This is awesome (h/t Mike Kay):
Republicans were very pleased with their technological sophistication as they introduced the Web site, America Speaking Out a ceremony at the Newseum. Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), who created the program, said that to get software for the site, “I personally traveled to Washington state and discovered a Microsoft program that helped NASA map the moon.”
Using lunar software is appropriate, because the early responses to the Republicans’ request for ideas are pretty far out:
“End Child Labor Laws,” suggests one helpful participant. “We coddle children too much. They need to spend their youth in the factories.”
“How about if Congress actually do thier job and VET or Usurper in Chief, Obama is NOT a Natural Born Citizen in any way,” recommends another. “That fake so called birth certificate is useless.”
“A ‘teacher’ told my child in class that dolphins were mammals and not fish!” a third complains. “And the same thing about whales! We need TRADITIONAL VALUES in all areas of education. If it swims in the water, it is a FISH. Period! End of Story.”
My favorite by far is the fish thing.
I just signed up for an account.
Update. More gold standardism than I would have expected. I don’t think these are all spoofs.
Update. In honor of the late, great blogs4brownback, I’m promoting this one.
Update. They seem to have deleted most of the ideas. Sad.
Update. It’s back up with all the ideas and responses intact.
But which are spoofs and which are the real thing? Offhand, I would say 1 and 3 are spoofs and 2 is real. But if I’m wrong about one of them it would be 3.
Dear God, please tell me the fish one is a joke.
I wonder if we can get a solid wave of “Repeal the 17th Amendment” comments going?
I think you are correct. 1 and 3 are without spelling mistakes whereas 2 has two, besides some rather autrocious grammar.
Warren Terra
I rather admired this comment by “Jake” at Crooked Timber monday, which I offer as a suitable (and Rand-Paul-relevant) template:
The great thing about the comment is that it’s not actually clear whether it’s a spoof or it actually came from a willfully ignorant Glibertarian – heaven knows, I’ve seen sincere comments from Glibertarians that, if taken seriously, would prove that racism could never have happened, because it’s so inefficient.
It’s great performance art–which is real and which is a spoof.
@Zifnab: There’s already a suggestion to repeal all the amendments.
El Cid
All right. Which one of you wise guys…
End the 40 hour work week– there’s 136 non-productive hours we could be working— who needs sleep anyway!
They had to use NASA-esque software TO RUN A FUCKING BLOG?
the GOP is the Party Of Ideas, after all!
and these are some wonderful ideas.
El Cid
I think if Mr. Pointy Head Isaac Newton knew anything about what he was talking about he wouldn’t have invented gravity in the first place and we would all be able to fly everywhere.
Spoof? Not a spoof? Impossible to know.
Wait, how many people thought DougJ was responsible for half of those comments. But no, he just signed up so who among us was actually doing it?
Laugh all you want, but there are plenty of right wingers who could be led with little effort to saying we should put kids to work in factories to build character and get them to turn down the loud music, also too, getting them off the lawn. These are the same people not more than 1 generation removed from being saved from that life in the factory or coal mine.
Do any lessons of our nation ever stick? Or do we just recycle them all a generation or two later, possibly with the same actors playing the same parts.
Someone should echo all the entries from that site and run a “spoof or real” vote on them. For instance, in the ‘Strengthening Families’ section of ‘American Values’:
Or, in ‘Liberty and Freedom’:
For ‘Ethics’,
Sure, the last one is pretty obvious, but I do like the burst of honesty.
Ed Drone
Ah, yes — “great tasting” vs. “less filling!” Or, to cite an older example of the art of advertising, “It’s a breath mint! It’s a candy mint!”
So it’s a Bud Lite / Certs website. Now if only we could get the California Raisins involved!
Winsome design? Really?
Poor Michael Steele, can’t get any love.
@Warren Terra:
That is a stupid statement even for libertarians. If most of the local market consists of racists, a restaurant or nightclub that discrimates will do far better than one that lets “those other people” in. Expensive restaurants or nightclubs in general run on the “quality” of the clientele as much as they do on the quality of the food or entertainment.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
HOw long before we see signs in store windows “Ameros NOT accepted here!”
Personally, I could see #3 being real. I suspect there’s some passage in Genesis that trumps all the nonsense about live birth and lungs and warm blood
@Madeline: Is “winsome” the way Republican Congressmen try to say “full of WIN”?
@El Cid: That is a good lead in for a suggestion to reduce the deficit by eliminating funding for higher education and university research. Those wasteful boondoggles clearly reduce the standard of living, as demonstrated by that egghead Newton’s harmful invention of gravity. Some one should submit that one.
I’ll try to open an account and submit it, if no one is brave and honest enough to speak truth to egghead power.
Wow… the GOP just volunteered to drink from the fire hose of the crazy.
As DougJ has demonstrated, there is definitely some win on this website.
@Madeline: You know that song Lovely from A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum ?
