Both DougJ and I have been posting on the brick throwing in Rochester, where Congresswoman Louise Slaughter’s office and the local Democratic headquarters had windows broken. Here’s the note that was attached to the brick that went through the Democrats’ window.
Now local TV station 13-WHAM reports that Slaughter received a death threat: “Assassinate is the word they used…toward the children of lawmakers who voted yes.”
The morans who threw the brick are responding to posts on a teabagger blog called “Sipsey Street Irregulars”. The guy who runs the blog is on Social Security disability, of course, and he’s really a peacemaker:
Now I did not call for the vandalization of the windows of congresscritters, only local Demoncrat party HQs. But I can certainly understand why someone would.
I am trying to prevent civil war and communal killing, not start it, by warning those who do not understand the unintended consequences of THEIR actions.
dr. bloor
I doubt they’re up for spelling a word like “assassinate.”
Can’t get much Social Security disability when you’re in prison for instigating riots, assault, vandalism, and terroristic threats…
You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.
Blaming the victim. Nice. Reminds me both of domestic abusers and of some of the rhetoric that the South spouted just before the Civil War.
Is this him?
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
The note should have a small line at the bottom saying:
This violence has been fully endorsed and encouraged by the Republican Party.
followed by the URL for donations to the RNC. This is what they are encouraging and they will once again blame this on “isolated people”. Plausible deniability exists only in their minds, they are fully complicit in encouraging acts like this. They have set the ‘tone’ with their embracing the racist teabaggers and their “patriot” movement, we are seeing the results of this unholy marriage.
The stupid fuckwits used their own handwriting, I hope the FBI nails these motherfuckers to the wall. If they are posting about this to bathe in the glory of being a holy wingnut warrior then it’s a matter of time before the law catches up with them.
Fucking assholes, threatening children. I hope they spend some hard time behind bars for a good long time.
A Mom Anon
So now they’re threatening the children of anyone who voted yes? Are you shitting me?
You know,I can take alot of crap off people but you fuck with my babies and you have NO idea what world of shit you just unleashed.
I’ll say it again: The biggest thing that pisses me off about these wingnuts from hell is the fear and division they’ve sown. They’ve ripped apart neighborhoods and families and destroyed friendships. They deserve every shitty thing that happens to them as a result. GAH! I really wish karma worked faster. I hate them for this more than anything else.
And this nonsense about Dems just asking for this because of what they did is exactly the same shit rapists and abusers say about their targets.
I need to calm down,it’s my son’s 16th b-day today and no wingnut is going to ruin that for me or him. I hope the proper authorities find out who these people are and they get the maximum penalty.
El Cid
Hey, just because the brick has a recognized phrase from right wing extremists on it and is being commented on by a conservative blogger (albeit gubmit teat-sucking) activist telling people to throw bricks through some Democrats’ windows in no way justifies you libruls implying that this has something or other to do with conservatives, because these are all just SEIU / ACORN people in disguise trying to make the noble 18th century patriots of Tea look bad.
Is BoB missing a brick?
@dmsilev: In other words, “Honey, I don’t want to beat the crap out of you, but you just won’t shut up.”
El Cid
Also, these guys better not be messin’ wit’ the territory of the Yancy Street Gang.
Well this makes sense. Figures that they’d threaten a demographic that always sees things for exactly what they are.
It gets better. I’ve actually read some of that shitty blog, and the social security disability recipient considers himself to be a Randian objectivist.
Meaning that he’s either a knowing hypocrite or he’s scam artist or he’s really fucking unaware. My money’s on the former.
He knows exactly what he’s doing there, just as he knows he will be responsible when somebody gets killed or maimed.
Is what he’s doing a violation of any laws, though? Inciting violence against others across state lines using the internet. Isn’t that a violation of some law?
DOMESTIC TERRORISM DEFINED- Section 2331 of title 18, United States Code, is amended–
`(5) the term `domestic terrorism’ means activities that–
`(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;
`(B) appear to be intended–
`(i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
`(ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or
`(iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and
`(C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.’.
The guy running that is really getting SSDI? Wow, another member “keep your government hands off my Medicare” brain trust.
There’s all sorts of winger paranoia that borders on terroristic speech, but since it’s right-wing and the DoJ is still full of the Cum Laude grads of Regent and Liberty it’s doubtful much will get done.
The FreedomWorks folks have to be so proud of their progeny….
Messing with a mother’s children? These shitbags don’t know what they’re dealing with. I’ve seen parents threaten to raze buildings over kids kept too long in detention.
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
An SSDI recipient who embraces Rand. Wha…? Oh, he’s from Alabama?
Say no more. His family tree is probably bereft of branches.
Keith G
@A Mom Anon: That’s so cool!
Happy day to the lad and congrats to you and your guy for doing all it takes to get this far – after the easy first step.
thomas Levenson
Words fail.
So does this guy, and his friends, and the fools in the GOP who think they can ride this tiger.
mai naem
I have been worried about Obama since he was running for the WH. Now though, it’s not so much Obama I’m worried about but some other politician who’s going to get killed or hurt. I was glad to see the security around the House leaders when they were walking into the House over the weekend but it’s not exactly the Secret Service either. Furthermore, it doesn’t help some of these people who live in big gun rights states’ when they’re in their home states. And the Repubs, the a-holes that they are, want something to happen.
