Who cares:
All Senate Republicans wrote President Barack Obama on Thursday, demanding he not use a recess appointment to fill spots on a labor board.
Sens. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and John McCain (R-Ariz.), joined by all of their Republican colleagues in the Senate, warned the president against using his recess appointment powers to name Craig Becker to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).
“We are writing to urge you to not act in contravention of the bipartisan Senate vote against the nomination of Craig Becker to be a Member of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) through a recess appointment,” the senators said. “To do so would disregard the Senate’s constitutional responsibility of advice and consent.”
Considering Mean old man John McCain has decided to take his ball and go home already, what is he gonna do (and paid no price in the media, I might add, for his petulance)? Besides, what kind of advice and consent are you offering when you have holds on everyone?
Up or down vote of STFU. I’m seriously to the point that my response to everything the Republicans say is a Friedmanesque “Suck on this.”
They’ve already ground things to a halt and vowed never to help out in the future. What more can they do?
Seriously, they can go Cheney themselves.
I really, really hope that the lesson is finally sinking in for Democrats: The Republicans will do anything they can to fuck you over, no matter what you do to try to appease them. So fuck them over instead.
Which idiot Dem voted against this guy? At this point, any Dem who votes with Republicans should be publicly shamed.
The Chief Justice, during oral arguments recently, basically told Obama to use the recess appointment.
I’m to the point where everytime a repub utters the word Biartisan I laugh harder and harder and harder. My own personal health program of Laughter Yoga. who says they don’t have a heath care package huh?
El Cid
We all know that W. never used recess appointments to fill any positions… ever.
El Cid
If Democrats aren’t careful, Republicans will hold back their support for labor unions and protections of workers.
Joseph Nobles
Hence, the letter. Personally, I would have recess appointed every one of my nominees the first time someone put a hammer ban on all of them (Shelby, right?).
demo woman
At this point the President took his football and went home. Orrin Hatch looks more and more like Lucy everyday.
What’s this bipartisan Senate vote they’re talking about? Did a majority of the Senate actually vote against this guy, or are the Republicans simply lying. I suspect I already know the answer.
West of the Cascades
52 Senators voted “aye” on cloture – this is a “bipartisan vote against”?? When it’s Lincoln (D – WalMart) and Nelson (D – Mutual of Omaha) voting with the GOP??
I hope Obama makes about 60 recess appointments over Easter.
Apparently “bi-partisan” now means getting one or two votes from the other side.
Republicans are really coming off the rails.
If there wasn’t such a threat of violence by the crazies, it would be a lot of fun to watch.
Robin G.
Really, I see no point in saying more.
The Moar You Know
Somewhat OT: the 27% crazy factor number keeps cropping up.
25% of Republicans think Obama is the Antichrist.
Great. Just fucking great.
@Violet: Was probably like one Dem (Bayh? Nelson? Bleach Lincoln?), so they’ll dry-hump bipartisanship until it bleeds.
God I hate them. Fuck the bipartisan shit. You know if the Dems sent that kind of letter (and really, what fuckery no matter who does it), the ‘Pugs would have choked from laughing so hard.
Yes, I hope the Dems are FINALLY getting it and acting on it because it’s gonna be an uphill battle all the way.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
Petulance is their only exercise of power right now and they can’t resist not taking it. They have convinced themselves that the whack a doodle tea baggers are the route back to real power, and the seditious tea baggers their best bet, even though they make up only about 13 percent of all voters.
And really, when it comes down to it, these nutbugs are only loyal to the lord of chaos, and are not anyone’s friend, including the GOP. But the goopers are following the scent of energy they sense from the Beck’s of the world and their followers, and are desperate for a ride back to relevance, and blind to the political pitfalls.
Regardless however, even acting like insane desperadoes, the wingers do have a hole card, and that is the fact that at least half the country is as stupid and/or crazy as they are, so they are never quite out of the game.
@West of the Cascades: Shouldn’t that be “42”? And am I to understand that the “vote” to which they refer was actually a fillibuster?
“To do so would disregard the Senate’s constitutional responsibility of advice and consent.”
Oh pleeaze! Where were the repubs when Bush 43 used recess appointments to install hack incompetents like Julie Myers as Director of Immigration & Customs Enforcement at DHS? Since they’ve already promised zero cooperation anyway, eff em.
60? Hell, aren’t there something like 200 judges and US Attorneys that the douchebag faction has been holding up for nearly a year? That’s not to mention the regular Executive Branch posts.
