So apparently Wonkette and Gawker have decided Palin has a new pair of breasts. Personally, I couldn’t care at all, and looking at memeorandum, it doesn’t look like many of you do, either:
Dodd Harris isn’t going to let that stand in the way of a good narrative, though:
On a day when Republican women were rocking primary elections across the nation, the Left was ogling Palin’s chest.
Let’s check that memeorandum link again to see who is interested in this story.
Right Wing News
Hot Air
Outside the Beltway
Michelle Malkin
Liberty Pundits
Weasel Zippers
Red State
Jammie Wearing Fool
Welcome to the left, guys! Talk about moving the Overton Window. You’re right, Dodd. The “left” is all over this story. Oddly enough, these are mostly the same folks who spent last week giggling over the “20 hottest conservative female blogger stories” at Right Wing News. In fairness, Sadly No! was mocking Newsbusters, though.
At any rate, this will now enter the pantheon of Palin victimhood. In two years, everyone will be dutifully reporting how the left is all caught up in stories about Palin’s boobs. Ahh, truthiness.
Don’t forget The Superficial and Wonkette, which, as we all know, are far to the left of Kos and FDL.
How dare you post a story about that without pictures.
The people have a right to know!
So now that she’s got money she’ll start going overboard on plastic surgery? This will end well.
The Grand Panjandrum
Throw some beer on’em and Frank Zappa will rise from the dead!
also: it’s pretty clear that there was no work done, Wonkette just happened upon a rather flattering picture. there are older pix (linked in Wonkette’s comments) which show the glands in question looking much the same as they do in the pic that got Wonkette all excited.
it’s all about the shirt.
Stoopid Laybrils! You can’t trick us into staring at Sarah Palin’s chest. Her swirling hypnotic chest. Damn! Tricked again!
But they winked at me! I think.
It was all a ploy by the Right to get the Left to look at her chest and take our minds off the oil spill, flotilla crisis, and the fact the Nikki Haley is now forced into a runoff. These people are geniuses – why can’t we think like that?
She stuffs her bra. My best friend’s sister’s boyfriend’s brother’s girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who’s going with the girl who saw Sarah pass out at 31 Flavors last night.
There’s Epistemic Closure for you: a wholly right-wing manufactured outrage, completely contained in the circle of right-wing blogs and media.
It’s like the War on Christmas that supposedly happens every year.
You forgot Huffington Post,
They are just reacting to the liberal site that started all this.
J.W. Hamner
So conservative commentators are imagining a Left Wing obsession with Sarah Palin’s breasts as an excuse to obsess about Sarah Palin’s breasts for a couple of days? It’s such an obvious and transparent projection you’d think it would have to be a parody.
Church Lady
Um, will this posting now add YOU to the list of blogs discussing Sarah’s rack?
Where are the pictures? Gotta have a picture here. I’m not going to a wingnut site to look for pictures.
And now Balloon Juice is listed first at memeorandum. Mission Accomplished!
John Cole
@BattleCobra90000: Well, shit.
Maybe she’s pregnant again. Some women say they finally had boobs when pg.
I’ve heard of most of those rightie sites but Weasel Zippers is new to me. I wondered how that name came about but decided it’s probably best not to.
This is raising my expectations for the 2012 election (assuming the universe survives)– Tea for Titties vs. The Codpiece of Hope?
fucen tarmal
the really sad part of this kerfluffle is, it totally upstaged barrara bush’s boob’s 85th birthday.
i wanna see conservative web sites talk about them set of titties.
I read a dozen or so left/center blogs a day, and this is the first (and probably the last) I’ve heard about this important, vital issue. So um… yeah. “The left” is clearly all over this one.
Starbursts galore!
@jon: Save Sarah!
Talk to me when she gets another set of brains.
When I saw the post title I thought it was about David Brooks.
You don’t say.
ETA: And of course Rich Lowry got a free pass on seeing starbursts because he thinks Palin winked at him in a debate performance aptly described as “trying to pick America up in a bar.” But “the Left” is sexist. Riiiiiiight.
Look, they’ve been waiting a long time for proof that we’re threatened by Sarah Palin because she’s an attractive, competent, powerful, liberated woman who still deeply respects her role as a wife and mother. A long time. They have to seize on this, because we keep pointing out that she’s not attractive, competent, powerful, liberated, or respects her role as a wife and mother.
I guess she’s a woman, but I think they’re trying to have her disqualified.