What I am is winsome,
Radiant as in some
Dream come true.
All that springs to mind when I hear “winsome”.
Jim C.
Man…that just made my day. I love the fact that oil spills are making dolphins faster and therefore making…faster “fish”.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
is that like fey creation science?
If anyone sees one by “BlackPatriot”…
Alex S.
The child labor idea needs some more cultural resentment, like, “working in the factories makes them stop wearing sagging pants, or making rap music”
(Double win because it was posted by ‘Gary Larson’)
Hey, you winsome, you lose some.
So, is this one spoof or real?
If spoof, the misspellings are teh awsome.
Lord. I give this thing 48 hours, tops. Let the fun begin!
Dougj – you must go in and spoof the gold standard people. China is the worlds largest gold producer. Clearly these people and gold proponents like Glenn Beck are agents of China to help move the US and other nations onto a gold standard which China will then manipulate for their own communist purposes.
You need to offer up some other currency backing that the US controls. I’d blow the whole thing by going with frozen concentrated orange juice, but something more subtle should work. Offering up a depleted uranium-backed currency would be hilarious.
I’m in favor of a federal death penalty for the practicing of witchcraft. I’m also in favor of throwing people in large bodies of water to determine innocence/guilt rather than leave such matters in the hands of activist judges and liberal juries.
all of my ideas refuse to submit. they get flagged as “inappropriate” . even one as harmless as this:
i screwed around with it a bit, but couldn’t find the key words that triggered the filter,
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
But what happens if Ameros are backed by gold and/or silver? The conundrum that would cause
@SpotWeld: They found the marble in the oatmeal?
He traveled to the other side of the continent to discover a piece of software? That’s ironic, because I heard there’s this thing called the Internet where he could have found it from his office.
They did exactly the same thing with GOP dot com website.
@Jim C.: That’s the second (at least) reference on that site to the idea that marine mammals = fish. Is this some Fundie meme that’s been going around that I haven’t heard of?
@FlipYrWhig: Yeah, that’s probably what the design firm told ’em.
Ah, B4B.
Good times. Good times.
@cleek: If they were smart, they’d flag ‘Also.’ – that’s a dead giveaway, IMO. Ayn Rand should be flagged as well, since that’s either going to be libertarian troublemakers or spoofs.
But like I said, if they were smart, which they surely are not.
I’m just waiting for the request to replace the images on the $1, $5 and $10 bills with Reagan, Joseph McCarthy, and Jesus respectivly.
@Citizen_X: No, it’s the same spoofer, I guarantee it.
@Glenn: I think that might be a Wonkette commenter. Those guys are always messing with Republicans.
Kevin McCarthy (via Dana Milbank):
It was lying amongst the rubble of Mount St. Helens. I, being the rugged individualist that I am, fought through the tribes of America, tamed its forests, hauled that software out of the volcanic rock and mountain gneiss, and and personally – PER. SON. AL. LY. – brought it back out of the wild for the denizens of DC, to improve their lives. The women of DC were grateful, and thanked me in the manner you’d expect them to thank a rugged mountain capitalist of the wild forest, because I’m not gay. Never, ever gay.
Forget it, Jake. It’s Republicans.
Wasn’t it Red State or Free Republic that was BEGGING for IT people to volunteer their time because they were making such a hash of their software and they couldn’t afford real programmers a couple of years ago?
Mike G
Once again, reality is overtaking The Onion —
Christian Right Lobbies To Overturn Second Law Of Thermodynamics,281/
Bella Q
You *know* that this working definition of “winsome,” as it’s being used here, has to be something like “winning,” as the actual definition of the word is all wrong in this context. I mean, “engaging,” maybe, but the tone is all wrong.
I think we have a winner:
“We need to ensure that the Republicans never give us up, let us down, run around, or desert us.
don’t forget to vote for the ‘good’ ones !
aw crap. looks like it’s dead.
schrodinger's cat
How about we go back to Roman Numerals because the decimal system is not biblical enough?
Calling Wonkette! All hand to battlestations! All hands to battlestations!
mmm, yeah, mickeysoft must be one of those major players in GIS that I entirely missed hearing about. Still, ‘spose in a way we’re exploring lunitics and they could be mapped, so long as the correct info is gathered. Would be fun to interpolate a lunacy surface and find out where all those with the loosest attachments to reality have rolled to.
Can we start a contest to see who can get the most “Activity Points”?
@Shade Tail: Well played.
Shade Tail
The Democrats’ reply:
The Other Chuck
I would call it wince-some myself.
Michael D.
Second one under National Security:
Clearly, Tunch is a spoof on the site.
schrodinger's cat
@cleek: Have we acheived wingularity yet?
wow. what an intrepid explorer!
i “discovered” the same thing using 0.25 seconds of Google time.
For sure. I’m at 370 right now.
