I saw Sully’s post last night explaining in his typically nutty style why “the question” should be asked and how he was going to drop it anyway, and minutes later he did another proudly exclaiming that he got his “answer.” None of his obsession made sense to me then and it still doesn’t make sense now that we all know (for reals this time!!) that she is straight. I mean, we knew this before but Sully didn’t want to accept what was said by the White House and others didn’t want to accept it either, so this is what it came to: A Politico story with Eliot Spitzer vouching for Kagan’s heterosexuality. Puhleeze.
Brian J
And this is supposed to prove what, exactly? What do her close friends know that Politico reporters who have probably never met her not know? It’s not as if those years of contact give you a key to her personality or anything.
Plus, there’s that haircut, and the fact that she plays softball. I also heard she loves to wear a tool belt around–you know, just because. And what’s with her kicking the military off the campus of Harvard? That alone should be enough to disqualify her.
Doesn’t matter what anyone says. If the R’s want her to be gay, she’s gay. If they want her to be The Pope, she’s The Pope. That’s how it works in the fantasy land of Konservatism.
Comrade Javamanphil
I refuse to accept this until I see her official, long form Sexual Orientation Certificate.
I made the mistake of falling asleep to MSNBC last night. So this morning, Morning Joe was on talking about the Wall Street Journal Article re: a picture of Elena Kagan playing softball, and whether or not that means that she’s gay …
… because of course, only lesbians (and gay men) play softball.
Of course, it gets worse because the resident anti-semite, Pat Buchanan, stated that her supposed homosexuality may be a problem since she may have to decide on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell …
Because, you know, straight people apparently don’t have a sexual orientation, so they will be unbiased WRT GLBT issues.
the one on file at the family research council? that should be definitive….
seriously, they need to skip the foreplay and get to the part where they say she is all about the cock, how much cock, how often, size, shape, and shade of cocks she prefers, she needs to turn her confirmation hearing to a week long cock talk.
@Comrade Javamanphil: That will, unfortunately, prove that she is a lesbian from Kenya.
Kagan’s Friends say she is not gay.
Kagan’s Political Enemies say she is the gayest gay who ever gayed up a gay gala.
We report, you decide (that she’s TOTALLY GAY!)
Chyron HR
I’m pretty sure she’s not happy-gay at this point, either.
@fucen tarmal: Apparently she needs to be caught with a hawt twink from rentboy.com to settle this once and for all.
A truly cringe-inducing article. In fact, it may be Top 10 of all time cringe-inducing articles. Spitzer? Toobin? Unnamed friends talking about calling guys “cute.”
Kill me now.
At least the broadcast media has not gone there yet, even though I thought they’d use Ben Smith’s column as an excuse.
I hope I live long enough to see a single woman with short hair and plain features who does not have to deal with BS about her sexuality. No one thinks to explore the sexuality of married, or even divorced, men and women.
And really, if sexuality matters in a confirmation process, shouldn’t we find out how EVERYONE does it, not just the single women??
Corner Stone
Too early to start drinking.
Of all the damnable lies you have told on this blog, I curse this as being the most foul and heinous by far.
Of course, it gets worse because the resident anti-semite, Pat Buchanan, stated that her supposed homosexuality may be a problem since she may have to decide on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell …
I can’t wait to hear Pat’s explanation of why Thurgood Marshall was the wrong lawyer to argue Brown v Board. Perhaps he can follow it up with a rant on why no women should have been allowed to vote for Hillary Clinton. Oh! Oh! Then we can listen to his reasoning behind a prohibition on green card holders rallying for immigration reform.
I think it’s time to set the record “straight” on this issue. Is it appropriate for the court to have a gay justice? To answer this burning question, we need look no further than the village people.
The Village People consisted of a:
police officer
Native American
construction worker
True, there was an admiral and sailor for their “In the Navy” music video (more on that below), but never a justice in robes.
They sang a song, Y.M.C.A., but never S.C.O.T.U.S.
They also had a hit with “In the Navy”, but they never sang “On the Bench” (although maybe they wanted to be).
I made the mistake of falling asleep to MSNBC last night. So this morning, Morning Joe was on talking about the Wall Street Journal Article re: a picture of Elena Kagan playing softball, and whether or not that means that she’s gay …
… because of course, only lesbians (and gay men) play softball.
They clearly have never spent any time at Harvard, where the softball at department picnics is taken more seriously than you can possibly imagine. They even manage to have arguments about ringers from time to time.
Unless, of course, that just means that *everyone* at Harvard is gay. Does that mean that, now that my father is at Michigan rather than Harvard, he’s an ex-gay? But, both my sister and I were conceived while he was teaching in Cambridge. Now I’m really confused.
How will he continue to advance the gay agenda if he nominates a gay who turns out to be not gay?
I’m not a big fan of the 11-D Chess theories but I do have to say this was a brilliant move.
Put her out there, let the rumors swirl and build so the GLBT community would start to back her and think something good was happening, then have Rahm get Kagan’s “friends” to confirm non-gayness.
It’s obvious Obama really doesn’t give a damn about what kind of SC Justice she would be, he just wanted another way to fuck over the GLBT’ers.
This is really just another slap in the face!
@Leo: hard to see why she won’t be sitting for any press interviews. hmmm, let me get a slide rule and compass and see if i can work out the geometry on this……
Well that settles then & I am sure it will never be mentioned again.
Anyone know how ‘gay’ came to mean ‘homosexual?’
I always assumed it was coined by men who discovered the happy fact that they were attracted to the gender that wants to fuck all the time, but on reflection maybe not.
then have Rahm get Kagan’s “friends” to confirm non-gayness.
Rahm’s been spending a lot time in showers lately convincing people to do stuff.
It all depends on what the meaning of “is” is.
Randy P
Well sure. Just like all it took to shut up the birthers once and for all was to show the birth certificate.
her gayness matters in so far as it impacts how whe might respond to a naked Rahm running at her in the shower to get her vote to uphold the constitutionality of HCR.
@Zifnab: In the Conservative universe, having a personal interest in a political matter is BIAS. Therefore people with real social issues or complaints against their government should just STFU and put on a fucking happy face.
I have heard this bullshine from all corners of conservatism. Rush Limbaugh is especially offended and horrified when people who have a vested interest in political outcomes make political statements. Unless they’re conservatives. of course.
And who can forget the microscopic focus on Graeme Frost’s family countertops?
Basically, the only proper way to have a political discussion is to pass judgment on a bunch of people you know nothing about. That is, if you’re a conservative.
I was on a women’s softball team in college named “Chastity and the Belts.” That must be why my judicial nomination never arrived.
I am hoping an Elena Kagan sex tape will surface and settle this crucial issue once and for all.
Sullivan has the audacity to post a title “The Politics of the Smear” tut-tuting reax to a report on Isreal/Palestine after his bizarre and disgraceful particpation in the “is she gay?” smear. What an ass. #smh
Is it appropriate for the court to have a gay justice?
I love how Uncle Pat can’t get his head around the notion that it might not be his business whether said Justice was gay or not.
I could care less if she is.
@Guster: What was that word that Palin used in her quitting speech contrasted to the sourdoughs? In researching your query, I ran across a Jack London quote:
In a more familiar parlance, gay-cats are short-horns, chechaquos, new chums, or tenderfeet. A gay-cat is a newcomer on The Road who is man-grown, or, at least, youth-grown.4
The Road, 1907
So Sully is a gay-married barebacking Catholic pacifist warblogger who opposes outing people, but loudly demands to know the sexuality of proclaimed straight women with boyish haircuts.
Sometimes it’s entertaining to peak inside his bubble of insanity, but it’s mostly disturbing.
During the health care debate he seemed absolutely stunned by the deficiencies in the health care system and actually made a “Gee whiz, maybe there is something to this ‘health care reform’ thing. Sorry about Betsy McCaughey!” post.
Seriously. I now plug my fingers into a nearby wall socket and query the Zeitgeist: “WTF?”
This from the very crew that is so quick to accuse gay Americans of quote-unquote flaunting their sexuality by, you know, existing in the first place. Wake me up when this process is over, I do not think I can handle any more of The Stupid.
Give the Rs and Sullivan what they want: Have Kagan demonstrate lesbian sex live during the confirmation hearings.
I promise you, the ratings will go through the roof, and we will finally start winning over that white male demographic.
It will be the most watched tv show in the history of tv, a record that will never be broken. And Kagan will be the most popular justice ever.
By the way, and I am not making this up, Pat Buchanan stated this morning on Morning Joke(tm) that the softball picture proved that Kagan is gay. I did not detect any sign that he was being sarcastic.
sc kitty
“who cares if Kagan could be gay?” asks Sen Lindsey Graham, a member of senate judiciary committee.
