
@Violet: Whip!
Also, add to that list:
Mike Quigley (IL-5) (202) 225-4061
Bobby Rush (IL-1) 202-225-4372
I can’t help but think that Bobby Rush’s jealousy of Obama is at play, rather than any true convictions he may have.
He’s a bad apple. IMO.
Ah, but LIBRULS are the true Nazis because…
Shame, shame, shame.
If only there is a video of dozens of house R’s clearly condoning & encouraging their out of control base that could be shown over & over again but I’d be surprised to see one.
The GOP is one very sick party.
Cue: “Well, war protesters were awful to Bush and this is the exact same thing” in 5…4…3…
@ Max
I agree with you about Bobby Rush. It seems he could care less about his district. It’s all about his hatred of Obama.
Pelosi wouldn’t have scheduled the vote if it weren’t already a done deal, IMHO.
OT but MSNBC is reporting that Stupak is a YES
She could also be using the vote to force Reps to vote for it on the floor. A little old fashioned arm twisting.
@AkaDad: Dana Bash reported a few minutes ago that a “smiling, confident” Speaker Pelosi told her “That is correct” in response to the question “You wouldn’t schedule a vote if you didn’t have the votes, right?”
Alex S.
It will be a very close vote because some dems need political cover. Pelosi will do it with just as many votes as necessary. But the decision to do it has been made.
(via LGM)
Jason Bylinowski
That’s what I want to believe too, but Pelosi has been chalking this thing up as a done deal for a solid week now, and I damn well know she didn’t have the votes last week, so part of me wonders if this whole thing isn’t being done on a wing and a prayer. Which of course will make successful passage all the more awesome and will make for great reading in a few days, but doesn’t do a whole lot of good for MY well-being right now.
Other sources are dubious:
Unless a deal is struck with Stupak, Dems appear to be short on votes
Cat Lady
As long as the reichtards keep screaming Kill the Bill today, I guess I’m ok with it, although screaming anything in the House chamber is way over the line. I’m just worried about what they’re going to scream about killing tomorrow, (if)(when) this thing passes. This is going to get way worse before it all gets taken as seriously as it should be.
I’m going to so need health care before this is over: I’ve simply got to pace myself. Adrenaline and wanted to stomp on idiots is dangerous.
Ed Schultz has to be the worst advocate on the face of the planet.
Ed to GOP House member: “Sir, will you ADMIT this bill does NOT tax the middle class?”
The House member actually smiled. he’s thinking “thanks Ed!” Then he launched into the tax rant.
No wonder the middle class are losing ground. Their self-appointed spokesperson is a complete moron.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@MikeJ: When you tell most parents that they can keep covering their kids until they are 26, you’re going to see a lot of that opposition disappear.
The Main Gauche of Mild Reason
If the Stupak 8 are onboard (which all news accounts seem to be confirming), there are more than enough votes in favor. Most likely, up to a few of those votes will be set free by Pelosi so they can have political cover. So I wouldn’t read too much into people “switching” at the last minute.
MSNBC reporting that the Dems have reached a deal on an executive order with Stupak. Sounds like their haggling over comas and semi-colons now.
Martian Buddy
@MikeJ: Gingrich’s concern is just palpable.
mr. whipple
As much as I like him in some ways, Ed has never had a grasp on facts.
@Jason Bylinowski:
That’s what alcohol is for.
I think I’m going to go for a run in a little bit because I need to burn off some of this nervous energy. I’m entirely too keyed up.
I agree Nancy is doing this on a wing and a prayer and I have no idea how it’s going to work in the end. If it doesn’t pass by one vote….ugh. I think I’m going to be sick.
I think the Hill’s reporting, coupled with MSNBC’s reporting reflects that Pelosi has the votes and she’s cutting loose the folks who need the cover.
Lordy Rep Jessie Jackson Jr. looks like he wants to take that gravel and punch a few Republicans in the neck.
Comrade Mary
That’s the most beautiful typo I’ve seen all day.
God, I have to finish something for a client, but I also need my gin and juice (well, gin and Fresca.) I can’t take the suspense.
Jason Bylinowski @27: No way the Speaker actually schedules the vote if she doesn’t have the votes. Doesn’t work that way. Just doesn’t. And her march with Dingell, Sr.’s gavel is exactly the kind of theater you indulge in when you know you have it in the bag. Go, Nancy, go. I will walk into an inferno for you.
