@Bnut: Yeah but that would result in a blogger ethics panel, and who has time for that?
Citizen Alan
It’s apparently sponsored by AM950 in Minnesota. If anyone wants to support them, you can donate at their website. You can also listen if you lie and give a Minnesota zipcode.
I wish the DNC would print signs like this in every city. My alternative would be the same picture (minus the red line) with the caption: Vote Republican 2010.
More proof that teabagger rhetoric is no more heated, unpleasant or just plain insane than leftie rhetoric.
You know, I’ve seen that “Miss me yet?” thing (in fact, someone posted it anonymously on our office bulletin board a couple of weeks ago; I put a “No, not really” on the bottom, also anonymously) and when I first saw it I thought the picture of Dubya was so incredibly goofy looking that it must be a DFH left-wing icon. But no, apparently this is something Dubya’s few remaining admirers seem to think portrays him in an attractive and positive light.
My first clue that I had misinterpreted was an article in the NYTimes today about the little town of Crawford, Texas:
Only one of the five shops that used to sell memorabilia to Bush admirers remains open — The Red Bull, down the street. Popular items include magnets and coasters that say “The Western White House.” Phony dollar bills with Mr. Bush’s face on them also sell well. But the biggest demand has been for bumper stickers with Mr. Bush’s likeness and the caption “Do You Miss Me Yet?”
“They are sold out,” said Jamie Burgess, the owner’s daughter.
Possibly. But as we all know, the winguts can say any vile or stupid thing they want and that’s free speech. Responding to them is incivility and repression.
wonder why someone hasn’t screencapped him shooting the bird yet. rusty farm implements ™ are too good for this jackass.
Bubblegum Tate
Liberal (outdoor advertising) media bias!
Mark S.
Stanley Fish misses Bush.
Cat Lady
I wish they had a video billboard that showed the sociopath wiping his hand on Bill Clinton over and over and over. What a fucking embarrassment of an asshat, may he burn in hell forever.
Mike in NC
I would gladly contribute to have these things erected from coast to coast on every major highway.
At last week’s TeabagFestivus(tm) I saw a “miss me yet?” tshirt worn–unironically–by a rather large woman. I add that last bit to excuse my not getting a pic, as I had a tele-lens and needed a very wide angle to have gotten the shot.
I almost made up for the miss by later getting a shot of a woman in a Jack Bauer tshirt. Reel Americans.
That guy who threw the shoe is the only one to miss George W. Bush.
he left office with a staggering 73 % disapproval rating.
The worst exit rating in US History, worse than Nixon.
Republicans loved him, though, in 2004. A lot of them lie, now, around here and say he was the lesser of two evils, or some such, but I was around in 2004, and that wasn’t “lesser of two evils” type energy. They flat-out adored him. It was love.
Jay B.
With any luck, Stanley Fish’s head exploded.
Just ordered a t-shirt from the radio station that posted that billboard to show my appreciation.
demo woman
@SiubhanDuinne: The article mentions how he goes to the ranch sometimes on weekends and some holidays. It did not seem as though he made that his home or even his every weekend retreat. What happened to the brush cleaning cowboy?
Mike Kay
@demo woman: you’re kidding right. It was a prop for the WH years, as he tried to ape Saint Ronnie. He never owned a ranch while governor. now that the WH gig is over, why would he go back.
“The first lady wanted to live in Dallas, in the same lovely neighborhood where the family lived before Bush became Texas governor 16 years ago: Preston Hollow.”
Also, I think everyone knows that Bush was just a liberal plant.
demo woman
@Mike Kay: Yeah I know but I would love to see a poll about the American public.
I lived in Dallas decades ago and junior came into a restaurant that I was having lunch at rubbing his nose. It wasn’t pollen season.
I sent this in. Damn near LMAOed myself off the highway when I saw it.
Yes, it IS in Michelle Bachmann’s district, now that you mention it! It’s located on I-35 just north of the 35W/35E split. Apparently there was a “Miss Me Yet?” billboard across the highway for which this billboard was posted to refute, but that billboard has since been replaced with a different one.
Speaking of Republicans bankrupting America, so it looks like the GOP is caving on filibustering financial reform? Yes, gosh who could have known that being seen as protecting Wall Street right now would have been a suicidal political move.
I don’t know if this is being noticed, but it’s a pretty major shift if they actually cooperate on anything, almost the moment of the fever breaking, if it actually happens.
That billboard encompasses most of what I think any time I hear someone from the Bush administration complaining that Obama has put us down a dangerous fiscal path. Unless these people were urging President Bush to not go forward with tax cuts or actually make spending cuts, which is almost certainly not the case, I don’t see how they have a leg to stand on.