Though I wonder when the Elena Kagan “Whitey” tape will surface. She did clerk for Thurgood Marshall, after all.
Who is this “Sully” and goddamn way and who cares what he says? The only Sully I care about is the one who landed the plane in the Hudson.
Kagan should marry a guy, and then leave him, preferably in the most hurtful and brutal way possible, for a younger man, after he gets a heart attack or cancer and is in the hospital. Or maybe do it over the radio.
Then everything will be fine and no one can criticize.
And I predict LCR will release another whiny statement about how Kagan’s friends saying she isn’t gay further demonstrates the depth of homophobia in the Democratic party.
Hold the phone, there was definitely a guy here yesterday who said that if we befriended anyone remotely associated with Harvard, that they would totally confirm that she’s secretly married to Martina Navratilova. THE INTERNETZ LIED TO ME.
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
The Gay Asian Single at the top of my browser page is kinda cute. I nominate him to whack Sullivan upside the crotch with an aluminum bat.
What Michelle doesn’t know is the real reason Obama appointed her.
Brietbart is soon going to be investigating her boyfriends looking for black ‘uns.
There is a sicko on my local board who’s going to be posting daily speculation along these lines as soon as the idea occurs to him.
licensed to kill time
By the way, and I am not making this up, Pat Buchanan stated this morning on Morning Joke™ that the softball picture proved that Kagan is gay. I did not detect any sign that he was being sarcastic.
Female softball players all over the world today are now re-examining their sexual orientation in light of this stunning news. Maybe they are secretly gay and they don’t know it! Uncle Pat sets them straight (so to speak).
@moe99: It was mixed league in my case but the name was “Landing on Uranus.” It’s held me back from the bench ever since.
It’s a good thing that we don’t have any big problems in this country. No recession. No wars going on anywhere that we have a hand in. No environmental disasters anywhere to deal with. No rise in violent, right-wing extremism all over the country. I can say this with confidence, as our competent press would never waste time blathering about this crap if there were bigger things to worry about. Though I do think the press has been rather negligent in digging into which hospital the president was born in and which doctor brought him into the world. Maybe once we establish beyond any doubt what Kagan’s orientation is, they can get on to that.
This reminds me of a conversation I had with my uncle several years ago. He said he realized that he had reached a crossroads in his life when the first thing that came into his mind upon meeting a woman wasn’t “does she fuck?” They bring up teh gay because she’s short and kinda dumpy and unmarried, which automatically means she must like to fuck women because no self-respecting man would fuck that. If she looked like Megan Fox, they wouldn’t ask, they’d just fantasize about the hot lesbian sex.
My sister was on a co-ed adult kickball team, but when she moved and sought out a new team, she found out at the first game that they frown on carrying your beer to the outfield with you, so she quit. This means only that she is awesome.
So Sully is a gay-married barebacking Catholic pacifist warblogger who opposes outing people, but loudly demands to know the sexuality of proclaimed straight women with boyish haircuts.
FTMFingW! Been trying to encapsulate the multiple layers of hypocrisy and douchiness that characterize Sully’s obsession with Kagan’s “emotional orientation,” and this pretty much nails it.
So, after compounding his idiocy with an overlabored explanation of why this question needs to be asked (although it was asked and answered already), Sully sees that Kagan’s friends have vouched for her taste for cock and declares:
That was easy, wasn’t it?
No, you fucking idiot, it most certainly was not. The White House in fact shot the idea that she was gay down the instant it was floated by that disgraced turd Domenech. Indeed, the only Sullyism in this whole sorry affair that I agree with was his complaint that the White House treated the allegation as some kind of shameful “charge” that required a swift and uncharacteristically vituprative (for this milquetoast White House) response — which is hardly consistent with his later take on the White House’s attempt to shut down further inquiry on the subject as being “non-denial denials.”
But Sully got it into his head that Kagan must be gay, no doubt because he latched onto lesbian stereotypes; and of course the only way out of that was to prove that she is in fact gay. He was as wrong as wrong can be and then claims vindication when Kagan is forced to send friends out to vouch for her straightness.
But then this is classic Sully. When he latches onto an idea and digs in, he cannot admit to error. Whether it’s indulging in the more fanciful speculations about Trig’s parentage, his affection for racial pseudosicence, or his role in promoting Besty Mccaughey’s lies, he just won’t back down. He’ll stomp around and blur the chalk-lines that mark the in-bounds from the out-of-bounds and then fall back on the whole “it was the right thing to ask the question” dodge when the jig is up. The only thing that he has manned up and admitted error on was the war, and even there, we’re treated to a bunch of narcissistic jabber every time he reiterates his confession.
Well, what if her husband is gay too, and she is his beard ?! Does he play softball as well ?! Maybe there is some double bearding going on here! Let’s ask Uncle Pat!
“Have Kagan demonstrate lesbian sex live during the confirmation hearings.”
One problem. If Kagan gave a live demonstration on C-Span, the rest of the Supremes might want equal time to strut their stuff, and I am not sure I am up for that.
Republican Sex is hot. That’s why those R’s can’t keep their pants on half the time.
And couldn’t Clarence Thomas teach us a thing or two? I think he could.
Okay, that made me throw up in my mouth a little. Ew.
Ha! You are so right. What is really blowing me away is the whole she’s gay because…well, look at her haircut!
Damn. My hair is less than an inch long. And this is three days before I’m due for my every three week haircut.
I guess I’m gay and just haven’t figured that out at age 51.
Corner Stone
Really I think there can be only one outcome to all this. Kagan is going to give her confirmation speech in the hearings and it will preview a little something like this:
I am the master of the C.L.I.T. Remember this fucking face. Whenever you see C.L.I.T., you’ll see this fucking face. I make that shit work. It does whatever the fuck I tell it to. No one rules the C.L.I.T like me. Not this little fuck
None of you little fucks out there. I AM THE C.L.I.T. COMMANDER! Remember that, commander of all C.L.I.T.s! When it comes down to business, this is what I do. I pinch it like this. OOH you little fuck. Then I rub my nose with it.
Well, the rule seems to be that if you’re a woman going through this process there must be something “abnormal” about you or the way you got there.
Because, natch, you’re a WOMAN. How dare you aspire to a position that can influence the course of American governance for a generation?
So you either 1) got there on affirmative action despite the fact that you couldn’t write papers in college or 2) you are gay, by which they mean you are really more of a man than a woman.
Corner Stone
@d.s.: And most sentient beings would look at that mess of contradictions and say, “Meh. He’s a human like me, with all the dings and cracks we all have. But I sure as fuck wouldn’t want to ever read his blog except as some Jon Swift-ian spoof satire.”
@Leo: This whole thing is just gross. Start to finish.
We’re a bunch of 11-year-old boys when it comes to sexuality.
he had reached a crossroads in his life when the first thing that came into his mind upon meeting a woman wasn’t “does she fuck?”
You mean he died?
We don’t know for sure whether she is straight, or gay, or bi, or asexual.
Who cares?
Why was this not a question for umpteen other single officials who choose to keep their private lives private, and who are not associated with any known outrageous policy hypocrisy? Like, Souter?
because of course, only lesbians (and gay men) play softball.
If that’s what they think they need to spend some time around my softball team. It’s a coed team and we developed the phrase, “Getting f****d off the team,” to refer to teammates too uncomfortable to return after hooking up with another member. There’s been 7 or 8 or the last five years and all of them hetero.
I believe you should be able to open the bottle yourself, but at 8 or 9 years old this shouldn’t be an issue.
Bad Horse's Filly
By the way, and I am not making this up, Pat Buchanan stated this morning on Morning Joke™ that the softball picture proved that Kagan is gay. I did not detect any sign that he was being sarcastic.
OMG. I never played softball, only baseball and there are pictures. That must mean I am extra gay. I have several female friends who will be glad to hear that and several men, including my current squeeze, who will be shocked by this new revelation.
According to a statement issued by Harper Collins, it will “include selections from classic and contemporary readings that have moved her — from the nation’s founding documents to great speeches, sermons, letters, literature and poetry, biography, and even some of her favorite songs and movies.”
Looks like that scrap-booky, Wikipedia-excerpty thing is working out great for The Grifter. So just like her Fox show, she is doing absolutely no work, culling other people’s content and packaging it as her own, and receiving millions of dollars! What a country!
and several men, including my current squeeze, who will be shocked by this new revelation.
My guess is he’ll just want to watch a demonstration.
As she’s probably asexual, and there are many proud non-sexytime having peoples who show up on pride day proclaiming this, I wish her the best. Dear Ms. Kagan, you will now be the focus of many idiots with time on their hands. I do apologize for that.
