This is a great idea, Sarah:
During her “Redneck-Woodstock” speech in Searchlight, Nevada on March 27, 2010, Sarah Palin had a suggestion for her audience:
“That bumper sticker that maybe you’ll see on the next Subaru driving by — an Obama bumper sticker — you should stop the driver and say, ‘So how is that hopey, changey thing working out for ya?'”
I can’t be the only one who could see a potential problem with teabagging Palinites randomly stopping people with Obama stickers and taunting them. Certainly nothing could go wrong with this plan.
Which reminds me- I need a new Obama sticker for my Subaru. Anyone have “Vets for Obama” sticker lying around unused?
They already started:
That Anonymous Guy
Shit, that one’s easy.
Teabagger: “How’s that hopey-changey thing working out for ya?”
Me: “Fucking great. Thanks for asking.”
When fascism comes to America it will be wearing librarian glasses and hooker boots.
If Sarah doesn’t like Subarus with Obama stickers she should stay as far away from Vermont as possible. We will surround her.
She can go kiss my Subaru’s ass. Also.
Sorry, I do have a “Locked and Loaded Vets for Obama” one, but that may be overreach, counterproductive.
Jon H
She’s just a vile, nasty person isn’t she? You can just imagine some yokel flagging down a soccer mom with kids in the back to shriek about the constitution. What the hell.
Felonious Wench
Aw hell, I’m in Texas. Thanks a shitpile, Sarah.
Do we have a term like “O-bots” for the slavering Sarah masses? I’m going to need one.
My wife has an Obama sticker on her car. She also has 3 Darwin fish, and bumber sticker that says ‘Atheism cures religous terrorism’… The other day some guy pulled up beside here and held up a big wooden cross, like she was a vampire or something :)
The Grand Panjandrum
Speaking of the Worst Mother in Alaska this could get interesting. The half-term former governor should probably not be casting stones seeing how she lives in a glass house and all.
Comrade Jake
I prefer my “Glenn Greenwald voted for Obama” sticker.
No matter how much the Democrats disappoint me, I will always have their back because I heard this idiot say, “How’s that hopey changey thing workin’ out fer ya?” Or, as Stephen Colbert said: “Palin 2012: Abandon All Hope That Things Will Ever Change.”
My wife has an Obama sticker on her car. She also has 3 Darwin fish, and bumber sticker that says ‘Atheism cures religous terrorism’… The other day some guy pulled up beside her and held up a big wooden cross, like she was a vampire or something :)
Flashback to 1994: Young EdTheRed, a freshly-minted long-haired unemployed graduate of Wesleyan University is driving south on I-91 between Hartford and New Haven when a car pulls along side him (doing around 75 or so) and the driver rolls down his passenger window, leans over (still doing 75) and starts screaming: “I HOPE YOU’RE HAPPY! I HOPE YOU’RE HAPPY!”
Noting young EdTheRed’s confused look, Mr. Screamer gestured furiously to the back of ETR’s ’79 Zephyr and it’s Clinton/Gore bumper sticker and yelled: “CLINTON! I HOPE YOU’RE HAPPY!”
I was, but I was a bit too frightened and confused by his wingnut ways to do anything other than, well, stare at him with a frightened and confused expression.
The wheel turns…
Chad S
This is after her handlers explained to her what a bumper sticker was, right?
How about a bumper sticker “I brake for quitters.”
Random wingnut: “So how is that hopey, changey thing working out for ya?”
Me: “Great, thanks! [hands wingnut a fiver] Here, go buy yourself a sandwich.”
Quaker in a Basement
How’s it workin’ for me?
Oskey doskey, comrade! Socialism is even better than I hoped!
I should have known that the winger response to Obama’s recent successes would be rage-based rather than reality-based. La lutte continue.
Jon Stewart’s response was on the mark.
The Republican Party: Abandon hope that things will ever change.
Is that *really* where they want to go?
ED: Was that Colbert? I probably attributed incorrectly.
Arkon DougJ
What’s really funny about this is that my brother lives in Alaska, and if you go to Anchorage, pretty much every driveway has at least one, if not two Subarus. My brother had two for a while until they replaced him Impreza with a Pathfinder. They’re all over the place up there because they’re all all-wheel drive. Per capita, I’d bet that Alaska (or at least Anchorage) is probably Subaru’s best market.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
Nope, but I have a fading “Don’t blame me, I’m a democrat” sticker on my truck you can have, if it scrapes off decent. It’s a bit dated, but so am I.