Tee hee. Love it and love the radio station even though I’ve never heard it and likely never will. I need to download that and put it on a poster for the counter protest to the Tea Bagger rally they’re having at the county courthouse this Saturday. It will go very nicely with my Obama/Biden t- shirt.
Mark S.
Man, some conservatives are taking this epistemic closure thing too seriously. The American Spectator, of all places, has a pretty good takedown of Palin. As Sully notes, this might be the funniest part:
Requests to interview Palin for this article, specifically about her experiences in the 2008 campaign, were turned down. Her former communications aide Meghan Stapleton explained that “with her Fox exclusivity, we are denying requests for articles and stories right now.”
Even for Palin, that’s incredibly lame. If she going to use this excuse if she runs for president?
demo woman
Nat’l Opinion Research just called me.. The gal could not identify who they were hired by..she did not know but the questions leaned democratic. She asked if I had a positive or negative opinion about Barnes, Bush, Powell, Tea Party and Obama. Barnes is the former governor of GA and hopefully he will be reelected. Since they did not ask about other Republican candidates, I assumed it was a democratic co. that hired them although I could be wrong.
Cool, combining prOn and politics on BJ. Saves me all kinds of time.
demo woman
@Mike Kay: When I saw him it was a distinct rubbing.. The gal I had lunch with was a former Hockaday, SMU divorced socialite and she explained to me what it meant. The following weekend I was working at the elementary school carnival where confetti was strewn about and my nose itched so bad and I refused to touch it.
Now that’s the Minnesota that I know & love.
I bet even Bush doesn’t miss Bush. Considering the current disintegration of the republican party, I imagine Dubya going around humming, ala Maurice Chevalier in “Gigi”,
‘I’m so glad I’m not running anymore….’
I’ve been holding out so long
I’ve been screwing up all alone
Lord I miss Bush
I’ve been hanging on the phone
I’ve been saying you covered your ass all alone
I want to have a beer with you
Well, I’ve been haunted in my sleep
Brownie’s been starring in my dreams
Lord I miss Bush
I’ve been waiting in the canal
we’re drowning in it pal
When the phone rings
It’s just Bremer and some friends of mine that say,
“Hey, what’s the matter man?
We’re gonna shock and awe at twelve
With some 9th ward folks just dyin’ to meet you.
We’re gonna bring an IED
Hey, let’s go mess up Iraqis
You know, like we used to”
@demo woman: He’s never been a cowboy in his fucking life.
He’s terrified of horses, and I’m pretty sure his only exposure to cattle is a barbecued steak. In the old days we’d have called him a “drug store cowboy.” These days I just call him an asshole.
Oh, and I’d bet a bunch that he’s drinking like a fish. Again. He looks like he crawled into a bottle on January 20th last year and stayed there.
@Bill E Pilgrim #37: that was a great riposte, but I wasn’t the one who mentioned t-shirts.
I read that article, too. However, if you read the comments, they destroyed the poor guy…I bet his next article will be about how what he really didn’t mean to say what he said…
@Mike Kay #35
@demo woman #34
Somebody here has a defective snark meter. I don’t think it’s demo woman.
Wow, that is quite a takedown there. Of course, the Palinites will screech that it’s just another case of those durned “elites” who are so “afraid” of Caribou Barbie.
Joseph Nobles
I do miss Bush. It was so much easier to hate America when he was always right there in your face. Nowadays I find myself awake for hours before I remember I’m supposed to be hating on America. Sigh. Good times.
Rick Taylor
If anyone could make me miss Bush, it’s the current crop of Republicans that make him seem restrained and reasonable in contrast.
Joseph Nobles
Oh, btw, the Crawford ranch wasn’t just a WH prop. It was a lot easier handling security concerns in the wilds of Crawford rather than Preston Hollow.
And the Crawford ranch afforded Bush one of the extremely few things I really liked about the administration – it was 100% green. Every time he had the Saudis over for a confab, they were in a house completely non-dependant on their only real export. That was pretty cool.
Try as I might, I am simply unable to mentally visualize and thus fully comprehend the concept of nine dimensions missing Bush. I understand what they are saying (sort of), but I simply can not visualize it.
How the fuck was that hateful? It’s based on facts…
Let me lay it out for you:
MISS ME YET? — Obviously a joke on the teabagger billboards seen in Minnesota.
NO! YOU NEARLY BANKRUPTED AMERICA — How is this hate? It’s actually factual. See, if the teabaggers learned to be based in facts instead of hate and innuendo, MAYBE we could have honest debates.