I won’t pay any attention to this story until Sullivan writes up a thorough analysis.
Biff Longbotham
Nothing new here, not counting the wingnut fauxrage du jour. Judging from the large
membernumber of porn movies “starring” the quitter from Wasilla (e.g. Nailin’ Palin, et al), there have been quite a lot of men looking south of her eyes for a long time now.The Dangerman
Wingnuts react to increased cleavage (give the video a few seconds):
The double fisters are just bragging.
dj spellchecka
this is part of a narritive i’m just becoming aware of…the right critizes the “liberal media” for stuff they don’t do…like comparing the hamas flotilla passengers to ghandi [a recent doughy pantload charge] or falling over themselves to defend helen thomas [multiple tongue-waggers]…
more evidence of the closed feedback loop the wingers live in…
side-by-side comparison:
You decide
Not that I care one way or the other, but these photos do seem more convincing than the ones Colin Powell showed to the UN in the build up to the Iraq War.
In short, there is more evidence for DD’s than WMD’s.
But who cares about her ta-ta’s? Maybe guys like Rich Lowry will see twice as many “starbursts” now when she winks at him, or maybe she’ll be able to move up a couple spots in the “hottest conservative women” lists the Right loves to ogle over (cuz they take politics and policy seriously, ya know.)
Peter J
On the issue of fakeness.
That Vogue photo looks like they cut out Palin’s face sans forehead and put on another model’s body.
I find that photo really disturbing.
The Palin story seems to be gone from memeorandum.
grumpy realist
Reminds me of a story about Karajan having to deal with an opera singer who was, um, well-endowed in the chest area but was getting more and more flustered and panicked during practicing. Finally, Karajan pointed slowly at her chest and said:”…if only those were brains!”
Paul L.
Maybe it is the left’s hypocrisy that sparked the right’s interest.
El Cid
@Paul L.: This is the stupidest interpretation of the right to privacy ever.
It’s like suggesting that the 4th Amendment prevents people from looking at your door.
licensed to kill time
Paul L’s initials stand for pretzel logic.
Mike Kay
a couple of months ago when Palin went down to AZ to campaign for McCain, she wore a tight, black leather jacket, with a bunch of zippers, that had a bustier effect.
Feminist bloggers at GOS started calling it the “tit jacket” and said she should be called out on it because it’s an obvious engagement of sexploitation.
Moreover, the sexploitation (short skirts, bustiers, roller-brush make-up, hooker boots) comes from someone wagging her finger about absintence. In short her behavior, in light of moral majority bullshit, is fair game. I agree.
Should we give her a pass, when we know that Matt Lauer and Cookie Roberts would be hammering Nancy Pelosi if she got a new pair? I don’t believe in unilateral disarmament. For example, MoDo and Brooks would have been screamin bloody murder if Obama had a daughter who dropped out of high school because she got knocked-up by a football stud, especially, if he had been campaigning on abstience. But alas, IOKIYAR.
I was curious about “hot” conservative new media babes. This link almost burned my eyes.
Michele Malkin
Pam Geller
Ann Coulter
Hot – I puked in my mouth over these three…
El Cid
@Mike Kay: Didn’t the chattering classes go nuts when Hillary wore something with a tiny bit of cleavage somewhere?
@Church Lady:
It’s a meta thing. Wouldn’t expect some people to get that.
Ah, just the Dodd I remember. “These facts are inconvenient to my worldview, so I shall disregard them. Also, I suck c0cks.”
This comment is priceless:
licensed to kill time
What is this “estimate” Mr. Cole that he speaks of? Is it a 3/5ths kind of thing?
Mike Kay
@El Cid: Yup. Elizabeth Edwards was bashing her about not being womanly enough, so hillary wore a clevage revealing blouse and …… wait for it…. WaPo freaked out.
Funny how WaPo hasn’t freaked out over Palin’s pseudo- slutty attire.
@handy: I hung out at Ipse Dixit for probably 2-3 years. Basically, everything he wrote was a paean to Reagan, a testicle rub for GWB, or some half-assed, holier-than-thou standard Republican crap. It was truly awful.
And he even once called Kevin Drum a “dullard.” Pot, kettle.
Not only that, but it’ll also be used to show how humorless the left is, like when John McCain (R-getoffmylawn) said that Chelsea Clinton was so ugly because Janet Reno was her father, and conservatives couldn’t understand why liberals weren’t laughing.
No one cares about the boobs of serious candidates. She’s playing by beauty queen rules still.