And after a long day, Lily and I are both pooped:
Tunch normally claims the right thigh, but he is busy bitching through the screen door at something on the deck. Prolly coons.
by John Cole| 89 Comments
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That is a big TV.
Liberty60(Veteran, Great war of Yankee Aggression)
Speaking of sitting in the La-Z-Boy, Alan Grayson is making some terrific points on Bill Maher about the “people who have never accepted the outcome of the Civil War…”
The Guy Fawkes Day thread was intriguing. How long before they decide to lovingly commemorate Judas Iscariot day?
John Cole
@SIA: Rear projection. Ten years old, but I can not justify replacing it because it still works.
At least Colt McCoy finally found a home — I was gettin’ skeered. And if I hear about Tim Tebow one more time….I can’t answer for the consequences. Did Boomer seem even more incoherent than usual tonight?
@John Cole: Didn’t know a TV could last 10 years.
OK, consider this quote:
“…good athleticism, fluid hips and provides a wide range in the back end in coverage”
NFL draft commentary or post at Savage Love?
patrick II
If you haven’t seen this yet, you should.
The Lowden Plan: A simple healthcare plan anyone with a few thousand live chickens can use.
mr. whipple
Wish he wouldn’t have found it in Cleveland.
demo woman
How can you tell?
I’ve been painting my house today so did not know that the state of AZ decided to ignore the constitution and start profiling everyone until early this evening. I do hope that a few patriotic policemen stop and question a few old white guys about their citizenship papers. Recently I used the term silly season for the antics of the right but after today it’s obvious that it’s racist season.
@mr. whipple:
Not sure, Cleveland could be a good place for him. He’s got a good chance of being a starter soon, and Holmgren could make a difference there. As a Jettie, I’m not too sanguine about Mangini, but maybe that turd has picked up a bit of polish along the way, too.
God, I can’t believe I have to suffer through all this baseball until the next season begins.
I had an old fashioned Sony Trinitron TV that lasted for prolly 20 years. It was a good TV, bless its heart. Now I have a lil’ old-fashioned color TV. It’ll probably last a long time because I dropped my cable service a while back. That was weird. I canceled it due to lack of money, but Comcast didn’t get around to disconnecting me for a whole year. Didn’t bill me or anything, just didn’t get around to it. (And when they did, I was all outraged for 30 seconds until I remembered. Duh.)
Lily looks like a sweetie. You should take off your flip-flops, though. I’d be more comfy, mk.
freelancer (itouch)
You should see the projector I have in my living room. I’m currently watching the BBC miniseries The State Within on a 72″ panel I put up on my living room wall. I’ve had it so long I’m kinda ho hum about it, but whenever someone new comes over, they’re all “Woah!” and I get to smirk a bit.
John Cole
I can’t. If he isn’t on my lap, there is always the chance Tunch will walk through and attack my feet just to let me know who is the HMFIC. He’s done it before, so now I am gunshy about going without foot protection with my feet elevated.
I have an HD rear projection tv that I bought in 03 that I wouldn’t mind replacing if it would just die… but I’m glad to not have to pay the money to do so…
Well, Judas did go against all that share the wealth stuff and just offered his services on the mighty free market for 30 silver pieces. If Jesus had just offered him 40, he would still have been alive. Judas is clearly prove that the free market works and you should always look out for number one. And he didn’t even get smitten down by God.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
I have a crt that idnt dead after ten years. Though I’ve considered taking out a contract on it, my conscience and wallet won’t let me.
I’d include the view from my la-z-boy…except I don’t *have* a la-z-boy, and the view from my seat includes mostly…children…right now.
Your Walmart ad just shouted at me. When did that start?
John Cole
@zzyzx: Until the Samsung LCD’s a couple years ago, nothing could beat the rear projections as far as showing black.
I’ll use this one til it dies, but the fact that inputs have changed so much is making it kind of impractical.
John Cole
@bey: Sorry- couple days ago. I took down the project wonderful which were NSFW and generated a lot of complaints and joined another ad network.
Yeah I would like to be able to hook a computer to my tv but the DVI adapter makes green streaks when I try. Apple TV is covering about 95% of my computer on TV needs though…
It said I’ve won a thousand dollars, but I think it lied.
kommrade reproductive vigor
I sometimes think the world is divided into two kinds of people: Those who wear shoes indoors and those who don’t. Cole is clearly a member of the shoes indoors tribe. Heathen.
@John Cole: Yes, the Evony ads are so much more SFW…
I have to counsel shoes indoors in this case. You might laugh at a man who’s wearing shoes, but what if you met a man who had no feet, due to his feline overlord?