Secret Service IS investigating Solomon “Solly” Forell:
@El Cid (#8):
Uh, no. ACORN has announced (yesterday) that it is disbanding. Ya needs ta fin’ another scapegoat.
Civil War? Heck one of the justifications advanced by primarily southern politicians during the civil rights era for stopping people like MLK from marching was that he was inciting people by demanding to be treated like everyone else.
A Mom Anon
@Keith G: Thanks Keith. I don’t think he really gets how big of a day this is for the country,he’s just hoping he gets a new ipod,lol. Most of his classmates get new cars when they turn 16(you should see the student parking lot at his school,then go look at the teacher’s-the contrast is stark),but he’s not yet ready to drive. We’ll start working on that this summer a little.
Nifty list of outrages:
@henqiguai: El Cid is doing a spoof/being sarcastic.
He’s obviously afraid that the next thing the government will do is take over Social Security.
@A Mom Anon: Happy birthday to your son!
As for the asshat who runs this blog…I cannot say what I am thinking, not even here. Man, I knew they would be sore losers, but this sore? I guess I am an optimist in the end because I was really really hoping they wouldn’t go there. But, they did. And so quickly!
I finally saw the clip of Boehner shouting “Hell no you can’t!” from the night before last night (I muted him when he was having the vapors for realz), and I want to tell him and every other Republican asshat inciting the mobs what Jon Stewart said: You’re confusing tyranny with losing. It’s supposed to taste like a shit taco. I think the Republicans need to be reminded that they are the distinct minority party, and they got to be that way because of their own fuck-ups. It’s called the fucking democratic process, jackasses.
@Monkeyfister: Wait, he says no one is talking about harming our emperor? Then what the fuck does he think assassination means?
And, I know we’re supposed to be all high-class and shit now, but I this fucking bullshit really chaps m hide. One fucking year, and they’ve completely lost their shit. What a bunch of losers.
You mean from Barry Goldwater, dean of the conservatives and libertarians? The supposedly ‘alright’ conservative, the moderate libertarian?
You aren’t seeing extremism at work here. This is moderate conservatism at work.
I don’t think you want to see the extreme version.
Mary G
OK, now my blood is officially boiling. Threatening lawmaker’s children is way beyond the pale. I am sick to death of these people. I have read and heard all day these ‘conservatives’ say stuff like calling congresspersons names like the n word, the f word, babykiller, etc., is wrong of course, but the Democrats stuffed this massive takeover of the whole country down our throats illegally so people’s anger is justified, AAAAAAARGH.
Then they get offended because people say they’re racist. Guess what – when you don’t even pause to take a breath between your perfunctory half-hearted lukewarm disapproval of what you always call a very few bad apples (when there seem to be dozens of at every demonstration they hold) and half-heartedly reciting the old talking points I suspect you don’t even believe yourself, your credibility is less than zero.
Democrats in the House need to get out on break and get information out about the bill.
All of these outrageous lies are going to go completely unexamined by the media (the NYTimes refers to what happened last summer as “mischaracterizations” of the proposals). I don’t know how you describe “death panels” as anything other than an outright lie, but they did, this morning.
I know the WH is doing a 2 week push. Since House members are all-in anyway, they may as well talk it up.
Randy P
@cleek: Obviously you left some of the statute out, the part that says it’s not terrorism if it’s carried out by a Republican, Glenn Beck listener, or dittohead.
And the part that says it IS terrorism if committed by a liberal or person of middle eastern descent, even if it doesn’t involve any of the criteria (A), (B) or (C). A Democrat sending an angry letter to the editor, for instance.
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
The first page of comments at that link are pure mental illness on display. These fuckers just might overwhelm the Secret Service in the number of investigations they are going to have to do. I have never seen so many people openly calling for killing the President. It’s chilling to see such vivid hatred on display, these people are seriously damaged.
With membership waning, the Republican party can’t afford to diss a single member. No matter how foaming at the mouth mad they are, until they kill someone they are the party base. Gotta keep that big racist revival tent open for all of the angry white people!
According to the Republicans, once they kill then they are just an “isolated incident”. Didn’t they once call themselves the party of personal responsibility?
The Republican party is a lie.
You know, that’s one thing that I just do NOT understand — this contention that socialized medicine destroys freedom.
I live in a country that has had universal healthcare since before I was born.
And yet, I am still free. I’m free to come and go as I please, to pursue (or not) whatever religion I wish. I’m free to marry whomever I wish, and to pursue whatever career I wish. I’m free to start a business, drive a car, fly a plane and drink in public.
I’m free to speak out against my government without fear of recourse. I’m free to vote my conscience. I’m free to wear whatever I like. I’m free to raise my children in the manner that I see fit.
The way I see it is this: I am MORE free than people living in countries without that social safety net. Having universal healthcare allows me the freedom to not have to stay in a shitty job just because it has good health insurance. It allows me the freedom to consider starting my own business, because I know that I have health insurance regardless. It allows me the freedom to make decisions regarding medical treatment for me and my family, without having to worry about how the hell I’m going to pay the bills.