60. Nuh-unh. Hundreds.
It’s obvious to pretty well everybody that these delays are ideological politicking and have nothing to do with the Senate’s real role. They are doing their damndest to hobble the administration. The recess appointment exists for exactly this reason.
Use it.
JMC in the ATL
Dear Republicans,
“Upperdown vote”
“Elections have consequences”
in other words: Deal, bitches.
The dud that posted Rep. Tom Perriello’s brother’s address was just on MSNBC and he’s african american!
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
The arrogant fuckers think they still run the show. Fuck them, appoint away Mr. President. If they refuse to let the Senate operate, if Johnny Mac and his kool playground friends are taking their ball and going home, then do whatever you have to so you can get your work done sir.
You’ll get no complaints from me, no way. These assholes have proven again and again that they will not work with anyone outside their party. It’s their way or the highway. Take the highway Mr. President because they’re lost on the low road and they won’t ask for directions.
Show them the way.
This. Our Ambassador to the United Goddamn Nations was a recess appointment not too long ago. Fucking babies.
Time to start a new tag: “Party of chutzpah”.
Seriously. Talk about killing your parents and asking for mercy since you’re an orphan …
Herr Blindschtiller
Obama needs to scan a picture of his nuts and email it to every Republican in the Senate with a caption that reads “Here’s a pacifier to suck on.”
If he does that, I’ll donate 25% of my paycheck each month the DNC.
NEAL KATYAL, DEPUTY SOLICITOR GENERAL: They were named in July of last year. They were voted out of committee in October. One of them had a hold and had to be renominated. That renomination took place. There was a failed quorum — a failed cloture vote in February. And so all three nominations are pending. And I think that underscores the general contentious nature of the appointment process with respect to this set of issues.
CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS: And the recess appointment power doesn’t work why?
Remember John Bolton at the U.N.? I wonder how he got there?
Douschebag McCain needs a nice cup of warm milk and a recliner in the back room.
But wait! Mark Halperin has something to say! I’ll bet you can’t guess what that is. He says Democrats should finally start looking for Republican support, instead of acting all rammy-ramming-things-down-America’s-throat and all.
Bet you didn’t see that one coming!
Axe Diesel Palin
The referenced article links to this awesome list http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Recess_appointments_made_by_President_George_W._Bush
Isn’t that Solly person who twittered about assassination also (or at least claimed to be)?
Seriously — no one can claim we haven’t come a long way with integration in this country.
Driving into the office this morning I thought about his comment, “Oh well. Collateral damage.” Don’t know if he can actually be charged criminally, but I suspect he’s fncked when he gets sued. If he thinks money’s tight on SSDI now, just wait ’til he has a six- or seven-figure judgment against him. Can’t wait ’til the judge say, “Oh well. Triple damages.”
some guy
Was it this guy?
There are some real winners on the (partial) list of Bush recess appointees.
Somehow, it’s just fine for Senate Republicans to use any and every arcane and outdated procedural maneuver, however dickish, to get their way. Bog forbid a Democratic President might use a legitimate response to their obstruction to actually try to start staffing critical parts of our government after a year of having them being held empty by people who simply want said president to fail.
Oh. Right. IOKIYAR.
El Cid
Just like [after] Napoleon [was defeated] at Waterloo, the British and Prussians had to make sure and take into account Napoleon’s wishes and opposition before they did anything.
@General Egali Tarian Stuck:
Horse shit. Stop sending them Social Security checks, and we’ll see how much of this is for real, and how much is for play-play.
I hope that Obama wrote back and replied, “STFU.”
Herr Blindschtiller
Moderation, again? This is happening so much lately, it’s starting to drive me away from the comments section.
Anything to do with changing my screen name while using the same email?
Anyone else really sick of the “Bush was a bad Republican. Stop blaming us for him” meme coming from the right recently? Yet you still voted for him twice….
J.W. Hamner
‘member when the GOP was complaining about how there was a “czar explosion” of so many executive branch positions they didn’t have any oversight of? Well guess what guys, this kind of ridiculous obstruction is making a rock solid case for why you can’t handle oversight of the nominations of anything but high profile cabinet secretaries.
Unless they are just setting up a rule change on holds at the start of the next Congress, I’d have to say the WH is really shooting itself in the foot by not using recess appointment.
Unfortunately Obama has already proven himself stupid enough not to make the recess appointments in the past.
They might have to stop working at 1:00PM…or dare I say it..NOON!