You people need to get new jobs. I’ve never seen any ad here that anybody I’ve ever worked for would object to, not counting “stop Obamacare” or Ann Coulter.
Comrade Kevin
You’re watching the NFL draft?
Lily has the cutest ears.
Alice Blue
Many years ago, I had a kitty who would attack my feet right after getting out of the shower. I started rubbing a tiny bit of Vicks Vap-O-Rub on the tops of my toes. That did the trick.
@General Egali Tarian Stuck: I had an RCA crt console that I inherited from my folks. It was made in the late 80s, and just died for good and all last February. I now have a 32″ Sylvania HD, and sometimes I kick myself for waiting so long. The quality of the picture is amazing…although I am seeing wrinkles and freckles and such on the TV folk that I never saw before. Everyone looks younger in crt.
Anyway. You may want to reconsider that contract.
NYT editorial calling for McCain to return to his original, principaled self. Really NYT’s?
John Cole
@kommrade reproductive vigor: Actually, I go barefoot in the house. My flip flops wait at the base of the la-z-boy, and I put them on when I sit down.
@MikeJ: Heh. No, I won’t change jobs. Given the choice between 6th St. and Overlake…there’s no competition.
Even if John Marchione won’t build a bridge to any of our parking lots.
ETA: That’s totally unfair to John, by the way. The bridge is necessary, and had already been master-planned in before he was elected. It’s going to be a godsend to traffic on 520. But, that said, it’s too good a line to pass up.
freelancer (itouch)
@John Cole:
Heh. Tunch have all his claws, I take it?
If this doesn’t move you, you are a douchebag, plain and simple.
Comrade PhysioProf
Dude, those adidas sandals with the little massager nubbins are fucking awesome!
@patrick II:
I love the drawings on that site! I don’t know if it’s clip art or if they hired a professional artist, but those are some adorable chicken cartoons. Thank you for the link. :-D
de stijl
It’s spelled Mangina.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
I hardly watch teevee anymore other than some news, and I am like our host in that if something still works, it isn’t quite right to replace it. I have an ancient recliner chair that literally looks like it was run over by a semi. There are springs and pieces of boards sticking out the sides, but it is still highly comfortable to recline in, so I just cover all the wreckage up the best I can, and put off buying a new one first thing every morning.
Mark S.
That was awesome.
And Rush wonders why black people fucking hate him?
I see I’m not the only one that can’t stomach Chris Berman anymore…
Can somebody please tell ESPN and the NFL Network that you are ruining the draft by either showing guys on the phone or telling me who a team is drafting before they are announced from the podium?
For the love of FSM, how can media outlets screw up something as simple as the draft?
@General Egali Tarian Stuck: Funny part? Charlie will tell you when to replace that chair. Trust me. One day he won’t bound up into it and whine and you’ll think he’s nuts, but he’s actually telling you to get a new damn chair Daddy!
General Egali Tarian Stuck
@Yutsano: Charlie is da boss of me, fer sure. :)
After being able to pretty much ignore everything on TV for years, because all I had was an ancient 27″ CRT, I bought a coworker’s 55-inch rear projection Mitsubishi (cause he was moving and the price was about what I’d pay for a new 27″). I had an epiphany the first time I watched anything. That is now the size of screen I’m used to, so most TVs now seem puny to me. Also, perhaps unfortunately, I watch a lot more TV than I used to.
However, I also finally broke down and upgraded from DSL to cable modem, so I can stream TV to my computer without it stopping every 2 seconds to clear the buffer. I can download TV shows directly to my computer… for free (mostly)… and have been wondering about giving up the cable TV.
Two things hold me back: I love Comcast’s On Demand; and I can’t watch TV with company if it’s streaming on my computer. The first reason to keep the cable TV will soon be obsolete, thanks to streaming video and RedBox… but the second reason still stands. Unless there is such a thing as a cable that will feed the streaming TV from my computer to the big gorgeous Mitsubishi, and even then I’d want to know whether the image would be Mitsubishi sharp or as fuzzy as a 17″ image trying to spread out over a 55″ screen.
Anyone know if such tech exists?
I’m still using the one I bought in 1982. No remote, just a line of channel buttons down the right side, but I only use it for watching movies anyway.
There was an entire thread on this very thing yesterday, coincidentally…
Miss a day, miss a lot…
Don’t be so untrusting. Everyone who’s clicked on Balloon Juice 1000x is a millionaire now.