AGAIN AND AGAIN, Palin hasn’t failed upward, but quit upward: quitting her way through four colleges, quitting the oil commission, quitting as governor after barely more than two years in office. It’s an odd record, and it stands in contrast to her own history of gritty refusal to give in to physical (as opposed to political) challenges. This is a lady who hobbled on a horribly injured ankle to make a key foul shot and secure a state basketball championship, who pushed herself to finish a marathon in under four hours, who remained active right up until labor in her five pregnancies, and who did not shy away from her responsibilities as a Down Syndrome mother. Yet in politics she twice has abjured appearances at the Conservative Political Action Conference — either in pique over mildly critical comments of her by CPAC organizers who at other times had been most complimentary or, worse, because she was getting accustomed to $100,000 appearance fees but CPAC doesn’t pay.
He used the unAmerican word abjured, though, which triggered all the teabagger alarm bells, so the Palin pod people swarm to diss him like Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
I wish I could go back in time equipped with video footage of his worst moments and show it to Sandra Day O’Connor. Maybe THEN she’d have required the votes to be counted.
@ellaesther: Wait, no! That would erase one of my kids!
Do I wish I had the technology to go back in time and remind the US Supreme Court that it is not their job to crown kings?
Yes, yes I do.
There. FIXT.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Citizen_X: Well, in terms of this Republican Congress, it’s a possibility, but when you put it that way, regarding overall wingnuttia, I wouldn’t count any chickens.
I was driving south on I-35 today and saw the ‘Miss Me Yet? billboard. First time I’d ever seen it. It may not be in it’s original location but it’s still around. I wish I would have seen the ‘No!’ billboard.
It’s pretty nervy to put an anti-Bush billboard up along that stretch of I-35. Seems like 1 out of every 5 billboards for 100 miles north of the Twin Cities are giant baby photos with anti-choice messages.
Noah Millman has a long post in response to Sanchez as well. He has many interesting insights and hypotheses in it about why the American right is close-minded today compared to the left. But as near as I can tell, Noah simply asserts that this is so.
Where is the data to back this up?
He continues,
I read a lot of conservative writers and journals. I try to follow the think tanks. And I just don’t know what these people are talking about when it comes to the notion that the conservative mind is closed.
Right-minded folks everywhere agree.
“Where is the data to back this up?” is what I used to ask when people talk about having <blockquote> issues.
“Where is the data to back this up?” should be inside the blockquote.
Damn. That should read “having blockquote issues.”
@The Populist: Your use of the f word demonstrates the failings of the liberal so-called media. Organizations such as Communist News Network are very focused on the allegedly threatening behavior purportedly attributed to teabaggers, but they never mention the language used by some liberals on blogs.
Why is there a “nearly” in that sentence? That rat bastard Bush wrecked our nation’s finances but good, and I think you could make the case that we’re not “nearly” bankrupt … we’re all the way there.
Big tax increases are inevitable — hopefully on the richest, but brace yerselfs, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.
No shit. (Uraguay, biches!)
I can’t get AM 950 in my car or house. (830, I can get in my fk’n teeth! ;) Happy trails, Dubya. And thanks for calling me a treasonous piece of shit. I deserved it.
Where is this sign?
demo woman
I’m watching The Blind Side thanks to netflix and Sandra Bullock is outstanding and I love parts of the movie but they certainly did make some of the movie schmaltzy. Years ago I read about Michael Oher in the NYTimes Magazine so I know the story. The movie seems long, maudlin and lacks the development that normally takes part in families. I’m not finished so maybe I’m being to harsh but I can remember being teary eyed reading Lewis in the NYTimes and don’t feel like that now.
And thanks for calling me a treasonous piece of shit. I deserved it.
Yeah, but that was Sully, too.
There has been a shortage of concern trolling around here lately.
Putting the international ‘no’ sign over former President Bush’s picture could be interpreted as hate speech. It is provocative and if a teabagger hits you from now on, you’ve asked for it.
I am concerned.
How’s that?
No problem, yr welcome.
I just saw the ‘Miss Me Yet’ billboard for the first time this weekend on the way home from the cabin. I’ll have to remember to look for the new one. Gbear is right, those signs all along 35 really bother me.
I just re hooked up with netflix and am watching Three Days of the Condor on instant. One of my favorite films in the my also fave espionage genre.
I have always like Bullock as an actress, but she has been some real stinker movies over the years. I loved the witch sisters flick with her and Nicole Kidman. Not usually big on romantic dramas, but may check out The Blind Side.
