Leadership in the House is doing a whip count for the Employment Non-Discrimination Act RIGHT NOW. The same blogger has more here about the bill and the current state of play.
Your calls do the most good at tipping moments like this, and ENDA is an easy issue. The bill is good. Phone your Representative and tell him or her to not be a complete douche and vote YES on ENDA.
If you have a Republican Rep, phone and vent your spleen about whatever you want. Trust me, it feels great.
Switchboard: (202) 224-3121
Guide for first-timers here.
Finally a reason to call my RINO representative!
Thanks for the heads up I just called my congressman.
The Grand Panjandrum
I am proud to report that my guy, Congressman Paul Hodes, is a cosponsor of the bill.
The Grand Panjandrum
@The Grand Panjandrum:
PS: Here is a link to the whip count AND it has direct phone numbers for each Rep’s office.
My Congressman (Welch) is also a co-sponsor, but I called to thank him for it.
Thanks for posting about this Tim.
Couple thoughts for anyone who’s calling–
1. This is one of the issues it really is probably worth calling Republicans on; it’s believed that some of those votes are actually gettable on this bill (though I don’t know if they’ll be relevant to a Democratic Party internal whip count).
2. It’s not entirely clear if some of the on-the-fence reps are going to cause trouble about the transgender protections in ENDA, like happened in 2007. Even if your rep is a supporter specifically mentioning that you support “gender identity protections” when you call will probably actually make a difference to the rep’s office.
Please do. People’s livelihoods actually depend on this one.
Comrade Kevin
My rep (Eshoo) is also a co-sponsor. I will let her know I appreciate it.
this is probably a good use of your time, too: kill the carried-interest rule