Chat Noir
@SpotWeld: I’m LOLing. Win!
this one is priceless…
Stop using outdated systems to compare competiveness. We may not be able to compete in math and science, but we are number one in football (not the foreign football, the real American one). And we are number one in basketball, hockey (Look at the Canadians), and even baseball (though our new immigration laws could hurt this).
Back when I was laboring in the SysAdmin mines I used a “language” all the time to make the network run faster.
As to the other silliness …
I’d think they were spoofs if I hadn’t visual evidence of their inability to think and spell. My conclusion is: the posts should be considered Serious™ until proven otherwise.
@schrodinger’s cat: You do realize that it was invented by the Arabs, right? More evidence that Obama is trying to Muslim up the place.
Well, we know that dolphins aren’t kosher because they have fins, but they don’t have scales.
I am openly cheering for Fognini because they made him play in the dark.(Against Monfils, who I would cheer for in any other circumstance)(Monfils saved two match points)
“A very high volume of Americans are speaking out right now.
Please wait a moment and try again.”
It appears that even the frontpage overloaded, not just heliocentrism & gold.
le sigh.
Paul in KY
@Martin: I was wondering about ‘Fountainhead’. That could sound like you’re getting into the 2 wetsuits & a dildo territory if you’re a non-libitarian leaning Repub.
@ Citizen_X
That’s a spoof. Whoever wrote it went too far with the second sentence with the ain’t – should have used can’t. The first sentence would have been perfect – confusion between are and our is epidemic. Also, many seem to be confusing too and two.
@SpotWeld: Oh my. I bow down to whoever did that one.
Check out what some idiot proposed about immigration: “Instead of repealing the 14th amendment, let’s just auto-revoke parent rights for illegals & create a class of immigrant orphan wards of the State!”
Oh, those “limited government” Republicans…
Washington STATE is in the Pacific Northwest, at the top of the Left Coast. There are volcanic mountains there.
Washington DC is the U.S. capital and is in the middle of the Eastern Seaboard on the Right Coast. There are volcanic assholes there.
The two have no connection except for the name.
Ed Marshall
schrodinger's cat
@Martin: I thought it was conceived by Hindu mathematicians , and later popularized by Persians and Arabs.
Oh, this is manna from heaven. Here’s my contribution:
It’s my warm-up pitch.
Can’t believe no one has yet pointed out that the acronym for Americans Speaking Out is ASO, which brings to mind so many things.
@Face: maybe the NASA part is some kind of tracking software… after all, maybe all the Repubs want to start pressing charges against citizens for “complaining about their station in life” as Douchebag Bunning’s done.
Awe contrary.
Rep. Kevin McCarthy is aware of all internet traditions as he is one up-to-the-minute hep cat. He’s the caterpillar’s boots and the cat’s pajamas. Bully for him!
He merely didn’t want to have to wait for his IBM PC – with a 9,600 baud modem! – to download a Google search.
@Mike G:
Cute, but they actually like the Second Law because it “disproves” evolution.
Rock Valley College?
@JGabriel: like Microsoft hasn’t figured out the whole retail / distribution thingy…
this guy’s a genius, he managed to actually track down software by going to it’s origin… never mind that it was probably outsourced to India for coding / design / creation….
It’s like the GOP spent all this money just to entertain DougJ. 715 points already.
Yes, “Also” is the sore keyword there.
The software that powers MY website is hand-crafted from the finest pewter.
Really? How many is speaking out?
Bubblegum Tate
Am I the only one who reads the thread title a la Omar from The Wire?
EILEEN NATHAN: Bird committed more than one murder?
OMAR: Fish gotta swim, know what I’m sayin’?
is it working for anyone else ?
I like:
I created an account, and then it wouldn’t even let me log in. How do they KNOW? Is that the NASA technology?
Jerry 101
Repeal the 17th? Child’s play – they’re already itching to jump on that one.
How about starting a movement to repeal the 3rd? What wingnut keyboard kommando wouldn’t want to quarter a few soldiers in his mcmansion?
Or, maybe a movement to repeal the Establishment Clause or the Commerce Clause.
Actually, I’ll bet that a clever enough person could get Rand Paul on record supporting the repeal of the commerce clause.
You know what else would be fun? Starting a right-wing movement to repeal the 21st Amendment.
@Anoniminous: I’m both shocked and awed at his total awareness of the tuubz which may or may not be laughing. Froopy dude has totally misspelled Gopher though.
My website was written in Apple BASIC. I had to swim to Tahiti, through shark-infested waters, to obtain it.
I like that the #1 most popular tag is “buget process.” Beyond staire.
As slow as the site loads, they must be running an Apple 2e as their server.
I think using the word “heliocentrism” sort of gives away the fact that you’re a trouble maker.
This one is awesome:
schrodinger's cat
@Nick: Sorry, lunar software has no spell check.
