I seriously hope Frank Gaffney and Michelle Malkin don’t catch wind of this:
Is that a star and a crescent moon I see in the American Cancer Society Relay For Life logo? They should just change their name to the MUSLIM CANCER SOCIETY.
by John Cole| 70 Comments
This post is in: Clown Shoes
I seriously hope Frank Gaffney and Michelle Malkin don’t catch wind of this:
Is that a star and a crescent moon I see in the American Cancer Society Relay For Life logo? They should just change their name to the MUSLIM CANCER SOCIETY.
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Awwwwwwww shit. And it uses the same colors as the Obama ’08 campaign!! Red white and blue = subversive.
The Main Gauche of Mild Reason
It’s actually supposed to be an eclipse, but I doubt the wingnuts will see it that way.
Snicker. I noticed that years ago when my team in college was participating. Of course being an Islamic Studies major helped. Oh yeah I was also screaming my ass off about how even with just my meager undergrad education I could have told ol’ Georgie boy the Iraq War was a BAD idea. The fact it turned into a major Charlie Foxtrot didn’t surprise me in the least. Saddened me, cost me a relationship, but didn’t surprise me.
OMG, now we have Sharia Medicine!
licensed to kill time
Those damn terrists took r cancer!
I’m seeing swastikas here. Is it my monitor?
The US needs to shoot the moon out of the sky because it regularly advertises for Islam by having crescents shine on the earth – polluting our bodily essences and bending our minds toward islamofascism.
Remember this?
@Bnut: It never seems to take our threads long to go Godwin huh?
Politically Lost
Possibility #1: They’re getting blatent about his Islamic intent. In fact now they’re rubbing our noses in the fact that he is a Muslim fascist Islamic weirdo. The whole administration down there is doing it blatantly simply because they no the liberal media won’t hold them accountable.
Possibility #2:
We’re too late. The islalufascists already have the levers of power and it’s time to form a citizens militia to “take back America”.
I give them until Tuesday before they begin screaming about this.
You know, I never liked Ronald Reagan, but he never struck me as a guy who was scared of everything. Today’s Republican Party is scared to death of every little thing. We can’t try terrorists because they’re too scary. We can’t have civil liberties because bad people might claim them, too, and that’s scary. Gay people are scary. Health insurance reform is scary. Black people are scary. Hispanics are scary. Everything is scary.
Can anybody think of anything that doesn’t freak these people out? Liz Cheney’s whole nascent political career is built on the belief that the best way to live is to hide under the bed from the big, bad bogeymen, whoever they happen to be today: Muslims, lawyers who represent defendents who happen to be Muslim, communists, who knows what else… Now, I get that Dick Cheney, Liz Cheney, Newt Gingrich, McConnell, and many more of the elected Republicans are most likely not scared half to death themselves, but are using fear to get votes. People like Michelle Malkin, though, really seem to be scared all the time. Gaffney, too, I guess.
I can’t understand how people can live that way.
Bill E Pilgrim
“Only we Wingnuts can see that Obama wants to enact strict religious laws, take away womens’ choice entirely, make us into a theocracy…. oh wait. That’s us.”
The Muslims are infiltrating American society in order to… raise public awareness about cancer risks?
I guess it beats selling donuts.
@The Main Gauche of Mild Reason:
Eclipses are a Muslim plot to empower al Qaeda, restore the Caliphate, and institute devil worship.
Root out the secret Muslims teaching astronomy in our schools and colleges.
Their liberal defeatocrat stooges started pulling that eclipse stuff on me in fourth or fitth grade, but I resisted.
Bible says the sun goes around the earth. Stick with that.
Very true friend. Very true…
Speaking of stars and crescent moons, whatever happened to the urban legend about the Proctor and Gamble log being a sign of the devil?
That logo looks pretty suspicious to me. The crescent is reversed, which sneakily disguises it throws one off guard, especially our innocent young. And the man in the crescent moon is smiling and looks friendly, the better to inveigle our innocent young men into devil worship, and our girls into servicing satanic muslim suicide bombers.
Trademark of the Devil
Those were good times, arguing with crazy people about whether some toothpaste company was into devil worship.
Let us restore those good times.
Oh noes, it’s the United Anti-Cancer Jihad!
Bill E Pilgrim
@jl: Not to mention Arabic numerals, which was when our society was first infiltrated.
Actually maybe the Wingnut budgets all make sense if you don’t use the concept of zero.