Alice Blue
to say that this woman is rotten to her core is an understatement. She possesses no fundamental honesty, goodness or decency.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
This is my recent Palinism quote.
Sarah Palin – Tea Bag Party at Searchlight NV
Says it all, imho.
Cat Lady
Make your own.
The one I made back in September ’08 (after the Wall Street implosion) says Heckuva job, Bushie! which I haven’t removed yet because of the wingnut memory hole. One month after the election I got keyed because of that sticker, and my car wears it as a badge of honor. Fuck them. It’s who they are and what they do. Fucking coward bastards.
This thread isn’t helping with my plea from earlier for a thread that wasn’t about drama queens, but it’s a lot more fun.
I like to pull up next to cars with “Edwards 2012” stickers on them and giggle.
I still have my Obama sign in my window of my house. I’m taking it with me to Vancouver. I’ve got my Obama / Biden Move-On sticker on my SUV and don’t plan on taking it off.
But, I’m an O-bot and part of the Cult of the Dear Leader, so what do I know.
Back in the day you could get an Article 15 for having a peace sign on the bumper of your car on post!
When? It’s here. Teabaggers are fascists.
@Max: *scratches head* Where on earth are you seeing Edwards 2012 stickers? :O
My husband saw this on one of our locals’ bumper stickers (NW Washington State for context)
“In the next ten years Democrats will be hunted with dogs”
Think about thinking of citizens in your own country like that. People who have never done anything to you, don’t know you, living peaceful lives raising their families, sending their children to school. Think of the child of a Democrat seeing that… like having difference of views is not only wrong, but requiring the ultimate punishment.
Calliope Jane
@Jody: when I first saw that link, I thought, oh, no, what has Arizona done this time? But it was Tennessee! Whew.
But from that article — I’m actually okay with calling a guy who drives drunk a lunatic, with or without politically-motivated road rage.
The comments are a little nuts, too. “How come liberals can cause such mayhem and social unrest, but as soon as conservatives do it, we have to be all civil and put away our guns!” Whiners. But really, does all this come down to the fact that these “conservatives” were a little jealous of those pro-civil rights, anti-war demonstrations in their youth and now want to reenact such events? Explains the “conservative woodstock.” So in another forty/fifty years, will we all having “dirty teabagger punching” to look forward to?
I’m among the rare but growing Subaru tribe. Cool.
Mine is an 8 year old Forester.
@Arkon DougJ:
I can see why John lets you drive.
@cromagnon: That makes me want to go get a Darwin fish for my car, maybe a Druid fish as well.
[car featured somewhere on pulls up,
redneck makes “roll your window down” gesture]
Hows that screetchy grifting workin’ our for ya?
“We won. It’s working out fine. Also, too.”
“Fine, and how’s that loser, quitter thing working out for ya?”
Patrick - Palingates
Hi John,
thanks a lot for picking up the story and for linking to us!
This is a really important story. It is not too late yet to prevent some very, very bad development getting out of control.
All readers please note that we have also reported the details about the “Obama bumper sticker road rage accident” – this kind of incident should be a warning to every politician, but I doubt that Sarah Palin will listen:
@Felonious Wench: I believe some card came up with ‘Palindrone’, though it has the distinct defect that none of its intended targets would get the joke, or know the word that it’s a play on.
How is that a taunt?
I’d be all “It’s working out fantastically well, thanks for asking!”
Mike Kay
LOL! you forgot about the skin tight tit-jacket.
Mike Kay
@Comrade Jake: you’re on fire today.
@Calliope Jane:
It’s not like liberals got to cause all that mayhem without paying a pretty serious political price for it. Heck, people are still punching hippies to this day.
Conventional wisdom today seems to hold that “liberal” is a dirty word because of some really spectacular Republican mindfuck designed to demonize it. In reality, for better or worse, the “liberal” label got a bad name because people came to associate it with certain views and conduct that really were extreme.
Conservatives haven’t paid a similar price yet for right-wing extremism – at least, I didn’t notice them getting punished at the polls for all that craziness during the Clinton era – but their day will come if they keep it up.
Bill Maher’s got the best answer to that question I’ve heard so far:
Mike Kay
@bobbo: I wonder if they’re gonna hide her during the gop convention.
Cuz if she speaks at the convention, it will turn into the biggest online fundraising day for the Obama campaign.
I’ll note that B.O.B. has
admittedbragged aboutstalkingfollowing andaccostingconfrontingother driverswomen because of their bumper stickers.Funny thing is I suspect I’m better acquainted with Nevada ways than he, and if he keeps it up he’ll become a gunshot fatality statistic.