Chat Noir
@MikeJ: The GOP is spending everyone’s tax $ for this “initiative.”
Chat Noir
@MikeJ: The GOP is spending tax dollars for this “initiative.”
@b-psycho: Nah, Dougj is just on a roll. His kung-fu is the best.
Whenever Republicans launch a new national website I lose hours of productivity. Working late tonight will be worth it though. That site is the gift that keeps on giving.
@Ed Marshall:
You’re at RVC?
it would be irresponsible not to speculate.
Okay, I got in now. I hope you all saw this one.
It’s under Energy.
I tried to register but it keeps telling me, “Must select a Representative”. At first I thought it was smart and knew from my zip code what district I was in, but substituting Akin’s district office didn’t help. I am sure it was not smart enough to catch “dougj” as a user ID.
Man, the site is fun. I’ve wasted more time there than I have in a while.
The site traffic seems to be smoother now for anyone who is interested in giving it a try.
It did not like my suggestion to abolish social security, and that if and when you die then you could maybe stop working. Now you tell me why that’s not an awesome suggestion under “productivity”?!
Chyron HR
That was quick. But I’m hard pressed to disagree with their assessment of the GOP’s ideas.
Mr Furious
OT: BP is starting the Top Kill procedure.
i keep getting the “A very high volume of Americans are speaking out right now.” message.
and i have so many good ideas to share!
Figured I’d put a halfway decent idea (cutting the military budget) up dressed in wingnutese first before I joined the spoofs. Here goes the goof…:
It does seem to have accepted:
Real Americans pay for their own organ transplants, in cash, and without complaining. Why is it the nanny state government’s job to help you when it’s YOUR kid who was born with the heart defect?
Cleek, tell me what you want to say. They might boot me soon.
Ed Marshall
Yup, I work IT nights at Stenstrom for work study.
@Mr Furious: It’s both fascinating and boring to watch the video feed. I’m not a fan of reality TV, but being able to watch something like this is a lot like watching a space mission. After a while you really come to appreciate how technically challenging this activity is, and how unlikely it is that anyone could just swoop in and take it over.
Midnight Marauder
Or the fact that you are a Real Fucking American Patriot.
That is just Science. Duh.
And that Kevin McCarthy apparently discovered software in WA state and hauled it across the country from Redmond to DC, personally.
Svensker, did you honestly think I don’t know the difference between WA and DC, or did you just have a brain fart?
Wait, no, it did not.
On the taxpayer’s dime, I guarantee it.
kommrade reproductive vigor
And there will be loud screams of O NOES, HAXXORS!* in 5…4…3…
Damn, I wish you people wouldn’t do this while I was at work.
*I know it’s not hacking, you know it’s not hacking, but bitching about spoofs isn’t dramatic enough.
Mr Furious
@Martin: There’s not much to watch—you can’t actually see anything inside the BOP.
I just hope it works and doesn’t backfire. I shudder to think what will unfold if the leak gets worse—which by many estimates is up to 40% likely…Not great odds.
@jibeaux: Too many BJers spoofing. We gotta coordinate so we don’t clog (both of) their tubes.
@kommrade reproductive vigor: Having a crappy website that can’t handle the traffic so you blame it on hackers. Where have I heard that before? Just further proof that Joe Lieberman is a Republican.
@Zifnab: What are the odds they payed all the proper licenses?
Tonal Crow
Didn’t they do something like this about a year ago? And didn’t it attract the same sort of posts? And didn’t they terminate it after about 3 days? There’s something very Groundhog Day-ish about this effort.
@Tonal Crow: Are you thinking of
Exactly! McCarthy is a rugged individualist capitalist explorer man of mountain, forest, and adventure who brought discovered and brought back software from the deep wild!
If it weren’t for McCarthy and his conservative rag-tag team of rebels and explorers, the world would have never known of the vast reserves of software in the Pacific Northwest, or its uses!
Amazing they didn’t learn anything from their last web site experiment that went so well (; this commentariat sure had fun with it.
@Tonal Crow:
What I remember was something about what you thought the GOP’s priority should be, or strategery, or something. And “Buy Every American A Pair Of TruckNutz” was #1 for a while.
Jay C
Actually, RedState’s problem with trying to find a designer willing to help redo their site was that it was all a big liberal plot. SRSLY.
As Erick put it:
Except as a source of continual scorn and mockery, it’s hard to imagine how much less influence RS could possibly have had, but that’s today’s conservative: never miss an opportunity for self-victimization.
@Tonal Crow:
I recall some RNC Website thingie with an animated M.C. Steele strolling across the screen, chatting at his peeps. That was yanked pretty quickly after a little too much fun was had at their expense.
Republicans seem to not attract any Grade A nerdpower. Wonder why…?
LMAO. Perfect!
Pshaw! If Keven McCarthy hadn’t discovered software, Al Gore never would have been able to invent the internet!