Never thought of that. Someone should check.
And those 3 triangles look like the spaceship in Asteroids, so this is all so very pro-Atari, too.
And Atari sounds foreign, so there’s that.
Omnes Omnibus
@jl: P&G also make iams pet food. Is Satan seeking to contol our pets? How does this explain Cole’s relationship with Tunch? It would be irresponsible not to speculate.
PS I am not a crank.
@Bill E Pilgrim: Thanks. I’ll add that to the list of Muslim infiltration into the minds of our innocent youg to be rigteously attacked
I think they invented the concept of zero too.
But roman numerals are pagan, so…
We need a purely Christian numeric system!
@Omnes Omnibus:
And remember that Tunch has obscure Turkish connections.
Coincidence? I think not.
Everyone knows Tunch controls Cole.
And Tunch is capable of murder, as Cole himself repeatedly points out.
BTW I am selling nonhybrid survival seed kits and a special do-it-youself home backyard survival bunker kits and gold bar purity testers, so you all can survive the looming disaster. Watch for my commercials on Glenn Beck.
Bill E Pilgrim
@jl: No that’s what I meant. I was imagining the right wingers campaigning to bring us back before the evil Arabic zero entered our system.
Then it occurred to me that maybe they already were operating on that principle, and it would explain why the budget they presented, for example, made no sense at all.
I suppose actually writing down these thoughts rather than just thinking them would make the snark easier to decipher, but there we are.
Omnes Omnibus
@jl: I find your ideas intriguing and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
As an economist, can you tell me why, as I am reading an article on social norms and community enforcement, I keep finding complicated equations? It seemed to me, coming from a poitical science and legal background that this topic was not particularly amenable to math.
Robert Waldmann
You’re trying John, but you just can’t grasp the Malkin/Gaffney world view. They would suggest that the ACS change its name to The American Muslim Society — that is, in their view “Muslim” and “American” are very different, while “Muslim” and “Cancer” are very similar.
Adjective ? Noun ? What the hell are you talking about ? There’s a clash of civilizations on — they don’t have time for grammar.
Speaking of cancers, who has Ben Worthlessberger raped this weekend?
Our common sense. Tells me alot about America that he hasn’t been plain run out of town.
Bob L
@Pangloss: Close enough to what is show. It pretty much says “The United States has surrendered to Karl Marx’s Shari Law”
@Omnes Omnibus:
I would not know why such a paper would be covered with the scab of equations.
What is the name of the paper and the author?
Below is a link to a paper by Joseph Stiglitz comparing US and European growth patterns with and emphasis on the move back towards slave labor in the former, and more humane institutions in the latter and the distribution of labor and leisure in each.
Stiglitz does things in both English and math, so maybe you can see why one would resort to math.
Towards a General Theory of Consumerism
Joseph Stiglitz
demo woman
@R-Jud: How are you surviving the volcanic ash?
Clearly once the sun sets good Christian (real!!) Americans should retire indoors and pull the shades else risk corruption from the night sky.
Omnes Omnibus
@jl: “Social Norms and Community Enforcement” by Michihiro Kandori. My wife was reading some of this stuff for a class and passed it along to me after I said something foolish like “That sounds interesting. Let me read those articles when you finish with them.” In effect, I am doing the readings for an Economic Sociology class without having to do any of the associated writing.
kommrade reproductive vigor
Clearly this is a sign that Muslims have discovered a way to cause cancer in ReaLAMEricans who will then have to go before Obamafacist death panels where they’ll learn that the only way they can get health care is if they bow down to Mecca!
Omnes Omnibus
@kommrade reproductive vigor: You may well have solved this mystery.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Thanks, just downloaded it and took a look.
Maybe you are funning me with the question, but…
The paper wants to explain social conventions using game theory and how selfish rational people would conduct relationships in simple social and economic games in equilibrium. So you need to check out in detail if the proposed behavior is consistent with explicit concepts of how selfish rational people should play the games, and in equilibrium so that stable patterns would emerge.
As the paper says, it is well known that people playing games in a selfish rational way may act differently when they are playing simple reward games repeatedly with known ‘opponents’. Seems like this paper wants to extend that result to situation of repeated rational game playing in a large society where you are playing different people almost all the time. In that case why wouldn’t everyone play social and economic interaction games like a sequence of one-time games that are independent of each other (which usually produces a more selfish solution with few altruistic or socially-minded conventions).