Comrade Jake
@Mike Kay:
Thanks, I’ll be here all week. I’m just wondering how I can get all of you idiots to donate to a PAC that will pay me for providing the entertainment.
@Alice Blue:
I could think of too many responses:
“It’s working out great! I finally got healthcare!”
“It’s working great! Hey, how come you haven’t reported to your re-education camp yet?”
“It’s working great! How’s being a big fat loser working out for you?”
My current bumper stickers ( “Keep your religion out of my state” and a Cthulu fish devouring a Jesus fish) get me enough dirty looks in Catholic school carpool line already.
@Mike Kay: Remember Pat Buchanan at the ’92 convention?
He may have won it for Clinton that night.
Me likey.
JD Rhoades
@Felonious Wench:
@mcc: Oops, meant Edwards 2008.
Good catch.
I need a drink. :)
Mike Kay
@MikeJ: what a friggin disaster.
Buchanan’s diatribe went so long, it actually knocked Reagan off of prime time.
I mean, can you imagine in 2020, if some nut job like Hanoi Jane Hamsher was allowed to endlessly skreech on stage and knock the great communicator (Obama) off prime time.
No, but I know where you can get a Republicans for Voldemort bumper sticker.
Incidentally, it’s the same place you can get an I’m Feeling [Ayn] Randy T-Shirt.
JD Rhoades
That speech, along with Pat Robertson’s speech about lesbians and witchcraft, clinched my vote for Bill Clinton.
I was actually on the fence until the ’94 convention, when I decided that, for all its failings, the Democratic Party had to be preferable to these assholes.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
She’s essentially a child, maybe an adolescent, who thrives on the attention and can’t understand that words have meaning and sometimes consequences. “Pallin’ around with terr’rists” led to “Kill him!”. She didn’t get the logical sequence of “Don’t retreat, reload!” because (rumor has it Sarah didn’t shoot that moose, she gave her permit to her Pappy so he could kill two), the whole Annie Oakley with a $150,000 wardrobe is an act. And now she’s inciting street violence because she was desperately looking to recycle the applause line that got such a big reaction from the Tea Baggers.
In short: John McCain owes the country an even bigger apology
Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle
I hope all the Obama supporters here take a look at this:
And yes, I volunteered for, and voted for Obama.
“Fine, thanks, Sarah. How’s that English as a Second Language course working out for you?”
And c-rap. I go back to reading the comments and Bill Maher’s is even better.
Mike Kay
@Comrade Jake: easy, start screaming Obama is worse than bush and Obama sold you out and obama is a secret republican….
I don’t have any unused bumper stickers, but I was ridiculously happy to discover I have a near neighbor who drives a VW bug with a Obama Biden sticker on it. Saw her get into the car and she looks about my age, but not really an old hippie. Still, a Democrat. In this town — that’s big.
Mike Kay
@Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle: you know who else did that — that’s right, Hitler.
Please, Alternet and Counterpunch are the Trotskyite wing of the Green party.
We poor common slobs have to put up with the antics of the Coles and Hamshers (and Arkon Dougjs) of the left, ’tis true.
But I think progressives and liberals, or whatever faction includes the B-J crew, will have to go much further into insanity before we can match the teabaggers for fractious fratricide.
Looks like Rubio, who I understood to be a teabagger insurgent candidate, is not sufficiently something or other to satisfy many teabaggers. From TPM:
Tea Partiers Question Rubio’s Cred
He’s the darling of conservative insurgents, but Republican Senate candidate Marco Rubio is facing an insurrection of his own among tea party groups in Florida.
full story
Cole may be right that our best hope is that the GOP and the teabaggers might be dumb enough for the Democrats to keep some kind of majority needed to get something done.
We just have to hope that they don’t get too many people hurt as they dissolve into an infinite collection of true believers and ulatra-purists.
May I suggest that the balloon juice store create a bumper sticker “How’s that hopey changey thing working out for ya? – GREAT IT’S A BIG F**KING SUCCESS THANKS” or some such slogan, you know that would be acceptable to all. I am sure there would be a great deal of purchasers and Charlies Angels would benefit. It would be a DFH trifecta, piss off a wingnut, express your opinion, and homeless critters get to eat. Just a thought.
Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist
@MikeJ: Remember Pat Buchanan at the ‘92 convention?
Good grief, yes – I was going to vote for Clinton anyway so he didn’t change my mind, but that speech was what made me realize the Republicans were completely through the looking glass and had nowhere to go but crazier. They have not disappointed, if that’s the right way to put it. I shudder to think of what the 2012 convention is going to be like.
