My local teahadists think that the Tea Party Express (an astroturf faux teatard PAC) set Carl Paladino up:
Now who is the Tea Party Express? At first light they look like a good organization until you look at just some of the individuals involved in it. That is where you find out people like Republican operatives and consultants like Sal Russo: Republican Operative Transforms Into Tea Party Strategist… Yup, they have been hijacked by the Republican operatives in California. The other name is Joe Wierzbicki, he and Sal Russo share an office and have their own offices side by side, Joe runs the TP Express right beside Sal. Strictly a fund raising tool for the support of their chosen candidates.
See where I am going here? What the hell are they doing involving himself in New York politics? Word has it the Levy campaign is attempting to buy them off or has. He has been touting himself as the TEA Party candidate… I wonder why? I also wonder if these people have any clue to how corrupt this guy is. More about that at a later time.
This is just the beginning of the investigation of them all. They made a mistake coming here and bad mouthing my candidate for Governor Carl Paladino. Isn’t is a coincidence that all this crap smut came out on the same day the TP Express came into town? Seems to me it was a coordinated hit.
The only people I will affiliate myself with any longer is the Tea Party Patriots.
The People’s Front of Judea strongly recommends this post.
Chyron HR
I’m confuzzled. Which Tea Party is the one that supports horse-buggery?
Fergus Wooster
Yes, yes I do. I’ll be popping some popcorn for the coming months of splits. . .
John Quixote
The mind boggles. How could they have set him up to forward all of that offensive email in the past? Did they feed him bestiality imagery knowing that he had a preference for it? Or did they “set him up” by publicizing all of the sick shit that he didn’t want people to know about?
Randy P
Recently re-watched Life of Brian. I’d forgotten about the climactic battle scene where two competing Judean liberation organizations meet on their respective ways to kidnap Pilate’s wife and proceed to wipe each other out.
Feel free to draw your own analogy.
Do we really have only two Tea Parties so far? Seems like by this time we should have had a few more.
T.R. Donoghue
My favorite Python movie or skit by far. It so perfectly mocks the absurd factionalism of so many movements.
I encourage this development.
If any BJers are near Pleasanton, California, please do us all a favor and attend the Tea Party rally there to protest the exclusion of great American patriot Orly Taitz, who was thrown under the bus by the big Republican dogs who didn’t want to share a platform with her.
This is clear evidence that the so-called Tea Party movement is actually a false flag for Barry Soetero’s Alinskyite Muslin agenda, and all the people with racist illiterate signs are actually ACORN members in whiteface.
All real American patriots must stand up and shout as one:
“Nobody puts Orly in a corner!”
“Show us your Taitz!”
That tea party express that rolled into town on Monday was nothing more than a bizarro-world Dead show. Lots of creepy WND type merchandising, and you could buy your American flags and yellow “Don’t Tread on Me” flags on your way to the rally.
If the three tour buses didn’t clue you in to the fact that this was hardly a grassroots movement, then the inclusion of horrible entertainment and a doughy, forgotten Victoria Jackson should have told you.
Also, I think Rus is with the Popular Front. Not the PFJ.
The TP Patriots are sooooooo much better than the TP Express, says Cornjulio.
The bled us white, the bastards! And what has the government ever done for us?
(The aquaduct?)
Ash Wing League
I think Malkin’s been going on and on about how liberals are trying to infiltrate Tea Parties and make them look bad. Yeah, she actually thinks that all the racist and bigots at the Tea Parties are really liberals in disguise!
ewwwwww….. I’m having lunch in two hours. Not NEARLY ENOUGH TIME.
Fair Economist
Seems pretty reasonable to me. There are people who genuinely support smaller government, and the borrow-and-spend haul-Grandma-to-Gitmo Republicans are not their friends. They’re better off not being hijacked by Republican partyarchs. It’s better for us leftists too, as principled small-government advocates can be reasoned and bargained with, unlike the current Party of Nope.
dude. i liked the tea party movement when it was about the people, man. now it’s gotten all, like, corporate and dirty. you don’t know, ya know, if the guy next to you with the ObamaHitler poster is a patriot or a liberal trying to make us look bad. he could be either! i dunno man, i think this is all too much. i’m going back to my militia. we might not have the numbers, but we know what’s what, ya know?
As a future resident of Monroe County, I definitely gotta get onboard the Tea Party Patriots. Nobody bad-mouths Carl and says he passed along racist emails and bestiality porn just because he passed along racist emails and bestiality porn!