I don’t have to time to read fun papers like this anymore.
@demo woman:
You know why Obama wants to get rid of nukes? So he can continue to put them under volcanoes, which will make air travel impossible, and instead force people to travel on soçialist trains.
It’s all a plot by Amtrak!
Omnes Omnibus
@jl: I was just “funning.” As I was reading, I skipped over the proofs as i assumed that the math said what Kandori said it did or else the peer review process would have killed it.
Joe the Biden rides Amtrak. Does that mean it’s a big fucking deal?
@MikeJ: Thanks. Amtrak is in the plot too. Along with Krazy Train Biden, a seeming all-American regular guy white man clearly gone bad.
Look at the logo in the upper right corner.
It is very clearly the upper tip of three crescents side by side, in front of a field of stars. An endless field of stars marching in rank, like an ARMY, towards YOU!
Obviously subliminal Muslim propaganda to sap our will to victory.
Omnes Omnibus
@jl: Where do Atrios and his desire for SUPERTRAINS fit in to all this?
@Omnes Omnibus: I do not know what is up with Atrios’ SUPERTRAINS.
As soon as I develop a product to counter whatever it is, watch my commercials on Glenn Beck, and get out your credit card. Thankyou.
As for mystery math, if you are curious about how the math works for this social game theory stuff, this book is pretty cheap and explains all the math in very simple terms. Also has pictures and answers in the back. Maybe your wife reads it and then pretends she understands all the equations when they are all complicated and weirded up for journal articles:
Mathematical Models of Social Evolution
Richard McElreath and Robert Boyd
Chicago Univ Press (uh-oh!) 2007
comrade scott's agenda of rage
@kommrade reproductive vigor:
This. And the Muslim Cancer Society is simply a front. They collect money under the guise of finding cures for cancer but in fact the money is funelled to Islamofascist Extremists who use it to continue putting additives in our foods and funding Monstanto’s efforts to genetically manipulate our seeds which in turn cause cancer rates to rise.
Or drain us of our precious bodily fluids, I always get the two confused.
But we’re onto em now. I think the entire Board of Directors, COO and all the high muckety mucks of the Muslim Cancer Society should be shipped off to Gitmo.
Or Haley Barbour’s living room, same thing.
Omnes Omnibus
@jl: Cool. Thank you for the suggestion. I think that it is more likely that I will just try to fit phrases like Pareto-efficiency into the next motion I file in a court with a conservative/law and economics influenced judge.
Mark S.
This just illustrates the difference between Bush and Obama. Bush knew the only way to appease Islamic volcanic gods was by sacrificing virgins, which is why he funded abstinence-only education. He had a fallback plan in case this didn’t work, which was to have a ready supply of Liberty University graduates staffed in the Justice Department.
Obama, the community organizer, is trying to triangulate between the volcanoes and AmTrak. His mistake is thinking that the train barons have any interest in compromise. He’ll end up alienating the people whose support he needs the most, the teapilots.
mr. whipple
Lower than whale shit.
@MikeJ: Oh My Thetan. Obama’s working with Xenu!
@me: How did I not make that connection!
To the DC-8s!
Comrade Tank Hueco
The Anti-Sex League crazies here in Waco for a while had a billboard on Franklin telling people not to support Relay for Life because ACS partners with Planned Parenthood. People who take out billboards saying “To walk around the high school track a few times in memory of your grandmother is to support baby killing” are tone-deaf, to say the least.
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
@Mumphrey: “I can’t understand how people can live that way.”
It’s easy to understand when you know that they are paid to be that way. Fear provides an income to these types, they feed off of fear.
They need fear to survive, without it they are nothing.
They created Muslim Cancer? We’re too late!!!!1111!one
@me: Obama IS Xenu.
Clearly the delay of manned space flight is an effort by Obama to keep us from uncovering his nefarious plot. His seizing of nuclear material to ensure he has enough nukes to carry out his plans – and the eruption just 3 days later evidence of what would happen to uncooperative leaders if they didn’t comply with his plan – Iceland chosen of course as they were desperate for his alien soçialsm bailouts.
I might just have to make up some ‘Obama is Xenu’ signs and crash the next teaparty event.