Possibly, still made me smile. I also appreciated the t-shirt idea:
“Hopey Changey working out great, thanks for asking.”
gogol's wife
Go Wes!
Mike Kay
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
what makes you say that?
@General Egali Tarian Stuck:
The irony, totally missed by Ms. Sarah of course, was that many of the teabaggers were carrying signs that said no to socialism, yes to the Constitution…
To Sarah, we don’t need someone who actually understands the Constitution, but a unethical, self-absorbed, idiot, who not only never read the Constitution, but also would not understand it if she did read it.
some other guy
Saw this over at Atrios’ place.
Apparently, the paranoia that some prominent conservatives were spreading about Obama and the census could end up costing Republican-leaning states like Texas seats in the House and billions in federal funding.
“workin out great.. I’m on a death panel and I’m gonna kill your grandma!”
Pigs & Spiders
“Hopey Changey has been fantastic, tell your friends!”
furioso ateo
@some other guy: Damn. I’m from Texas, and while there is no love lost between myself and my crazy neighbors, I wish they’d get their shit together every now and then. Crap like this and the textbook nonsense brings me down with them.
Bad Horse's Filly
@stevie314159: I so badly want to say I accelerate for quitters, but that would put me in the same camp as her reload remarks. So I’m just going to put myself in timeout for even thinking it and come back in a few threads from now, after I’ve had time to think about my misdeeds.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@some other guy: I was hoping it would cost them some House seats, but I guess there aren’t really enough crazies to affect apportionment.
Cat Lady
@some other guy:
Hahahahaha. The comments to that article are so full of whiplash confusion. Can’t we just make them secede somehow?
@Calliope Jane: I saw that comment – “Bill Ayers bombed a building therefore all bets are off, funny how liberals are such hypocrites that they don’t understand that.”
I like the way that works. The Enron guys should have used that defense: Bill Ayers [didn’t actually] bomb a building so what’s your problem, bitch? Hutaree should try it: sure we were planning to kill police officers in the hope that it would spark a revolution, but Bill Ayers was a Weatherman, so anything goes.
Damn, it’s even better than the Clinton blowjob was for sexual shenanigans. The party of personal responsibility is righteously bereft of self-control if anybody else, anywhere, ever in the history of time engages in personal misconduct. Whee!
Mike Kay
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I just want to compliment you for all the great comments you posted today.
@Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist:
Maybe this time around nazi-apologist Pat will give his speech in the original German.
Ooooh another one, how about “Concealed Carry Permit Holders for Obama!”
If anyone is interested I am tweeting using the hashtag #Subarubumpersticker, with my various ideas. I wonder if it might catch on?
furioso ateo
@Cat Lady: I know the secede joke is fun to resort to, but can we drop it already? This isn’t any different that the Liberal California trope. All the biggest urban areas in TX went blue, and will continue to do so. We tend to vote like 44% Democrat in state wide races.
Ash Can
Seriously. The folks with Obama bumper stickers are either going to be happy with the way things are going, or grumpy that Obama isn’t lefty enough. WTF kind of replies does she think people will get? “Terrible; government services, international respect, and intelligent leaders suck; I should have voted for the Republicans?” The broad’s a birdbrain.
I doubt anyone from Minnesota would dare be rude (or brave) enough to ask a person face to face, but if it did happen, my response would be, “Great! How’s that pubic hair in the back of your throat thing working out?” Let them figure it out.
Kirk Spencer
Merging a couple of ideas above, I think I’ll go make a bumper sticker.
I am so stealing that.
Nothing has ever made me want to buy a gun…except this.
BLAM! “The ‘Hopey-Changey Thing’ is working out just great, Cletus, thanks for asking!” (finishes eating Hot Dog)
Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist
@Calouste: Maybe this time around nazi-apologist Pat will give his speech in the original German.
Ha! That’d be something. And the Tea Partiers would be blustering around outside with signs in badly-spelled German to match.
Cat Lady
@furioso ateo:
Sorry, but you must forever atone for George Bush, Karl Rove, Tom Delay, Gov. Goodhair and the Texas Board of Education. LBJ was a long time ago.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Teh Husband is not surprised about the moose tags thing. It’s a fairly common practice first of all, and one of the videos of her shooting a rifle, the husband saw and snorted that “she shoots like a girl” – by which my own personal First Neanderthal meant that her technique was common to inexperienced shooters, especially those without a lot of upper body strength, and that she likely got a serious bruise on her shoulder from it.