I suspect Jesus’ General did the one about heliotropism. It has to be his kind of spoof. Also he was smart enough to spell ‘heliotropism’ and still say the bible says that it isn’t so. Gotta be JG.
I’m just immortalizing here, because who knows how much longer the fun will last. Not mine, btw.
I don’t think anyone is getting blocked (except for curse words). I think the website is just crashing a lot. Keep trying!
Here’s my thoughts @ Speaking out:
Hee hee!
Tonal Crow
@cleek: The problem is surely the word “hugged”. That’s verboten because it implies affection, friendship, empathy, or (gasp!) sexual attraction, all of which are, for obvious reasons, suspect in the Land of GOPdor.
Badges? You can earn badges? WTF?
Midnight Marauder
The line between spoof and reality has been forever shattered.
Ed Marshall
The live feed of the oil leak shows mud blowing out instead of oil now. I don’t know if that is good or bad.
All the amendments? That is not crazy enough.
How about just the ones which are prime numbers? Somebody put that up there, please, I don’t have time to get registered.
Ash Can
“Let’s set up a state-of-the-art web site where the American people can come to us directly to tell us what we should think, what issues we should support, and what our agenda should be. What could possibly go wrong??“
Tonal Crow
@chris: You’ve got to work on your (mis)spelling. For example, “nonsense” should be spelled “nonsence”.
@Xenos: If somebody is taking requests, please try to post Abe Simpson’s suggestion.
I got three positive votes for this one:
“i don’t understand why we have to have child labor laws. if every child over the age of 5 went to work (like they did in the OLD TIME TRADITIONAL AMERICA) we wouldn’t need to import stuff from China. MAKE THE CHILDREN PULL THEIR SHARE. “
on it.
@Xenos: seconded. Prime numbers are elitist numbers. ‘scuse me, elitist nummers. Who DO they think they are?!
@Ed Marshall: I think mud coming out of the pipes was expected.
It’s nice to see all the goldbug spoofing, but now we need to start a turf war between the goldbugs the no one world currency people, since the gold standard leads inexorably to one world currency, then one world government, then the antichrist.
Tonal Crow
@MattR: Yes, that’s it. What a boatload of awesome that was.
@Mike G:
This one was for you:
I made up for my lack of caps with the next one:
Check under “America’s role in the world”. Anyone wanna bet how many thumbs-up votes my last one’ll get?
Bubblegum Tate
OK, which one of you jokesters posted “Legalize Gay Marijuanna”[sic]? I almost snarfed my water.
@Tonal Crow:
That was also great. What I like about all this is that someone could say, “you remember when the Republicans made that website, and they were like all sincere about it, and then the liberals went to the website, and …” and you could be talking about half a dozen different things, easy.
Colonel Danite
I don’t know when I had this much fun. I just hope I don’t get fired for spending the last 30 minutes on the site.
You all are doing God’s work here. Truly stupendous job; bravo. I am in awe.
Mark S.
This one cracked me up:
My guess is 80% of these responses are spoofs. This thing will be shut down tomorrow.
I thought this one was real for a second
Bubblegum Tate
@Mark S.:
kommrade reproductive vigor
@Tonal Crow: Republicans not learning from their mistakes?
Damn. They killed my account.
Apparently advocating anarchy in a faux-Palin tone is “inappropriate”, cuz they wouldn’t even let me put up this one:
hit DougJ’s link from my work computer and got this message. I wonder what they did to get blacklisted :-)
“This Page Cannot Be Displayed
Based on your corporate access policies, this web site ( ) has been blocked because it has been determined to be a security threat to your computer or the corporate network. This web site has been associated with malware/spyware. “
Colonel Danite
Darn. I think I’ve been banned.
Crap, they deleted the one I had about terrorism (basically “threaten to nuke Mecca”).
It looks to me like they may have (accidentally?) reverted their entire database, so your post is being rejected for a different reason (like your account may no longer exist) rather than any inappropriate words. At least that was what happened to me.
@Mark S.: Careful with that one comrade. ‘Cause you know who else eliminated time zones? The Ruskies! in 2010!
This is America: what factories??
Crap they deleted me. And I didn’t get to post my “Not Soft on crime diatribe”.
I’d say about 90% of the postings are spoof. I know that 100% of mine are.
I have already won 3 freedom badges!!
It looks like ALL of the responses are gone. I don’t see any responses there now, except for a couple of very recent, very banal, comments.
Or possibly, the site database broke.
heliocentrism went away ;-(. You’re going to need to repost it here ;-).
@Mr Furious: 40% chance that it won’t work. Only like a 5% chance it’ll make things worse.
Still, worse is difficult to accept even at 5%.
@Souvik: Maybe they are collecting personalizable data! Mapping ho!
I tried to register so I could post some of William Jennings Bryan’s ‘Cross of Gold’ speech in the Gold Standard section, but no dice. I was very curious to see if anyone would recognize it.