Ok, I’m in the middle of the spring rush at the greenhouse where I work, so I missed this whole gardening-ish day – – but I have to drag out my Master Gardener creds and offer two pieces of unsolicited info and advice –
1. Re Dandelions – well the problem is (besides the monoculture lawn thing – that they are an invasive, non-native species. Seriously. Taraxacum officinale was (supposedly) unknown on the North American continent until they were introduced by – wait for it – French (Huguenot) Immigrants to the NY/NJ are in the early 1700s.
(And I am of French extraction myself , on one side – so it’s all my fault, I guess )
2. Forget the topsy-turvy tomato planter. Sell it at a yard sale, give it to the neighbor kid – I promise it will break your heart. I have seen exactly ONE of these things turn out well – and that was the one we kept in the greenhouse, away from nasty cruel winds and stuff like that, that was watered and fertilized and pampered by the whole damn staff.
Other than that, they’re a mess. If they ever dry out completely, they are impossible to re-wet – because water runs down – gravity, and all that – and out the hole at the bottom – instead of staying where you need it, at the top of the bag where the roots are. None that we sold – even to ever-vigilent gardening customers – turned out well.
If you are so masochistic that you insist on trying it – and hey, you run this blog, so you probably are, JC – at least plant it with a determinate, bush-type tomato – I recommend Bush Celebrity or Better Bush – so you have a fighting chance of not having a straggly, 8 foot monster with one tomato on it.
(also – hang this thing UP off the ground – even with a bush tomato, it needs a lot of clearance – 7 or 8 feet – and from a STRONG hook and beam – when it’s fully grown and wet, it weighs a TON. No, you can’t use a shepherds crook to hang it – we’re talking a structural timber here.
Cole, Cole – what IS this glutton for punishment thing you have?
very nice view of the teevee rising over the flip flops……and I think we glimpsed an elbow on a car door once……..but enuffa these teasers.
When do we get to see The Whole Cole??
All the OTHER cool bloggers have their pics up……
Roger Moore
@demo woman:
Fixt. It would be ideal if they were stopped while on the way to an important vote, but I’m not going to get picky. I’d suggest that they arrest Joe Arpaio, too, but I’d be happier if somebody arrested him for his legitimate wrongdoing instead.
WTF. Showing movies on the WEATHER channel. Idiots. I never can find any weather on the weather channel.
mr. whipple
Let’s not spoil the sheer mystery that is The Cole.
h/t to Digby, here’s an awesome cover by Chris Ware for Fortune magazine, for their Fortune 500 issue. It’s actually a portrait of corporate America, complete with cash being helicoptered out of the Treasury, “Milton Friedman Paycheck Advance,” armed survivalists–strangely, Fortune decided not to use it.
@Hal: ‘Fraid it’s too late. McCain’s been one of the Lost Boys since the 60’s.
@freelancer (itouch): As the eyesight fades a bit think I could now go for one of those big tee-vees! :)
Dee Loralei
@freelancer (itouch): The State Within is really great, anyone with Netflix needs to stream that. Also the original BBC State of Play, much more intense than the recent movie. And MI-5 is really intelligent compelling spy proceedural tv.
Reality-based, I’ll ask you my flea question. My dogs seem to be lightly infested. I’ve put the drops on them 2 weeks ago, given them the kill pill and they are still bringing them in from outside. Is there anything safe for animals, plants, people, birds, bees and butterflies I can spray on the yard to get rid of them, oh master gardener? WearBear and Annie Laurie gave me a few ideas for it in another thread but I want idiot proof options also, thanks :-)
@calipygian: Hell fuckin; YES.
@Mark S.:
Adjusted that for you.
That was pretty much what I would up with when I tried thisdeck planter. Lush greenery on two of four bushes, but maybe 2-3 tomatoes, total. Thing is, the planter is designed so that the roots can remain wetted, so drying out wasn’t the issue. Decent sun exposure was a problem because of shadows from the planter. But I think the main problem is that the plants sense that they’re upside down, and they don’t like it.
At least this planter lets me plant things right side up. I’ve planted 5 kinds of basil in it this year.
And Another Thing...
@mr. whipple: The mystery is part of the fun…like The Stig on Top Gear, although he’s been outed recently.
Mark S.
Two soldiers who were in the company depicted in the Wikileaks video have written an apology to the Iraqi people:
It’s well worth a read.
@Dee Loralei:
oh, dear – the YARD makes it a problem – as anything you spray with that will kill fleas – such as pyrethrin, derived from painted daisies, generally about the least toxic of the available insecticides – will also kill lady bugs, bees, and other friendly bugs.