But it’s a mistake to think that that isn’t a selling point. They don’t want a woman who can assemble a rifle blindfolded and really kick butt – they want a pretty woman who demonstrates that she’s an enthusiastic supporter of men who have guns and who’s going to handle girly high profile things in office and leave the hard stuff to the First Dude or (even better) Dick Cheney.
@Ash Can: Anyone who still has their Obama sticker on their car is pretty f**king happy with the way that hopey changey thing has worked out. But no one ever accused Sarah of being the sharpest knife in the drawer.
My first ever bumper sticker – ever! – was the Obama08 sticker that went on in January 08, right after Iowa. I told myself I’d take it off after Obama won, declaring my duty done, and naively thinking that after the insanity of the Bush years and the overall awesomeness that is Obama, maybe things would calm down and we could “heal” as a nation.
Ha! Now I feel compelled to keep the sticker on, and am seriously considering more bumper stickers, just to prove a point: I drive a big truck, I’m somewhat of a badass, and I love Obama. Deal with it wingnuts, cuz I’m not going to back down.
furioso ateo
@Cat Lady: I pay everyday for the sins of my brothers. Oh how I do.
Smudge seems uninterested. Also, she yawned at the Glennbot seige earlier today. Just sayin’.
Cat Lady
The smell of Win in the morning.
The funny thing is every time we start thinking maybe the Democrats are not the most perfect vehicle for country management, Sarah Pallooza is there to remind us that there is not another functioning political party in this country at the present time. Oh and hey bitch, I want my blue state taxes back from supporting your idiotic ass.
I saw this tweet: “how’s that hopey-changy thing going for ya? Better than quitty-shitty.” That will be my response to that question.
Ash Can
I have one of those round magnet stickers on my car. I left it on for a while after the election, then got to thinking, “OK, I think I can take it off now.” Then Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize, and I left it on. A month or two ago, I started thinking that maybe I’d take it off. Then HCR was passed.
I don’t think it’s coming off until I get another car. And then I’ll put it on that one.
You win. The rest of us should all just go home.
Come to think of it I honestly do think I have a spare “Veterans for Obama” sticker in my center console John, I might just have to dig it out for you.
I still have my “Jesus was a community organizer, Pontius Pilate was a governor” sticker below my Obama sticker. On my 4WD Dodge Ram crew cab with the 20″ wheels. The one with the .44 magnum Marlin rifle I keep under the rear seat, and the cut-off broken ash sledge hammer handle in the toolbox. That hopey-changey thing’s workin’ out just fine for me, if they want to stop me and ask.
Lady Smudge is really growing up and as beautiful as ever…I do love the Lady Smudge photos….
OT. The ultimate irony – Rove responding to hecklers at his book signing in California….
The “courtesy” part is my favorite….
In fact, I may just drive that truck down to Lynchburg to have a little face-to-face talk with that turd Mike Troxel who posted my congressman’s brother’s address on the internet.
She just can’t lose the cutsey-poo stance, can she? I guess that’s what her fanbase thinks is ‘charming’ and could be the only reason why some say ‘she’s our Reagan!’
Palin-ites, there’s gotta be some substance beyond the Tinker Bell facade. Anybody come with one example beyond moose chili.
@Honus: Lol
If one of these wingnuts pulls over my former Marine DH they are not going to find your regular DFH behind the wheel and it is not going to be pretty.
I’m reminded of Voltaire at times like these:
“I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: Oh Lord, make my enemies ridiculous. And God granted it.”
And, presto: the Teabaggers were born. And God did look down upon them, and saw that they were stupid.
It’s much like the story of music:
God invented the guitar, and he saw that it was good. Then, in a thundering voice, he commanded, “LET THERE BE CLAPTON!” And it was so…
@That Anonymous Guy:
And as you wave goodbye: “Enjoy your tax cut!”
The Win!
You know, this thread is more pleasant than the other ones.
I don’t drive a car, but I think if someone actually did that to me, I’d be so shocked at actually finding a wingnut who cared enough to do that that I’d be speechless for a few seconds and then start laughing hysterically.
I’d also like to submit “-bot” as a phrase that should be listed for deletion from the political lexicon.
@Ash Can: My round magnet has been on the refrigerator for the past year. It brightens up the kitchen. Maybe I’ll put it on my husband’s Subaru (I have a “Vote for Change” sticker on my Toyota). My husband is a big guy with a bit of a temper, any wingnut that messes with him will get what they deserve.
@Honus: That’s what I’m talkin’ about Honus. Amen.