Maybe I should have just updated it to Teatard-language – “Get a brain,
moransbimetallists!”dj spellchecka
well, either the website is junk or my account “helen bedd’ got scrubbed already…probably for suggesting we raise the capital gains tax and the minimum wage…
the website fail notice is funny, too: “A very high volume of Americans are speaking out right now. Please wait a moment and try again.”
here’s a suggestion i found under the topic of job creation
[bonus! tagged with “first-principles”] : “We need to ensure that the Republicans never give us up, let us down, run around, or desert us.”
Did they just delete everything?
I have issues with Baltimore
Looks like somebody hit the reset button. The categories are empty now, and it says my idea to “Repeal all prime-numbered amendments so brown people can’t vote to take away our guns” is inappropriate.
Dude, I had three badges and they just nuked me.
Yes! A thousand times yes! I gave my recommendation upthread. I’ll try and join in the fun later tonight.
I guess this is God’s way of telling me to get the f*#$ back to work.
@I have issues with Baltimore:
ZOMG! That idea is totally appropriate!
I take it as a matter of pride that Republican politicians twitter 5x as much as their Dem opponents. While Twitter is these days a political necessity (considering how the media relies on it near-exclusively for their reporting) it’s still as unintellectual as the 10 second sound bite the media used to rely exclusively on.
Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle
That site sucks. They must have only one server or something. Bastards!!
Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle
@middlewest: They have shitty servers.
Mark S.
@I have issues with Baltimore:
I think that would have been okay if two weren’t a prime number.
licensed to kill time
Looks like America’s not Speaking Out anymore. Why do they hate our freedoms?
amnesia is probably a feature, not a bug, in their world.
I have not laughed this hard for months… I gotta get out more of course. Anyhow.
Lisa K.
Under healthcare, how about “make sure anybody in the emergency room shows his or her papers before receiving care”
Colonel Danite
I think we’re back in business. My account is active again.
I have issues with Baltimore
@Mark S.: Then I guess trekking all the way across the country for some of that sweet, sweet NASA tang paid off for Herr McCarthy.
Y’all keep crashing the damn site! How about a little organization in your spoofery, eh? I haven’t laughed so hard in ages!
@Lisa K.: We had that one in Cali for a while till the insufficiently American courts killed it.
Here’s a good one
Not to mention the requirement to drill a relief well simultaneously with any offshore drilling.
It’s definitely back up. I have already seen a bunch of the comments over there that y’all posted here. Keep it up!
This one is my current fave:
You guys rock so hard!
Lisa K.
OMG. this place is addicting! I could-and probably will-spend all night there!
The reset is okay, it lets more people get in on the fun and get their crazy ideas above the fold. Witness the current #1 from Job Creation:
Also, too:
Perry Como
Jesus, trolling this site is like pissing in a sea of piss.
licensed to kill time
Mexico tag
Please make it stop…
Can we please make it illegal to make fun of Sarah Palin? It’s just mean. Sure, she isn’t that smart. But she raised five kids, and only one got knocked up in high school. That used to count for something in AMREICA!
Snark Based Reality
fucen tarmal
they have a state of the art word sensor that flags inappropriate, doesn’t know a lot of words yet, much like sarah palin.
Congratulations to all the brilliant lefties who have helped the Republican party by trolling their site.
Instead of exposing the ignorance, racism, sexism, and various other unpleasant -isms of the current Republican party, your immature douchebaggery has enabled them to blame every stupid idea on us.
I realize how entertaining it is to fuck with them, but keep in mind that you are helping the right, and fucking the left. But if that’s what you want, umm, congratulations, I guess.
Snark Based Reality
I agree with Corpsicle. This is excellent news for John McCain.
Lisa K.
LOL, hey, the stupidest idea was that website!
Colonel Danite
@Corpsicle: Lighten up, Francis.
They would have said it was lefties doing it whether it was or not. No true conservative and all that.
fucen tarmal
yeah they can call us crude and vulgar. oh noes! by the time folks are done with it, nothing from that site will be taken seriously.
@Corpsicle: Yeesh. Who let Captain Buzzkill in?
@fucen tarmal: I would prefer their site to be taken seriously. Republicans have become so completely retarded that their most sober and serious ideas expose their stupidity.
Will these laughin’ tears ruin my keyboard as fast as the cryin’ ones? You guyzr killing me here.
Damnit, @Colonel Danite beat me to the exact line I wanted to use. You can respond to most things with lines from either Stripes or Ghostbusters.
@clussman: Yeah, I’ve used that myself a few times on BJ.
@Corpsicle: there are plenty of other sites where their jackass ideas can be taken seriously and can’t be pinned on teh Liberal Spies. FFS let us have our fun with today’s installment of Republicans Meet Technology.
Midnight Marauder
I think the argument could be made that the site is being treated with the seriousness it deserves.