Socialized medicine has given me GREATER freedom than a lot of Americans have. It’s not a threat to freedom — it enables freedom.
Comrade javafascist
Hey Teabaggers, I’m really happy for you all and Im’ma let you finish but the toddler at the grocery store who didn’t get a lollipop had the best temper tantrum of all time!
Brick Oven Bill
Meet Mr. Schwenkler, brick thrower. But a better one. Eleven (11) windows, not one.
Yesterday a girl was beaten in Philadelphia. She had her:
1) Nose broken; and
2) Two (2) teeth knocked out
This was political violence.
Ah, the soft bigotry of low expectations. All demonstrated with perhaps no input from Teabaggers. This is a weak coalition.
Lisa K.
I have called both my senators (those queens of moderation Snowe & Collins) to see if they will publicly denounce these tactics done in the name of their policy stances, and widely embraced by true lunatics (King, Bachmann) with Rs after their name. So far, crickets, but I intend to keep it up…
@RedKitten: Amen, Sister. Sing it from the mountain tops.
Sheesh. Did not need to read this blog post before going to bed. Threatening children. Where will it end? (Rhetorical question. I know it will only get worse from here on out).
Goddamn it. Every time one of the other trolls comes slithering out of the woodworks, I start hankering ever-so-slightly for B.o.B. Until he comes slithering out himself. Ugh.
Night all.
@henqiguai: but…but… Sean Hannity had a long rant about Acorn just yesterday. He wouldn’t LIE would he!?!?
The Truffle
What would Goldwater say about these mouthbreathers using his words?
…on TPM “An Open Letter to Conservatives”
Nah, it’s only a screw.
Mary G
@RedKitten: This. So well said. Thanks.
Hi Mr McVeigh, how are you this morning?
They have to recruit the black helicopter pilots from somewhere.
@dr. bloor:
I’ll bet though they got three letters into it!
@RedKitten: But you can’t possibly be free, because you aren’t free to lose your home in bankruptcy procedings. You can’t possibly be free because you can’t be forced to give birth against your will. You can’t possibly be free because you live in a country where racisim isn’t obviously institutionalized.
You can’t possibly be free because you don’t live the way they want you to live.
As a matter of fact, your lack of freedom is primarily because you’re so free. How can you not know this?
This is just the beginning of the culmination of the GOP’s policy of enticing, embracing, and inciting a bunch of Nathan Bedford Forrest wannabes. These jackasses actually want another civil war, and the GOP is either too stupid, too amoral, or too unaware of their own peril to understand the implications of their actions.
Also, I don’t think this brain trust has been paying attention to just who has been fighting their wars for the last couple of decades or so — I don’t think their plan would have quite the ending they are apparently hoping for. That said, they are quite clinically insane, and nothing short of a few of them acting out their fantasies, and getting boxed in the process, is going to get it sorted.
They see it as subsidizing other people.
Conservatives start with a couple of assumptions: they are hard-working and self-sufficient, and everyone else seeks to take something from them.
You should hear the farmers here. In 2006, the federal government released information on who was a recipient of the whole host of farm subsidies. It was a searchable internet database, and we had a lot of fun with it, locally.
Some of the staunchest “self-sufficient” local conservatives have been receiving federal payments for 2 generations. A lot of them aren’t farmers, by any stretch of the imagination. They simply inherited property that could conceivably be planted. They’re like landed gentry.
Roger Moore
And you believe them? They’re obviously doing it for show. The same evil masterminds will be back manipulating the Republic under another name before you know it. Wake up sheeple!1!1!1!eleventy
Leelee for Obama
@RedKitten: Oh, Kitten, you guys have CANADIAN Freedom which is so not AMERICAN Freedom. We have the freedom to die before our time and be far less productive during those lifetimes. And we have the absolute freedom to suffer with our innocent kids who are born with or develop “pre-existing conditions”. No Canadian could possibly appreciate these excellent freedoms. They are much too complex.
snarkiddy snark snark snark
@kay: Much like being a self-proclaimed randian “3 percenter” while living on SSDI.
Leelee for Obama
@soonergrunt: This is the mind-meld with extra tasty sauce! sooner, are you sure we’re not related?
It’s my favorite game. I distract them from their spit-flecked rant with “find the subsidy”.
Look, I was subsidized. I went to a land grant college, I got a Pell Grant, I got a scholarship for law school, and I actually have no idea where that came from, I got an SBA loan at one point, I paid cash for pregnancy care on a sliding scale at a county health center and since it cost 800- some dollars I can assume someone was subsidizing part of that cost.
The difference is I don’t delude myself into thinking I’m a pioneer, striding across the prairie, with my rifle.
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
How does an SSDI recipient go Galt? I would like to ask the asshole that question to his face and watch him stammer out an answer.
When I saw the discussion over at Redstate regarding purchasing fertalizer in small quantities from many places while a discussion about harassing Obama supporters with bumper stickers on their cars, I knew things were getting bad. Usually they are better at policing their zoo over there but now not so much.