I think it would actually be a fairly useful marketing technique to try and show some tough dude Democrats, cuz frankly, having hippy values is no contradiction with being a badass in most cases. Just a smart badass.
@Zuzu: Ha guitars! What about kittehs?
“Oh hai. In teh beginnin Ceiling Cat maded teh skiez An da Urfs, but he did not eated dem.”
Looks like Rubio, who I understood to be a teabagger insurgent candidate, is not sufficiently
something or otherwhite to satisfy many teabaggers.There. FIFY.
Mike in NC
I never fail to get a kick out of seeing some beat up pickup truck where the yahoo went and cut off the top of the bumper sticker (McCain) and left the ragged bottom in place (Palin). Frugal, they are. Also.
@Honus: In the shadow of Fallwell U!!!!!
Zuzu's Petals
Uh, unlike your former employer, Karl…they’re not the government.
@Mike in NC: 66 Chevy Longbed Fleetside, Georgia tags, Vietnam Vet Sticker and Vets for Obama on the bumper here. Fuck em if they can’t take a joke.
@some other guy: That’s fucking great, too!
Right before I got out of the guard, there was a guy mouthing off about the census, and how nobody should answer it because the feds don’t need to know that shit. My answer was that the best course of action was to mail it back with only one adult’s information since they didn’t ask for social security numbers. That way, a census taker wouldn’t come to visit them, but would if they got no response.
I used to drill in a part of the state where Cletus the Slack-Jawed Yokel would be thought of as a man of letters, so fuck these people.
I used it a couple of days ago, if you’re talking about here on BJ. But it’s been around a while according to the Great Gazoogle.
Most of them seem to be using it in the “Sarah’s stupid noises” sense, though, rather than “Sarah’s stupid worker bees” sense.
Chat Noir
@Mike Kay:
David Plouffe, in The Audacity to Win, said that Sarah Palin was the best fund raiser for the Obama ’08 campaign. I’m too lazy to get up and see what page he says that. I think it’s in the chapter titled “Hurricane Sarah.”
Juror #7
I have two Obama stickers on my car. I had some yahoo in a truck yelling “How’s that hope and change thing workin’ out for you?” at me in a local parking lot…at least six months ago. Probably more like a year ago.
@Elie: when Oliver North was running for senate in Virginia in 1994, he was at a skeet range, shooting skeet next to a 12 year old boy and I think his mother who said something like “we shoot skeet and democrats here” Ollie had big grin on his face.
furioso ateo
@soonergrunt: Fort Hood?
@debit: How’s that ballsack on your nose thing working out?
These are teabaggers. You have to use simple, direct language for they are totally fucking stupid.
@furioso ateo: Southeast Oklahoma. If you go much farther east than Ada below I-35, about the only thing you can get on the radio is Deuling Banjos, if you get my drift.
Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist
So how is that hopey, changey thing working out for ya?
I think my reply would just be an indulgent smirk.
@soonergrunt: Near Pittsburgh State?
As a bully survivor (it could have cone to serious harm a few times) I know how much they love to harass victims with attributes which are actually good, like intelligence or industry.
furioso ateo
@soonergrunt: I’ve got family out there. That must’ve been a real swell time.
Chat Noir
@beltane: I have my “Member of Obama’s Honorary Kitchen Cabinet” magnet on mine. I tucked my Obama ’08 magnets, bumper stickers, and pin carefully in my desk drawers.
@furioso ateo: They’re not all bad people. As a matter of fact, what passes for a Democrat, the execreble Dan Boren is the congressman for that part of the state. There are a large number of them that really should be prohibited from breeding though.
furioso ateo
@soonergrunt: Yeah, I’ve got friends in OKC, and there are some great people out there, but it’s not a state I would willingly move to.
@furioso ateo: I’m hoping that something comes down with my company and I can move to Florida. I’m not sure that Central Georgia, the other possible place, will be much of an improvement.
furioso ateo
@soonergrunt: I’m stationed in NC right now. If nothing else the beach will be nice if you end up in Georgia. My impression of Georgia is that it tends to be less hostily red than OK. And you’re not too far from Hotlanta at least.
What’s actually the problem is she’s the dull spoon in the sharp knife drawer.
@soonergrunt: Depends on where in central GA? You’re a hop skip and a jump from the ATL almost everywhere.
L Boom
@soonergrunt: Yeah, I’m amazed it took this long. Did they just wake up the other day thinking “Dear God, Marco Rubio?! That don’t sound like a ‘Murikan name!!!”