Rahm was once a ballet dancer. Right?
What about him?
Case closed, except for all the breathless speculation.
@MinneapolisPipe: Jesus, it’s a sad day when I’m agreeing with Saletan.
Bad Horse's Filly
@MikeJ: No doubt. I don’t call him Bad Horse for nothing.
Huh, I didn’t know that Bork’s religion (or lack thereof) was a factor in his defeated nomination. Jeez, these people are stupid. Bork would have been a fire breathing conservative like Scalia; instead they got Kennedy.
…a women’s softball team in college named “Chastity and the Belts.” That must be why my judicial nomination never arrived.
Our basketball league had a team called “4 Jerks and A Squirt”. I’m guessing no nominations for anyone on that team either…
General Egali Tarian Stuck
I don’t believe anything I read right now. I read early on that she was a lesbian, in more than one place, and assumed she was, if not officially out, then out unofficially by not denying it.
So I just assumed it was true. Proof that an idiot nation produces idiots like me, and even way bigger idiots like Corner Stone. Industrial grade, that is.
When will they address the rampant speculation that Kagan is a nevernude? It’s an open secret around Harvard, and could impact her ability to rule objectively in cases involving cut-offs.
Ann B. Nonymous
I think it’s fairly clear that Sullivan is straight and is only having sex with men to reach his current position.
So Sully is a gay-married barebacking Catholic pacifist warblogger who opposes outing people, but loudly demands to know the sexuality of proclaimed straight women with boyish haircuts.
Sometimes it’s entertaining to peak inside his bubble of insanity, but it’s mostly disturbing.
I think it could just be his use of the marijuana. Hard to keep your logic straight when you’re stoned…or so I’ve been told.
We’re a bunch of 11-year-old boys when it comes to sexuality.
And some eleven [1] year old boys say the hell with it, I’m going to sing a Lady Gaga song at my school assembly and I don’t care what people assume.
[1] OK, he’s 12, but barely, given he’s in grade 6.
(Seriously, this kid is good.)
If one of her past lover, or her current lovers, outs her, it’s going to be messy. Just seems weird that Obama could not find, in this entire country, one qualified gay woman candidate who is not ashamed of who she is.
Elena sets such a fine example.
All this proves what I’ve always suspected, which is that in America you never really get out of high school.
I think that if asked about her sexual orientation at her confirmation hearing she should say something like “I’ve had sex with just as many women as Lindsey Graham has.”
The war in Afghanistan will get worse before it gets better, President Barack Obama said Wednesday, but he declared his plan to begin withdrawing U.S. forces next year remains on track.
“What I’ve tried to emphasize is the fact that there is going to be some hard fighting over the next several months,” Obama said at a White House news conference with Afghan President Hamid Karzai. He spoke as the U.S.-led forces in Afghanistan prepared for a push into the Taliban’s birthplace in Kandahar Province.
The campaign to wrest parts of Kandahar from Taliban control, which is to begin in earnest in June, is expected to be among the bloodiest of the nearly nine-year-old war.
“There is no denying the progress,” Obama said. “Nor, however, can we deny the very serious challenges still facing Afghanistan.”
Progress, but challenges. Whew! I am damned glad that at least this is The Good War ™
‘Hard fighting’ ahead in Afghanistan, Obama warns
Good sweet baby jesus.
OT — check out Jane Hamsher’s new BFF!
Ms. Hamsher said she would rather debate Mr. Erickson, whom she called an “honest broker,” than an opponent reciting prescribed talking points.
From a NYT article about Erickson being on CNN. There’s some follow up brouhaha going on that involves her trashing Media Matters, and some twitter wars, etc.
So what do y’all think — is Erickson an “honest broker”? I’ve never read him.
I swear, the apocalypse must be nigh. Locusts taking up with roaches.
@Mark S.: Yeah, it was surprising and downright discriminatory the way they addressed his “lack of religion” as if a man who wouldn’t advance God’s will could not be a judge.
I agree with you about Anthony Kennedy. He is far superior and not extremely idealogical (which is a good thing for any judge, conservative or liberal).
Nas Escobar
Shorty Kagan, say what’s your price?
Just to back it up
You can hold my ice
Now let’s say you owe me something
Yeah, owe me back like you owe your tax
Owe me back like forty acres to Blacks
Pay me back when you shake it like that girl
Shorty Kagan, say what’s your price?
Just to back it up
You can hold my ice
Now let’s say you owe, owe, owe
Yeah owe me back like you owe your rent
Owe me back like its money I spent
Pay me back when you shake it again
The don, all the time, with all the shine
You small time, I ball with mine
Links, minks, Bentley, it’s all with mine
My jams bump out to the borderline
UK hot with it, blew spots with it
Every continent love when I spit it
Corners to blocks, even the cops feel it
Brothas on lockdown on their cots feel it
It’s real in the field the Last Mohican
Who survived in the streets and did something decent
Now I got plans to buy the whole hood
Legit’ now, I ain’t gotta lie to no judge
I make hits now, money I flip now
Hood fella every honey wanna kiss now
I lit up my neck, pinkie, and wrist now
So girls everywhere, this is how we get down
Shorty Kagan, say what’s your price?
Just to back it up
You can hold my ice
Now let’s say you owe, owe, owe
Yeah owe me back like you owe your rent
Owe me back like its money I lent
Pay me back when you shake it again
Play to win, girls in the club moving
I get ’em real hot, my songs seduce ’em
I flow, I’m so mysterious
***, and Nasty’s the alias
Everything platinum I glow
Cadillac trucks pulling up to the do’
On top out the car, lounge at the bar
We spent a thou’, we wild, look at how rowdy we are
Feel like a million dollars, feel me holler
To the max with the Benz and chrome wheeled Impalas
Thugs and renta’s, to the playas and ballers
Sexy mamas, fly ladies lookin’ proper
Look good enough to be taken shoppin’
Earrings, bracelets, now you rocking
Your body’s so nice that I give you this option
Let you wear my big chain if we get it popping
I put the shackles on your feet (You owe me)
I think you owe me some (You owe me)
The shackles on your feet
I think you owe me some
Lock you down baby, you know what you owe me
Mack like Goldie, it’s the same story
Let you hold something, you spending it right
Know where you gon’ be by the end of the night
Make it bounce, shake it, move it around
Wiggle it a little bit, throw it to the south
Fantasizing me inside and you riding
Throw it like a stallion, you wearin’ my medallion
Shorty Kagan, say what’s your price?
Just to back it up
You can hold my ice
Now let’s say you owe me something
(You owe me something, oh yeah)
I said Shorty Kagan, say what’s your price?
Don’t you hippie-punchers understand that it furthers progressive goals for Hamsher to praise Ewickson from the left? Put down the Alinksy playbook and open your Overton windows already.
According to a statement issued by Harper Collins, it will “include selections from classic and contemporary readings that have moved her—from the nation’s founding documents to great speeches, sermons, letters, literature and poetry, biography, and even some of her favorite songs and movies.
You mean it will have all of them?
@Comrade Mary: Okay, I apologize to the 11-year-old boys who are awesome.
I am still disappoint with the rest of America.
ETA: Svensker, I bet that book will be 100 pages long.
I seriously can’t wait to see what Sarah Palin’s ghostwriters try to pawn off as Sarah Palin’s favorite poetry. It’s bound to be funnier than Bush claiming to have read The Stranger and discussed existentialism.
Isn’t poetry elitist? Unless they’re counting things like “Itsy-Bitsy Spider,” which isn’t outside the realm of possibility.
I think that if asked about her sexual orientation at her confirmation hearing she should say something like “I’ve had sex with just as many women as Lindsey Graham has.”
Oh snap.
Peter J
Ms. Hamsher said she would rather debate Mr. Erickson, whom she called an “honest broker,” than an opponent reciting prescribed talking points.
If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas.
I heard Pat Buchanan this morning on Morning Ho. If Pat really wants to start with crap like that, then I would like to suggest that his sister Bay is gay. Also too. Bay practically screams out gay to me. Well, actually not actually screams since she’s always actually screaming about ScaryBlackMuslimMan and his Armed&HateWhiteyWife.
I think it’s time to set the record “straight” on this issue. Is it appropriate for the court to have a gay justice? To answer this burning question, we need look no further than the village people.
The Village People consisted of a:
police officer
Native American
construction worker
True, there was an admiral and sailor for their “In the Navy” music video (more on that below), but never a justice in robes.
They sang a song, Y.M.C.A., but never S.C.O.T.U.S.
They also had a hit with “In the Navy”, but they never sang “On the Bench” (although maybe they wanted to be).