The racists are coming out of the woodwork like termites.
@Leelee for Obama: It’s possible. My granddaddy, Mr. Upstatedairyfarmer, he was from New York, you know, got around quite a bit.
kommrade reproductive vigor
Clearly this dipshit isn’t satisfied with his SS/D benefits and wants the government to pay for his shelter, food, health care and entertainment, all in a very secure environment.
Kirk Spencer
BOB, I haven’t a clue what you’re talking about in Philadelphia, and I just ran a googlenews and yahoonews search to see if I’d missed something. As for Schwenkler, nice try. Set aside for a moment that we’ve got a host of hangings in effigy, death threats (to children as well as adults), bricks through windows, spitting, etc., all from admitted tea partiers, and you attempt to deflect using this person. You didn’t even get the ‘rest of the story’ on him.
See, he’s a member of Bash Back. Bash Back has protested and verbally assaulted BOTH parties. Source? Sure. That link goes to a Denver Post article which announced his conviction and also states that not only does he claim membership but the organization has claimed he belongs.
And the Democratic Party doesn’t have representatives in congress praising and supporting Bash Back. So that equivalency you tried to create? It failed.
Linda Featheringill
From the report by TV-13 WHAM:
Vanderboegh denies his blog advocates anything but vandalism. “How ambiguous is it if I say break windows? Am I saying kill people, absolutely not.”
If I assume that this man is telling the truth and he honestly thinks that he can unleash just a little violence, I must conclude that he is very foolish.
And before you tell me that it is impossible for someone to be that damn stupid, let me assure you that it really is quite possible.
In any case, he is a threat to society and likely to produce harm.
But if the TV people can find him, the FBI can too.
Leelee for Obama
@soonergrunt: Heehee! One never knows, does one?
Actually, my Pop had a good friend in Hudson who went into dairy farming after he retired. His first name was Arden-any possibilities there?
Kirk Spencer
@soonergrunt: It’s a ponzi scheme, doncha know, and they want to get back theirs while preventing their children from having to pay for everyone else’s. And beside, they’re taxpaying American citizens who deserve reward for what they’ve done in the past.
That they cannot see the contradictions here is immaterial. That’s their argument – they deserve, they should get, but they should not have to give for the sake of others beyond what they are WILLING to give.
@DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal): Normally, I am all for internet anonymity, but when people start discussing purchasing small lots of fertilizer in that context, there is only one meaning, and they need to be exposed by name and location. Their employers and customers need to be asked about them. People act like that BECAUSE of anonymity and the online community not policing their actions.
I don’t expect RedState to police such. I expect RedState to encourage it.
Nice. That Lyndon Johnson and those uppity Negroes wanting to sit at the front of the bus (just replace Negroes with HCR.) I really shouldn’t be, but I’m still amazed how Republicans hold on to their racist past so steadfastly. Still using it in their brochures.
dr. bloor
@The Truffle:
“Extremism has a ‘t’ between the ‘x’ and the ‘r,’ son.”
kommrade reproductive vigor
@4tehlulz: Bravo.
Leelee for Obama
At the risk of invoking Godwin-wouldn’t “some people say” that Cristalnacht” was just some broken windows?
It is truly sad and more than a bit frightening that this is happening here in the 21st Century. When you see the violence being reported among young kids(like the kicking and beating that happened in Broward County within the last few days), and then you look at the violence being supported by some for political reasons, Barney Frank’s statement last night on TRMS about kids learning what’s acceptable from what they see and hear on TV really takes on a whole new character.
@Kirk Spencer:
I think I need a cigarette after that post.
And to whoever asked if BoB was missing a brick? More than one. He’s about a pallet of bricks short of a full oven.
I can’t believe he’s the brain trust on the Right.
Talk about making the opposition’s point for them. Democrats wanted to portray this as a brave policy stand, where they chose to risk political losses for greater gain.
Newt Gingrich then steps out and compares it to LBJ-civil rights, which even Democrats didn’t dare do.
He should be on the payroll.
@kay: You guys have paid my way my whole life.
My dad went to college on the GI Bill. He became a local government bureaucrat. Lots of federal tax dollars go into local government budgets.
I joined the Army, got paid and had years of free healthcare on the taxpayers. Thanks for my son’s birth only costing me $9.00. This was followed by the GI Bill and free tuition for reservists, followed by more reservist pay and subsidized health insurance along with commissary priviledges that saved us a ton of money since they only sell at wholesale + 5%.
I’m thankful for all that you all have done for me and mine. I’d like everyone to have what I’ve got.
Perry Como
Ahh, like Michelle Bachmann.
Leelee for Obama
@soonergrunt: You are more than welcome, soonergrunt-some of the debts this country has taken on apparently do get repaid.
Brick Oven Bill
There is a reason you don’t hear about things like this Kirk.
“She had a broken nose and they knocked out two teeth,” said Good Samaritan Rick Almeid, who aided the victim. “She was just an innocent young girl.”
Note that the local press references this as ‘the latest flash mob incident’.