Sorry, teabaggers: you get the brown guy or the gay guy. Have fun!
@furioso ateo: The Georgia Coast is ok but there are not many good beaches. The Emerald Coast of Florida is really nice.
@L Boom: It took the Rocket Scientist Bud Day to sound the alarm.
Winger coworker drives a Subaru; I hope someone harasses him for it at his next Tea Party.
I want two bumper stickers, side by side; the first says “Do the right thing,”, the second says, “It makes teabaggers’ heads explode!”
“Hopey and Changey is workin fuckin better than Moldy and Derangey!”
That’s my contribution to this thread.
Fine, thanks. How are manners and civility working out for you?
I think this just crystallizes what has always bothered me about Palin. It’s her nasty streak.
Leelee for Obama
@soonergrunt: Come to my part of Florida, soonergrunt! Space Coast! I’d love to have a fellow Balloon Juicer to chat with in person!!!
Chuck Butcher
Around here you still see a lot of Bush/Cheney ’04 stickers. Yes, on moving vehicles.
Gretchen D
That hopey changey thing is what I live for. I want the t-shirt, too! I have a spare OMG GOP WTF bumper sticker I could send you. It’s orange, but the printing is really small. I laugh every time I notice mine again.
I am working on a bumper sticker:
“Vets for Palin. She needs the medication.”
Does she like not realize that…um…. the people that voted for Obama are…. uh…
This is dumb, not in the ‘that’s obviously false’ or “I can’t fucking parse meaning from that melange of wordbarf” way, but in the ‘you do realize that other opinions exist?’ way. It’s really sad because, there is no possible effect at all on anyone.
Hopey-changey whipped dopey-strangey
Hey, they’re brave enough in the Twin Cities to shout at you if you have a rainbow flag on your car. I also got shit from a Christianist (in Uptown, of all places) for having a ‘Hate Is Not A Family Value’ sticker. She thought it was too gay.
ps: Galtemont!!
Saw on Twitter: “I’d rather have hopey-changey than dopey-derangey!”
Would the christianists’ heads explode if they saw a bumper sticker that said “KNOW HOPE. KNOW CHANGE.”?
I’d do that one.
What can an Obama supporter say to that other then “fabulous! awesome! we got healthcare reform! woo hoo!” And even if I was upset, I’m not going to get into a deep political discussion with some stranger in my car, at an intersection.
Seriously, my response to that question would be: this hopey changey thing is working great.
they think:
a) somebody’s playing with them
b) that Black folks still believe in that ‘ turn the other cheek’ bullshyt.
that is so last century…
but, they will roll upon the wrong one…..
Does the Florida “no retreat” law cover this? Because if so I am going to get an Obama bumper sticker.
Palin is a moron. Someday the people who gave her all this attention are so going to regret that she took so much attention and gave back so little. They could have actually spent this time trying to find a real leader — with a brain even. Instead, this is what they did…even more worthless than cleaning the toilet for two years. 27% of this country seems unattached to any logical, rational thought process related to cause and effect — someone on one of the other threads today speculated that 27% is about the percentage of mentally ill in this country. It is provocative to think that it might be the same 27% — except I dont want to insult the mentally ill.
Poor Marco… will the last Hispanic Republican please turn off the lights????
@some other guy: awesome. maybe they’ll boycott the next election too.
Shouldn’t that be “Meds for Palin”?
@stuckinred: No shit. I was wondering why they didn’t see that for themselves. Heh.
@gbear: Agreed. There are plenty of rude people in MN. They just know better than to approach ME.
Good lord. Palin is so profoundly stupid, venal, and narcissistic, it almost boggles my mind. Dangerous, though. I really hope her fifteen minutes are up soon.
@Elie: No they won’t. If they were that reflective at all, they wouldn’t have latched onto her in the first place. They NEED someone like her to fill the hole in their hearts. If not her, then it would be Gov. Perry of Texas or something.
Sarah would approve of this ‘baru pilot, you betcha:
Will any of these media dildos ever ask her why she spends so much time talking to members of the lamestream media that she apparently loathes so much?
@GregB: No. They are her subs, and she is their domme. She will feed them shit, and they will like it, damn it.
Why does any whore sleep with a john?
Wile E. Quixote
@JD Rhoades:
You mean the ’92 convention, but same here. In 1991 I found out that a friend of mine was dying of AIDS, he didn’t tell me. I was over at his apartment one day and asked if he had any aspirin, he told me that he did in his medicine cabinet and I opened it up and saw the drugs he was taking. I can’t remember what they were, but I recall that one of them was a drug that you only take if you have AIDS or cancer. As I rode home that night I found myself hoping that Howard had cancer, which was one of the most fucked up emotions I’ve ever felt. In 1992 I had one of my best friends who was also my roommate come out to me and found out that another friend was gay, this was something that everyone else in my circle of friends knew, I guess I didn’t because I was clueless.
