In fairness, he does know a thing or two about bone-deep ignorance.
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by John Cole| 45 Comments
This post is in: Going Galt
In fairness, he does know a thing or two about bone-deep ignorance.
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I think Glenn Reynolds has retired the World’s Biggest Douche category.
Are you really that bothered by the kids that teased you in junior high school Glenn?
General Egali Tarian Stuck
They put the kneejerk in reactionary.
John Cole
The very next paragraph has this whopper:
He’s just shameless.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
And lucky brain transplants haven’t been perfected, yet.
Midnight Marauder
I continue to be amazed at the willful ignorance of such large portions of this country’s population.
Or maybe that should be “bone-deep ignorance.”
Glenn Reynolds isn’t fit to shine Linda Greenhouse’s shoes.
Rich Lowry and Byron York are neck and neck with Reynolds in the World’s Biggest Douche contest.
“Hitler would be crestfallen. This hardly reeks of extremism. It means the vast majority of requests for documentation will occur in the course of other police business, like traffic stops… Arizona seeks only to enforce the nominal immigration policy of the United States. Perhaps the federal government should try it sometime.’ – Rich “Starbursts” Lowry
“Contrary to the talk, it is a reasonable, limited, carefully-crafted measure designed to help law enforcement deal with a serious problem in Arizona. Its authors anticipated criticism and went to great lengths to make sure it is constitutional and will hold up in court. It is the criticism of the law that is over the top, not the law itself… It’s a good law, sensibly written and rigorously focused — no matter what the critics say.” – Byron York
Bob K
I think this clip should be used a few times in campaign commercials. It certainly explains the G(NO)P as well as anything else.
Cuidado: his dander is up.
It is my understanding that this law also gives the option for anyone to (anonymously) file official paperwork to accuse another of harboring/employing an illegal alien — and that the AG is REQUIRED to investigate each and every claim, no matter how frivolous a claim may seem.
I bet if a few upstanding citizens living in their oh-so-safe gated communities were investigated over and over and over and over
. . . they just might feel a bit differently about this “sensibly written” law.
@John Cole:
Well this part sounds awfully familiar.
Mark S.
As long as it pisses off liberals, Reynolds will be for it. This is what a sensible conservative looks like.
They either don’t understand the arguments against the bill, or they choose to ignore them intellectually. Stupid or evil? Can’t I pick both?
“Lack of Border Security” is also why it’s okay that I cheat on my wife. It’s a real problem.
But I do agree with him about all these bogus charges of racism. Only anti-police extremists could imagine that ‘you must check the papers of anyone you suspect is an illegal immigrant’ would actually pose a problem for dirty Mexicans.
J.W. Hamner
I’ve got to wonder why the only amendment to the Constitution with a slippery slope is the 2nd one. You’d think that people who call background checks to keep guns out of the hands of convicted felons “fascist”, would have some problem with this law… but apparently not.
Hmm. A stray neuron fired, I googled “glenn reynolds robot sex” and this Sadly, No classic came up.
So I guess I’m having trouble taking his punditry seriously.
Bill Section 147
Get the damn government out of my immigration policy. Let the market decide.
Funny how the Heil Hitler Government Solution talk is teh insane in the debate over this moderate immigration law which may end up incarcerating 5, 8, 15 brown people north, south, east or west of Tikrit. When absolutely zero people would be arrested by the Fascist Takeover known as Health Care. But all zero of them would be losing their rights and their America.
@WereBear: In his defense, disinfecting the sexual organs of robots is actually a wise precaution, due to the lack of border security.
It’s a real problem.
Mark S.
Oh god, the law reads like a post at RedState. Nobody knows exactly what the hell they need to be carrying to prove they are a legal resident; apparently cops can demand this information for whatever reason. I also wonder what the first suit brought by a citizen against an agency for not enforcing the law is going to look like. Again, probably something along the lines of a RedState post.
Immigration stupid is everywhere.
MPR Midday has been having all the candidates for governor on the lunchtime program this week. I’m actually glad that they have the republicans on to spout this shit. This state is dead if we wind up electing another republican governor.
Maybe the second step would be to have everyone’s birthplace tatooed on his or her forehead.
Mark of the Beast?
Well, they’re right about the trespass provision, and that is a big mistake, on her part, and that is what libertarians would object to.