@comrade scott’s agenda of rage:
Well, now, I don’t know. Monsanto is an American business, and therefore, anything they do or sell is by definition good. nothing they did would ever give us cancer, either by design or negligence, which is why regulating them would be communist. And since the Islamofascists are really also communists, wouldn’t they be on the other side from Monsanto? I think you’re doing the Islamofascists’ work for them by smearing a good, honest American company… Or maybe you are an Islamofascist. I hope Michelle Bachmann can get the press to do an exposé on whether you’re anit-American.
@DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal):
Well, yes, the Cheneys, Gingrich, Palin, people like that make a living, a good one, terrorizing Americans; what I can’t understand is why so many Americans who have nothing to gain from living in fear eat this shit up. It seems like it would be depressing as hell. The more so, since all this crap they swallow isn’t even true. It’s like they’re living in everlasting, crippling fear of evil pixies or something; they might as well be for all the bearing what they obsess about has on reality…
@Politically Lost: Have you seen the South Carolina flag? DOOOOMED!
Mark S.
I don’t think even the Ministry of Truth would have the balls to try this one:
From now on, he would prefer to be referred to as a Great American.
licensed to kill time
@Martin: I am intrigued by your ideas and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
Obama is Xenu would make a great bumpersticker. Well, except for the vandalization factor by angry Hubbardheads.
S. cerevisiae
Al-gebra is a tool of the caliphate.
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
It probably has something to do with the fact that the right makes their own reality and we’re supposed to sit back and take note of it. Or something like that.
One thing about people that has fascinated me is the ‘set’ a persons face takes as they age. When I look at the faces of the teabaggers, nearly every one of them has a face with a bitter, angry set to it. Their lips are thin from being pressed together in anger and consternation for too many years, their mouths turning down sharply in a severe frown with the lines and wrinkles to match. And their eyes, angry and bitter, glaringly hateful of anyone too different from them.
My wife’s Aunt is one of these people. She is as sweet as you can imagine someone but bring up Obama or liberals and she goes off like a grenade. She’s in her late 80’s and nothing is going to change her. When she once told me that every single Muslim needed to be deported, I asked her if that included American citizens and she angrily spat out “Yes, every single one of them. They’re all traitors.”. She has the face to match this statement, the same face I described above.
How can you reason with that? You can’t.
And the circle is now complete.
@Bnut: Don’t know if it’s true, but one poster on boingboing said that not only was that one building designed to look like a swastika, but the other 2 were designed to look like bombers attacking it. Looks sorta plausible to me:
I saw that and it would not surprise me. More likely a building built incrementally by shoddy contracting with little oversight. Coming from living on a couple military bases.
Jesus God have mercy!
South Carolina Flag
We’re surrounded. Even in the heart of ‘real America’ our sinister overlords are working.
PS: which means you will want to check out my delux super strength home backyard survival bunker kit. Look for my new infomercial after Glenn’s program. Money orders and credit cards only, no lay away plans.
Mike in NC
What’s truly scary is that if McNonMaverick had ended up in the Oval Office, Frank Gaffney would be among the neocon whackjobs who landed high-ranking jobs in his administration. Most likely as an assistant Secretary of Defense in charge of the 2009 war plan for attacking and occupying Iran. I’ll stick with the ‘hopey, changey’ stuff instead.
@Bnut: if any of you lefties ever got near a church, you’d know the swastika is an old and fairly common symbol. For instance, I’m sure John Cole has noticed that there are literally dozens of swastika tiles in the floor of the Cathedral for the Diocese of Wheeling on Eoff St in Wheeling W. Va. We always remarked on it when we came in from the boonies for a wedding there.
@Mark S.: Get the heck out of town.
Is there a dementia that attacks self-awareness first?
@S. cerevisiae:
Well, actually it is.
The Truffle
I hope Michelle “Unhinged: Projecting My Own Insanity Onto Liberals” Malkin DOES see this. We’re overdue for another Malkin meltdown.
OMG! Can’t you see it people! Who better to strap on an explosive vest that someone dying of cancer! This is such a clever ruse by the ACS to fund these operations against us … they must hate our cancer-free freedoms! … Unless our politically motivated sense of Gestalt is reading far too much into this image than someone with a heathy understanding of the world would read into it.
……..Nah. To the trenches!
Yukkuri Reimu
They live like that quite easily, or at least, living in that state is quite easy. Unreasoning fear of The Other is the default state of the human mind.
dj spellchecka
the logo of the clinton foundation has a bunch of stars…forming a crescent
see here;
hide the children and animals…