Look, everyone, the same dark forces that killed the public option, forged Obama’s birth certificate, and compel us to pay all of our taxes to the Rothschild family will ensure that Duke wins this game. It’s an inside job. So let’s focus on the ads.
I have a feeling there is going to be a strong right-wing response to the new Robin Hood movie. I don’t know yet if it will be a 300/Wolverines style full-on response or it will be the kind of thing where Jonah Goldberg thinks it captures the spirit of the teabaggers perfectly, but Bobo worries that it’s insufficiently Burkean.
Speaking of ads, are you all as disappointed as I am that Don Draper is doing the voice-over for those Mercedes ads? It seems like just the kind of campaign he’d have no patience for.
In happier news, the people at Taco Bell have heeded the wisdom of commenter ppcli.
Robin Hood will be nothing like 300. Not enough shirtlessness.
El Cid
The Onion: Rich Guy Feeling Left Out of Recession.
I seem to recall that Ayn Rand called Robin Hood the worst thing evar cause she didn’t like the stealing form the rich and giving to the poor. So the teabaggers may be down with executing tax authorities, but what passes for intelligentsia on the right won;t like it.
Karatist Preacher
Time to make a play Butler.
The Rand quote ref’d above:
somebody’s f’d up. Ya s’posed ta put a +x there, eh? Oh. yeah. Now it works. Me +x. Chicken Chili again? Grrr, TV, bleh.
The chick sick of hearing about Denise has some DSLs, yo…
BTW: yup, that game was rigged.
The Duke Advantage is no conspiracy sir!
And Robin Hood? Really? The guy that steals from the rich and gives to the poor? Hardly seems like the kind of hero the cheetoh-eaters can whack off to.
@5, MikeJ
Thanks for that. Demanded. Some people.
There was a commercial for a video game near the very end of the bball game that looked exactly like the Wikileaks video. I did a double take – thought CBS was running a news promo or something. Very creepy.
if they lose, I win! more. right?
Since you’re rambling and OT… this mining tragedy in WVA is terrible. We’re still paying for the Bush years and his gutting of mine safety programs.
We really need another Robin Hood? And fucking Russell Crowe? Well, at least it’s not another American. It has to be better than the Costner version–except that one had Alan Rickman. Mmmmm…Alan Rickman.
Yeah, I’m not sure they’re going to be able to rally around the guy promoting stealing from the rich to give to the poor, but then I’ve been amazed in the past at the level of inconsistency wingnut “logic” can subsume.
If they do, though, maybe we can get them to go for the Robin Hood tax (which seems like it would be a bad enough name for marketing to large segments of the electorate in the UK, and completely insane in the US).
Robin Hood : Takes from the rich, gives to the poor.
Obviously a non-Kenyan socialist.
If more people are insured, then more people get sick, then the good people have to wait longer… Michele Bachmann has some splainin’ to do.
different church-lady
The ads? I thought the Super Bowl was two months ago?
Butler played extraordinarily well, and is to be congratulated.
But we made just enough plays to win.
Choke on your own bile, haters.
lol chikinburd
Butler still has friends.
Chuck Grassley won’t like the movie. He’s proven before that he thinks the Sheriff of Nottingham was the hero of the story.
Mike Kay
I don’t think the problem is Duke, it’s that K is so unlikeable.
fucen tarmal
ah yes love the rand-bagger rationale…it assumes that there is an intrinsic and absolute valuation on various forms of labor, so that people truly do earn exactly what they “deserve” for their efforts, or the application of their talents.
another beautiful thing about sports, they are an anti-rand argument. the absurdity of the salary structure, demonstrates that what is defined as effort and talent are too arbitrary, for any argument that presupposes that these values are paid of rationally becomes absurd.
i think bulemia when i look at denise, which makes her choice of employment all the more odd. not many ana girls in the fast food industry.
Jon Hamm is also doing voice overs for Comcast (or whatever they’re calling themselves these days.) In every commercial break, there is either a spot with Hamm’s voice or Jeff Bridges. It’s like they’re the only two guys working in ads this year.
I like them both, but am tired of hearing them. On the other hand, there’s nothing wrong with them grabbing the money people are throwing at them. Hell, I’d love it if someone threw money at me.
@ violet:
I had the exact same reaction. That video was so awful I’m getting flashbacks.
The calls probably favored Butler 60-40.
And Sarah Palin is the next Leonardo.
Oh Fuck noOOoOOOO!!!!
April Fools was supposed to be over already!!
Another bit of my childhood dies a horrible fiery death.
Mike Kay
I never liked Dicaprio. He’s acting is horribly stiff and one dimensional.
Well, he’s got something in common with the Wingnut Madonna then.