These facts speak for themselves.
True enough, but in light of events in the last few years perhaps the Village People should have consisted of a Republican senator, a Republican congressman, a couple of Evangelical ministers and a Catholic priest.
True enough, but in light of events in the last few years perhaps the Village People should have consisted of a Republican senator, a Republican congressman, a couple of Evangelical ministers and a Catholic priest
Hey now, the Village People were gay, not child rapists.
@Svensker: Is Harlequin Romance a Collins imprint? I’m guessing it is, because then they can basically move money from their left pocket to their right pocket to secure rights to “classic and contemporary readings that have moved her”, leaving more for the Snowbilly Grifter to pocket.
And ya know what’s so delicious about her being an Erickson apologist – when he was hired, most of Jane sycophants naturally recoiled in horror that CNN would give this right-wing extremist a platform. Oh, are they’re little hearts gonna be so broken when they find out their mommie-pin-up figure has sold them out.
Well, I read the Politico story yesterday which obviously was not good enough because Dylan Ratigan & Breitbart are still discussing and wondering if it is true at Wed, 4:00p.m..
Oh, are they’re little hearts gonna be so broken when they find out their mommie-pin-up figure has sold them out.
@Mike Kay: Not a chance. The Jane Hamsher People’s Temple cult members will drink whatever flavor of Kool-Aid Jane tells them to. If she says Erickson is part of the team, they’ll throw on their kneepads and start posting over at Red State without thinking twice.
It’s really not Jane I have a problem with. If I had that many willing slaves, I’d put them to work too. It’s her followers cultists I’m scared of.
And ya know what’s so delicious about her being an Erickson apologist – when he was hired, most of Jane sycophants naturally recoiled in horror that CNN would give this right-wing extremist a platform. Oh, are they’re little hearts gonna be so broken when they find out their mommie-pin-up figure has sold them out.
Oh no, I don’t think so. They’ll eagerly follow her into Erickson’s waiting arms. They might loose a couple of people along the way, but there will be a faction that will support her and Erickson. This is exactly the same process on how a non-gay becomes gay! (sorry for the pivot, I couldn’t resist!)
I watched the Hamsher/Willis train wreck live. As Jane was defending Erick saying no one’s archives would withstand scrutiny, he blasted out the following tweet:
“Confused over the controvery about the WSJ Kagan softball photo. That’s the most flattering photo of the nominee to date.”
But Erick son of Erick wouldn’t be so sexist if Hillary had won.
Mike Kay
The thing I can’t get over is Hamsher trashing Media Matters. That’s O’reilly’s schtick.
And her valentine to Morning Joe (priceless) — guess Jane will be the new fill-in for Mika. Just don’t fuck him, Jane, you’ll end up like the dead intern.
I’m kind of intrigued that she’s bashing Media Matters, which last I heard was the go-to Progressive watchdog and caller out of emmessemm obfuscation and lies, and Jane purports to be, you know, a Progressive who favors calling out emmessemm obfuscation and lies.
But they’ve posted some pro-Kagan stuff in the last two days, so I guess that explains it.
@Cacti: Your point is taken. I was comparing Kennedy versus Scalia, Bork, & Alito.
How long has she been politically active? I’m just curious. I know nothing about her, and if I google, I get a barrage of health care hyperbole, which I mostly avoided the first time around, and don’t wish to delve into.
also TBogg loves to bash Erickson. That and his post yesterday basically telling Jane and Glenn to chill the fuck out about Kagan…….hmmmmm. He may go the way of TRex. Y’all ought to snap him up here.
Mike Kay
Shorter Jane: the enemy of my enemy (obama) is my friend.
Is it unreasonable to think that Baby Jane might just be a GOP mole?
After (as legend goes) they threw her out of Hollywood, she started her FDL blog. That was around 2005. First it was just her, then her and Christy Hardin-Smith (now retired, no doubt thankfully), and TRex. The blog hit the big time with the Scooter Libby trial, and that actually had nothing the fuck to do with Jane — it was all Marcy Wheeler’s work. Jane’s own cause celebre at the time was “helping” the Ned Lamont campaign by posting a blackface photo of Joe Lieberman.
And thus with ZERO substantive experience or knowledge as to any matter of public policy, legislative process, law, health care, insurance, banking, labor relations or any of the other many subjects on which she routinely opines, Jane is, er, politically active.
I don’t know how people who (document the atrocities) report on the incredibly ludicrous, stupid, nutty rightwingers & media day after day, year after year without going completely bonkers themselves. This country is insane.
I was thinking just that when I read the comments to that post yesterday. I can’t see how TBogg stands the amount of crazypoo that gets flung at him at FDL these days.
Thanks. 2005. I have this half-assed, unsupported theory. People that only got interested in politics or process in response to the madness that was Bush have a sort of exaggerated reaction, wild ups and downs, which might make sense, because, really, Bush was an extreme case, and if it took that to get their attention…
I think of it as BushBama. Just two Presidents. Two, because that’s when they, personally, got involved. Young people are excused, because they actually only know Bush or Obama.
patrick II
So, I went over to memeorandum to see why MLB.com would be discussing Kagan under the “Kagan’s friends: She’s Not Gay” topic. And they weren’t. They had an old picture of her playing softaball and they were discussing her batting stance. “Not aggressive enough” and “pitch her inside” were a couple of comments. Why memeorandom put that article under that topic makes no sense unless they suspect every woman who has ever played softball is gay — which means my two sisters, their husbands and their four children have been living a lie.
Also too, while there I saw this:
Arizona GOP Gov. Jan Brewer has signed a law banning the state’s schools from teaching ethnic studies classes.
Great job Arizona. Eventuall the repubs will piss off every minority, including softball players, enough that they will have to get one hundred per cent of the angry white vote to do well.
Joseph Nobles
The batting stance picture was also featured in the Wall Street Journal. I agree with Oliver Willis that it’s a really cute picture of her, but I really doubt the seriousness of the topic warranted its use in the WSJ except as a sly reference to the lesbian rumors.
But I’m (relatively) young. I was born in the Reagan era, but not even in the country. I was not remotely conscious of any politics during Bush I and the first Clinton term.
But American history and some world history was required back in my school days. I can’t explain the absolute lack of context with which some of these progressivier-than-thou types spout their talking points.
Or, if you only got interested in opposition to Bush, your definitional range is “Bush/Not Bush”.
If your initial foray was opposition-to-all-things-Bush, then the natural place to land was “Democrats, the Not-Bush Party”.
And ya know what’s so delicious about her being an Erickson apologist – when he was hired, most of Jane sycophants naturally recoiled in horror that CNN would give this right-wing extremist a platform. Oh, are they’re little hearts gonna be so broken when they find out their mommie-pin-up figure has sold them out.
Nahhhh, the people who follow Jane Hamsher are like the Stalinists of the 1930s. Until 1939 Hitler was a bad dude and the greatest threat the world had ever seen. Then Nazi Germany signed the Non-Aggression Pact with the Soviet Union and all of a sudden Hitler wasn’t such a bad dude any more and instead it was the war-mongering capitalists who were the greatest threat the world had ever seen, at least until June of 1941.
After (as legend goes) they threw her out of Hollywood, she started her FDL blog. That was around 2005. First it was just her, then her and Christy Hardin-Smith (now retired, no doubt thankfully), and TRex. The blog hit the big time with the Scooter Libby trial, and that actually had nothing the fuck to do with Jane—it was all Marcy Wheeler’s work. Jane’s own cause celebre at the time was “helping” the Ned Lamont campaign by posting a blackface photo of Joe Lieberman.
I wonder how long it’s going to be before she starts hanging around with Andrew Breitbart? Should we start a pool?
I wonder how long it’s going to be before she starts hanging around with Andrew Breitbart? Should we start a pool?
My money is on October 2010.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
@de stijl: tim the troll has generally over the years, only popped up occasionally to kick Cole in the shins. Seems like now he has planted his regular flag in BJ land. Lucky us.
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Dan B
Discussion of Elena Kagan on MLB.com? Really?
I saw Sully’s post last night explaining in his typically nutty style why “the question” should be asked and how he was going to drop it anyway, and minutes later he did another proudly exclaiming that he got his “answer.” None of his obsession made sense to me then and it still doesn’t make sense now that we all know (for reals this time!!) that she is straight. I mean, we knew this before but Sully didn’t want to accept what was said by the White House and others didn’t want to accept it either, so this is what it came to: A Politico story with Eliot Spitzer vouching for Kagan’s heterosexuality. Puhleeze.
Brian J
And this is supposed to prove what, exactly? What do her close friends know that Politico reporters who have probably never met her not know? It’s not as if those years of contact give you a key to her personality or anything.