You know what Georgie? You won’t have to worry about your legacy. FUCK Y’ALL I WORKED MY FINGERS TO THE BONE TO IMPRESS POPPY and what I got to show for it? Diddly. Hanging around this stupid fukin house in Dallas can’t take a $hit without the $$ watchin me. Wisht I’d never listened to poppy and run for guvernator. Had a shitload more fun when I was nobody runnin companies into the ground snortin up coke. Poppy and Mumsy always did love Jeb best. I took out Saddam – Poppy couldn’t. Dick told me to do it and I did. fuk – i did everythin they told me an it was neffer enuff. I for one would like to thank the Cheney regency for keeping us “safe” I know they did the best they could for – Halliburton/KBR/Blackwater/
Lockheed Martin. We the sheeple who are about to die salute you.
Blend in “We’ll meet again” from Doctor Strangelove
@General Egali Tarian Stuck: I watched Bright Star on instant and I still am amazed that Abbie Cornish wasn’t nominated for best actress. 35 Shots of rum and Beeswax went to instant because they are artsy but are suppose to be good.
Will check it out. I got really burnt from watching too many movies and canceled my NF account about a month ago, so haven’t been keeping up with all the new instants, but thanks for tips.
Nah, I liked it. It was the only time I thought he was being straight with me.
But then, that also applies to Sully.
Mr. Whipple:
I know that in 8 years he did a couple things I agreed with, but damned if I can remember them now.
I remember them. Here they are:
1. Didn’t start World War 3. (Not sure if this was just procrastination and laziness, or absence of malicious intent. Hard to tell the difference. Partial negative: did start two disastrous regional conflicts, but those were with non-nuclear powers so it’s less damning.)
2. Medicare part D. Finally old folks don’t have to go broke buying their Viagra and Ambien and Lipitor. (Sure, this wasn’t actually paid for, but a valuable extension of the social safety net all the same.)
And….your point is that Fox props up the teabag movement?
Thanks for the cool troll posts :)
Rod Majors
That bit about Palin “brilliantly” ad-libbing the lipstick/pig joke into her convention speech is such a crock of bull. I was watching either Hannity or O’Reilly (can’t remember which) a few days before her speech and Karl Rove in telling an anecdote about a recent encounter with Palin mentioned that very same joke. It was not off the cuff. Every time I here about that line being so brilliant I want to bang my head off the wall. It was stuck in there days ahead of time, likely by a staffer/speech-writer. Everything about that woman is phony. Even down to little tidbits like this.
God, they really do live in a world in which all the errant, ungrateful children who didn’t appreciate them learn their lesson, come crawling back and admit that the parental W. fans were right all along.
I’m struck these days by how much conservative site comments are full of rage about all the outrageous things Obama is going to do or let happen, but haven’t happened yet, but they totally will and then we’ll all be sorry. Also, he’s clearly taking away our civil liberties because they believe so strongly that he will that they already feel like they’re legally constrained and that’s exactly the same thing as if they actually were.
It’s the same thing with Political Correctness. Sure, if they spout off racial epithets or declare for “opposite marriage” they’re not going to lose their job (like the non-conservative Geico announcer) or have the government investigate their political activities (like the anti-tea party Oregon teacher), but some people won’t like them any more, and some other people might actually call them names back, and how is somebody disagreeing with you or even laughing at you any different from being criminally prosecuted? Being called names is worse, because all they do to criminals is cage them like animals, but Carrie Prejean got her feelings hurt. Lots. Keep your chin up, Carrie. So brave. So strong.
Also, according to McArdle, her friends don’t try to get jobs in Hollyweird, not even on 24 or whatever Kelsey Grammer is doing between binges because aside from Ahnuld, Clint, John Voigt, James Woods and just about everybody on the business side who isn’t either gay or Jewish (but not the kind of Jewish McArdle likes), conservatives are not welcome in the entertainment biz. So instead of joining the “cultural elite” they content themselves with becoming hedge fund managers. Which is exactly like what happened to black people under Jim Crow. She knows this is true. She can feel it.
Wait till we get President Palin. Then we’ll miss him.
Jenna Field
No we don’t miss you, but is anything really being accomplished with the new president?
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Sheer perfection.
licensed to kill time
A well placed “Hell” before the “No” would improve it immensely, but otherwise a stellar billboard!
How could he have bankrupted America? He’s white.
Heh. The name of the company that owns the billboard that is usually at the bottom is missing.
That is awesome. Whoever put that up will catch all kinds of crap for being mean, so mean, to the poor widdle wingnuts.
@licensed to kill time:
I was thinking a lovely Fuck would work as well.
Mike Kay
he left office with a staggering 73 % disapproval rating.
The worst exit rating in US History, worse than Nixon.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
Bush Still Gets More Blame for Economy Than Obama
licensed to kill time
@Bnut: A lovely Fuck is always nice, it’s true.