We must ignore the mobs in the City of Philadelphia, with all of its history. This is because somebody who could not spell threw a brick in Rochester.
Now I have to go to work. You guys have a nice day.
@dr. bloor: Goldwater never advocated violence against his fellow Americans, and deeply believed in a woman’s right to choose.
Nonetheless, your post is lol-worthy.
From my colleague, Michael Berube:
Cognitive dissonance just goes over some people’s heads.
It appears the site actively promotes violence & right wing paranioa, but then makes fun of news reports calling out their violence & right wing paranioa. If you’re gonna be a revolutionary, at least be man enough to own up to it.
Of the 30 to 50 million Americans without health insurance, how many are willingly without it? And of those, how many are Randian supermen who never get sick or need glasses for their piercing gray eyes?
This shit may only get worse. Right now these wingers and teabaggers think their going to absolutely slaughter the democrats in the next couple elections. But if that doesn’t happen some of these unhinged types are going to give up hope on the electoral process. Coming to terms with the fact that they are the minority and that its not THEIR country will be more than many of them can bear. That’s when we’ll really see peak wingnut.
Chyron HR
@Brick Oven Bill:
Throwing the Founding Fathers under the bus now, eh?
Do you work with him? He sounds like a douche bag from that post.
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
Another commentator in the same discussion at Redstate said something along the line that ‘Tim McVeigh could only dream of what I can buy on the internet today’ and there was no mistaking exactly what he was talking about. Yes, these
uber-patriotsterrorists are talking about this online because they think they can hide behind the anonymity it provides.I hope they keep thinking that while the FBI and Secret Service are collecting their IP addresses and subpoenaing their internet providers to gain access to their accounts.
That’s sarcasm and parody. From one of the masters.
@Brick Oven Bill: because we all know that violence with no known or suspected political angle, secondary to an event that was locally organized and has no known or suspected political angle is precisely equivalent to interstate co-ordinated political terrorism that is explicitly described as such by it’s promoter.
Ditto. My old man was the first in the family to go to college on the WW II bill. I used mine when I returned from Vietnam and graduated as well. When JBJ reluctantly signed the “Serviceman’s Readjustment Act” he noted that the WWII GI bill was the “greatest economic flywheel in history”. Opportunity pays off!
What is most disturbing to me is the increase in war-like rhetoric…Rightwing blogs, and Republican Congressional leaders, not to mention teabaggers, are more and more using terms like “civil war,” “taking the country back,” “second revolution,” “guns and family,” etc., to make their points.
And, as I have said before, they are wrapping violent rhetoric around the mantle of God…taking the country back for God, family, and country…While this always has been around, excessive, violent, rhetoric is surely increasing, and providing cover for every nut to believe it is now somehow ok to through bricks, or should racist slogans, or shoot “socialists.”
It is getting a bit scary at there…
No no no. Remember we Canadians have hate speech laws. That means if we offend someone we’ll be thrown in jail for life… or something.
You know that this 40 year old law is just the first step on a slippery slope to a Kim Jong-il style, Orwellian dictatorship, because our democratically elected and accountable government always takes away rights but never ever, ever creates new rights. They never repeal old laws either.
Give our democratically elected and accountable government a centimetre and they’ll take a kilometre. Pretty soon the RCMP will be putting up telescreens everywhere and prosecuting thoughtcrimes.
America is the only country with a Bill of Rights in the entire world… only, ever. That means nobody is as free as they are… or something.
@Leelee for Obama: For several months now, every time I see the official Republican establishment egging the teabaggers on, I’ve flashed back to the scene in Cabaret when Brian asks Maximillian (a baron) if he really thinks the German aristocracy can keep the Nazis on their leash the way Maximillian claims they can. (“They’re…useful” is the way Maximillian describes the Nazis at one point, IIRC)
@Napoleon: You apparently do not realize that D. Berube is snarking there?
At the end:
I’ll give that an Amen as well.
shorter BoB: I’m too much of a coward to admit I support political violence, so LOOK OVER THERE.
@toujoursdan: It’s the fucking metric system that causes all those problems!
Thank you for your service. All my wonderful private sector galtian superbness does not amount to crap without that service. And if you have ever bought products from 3M, Raytheon, General Motors, or used tea bags, medical stents, brake pads, golf balls, or invested in any Fidelity funds, you have paid for the medical coverage for my children. If you and your family can’t make a decent living then those of us in the private sector are diminished, too.
There is much more money to be made by providing goods and services to a healthy, prosperous, and large middle class than in licking the bootheels of the plutocracy. Makes for a society worth living in, too.
My father went to college on the GI Bill. His sister (who we all agree is smarter) couldn’t afford college, which is a shame. She’s just sharp as a tack. That was a waste of talent. She really wanted to go.
He’s extremely grateful for that, particularly because by the time he was drafted, the war was essentially over.
He still gets all his meds from the VA, mail order.
Leelee for Obama
@jayjaybear: I keep seeing Fritz Weaver and Rosemary Harris in “Holocaust”, She says the things her husband is worried about could not happen in the country of Goethe and Heigl(I think). He says, unfortunately, they’re not in office at the moment.
