Does anyone have them and think that they could ship a cutting (or however this is done)? My local homebrew shop is a bit iffy on whether or not they will have any extra this year. Dr. Mrs. Dr. F and I will move into our brand new money pit very soon and we’d like to grow our own.
Treat this as an open thread.
Also, give.
Show us how you laugh, Tim.
licensed to kill time
Oh man, you shouldn’t talk about growing your own on the front page! Careful dude! They are watching us !
The Raven
Here’s the link to that discussion of Washington State AG McKenna.
if i was writing a novel about a intergalactic ne’er-do-well who makes his living gambling and running small-time cons on the ladies of the gamma quadrant, i would name him Hops Rhizomes.
he’d drive a late-model VW StarCruiser (built back before they started imposing xenon ion emission controls) and would be a real bastard, when he’d had too much Ganymede Moon Mead. but he’d have a gold-plated heart and a soft spot for gray-haired women, because they’d remind him of his mom.
I intend to donate $25 of my own money later today, and I’m trying to whip up some donations from friends and relatives.
Which Rep. or Reps. would you suggest I donate to first, or recommend others donate to? I’m not extremely up to date on any of them, except for Grayson, but he’s got quite the war chest already.
Remember how folks went crazy when the Obama DOJ defended DOMA in court? I read a bit yesterday that the DOJ will “vigorously” defend HCR in court. Made me laugh a bit.
My jury duty is finished as of yesterday. The kind folks at the courthouse held my start date over two weeks when I called on Sunday night, so Monday I called in and told them that the terms of my unemployment insurance require me to be looking for work, even as I’m on call for jury duty. (My EDD interviewer specifically stated that I have to be looking for work while on call and that they would only excuse actual service) So I told the jury clerk that I needed to do my service and if there were a way I could do so. He signed me up as a walk-in and had me come in on Tuesday morning.
I wasn’t picked for a case but sitting in Judge Gary Feess’s courtroom as part of the prospective juror pool was a hugely intimidating experience. After he and the lawyers picked a panel, we were sent back to the courthouse. I was then sent on my way with a completed service certificate.
Now I gotta look for work, lol.
I guess I dont know the drug slang words for pot anymore. “Hops Rhizomes” just seems too polysyllabic for a guy with the munchies.
Are you not particular about variety? I love hops as ornamentals, for which the female plant of any variety will do; but my impression has always been that homebrewers are fussy buggers.
If you don’t find anyone to send you some, you might try Freshops.
Is this a money fund thing to pay for your weed seeds?
Confused by the ActBlue icon interspersed with the request to grow some Mary Jane.
There are plenty of online stores still advertising as willing to ship Rhizomes at what appear to be reasonable rates, for instance …
from what I gather some local brew shops get some of their stock from freshops anyway.
David in NY
Don’t you need some kind of real space to grow hops? Or can you do it in a small area for home brew? Or are you a big landowner? I’m just remembering big fields full of hops strung up on wires or something.
Bill E Pilgrim
I got rhizomes. Who could ask for anything more?
Chyron HR
How’s that Hopsy-Rhizomey thing workin’ out for ya?
licensed to kill time
@Bill E Pilgrim: If you’ve got my girl, give her back. Or the music gets it.
I love the rotating sub headings (or whatever you would call them) on the masthead at the top of the page.
Vince CA
Dude, I’m sorry. I might be the only person in the history of the world to kill hops. In every one else’s yard, they take over like a weed (a very very tasty weed), but they died on me. You’ve reminded me that I should replant. I’ll have to check with Fermentation Frenzy and see if they have any.
David in NY
@licensed to kill time:
I hear the ghost of Ira Gershwin whirling somewhere …
The Moar You Know
Just so you know, the old urban myth that you can graft hops to marijuana root and get hops that produces THC is false.
Not the “you can graft hops to marijuana root” (or vice versa); that part is absolutely true, but that such a combo will produce THC. It won’t.
Bill E Pilgrim
@The Moar You Know: Probably just as well, just think of the amount of pretzels that bars would go through if you could.