@Bnut: Yeah but that would result in a blogger ethics panel, and who has time for that?
Citizen Alan
It’s apparently sponsored by AM950 in Minnesota. If anyone wants to support them, you can donate at their website. You can also listen if you lie and give a Minnesota zipcode.
I wish the DNC would print signs like this in every city. My alternative would be the same picture (minus the red line) with the caption: Vote Republican 2010.
kommrade reproductive vigor
More proof that teabagger rhetoric is no more heated, unpleasant or just plain insane than leftie rhetoric.
You know, I’ve seen that “Miss me yet?” thing (in fact, someone posted it anonymously on our office bulletin board a couple of weeks ago; I put a “No, not really” on the bottom, also anonymously) and when I first saw it I thought the picture of Dubya was so incredibly goofy looking that it must be a DFH left-wing icon. But no, apparently this is something Dubya’s few remaining admirers seem to think portrays him in an attractive and positive light.
My first clue that I had misinterpreted was an article in the NYTimes today about the little town of Crawford, Texas:
Here’s a link if you feel like reading the whole article, but it’s really not worth it: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/21/us/21crawford.html?ref=us
@Citizen Alan: Thanks. I just sent them a thank-you message.
Also, I think everyone knows that Bush was just a liberal plant.
@kommrade reproductive vigor: You’re kidding, right?
Excellent. This is in Minnesota? In Michelle Bachmann’s district, by chance?
JD Rhoades
A lovely fuck always does wonders for me.
Even better: add a sneering Dick Cheney on the other end of the sign.
mere mortal
Trying to track this thing down for a fuller back story, I ran across this priceless joke:
That guy who threw the shoe is the only one to miss George W. Bush.
JD Rhoades
Possibly. But as we all know, the winguts can say any vile or stupid thing they want and that’s free speech. Responding to them is incivility and repression.
Mike Kay
@mere mortal: This.
wonder why someone hasn’t screencapped him shooting the bird yet. rusty farm implements ™ are too good for this jackass.
Bubblegum Tate
Liberal (outdoor advertising) media bias!
Mark S.
Stanley Fish misses Bush.
Cat Lady
I wish they had a video billboard that showed the sociopath wiping his hand on Bill Clinton over and over and over. What a fucking embarrassment of an asshat, may he burn in hell forever.
Mike in NC
I would gladly contribute to have these things erected from coast to coast on every major highway.
At last week’s TeabagFestivus(tm) I saw a “miss me yet?” tshirt worn–unironically–by a rather large woman. I add that last bit to excuse my not getting a pic, as I had a tele-lens and needed a very wide angle to have gotten the shot.
I almost made up for the miss by later getting a shot of a woman in a Jack Bauer tshirt. Reel Americans.
@Mike Kay:
Republicans loved him, though, in 2004. A lot of them lie, now, around here and say he was the lesser of two evils, or some such, but I was around in 2004, and that wasn’t “lesser of two evils” type energy. They flat-out adored him. It was love.
Jay B.
With any luck, Stanley Fish’s head exploded.
Just ordered a t-shirt from the radio station that posted that billboard to show my appreciation.
demo woman
@SiubhanDuinne: The article mentions how he goes to the ranch sometimes on weekends and some holidays. It did not seem as though he made that his home or even his every weekend retreat. What happened to the brush cleaning cowboy?
Mike Kay
@demo woman: you’re kidding right. It was a prop for the WH years, as he tried to ape Saint Ronnie. He never owned a ranch while governor. now that the WH gig is over, why would he go back.
Excellent! I’m going to have to throw the local station some love.
Bill E Pilgrim
@SiubhanDuinne: Anyone who would pay good chickens for a T shirt like that must have a microchip implanted.
@demo woman:
It was Laura:
“The first lady wanted to live in Dallas, in the same lovely neighborhood where the family lived before Bush became Texas governor 16 years ago: Preston Hollow.”
Martian Buddy
demo woman
@Mike Kay: Yeah I know but I would love to see a poll about the American public.
I lived in Dallas decades ago and junior came into a restaurant that I was having lunch at rubbing his nose. It wasn’t pollen season.
@Bret: Plants are smarter.
I sent this in. Damn near LMAOed myself off the highway when I saw it.
Yes, it IS in Michelle Bachmann’s district, now that you mention it! It’s located on I-35 just north of the 35W/35E split. Apparently there was a “Miss Me Yet?” billboard across the highway for which this billboard was posted to refute, but that billboard has since been replaced with a different one.
Mike Kay
@demo woman: have you ever seen this clip.