Gives me a cold feeling in my stomach. They are good people in charge just now, but the wheel, it turns.
Actually, he’s one of the biggest progressives you’d ever want to meet. He’s describing these assholes’ POV.
He is on David Horowitz’s list of the most dangerous college professors in America. I can’t think of a higher honor. Michael wears the label proudly. As he should.
He is a professor of American literature, cultural studies, and disability studies at our main campus. I’m proud to call him a colleague.
Leelee for Obama
I read this wrong and it gave me the chuckle I needed, so thanks!
I spent a few seconds trying to figure out what those companies could possibly do with used tea bags! I felt like it was a MacGyver moment!
@dr. bloor:
Excellent. I am do not deserve this kind of quality entertainment free of charge.
Ash Can
@DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal): The link to that Redstate discussion about purchasing fertilizer needs to be forwarded to CNN’s political editor, methinks. (It probably wouldn’t hurt to CC the FBI, either.)
@dr. bloor:
Is there not ONE dumbass in this bunch that knows how to spell? Not one?
@Leelee for Obama: Ok, so it was not the best constructed sentence. I don’t think there is much of a market for used tea bags, but nowadays I am no longer so sure.
Sometimes it is hard to tell since the wingnuts seem to live to parody themselves.
Gods above and below. “They maaaaaaade me do it!” My 9- and 11-year-old children know better than to try that.
Unfortunately, there’s no effective way to give these jerks timeouts, and spanking them would just turn most of them on more.
Leelee for Obama
@Ash Can: I think bypassing CNN would be better, they’d spend too much time looking for some shit from the other side, in the interests of FAIRNESS!
Just send it to the FBI, cc the Secret Service.
@gnomedad (#46):
Yeah, ’cause finding African-American ‘copter pilots, or even AA fixed wing pilots, is fairly hard to do.
Oh wait, you meant…
this shitkicker should give up his SOCIALIST social security in the name of the so-called “free market” and his SOCIALIST medicare and crawl under the rock (tea bag) from whence he came. what a joke. the cognitive dissonance doesn’t even phase these people, does it?
@geg6: Well, they don’t seem to understand western history or democratic republics, or philosophy or mathematics quite frequently, so while the spelling is vexatious, it’s one of the smaller issues we have with their mental/educational development.
Randy P
@Brick Oven Bill:
What exactly is your point?
Yes, these flash mob things happen here in Philly (and elsewhere I presume). 3 or 4 years ago there was a rash of attacks on students in the area near Drexel University.
Are you trying to say these are angry teabaggers incited by health care reform or something? Or patriotic teabaggers exercising their freedom of speech rights? Or what?
Leelee for Obama
@Xenos: Please, do not think it was criticism, I am barely awake and got it in seconds. It just made me happy to be able to laugh out loud on a thread about threats and violence.
@Leelee for Obama:
I think he was suggesting sending it to CNN so that they can see how the folks at their newest contributor’s blog site actually think and act…
True, so true. But spelling is one of my personal bugaboos. I am the reigning Beaver County Corporate Spelling Bee Champion, after all.
And he choose a song from Paper Lace to parody!
He can’t be bad if Horowitz hates him.
@DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal):
As Mom (born and bred Kentuckian) would put it, that guy’s family tree is a stump.
Ash Can
@jayjaybear: This.
Leelee for Obama
@jayjaybear: Well, yeah, there’s that. But, I must say I think they are completely aware that Erick the Red runs a really nasty website. I think it’s why they invited him. Stealing market share from Fox is what they’re after.
odd… i don’t see any mention of any of this stuff on NPR’s site. nor on MSNBC. nor CNN.
out of sight. out of mind.
@Randy P: BoB isn’t saying anything there. That’s the beauty of BoB. He says all sorts of glorious stuff without saying anything!
Hey, man, you don’t talk to the
ColonelBoB. You listen to him. The man’s enlarged my mind. He’s a poet warrior in the classic sense. I mean sometimes he’ll… uh… well, you’ll say “hello” to him, right? And he’ll just walk right by you. He won’t even notice you. And suddenly he’ll grab you, and he’ll throw you in a corner, and he’ll say, “Do you know that ‘if’ is the middle word in life? If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you, if you can trust yourself when all men doubt you”… I mean I’m… no, I can’t… I’m a little man, I’m a little man, he’s… he’s a great man! I should have been a pair of ragged claws scuttling across floors of silent seas… What are they gonna say about him? What are they gonna say? That he was a kind man? That he was a wise man? That he had plans, man? That he had wisdom? Bullshit, man!/Hopper
@Leelee for Obama:
So true. But a losing strategy. Do they really think they can steal any of the Dittoheads away from FOX? Seriously?
And I don’t believe they really DO know what they’ve gotten with Erick, son of Erick. I think they think he’s just another David Gergen, but with a more colorful vocabulary.
Leelee for Obama
@geg6: If your Gergen comparison is true, that’s way too much stupid in one place. Gergen’s a Villager, Erick is Atilla the Hun, with less social relevance to his people.
The morans who threw the brick are responding to posts on a teabagger blog called “Sipsey Street Irregulars”.
