The voice of the American people a South Korean cult leader cries:
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by DougJ| 70 Comments
This post is in: Good News For Conservatives
The voice of the American people a South Korean cult leader cries:
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We simply do not have enough mental health professionals to deal with a case load of this scale. We are not in the midst of a political crisis; we are in the midst of a psychiatric crisis.
Iimpeach the president? For what exactly? What crime did he exactly commit? Jeez, these people are stupid. They did it once and now they just want to keep throwing people out who don’t agree with them. At least for Bush an actual crime was committed.
Mike Kay
just in case you don’t get the joke, the Washington Times is owned by Rev. Moon of the Moonie church.
Polish the Guillotines
It’s the “lead poisoning in the water system” phase of the American empire.
I would ask what impeachable offense President Obama has committed, but what’s the point?
This is the same crowd that wanted Clinton impeached for blowjobs.
Haven’t they gone bankrupt yet
It’s pretty predictable. They operate on the level of three-year olds. If they can’t have what they want, they throw tantrums. Anything to get their way. Pathetic.
In other news, Stupak holding press conference at 4 p.m.. Is he going to vote Yes?
Have you visited TBogg today? If not, watch with caution.
I hope they keep it up. There is nothing that will motivate Democrats in the midterm elections like “if we win, we’re going to try to remove your President”.
Again. Like we did last time.
They’ll be crawling over broken glass to vote.
Polish the Guillotines
Being black.
For what exactly?
PWB: Presniting while black.
Edit: Damn you, PtG!
Mike Kay
@Cacti: I thought they impeached bubba for the cigar trick. I have to say, that was creative, I had never thought of using a cigar as a stand-n
General Egali Tarian Stuck
@Polish the Guillotines:
We will just have to increase the Fluoride concentration in the water supply to compensate. A smidgeon in the Hola Fruita reserves might turn the hard cases as well.
If impeaching the president cuz he’s black is wrong,I don’t ever wanna be right. Maybe they should get pissed off at the rest of us who voted the guy in? eh? Maybe we all should be impeached, have our citizenshp removed! Asshats.
Apparently the Dem’s are stuck at 214, two votes shy. We have come down to the end and it seems that it’s either deal with Stupak or no HCR. I hope Pelosi finds some way to humiliate this clown when this is all over.
Polish the Guillotines
@General Egali Tarian Stuck: Ice cream, Mandrake. Children’s ice cream.
Sad thing is, there are tabaggers galore who are just waiting for their Jack D. Ripper moment.
@Brandon: Stupak presser at 4:00 today! What do you want to bet he cancels it again? ;-)
General Egali Tarian Stuck
@JenJen: All he wanted was Hyde language in an EO. BREAKING
deal has been made with Stupak, so he is a go, never in doubt really.
David Frum is making…sense?
ETA: Yes, he still appears to be making sense. Wow.
I’m donating to Stupak’s primary challenger either way. Fucker needs to feel the heat for being such an ass.
David Frum calling for self criticism of GOP.
And that will happen when hell freezes over.
@General Egali Tarian Stuck: Did you actually hear that somewhere or is that a prediction
Even if Bart votes yes he has to go. He is a cancer on the Democratic caucus.
MSNBC said it, I read. Watching CSpan myself.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
@mcc: Just heard in announced on cspan, via politico. We will know for sure shortly.
It always seemed to me like Stupak’s best play would be to announce that he was personally responsible for ensuring that the bill didn’t expand abortion _by passing it_. I don’t see what good it would do to announce that he had such a fastidious conscience that he had to kill the bill. It would make him a pro-life hero but a fuckstick of a Democrat, so he’d have to then switch into the GOP or something. I can’t figure out his long-game for voting No.
@General Egali Tarian Stuck:
Had volume down on CSpan. Ugh. Missed it.
It wasn’t MSNBC – I mixed up what I read. MSNBC was the Frum comment. My brain is getting fried – info overload.
But see, not only is Obama black, he is trying to make sure more Americans have access to Healthcare!
Things could get ugly shortly, apparently the pro-immigration march and the tea partiers are about to collide, we all know what the tea partiers feel about brown folks.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
@Violet: also here
@freelancer: Those people, ugh, I do not recognize them. Are we sure they’re not some previously undiscovered species of primate?
They’re also flag desecraters.
Obama should be impeached for brainwashing 59,000 nuns into supporting reform.
@Violet: Me too. I want him out of there. Wanker. I’ve contributed once but I’m throwing in some more out of principle.
Mike E
Unless Frum is divorced from the GOP, then yes, it qualifies as ‘self-criticism’.
He had the awesome birdnest going on too. Spring has sprung, Juicers!
Yes. I’ll happily donate to whoever is primarying him.
Once this whole health care thing is over, I want a list of Dems that voted No. Unless they were specifically let off the hook by Nancy, I’m going to donate to the No Reps’ primary challengers. Maybe we should have an Act Blue page for it. The No voters, with perhaps a few exceptions who had Pelosi-approved excuses – should not get away with a No vote with no penalty.