Of course, no one ever said that the two sentiments are mutually exclusive.
Poe’s Law would indicate that we’ll never know.
@Corpsicle: Right, because they never blame their embarrassing elements on us without evidence!
They have a whole category for “constituion”
Lisa K.
Really, we knew that BEFORE they started soliciting serious policy ideas from the unwashed masses with access to IP blocking software…
@DougJ: “They would have said it was lefties doing it whether it was or not. No true conservative and all that.”
True, but would anyone have believed them? As it is the comment section of the Washington Post article you linked to is full of Lefties laughing about how they ratfucked the site.
@Redshift: Right, but handing them a huge pile of evidence doesn’t really help our side.
@Redshift: They deny they’ve said things that exist on film!
@schrodinger’s cat: No, not because decimals aren’t biblical but because the numbers we use are ARABIC numbers, Muslim, developed by those dark people in the Middle East, not even ancient Greek.
I read some of the categories and wanted to hit my head to make the pain go away.
I don’t have some sort of moral objection to screwing with them, but to be most effective ratfucking should be performed with discretion.
If ancient Hindu mathematicians invented the ancestors of the Arabic numerals, they are still bad. Hindus are Godless heathens too.
No one has mentioned the corrupting influence of the alphabet, which is Phoenician, and the Bible says that they are bad. I will suggest, under education, that we go back to runes, which are Anglo Saxon and good.
Their website it awful. It keeps crashing. Are Republicans really this stupid? They keep doing this kind of thing over and over.
schrodinger's cat
@jl: You are right language and math skills are elitist.
Matthew Reid Krell
Oh, dear:
Ladies and gentlemen, Justice Thomas trolls the GOP site!
Lisa K.
Is that a rhetorical question, or do you really not know?
You have to read the American Values thread. It’s been hijacked to say the least. This is my favorite:
@Lisa K.:
Rhetorical. With a hint of “Seriously? They’re doing this again? How can anyone be this dumb?”
Lisa K.
SOMEBODY over there must be saying right about now, “I told you so, assholes.”
It’s a dumb idea. Dumb ideas deserve ridicule.
Besides, if people suggested good ideas it’s not like the GOP leadership would read it, say “hey, these are good ideas!” & then proceed to use them to inform legislation. If politics worked like that then legislators would be redundant.
@Violet: Duh hurrr it worked for Obama! (Not that anything in the site got implemented or carried any weight…)
@b-psycho: Conservatism is ALL ABOUT new ideas and keeping up with both the times and the peoples’ voice, what are you talking about.
@Lisa K.:
Yeah, no kidding. I guess it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the party that thought the internet was a series of tubes still doesn’t understand how it works. But still….
And how exactly would they do that?
@jibeaux: What a scream. You are wickedly clever.
OT, someone please help. (Red face.) This is embarrassing to ask, but it’s not in the lexicon and I don’t know what “Han shot first” means. I didn’t see all the Star Wars movies.
Thank you.
All of them seem to be about going back to the gold standard….
But my favorite was this error message:
It pertains to differences between the first Star Wars movie and the re-release. Google it – it comes right up.
If a GOPer isn’t an asshole, he’s an idiot.
I’m not saying that there isn’t a whole lot of overlap.
@CynDee: In the first movie (that is, Episode 4), Han is confronted by a bounty hunter threatening to take him in. Han (very clearly) shoots the bounty hunter; Lucas later tried to claim that Greedo shot first, but that’s just revisionist bull.
ETA: And yeah, the “digitally remastered” version was edited so that Greedo shot first.
In the original Star Wars movie (later retitled “Episode IV: A New Hope”), there was a scene near the beginning where Han Solo was talking in a bar with someone who wanted to collect a bounty on him. At the end of the scene, Han Solo shot Greedo (the bounty hunter) with Greedo never even drawing his own gun. Established Han as a bit of a bad-ass, and certainly cold-blooded.
When the movies were released as “Special Editions” in the late nineties, George Lucas decided it wasn’t “hero-like” for Han to gun someone down in cold blood, so the scene was edited to have Greedo shoot first (and miss, at about a 2 foot range), and Han then returns fire. Many fans of the films object to this and prefer the original version, hence the motto “Han Shot First”.
I have issues with Baltimore
I can’t login to my account anymore. It says it doesn’t exist, but it won’t let me re-register because it says my username is already in use. And I can still see my ideas, although the ideas about repealing the prime number amendments and somebody fixing my apartment’s plumbing so I can shower and get a job are gone. All that remains is my hatred of the Tampa Bay Rays.
gocart mozart
Lets play Real or Spoof
<blockquoteWe need to make the enviro-whackos trying to create a panic over the golf oil spill to shut the he!l up! OIL IS A NATURAL SUBSTANCE!!! You cook with it (vegatable oil), clean with it (lemon oil), put it on your skin (oil of olay), etcetera. GOD put it there for us to use, and anyone saying that a NATURAL SUBSTANCE is bad for NATURE either is severly misguided or diliberately lying to promote thier own SOCIALIST agenda. >
The most troubling aspect of these posts is how many fall into the far-right wing equivalent of Poe’s Law. The parodies and trolls are indistinguishable from the more strident, honest suggestions.