Mike Kay
Speaking of “like a virgin”, I love how wingnut Madonna eloped when she got pregnant, yet even with that and her knocked up daughter, she still preaches abstinence.
Blue Raven
Lucas seems to be so damn afraid of doing anything new, he’s going to squeeze that lemon until it turns into a Pledge-scented BB in his hand.
Get over it. JarJar already molested your Star Wars childhood and you paid $9 to watch. It’s now turning tricks somewhere down by the airport. There’s nothing left to protect.
Mike Kay
I blame RAHM!
Really, it’s been weeks since we’ve had some good ole fashioned RAHM! conspiracy theories. I guess the looneyleftosphere took it’s poutrage and went home. :(
Max Power
How about “Robin and his Merry Militia, taking back from “liberal elites” and giving to “heartland conservatives”?
And the true patriots seeking rightful restoration of King Richard the Lion Heart – long absent in an undisclosed location fighting Crusades to take the Holy Land back from the Muslims? Maybe we’ll even have the evil Sheriff of Nottingham cast as the “Black Knight”.
And Robin and the boys do the whole thing in tights. What family-values conservative could resist?
What have the Rahmans ever done for us?
Duke got the benefit on the calls – and I actually like Duke and they were my pick for the game, I’ve a soft spot for them as we went to a game when coach K coached Army
but if Duke charges it was a travel, if they wrapped an arm on a breakaway layup, and pulled someone down it wasn’t a flagrant, or if you got arm, wrist and ball on a blocked shot, it was a clean block (and the announcers waxed about how clean it was too) they got the perpetual powerhouse benefit from the refs – and the crew
Butler, however had a home game, with a great crowd – CBS kept showing the Duke fans, but the crowd noise was far different.
Andy K
Have you ever seen the Robot Chicken Star Wars bits? They’re hilarious.
Mike Kay
It’s obvious Butler lost because RAHM! sold them out.
Duke did not get the calls – Butler did. Hayward was the Golden Child. He should have had two fouls in the 1st half. Butler got everyting they wanted from the officials.
Your optometrist called. The new glasses are ready.
@Mike Kay:
And the CEO of Morgan Stanley, who is a Duke trustee, bought the refs with TARP money.
Take a look at the screen that Howard “set” to free Hayward for the last attempt. Then tell me Duke gets all the calls.
No, just an unfair percentage of them. But what did you expect, with all that TARP money sloshing around?
Second-guessing referee calls is as old as sports itself. In fact, the first baseball umpires were very brave souls, and often weren’t even close to impartial. Things are much better in the day and age of independent refereeing associations. I’ve done it myself, in fact watching the Mariners win tonight I questioned a few of the blue’s decisions. But he gets paid more than I do to make those calls. Sometimes you just gotta live with it.
True. Though there are exceptions.
And the counter girl gets to release her inner bitch in the commercial as well. It’s a thing of beauty honestly. Too bad it’s advertising a piece of crap burrito I wouldn’t touch if I was starving.
A to the fucking men to that. Though I will truly only believe Jonny Damon has washed the stench of the Evil Empire off his skin if he grows back the Captain Caveman hair.
Sure, why not? Every generation needs a Robin Hood.
Yeah, an Australian has got to be better than an American in the role. At least it’s not a Canadian.
The only thing in the entire cinematic universe worse than Costner as Robin Hood was Costner as Wyatt Earp.
I’ll see your Alan Rickman and raise you one Cate Blanchett as Maid Marian. Mmmmm….Cate Blanchett.
Bubblegum Tate
If wingnuts are supposed to hate it, I’m sure Big Hollywood will give ’em the heads up:
This is gonna be great.
@ Brachiator:
He was born in New Zealand, so we blame them.
One we are more than happy to take credit for.
:: Ahem :: The Postman is still his worst cimematic atrocity. Though there are many to choose from.
For wifey, this may indeed be a plus for her. Knowing her taste in women however, probably not so much. I’ve been wrong on this before however.
Snicker. Russell as a Kiwi. Awesome. You still claim Mel though and he was born in the US. You can take him back at anytime however.
Mike Kay
Worse than “Waterworld”?
Amazingly, yes.
Did you pass over the qualifier I wrote?
Sigh. I can haz reply arrow again?
@ Yutsano:
I haven’t claimed him as one of ours for many many years. Still cute in little shorts in “Tim”, but other than that… meh.
He was born in Peekskill. DougJ needs to claim him. Dude didn’t even live in Australia until he was 12.
@ TattooSydney:
I was hoping there was an edit in the works there. Otherwise that would have looked umm strange.
O-genki ka?
I don’t think we could get him drunk enough to do so.
That Rand thing about Robin Hood is pretty stupid, even by Randian standards. I feel like, based on my limited knowledge of detailed plot summaries of Ayn Rand novels and blog discussions of her beliefs, I can come up with a better Randian interpretation of Robin Hood off the top of my head.