1992 was also the year that Margarethe Cammermeyer was discharged from the National Guard. I was 26 years old and had been in the Army since I was 17 and this really pissed me the fuck off. I joined the Army before I was eligible to vote, and I believed in duty, honor and country. Colonel Cammermeyer never once wavered from those principles during her military career and served her country honorably and well. But despite that she got kicked out for something that had nothing to do with that and everything to do with bigotry. Meanwhile national guard units around the country were keeping large numbers of what we used to call “ghosts” on their rosters. These were guys who had been AWOL, sometimes for months, but had never been processed because it makes your unit look bad if you’ve got lots of soldiers who don’t show up for drill. The battalion I was in didn’t go for that sort of thing, but we still had some real fucking losers who didn’t show up for drill and when they did weren’t good for shit. But no one was discharging these useless fuckers, even though they were so fucking useless that they didn’t even rise to the level of being lousy soldiers because they were fucking useless heterosexuals.
I watched the Republican convention that summer and after Buchanan’s speech and the rest of the bullshit I resolved to vote for Bill Clinton that November. Not to vote for a libertarian as I had in 1988 because I was disgusted with Bush but to actually vote for a Democrat because I wanted the Republicans to fucking lose.
Oh, and to Sarah Palin “Hey, it’s working out great. Hey Sarah, I have a joke for you. What’s the difference between your mouth and your vagina?”
Not really. The point is the word-play on Vets. Plus Vets for X is a pretty common bumper sticker.
Why does she assume that anyone who voted for Obama is incapable of giving pushback to some Tea Party member?
Why does she think Obama supporters are scared of her army of lunatics?
So how is that hopey, changey thing working out for ya?
I am effing Gene Kelley “Singin’-in-the-Rain” ecstatic about it. How about you? Dont’cha just love that elections have consequences? Also?
Anne Laurie
New bumper sticker: “Palin 2010: Nope, she doesn’t sound any better in the original German“.
(Would the GOPers have dared spotlight the Wasilla Grifter if Ms. Molly Ivins were still alive?)
“Well, the economy’s growing again, we’ve passed healthcare, we’ve passed a jobs bill and a national broadband plan, we’ve got a new arms control agreement, we’ve just spanked Bibi Netanyahu like a naughty little boy, and we’ve gone from 100,000 troops in Iraq down to 50,000. OK, really…”
I’m in north central Texas…I can get you a “Secede” bumper sticker….I usually see about one a day while out and about.
this. ‘lessee, health care reform, tax cuts for the middle class, the stock market has about doubled since he came in so my 401(k) is in good shape, yeah i’d have to say ‘hopey changey’ is doing pretty well, thanks.’
As a 245lb retired pro and international rugby player, I dare the fuckwads to hit my bumper.
I still have my “Jesus was a community organizer, Pontius Pilate was a governor” sticker below my Obama sticker. On my 4WD Dodge Ram crew cab with the 20” wheels. The one with the .44 magnum Marlin rifle I keep under the rear seat, and the cut-off broken ash sledge hammer handle in the toolbox.
Honus–just swap out “Dodge Ram with 20″ wheels” for 5-year-old 3-series BMW (wheel size unknown), change “.44 magnum Marlin rifle” to .44 automag Desert Eagle, and “cut-off broken ash sledge hammer handle in the toolbox” to husband’s spare katano in the trunk, and we could be twins!
Not that I’m hoping to be challenged on my Obama-Biden sticker or anything.
Random wingnut: “So how is that hopey, changey thing working out for ya?”
Me: “Uh, yeah, pretty good, thanks. Let me get the number 5 value meal with a Coke please. To go. Thanks.”
Where do you get a bumper sticker as awesome as Jesus was a community organizer, Pontius Pilate a governor? want.
I drive a Subaru, dammit. But I only have a youth hockey sticker on mine. Hm.
“streak” seems to imply that there’s some other attribute to apply to her. You can’t streak in a nudist camp.
Cheryl from Maryland
Perfect opportunity for more Balloon Juice Swag. Why stop at bumper stickers? I’d go for a coffee mug with:
Hopey Changey has been fantastic, tell your friends!
Hopey Changey beats Dopey Derange-y.
That’s the sticker I want.