The Republicans are really out of control at this point. I think we are witnessing the end. Last night on this crazy rightward bloomberg radio program, even the hosts were saying that the Repukes are losing their shit and if they act crazy for the next six months, they will earn an F from America and lose – It really is this bad. Welcome to one (albeit really diverse and oft disorganized) party rule.
Comrade Dread
Not to mention John “Nuke the fuck out of everyone I don’t like” Bolton to be our ambassador to the UN.
The Republicans are simply out of credible threats.
They’ve spent their rooks, knights, bishops, and queen trying to stop health care and are reduced to simply refusing to move for fear of being checkmated and are now threatening to overturn the board and stomp off to their rooms.
I’m waiting for the day when they start throwing themselves on to the ground kicking and screaming to bring the main Senate floor grinding to a halt.
And one more thing. When has “CRAZY” ever won anything?
Cathie from Canada
The Republicans are probably upset that they never got to do a victory lap over ACORN closing up shop, because it happened just when the Democrats were doing their victory lap over something much bigger, health insurance reform. So now the Repubs are desperately searching for another issue to trumpet and bluster about.
I would really love to hear Obama say, sorry you’ve had your chance…
If the Democrats had written such a letter to Bush, King of the Recess Appointments of Assorted Loons, Criminals & Crazed Wingnuts, the media would have erupted with stories about how weak & meek this made the Democrats seem.
Personally, I’d send a letter back saying fine, but then how’s about you bitches move on my appointments? Maybe word it a little nicer…
West of the Cascades
@Bootlegger: Yep, it was a filibuster, but the cloture vote was 52 in favor of ending debate (and moving to the up/down vote), 35 against, and 15 not voting — roll call at http://senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=111&session=2&vote=00022.
The one and only pol the Today Show had on to weigh in on the tone of our politics today was…wait for it…yes, you guessed it…
President McCain! The only wise man in all of America who manly POWishness and yelling at clouds clarity of vision can make sense of the world as it is today.
And what, pray tell, did President McCain have to say about things today?
Well, let’s see:
I just thank the FSM we have John McCain to sort it all out for us.
Just tell them that, based on Republican Senate leadership statements and from President McCain of Bizarro America, the Republicans have abdicated their advise and consent role and are cordially invited to autofornicate.
This is what you get when you hitch your wagon to the Crazy Train. You can go far in a hurry, but you don’t really get to choose when to get off. I’m sure there will be a government shutdown of some sort when the appropriations bills hit the floor in the fall, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the Repubs did it by accident while being dicks about something else. It’s totally out of control at this point.
That clown was on Hardball last night saying that and looked stunned when Joan Welsh (sp?) of Salon basically said the Dems should not.
“Bipartisanship” as understood by anybody over the age of say 30 or so is as extinct as the Dodo bird, and won’t be coming back in our lifetimes. It was an artifact of the strange and complicated political alignments during the 20th Cen (from roughly 1912 thru 2004) in which the Dems and the Reps had mixed geographic and ideological bases, such that lines such as South vs. North or Liberal vs. Conservative cut across partisan lines rather than running parallel to them. But after the GOP’s Southern Strategy ran its course thru the 70s, 80s and 90s, after the 1994 and 2002 elections finished off most of the remaining conserva-Dems in the South, and after the 2006 and 2008 elections finished off most of the old guard moderate Northeastern Republicans, the unmixing process is now more than 90% complete. Anybody who continue to hanker after 20 Cen style “bipartisanship” from this point on is merely demonstrating how stuck in the past they are.
@ThatLeftTurnInABQ: Anybody who continue to hanker after 20 Cen style “bipartisanship” from this point on is merely demonstrating how stuck in the past they are.
The Beltway cocktail party crowd love them some bipartisanship, too, because that way you can completely ignore policy (since it only matters that both parties agree, who gives a shit on what), and it ensures that their little sinecures and dinner invites don’t get mucked up by any change in the overall order of things. They’re on top, and they don’t want anything to really change for them.
J. Michael Neal
The Republicans have learned the power of the Sternly Worded Letter! Oh, noes! Whatever shall we do?
@stuckinred: We are not immune from dumbassitis — would that it were otherwise.
patrick II
My sense of some of this is that the republicans — including the chief justice — are trying to get Obama to overreact. They are trying to break things so badly in congress that Obama will be forced to stretch the limits of the law and propriety that under normal circumstances would forestall mass recess appointments. After that, a precedent set be a Democratic president, no republican president would ever let senate hearings slow him down again.