Because, it seems to me, Rand’s interpretation is entirely wrong, taking the leftist version of the story as read. She says that Robin Hood is about the triumph of mediocrity over ability, or whatever.
But this seems ridiculous. Robin Hood is robbing from wealthy monks and noblemen who have done nothing to earn their wealth – they have inherited it, and do nothing useful with it. And he takes that wealth through his own efforts and skills. Robin Hood is better than the people he robs from, and he deserves what they have more than they do. He is an exceptional man who turns to robbery because the system he lives in doesn’t allow ability to rise to the top. He has every right to take whatever he can from the undeserving rich. The problem, from a Randian standpoint, ought to be that he then takes what he has rightfully gained and gives it to the poor. It seems to me this ought to warrant an ambivalent response from a Randian. In an early twentieth century context, Robin Hood isn’t Lenin or Debs – he’s Andrew Carnegie. (And, from a cursory google search, it looks like Randians hold up Carnegie as a model, in spite of all that unfortunate charitable giving).
@Yutsano and Martin:
Damn you and your fast refreshing that beat my quick editing… I had entirely forgotten that he was born overseas, and somehow managed to entirely miss Yutsano’s reference to that fact.
Anyway, you won’t find many Australians staking a claim to Mad Mel any more…
Yutsano – nihongo ga dekimasu ka? nihonjin desu ka?
Brachiator, Cate Blanchett? #Ears perk up#. I like Cate Blanchett. But, that poses a dilemma for me as I dislike very much Russell Crowe. Choices, choices!
Hey, Yutsano and TS! How the hell are my gay fake hubbies tonight?
Maybe the few Aussie wingnuts that are also part of Opus Dei, but I think you’re correct on that point. One would think dumping your wife who is no longer capable of breeding and two DUI arrests would make him box office poison, sadly that doesn’t appear to be the case.
Sumimasen, demo chigaimasu. Boku wa chotto hanashiemasu. Boku wa totemo gaijin desu.
That’s sad, as I had always hoped to visit your fine nation and see the outback. I was even willing to bring my own shotgun, gasoline, and feral children.
I’m well. And you?
I’m grumpy to be back at work, grumpy about what I am going to do withn my life, but I get to go home soon, hug my dog, hug my husband, cook some dinner and settle in for a night of BBC and Canadian televisual goodness (QI, Britain from Above and Durham County).
Oh and there is more Doctor Who on the way in May, with the yummy (and apparently massively hung) Matt Smith.
Overall, life is good.
The passive voice is used in a NYT headline:
That headline — *Side Taken by Giuliani in Florida* — is found by me to read awkwardly.
@ Martin:
That’s ok – we supply all of those when you get here. Serial killers optional.
I am grumpy, too, TS. Bah.
SiubhanDuinne, that was found awkward by me as well.
I blame the death of copyediting in this country. NOTHING annoys me more than seeing a professional website with a glaring typo. It’s like they aren’t even trying.
I risk the possible taunting of RedKitten here, but there’s a great CBC show on called Little Mosque on the Paririe. It not only honestly examines the culture shock Muslims sometimes have in the west, it’s also damn funny. It saddens me that a show like that could never be made in the US because of our inherent Mooslim paranoia.
@SiubhanDuinne and asiangrrlMN:
The passive voice is liked by me, but it may be that too much Portugese (in which the passive is frequently used) has been studied … um… by me.
TS, the passive voice is sometimes enjoyed by me, but the active voice is preferred by me when in a headline of an article.
Yutsy, that looks like an interesting, funny show.
RE: The only thing in the entire cinematic universe worse than Costner as Robin Hood was Costner as Wyatt Earp.
The director’s cut of Wyatt Earp is more than 3 hours long. The Postman is much shorter and features the lovely Olivia Williams, which partly redeems the lameness which is Costner.
I recall some rumors that the Earp production people tried to round up all the Hollywood Western gear and props so that Tombstone would have additional production hurdles put in its path.
And yet Tombstone is a fun movie elevated to greatness by Val Kilmer’s Doc Holiday, while the Costner flick is an inert piece of crap.
I’m your huckleberry.
I thought that Crowe had possibilities as an actor after seeing one of his early roles in Jocelyn Moorhouse’s Proof, which also featured Matrix Man Hugo Weaving. And I think that Crowe’s work in LA Confidential and The Insider are amazing, but each to his or her own taste.
@ Yutsano:
It is indeed funny. I thoroughly recommend Durham County, which is very dark and nasty.
One of the advantages of having at least one national broadcaster who understands that not all television comes from the US or the set of Neighbours.
@ AsiangrrlMN:
True dat.
Brachiator, well Ms. Blanchett is very much the yummy, so I may put up with Mr. Crowe just to watch her in action.
TS, dark and nasty? Oh, you know I’m there! Is it on Netflix?
@ Brachiator:
I agree that Our Russ has done some sterling work – I liked LA Confidential, and I liked him in Master and Commander (Yay for sodomy and the lash), and he filled out a pair of stubbies very well in the lovely Sum of Us.
Unfortunately, he is, as we would say down here, a bit of a dickhead.
We get 500 channels of nothing on. Well I do indulge in the Food Network often, so I do have at least some refuge. And I recognize this as a massive moral failing, but sometimes Seth McFarlane can be so wrong it’s hilarious. He is the master of the too long joke though.
I had heard tell that he was a downright bloody wanker. Last thing I recall actually liking him in was Gladiator. I suppose I shall have to wait for the Sam Worthington remake of that as well. Thank you for that fine lad too!
What is this Neetflux of which you speak?
TS, something which I have, but haven’t used in months. And, OK, Crowe can act, I guess. I just don’t like him. Hard for me to get past that. But, like I said, he’s got to be tons better than Costner.
Oooh, Netflix has Season One. I will add the first disk just as soon as I kick off another movie (I have a set number in my queue).
I love LMOTP and own the first season on DVD. At one point there was talk of airing it in the US but I guess those negotiations went nowhere. Very funny, warm, human show.
This is, of course, not saying much. Costner is not a dramatic actor to me period. Bull Durham and Tin Cup are hilarious. Okay okay I’ll give him Dances With Wolves, but all he really did in that movie was play with really adorable puppehs.
Serial killers, adultery, graphic domestic violence, more graphic violence and power lines, many many powerlines. Fun.
SiubhanDuinne, where did you get it? It is not had by Netflix.
Yutsy, well, duh. I thought that was a given with Costner.
TS, I put both discs on my queue. Heh.
@ Yutsano:
See in our dry understated Australian way
is probably more insulting than
which would usually be used in a fond manner.
If someone is described as a “real dickhead” then you know they are, well, a real dickhead.
We’re dryer than a nun’s nasty and flat out like a lizard drinking.
I’m not afraid of the term “asshole” if it applies. In fact, if I use that towards anyone, that usually means whatever the hell they’re doing they’d better stop before I go all Scorpio on their ass. That is much uglier than going all medieval. MUCH uglier. Trust me, when that volcano blows up in me you don’t want to be within a hundred meters of me at that point.
@asiangrrlMN: Ordered it directly from CBC.
I just checked to see if they had it streaming on the website, unfortunately it doesn’t seem like they’re offering that. Boo. You can get all three seasons now it looks like.
EDIT: Or YouTube!
SiubhanDuinne, yes, that would be the easy answer, wouldn’t it? I will check out their website.
TS, Yutsy, I have a bit of a temper as well. I know that will shock you both.
Well, I’m Luddite enough that I still buy CDs for music and DVDs for movies/TV shows. Sorry about the no-streaming, but thanks for letting me know that seasons 2 and 3 are availablenow.
To bed for me! Night, all!
@grrl: should have provided it, sorry.
I may haz more toys to purchase when I get back from Arizona. All this cwap that’s falling into my lap and I have to conserve my money! Bugger, to steal a term from FH # 1.
I’m going to adjourn for the evening. Take care y’all.
SiubhanDiunne, thanks for the link. I really wish I could watch a whole ep first.
I’m off, too. Night, everyone!
Anne Laurie
Asiangrrl — I just watched the first episode of Little Mosque on the Prarie on YouTube (in three chunks), after failing to find it on Netflix. So far it’s reminding me of a Canadian version of the Vicar of Dibley, with Kal Penn in the Dawn French role…
@Anne Laurie: Hmm, not a bad analogy.
Explain to me again why the world needs another Robin Hood movie. Ideally this would be an explanation that didn’t just boil down to a dull-witted and risk-averse Hollywood studio management class having run out of other movies to remake.
don´t know fiction?
Are these comments for real? Had to post another non-saying comment in that case. Webpeople – you are aliens.
Bye from Berta?
Comrade Scrutinizer
Already watching the new season, which started on the BBC last Saturday. It’s much better than I thought (I am a big Tennant/Davies/Gardner fanboy)—and the new companion, Amy Pond (played by Karen Gillian) is tasty. Loved the way they introduced her, as well.
I’ll be watchining the new Robin Hood solely because they cast Alan Doyle of Great Big Sea as Alan A’Dale.
I hope that the movie doesn’t get a following among the wingnuts – I really don’t want to share my personal space with a theaterful of teabaggers
@ Don’t know fiction?
Um. Yes. What’s your point?