For some reason this picture cracked me up.
“You mean that she has a vagina and her parents speak Farsi? We can’t have that.”
It’s also further proof that DC is both Hollywood for ugly people and a hotbed of affirmative action for middle-aged white men.
Consider this an open thread.
(via Stu Rothenberg’s blog)
Putting an intelligent, qualified, young Persian woman on the panel would be nothing more than affirmative action for smart people.
Joining any club which would have Tucker Carlson in it…
Please think of the poor white males of privileged birth. How shall they ever fend for themselves when that silver spoon is yanked out of their mouths? How will they ever be able to compete in a world where the game is not rigged in their favor? How can you be so insensitive to the great burden of mediocrity they are forced to bear?
Tucker has some ugly shoes
Nice to see that 41 yr old Carlson is still rocking the 80’s frat douche uniform.
I didn’t recognize Tucker without his bowtie. He’s all growed up now!!!!
@GReynoldsCT00: He certainly seemed to have missed the memo on what the uniform of the day was.
No bow tie, though.
first time i can think of that i have seen tucker w/out a bow tie…any way not much of an improvement…love his high waters and his armani mocassins
Brian J
Seriously. And what’s with the shorter pant length? I thought only girly man Europeans wore than look any longer.
@GReynoldsCT00: Nah you didn’t get the memo, moccasins with white pants a dark coat and a yellow tie is clearly in style.
I think he said he was going to stop wearing bowties because he “wanted to give his neck a break.” As others put it before me, I’m not sure he realized just how many other people also want to give his neck a break.
I have to admit I’m no master of haberdashery, but I don’t get how someone manages to so consistently and completely look like the essential combination of moron and douche.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
Is Tucker Carlson wearing capri pants?
@Tom65: That uniform is akin to a sign saying “Punch Me”. Carlson just exudes prep school douchiness from every thread of his wardrobe.
Robin G
Does Tucker look like he’s about to break into a rendition of “World of Pure Imagination” there?
The Grand Panjandrum
@J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford:
Heh. That was my first thought but then I realized they let him sit in the old men’s section so he had to wear pants a little longer than his usual knickers. I like the anklets with deck shoes. Nice touch, and oh so, preppie. He just doesn’t want to grow up.
maybe not capri pants, hell they maybe shorts saggin down on his ass going with that hip hop conservatism changes a man
Lolz. I was thinking the same thing. It’s Tucker’s socks and shoes that really make it for me. It looks like he’s had those shoes since the 80’s.
Wait….wait just….a….minute. Everyone else is dressed in a professional suit, and Tucker is wearing bright fucking white pants, Hippie socks, and what looks like moccassins for shoes?
We have a new illustration for “douchebag” in Websters.
Edit: Wow, I see like 7 other peeps beat me to it. /sigh
I think its impossible to overstate how terrifying the phrase “speaks Farsi” (or Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Russian, Arabic, etc…) is to these affirmative action babies. Learning to be seriously fluent in one or more foreign languages, like learning actual math or higher level physics, is not the done thing in American higher education for liberal arts/poli sci types. Anyone remember the major Zombies eat your brains moment between John Cole and Jonah Goldberg? From Sourcewatch:
As someone who should have been more fluent in Nepali and French than I was I can tell you that the scariest thing of all to these puffy dough boys is that the entire book of world diplomacy, history, and analysis is entirely shut to them–and open to women like Amanpour.
…or for encyclopedia britanica under douchebagis erectis
@Violet: Remember that old book from the ’80s, The Preppie Handbook?
You might not remember it, but Tucker surely does.
No one has said anything yet, but dont you think Cokie has to be a weeeeeeeee bit pissed off given how dutifully she has serviced the cock of vapid conventional wisdom all these years after working her way to the top by virtue of the fertilization of her mom’s egg by her senator-dad’s semen.
that is all.
They let Tucker bring his sippy cup so he wouldn’t fuss.
Do you think he dresses like that because he is delusional and thinks it looks good, or because he thinks dressing like a douchebag will make him stand out aka bow tie?
Also, what’s with Tucker’s phallocarp/ p*n*s sheath?
@Punchy: hippie socks?
Tucker never could dress for shit. Is he on his way to a Yacht Rock Party in Newport, or what?
Word. MY first thought is how I’d love to smack that smug look right off his face.
I’m in a bad mood today.