The utter ruthlessness of the republican party forces their opposition into “playing down” to the new rethuglican rules. Its deliberate and part of the plan to replace order by law with order by power.
@J. Michael Neal: Let’s hope the GOP sternly worded letters are as effective as the Dem sternly worded letters.
Ditto that. “Bipartisanship” is Villager-speak for “silly little peasants, don’t you know that elections don’t matter and we aren’t really a democracy anyway, except in an tedious pro-forma sort of way. Now run along and go slop the pigs and clean the toilets, or whatever it is that you little people do to earn your stale moldy crust of bread, while your lords and masters amuse themselves. Your smell offends us.“
some guy
Now if we could only teach them the strategy of “keeping the powder dry” we could end all these filibusters and holds.
All the more reason to do it, then.
The batshit crazy thing is the the GOP whipsaws between accusing Obama of being an elitist Marxist dictator in the making, and demanding that he be a weak president who defers to
the will of the peopleirrational Republican demands.I use to think that the Republican leadership was cynically manipulating the wingnuts, but it turns out that they are as crazy as the worst of their “base.”
@some guy: Nah, it was his brother!
Which $%#@$%$! “vote against the nomination of Craig Becker” would that be? The Republicans have not _permitted_ a vote on the nomination of Craig Becker. If they would allow a few votes now and again, we would have the personnel in place to administer this government of the people.
I would like to think Obama will eventually institute a policy of appointing during recesses any nominee who has been languishing in the do-nothing Senate for longer than six months.
The recess appointments are only good for the remainder of this congressional session anyway. Go ahead and make them, with the threat that they will immediately be re-appointed at the very first opportunity when the new congress convenes.
@J. Michael Neal: You beat me to it: a sternly worded letter from the Republicans. Hilarious! Except that knowing the Democrats, they might actually take it seriously.
Not Obama though. Right?
Maybe Obama should hold another summit. Get everyone at the table to discuss all the appointments that have been held up for a year or more.
Obama: So, guys, you won’t let us vote any of these hundreds of folks up or down. Why don’t you take this opportunity to discuss your objections to these nominees, I’ll discuss my reasons for appointing them, and then you can go back to the Senate and start voting on them. When election time rolls around you can run on your “No” votes and we’ll see who the electorate agrees with. That’s the American Way. You go first
Republicans: Hurrhggghmmmm…..
Put it on Pay-Per-View. I’d pay to watch.
Comrade Darkness
@ksmiami: CRAZY wins many heating oil barrels and foodstuffs for North Korea . . .
Next thing you know the republicans will start wearing dark sunglasses inside and counterfeiting u.s. currency.
@The Moar You Know: To be fair, for a while I thought GW might be the antiChrist. And I’m not even a believer.
I’m afraid we’re not to the bottom of the crazy yet. They will find a way to go deeper. There appear to be no thoughtful Republican legislators left they have all been replaced by right wingers so reflexively anti-democrat that they must oppose everything. Unfortunately I think they’ll pick up a few seats in the house and senate and believing they are on the right path will go even deeper into the crazy to satisfy an ever shrinking base. A few more election cycles down the road and maybe, just maybe sanity will start making a comeback.
Da Bomb
@stuckinred: There are plenty of crazy black people who don’t like Obama For examples, i.e. Tavis Smiley.
It’s not that surprising actually. But he is in the small, very small, in fact minute minority.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
“horseshit”? I guess stopping the SS checks is maybe a dig at boomers, or something. Actually, the tea baggers include all age groups with fairly high income. They aren’t all just “totebaggers” like the young punks like to say.
Obama should tell them he’ll consider it if they can get John Bolton to write an op-ed about how recess appointments threaten democracy.
We should at least be able to get some good snark out of this.
If this keeps up the R’s will be Christians against Christ soon
Judging by their attitude toward those less fortunate, and their penchant for lying, cheating, stealing, and filandering I think they already are.
Robert Waldmann
Hatch McCain and all Republican senators have just lied. The Senate did not vote against “against the nomination of Craig Becker.” Given its bizarre rules, it did not vote to vote on the nomination. That is a cloture motion failed. More than 50 senators voted for cloture.
Hatch and McCain are saying that the position of a minority of Senators is the will of the Senate and must be respected, even thought the President has the constitutional authority to make a recess appointment.
Even at this very late date, I am still angered by the arrogance of claiming that blocking approval of a nomination with a filibuster gives them the right to insist that Obama not use his recess appointment authority.