It was in until March 30th, when it was replaced with:
“For any lawful contact made by a law enforcement official or agency of this state or a county, city, town or other political subdivision of this state where reasonable suspicion exists that the person is an alien who is unlawfully present in the United States, a reasonable attempt shall be made, when practicable, to determine the immigration status of the person. ”
Which you would think libertarians would also object to.
de stijl
If this is the first step, I’d hate to see the final solution.
de stijl
Duncan Hunter, Jr. stopped reading the amendments to the US Constitution after the 13th. His head was starting to hurt.
Glenn Reynolds has nothing on Steve King
REP. STEVE KING (R-IA): “I’m wondering if we look at the map of Congressman Raul Grijalva’s (D-AZ) congressional district if we haven’t already ceded that component of Arizona to Mexico judging by the voice that comes out of him, he’s advocating for Mexico rather than the United States and against the rule of law, which is one of the central pillars of American exceptionalism.”
J. Michael Neal
So, you have a thing for Latinas?
When is Byron in Arizona next? I think every time he shows up in Arizona we should tip off the Arizona AG.
Is there some contest among the GOP to say the stupidest fucking thing ever? Steve King(of the dipshits) is ahead at this moment. “In our souls”???????? He’s actually talking about deporting AMERICAN CITIZENS.
@Cain: And McCain. Doesn’t he have a mansion or two in Arizona?
J. Michael Neal
OT: I finally got one of the Evony ads. When did they stop using cartoon chicks with big hooters and go with photos of actual women? Also, does the game have *anything* to do with sex? It sounds like it’s just a Civ ripoff. Unless I can build brothels in my city, and hire harem girls as experts, I’d have to call marketing campaign misleading.
This what passed for immigration enforcement prior to this law.
Sheriff’s Deputies detained and cuffed U.S. citizen Manuel Nieto, Jr. outside of his family’s auto repair shop in Phoenix based on the following “reasonable suspicion”
1. Being brown
2. Listening to Ranchero music
Call me crazy if I don’t think the new law is going to discourage this sort of behavior from Law Enforcement.
Sort of.
They all belong to his wife’s Trust.
de stijl
Glenn Reynolds is libertarian like Republicans are conservative*.
* I mean the old-school definition of conservative.
There’s a wingnut horse race underway to see who can say the most fucked up thing about this Arizona law. Down the stretch they come: Glenn Reynolds, Byron York, George Will, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and here comes Sarah Palin.
But Little Dreamer reassured us several times yesterday that nothing like that ever happened in Arizona so we couldn’t claim that it would happen more often now that this law has passed.
Somehow, I’m not shocked that she didn’t have the first fucking clue about what was happening in her own home state.
de stijl
@de stijl:
My last sentence was pretty bold.
Take this to heart, little ones, never start a line with an asterisk on a Balloon Juice comment unless you really, really mean it.
Comrade Luke
Did you see the update to Reynolds post Sullivan is referring to?
A true libertarian would point out that simply existing isn’t illegal. You should have the same rights no matter where your parents chose to live when they had you. and F arbitrary governing bodies and the artificial barriers they impose.
jesus, reynolds is a buffoon.
Little Dreamer is either pig ignorant, or just in denial.
Mr. Nieto is currently a Plaintiff in a well-publicized class action lawsuit against Maricopa County and the MCSO for Civil Rights violations.
Hell, before this law, Joe Arpaio stated publicly that if you have “no documents” and “look like you just came from Mexico”, it’s probable cause for detention.
Sullivan was pretty riled up over the fifth column on the coasts when he was pro kill brown people so, uh, fuck him (in some way that he wouldn’t enjoy it).
@Niques: How about a nice star on your clothing to indicate, yellow for Mexico, orange for Guatemala, red for Puerto Rico… oh wait, they’re a part of the United States.
As of this writing, anyway.
@General Egali Tarian Stuck: Lucky for who? Certainly not anybody unfortunate to hear this asshole.
@gbear: Oh lord. You’re giving me nightmares. I may have to move from MN? Or get arrested, I suppose. I’ve been mistaken for indigenous before.
I’ve got it: Instead of felt triangles, use Doritos. Voila! The perfect symbol to denote Messkin status!!