Morans is right. The police will have the source IPs in their hands by the end of the day at the latest.
Most of the Mighty Revolutionary Teabaggers will fold up and disappear the minute one of them actually manages to blow up a building. The militia movement almost completely disappeared soon after the OKC Bombing, ’cause all of a sudden, Shit Got Real, and everyone’s willingness to nod and wink at the militias evaporated. The militias ran like complete, abject cowards.
Unfortunately, yes, it will mean that one of the Teabaggers will have to rack up a large body count. It’ll lead to about three hours of teabaggers crowing joyfully about it, followed by an extended period of teabaggers keeping their doors locked, purging their e-mail lists, and throwing out all their teabag paraphernalia when they get a whiff of how angry people are about it.
But ultimately, I don’t think we have to worry about serious revolutionary activity. Republicans are cowards.
Citing those facts is like excusing the Republican Party for the acts of its followers because the Party never advocated violence. It created the followers; that it may have some redeeming values (such as “makes most of its election law disclosures in a non-fraudulent manner”) does not excuse it from responsibility for the nutbags it created. Goldwater spawned this movement, and no amount of lobsterwalking on his part on a couple minor issues late in life reduces his culpability.
Man, the only thing makes me iller than Reagan hagiography is Goldwater hagiography. And scallops. Scallops kill me.
Keep the government out of my Medicare!
@Leelee for Obama:
I’m just gonna guess you’ve never watched CNN. ;-)
Whoa! Sometime last night “The Amazing Toby” became the most viewed pic in my entire photostream.
Jeebus. Even their terrorist notes are misspelled.
Broken windows….glass lying all over the streets….where and when have we seen this before? Who was throwing the stones? Thinking……
Can we get Social Security repealed….for Mike Vanderboegh?
Leelee for Obama
@geg6: No, actually I have, early in the day, Not in the afternoon or evening. Not perfect, but better than other stuff available (Morning Joe comes to mind.) If the guys who hire at CNN haven’t read RedState, then they deserve the paint that brush will put on them. If they have,then my first premise is correct. They want to complete with Wingnut Central.
True. But he’ll still get taxpayer-paid health care from the prison hospital.
@Leelee for Obama:
Oh, they definitely want to compete with FOX. I’m not arguing that at all. All I’m saying is that I really don’t think many of them know how hateful and radical he or his site is. They think they just got a guy from the GOPer side who says funny and outrageous things. But who, you know, isn’t really some sort of crazy psychopath.
They think he’s just provocative, but harmless.
Doin’ the Rove. Awesome sauce.
bob h
Don’t we need a House resolution deploring assassination threats, racial and sexual epithets, and expectoration directed at House members?
go-ah. Speaking of needing a better connection to reality, cause, effect, and the importance of the spoken word in a public context and recorded media, discussing your addiction to and success with crime on tv? Really? Really?! Wonder what these two misspelled on their lego bricks.
at times, they are really freaking scary, and then they are just so blindingly inept you almost want to cuddle them and tuck them in with a binkie.
@DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal):
Jeebus! You’re right. I didn’t even look at the comments. Heck– it’s a finance site. The comments there are, as you say, mental illness on parade.
I kinda fear for America. The goopers are beyond any sense of reason.
@DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal):
Really. I can’t imagine that the web administrator over at Redstate is going to bend over backwards trying to protect them. No way that even Redstate is going to put itself in the position of trying to hide these assholes if the FBI comes knocking.
@Xenos: This.
Can I email you my shipping address? Thanx!
we just got our monthly update letter from our “financial adviser”%. it’s usually happy-happy news about how well our money is doing, and how bright the future looks because he’s doing such a great job for us, etc.. and normally he waits till the end of the month, but he just couldn’t wait, this time, because he had to tell us all how evil the health care bill was, and how “most Americans hate it”, and how it was done in the dark of night, etc. etc..
i’m 60% of the way to telling the wife we need to find someone else to do his job.
% = the broker who manages all of our accumulated 401k rollovers.
Wow. Late to this thread, but this is just awful. These people are just horrible.
@Andy: nah, he’s invented a new dance style. I call it his “broke dance”.
Sometimes a little exremism is called for when you’re fighting oligarhy.
Original Lee
This is how riled up people are: a neighbor, who fled to the U.S. from her native country in South America 20 years ago and was granted political asylum and who subsequently attained U.S. citizenship, told me yesterday that Nancy Pelosi should be shot. I think after looking at my face she realized she had gone too far and backpedaled it to “removed as Speaker”. I am seriously considering looking for a job in Belgium.
@Original Lee: You should ask her if she has any memories from home with that one. Ask her if she knows anyone who ever fled their country for fear of political violence.
Then remind her that while most immigrants have this thing where they try to out-citizen the rest of us, and we al understand that, it’s very tiresome to those who grew up here.
Rick Taylor
It’s a living parody of wingnut stereotype of the leftist using the freedom he enjoys on account of our strong military to attack it.
@cleek: Just roll everything into one or more IRAs at Fidelity or similar and manage everything yourself online. Then tell the guy to manage his spastic emailing impulses next time, since he won’t be managing your money anymore.