The Main Gauche of Mild Reason
Gah, the lefties have been screaming throughout the whole process “make them vote it out! call their bluff! dem senators won’t dare filibuster the healthcare bill!”, and this is the same thing. She’s calling their bluff, and I think it’s pretty reasonable to do so. A “no” vote is going to make you persona non grata in the Democratic party for a long time.
@mr. whipple:
What did he think the guy was going to say?
“No, the bill doesn’t actually raise taxes on the middle class”.
Ed Schultz hands him 4 minutes to lie about taxes. Good going!
Next he’ll ask him if he’ll admit the bill doesn’t use taxpayer money for abortions.
This could get worse.
@Martian Buddy: I keep wondering why these Republicans are being so nice to us, telling us just what we need to do to beat them in elections. A person less kind than me might think they didn’t have our best interests at heart.
Big Media Matt has breaking news on his twitter feed:
Stupak’s Cat?
I appreciate that the Tea Party people have ditched the Unite or Die flag in favor of Don’t Tread on Me. At least it’s somewhat germane to their cause… or maybe just not completely orthogonal to it.
I ran in the National Marathon yesterday. A group of 10-15 Tea Party people were trying to get across Constitution to the Capitol lawn. They kept yelling at the cop asking them to stay back that it wasn’t very nice for us to run in their way. If they weren’t so old/fat they could just hustled across no problem.
I wonder if there could end up being actual violence today from some of these lunatics.
Open the box! Open the box!
Comrade Mary
@Kryptik: Just because the guy was a badass piano player with at least one fervent groupie doesn’t mean he knows a thing about cats, boxes or weasels.
I don’t wanna. What if Stupak’s in there instead? I don’t want to keep him!
Comrade Mary
@freelancer: Close the box! And seal the airholes!
Ben S.
Anyone else see the sniveling little shit behind Issa?
Polish the Guillotines
@eemom: That’s one of those “not if, but when” questions.
Does anyone know if there is any video streaming of the teabaggers out front, and what’s happening with the immigration reform rally?
Axel Edgren
I wish to exhale. Oh fucking goodness do I wish to exhale.
That was awesome. That gavel was amazing. I’m in awe of Nancy, for sure.
Heh! Louise Slaughter just called them out on the earmarks that will disappear when the reconciliation bill passes. Told them if they don’t like the Nebraska, Louisiana, etc. stuff to just vote for the reconciliation bill.
Zuzu's Petals
God, Issa is a jerk.
“I regret that I have but 15 seconds to give to my colleague” … that running-off-at-the-mouth moron Kingston.
Texas Dem
Stupak called a press conference for 4 p.m. (EST). I assume he’s going to announce his support for the bill (of course, in the most dramatic way possible). All of the press conferences from Dems so far have been to announce support. Hard to image he merely restates his opposition. He needs to make that primary challenger go away, and the best way to do that is to make sure the health care bill passes.
K. Grant
A question – will the teabagging lunatics and their Republican sympathizers actually drive a few Democratic ‘nays’ to the ‘yea’ side of the ledger? I would like to think that this might make a few of the Democrats think long and hard about which side they want to be on when the roll is called.
@MikeJ: Did he really say that? Because that is a totally moronic thing to say. I know he’s not a moron but I can’t discount that he was trying to make this point to morons.
dr. bloor
In a just world, this would involve Obama stomping on Barty’s semi-colon and putting him into a coma.
Corner Stone
I’m not sure about the need for “political cover” for any D House members at this point.
ISTM that if they *need* to vote No on this bill, and HCR passes they are most likely toast in a tight district.
Just not sure there is any cover to be done at this point.
IMO, in a tight district a D should vote Yes for HCR and have something to *run on*, then have something that is passed that they are running away from.
Texas Dem
Apparently some Republicans on the House floor are now condemning the “Louisiana purchase.” I assume they’re not suggesting we return the mid and upper mid west to France, but I’m no longer sure.
I can’t imagine what else he could compare it to in terms of American History that would come across as worse.
“Passing this bill would be as big a boondoggle as the Apollo program, which did nothing in terms of furthering American exceptionalism and didn’t inspire anyone in this country to go into science based fields. I mean, it’s not like that made us the world leaders in education and technology for 2 generations or anything.”
Jebus he sounds like he’s channeling Strom Thurmond.
Texas Dem
Some House Dems are now on the balcony addressing the Tea Party protesters. Why? Just to piss them off? I’d like to make it to the end of the day without someone getting shot, and I’m starting to wonder whether we’ll be able to do that.