Editing to note: I should’ve realized that I’m not the only one Tucker pisses off. <3
@Punchy: And the cup of coffee. It’s like he rushed in late to class, hung over after a night of drinking and dorking.
mr. whipple
It’s so easy to lie…
What a piranha swarm, dayum!
Let’s all sit in the back of the classroom and throw paper airplanes at Tucker Carlson. Those old guys sitting there are too full of themselves to ever notice.
Tucker looks like a frat boy.
I see what you did here.
Look like Tucker was a model for it. Or still keeps it near his closet as a reference.
Adam Collyer
Question for those of you in the know. I’m looking for a relatively concise explanation of the Medicare Part D “donut hole” that’s now being covered by the reform act. It’s good that we’re covering people who fall into the gap, but what creates that gap? Is this fix good enough to cover?
Just curious, since it’s the one part of the program I don’t know much about.
That picture would still be completely full of fail even if Tucker wasn’t dressed like some weird nightmare version of a homeless prep schooler.
Craig Crawford makes my skin crawl just as much as Carlson does even if he does, apparently, know how to dress himself.
Brian J
Not that Amanpour doesn’t appear to be a professional, but she hasn’t said anything even remotely controversial as she has been picked, yet there’s been an uproar over her selection. (In fact, she’s barely said anything at all.) Maybe ABC News President Drew Westin knew the reaction would provoke such a response and did it to drum up interest in the show.
Amanpour isn’t young. But other than that…
Seems like we need a reverse affirmative action to drive white men out of politics. For the most part, they’re the ones fucking everything up. Can we try something new? Or do we just need to double down on white men?
And before Memorial Day! Tsk.
and let’s not overlook the socks that are all sagged down so we have to look at his hairy ankles too
@Brian J:
Nah. I’m thinking that somehow Westin didn’t get the memo about the fact that Sharia Law governs the choice of Sunday morning bobblefest hosts. Along with KKKlan rules.
woman + brown person = no Sunday bobblehead hosting for you!
And yes, I know she is not a brown person. But apparently Tom Shales says she is, so…
Edited to add: That tag line at the top about the 42 thing? I don’t get it. At all. It was up there the other day and everybody but me seemed to get it, so I didn’t ask then. But I gotta ask now. WTF does that mean?
Some Guy
Apropos of the mighty manliness of Washington, please enjoy the title, first and last paragraphs of this OpEd, “Republicans Turned Off By Size of Obama’s Package”.
Joshua Norton
And now there they are – Tucker C and his C-men doing their rendition of “Why can’t you love my crappy blog?” !!
I’m not sure that particular tie is an improvement over the bow tie
still, Tucker did manage the find the one cafeteria table where he could possibly begin to think of himself as the cool hip-hep hot one.
I can’t believe no one clicked on my phallocarp link. Come on–the number of times you are going to see that link in a thread on politics is, like, this one time. Well, maybe this time too.
Props to the post title…..Pete Townshend rox.
I heard yesterday about a new right wing radio station coming out of Athens, GA.
Listened to it this morning. Lots of giggling about Biden and the F-bomb. Nancy Pelosi at 11% approval rating. Harry Reid at 8% approval rating. Democrats going down in flames come November because of 60% disapproval of healthcare reform bill. The government is Santa Claus. Blah, blah, blah fuckin’ blah.
Any other Georgia juicers listening to that shit?
I am going to continue listening just to hear the other side but damn it is painful.
Gaah, yes. And what was up with those mallard duck prints?
Tho my favorite hate item from the 80’s was that slogan, ‘He who dies with the most toys, wins.’
I just did, and it was totally worth it for “Operation Penis Gourd”.
I have to say, there has been one huge side benefit to the passage of HCR that I simply didn’t anticipate.
The crazy wingnut bible thumper I have for a staff assistant has not been spouting any of her ignorant rants all week. I had no idea how much better Obama and congressional Dems were going to make my life. I mean, I know they promised to and all, but I expected meta things like HCR and an end to DADT and things like that. I never realized they meant that my specific life would immediately improve with their legislative victories.
Me likey.
@flukebucket: You sure it’s this station?
Ash Can
That photograph reminds me of why I don’t watch any of that crap. Just looking at it lowered my IQ by a point or two.
@flukebucket: Aha it’s, no point 7. You may as well listen to WSB. Try Radio Free Athens
The problem for us with this kind of talk radio coverage, Flukebucket is that its like the insane Mccain’s gonna win coverage before Obama’s election–the fact that all these guys think that HCR is very unpopular means that when it turns out to be popular its going to reinforce the notion that the next election was “stolen.”