Plus, there’s that haircut, and the fact that she plays softball. I also heard she loves to wear a tool belt around–you know, just because. And what’s with her kicking the military off the campus of Harvard? That alone should be enough to disqualify her.
Doesn’t matter what anyone says. If the R’s want her to be gay, she’s gay. If they want her to be The Pope, she’s The Pope. That’s how it works in the fantasy land of Konservatism.
Comrade Javamanphil
I refuse to accept this until I see her official, long form Sexual Orientation Certificate.
I made the mistake of falling asleep to MSNBC last night. So this morning, Morning Joe was on talking about the Wall Street Journal Article re: a picture of Elena Kagan playing softball, and whether or not that means that she’s gay …
… because of course, only lesbians (and gay men) play softball.
Of course, it gets worse because the resident anti-semite, Pat Buchanan, stated that her supposed homosexuality may be a problem since she may have to decide on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell …
Because, you know, straight people apparently don’t have a sexual orientation, so they will be unbiased WRT GLBT issues.
… sigh …
@Comrade Javamanphil: Awesome sauce ;)
Midnight Marauder
Does this mean the White House is off the hook?
What a trainwheck.
Still I had gone a whole 12 days without someone implying I am a self-hating gay…. until I wrote something last night.
I think that’s a new record.
Two things: (1) I hope Jesus strikes down Sully’s internet; and (2) I hope she is actually gay.
fucen tarmal
@Comrade Javamanphil:
the one on file at the family research council? that should be definitive….
seriously, they need to skip the foreplay and get to the part where they say she is all about the cock, how much cock, how often, size, shape, and shade of cocks she prefers, she needs to turn her confirmation hearing to a week long cock talk.
@Comrade Javamanphil: That will, unfortunately, prove that she is a lesbian from Kenya.
Kagan’s Friends say she is not gay.
Kagan’s Political Enemies say she is the gayest gay who ever gayed up a gay gala.
We report, you decide (that she’s TOTALLY GAY!)
Chyron HR
I’m pretty sure she’s not happy-gay at this point, either.
@fucen tarmal: Apparently she needs to be caught with a hawt twink from rentboy.com to settle this once and for all.
A truly cringe-inducing article. In fact, it may be Top 10 of all time cringe-inducing articles. Spitzer? Toobin? Unnamed friends talking about calling guys “cute.”
Kill me now.
At least the broadcast media has not gone there yet, even though I thought they’d use Ben Smith’s column as an excuse.
I hope I live long enough to see a single woman with short hair and plain features who does not have to deal with BS about her sexuality. No one thinks to explore the sexuality of married, or even divorced, men and women.
And really, if sexuality matters in a confirmation process, shouldn’t we find out how EVERYONE does it, not just the single women??
Corner Stone
Of all the damnable lies you have told on this blog, I curse this as being the most foul and heinous by far.
Church Lady
From Walmart to Needless Markup – John Cole is mooovin’ on up……
She’s not gay? Does Obama know this? How will he continue to advance the gay agenda if he nominates a gay who turns out to be not gay?
So, John, what’s happening with the bird feeders today?
Did Justice Roberts ever confirm that he was not gay? Its a legitimate question: http://underneaththeirrobes.blogs.com/photos/uncategorized/roberts_scherer_lazarus_1.jpg ;)
I can’t wait to hear Pat’s explanation of why Thurgood Marshall was the wrong lawyer to argue Brown v Board. Perhaps he can follow it up with a rant on why no women should have been allowed to vote for Hillary Clinton. Oh! Oh! Then we can listen to his reasoning behind a prohibition on green card holders rallying for immigration reform.
Truly, his is an intellectual titan of his day.
Corner Stone
@Midnight Marauder: You should’ve quoted the best part:
I made the mistake of clicking the link over at memorandum. This is the actual caption to the photo of Kagan that goes with the Politico story:
We are a Very Serious nation. Ugh.
@evie: Yup. I co-sign your comment, for sure.
Of course she’s not gray.
The fact that she’s perpertated this elaborate ruse over decades to mask her gayness is even more disturbing than her just being gay would be.
Der Blindschtiller
Since I live in Switzerland and it’s 19:20 here, I’m happy to start drinking for you.
Der Blindschtiller +3
I think it’s time to set the record “straight” on this issue. Is it appropriate for the court to have a gay justice? To answer this burning question, we need look no further than the village people.
The Village People consisted of a:
police officer
Native American
construction worker
True, there was an admiral and sailor for their “In the Navy” music video (more on that below), but never a justice in robes.
They sang a song, Y.M.C.A., but never S.C.O.T.U.S.
They also had a hit with “In the Navy”, but they never sang “On the Bench” (although maybe they wanted to be).
These facts speak for themselves.
J. Michael Neal
They clearly have never spent any time at Harvard, where the softball at department picnics is taken more seriously than you can possibly imagine. They even manage to have arguments about ringers from time to time.
Unless, of course, that just means that *everyone* at Harvard is gay. Does that mean that, now that my father is at Michigan rather than Harvard, he’s an ex-gay? But, both my sister and I were conceived while he was teaching in Cambridge. Now I’m really confused.
Corner Stone
I’m not a big fan of the 11-D Chess theories but I do have to say this was a brilliant move.
Put her out there, let the rumors swirl and build so the GLBT community would start to back her and think something good was happening, then have Rahm get Kagan’s “friends” to confirm non-gayness.
It’s obvious Obama really doesn’t give a damn about what kind of SC Justice she would be, he just wanted another way to fuck over the GLBT’ers.
This is really just another slap in the face!
@Leo: hard to see why she won’t be sitting for any press interviews. hmmm, let me get a slide rule and compass and see if i can work out the geometry on this……
Well that settles then & I am sure it will never be mentioned again.
Anyone know how ‘gay’ came to mean ‘homosexual?’
I always assumed it was coined by men who discovered the happy fact that they were attracted to the gender that wants to fuck all the time, but on reflection maybe not.
@Corner Stone:
Rahm’s been spending a lot time in showers lately convincing people to do stuff.
It all depends on what the meaning of “is” is.
Randy P
Well sure. Just like all it took to shut up the birthers once and for all was to show the birth certificate.
her gayness matters in so far as it impacts how whe might respond to a naked Rahm running at her in the shower to get her vote to uphold the constitutionality of HCR.
@Zifnab: In the Conservative universe, having a personal interest in a political matter is BIAS. Therefore people with real social issues or complaints against their government should just STFU and put on a fucking happy face.
I have heard this bullshine from all corners of conservatism. Rush Limbaugh is especially offended and horrified when people who have a vested interest in political outcomes make political statements. Unless they’re conservatives. of course.
And who can forget the microscopic focus on Graeme Frost’s family countertops?
Basically, the only proper way to have a political discussion is to pass judgment on a bunch of people you know nothing about. That is, if you’re a conservative.
Linda Featheringill
Bless your heart, Ms. Kagan. Your sex life is none of my fucking business. Or anyone else’s.
I was on a women’s softball team in college named “Chastity and the Belts.” That must be why my judicial nomination never arrived.
I am hoping an Elena Kagan sex tape will surface and settle this crucial issue once and for all.
Sullivan has the audacity to post a title “The Politics of the Smear” tut-tuting reax to a report on Isreal/Palestine after his bizarre and disgraceful particpation in the “is she gay?” smear. What an ass. #smh
I love how Uncle Pat can’t get his head around the notion that it might not be his business whether said Justice was gay or not.
I could care less if she is.
@Guster: What was that word that Palin used in her quitting speech contrasted to the sourdoughs? In researching your query, I ran across a Jack London quote:
The Road, 1907
So Sully is a gay-married barebacking Catholic pacifist warblogger who opposes outing people, but loudly demands to know the sexuality of proclaimed straight women with boyish haircuts.
Sometimes it’s entertaining to peak inside his bubble of insanity, but it’s mostly disturbing.
During the health care debate he seemed absolutely stunned by the deficiencies in the health care system and actually made a “Gee whiz, maybe there is something to this ‘health care reform’ thing. Sorry about Betsy McCaughey!” post.
Seriously. I now plug my fingers into a nearby wall socket and query the Zeitgeist: “WTF?”
Joe Lisboa
This from the very crew that is so quick to accuse gay Americans of quote-unquote flaunting their sexuality by, you know, existing in the first place. Wake me up when this process is over, I do not think I can handle any more of The Stupid.
Give the Rs and Sullivan what they want: Have Kagan demonstrate lesbian sex live during the confirmation hearings.
I promise you, the ratings will go through the roof, and we will finally start winning over that white male demographic.