Anyone watching the Stupak presser live? What’s he saying?
licensed to kill time
Jeebus tapdancing christ on a stick. These people have no shame at all, just zero zip nada zilch. The language in that op-ed is fomentous (I just made that word up).
Fomentous rebellianus, a wild-eyed loon species that displays its bright red assitude in hopes of attracting a mate for impeachment rituals; soon to be extinct if there is any justice in this crazy universe.
So that military coup they were promoting didn’t pan out?
@debit: He has actually been making sense for awhile. He is one of the few Republicans who is trying to bring his party back from the crazy ledge.
Of course, he is losing.
Polish the Guillotines
@Brandon: Still waiting for him to show up.
OK, I’m gonna go out on a limb here and make a totally half-assed, completely uninformed, prediction: Stupak will be a no vote, but won’t carry his block with him. The presser will be a face-saving gesture to announce that he’s letting the rest of his block “vote their conscience” or some other wording to alleviate his fear of looking weak.
Guess we’ll know in a few minutes.
Of course, if it’s a matter of betting, I’d bet $20 against me.
I’m going on record that I’m looking forward to when Tweety and Keith and Rachel take over coverage today. Not sure if they are, but I’d expect to see them.
I like Tweety. Piss off haters. :)
For what exactly?
PWB: Presniting while black.
so true.
@Polish the Guillotines: Good grief. Is this attention clown going to cancel again? I think he’s watched Heathers one too many times.
Polish the Guillotines
Luke Russert (I think): “Congressman Stupak has managed to turn his fifteen minutes of fame into seven months.”
@licensed to kill time:
Oh Jesus, that sounds like a “match meet gas” moment.
I guess I can understand why Stupidpak is dragging this out as long as possible. This is probably the last day in his life that anyone is gonna give a shit what he says or does.
TPM says deal.
Ambers reporting the Exec Order text coming momentarily.
I’d say Stupak’s a yes.
@Polish the Guillotines:
Yeah, Luke Russert cracked me up with that. Still annoys me that he’s there at all.
we are in the midst of a psychiatric crisis.
This is good news for
John McCainEli Lily.debit
@Max: I’ve said it before; the thing that I hate about Tweety is not the way he interrupts everyone in order to answer his own questions. It’s not how brings up what he imagines are obscure references in order to make himself appear learned. It’s how he really doesn’t care about anything but who is winning. It’s why he loves Tom Delay. Tom Delay, in his mind, is a winner. Right and wrong don’t matter to him; it’s who is winning.
@General Egali Tarian Stuck: For some reason, I’ve felt like the Stupak gambit has been serving as a purposeful distraction. I’m not sure what they are using it as a distraction for—maybe to give the press something to follow besides the teabaggers, maybe to take the attention away from other wavering Dems. For awhile I thought they were trying to line up as much of the Dem caucus as possible, but it seems like they are purposefully sneaking it across (meaning that some will be permitted to vote “no” though they were willing to vote “yes” if needed). In any case, from my perspective, Stupak’s position only really makes sense as a larger tactic of political misdirection.
Executive Order Text
Yeah, and I hope the rest of his political career goes downhill very rapidly. Primary the fucker.
Sheesh, my language has really gotten bad today. Waaaaay too keyed up for my own good. Lol.
@Polish the Guillotines: It’s funny that Luke says Stupak has turned his 15 min. into 7 months considering that Luke has turned his 15 min. into a career.
Takes one to know one, I guess.
Why is Marcy Kaptur standing next to Stupidhack? She always seemed to me pretty sharp. She must know that the Hyde amendment is still in force. Why did she go along with this charade?
Blah blah, Bart. The Hyde amendment was always in effect. Dickhead.
@JGabriel: And I’m wrong … Stupak’s block and Stupak will vote for HCR.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
@jwb: The entire ecology of this loony procession will be dissected and studied after it is over. But like with the Brown victory, forcing reconciliation that allowed Obama to insert some very good and important provisions, that wouldn’t have been done otherwise — Serendipity cannot occur in a perfect world, and there is no perfect world. Or, shit happens, and changes things that don’t have to be in a bad way.
Everyone reports that a deal has been reached and yet, still, Stupak is dragging this thing out, making everyone wait on his “principled” self to show up for his own presser.
@Dannie22: Pro-life cred. I guess.
And so now that it is official that the Dems have enough votes to pass this thing, why wait 5 more hours to have a vote? Just hurry up already. I am sure all of those staffers would love nothing more than to go home now and have dinner with their families.
Martian Buddy
What, did Linda Tripp get one of his interns on tape or something?
Kirk Spencer
Egoboos. This is a historical moment, and everyone wants to have a chance at making The Words that historians will reference in generations to come.
My my. David Dreier is certainly droning on and on.
From a commenter at Wonkette “If Stupak is such a good Catholic why does he only have two kids?”
Rod Major
The Fox Nation website houses some of the most unhinged wingnuts out there. Death threats, insults, and GOP talking points 24/7. Scan the comment sections sometime….scary.