Goldwater spawned a predecessor of this movement 45 years ago. He was also one of the GOP leaders who went to Nixon in ’74 and told him to resign, that it was over. Can you imagine McConnell, Cornwyn, Cantor or any of the current crop doing something like that?
As loathesome as what Goldwater spawned was, some water has gone under the bridge in the meantime. His movement wasn’t this.
@jeffreyw: Did you send Toby through the teleporter again? Send him back through it, so it puts his feets on straight this time!
More like Solomon Grundy!
jake the snake
Is BoB now two bricks shy of a load?
Yeah, he’s just like Attila – if Attila had been the one who cowered in the tents while others did the real work. “No, no, you guys go on ahead. I’ll be there in a minute – but if I’m not, start the battle without me.”
And “his people”? You mean the people that come from small-town America, like his neighbors in Macon [pop. >90,000] ?
[Disclaimer: I have no idea if the Huns really used tents.]
Bob L
I chill out on Goldwater. Blaming him for the Teabaggers gives him to much credit. The Teabaggers movement and all it’s TRUE American Heroes(r) nonsense goes back to the early 19th Century with the Know Nothings. The Know Nothings were part of the collation that became the Republican Party in the 1850s. So there were there from the beginning with the GOP.
This sound familiar?
So like much the anthrax Tea Baggers are latent in the American political soil.
Did somebody say, “pie”? I’m pretty sure someone said, “pie.”
Wanted to point out that the passage of Obamakkkare is ruining the stock market. I can’t wait until herr Doktor Professor Reynolds comments on this. Also.
@trollhattan (#150):
Yeah, I know I’m unaware of most internet traditions, and yeah, I routinely miss a lot of the snark (way too literal, way too analytic), so maybe I’m missing out on a really good belly laugh.
Or, you’re just stupid. I’ll happily accept enlightenment and derisive laughter if it’s me missing out on the chuckles.
BoB’s soulmate got it wrong, by the way: the rallying cry of the Teabaggers is:
“Ex(t)remism in the defense of stupidity is no vice”
Apparently, some Repubs (I’m looking at you, Nunes) have taken that up as their bottle cry as well.
[No, it’s not a typo. Think: when babies don’t get their bottle they do what?]
Original Lee
@soonergrunt: If she were amenable to reasoned conversation about politics, she would not be screaming so loudly about the communist health care bill. But I will keep your suggestions in mind for later, if she manages to calm down instead of stroking out. The “funny” part is that she’s married to an ex-Marine of Viet Nam vintage. *Sigh*.
@151 henqiguai
I yam stoopid, but it’s combined with sufficient rare self-awareness to keep me awake nights.
Search the archives for the B.O.B. pie filter, for more on delicious pie.
“Instapundit” Reynolds spent a good deal of energy (for him anyway) blaming the ’08-’09 stock market crash on Obama, even before Bush left office. He, of “Dude, where’s my recession?” fame has typically remained silent on the markets’ crawling back to respectability.
The Populist
Ok…maybe we do repeal SS just to piss this guy off :)
Ex-remists or extremists?
Check the picture linked to above.
@trollhattan (#154):
Umm, okay. It’s me and I’m not surprised. I’m so confused.
“Then remind her that while most immigrants have this thing where they try to out-citizen the rest of us, and we al understand that, it’s very tiresome to those who grew up here.”
I agree, Sooner. In fact, I’m going semi-wingnut on this one- I’m tired of these goddam foreigners coming to my country and criticizing my elected leaders like Pelosi, Frank and Obama. They can learn to like it or go back where they came from.
“Then remind her that while most immigrants have this thing where they try to out-citizen the rest of us, and we al understand that, it’s very tiresome to those who grew up here.”
I agree, Sooner. In fact, I’m going semi-wingnut on this one- I’m tired of these goddam foreigners coming to my country and criticizing my elected leaders like Pelosi, Frank and Obama. They can learn to like it or go back where they came from.
and it goes for that damn godless Russkie Ayn Rand too. If she wants to come here she can help out like everybody else has. I suppose she thought the US Army in WWII was a bunch of individuals acting independently without any regard for each other. That’s just not the American way
May I be so impolite as to point out an error in your comment? The Teabagger motto actually is:
“Excremism in the defense of stupidity is no vice”
All the same, they do have a problem with spelling.
SRW1 –
Thanks for the help.
@Honus: I disagree with you on this. Part of the American dream is the ability to complain about politics. I don’t see why immigrants should be excluded from this. I am the daughter of two immigrants, and they stayed here for a variety of reasons. Both now spend most of their time in Taiwan.
I object when the immigrants are as stupid as our homegrown teabaggers. Then, they need to educate themselves. However, they have the right to voice their objections to the political process. That’s as American as apple pie.
There are stupid extremists on both “sides” – but many many more regular people who want this country to quit arguing and hating and vote like Americans. We expect our elected officials to represent us not their pet projects and political pressure. No one deserves death threats, especially where kids are involved, that’s stupid and wrong (amazed I even have to say it).
Nancy Irving
And consider that it is very, very hard to qualify for SSDI on the basis of mental illness.