It will be the most watched tv show in the history of tv, a record that will never be broken. And Kagan will be the most popular justice ever.
By the way, and I am not making this up, Pat Buchanan stated this morning on Morning Joke(tm) that the softball picture proved that Kagan is gay. I did not detect any sign that he was being sarcastic.
sc kitty
“who cares if Kagan could be gay?” asks Sen Lindsey Graham, a member of senate judiciary committee.
@Palooza: No.
Though I wonder when the Elena Kagan “Whitey” tape will surface. She did clerk for Thurgood Marshall, after all.
Who is this “Sully” and goddamn way and who cares what he says? The only Sully I care about is the one who landed the plane in the Hudson.
Kagan should marry a guy, and then leave him, preferably in the most hurtful and brutal way possible, for a younger man, after he gets a heart attack or cancer and is in the hospital. Or maybe do it over the radio.
Then everything will be fine and no one can criticize.
kommrade reproductive vigor
How do we know her friends aren’t lesbians? Huh?
@Comrade Javamanphil: Congratulations. U haz 1 teh intertubes.
And I predict LCR will release another whiny statement about how Kagan’s friends saying she isn’t gay further demonstrates the depth of homophobia in the Democratic party.
Hold the phone, there was definitely a guy here yesterday who said that if we befriended anyone remotely associated with Harvard, that they would totally confirm that she’s secretly married to Martina Navratilova. THE INTERNETZ LIED TO ME.
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
The Gay Asian Single at the top of my browser page is kinda cute. I nominate him to whack Sullivan upside the crotch with an aluminum bat.
Marshall+Obama= taste for black men.
What Michelle doesn’t know is the real reason Obama appointed her.
Brietbart is soon going to be investigating her boyfriends looking for black ‘uns.
There is a sicko on my local board who’s going to be posting daily speculation along these lines as soon as the idea occurs to him.
licensed to kill time
Female softball players all over the world today are now re-examining their sexual orientation in light of this stunning news. Maybe they are secretly gay and they don’t know it! Uncle Pat sets them straight (so to speak).
@moe99: It was mixed league in my case but the name was “Landing on Uranus.” It’s held me back from the bench ever since.
It’s a good thing that we don’t have any big problems in this country. No recession. No wars going on anywhere that we have a hand in. No environmental disasters anywhere to deal with. No rise in violent, right-wing extremism all over the country. I can say this with confidence, as our competent press would never waste time blathering about this crap if there were bigger things to worry about. Though I do think the press has been rather negligent in digging into which hospital the president was born in and which doctor brought him into the world. Maybe once we establish beyond any doubt what Kagan’s orientation is, they can get on to that.
Seriously, dude. You owe me a monitor.
georgia pig
This reminds me of a conversation I had with my uncle several years ago. He said he realized that he had reached a crossroads in his life when the first thing that came into his mind upon meeting a woman wasn’t “does she fuck?” They bring up teh gay because she’s short and kinda dumpy and unmarried, which automatically means she must like to fuck women because no self-respecting man would fuck that. If she looked like Megan Fox, they wouldn’t ask, they’d just fantasize about the hot lesbian sex.
My sister was on a co-ed adult kickball team, but when she moved and sought out a new team, she found out at the first game that they frown on carrying your beer to the outfield with you, so she quit. This means only that she is awesome.
Sebastian Dangerfield
FTMFingW! Been trying to encapsulate the multiple layers of hypocrisy and douchiness that characterize Sully’s obsession with Kagan’s “emotional orientation,” and this pretty much nails it.
So, after compounding his idiocy with an overlabored explanation of why this question needs to be asked (although it was asked and answered already), Sully sees that Kagan’s friends have vouched for her taste for cock and declares:
No, you fucking idiot, it most certainly was not. The White House in fact shot the idea that she was gay down the instant it was floated by that disgraced turd Domenech. Indeed, the only Sullyism in this whole sorry affair that I agree with was his complaint that the White House treated the allegation as some kind of shameful “charge” that required a swift and uncharacteristically vituprative (for this milquetoast White House) response — which is hardly consistent with his later take on the White House’s attempt to shut down further inquiry on the subject as being “non-denial denials.”
But Sully got it into his head that Kagan must be gay, no doubt because he latched onto lesbian stereotypes; and of course the only way out of that was to prove that she is in fact gay. He was as wrong as wrong can be and then claims vindication when Kagan is forced to send friends out to vouch for her straightness.
But then this is classic Sully. When he latches onto an idea and digs in, he cannot admit to error. Whether it’s indulging in the more fanciful speculations about Trig’s parentage, his affection for racial pseudosicence, or his role in promoting Besty Mccaughey’s lies, he just won’t back down. He’ll stomp around and blur the chalk-lines that mark the in-bounds from the out-of-bounds and then fall back on the whole “it was the right thing to ask the question” dodge when the jig is up. The only thing that he has manned up and admitted error on was the war, and even there, we’re treated to a bunch of narcissistic jabber every time he reiterates his confession.
@licensed to kill time: Somebody please tell Jennie Finch’s husband that she is gay. Of course that dream is probably why she was ESPN viewers voted her the hottest female athlete over Anna Kournilova a few years back.
I’m at a loss as to why she might not want to sit down to do an interview with one of these dumb-asses.
licensed to kill time
Well, what if her husband is gay too, and she is his beard ?! Does he play softball as well ?! Maybe there is some double bearding going on here! Let’s ask Uncle Pat!
Linda Featheringill
“Have Kagan demonstrate lesbian sex live during the confirmation hearings.”
One problem. If Kagan gave a live demonstration on C-Span, the rest of the Supremes might want equal time to strut their stuff, and I am not sure I am up for that.
@licensed to kill time:
Close. (which you could argue supports your theory). Is their 4 year old son all part of the ruse? I leave it up to the readers to decide.
Yuck. I didn’t think anything could be worse than what they did to Sotomayor.
I was wrong.
Intentionally obtuse and stupid, Cole. But if that makes you feel superior somehow, go for it.
I know, but some people really do feel that drinking before lunch is somehow wrong. WTF, amirite?
@Linda Featheringill:
Republican Sex is hot. That’s why those R’s can’t keep their pants on half the time.
And couldn’t Clarence Thomas teach us a thing or two? I think he could.
( winks )
( gets something in eye )
( curses )
If you’re Elena Kagan, it must be just wonderful having the world say: “She’s so ugly she must be gay!” Really good for the female ego.
May I say, as a fellow woman and human, fuck all those folks putting her through this.
Okay, that made me throw up in my mouth a little. Ew.
Ha! You are so right. What is really blowing me away is the whole she’s gay because…well, look at her haircut!
Damn. My hair is less than an inch long. And this is three days before I’m due for my every three week haircut.
I guess I’m gay and just haven’t figured that out at age 51.
Corner Stone
Really I think there can be only one outcome to all this. Kagan is going to give her confirmation speech in the hearings and it will preview a little something like this:
Well, the rule seems to be that if you’re a woman going through this process there must be something “abnormal” about you or the way you got there.
Because, natch, you’re a WOMAN. How dare you aspire to a position that can influence the course of American governance for a generation?
So you either 1) got there on affirmative action despite the fact that you couldn’t write papers in college or 2) you are gay, by which they mean you are really more of a man than a woman.
Corner Stone
@d.s.: And most sentient beings would look at that mess of contradictions and say, “Meh. He’s a human like me, with all the dings and cracks we all have. But I sure as fuck wouldn’t want to ever read his blog except as some Jon Swift-ian spoof satire.”
@Leo: This whole thing is just gross. Start to finish.
We’re a bunch of 11-year-old boys when it comes to sexuality.
Corner Stone
@georgia pig:
You mean he died?
We don’t know for sure whether she is straight, or gay, or bi, or asexual.
Who cares?
Why was this not a question for umpteen other single officials who choose to keep their private lives private, and who are not associated with any known outrageous policy hypocrisy? Like, Souter?
The whole thing is silly.
Mark S.
OT-Salon asks the eternal question: Can a child pornographer last longer at Free Republic than a Giuliani supporter?
Jim C.
It’s never too early to start drinking.
William Saletan at Slate has written an excellent response to Sullivan:
Eric S.
If that’s what they think they need to spend some time around my softball team. It’s a coed team and we developed the phrase, “Getting f****d off the team,” to refer to teammates too uncomfortable to return after hooking up with another member. There’s been 7 or 8 or the last five years and all of them hetero.
@Jim C.:
I believe you should be able to open the bottle yourself, but at 8 or 9 years old this shouldn’t be an issue.
Bad Horse's Filly
OMG. I never played softball, only baseball and there are pictures. That must mean I am extra gay. I have several female friends who will be glad to hear that and several men, including my current squeeze, who will be shocked by this new revelation.