Bill E Pilgrim
Speaking of Republicans bankrupting America, so it looks like the GOP is caving on filibustering financial reform? Yes, gosh who could have known that being seen as protecting Wall Street right now would have been a suicidal political move.
I don’t know if this is being noticed, but it’s a pretty major shift if they actually cooperate on anything, almost the moment of the fever breaking, if it actually happens.
Brian J
That billboard encompasses most of what I think any time I hear someone from the Bush administration complaining that Obama has put us down a dangerous fiscal path. Unless these people were urging President Bush to not go forward with tax cuts or actually make spending cuts, which is almost certainly not the case, I don’t see how they have a leg to stand on.
Tee hee. Love it and love the radio station even though I’ve never heard it and likely never will. I need to download that and put it on a poster for the counter protest to the Tea Bagger rally they’re having at the county courthouse this Saturday. It will go very nicely with my Obama/Biden t- shirt.
Mark S.
Man, some conservatives are taking this epistemic closure thing too seriously. The American Spectator, of all places, has a pretty good takedown of Palin. As Sully notes, this might be the funniest part:
Even for Palin, that’s incredibly lame. If she going to use this excuse if she runs for president?
demo woman
Nat’l Opinion Research just called me.. The gal could not identify who they were hired by..she did not know but the questions leaned democratic. She asked if I had a positive or negative opinion about Barnes, Bush, Powell, Tea Party and Obama. Barnes is the former governor of GA and hopefully he will be reelected. Since they did not ask about other Republican candidates, I assumed it was a democratic co. that hired them although I could be wrong.
Damn right I miss him.
Comedy like this might never be possible again.
Excellent. Though I’d have added “and royally fucked things up”
General Egali Tarian Stuck
“Hi, I’m Amber, what’s your name.”
My name is Stuck, people call me Stuck.
Cool, combining prOn and politics on BJ. Saves me all kinds of time.
demo woman
@Mike Kay: When I saw him it was a distinct rubbing.. The gal I had lunch with was a former Hockaday, SMU divorced socialite and she explained to me what it meant. The following weekend I was working at the elementary school carnival where confetti was strewn about and my nose itched so bad and I refused to touch it.
Now that’s the Minnesota that I know & love.
I bet even Bush doesn’t miss Bush. Considering the current disintegration of the republican party, I imagine Dubya going around humming, ala Maurice Chevalier in “Gigi”,
‘I’m so glad I’m not running anymore….’
I’ve been holding out so long
I’ve been screwing up all alone
Lord I miss Bush
I’ve been hanging on the phone
I’ve been saying you covered your ass all alone
I want to have a beer with you
Well, I’ve been haunted in my sleep
Brownie’s been starring in my dreams
Lord I miss Bush
I’ve been waiting in the canal
we’re drowning in it pal
When the phone rings
It’s just Bremer and some friends of mine that say,
“Hey, what’s the matter man?
We’re gonna shock and awe at twelve
With some 9th ward folks just dyin’ to meet you.
We’re gonna bring an IED
Hey, let’s go mess up Iraqis
You know, like we used to”
@demo woman: He’s never been a cowboy in his fucking life.
He’s terrified of horses, and I’m pretty sure his only exposure to cattle is a barbecued steak. In the old days we’d have called him a “drug store cowboy.” These days I just call him an asshole.
Oh, and I’d bet a bunch that he’s drinking like a fish. Again. He looks like he crawled into a bottle on January 20th last year and stayed there.
@Bill E Pilgrim #37: that was a great riposte, but I wasn’t the one who mentioned t-shirts.
@General Egali Tarian Stuck:
Well, with a name like BJ, that was bound to happen sooner or later.
@demo woman #34: Surely you’re not suggesting that there was ever anything . . . uh, *misleading* about anything in GWB’s preznitsy!?
@Mark S.:
I read that article, too. However, if you read the comments, they destroyed the poor guy…I bet his next article will be about how what he really didn’t mean to say what he said…
@Mike Kay #35
@demo woman #34
Somebody here has a defective snark meter. I don’t think it’s demo woman.
Bubblegum Tate
@Mark S.:
Wow, that is quite a takedown there. Of course, the Palinites will screech that it’s just another case of those durned “elites” who are so “afraid” of Caribou Barbie.
Joseph Nobles
I do miss Bush. It was so much easier to hate America when he was always right there in your face. Nowadays I find myself awake for hours before I remember I’m supposed to be hating on America. Sigh. Good times.
Rick Taylor
If anyone could make me miss Bush, it’s the current crop of Republicans that make him seem restrained and reasonable in contrast.
Joseph Nobles
Oh, btw, the Crawford ranch wasn’t just a WH prop. It was a lot easier handling security concerns in the wilds of Crawford rather than Preston Hollow.