Mike in NC
Did they hire ex-Senator Ted Stevens (R-AK) to design this thing?
Hell, I got deja vu reading your post!
@I have issues with Baltimore:
Yeah, me too. I guess they figured out I was a spoof. Sad. I wonder if they’d let me re-register with the same email address.
Here’s my favorite:
Yeah, let’s use more foreign oil!!
gocart mozart
This is my favorite
I just registered and put in a random zip from MN. Guess whose district it turned out to be? Michele Bachmann’s. PERFECT! I’m orientalpearlMN, and I will be making a few suggestions in the life section. We shall see what happens.
P.S. My favorite historical figure? The Antichrist!
Damn it. This was mine.
People today have no idea what it takes to have a successful family. It’s hard work, and it has to be done consistently. Why, if you say two wetsuits and a toy of a certain nature, they just give you a blank stare. Talk to them about hiking the Appalachian Trail, taking a wide stance in the Minneapolis bathroom, or lifting a heavy load, and they have no idea as to what you are talking. This shall not stand. If we want our children to have an appropriate idea as to the values upon which this nation was built, we need to teach them the lessons of John Ensign, Mark Foley, Larry Craig, Mark Sanford, and many other heroic men who live the values they espouse.
Except, I had dildo first. That was inappropriate. Then, I tried this. It accepted it, but did not post it. This is my latest.
People today have no idea what it takes to have a successful family. It’s hard work, and it has to be done consistently. Why, if you say two wetsuits and a toy of a certain nature, they just give you a blank stare. Talk to them about hiking the Appalachian Trail, taking a wide stance in the Minneapolis bathroom, or lifting a heavy load, and they have no idea as to what you are talking. This shall not stand. If we want our children to have an appropriate idea as to the values upon which this nation was built, we need to teach them the lessons of John Ensign, Mark Foley, Larry Craig, Mark Sanford, and many other heroic men who live the values they espouse. Until then, we will have nothing other than hypocrites and liars in our midst.
Nope. They won’t post it. Shit. I’ll try something blander.
In ethics, I tried, “If you cannot walk the walk, at least you can talk the talk. Amirite?” They didn’t post that, either, damn it. I’m bored now.
@gocart mozart:
that, right up there with the mages protecting the border are just genius.
I have a couple to add but the site is too slow to post.
Here they are:
– create a litmus test that all politicians must take to prove they are Christian
– President’s should be elected by how much red is on the map on election day. There is no way Obama could have beat McCain
And, I will just say on this now dead thread that of the ones I read, I had a hard time distinguishing between real and spoofery on at least…two or three of the items!
This is the best one I saw; I really like it.
and you guyz refuse to believe to believe in the negative correlation of IQ with conservatism.
the whole site is a nature preserve for proud ignoramuses, and a field lab for selection for stupidity.
quod erat demonstrandum.
@maddie: Extra badges for someone who suggests:
Polar Bear Squares
I’m laughing my arse off.
If it swims in the sea, it’s a fish! Period!
That goes for dolphins, seals, sea urchins, yo mama in a onesie.
Traditional values!
I think any senator who helps destroy a bank or savings and loan should be expelled from the capital. 6 Total Votes
For the grammar nerds!
The site looks like it was designed by the guy who used to leave his alien conspiracy theory tracts under the bridge.
ronathan richardson
two best:
“Sometimes I see a new food at the store, but I don’t know if I will like it, so I don’t buy it. I propose we establish “food libraries” where you can try new foods and if you like them, go to the store and stimulate the economy. Only legal U.S. citizens would be allowed in the food library.”
“Cut taxes, cut spending, cut hair, cut the cheese, cut it out, cutlery and cuttlefish.”
Absolutely foolish, everyone knows that you’d be better off with a mixed team of Druids and Rangers.
Paul in KY
You guys got me laughing so much my sides hurt. Great job, Juicers!!
@Lisa K.: yes.
Think about it, 50 years of memetic fitness selection for creationists, anti-intellecutals, home-schoolers, nativists, racists, birthers, christofascists, right-to-life-warriors, homophobes, misogynists, patriarchists, neo-nazis, birchers, pre-trib fundamentalists, fake libertarians, neo-con revanchists, imperialists, soulless rapacious capitalists, and low-information voters that can be demagogued and scaremongered into voting against their economic interests.
And America Speaking Out is the result.
Selection for Stupid.
Plus, they are techno-luddites, so they get pranked by mobies.
Like when the Michael Steele site got hooked up with bondage toy links.