Another glowing example of the seriousness of our nation – Sarah Palin’s followup book, due out this falll – it makes a great stocking stuffer, doncha know!
Looks like that scrap-booky, Wikipedia-excerpty thing is working out great for The Grifter. So just like her Fox show, she is doing absolutely no work, culling other people’s content and packaging it as her own, and receiving millions of dollars! What a country!
Polar Bear Squares
Too early to start drinking?
@Bad Horse’s Filly:
My guess is he’ll just want to watch a demonstration.
As she’s probably asexual, and there are many proud non-sexytime having peoples who show up on pride day proclaiming this, I wish her the best. Dear Ms. Kagan, you will now be the focus of many idiots with time on their hands. I do apologize for that.
Rahm was once a ballet dancer. Right?
What about him?
Case closed, except for all the breathless speculation.
@MinneapolisPipe: Jesus, it’s a sad day when I’m agreeing with Saletan.
Bad Horse's Filly
@MikeJ: No doubt. I don’t call him Bad Horse for nothing.
Mark S.
Huh, I didn’t know that Bork’s religion (or lack thereof) was a factor in his defeated nomination. Jeez, these people are stupid. Bork would have been a fire breathing conservative like Scalia; instead they got Kennedy.
The Dangerman
Our basketball league had a team called “4 Jerks and A Squirt”. I’m guessing no nominations for anyone on that team either…
General Egali Tarian Stuck
I don’t believe anything I read right now. I read early on that she was a lesbian, in more than one place, and assumed she was, if not officially out, then out unofficially by not denying it.
So I just assumed it was true. Proof that an idiot nation produces idiots like me, and even way bigger idiots like Corner Stone. Industrial grade, that is.
When will they address the rampant speculation that Kagan is a nevernude? It’s an open secret around Harvard, and could impact her ability to rule objectively in cases involving cut-offs.
Ann B. Nonymous
I think it’s fairly clear that Sullivan is straight and is only having sex with men to reach his current position.
I think it could just be his use of the marijuana. Hard to keep your logic straight when you’re stoned…or so I’ve been told.
Comrade Mary
And some eleven [1] year old boys say the hell with it, I’m going to sing a Lady Gaga song at my school assembly and I don’t care what people assume.
[1] OK, he’s 12, but barely, given he’s in grade 6.
(Seriously, this kid is good.)
If one of her past lover, or her current lovers, outs her, it’s going to be messy. Just seems weird that Obama could not find, in this entire country, one qualified gay woman candidate who is not ashamed of who she is.
Elena sets such a fine example.
All this proves what I’ve always suspected, which is that in America you never really get out of high school.
Wile E. Quixote
@Comrade Javamanphil:
And since she’s from New York and didn’t learn to drive until her late twenties her official long form driver’s license as well!
Wile E. Quixote
I think that if asked about her sexual orientation at her confirmation hearing she should say something like “I’ve had sex with just as many women as Lindsey Graham has.”
@tim: Your concern is noted.
Corner Stone
Progress, but challenges. Whew! I am damned glad that at least this is The Good War ™
‘Hard fighting’ ahead in Afghanistan, Obama warns
Good sweet baby jesus.
OT — check out Jane Hamsher’s new BFF!
From a NYT article about Erickson being on CNN. There’s some follow up brouhaha going on that involves her trashing Media Matters, and some twitter wars, etc.
So what do y’all think — is Erickson an “honest broker”? I’ve never read him.
Mark S.
It certainly explains Facebook.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
I swear, the apocalypse must be nigh. Locusts taking up with roaches.
@Mark S.: Yeah, it was surprising and downright discriminatory the way they addressed his “lack of religion” as if a man who wouldn’t advance God’s will could not be a judge.
I agree with you about Anthony Kennedy. He is far superior and not extremely idealogical (which is a good thing for any judge, conservative or liberal).
Nas Escobar
Shorty Kagan, say what’s your price?
Just to back it up
You can hold my ice
Now let’s say you owe me something
Yeah, owe me back like you owe your tax
Owe me back like forty acres to Blacks
Pay me back when you shake it like that girl
Shorty Kagan, say what’s your price?
Just to back it up
You can hold my ice
Now let’s say you owe, owe, owe
Yeah owe me back like you owe your rent
Owe me back like its money I spent
Pay me back when you shake it again
The don, all the time, with all the shine
You small time, I ball with mine
Links, minks, Bentley, it’s all with mine
My jams bump out to the borderline
UK hot with it, blew spots with it
Every continent love when I spit it
Corners to blocks, even the cops feel it
Brothas on lockdown on their cots feel it
It’s real in the field the Last Mohican
Who survived in the streets and did something decent
Now I got plans to buy the whole hood
Legit’ now, I ain’t gotta lie to no judge
I make hits now, money I flip now
Hood fella every honey wanna kiss now
I lit up my neck, pinkie, and wrist now
So girls everywhere, this is how we get down
Shorty Kagan, say what’s your price?
Just to back it up
You can hold my ice
Now let’s say you owe, owe, owe
Yeah owe me back like you owe your rent
Owe me back like its money I lent
Pay me back when you shake it again
Play to win, girls in the club moving
I get ’em real hot, my songs seduce ’em
I flow, I’m so mysterious
***, and Nasty’s the alias
Everything platinum I glow
Cadillac trucks pulling up to the do’
On top out the car, lounge at the bar
We spent a thou’, we wild, look at how rowdy we are
Feel like a million dollars, feel me holler
To the max with the Benz and chrome wheeled Impalas
Thugs and renta’s, to the playas and ballers
Sexy mamas, fly ladies lookin’ proper
Look good enough to be taken shoppin’
Earrings, bracelets, now you rocking
Your body’s so nice that I give you this option
Let you wear my big chain if we get it popping
I put the shackles on your feet (You owe me)
I think you owe me some (You owe me)
The shackles on your feet
I think you owe me some
Lock you down baby, you know what you owe me
Mack like Goldie, it’s the same story
Let you hold something, you spending it right
Know where you gon’ be by the end of the night
Make it bounce, shake it, move it around
Wiggle it a little bit, throw it to the south
Fantasizing me inside and you riding
Throw it like a stallion, you wearin’ my medallion
Shorty Kagan, say what’s your price?
Just to back it up
You can hold my ice
Now let’s say you owe me something
(You owe me something, oh yeah)
I said Shorty Kagan, say what’s your price?
Mike Kay
@Wile E. Quixote:
I don’t think Mitch McConnell wants to play, either.
@Wile E. Quixote: Kick ass!
Mike Kay
tell us more.
Mark S.
Oh yeah, replace Kennedy with Bork and Roe would have been bye-bye.
@Randy P:
Exactly, just like that!
@Linda Featheringill:
Those of us old enough to have lived through the Thomas hearing came as close to this scenario as we EVER hope to.
Not gonna click – I refuse to believe Lord Saletan could write anything other than Charmin commercials (sorry there Mr. Whipple)
On a scary note, Kenny Star has come out in defense of Kagan. She must be even worse than I feared.
@Mark S.: Correct. Bork has called Roe v Wade a “Constitutional travesty”.
Yeah, sure. Kinda like Goldman Sachs is.
Chyron HR
Don’t you hippie-punchers understand that it furthers progressive goals for Hamsher to praise Ewickson from the left? Put down the Alinksy playbook and open your Overton windows already.
You mean it will have all of them?
@Comrade Mary: Okay, I apologize to the 11-year-old boys who are awesome.
I am still disappoint with the rest of America.
ETA: Svensker, I bet that book will be 100 pages long.
Bubblegum Tate
I seriously can’t wait to see what Sarah Palin’s ghostwriters try to pawn off as Sarah Palin’s favorite poetry. It’s bound to be funnier than Bush claiming to have read The Stranger and discussed existentialism.
Isn’t poetry elitist? Unless they’re counting things like “Itsy-Bitsy Spider,” which isn’t outside the realm of possibility.
@Wile E. Quixote:
Oh snap.
Peter J
If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas.
Mike Kay
@Chyron HR: win.
Mike Kay
@Peter J: the thing is, she personally hates Obama so much, any attacks, even from the wingers, are music to her ears.
Thank God nobody has a photo of her playing golf, is all I’m saying. The American Family Association would be picketing the White House.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
I just hope when the time comes we have a Hamsher birthday thread to celebrate.
I hear she’s to the right of Stevens in gay-ness.
Jane and Joe v. Media Matters
mai naem
I heard Pat Buchanan this morning on Morning Ho. If Pat really wants to start with crap like that, then I would like to suggest that his sister Bay is gay. Also too. Bay practically screams out gay to me. Well, actually not actually screams since she’s always actually screaming about ScaryBlackMuslimMan and his Armed&HateWhiteyWife.
