In this case, he’s cool. Though I’m getting more of a Cruising than Happy Days vibe from this slightly weird, though reasonable, Nick Gillespie piece on legalizing pot.
Yes, I chose this as my 420 piece of the day just to piss John off.
by DougJ| 76 Comments
This post is in: The War on Your Neighbor, aka the War on Drugs, Good News For Conservatives
In this case, he’s cool. Though I’m getting more of a Cruising than Happy Days vibe from this slightly weird, though reasonable, Nick Gillespie piece on legalizing pot.
Yes, I chose this as my 420 piece of the day just to piss John off.
Comments are closed.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
Wow. Like Far Out Man.
Why are you celebrating Hitler’s Birthday?
licensed to kill time
Let’s get small today. Real small.
@Redshirt: It’s a good friend of mine’s birthday as well. She gets acutely reminded of that little factoid often.
And can I just say right now that being allergic to Mary Jane bites the big weiner?
It’s only a weed that turns to a flower in your mind.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
Hey Gillespie, Fonzie and Simon Cowell called, they want their jacket and t-shirt back.
Fergus Wooster
Nice. . .
@Redshirt: I was thrilled when I learned (later than most of my peers) about 4/20.
As it’s my birthday, it meant I could play up some connection other than Der Fuehrer. This works out much better for me.
@Yutsano: You have my deepest sympathy. Seriously. Yikes.
Could we anticipate a future where neo-nazi’s and deadhead stoners come together on 4/20 to bond over tasty and special baked treats?
Ah, America…..
Paul in KY
A happy 4/20 to all fellow Juicers! Hope Tunch & the other kittehs get some nip today. Also.
Holy shit, was that Matthew McConaughey at the 1:53 mark?
Alright, alright…
Jane Hamsher of all people is making this her new cause celebre.
I do b’lieve she’s turned over a new leaf.
Tea hee.
He sounds completely sober, and he didn’t call it hemp. Never seen a guy in a leather jacket pitch legalizing dope like that before.
Not sure what to make of it.
He also forgot a good reason. Legal dope will make home economics classes more popular in high school, especially the brownie baking lessons.
Man: You wanna get high man?
Pedro: Does Howdy Doody got wooden Balls man?
The Grand Panjandrum
Nick kinda looks like he could be Lou Reed’s brother … so take a walk on the wild side … fire up that blunt and let’s all get mellow.
Mike Kay
I’m waiting for his video on legalizing heroin. After all, as he said, “we all own our own bodies”.
licensed to kill time
@Fergus Wooster:
Happy Birthday Fergus! Remember to pass the dutchie ‘pon de left hand side..
I’ll have to deck out my MW2 tag with an MJ flavor today.
Fergus Wooster
@licensed to kill time: Much appreciated! Brownies all around!
dr. bloor
Punk. When I was your age, it wasn’t a day, it was a lifestyle.
Common Sense
Also the anniversary of Columbine. Horrible day for me until I found out that my stepbrother, who went to high school in Littleton, did not attend Columbine.
Bummer dude.
OT but Rasmussen has the TX gubernatorial race as essentially a toss up. When Rasmussen says a GOP incumbent is vulnerable, you know they are in trouble:
A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely Texas voters finds Perry with 48% support. His Democratic opponent, former Houston Mayor Bill White, picks up 44% of the vote, his best showing to date. Two percent (2%) prefer some other candidate in the race, and six percent (6%) remain undecided.
A month ago, just after beating back Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison’s GOP Primary challenge, Perry led White 49% to 43%.
Any incumbent who earns less than 50% support at this stage of a campaign is considered potentially vulnerable.
Perry has hit 50% only once so far this year, in January just after White announced his candidacy.
White is viewed very favorably by 21% of Texas voters and very unfavorably by 16%.
For Perry, very favorables are 20% and very unfavorables 22%.
Both candidates are well-known in the state, but at this point in a campaign, Rasmussen Reports considers the number of people with strong opinions more significant than the total favorable/unfavorable numbers.
It just looks like Anton Chigurh in his casual wear. Heads you smoke me out, tails you get the bolt-airgun.
He looks like George Stephanopolous’ leather daddy brother.
Mike Kay
@Common Sense: how can this be?!?!? my tee vee says wingnut/teaparty is riding a wave.
Needs more chest hair.
Cruising? I thought I was the only person who had seen that movie. I can’t even imagine stars like Paul Sorvino or Al Pacino appearing in a movie like that today, although Sorvino’s “Ever have a man empty your pipe?” is a favorite quotable line to me.
Actually isn’t this what John thinks (and I agree) Reason should be focusing on?
Reason should be hammering the shit out of this issue yet they are turning out I <3 Tea Party articles.
He’s looking a little more Michael Dukakis these days with the leather jacket fitting like a tank helmet.
Bob K
Visualize Whirled Peas! Loved this CD from the 80’s
Wee Kum in peaze – not 4 whorz
OT, but it looks like more New York politics as usual. I mean, $14million? Seems like that should have been missed somewhere by someone.
I was thinking Casey Kasem.
I can see SCTV era Rick Moranis doing this video.
Mike Kay
@Lev: forget about the actors, I don’t think you can get that movie made today, period.
Sad to see how uptight society is about sex.
4/21: National Dye Everything Black Day (including your hair). Can’t wait for the video.
James K. Polk, Esq.
My only religious holiday, being agnostic, is today, and I don’t get it off from work…
Stupid non-seperation of church and state.
