I see that another wingnut associated with the tea party lunatics has been arrested for making death threats– this time Patty Murray is the target. You all know what that means, don’t you?
We can expect another 4,000 word piece at Reason magazine telling us that not all tea partiers are dangerous and the informing us about the myth of right wing violence. The only questions that remain are who will draw the short straw (Moynihan and Walker had to do the last ones) and whether or not the Animal Liberation Front will make a guest appearance.
Warren Terra
No, you don’t understand: this poor demented soul is not representative of the Tea Party. He did something bad, proving that he’s not representative of the Tea Party.
They won’t stop there. They’ll find a way to blame the librul media and its masters, Comrades Nancy and Barack. The proof they offer will involve Bill Ayers somehow. Also, too.
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
A nut in Texas was arrested for threatening to use “deadly force” to prevent abortions at a clinic in Dallas. Seems he decided to file a “DEMAND” with the local court stating that the Supreme Court better outlaw abortions or else.
And he was very specific about the ‘or else’.
Nope, nothing to see here.
Did you read the actual report from the FBI? This guy was one of BOB’s buddies. He has the whole Beckian vocabulary down, with some colorful adjectives thrown in to show creativity. And what the hell is his obsession with sneakers? Is this some signature thing of Patty Murray’s that I knew nothing about? I don’t think this guy is gonna be able to pull off the too-crazy-to-stand-trial thing that the guy who made the Cantor threats managed today, though.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
That denial sack will only hold so much shit.
demo woman
Also too, some wonderful, awesome poster is a tad hyper today..
Let’s come up with a new name for Reason Magazine. I suggest I’m sorry that I made your beat me. Okay it’s a tad long but it conveys the message.
@DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal): Wonder of wonders…non-white, too.
@geg6: Patty Murray was originally known as the soccer mom in sneakers candidate.
El Cid
On the other hand, the existence of Bill Ayers means that anyone to the left of Sean Hannity is basically trying to blow up the Pentagon.
@geg6: Hmmm. Has BOB posted anything since the news of this arrest broke?
Mark S.
Oh man, McMegan hasn’t chimed in that she would love to have such an educated constituent if she were Senator.
She does, however, have her usual idiotic take on the Wikileaks video:
blah, blah, blah war is hell, who are we to judge, etc.
ETA: what on earth is going on? These reply buttons are the spawn of Satan.
I see someone already answered, but yeah, Patty Murray ran and won on a rather smarmy “Mom in tennis shoes” platform. It was the ’90s, Clinton was president, and it seemed like a good idea at the time.
And … you can guess which part of the electorate was most frothing-at-the-mouth angry at Patty Murray for having dared to win an election while being female.
Mark S.
I’ll try doing this again:
Oh man, McMegan hasn’t chimed in that she would love to have such an educated constituent if she were Senator.
She does, however, have her usual idiotic take on the Wikileaks video:
blah, blah, blah war is hell, who are we to judge, etc.
freelancer (itouch)
Watch Dr. Strangelove again and pay careful attention to GUM and other oral fixations. It’s illuminating.
Okay who hit the strike out and didn’t un strike out?
@General Egali Tarian Stuck:
It’s a +2 Wingnut Denial Sack of Holding. It can hold unlimited amounts of shit.
@Litlebritdifrnt: I think that was me. I usually put a dash in front of my initials (long-time habit; can’t remember when or why I started doing it), and I think the blog software interpreted that as a strikeout.
dms (no dash)
And its holder is totally unburdened by reality.
I’m OK with 4 K words from Reason. But don’t kid yourself: something terrible, maybe several somethings terrible, is going to happen as a result of the casual encouragement to violence that comes daily from the mouths of prominent conservatives.
And if you think it’s comic reading the current justifications, wait until you hear Beck or Hannity or King or Bachman explain that it’s easy to understand why that senator, or congressperson, or God help me I can’t say it was assassinated, and that they brought it on themselves.
Mark S.
I fear you are probably right. The way they can’t denounce even the worst of these responses makes me doubt they are going to change if something really bad happens.
I’m pretty sure most of these conservative leaders know that most of their followers are idiots and a few of them are actually dangerous. They only care about winning, whatever way they can.
Looks like Olivahhh is the latest to receive the feared Greenwald bitchslap…
The Truffle
Why does Reason have a vested interest in defending these clowns?
@Demo Woman #6:
How about None Dare Call It Reason?
Short Bus Bully
This tool lives about 15 minutes away from me. Eastern Washington is the part of the state that borders on Texas, at least in terms of politics if not geography.
Truffle: “Why does Reason have a vested interest in defending these clowns? ”
Because in the end the folks at Reason are right-wingers, and will defend most other right-wingers. They’re the sort of ‘libertarians’ who are more comfortable with Republicans than Democrats (despite the ‘orthogonality’ of libertarianism), and just luuuuuuuuuuuuuv to bash themselves some hippies.
El Cid
@SiubhanDuinne: That’s it. Done.
i can’t wait to see the Wingnut +3 Vorpal Blade.
Dude will be outed as an ACORN/Islamfascist/Marxist/Maoist plant in 5, 4, 3, 2, (cue the Faux chryon)…
Colin Laney
Human Events has always been right wing — Ronald Reagan famously called it his favorite newspaper — but lately it seems to speak for the militia fringes of the teabaggers. Since Obama’s election, the readers’ comments section has been loaded with calls for secession and/or armed rebellion, and now one of their regular columnists is calling for secession.
@geg6: Patty Murray’s first Senate campaign slogan was that she was a “Mom in Tennis Shoes” who was running for office.
@Mark S.: If it weren’t for any semblance of anti-government sentiment being hijacked by hypocritical wingers, denying that that video is proof of a goddamn war crime would get McCardle’s “libertarian” cred pulled, permanently.
Dr. Morpheus
chrome agnomen
how about
“Reason? We don’t need no stinking Reason””
chrome agnomen
“Reason? we don’t need no stinking Reason”
Dr. Psycho
@Short Bus Bully: “Eastern Washington is the part of the state that borders on Texas, at least in terms of politics if not geography.”
It is entirely sufficient to simply state the truth: that Eastern Washington borders on Idaho.
Certainly here in Oregon it is quite common to think of Idaho as the Southeast of the Northwest, and not solely because it is.