You could, however, try spraying the whole place with insecticidal soap – it will reduce the whole bug poulation for a while, but the effect doesn’t last –
I have to say, when I lived in CA, and the flea problem was terrible, the best thing I found was using a boric acid mixture ( I got one called Flea Busters) that I worked into the carpet with broom,, and then vacuumed up – that helped a lot, as did keeping the cats on their once-monthly drops-on-the neck schedule –
(sigh) Fleas – along with the Human Spine, a great argument AGAINST Intelligent Design!
@SIA: We had a 19 inch RCA (when they were actually made in America) that lasted for 18 years. When it went 2 years ago, I went looking for another one, and the sales person at Best Buy or where ever said, “Nope you don’t want one. Not made well anymore.”
Sadly the story of everything these days. Except for Ford and GM and gee I am so glad I was for that rescue when all my Republican friends and relatives were SO very against its rescue by the taxpayer, all about the unions you know. “They were the reason that GM fell on hard times.” Still wish, though, they hadn’t killed my Saturn.
@dww44: I’m gonna take some notes here, mostly because I may be in the market for a new TV here soon (although the ProScan I’ve had forever seems to still be holding out just fine and we’ve had it about forever) and I may indulge in a plasma here. I don’t need anything too fancy or expensive, just a good entertainment box.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
@Mark S.: Wow. I am glad they did this. Should have been George Bush who wrote the letter and offered himself up to be tried by an Iraqi court, him and his lying henchmen. The books aren’t closed yet on them getting some justice delivered, somehow.
Coons? When racoons try to get on our back porch, Momma just chase ’em off with a broom.
I’m still using the 1987 Mitsubishi I inherited from my Grandmom. It lost the top 2″ a few years back (apparently some well-known capacitor failure), but I don’t even have a digital converter, so I mostly watch movies. Even so, it has a much better picture than my friends’ bigger ‘Murcan TVs.
Now that I’ve probably got a permanent job with That Cable Company, I’ll probably want a new TV, but I can’t afford it on what they pay me.
New Jersey’s Chris
KrustyChristy must have had the shortest honeymoon evah. He’s at 33% in the polls.His response was:
“I could care less.”
Imagine President Obama saying that and then the ensuing outcry.
Will we be hearing the chants about how Christy must listen to the people?
Didn’t think so.
@GregB: Is Christy blackity blackity black? No? Nahgunnahappen.
@General Egali Tarian Stuck: Okay, I’m just gonna break a bunch of liberal hearts right now. Bush and Cheney will never be tried in the US. Ever. There will never be the political will or national fortitude to allow that much introspection into the Shrub interregnum. This does not preclude cooperation with either the Spanish or The Hague should an enterprising prosecutor decide to pursue these matters. If Obama cooperates in any fashion, you will get your answer.
@SIA: We bought our last tv in 2001, primarily because the software company where my husband worked was also making hardware, and we needed to be able to test it from home. Until then, we’d been using his 19″ color tv that he received as a high school graduation present in 1989.
The 2001 Sony is still working fine, so I can’t see replacing it, especially since the bedroom still has my 13″ 1992 tv from college (purchased to watch the political conventions and Olympics). I bought it at Target for less than $100. The original remote no longer works, but it’s stylin’ with plastic wood paneling around the outside. At this point, it’s “classic.”
freelancer (itouch)
@Dee Loralei:
State of Play the miniseries is nothing short of awesome. So far I am 4 eps into The State Within.
I’ll say this about our friends across the pond. When they do intrigue, they don’t pander.
Dee Loralei
@reality-based: Thanks for the info. I may end up using the pyrethin, since the fenced area is only about 1/4-1/3 of the yard. The dogs are out there a few hours total a day. But I’ll look into the insecticidal soaps first and maybe spray that portion of the yard once a week or so to see if it works. Maybe there’s something garlic based out there, fleas hate garlic. I’ll prolly experiment with several things to find anything that will last a few weeks. ( YAY Science) Sheesh it’s so hard being responsible, or I guess as Kermit said ” it’s not easy being green.”
Now, I’ve got a Zom/Com to watch with my 19 yr old son. “The Last of The Living” it’s from NZ or Oz and supposed to be like Shaun of the Dead or ZombieLand, thus a ZombieComedy.
So night all.
Mark S.
Cenk Uygur:
Now that’s unfair! Teabaggers will get off their asses and protest as soon as Fox News reminds them who they’re supposed to be hating.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
@Yutsano: I know. But a libtard can dream, can’t he?
Arizona and Nevada have unveiled some new license plate designs:
Dee Loralei
@freelancer (itouch): I found State Within by accident. I knew there was a movie based on some BBC tv show coming and knew State was in the title. So I went hunting on Netflix, when State Within popped up and sounded all intriguey I queued it up and watched all the eps. Loved it, realized lead actor was Lucious Malfoy from HP, went to Imdb to see what else he had done and found one I really liked set on the east coast and he seduces a Portugeuse/ American torch singer. Can’t remember the name, sorry. but the music was amazing.