And the Crawford ranch afforded Bush one of the extremely few things I really liked about the administration – it was 100% green. Every time he had the Saudis over for a confab, they were in a house completely non-dependant on their only real export. That was pretty cool.
@Bill E Pilgrim:
Could it possibly be…dare I say it…peak wingnut?
Do I miss him?
Do I wish that I had the technology to go back in time and erase the eight years in which he was President?
Why, yes! Yes, I do.
The Populist
@kommrade reproductive vigor:
How the fuck was that hateful? It’s based on facts…
Let me lay it out for you:
MISS ME YET? — Obviously a joke on the teabagger billboards seen in Minnesota.
NO! YOU NEARLY BANKRUPTED AMERICA — How is this hate? It’s actually factual. See, if the teabaggers learned to be based in facts instead of hate and innuendo, MAYBE we could have honest debates.
@Citizen_X: New to this universe? :)
@Mark S.: DING!
Cat Lady
@Mark S.:
“Quit upward”. This guy is nailin’ Palin:
He used the unAmerican word abjured, though, which triggered all the teabagger alarm bells, so the Palin pod people swarm to diss him like Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
The Populist
I wish I could go back in time equipped with video footage of his worst moments and show it to Sandra Day O’Connor. Maybe THEN she’d have required the votes to be counted.
Zuzu's Petals
I bet Crawford misses him. He blew that popstand for Dallas the minute he left office.
@ellaesther: Wait, no! That would erase one of my kids!
Do I wish I had the technology to go back in time and remind the US Supreme Court that it is not their job to crown kings?
Yes, yes I do.
There. FIXT.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Citizen_X: Well, in terms of this Republican Congress, it’s a possibility, but when you put it that way, regarding overall wingnuttia, I wouldn’t count any chickens.
So to speak.
I was driving south on I-35 today and saw the ‘Miss Me Yet? billboard. First time I’d ever seen it. It may not be in it’s original location but it’s still around. I wish I would have seen the ‘No!’ billboard.
It’s pretty nervy to put an anti-Bush billboard up along that stretch of I-35. Seems like 1 out of every 5 billboards for 100 miles north of the Twin Cities are giant baby photos with anti-choice messages.
Missing him would imply that I ever enjoyed him being around.
So. No.
@Mark S.:
Jonah Goldberg sees no closure:
He continues,
Right-minded folks everywhere agree.
“Where is the data to back this up?” is what I used to ask when people talk about having <blockquote> issues.
“Where is the data to back this up?” should be inside the blockquote.
Damn. That should read “having blockquote issues.”
kommrade reproductive vigor
@The Populist: Your use of the f word demonstrates the failings of the liberal so-called media. Organizations such as Communist News Network are very focused on the allegedly threatening behavior purportedly attributed to teabaggers, but they never mention the language used by some liberals on blogs.
John Cole
What’s with this, though:
Why is there a “nearly” in that sentence? That rat bastard Bush wrecked our nation’s finances but good, and I think you could make the case that we’re not “nearly” bankrupt … we’re all the way there.
Big tax increases are inevitable — hopefully on the richest, but brace yerselfs, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.
No shit. (Uraguay, biches!)
I can’t get AM 950 in my car or house. (830, I can get in my fk’n teeth! ;) Happy trails, Dubya. And thanks for calling me a treasonous piece of shit. I deserved it.
Where is this sign?
demo woman
I’m watching The Blind Side thanks to netflix and Sandra Bullock is outstanding and I love parts of the movie but they certainly did make some of the movie schmaltzy. Years ago I read about Michael Oher in the NYTimes Magazine so I know the story. The movie seems long, maudlin and lacks the development that normally takes part in families. I’m not finished so maybe I’m being to harsh but I can remember being teary eyed reading Lewis in the NYTimes and don’t feel like that now.
Yeah, but that was Sully, too.
There has been a shortage of concern trolling around here lately.
Putting the international ‘no’ sign over former President Bush’s picture could be interpreted as hate speech. It is provocative and if a teabagger hits you from now on, you’ve asked for it.
I am concerned.
How’s that?
No problem, yr welcome.
I just saw the ‘Miss Me Yet’ billboard for the first time this weekend on the way home from the cabin. I’ll have to remember to look for the new one. Gbear is right, those signs all along 35 really bother me.
gogol's wife
@kommrade reproductive vigor:
You’re good.
i miss Bush. he was a funnier target for comedians.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
@demo woman:
I just re hooked up with netflix and am watching Three Days of the Condor on instant. One of my favorite films in the my also fave espionage genre.