Bush v. Gore, Heller and Citizens United disagree with you
@Comrade Mary:
Holy shit the elementary school talent shows have really improved since the last time I was there 42 years ago.
I loved the expressions on the faces of the kids in the crowd. The blonde on the top row was as amazed as I am.
Wouldn’t you hate to be the act that had to follow that?
Wile E. Quixote
True enough, but in light of events in the last few years perhaps the Village People should have consisted of a Republican senator, a Republican congressman, a couple of Evangelical ministers and a Catholic priest.
@Wile E. Quixote:
Hey now, the Village People were gay, not child rapists.
Davis X. Machina
@Svensker: Is Harlequin Romance a Collins imprint? I’m guessing it is, because then they can basically move money from their left pocket to their right pocket to secure rights to “classic and contemporary readings that have moved her”, leaving more for the Snowbilly Grifter to pocket.
Mike Kay
Jane Hamsher HAS SOLD YOU OUT!
And ya know what’s so delicious about her being an Erickson apologist – when he was hired, most of Jane sycophants naturally recoiled in horror that CNN would give this right-wing extremist a platform. Oh, are they’re little hearts gonna be so broken when they find out their mommie-pin-up figure has sold them out.
Well, I read the Politico story yesterday which obviously was not good enough because Dylan Ratigan & Breitbart are still discussing and wondering if it is true at Wed, 4:00p.m..
Joseph Nobles
OT: Hatoyama has no need of a Checkers speech.
The Moar You Know
@Mike Kay: Not a chance. The Jane Hamsher People’s Temple cult members will drink whatever flavor of Kool-Aid Jane tells them to. If she says Erickson is part of the team, they’ll throw on their kneepads and start posting over at Red State without thinking twice.
It’s really not Jane I have a problem with. If I had that many willing slaves, I’d put them to work too. It’s her
followerscultists I’m scared of.Cain
@Mike Kay:
Oh no, I don’t think so. They’ll eagerly follow her into Erickson’s waiting arms. They might loose a couple of people along the way, but there will be a faction that will support her and Erickson. This is exactly the same process on how a non-gay becomes gay! (sorry for the pivot, I couldn’t resist!)
John Cole
I watched the Hamsher/Willis train wreck live. As Jane was defending Erick saying no one’s archives would withstand scrutiny, he blasted out the following tweet:
“Confused over the controvery about the WSJ Kagan softball photo. That’s the most flattering photo of the nominee to date.”
Archives- just check his live feed!
@John Cole:
But Erick son of Erick wouldn’t be so sexist if Hillary had won.
Mike Kay
The thing I can’t get over is Hamsher trashing Media Matters. That’s O’reilly’s schtick.
And her valentine to Morning Joe (priceless) — guess Jane will be the new fill-in for Mika. Just don’t fuck him, Jane, you’ll end up like the dead intern.
I’m kind of intrigued that she’s bashing Media Matters, which last I heard was the go-to Progressive watchdog and caller out of emmessemm obfuscation and lies, and Jane purports to be, you know, a Progressive who favors calling out emmessemm obfuscation and lies.
But they’ve posted some pro-Kagan stuff in the last two days, so I guess that explains it.
@Cacti: Your point is taken. I was comparing Kennedy versus Scalia, Bork, & Alito.
How long has she been politically active? I’m just curious. I know nothing about her, and if I google, I get a barrage of health care hyperbole, which I mostly avoided the first time around, and don’t wish to delve into.
also TBogg loves to bash Erickson. That and his post yesterday basically telling Jane and Glenn to chill the fuck out about Kagan…….hmmmmm. He may go the way of TRex. Y’all ought to snap him up here.
Mike Kay
Shorter Jane: the enemy of my enemy (obama) is my friend.
Is it unreasonable to think that Baby Jane might just be a GOP mole?
Midnight Marauder
Only as unreasonable as it is to think that Michael “I Am The Cow On The Tracks” Steele is a Democratic performance artist.
After (as legend goes) they threw her out of Hollywood, she started her FDL blog. That was around 2005. First it was just her, then her and Christy Hardin-Smith (now retired, no doubt thankfully), and TRex. The blog hit the big time with the Scooter Libby trial, and that actually had nothing the fuck to do with Jane — it was all Marcy Wheeler’s work. Jane’s own cause celebre at the time was “helping” the Ned Lamont campaign by posting a blackface photo of Joe Lieberman.
And thus with ZERO substantive experience or knowledge as to any matter of public policy, legislative process, law, health care, insurance, banking, labor relations or any of the other many subjects on which she routinely opines, Jane is, er, politically active.
I don’t know how people who (document the atrocities) report on the incredibly ludicrous, stupid, nutty rightwingers & media day after day, year after year without going completely bonkers themselves. This country is insane.
I was thinking just that when I read the comments to that post yesterday. I can’t see how TBogg stands the amount of crazypoo that gets flung at him at FDL these days.
Mark S.
I don’t get it either. It’s like quoting people verbatim and putting up videos of them saying something is somehow dishonest.
(Granted, I don’t follow MM very closely so I’m not sure if they have never smeared someone unfairly. If someone wants to enlighten me . . . )
Thanks. 2005. I have this half-assed, unsupported theory. People that only got interested in politics or process in response to the madness that was Bush have a sort of exaggerated reaction, wild ups and downs, which might make sense, because, really, Bush was an extreme case, and if it took that to get their attention…
I think of it as BushBama. Just two Presidents. Two, because that’s when they, personally, got involved. Young people are excused, because they actually only know Bush or Obama.
patrick II
So, I went over to memeorandum to see why MLB.com would be discussing Kagan under the “Kagan’s friends: She’s Not Gay” topic. And they weren’t. They had an old picture of her playing softaball and they were discussing her batting stance. “Not aggressive enough” and “pitch her inside” were a couple of comments. Why memeorandom put that article under that topic makes no sense unless they suspect every woman who has ever played softball is gay — which means my two sisters, their husbands and their four children have been living a lie.
Also too, while there I saw this:
Arizona GOP Gov. Jan Brewer has signed a law banning the state’s schools from teaching ethnic studies classes.
Great job Arizona. Eventuall the repubs will piss off every minority, including softball players, enough that they will have to get one hundred per cent of the angry white vote to do well.
Joseph Nobles
The batting stance picture was also featured in the Wall Street Journal. I agree with Oliver Willis that it’s a really cute picture of her, but I really doubt the seriousness of the topic warranted its use in the WSJ except as a sly reference to the lesbian rumors.
@kay: Truer by the day.
But I’m (relatively) young. I was born in the Reagan era, but not even in the country. I was not remotely conscious of any politics during Bush I and the first Clinton term.
But American history and some world history was required back in my school days. I can’t explain the absolute lack of context with which some of these progressivier-than-thou types spout their talking points.
Or, if you only got interested in opposition to Bush, your definitional range is “Bush/Not Bush”.
If your initial foray was opposition-to-all-things-Bush, then the natural place to land was “Democrats, the Not-Bush Party”.
Do you know how to drive? Maybe the two will cancel each other out.
Wile E. Quixote
@Mike Kay:
Nahhhh, the people who follow Jane Hamsher are like the Stalinists of the 1930s. Until 1939 Hitler was a bad dude and the greatest threat the world had ever seen. Then Nazi Germany signed the Non-Aggression Pact with the Soviet Union and all of a sudden Hitler wasn’t such a bad dude any more and instead it was the war-mongering capitalists who were the greatest threat the world had ever seen, at least until June of 1941.
Soon the Hamsheristas will be saying that Erick Erickson has always been an honest broker and true friend to progressives everywhere. Just like Grover Norquist.
Wile E. Quixote
After (as legend goes) they threw her out of Hollywood, she started her FDL blog. That was around 2005. First it was just her, then her and Christy Hardin-Smith (now retired, no doubt thankfully), and TRex. The blog hit the big time with the Scooter Libby trial, and that actually had nothing the fuck to do with Jane—it was all Marcy Wheeler’s work. Jane’s own cause celebre at the time was “helping” the Ned Lamont campaign by posting a blackface photo of Joe Lieberman.
I wonder how long it’s going to be before she starts hanging around with Andrew Breitbart? Should we start a pool?
de stijl
That’s pretty fucking rich after your behavior yesterday evening, pal.
Midnight Marauder
@Wile E. Quixote:
My money is on October 2010.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
@de stijl: tim the troll has generally over the years, only popped up occasionally to kick Cole in the shins. Seems like now he has planted his regular flag in BJ land. Lucky us.