A few days later I realized I meant to watch State of Play and did so. And really felt a wee bit let down watching the (Hollywood) movie,since it was really good, but not nearly as in depth or emotional as the mini-series.
But if you like those, you will love MI-5, I promise. I’d seen those on BBCAmerica, and was so please that you can stream I think all 5(6) seasons from Netflix.
The only good American intrigue tv I’ve seen in the last few years was a mini-series called The Grid. There’s a BBC one called Dirty Bomb that’s intense too.
I’m pretty happy to see this. Does that make me a bad person?
Anyway, wasn’t this the guv Tweety was chattering on about today as (another) possible great white hope for the GOP?
@dww44: @ tesslibrarian
Every teevee I’ve had the last 2 decades seems to conk out around 7 years or so. I always cringe trying to figure out what to do with the teevee corpse.
Mike Kay
@Mark S.: wait a minute!
Jane Hamsher told us the teabaggers are merely conservative populists who have much in common with liberal populists — especially anger over the wall street crimes.
Anne Laurie
@Dee Loralei: Not a yard solution, BUT… the other thing you might try is feeding your dogs brewers yeast. If they’ll eat it (some think it’s a treat, others won’t touch the stuff), it apparently changes their scent just enough to make them “invisible” to fleas. I’m told it also works for humans against mosquitos, and fleas if you’re one of the unfortunates who attracts them, but the problem is that you have to remember to eat the pills every day for at least 21 days before skeeter season starts and keep on eating them right up through the first killing frosts. However, it’s nutritional as well as harmless — pet suppliers sell it as a coat supplement — so if your guys will cooperate, it can’t hurt to try!
Poll numbers are only meaningful if the incumbent is a Democrat, silly.
Dee Loralei
@Anne Laurie: I’ll look into that, I’m giving them both 6 benadryls a day (3pills 2x) , and I’ve started adding garlic powder to their food, so why not brewers yeast? I also put a little olive oil on the food too for their coats and skin, since wearbear reminded me that a healthy skin would actually help keep an infestation away. A few weeks ago, I started giving them salmon based treats too, also for the coats and skin and eyes.
Yes, the dogs do eat better than we do. Is that so wrong? LOL
I bought an RCA TV in 1979 or so. A sticker on the back said it was built in Bloomington, Indiana, in a factory my mom had once worked at. I finally got rid of it about 2000 or so; it still had a decent picture. Occasionally it would flake out and the sound would get really loud. That factory had shut down by then, so I got a Panasonic.
Be careful about that screen door. A few years ago, my Maine Coon, Boots, had finally had all he could take from the squirrel who lived in the oak tree in the front yard and who apparently found it extremely amusing to stand about ten feet out from the screen door when Boots was behind it and torment the poor cat. The day Boots’ patience ran out, he took a running start, crashed right through the screen in the door, and chased that squirrel up the oak tree. The squirrel then jumped into the hackberry in the side yard, stranding Boots halfway up the oak tree with no idea how to get down. Fortunately, the neighbors had a tall ladder and I had plenty of treats. Poor Boots slept for a good 6 hours after we got him down, and he had a few dreams. I think I can guess their theme. I replaced the screen with the heaviest gauge screening I could find and made sure it was deeply anchored, but the silly squirrel never came back. I guess he got scared too.
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
Reading as I scrolled the page down, this:
was first read as:
My first thought was TMI and the second was ‘what about Tunch?’
Time for another bowl.
@Yutsano: No nookie for you tonight! No, I know it’s true. It’s just difficult for me to accept.
HDTV–I lurves it.
But, someone shoot me, please. My Vikes are getting teabagged by Favre this off-season as he does his yearly will-I or won’t-I tease. What a fucking diva.
Cole, your reasons for wearing flip-flops on the La-Z Boy are acceptable. Barely. Lily is cute, and TUUUUUUNCH!
Sen. Coburn (R-OK), an ObGyn, would be owed 2,166 chickens for delivering a baby. Sue Lowden, please ask him if he would accept poultry for payment.
hmmm….word play: poultry/paltry
@de stijl:
No, see, that bothers me as a woman because what that’s saying is Mangini is so awful and wimpy he’s like lady parts. So, no to Mangina.
I’m happy to call him a dick, tho.
I probably had that same TV. Bought the Trinitron in the early ’80s, and it was a faithful servant through the millennium. The lack of a remote wasn’t a problem, because the cable-box remote did almost everything. Great picture, too.