I have always like Bullock as an actress, but she has been some real stinker movies over the years. I loved the witch sisters flick with her and Nicole Kidman. Not usually big on romantic dramas, but may check out The Blind Side.
POTUS should be more careful.
Bob K
You know what Georgie? You won’t have to worry about your legacy. FUCK Y’ALL I WORKED MY FINGERS TO THE BONE TO IMPRESS POPPY and what I got to show for it? Diddly. Hanging around this stupid fukin house in Dallas can’t take a $hit without the $$ watchin me. Wisht I’d never listened to poppy and run for guvernator. Had a shitload more fun when I was nobody runnin companies into the ground snortin up coke. Poppy and Mumsy always did love Jeb best. I took out Saddam – Poppy couldn’t. Dick told me to do it and I did. fuk – i did everythin they told me an it was neffer enuff. I for one would like to thank the Cheney regency for keeping us “safe” I know they did the best they could for – Halliburton/KBR/Blackwater/
Lockheed Martin. We the sheeple who are about to die salute you.
Blend in “We’ll meet again” from Doctor Strangelove
demo woman
@General Egali Tarian Stuck: I watched Bright Star on instant and I still am amazed that Abbie Cornish wasn’t nominated for best actress.
35 Shots of rum and Beeswax went to instant because they are artsy but are suppose to be good.
@kommrade reproductive vigor:
I like that, too.
mr. whipple
8 years of the ignorant chimp. Miss him? Hardly.
I know that in 8 years he did a couple things I agreed with, but damned if I can remember them now.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
@demo woman:
Will check it out. I got really burnt from watching too many movies and canceled my NF account about a month ago, so haven’t been keeping up with all the new instants, but thanks for tips.
@John Cole:
Nah, I liked it. It was the only time I thought he was being straight with me.
But then, that also applies to Sully.
Mr. Whipple:
I remember them. Here they are:
1. Didn’t start World War 3. (Not sure if this was just procrastination and laziness, or absence of malicious intent. Hard to tell the difference. Partial negative: did start two disastrous regional conflicts, but those were with non-nuclear powers so it’s less damning.)
2. Medicare part D. Finally old folks don’t have to go broke buying their Viagra and Ambien and Lipitor. (Sure, this wasn’t actually paid for, but a valuable extension of the social safety net all the same.)
That’s about it.
The Populist
@kommrade reproductive vigor:
And….your point is that Fox props up the teabag movement?
Thanks for the cool troll posts :)
Rod Majors
That bit about Palin “brilliantly” ad-libbing the lipstick/pig joke into her convention speech is such a crock of bull. I was watching either Hannity or O’Reilly (can’t remember which) a few days before her speech and Karl Rove in telling an anecdote about a recent encounter with Palin mentioned that very same joke. It was not off the cuff. Every time I here about that line being so brilliant I want to bang my head off the wall. It was stuck in there days ahead of time, likely by a staffer/speech-writer. Everything about that woman is phony. Even down to little tidbits like this.
God, they really do live in a world in which all the errant, ungrateful children who didn’t appreciate them learn their lesson, come crawling back and admit that the parental W. fans were right all along.
I’m struck these days by how much conservative site comments are full of rage about all the outrageous things Obama is going to do or let happen, but haven’t happened yet, but they totally will and then we’ll all be sorry. Also, he’s clearly taking away our civil liberties because they believe so strongly that he will that they already feel like they’re legally constrained and that’s exactly the same thing as if they actually were.
It’s the same thing with Political Correctness. Sure, if they spout off racial epithets or declare for “opposite marriage” they’re not going to lose their job (like the non-conservative Geico announcer) or have the government investigate their political activities (like the anti-tea party Oregon teacher), but some people won’t like them any more, and some other people might actually call them names back, and how is somebody disagreeing with you or even laughing at you any different from being criminally prosecuted? Being called names is worse, because all they do to criminals is cage them like animals, but Carrie Prejean got her feelings hurt. Lots. Keep your chin up, Carrie. So brave. So strong.
Also, according to McArdle, her friends don’t try to get jobs in Hollyweird, not even on 24 or whatever Kelsey Grammer is doing between binges because aside from Ahnuld, Clint, John Voigt, James Woods and just about everybody on the business side who isn’t either gay or Jewish (but not the kind of Jewish McArdle likes), conservatives are not welcome in the entertainment biz. So instead of joining the “cultural elite” they content themselves with becoming hedge fund managers. Which is exactly like what happened to black people under Jim Crow. She knows this is true. She can feel it.
Wait till we get President Palin. Then we’ll miss him.
Jenna Field
No we don’t miss you, but is anything really being accomplished with the new president?