Chat Noir
“I’m Peggy Olson and I want to get high.”
Chyron HR
But it’s only 4:00 here.
Baby steps man, baby steps.
5 minutes EDT!
I learned how to pronounce Eyjafjallajökull today. Not sure if MJ would have made that easier or harder. Probably easier today, though tomorrow it would have been harder.
@Redshirt: It was called Altamont.
licensed to kill time
I heard an opera singer sing it on my teevee today. It was the first time I had a clue how to pronounce it.
It’s kind of eye yaff ya’ll a yokel, that’s how I’m saying it !
Mark S.
Chunky Bobo is running out of countries where priest sex abuse hasn’t occurred:
I haven’t heard of any scandals in Antarctica or on the moon.
Dude! I missed 420! I was distracted!
@Mark S.: Give it time.
peach flavored shampoo
That guy looks like Roger Lodge in 10 years.
Never going to happen. Pot competes with Big Alcohol. Alcohol companies have money. Pot users do not.
@licensed to kill time: Yeah, that’s pretty close. I think the syllables break a bit differently: ā’ yă fyăt lă yō’ ghŭt.
Mike Kay
@Bret: this blog post is made out of renewable hemp.
El Cid
Georgia’s state legislature is holding VERY IMPORTANT hearings on Obamunist plans to inject all of us with tracking microchips.
A witness testifying on this matter in front of our esteemed legislature clarified that someone had inserted this tracking chip in her hoo-ha.
licensed to kill time
@El Cid: Hoo ha beepers, hoocoodanode?
Bill E Pilgrim
This is your country.
This is your country on conservatism.
Edit: Ah. I see.
It’s the microchips. It’s making us all post the same thing.
Mark S.
@El Cid:
I love how the penalty for implanting a microchip into someone against their will is a misdemeanor. We’re sending a message, but let’s not get too crazy about it.
Mike Kay
Where’s Potsie?
licensed to kill time
Do not attempt to adjust your microchips.
peach flavored shampoo
And that says all you’ll ever need to know about the Georgia state legislature.
Bill E Pilgrim
It’s the “And your beeper numbers displayed on billboards throughout the city. All done without your permission” that makes it art.
I can see the headline now….
“No One Hahas as Hoo-ha Hijinks Highjacks House Hearings”
Bill E Pilgrim
Maybe this is more from that school district in PA. They’ve moved beyond Webcams. Photos to follow…..
Oh, come on. That was my last glass of wine and now it’s all over the desk.
Mark S.
Shit. That was awesome.
licensed to kill time
Will Towlie do?
@R-Jud: Emergency! We have an oenophile emergency!
El Cid
@Punchy: That is just simply astounding.
El Cid
@peach flavored shampoo: Well, there wasn’t exactly any constituency or set of lawmakers or powerful lobby in favor of allowing someone to forcibly implant a microchip in people without their permission, so, um, approved.
@R-Jud: I am thoroughly impressed and would like to inquire about subscribing to your newsletter.
@IndieTarheel: It’s Punchy’s world, man. We’re just living in it.
Unless you wanted to subscribe to the Merlot Spit-Take Bulletin.
licensed to kill time
I have a comment in moderation and I want to bitch about it.
Bitch bitch bitch! There.
Punchy, you won this thread, please pick up your internet at the door.
Comrade Dread
@Bret: We’re trying to legalize it in California.
If it passes, I’ll be real curious to see if Republicans and the Tea Party Brigades will join us in us Californian’s attempt to assert our state’s rights.
Besides, I don’t think it’s an either/or choice. Most of the stoners I’ve known have also been known to keep up this Irishman when it comes to the drinkin’.
I was going to comment, but then I got high…
@R-Jud: Yes, I hit reply to the wrong comment.
Although, as a fan of high comedy, I would most likely find the Merlot Spit-Take Bulletin quite engaging.
@El Cid: Meh. At least it’s a winger suspicious of the Department of War…
I know a well respected police chief who advocates for that position openly. It’s not just the uselessness of the so-called war on drugs, but allowing human beings access to their drug of choice cuts out all of the bullshit that is necessary to do it when the substance is deemed illegal.
As has been pointed out a million time, the war on drugs will never end because too many people will lose money and jobs.
Now I get all those Fonzi references!
DFH no. 6
Was at Coachella this weekend (one of the very few geezers there — how come more Boomers aren’t into all the great indie rock/whatever you want to call what the kids are listening to today, I wonder?).
The crowd (over 140,000 tickets sold, dwarfing whatever actual numbers the lying teabag assholes have gotten) was totally mellow the whole time. Really, the friendliest, most tolerant, and most courteous concert crowd I’ve ever experienced in my many years attending such soirees.
Most of the areas close to each stage were jam-packed, but everyone was cool, no matter how hot (around 90 in the afternoon) or pressed or jostled.
Why the universal niceness? Maybe a coincindence, but it was also the most pot-infused concert I’ve ever attended, by far (and I saw Pink Floyd in a cloud of smoke out in the woods near Cleveland back in the early 70s). Coachella was pretty much constant toking up all around, for 10-12 hours each day.
The kids are all right.
Wile E. Quixote
Same here, but I agree with DougJ when he says that he looks like something out of Cruising. Or perhaps a furtive closeted Republican hanging around a leather bar on Friday night hoping to get some action.
Wile E. Quixote
@Mike Kay:
Why not? I mean really, why not legalize smack? Quick survey: