No. I don’t care about the big dinner in DC. All the people on my twitter feed acting all star crossed are kind of nauseating, too.
Also, I just realized I have lived here for going on six weeks and I do not know what channel CNN is. In fact, I basically have stopped watching television altogether except for sports and a few specific shows (Chuck, the Pacific, and Treme, with an occasional Dog Whisperer or Frontline or Bill Maher). I didn’t realize how much I relied on it for background noise, but now I have wind chimes and birds. I’m much more relaxed and in a better mood (not that you can tell).
Also, right now I am about to make a lime daquiri the size of Dallas and then sit on the porch admiring the yard while the rain storm hits.
*** Update ***
Everyone go read Digby. Because I f-ing said so.
Sounds like a plan. I’m listening to music (right now, the new Natalie Merchant record, which I have to say is mildly disappointing) using my new headphone amp.
Keith G
Sounds like a good plan, Squire Cole.
I’ll let other say the obvious here.
So I have a crazy notion in my head. After two weeks of a forced vacation due to a throat infection, I’ve realized I don’t really want to go back to my job. There are too many systemic issues that have made themselves obvious to me (not the least of which was making me come in to do a time card EVEN WHEN I WASN’T WORKING!!) so I’m very seriously considering resigning even before I have a new job lined up. I’ll do okay money-wise for awhile, so I’m not too concerned about that. I also have a few applications in the works, so it could happen that I’ll have another job very quickly. Am I totally nuts?
Personally I throw a bunch of ice cubes into a glass, pour over a healthy dose of chardonney then wander about the yard and look at what is sprouting/blooming/growing. It is a soul clensing operation and does more than you know. I have carrots! I will be able to pull them in the next couple of weeks, they overwintered and are goodly sized roots, I am so excited. In other news I managed to overwinter my Rhubarb and I should have good sized stems to pull in a couple of weeks, I am so stoked, fresh rhubarb, stuffed into a pot of sugar and stuffed into one’s mouth is heaven on earth, my Daddy used to pee on his, have not tried this, think it may not enhance the flavor.
Is that the cd where she puts poetry to music?
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
My TV watching during the week:
1. New Doctor Who.
2. MTV Hits
3. Generator Rex (new show on Cartoon network).
4. Rachel Maddow/Jon Stewart-Stephen Colbert. I flip between them, but spend most of my time on Rachel.
So, 3.5 + lots of music videos.
John Cole
@Yutsano: Yes. Get another job first in this economy.
I’m +1.5 on Famous Grouse, had a nice home cooked meal with the parents. Now I’m enjoying the windows open, breezy spring evening…it’s all good
I, too, stopped watching the teevee except for the teams I follow (go United). Don’t even watch Keith or Rachel anymore. I was, I think, going to have an aneurysm. Same with the radio. I can monitor the nimrods just fine with the interwebs. I am happier because of this. There’s just something about watching/hearing the stupid live.
Chat Noir
Watching “The Man From Snowy River” for the thousandth time. Still love the scene where Jim rides his horse down the side of the mountain.
The husband is having a good time at Jazz Fest in NOLA so yam a widow this weekend.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
I managed to make myself do a fair amount of house cleaning today. Charlie followed me around to inspect, I guess. Got new tires put on the truck and am sitting here watching the Hummingbirds do their aerial combat. It is still like a cool fall day here, very unusual. I hate politics, the DC dinner, and have always despised the Kentucky Derby and horse racing in general, even though it was where I was raised.
Got a new movie in with Clive Owen. Don’t know what it’s about or if anygood, but plan to find out.
Plus, I find it odd, that despite being totally out of power, the uncanny ability of wingnuts to stay atop the news cycle with increasingly bizarre antics and improving poll numbers at the same time. Crazy ass country we live in.
Urgh, what a day. 9 hour long symposium at work, plus some troubleshooting equipment before, after, and even during the talks. I need a drink.
The shiny new iPad performed with flying colors though. Several hours worth of note taking, web-browsing and email (during the duller talks…), and the occasional VNC session (see: troubleshooting equipment, above), and at the end of the day there was still 40% left on the battery.
Photo phail.
About two months ago, we moved from a 3rd floor walk up surrounded by
noiseneighbors and traffic to an old carriage house in the ‘north end’ of town. It’s half-a-mile from my daughter or better yet, my granddaughter who’s 4. There’s trees, birds, wandering cats, an occasional barking dog, and quiet – sometimes traffic. And yes, I’m more relaxed and happy. And – the cats, they’re especially happy. They can prowl and slink, chase leaves or sit in the sun on the wicker bench.In fact – I’m hearing thunder now! What!
Nothin a nice pot pie won’t cure.
I have not detected that Mr. Cole has been a better mood since his move, but I believe him to be an honest and sincere person, and take his statement at face value.
Because I know Mr. Cole and the Balloon-Juice crew love statistics, below is a link to the best argument for doing a statistical adjustment to the census that I have seen published.
If anyone one here wants to win all future arguments on this topic, please read it.
The census will be wrong. We could fix it.
By Jordan Ellenberg
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Washington Post
edit: and Cole gives wise and sound adive to his flock.
@General Egali Tarian Stuck: Still waiting for the hummers to show, we have a few, bums me out. And I ruined my best hummer pic chances last night. Operator failure.
Jebus, we are so fucked…
Glad you are enjoying your house, John Cole. Having a yard is a wonderful thing.
I’m heading out for a run. It’s too hot here to go any sooner in the anymore. Pretty soon we’ll be into the days of 5:30 a.m. runs or 8:30 p.m. runs or indoor treadmills. Ah, summer.
John Cole
@jeffreyw: We’re all waiting on hummers.
@John Cole:
If that’s the case, you’re going about the daiquiri thing all wrong. Supposed to buy them, not drink them.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
Gulf Stream. If they don’t stop it soon. Enviro apocalypse to east us coast and beyond. They reason they can’t stop it is it’s too fucking deep. A shallower wellhead and it would be done, either by the deep sea robots, or at least a containment cone overtop with a spout to siphon and collect the oil from a point source. Stupid humans.
“bubbling sensuality of Greenspan”? /me pukes
The Grand Panjandrum
mmmmmmm … hummers.
ETA: Naked bears, a thread back, now hummers. What’s not to love about BJ?
@The Grand Panjandrum: I’m just going to get y’all towels now.
Keith G
Sounds like plan.
Too obvious?
I made that type of move a few years back. I ditched a professional occupation for something very hands on. It was both exhilarating and scary. It took longer than I wanted to find the right fit. Now, I am at a much happier place in life largely because of that change.
Comrade Luke
This is the media’s Katrina.
(dare to dream, dare to dream)
you remind me of the scene in the splendiforous movie Office Space, where the main character “Peter” is having lunch with the Jennifer Aniston character “Joanna”, and the dialogue goes sort of like this:
Peter: I don’t like my job. I decided I’m not gonna go anymore.
Joanna (incredulous): You’re just…..not gonna GO?
Peter: Right.
Joanna: But…..what about paying bills?
Peter: Well, I never liked paying bills much either. So I’m not gonna do that anymore, either.
mr. whipple
Still no hummers here, yet. We did have 6 white crowned sparrows under a feeder today.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
Strange. And we are getting many more than the last few years this early. Two or our species have arrived, and the other two Rufous and Caliope will around July 1, like clockwork.
Haven’t taken any pics yet as it has been windy. Going to build a black board backdrop this year, and try using the flash to get late evening pics. Don’t know if it will work.
Ah yes, the annual masqued ball of the King’s couriers and heralds. A time to rejoice in their privileged positions within the court, far removed from the lowly drudgery of peasant life. Be merry and dance your soulless dance!
Whew boy, omigod.
Missed Cole’s happy suggestion to read Digby, until saw commenters’ reactions.
I guess a beautiful Appalachian spring viewed from a beautiful back yard can take your mind off of anythting.
Am jealous of Cole.
Except if ‘hummers’ means birds, can see them all year on the Pacific Coast.
Mike Kay
Eh, I don’t read Digby, even though she’s often right – she’s too sanctimonious. I’m just not into populism and righteousness (which why I tuned out every time j edwards speechified). But times have changed. used to be a time in the blogoshere when being liberal was cool, now you’re not good enough (huey long populism rules).
Mike Kay
@mistersnrub: Rachel Maddow is there – do we burn her at the cross, as well?
@eemom: It does feel kind of Office spaceish, except I’m not just going Galt for no good reason. I think they’ve had enough of my soul and I’d like to regenerate to if at all possible.
FYI – as a libtard living overseas…the main story on
“Is this Obama’s Katrina?” in reference to the oil spill.
The only coverage of the immigration protests. A sidebar story that talks about how protests were going to be held Saturday. If I see my clocks right, it should be Saturday night there right now so the protests should have been held already. So not one recap of actual events or any substance.
At times I am so glad I no longer live in the US.
Even the BBC had the immigration protests higher on their list, and in more detail.
As always – brown people just need t shut up and do what their told.
Mike Kay
@General Egali Tarian Stuck: how far down is the well-head?
Wait a minute – wasn’t there another Obama ‘Katrina moment’ earlier this year or late last year? (Having a mild memory lapse)
General Egali Tarian Stuck
@Mike Kay: I like Digby, and a lot of us are sanctimonious in this realm from time to time. You are in that club, imo. as am I.
@Mike Kay: 5000 Ft.
Digby’s right, but I don’t think I’d call her article must-read. You don’t earn any Insight Points for taking note of the fact that the Washington Press Corps is largely comprised of insipid self-absorbed twerps.
Can someone post a small summary of Digby please? I am at a place where it is blocked.
@General Egali Tarian Stuck: I’ve been using flash, with a fast shutter and large aperture the background goes black fairly early.
I made the mistake of following a link to Drudge earlier. The headline isn’t Obama’s Katrina (although it does have to do with the oil spill). What caught my eye, though, was the story under the rather not-so-flattering picture of Michelle Obama regarding the possible sex scandal of Michelle’s husband via The National Enquirer because someone is offering $1 million to prove an affair between the president and Vera Baker (whomever she is).
@General Egali Tarian Stuck: My sister down in LA, says she has none. She should have 30 or more by now. My neo-tropicals are way off, too (Atlanta). We posited the notion the Gulf “thing” is to blame. Some went left, some went right. Not many seemed to have come right here.
Corner Stone
@Chat Noir:
Total classic. Can not be emphasized enough.
mr. whipple
I have the dvr recording the correspondents dinner so I can watch Cavs/Celts. That way I can see it later and FF through everything to see how Obama does.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
@jeffreyw: I will try that for late evening. But the black backdrop board is something I want to also try during the early morning sun time here. I have the feeder dangling just outside a window by the computer, with a tripod set up to where all I have to do is swivel my chair to take a pic. Lazy photographer syndrome, but it works:)
well, you seem like a fine upstanding young man, and I’m sure you will exercise good judgment……and I very much hope the path leads you to a soul-enriching job in place of the dismal opposite.
Corner Stone
There’s no reason to actually read Digby. Ever.
Corner Stone
@Keith G:
Happy Endings Parlor on 34th?
Corner Stone: Digby isn’t required reading, even if someone fucking tells you it is. But she’s worth reading. Often.
Mark S.
She first posts about the oil spill and the immigration protests, and then the Twitter feeds of the douchebags getting ready for the big WH Correspondents Dinner. She concludes:
@Corner Stone: I was refering to Digby’s links to stories about Louisiana oil spill.
Below are two NY Times stories. Both wtih cute interactive graphics.
In Gulf Oil Spill, Fragile Marshes Face New Threat
NY Times story on spill:
Tax on Oil May Help Pay for Cleanup
edit: I did not know that tonight was one of the WH press dinner clown shows and I don’t care. Though I did note that was Digby’s self-righteous ranting point that it was unseemly for the media divas to be preening. Whatever. The oil spill and immigration controversy will go on whatever the media people do, and most of the national affairs press are not competent to report either story well. So, they might as well go party. It will keep them from causing trouble for a few hours.
SMH @ the National Enquirer.
Corner Stone
@jl: Sorry. Your post was just shorthand for me to state that her writing hasn’t been worth a shit in years, if ever.
Not saying anything about your comment.
Peter J
Why do that, when you can talk with Amber instead?
I watched Jeremiah Johnson for the gazillionth time.
I remember detoxing from media a few years back – right after GWB won in 2004 (can’t believe that was almost 6.5 years ago.) It really helped. Probably would be healthy to do that again.
Oh, and, of course, the booze is always a welcome suggestion. Going with some Founders Dirty Bastard Scotch Style Ale. Yum.
Corner Stone
@Larkspur: YMMV.
But she hasn’t been worth a shit in years.
Comrade Luke
About the oil spill (via Atrios, emphasis mine)
(that last para should be in blockquote. FYWP)
Comrade Luke
Here are all of Obama’s Katrinas in case you ever need to refer to them.
Wow – lotta Katrinas!
Peter J
From one of the NYT articles.
Yet another reason why there should be one for Wall Street too.
@Comrade Luke: Yes, but as one of the guys at the gCaptain forum that Zuzu’s Petals found pointed out:
I am not defending the oil spill, but people should realize that the inclusion of the acoustic switch would likely have made no difference at all. I don’t say that to discount the inclusion of the switch, I think that would be fine, but as long as we drill for oil in such deep water, an accident like this is always waiting to happen. No safety device functions with 100% efficiency, and we now begin to see the cost.
@Corner Stone:
No problem. Perhaps I am channeling the host’s clipped and cryptic unstable cynicism this evening. Cole says he is feeling better, and I am taking up the slack tonight. Whatever. I am going for a walk. Everyone have a good evening.
Reminder: anyone who wants to win all arguments about whether we should have a statistical adjustment to the census forever, in a slam dunk, and look effing brillian to your friends and family and Congresscritter, from now on, read my first comment above.
I searched the author, Jordan Ellenberg, and his field is algebraic geometry. Too bad statisticians have not been able to explain the issues so clearly. I hope he has time to teach a few intro stats courses at Wisconsin.
Mark S.
@Comrade Luke:
Housing policies in Chicago while Obama was state senator is Obama’s Katrina? Mickey, lay off the goats.
I’m watching CNN for the first time in 3-4 months. They still suck. Going back to CSPAN to watch the WH correspondence dinner. The President looks as if he would rather be giving his mother in law a pedicure instead of being at this shit-fest. FLOTUS is beautifully awesome in her red ensemble. Tomorrow I will start my workout with weights to get those arms. Until then….
More proof that Eric Cantor is one of the most pathetic, clueless, useless sacks of shit to ever serve in Congress
On ABC News’ Top Line, House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) chose the non-committal route. Top Line hosts Rick Klein and David Chalian asked Cantor where he stood on the Arizona immigration law four times, but the Virginia Republican refused to go on record either way. At one point, Cantor tried to dismiss the questioning, calling it “a false choice,” without any real explanation as to why:
CHALIAN: How is that a false choice?
CANTOR: Because no one is going to accept the lawlessness. First and foremost, we are a country of laws. Now are you asking whether I think that America is a country of opportunity? Absolutely. Are we a country built on immigrants? Absolutely.
CHALIAN: I’m asking you if you agree with Marco Rubio that the law goes too far. That’s what I’m asking.
CANTOR: Listen, I can tell you this, I am for making sure that America remains a country that stands of freedom and opportunity for everyone and that means we ought to concentrate on enforcing the law and making sure that we enhance legal immigration so that we can continue to grow and prosper so that we can get America back to work.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
@Comrade Luke:
He could have prevented all that shit but for all that palling around terrorists, radicals, and fancy lettuce. Presidenting by six degrees of separation is bound to cause calamity.
I confess to being creeped out by the name “Deepwater Horizon”. Like, if you can see the horizon, you’re not in deep water. And vice versa. Maybe they will rename it XeWater Horizon or something.
As for the correspondents’ dinner antics – meh. At least a lot of people are getting a day’s pay for all of the cooking and cleaning and serving and general heavy lifting.
Anne Laurie
No, but the HR people are (at least, they’re paid to act as if they are). Tragically, it really IS much easier to snag a new job when you’re employed. I’ve had friends who had “just one more interview” job offers pulled back solely because they gave up on their old jobs. So, unless things get ugly enough that it’s actually affecting your health, work to rule at the current job while you’re applying elsewhere. (Getting fired for looking around, believe it or not, isn’t considered HR-repellent, just not having one.)
Comrade Luke
@AhabTRuler: I didn’t realize that, thanks for pointing it out.
@Anne Laurie: Well I haven’t written my letter of resignation (yet) and the job (well it’s two, same position two different locations not too far from each other) I think I have the best chance for I just submitted my resume for, so right now it’s just a rumbling thought in my head. Sometimes I just need to be talked back from the ledge.
@General Egali Tarian Stuck: Ours have hit early this year. And they were up in the rafters in my broodmare barn, and I’ve never seen them in there before. Usually they all stay in the gum trees in the front yard, and I keep all the feeders in that vicinity. Now I have feeders everywhere.
@Doug: Yes…..that was about the time I couldn’t stand to look at any of them and somehow knew if I did, I’d end up a suicide bomber.
Just came in after FIVE hours on the porch, reading, watching birds, petting kitties and talking to puppies, and not-thinking. There are two bird families raising babies within 7 feet of the porch.
Was supposed to do laundry, exercise, and get ready for a trip Monday but I don’t wanna! So there!
@Comrade Luke: Transferring to 3×5 card for handy use.
@Comrade Luke: No problem. It’s worth remembering that the rig burning and sinking was not the disaster. That was an accident, and a tragedy for the 11 worker’s families. The disaster was that the BOP failed to work at all, regardless of which switch was actuated. It was the one piece of equipment that had to work every time. Once it failed to operate, they were out of ideas and it became a containment problem.
Stuck nailed it earlier when he pointed out that the problem isn’t the blow-out, that’s a well known beast in the industry. It’s the depth that narrows the options drastically.
6 months ago, Louisiana’s other jackass senator, Mary Landrieu mocked offshore drilling safety concerns
General Egali Tarian Stuck
@oklahomo: Maybe we are getting the eastern birds or something. Mother Nature has her ways.
Anne Laurie
@Mike Kay:
It’s harder than it looks to hit the right balance between ‘sanctimony’ and cheap reflexive cynicism.
Maybe. Maybe not. Although the general economy is crap, how is the job market in your particular field?
And although securing another job before you leave your current job might be good strategy, I think it is a bad idea to stay in a job if you really hate it.
Gotta take the recycling (big stuff) to the place. The other day I was sitting out front & saw this rather large blob in the huge tree across the street. Thinking it was a hawk, I got my binoculars. It was a golden eagle. Now, I’m about a mile or so from downtown center – the capitol building & all. I’m not sure if it was looking for squirrels, cats, toddlers – but there wasn’t a soul around to share that experience or point it out.
@General Egali Tarian Stuck: We have more doves this year, too. At least the cats will be happy with more variety.
Hummers are scarce around here but I did get one to show up a few years ago and hoping he’ll come back and bring a friend.
But I do FINALLY have a pair of goldfinches nesting in my yard. Took 6 years to attract those little suckers. And the groundhog (who keeps the skunk away) likes to come down and eat the violets growing in the lawn. Very dainty yet grumpy he looks. One day I’ll get a photo.
We started out with a yard that looked like the surface of the moon — have you ever seen GREY soil with not a single worm? The only wildlife were centipedes and pill/sow bugs. We’re finally starting to have some life here. It’s very satisfying.
Anne Laurie
A less-snarky version, with illustrations, of the Wonkette article I quoted early this morning. The Gulf is being destroyed, hundreds of thousands of people across the country marched for immigration reform, and all the Media Village Idiots care about (and they care so very very much! ! !) is what they’re wearing to THE PROM and who got the ‘best’ invitations to the ‘best’ pre- and post-prom (White House Correspondents Dinner) parties.
Jason Bylinowski
@Yutsano: I know I’m late, but I think you shouldn’t just quit your job first. My wife did something like that and it took her a year and a half to find something better than what she had previously. There were some good aspects to it as well (because we have kids and she got to see them more often), but on the whole it was very stressful and it definitely set us back a bit (now we don’t know how we’ll send the kids to college).
Shell Goddamnit
I don’t know if you all already covered this – someone might have already mentioned the backyard habitat concept during the bird feeder brouhaha. There’s plenty of great information out there on native plants etc.
Go forth & garden for creatures. You can do it on a front stoop or a dozen acres, whatever you have. I have an acre and found that simply adding a cross fence to keep the dog corralled brought a lot of birds in; they seem to like to be able to sit on the fence instead of the ground, plus of course the dog can’t chase them off now. This winter I’m gonna add bluebird boxes also.
Water is critical and always was a problem, but now I have the geese (don’t ask) and the critters share their water.
I took a drive along the beach highway here on the Miss. Coast this afternoon. The gloomy overcast seemed appropriate considering what’s in store for us. I made a quick stop at the local harbor and watched the Pelicans buzz around and got a good whiff of the acrid petrol odor. We’re screwed.
Mike Kay
@Anne Laurie: oh. well, she’s wrong. I obviously dislike the corporate media, but this is where digby cheapens her argument by reflexively being cynical – narcissism has nothing to do with it. Ed Murrow was as narcissistic as you can get, but that didn’t stop him from producing “Harvest of shame”. Ditto Dan Rather, Walter Cronkite, Sy Hersh, etc. The point is even if no party was occurring, the Village would still refuse to cover the immigration movement and the eco-disaster.
The thought of you quitting a job before you have another one secured puts my heart in my throat.
I have had dreaded jobs. I went in, did what I had to do and went home. I did get to the point where I didn’t go through the gut churn.
You’d be kicking youself if you go stranded between jobs.
Now, say yes mom.
Linda Featheringill
@Yutsano: Are you nuts for wanting to walk away from your job? No.
Would you be nuts to actually do it before you have another one? Maybe, but that is a different issue.
There is another way: You could spend so much time looking for another position that you get fired and then you would not have to make that decision. :)
Or . . . . .
Actually, I don’t know what your career is, but could you negotiate or arrange something part time until you found another spot to jump to?
@Yutsano: Ok, don’t listen to me because I’m in a weird place, and I’m a pretty conservative person financially and not a risk taker.
One of the best feelings I ever had was quitting a job when I didn’t have anything else lined up. They just pissed me off. I drove away after giving notice, in a feeling of paralysis and fear, and suddenly I just relaxed and had a sense it was going to be fine. I offered a month notice to help wrap up some projects but after a week or two they gave me a month or two salary and sent me on my way. A month or so later I started my business. That was 1985.
Sometimes, ya just feel like taking the step off the cliff, like the Tarot card “The fool”. It’s kind of exhilarating. And if it’s a mistake, so what? You learned something.
And Another Thing...
@Yutsano: You’re definitely better off looking/interviewing for a new job while employed:
1) you don’t have to answer questions about why you quit prior job. You don’t want to appear to be a flaky employee, likely to up and quit.
2) people generally interview better when they’re not feeling ego or financial pressure to get the next job quickly
3) you want to have the freedom to choose and pass on a job that’s not the fit you want.
4) it’s a really tough job market out there, and prospective employers can afford to be very choosy and may delay hiring decisions because they’re unsure of the economy.
Avoid making serious decisions when you’re sick or recently recovered, you are not likely your real self, and may have some slight depression. Make your decision when you’re back in good form.
Didn’t watch coverage of the dinner, but I saw a bit of the Red Carpet walk on CSPAN. That was enough to turn my stomach.
Alice Blue
I read Digby’s piece, but what got to me was some of the comments over there–the oil spill is ALL OBAMA’S FAULT cuz he’s JUST LIKE BUSH!
@Alice Blue: Atrios has the worst comment section in terms of usefulness: aimless and unreadable. Digby has the worst comment section in terms of tone: nothing but despondency and whatever the emo equivalent of dick-measuring is. (And that “tristero” guy is beyond weird. His Nutella Jihad was staggering.)
I was just over at Digby’s, and the comments are almost unreadable for me, just because of the formatting. You get a separate pop-up window, small, and the comments are in reverse chronological order (newest first). The only thing that would make it worse for me is maybe if they used purple text. Ugh.
Really makes me appreciate how nicely organized and formatted Balloon Juice is–despite all the FYWP snafus.
Late to the party, and you’ve already gotten good advice from others, but
is seriously douchebaggy. Seriously.
@Alice Blue: No mention of BP not being on the ready for such a spill?