@Bill E Pilgrim:
Lieutenant HurwitzPilgrim, thinks he’s Ethel Merman.Alice Blue
Thurbert Baker, the Georgia AG, has written a letter to dickweed governor Sonny Perdue declining to file an HCR lawsuit. Baker is a Dem and a bright spot in the dark pit of Georgia politics.
Linda Featheringill
Sorry to interrupt this serious discussion. :)
Who should I start harrassing about the financial reform bill? And what should I say? Bear in mind that the technical aspects of the bill are probably way above my head.
When you said grow your own, I thought you were talking about teh weed.
Bill E Pilgrim
@freelancer: No, I’ll never get over Macho Grande.
Stop it you guys, I’m breaking a gut and snorting through my nose. My wife is growing concerned and threatens an intervention.
Tim, More Beer is having its hop rhizome pre-sale.
@Linda Featheringill:
I want to know the same thing. Is anyone here any kind of expert on the financial reform stuff and where it stand in Congress? I’m all fired up after phoning on health care and want to keep the momentum going.
Kirk Spencer
Instead of playing catch as catch can, go ahead and buy the rhizome for the hops you want. You’ve brewed enough you know not all hops are the same – get the bitters and aromas you want.
Also, hops are one of the few things I’ve seen go toe to toe with kudzu. Yes, there are people who can kill them unintentionally, but they grow fast (up a foot a day in some conditions) long (25 feet of vine), and with many vines per ‘zome. Aggressive trimming is as important as it is for grapes – you don’t have to, but doing it improves quantity and quality of the harvest.
It also spreads through its roots just as most rhizomes do. You will want to remember to trim the roots each year or it’ll try very hard to be the ONLY plant you own.
Try this nursery: / I’ve ordered other things from them and the quality was very good. One good thing about hops is that it is in the hemp family and therefore grows like a weed.
Sentient Puddle
@Linda Featheringill and @Violet: Probably Ezra the wunderkind. The whole purpose of his blog to begin with was supposed to be economics. He just got a little sidetracked by health care.
We have ’em! They grow like weeds here in cheeseheadland, especially in full sun. We (well, my better half) built a trellis (sort of like the old monkey bars that I could never get all the way across) out of copper pipe and they completely cover the trellis and take over the tall arbor vitae that are next to it by mid-summer. We harvest them and freeze them. My father in law used to use them in his wonderful home brew, but no more…we use them now…
In fact, they were peeking out of the ground yesterday…
In fairness, his profile at The American Prospect specifically stated that he liked to talk about health care policy. That was one of the things that intrigued me about him when I’d come across a referenced post of his from Benen, Drum, or Yglesias.
Bill E Pilgrim
Actually, seriously? I’m incredibly impressed. I had no idea so many people knew so much about brewing beer.
A friend of mine and I made some once in a plastic hamper, I think we were 15. It had the most astonishing taste, like apples you had left at the bottom of a sock drawer for a year.
There’s a place I go for my beer fix now and then, they do seem to have quite a selection, this is just the Belgian part of the menu:
Rick Taylor
My opinion of the Republican party is low enough that it’s rare it drops these days. The last time it dropped was when the fiercely argued that Sarah Palin was qualified to be vice president, and hence first in line to take on the most powerful position in the world should anything, God forbid, happen to the president.
But seeing the incredible tantrum they’re throwing because they lost, it’s finally gone down another notch.
@Chyron HR:
Related to the source of your joke:
Completely random and off topic question. I remember a bunch of years ago lefty bloggers, who enjoyed the West Wing as a show, thought it sent terrible and unrealistic messages regarding how politics actually work. Thing is, I can’t for the life of me remember what the actual specific criticisms were.
Aside from the various scandals that hit the administration, which really didn’t have anything to do with governing/campaign strategy, I remember thinking Bartlett and his team were pretty ideal of what I would like to see from a Democratic administration.
Sorry, Hon. I do have plenty of mugwort, tho. That’s been used in place of hops in brewing.
I have a hops vine I never use. If it comes back up, you may be in luck.
In the garden question, anyone know what a kinda spear shaped dark green leaved lettucy thing is? I forgot what it is and bought it from the same place as my chard. cooked a few leaves with the arugula and bitter was not the word. Want to know, so I know not to grow that again.