On the flip side apparently the teabaggers are enraged that Scotty “trucknutz” Brown was unable to singlehandedly stop the health care bill, so there’s something to be said for that “When Prophecy Fails” moment.
Meanwhile, between starting this and posting it I got a scam phone call from a fake health “deduction” card and called my AG’s office to report them. God, I love the internet.
Omnes Omnibus
@aimai: Oh, I clicked. I have difficulties imagining Carlson wearing it, which is I good thing or the image would haunt me and prevent sleep for years.
In general, everyone’s mockery of Tucker’s clothes is making me feel bad as I sit here in my office wearing suede bucks, chinos, a blue oxford button-down shirt, and navy v-neck sweater. Some of us learned to dress in a certain way…. It is not our fault.
@aimai: Not only did Scott Brown fail to stop the bill, he is also not in favor of repealing it. He even had quite a few nice things to say about it.
Brown clearly needs to be teabagged.
@Omnes Omnibus:
You are wearing chinos. Nothing wrong with that. I am very certain you know better than to wear white pants before Memorial Day.
Brown clearly needs to be teabagged.
Well, I’m not going to do it.
Omnes Omnibus
@Betsy: Thanks, I feel better. I do have to say, I would never wear the combination that Carlson is wearing.
Tucker Carlson is my bet to next be found hammered in his Mazda Miata with a male prostitute.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Exactly. It is not any one element that’s the problem; it’s the horrifying whole.
Edit: Although I have to say that it’s the rare man (or woman) who can pull off white pants at any time.
I see somebody’s ankles.
Also, this was pretty good:
New guy is learning.
Got nothing here, but you guys are sure cheering up my morning. Except for aimai, who should pay everyone who clicked on that link and whose brain is now in a world of hurt.
Tucker Carlson’s ankles….
Oh, and Jonah Goldberg renegged on paying the bet he lost to Juan Cole.
Oh shit. Martha Zoller and Neal Boortz? No thanks. This morning it sounded like a lot of college freshmen messing around with a microphone.
My employer begged me to listen to it yesterday when I sent him this link that I got from some commenter here the other day.
Poor guy thinks that he can eventually lead me to the land of milk and honey offered by Republicans. If I were not already making him more than I am costing him I am sure he would have fired me by now.
I have the only Obama bumper sticker in the parking lot.
Oh, sorry. Wrong thread.
Didn’t mean to impose on the Mount Rushmore of Irrelevant Pundits post.
T-Car rockin’ the boat shoes.
@bayville: Exactly, couple doors down. This is the Irreverent Pundits Post.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
@aimai: LOL
It’s the answer to the question, “what is 6 times 7?”
Tucker: “But you said we’d be talking from behind a covered table! Good thing I didn’t follow the original plan of wearing my pajama bottoms and slippers.”
@flukebucket: Boortz is totally out of control today.
Yeah. I just walked in from an errand and I heard him saying that Democrats are coming for your retirement money. And they are going to take it by force because if they can force you at gunpoint into a contract with a private company then blah, blah, blah, fuckin’ blah.
And ZOMG! The Left pulled a fire alarm in Canada and they cancelled an Ann Coulter speech.
That man was Glenn Beck when Glenn Beck was still shittin’ yellow.
How the hell do I get the coffee out of my keyboard?
I’m looking at the picture, wondering if that is really Tucker sitting there covering up his little jewels, holding on for dear life to some sort of Faux News wish-I-could-get-it-up-like-this phallic symbol, scrunching up his face as if he’s afraid he might drop a load in his white panties — and then I read: ““You mean that she has a vagina and her parents speak Farsi? We can’t have that.”
Is it me, or is Tucker the dandy-in-waiting for the Tom Wolfe Chair of Bowtie Bloviation?
No, Tucker thought the Green Room before the PBS taping of the Poor Pundits was the line for dropping of his urine sample.
Heh. That explains his palpable relief.
Anton Sirius
I don’t think the majority of posters here realize just how brilliantly apropos the title is… I’ll draw the jury’s attention to the third verse:
Tough boys
Running the streets
Come a little closer
Rough toys
Under the sheets
Nobody knows her
Rough boys
Don’t walk away
I very nearly missed you
Tough boys
Come over here
I wanna bite and kiss you
I wanna see what I can find
Tough kids
Take a bottle of wine
When your deal is broken
Ten quid
She’s so easy to find
Not a word is spoken
Rough boys
Don’t walk away
I’m still pretty blissed here
Tough boy
I’m gonna carry you home
You got pretty pissed dear
Gonna get inside you
Gonna get inside your bitter mind
Rough boys
Don’t walk away
I wanna buy you leather
Make noise
Try and talk me away
We can’t be seen together
Tough kids
What can I do?