@Texas Dem: It will be amazing if Dems run against incumbent Republicans who vote against the reconciliation fix for voting for the Louisiana purchase, Cornhusker kickback, excise tax, etc.
Texas Dem
Apparently the GOP strategy (via Huffpo) is to delay a vote long enough to keep it off of the front pages tomorrow, thereby making it seem like old news. If that’s true, then we’ll definitely have a vote tonight, but it will be well beyond my bed time (school day tomorrow).
@Texas Dem:
How many of their number represent districts and states whose land was part of the actual Louisiana Purchase? Has to be quite a few.
The absolutely craziest part is that all these shouts of faggot, nigger, and call for assassinations are over a bill that will give MORE Americans access to health care while limiting the ability of insurance companies to take away or deny others insurance.
If this was about throwing people into internment camps, I’d understand the anger. But its not! Only, for some of these crazies I think they actually believe it is. What are they going to think or do when they realize that no, Death Panels do not actually exist?
Texas Dem
But remember that Jefferson was a Democrat (sort of). Speaking of the French: Sarkozy is getting his ass kicked in the French elections today, so that should be interesting.
Tonal Crow
@Texas Dem: The goopers (e.g. Texas Board of “Education”) are now attempting to delete Jefferson from history. If they succeed, I expect that they’ll replace him with Grover Norquist, who will have penned the Declaration of Independence jointly with Ronald Reagan, while Phyllis Schlafley and Jerry Falwall kicked the Tories’ asses at Lexington.
Texas Dem
Just saw a tweet over at Huffpo that David Frum called today the “Republican Waterloo.” I still say Stalingrad is a better analogy because Waterloo ended the Napoleonic wars whereas Stalingrad, although it did not end the war, definitely pointed the way towards ultimate victory. Sort of like the situation we’re in now. But isn’t it interesting that a few of the remaining sane Republicans are starting to catch on to the fact that they’re going to lose this fight, and lose it badly.
Martian Buddy
@MikeJ: Schrödinger’s cretin! I love it.
This shit!
Honestly, I watched yesterday’s address just now, and even in the absence of this information thought “Holy fuck I hope they’re going to increase Obama’s security today, because shit’s gonna get even real-er if this passes.”
Now, I’m even MORE more nervous. Holy fuck. Holy fuck. Why do these people think it’s ok to encourage this atmosphere? Do they want to see Dallas all over again? Holy fuck.
That would be a new and improved Gravelaunch…
@Texas Dem:
No no, John Calvin appeared to the Native Americans in a vision and explained to them that giving up their land to the patriotic white man was not only a good idea, but also inevitable. Just ask any Texan student in the Class of 2014.
demo woman has Stupak’s press conference. It hasn’t started yet but they are saying an agreement is reached.
Yes that is the main point, who the hell would be ashamed about a yes vote for civil rights legislation even if what Gingrich said were true? But it isn’t. As someone old enough to remember this stuff I’ll point out that is was the Vietnam war that “fractured” The Democratic party as much as anything did. But don’t forget that the Republicans didn’t sniff a majority in the house until 1994.
That statement is incredibly heavy with stupid.
Texas Dem
Well, maybe it is Waterloo, with Stupak playing the role of Blucher. A semi-unreliable ally whose incompetence almost cost Wellington everything, until he finally came through in the end (we hope).
[deleted for being in the wrong thread! Sorry!]
Zuzu's Petals
Stupak and Kaptur – so far – are now praising the bill to the skies. In fact, Kaptur is choking up over the wonderfulness and profoundness of it.
All the while congratulating themselves for sticking to their “principles” in being willing to kill it.
Texas Dem
Let Stupak have his extra fifteen minutes. Millions of people will see their lives improved as a result. Whatever it takes….
Martian Buddy
@ellaesther: Right there with you. Here’s hoping that Stupak and the other abortion grandstanders suffer a humiliating defeat this year.
@Texas Dem:
Ditto. I’m no more interested in Stupak’s ego, rewarded or punished, than I am rewarding or punishing the insurance companies. I’m interested in fixing our god-awful health care system. If this means Stupak is massaged with scented oils by congressional page boys twelve times a day for the next thousand years while naked goats whisper the bible into his ear, good for him.
My congress person, Steve Driehaus, was one of the “concerned Catholic” holdouts. The prospect of him not voting for this bill had me so angry this morning. I should have used that anger to clean. Anyway, I read he’s now switched to “yes”, so I think he was part of the Stup-ak gang. Anyone up for starting a Right To Post Fetal Life movement?