As Sully so colorfully puts it…
Meep meep.
If you’re a noob home owner, I bet you think you have a well thought out budget for the house expense. There’s an old saying “no plan survives contact with the enemy. “ In this scenario your budget is the plan and the enemy is the house to your wallet. Especially if your wife is a collaborator with the enemy never satisfied the house quite meets her vision thing. Good luck.
Come to the forum all ye homebrewers, great deals to be had …
You cooked arugula?
as to a specific suggestion:
they got great prices for non growers too.
re rhizomes: I’d contact Brendan of
His plants are starting their third year, and he might be able to cull some for you. I don’t know how one does that, but I’m sure teh google has some clues.
Did you try these guys?
Kirk Spencer
@Bill E Pilgrim: Well, actually, some of us don’t like beer. Or more accurately in my case, I don’t like hops. To me the bittering agents in hops are just nasty tasting.
So I use non-hops gruits, myself. I’ve found a few I rather like, but none that stand out. (Ginger and goldenseal are my present favorites – and yes that’s in combination. Rosemary’s got good balance but it just doesn’t seem right in my mind. Juniper’s an effective choice as well.)
of course! at this stage in the spring, I stop buying spinach or lettuce. arugula all the way! awesome wilted with a tender tilapia filet, butter and lemon or sauted with a good italian sausage. Of course, I have the old fashioned rocket and if you don’t eat it like there’s a potato famine on, it’ll take over your yard, your house, log onto your wow and roll a huntard. that plant is fierce.
Bignose Pendejo
Nobody ever told me that hop vines are really prickly, like nettles. And that they can create a rash on bare skin. I discovered this the hard way. I dug out the ones I’d planted. Prickly rash-inducing plants are not what I want in the backyard.
I ordered my hop rhizomes from for the first time this year. Just got them today and I was VERY impressed. I ordered a few of the “extra large” rhizomes, and they’re freaking enormous. The “minimum 30 buds” they claim are no joke. The normal ones were a lot beefier than I’m used to as well. Even the 2-for-1 small Cascades I got were as big as the normals I got from another place last year (which themselves grew successfully). Highly recommended.
tim – check your email – I can mail you a division of a hop plant. It is really a lovely vine.
On the left coast, hippie judge kicks governator in balls. Governator to seek injunction against ball-kicking.
As to the question, “When is an apology not an apology?” The answer is: when the apologizer is Republican:
Bunning is literally human trash.
re. Hops, check with Sierra Nevada Brewing. They clearly have too much on their hands, based on their beers being hoppy, way hoppy, and your head will now implode hoppy.
Someone I know has been tweeting and blogging about just this, and while I will confess that I do not understand what you and he are talking about, I do know that he knows what he’s doing. (sample tweet: “Done cutting 30+ black locust hop trellis poles. Hauling in 2 loads to the hopyard in less than 2 weeks! 300 rhizomes via UPS!”)
Fatty Matty Brewing
Fatty Matty Brewing twitter
Should have included this, too, but I fear 2 links is the limit. So, you should also check out his blog at simpleearthops(dot)blogspot(dot)com.
@ Bignose Pendejo
Don’t replace them with lantana–pretty, but just don’t.
Ash Can
@trollhattan: Sierra Nevada’s good, but nobody beats Bell’s HopSlam for hops.
You could always try to get your hands on some Tactical Nuclear Penguin. Might be a little pricey though.
I think I bought mine last year from either or Anyways, mine are already starting to grow this year – very exciting!
Thadeus Horne
Don’t know if anyone mentioned, but try growing your hops from root stock. It took several years to establish, but I grow hops at 8500 ft in the Rockies. Give it a try. Cheers.
fattymattybrewing (Madison Hops Examiner)
Thanks @ellaesther ->
Here is a short article I wrote for which describes all the best hop rhizome varieties (tolerance) and sources to buy them. It is getting a bit late to buy them still (pre-ordering at most of these sources was at the end of Feb. for larger quantities).
Jung Seeds ( had several varieties in their catalog. Just got them last week.