Or nobody does it and gets away with it!
That’s genius.
Creepy as hell, but genius nonetheless.
comrade scott's agenda of rage
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Judea recommends swift and frequent crucifixions for all members of:
1) People’s Front of Judea
2) Judean’s People’s Front
3) Stray Romans
4) Tea Party members
Mom, is that you?
Alice Blue
Didn’t Paladino brag about forwarding the e-mails and say “screw you” to anyone who was offended? I’m confused.
As we speak, I’m preparing my “Shay’s Rebellyun, Bitchez!!” sign for tonight’s north Alabama event.
Edit: Upon further reading, the Shaysites used “liberty poles” to symbolize their cause. Oh yeah….
Karen S.
The teahadists do wallow in their paranoia, don’t they? If it’s not evil liberals infiltrating their ranks, it’s faux-Tea Parties like Sal and Joe of the TP Express who are setting up TP candidates… to send racist emails.
I wonder — do these people get any enjoyment out of life? Any at all? I mean, I’m barely employed right now (some freelance writing helps me out) and looking for a job. Some days I get really down, but even on my worst day, I manage to find something that makes me smile. I can’t imagine being so angry and paranoid all the time. I’d be exhausted.
This schism needs to be inflamed further. Divide and conquer, bitches.
@Montysano: Nah, go with a Whiskey Rebellion theme instead.
kommrade reproductive vigor
Tim I
I have injured myself laughing. My attorneys will contact you directly.
Oh my. Thinking isn’t their strongest suit, is it?
Related: there are several pieces at worth a read regarding yesterday’s Palinite Tea Party. What really struck me about a bunch of mostly white men staring at Palin like she was their savior (or something) is that they’re all angry about spending, about taxes, etc etc, but manfully managed to hold back that anger until the majority of Americans got tax cuts.
Joey Maloney
News item: Tea Party invests in fast food in fundraising effort
Trust me…. it’s the “or something”.
Xecky Gilchrist
Isn’t saying the TP movement has been hijacked by Republicans like saying Protestantism has been hijacked by those johnny-come-lately Catholics?
de stijl
Is the Tea Party Express like Outlook Express?
Just as sucky as the original, but a little less bloated? Just as sucky as the original, but with less features?
Face it, anything that goes “(random word) Express” is going to suck unless that random word is Pony.
The Golux
@Buffalopundit: I’m struck by the realization that Victoria Jackson really was acting up a storm on SNL, because she had to convince viewers that her characters were smarter than she actually was.
Jesse in Tea Party Movement:
That’s so adorable. What happens when he finds out about Roger Ailes?
@Tim I: My attorney is Orly Taitz. See you in court!
Expect some documents that misspell my name from her office directly.
Bob K
“Henry Goes Galt” I can see Weird Al Yankovic starring in this parody of “Atlas Shrugged.” It probably wouldn’t get a viewing audience outside of the people that saw “UHF” but I’d be happy to slap down some serious coin for the dvd.
And the Tea Party Express would be discrediting a Tea Party candidate because…why? By the way, I was listening to MPR yesterday over the noon hour, which is politics. Whoever was speaking (mighta been Ratface Pawlenty) was talking about the Tea Party and said that they were justified because in Washington, taxing and spending has gotten out of control. That’s when I turned it off. Anyone says that, it’s code for, “I am a political hack spouting Republican speaking points.”
@de stijl: Even the Pony Express kinda sucked.
That didn’t take long (and I know the intra-tea party sniping has already been going on for months; this is just the latest). Haven’t these people moved up the average time before schism in a new political movement by about 30,000 percent? Is getting mad/blaming others the only thing they can do competently and rapidly?
Isn’t Victoria Jackson married to some guy named Horst Wessel?
They’re just figuring this out NOW? I signed up with Move America Forward in 2005, when Al Jefe Bush could do no wrong, and warmongering was as reflexive as blinking or sneezing. Watching the emails morph and spread was like measuring the progress of a fucking tape worm in a healthy, unknowing host. The grifters have landed, and latched onto some mighty healthy veins of hate and fear. And the mightiest hydra-head of them all raked in a cool $12mil last year.
This shit pays, and pays well. All you got to do is sell your soul, again and again and again.
A Paldino supporter calling the other guy a “nutcase”? jesusjumpinchrist.
As a Buffalonian, I’d rather see articles about blizzards in June or something related, than Carl in front of a camera.
Speaking of winter (sports) John Cole, the Sabres won tonight.