I’m so pale and weedy
Rough fits
In my Hush Puppy shoes
But I’m still pleading
Tough boys
Running the streets
Come a little closer
Rough toys
Under the sheets
Nobody knows her
Rough boys
Don’t walk away
I very nearly missed you
Tough boys
Come over here
I wanna bite and kiss you
I wanna see what I can find!
Calming Influence
Photoshoppers – the look on Tucker’s mug, in front of a frickin’ blue screen fer Chissakes, demands manipulation.
Release the hounds!
Colin Laney
That’s not the problem. She has criticized Israel. That’s the problem.
My God but Tucker Carlson has terrible taste in clothing.
@Colin Laney:
They’re both the problem. As someone pointed out above, the fact that she speaks Farsi is an immediate alarm bell, same as every TSA agent who stops anyone with Arabic flash cards or dictionaries in airports.
As for the rest, her criticism of Israel and her being female are obvious indicators (to these people) that she must be a liberal and therefore unfit to ask “tough questions.” George Stephanopoulos only kept his career because he was willing to ask bullshit questions like why Obama doesn’t wear a flag pin.
Ash Can
@flukebucket: I love how “even the liberal” MSNBC headlines its story with “Coulter Speech Cancelled After Protestors’ Threats” — then proceeds to mention NO such threats in the story itself.
@xochi: You’re right about that. I guess it means I was wrong in assuming he was gay.
different church-lady
An open thread? What the hell is there left to say after a smackdown like that?
This, quoted for truth.
This is what terrifies the Village, the Washington salons, and the rednecks alike; that there is arising a new class of people whose roots don’t arc back through Europe by way of the Hamptons.
They are truly unsettled by people like Fareed Zakaria and Christine Amahnpour who actually know something about the world, and didn’t gain their knowledge at a sophomore session on “World History” at Harvard.
The boys in the picture remind me of that scene in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, where the Marcus Brody, the dotty academic played by Denhold Elliot, who supposedly “knows 9 languages, has contacts in dozens of countries- he will blend in, disappear” and is assumed to know everything abou the backward savage world….is wandering down a street in a crisp white linen suit, plaintively asking if anyone “parlez vous Francaise? Sprechen zie Deutch?”
Tucker’s already got the white suit thing started.
jake the snake
@ Adam Collyer
The Medicare donut hole is a gap in the drug coverage.
I don’t know the exact numbers, but between certain $ levels Medicare part D does not cover prescription costs.
If you hit the hole, you pay all Rx out of pocket until you hit the next level. A lot of money for people on fixed income.
Short Bus Bully
Tucker: “Hehehe… Guess what guys? I brought a present for everyone. Yep, it’s a DICK IN A CUP!”
Party like a rock star…
@Ash Can:
For sure.
Boortz was whining about how The Left would stop at nothing to stop free speech. And then talked about a damn fire alarm being set off by some unidentified person in Canada.
I wondered what Boortz would think of those shouting nigger and faggot and spitting on folks.
He probably considers all of that “free speech” as long as nobody sets off a fire alarm.
@geg6: Did you see you were number 42? Ooooh, spooky. It’s the meaning of life in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. At least, I’m assuming that’s the reference.
I don’t think Tucker Carlson could do anything to NOT look like a dick. I hope Amanpour makes him cry.
I’m askeered! I’m askeered!
Oh, no wonder I didn’t get it. I read about 10 pages of that book, hated every word of them, and never picked it up again.
There are very, very, very, very, very few works of science fiction that I have any sort of tolerance or patience for. The ones I do, I could count on one hand. Actually, less than one hand. This is not one of them.
My FSM, that’s an amazing catch, asiangrrlMN. Well done. But wait til you read this:
Your post pointing out that geg6’s post asking about 42 was number 42, was number 91. Now follow along with me: if you subtract 42 from 91, you get 49.
I think we can all agree that the square root of 49 is 7. If you take the 7, and multiply it by the 6 in geg6’s handle . . . lo and behold, the answer, ladies and germs, is . . .
TA DA . . .
For. Ty. Two. Holy shit.
Okay. Now you’re frightening me.
@geg6: LOL