Unemployment remains at near-record levels, and most Americans are struggling to rebuild their battered finances. But the country’s wealthy are once again doing just fine, thank you.
No group was immune to the downturn. In 2008, as the financial crisis raged, the stock market hit bottom and the Great Recession ate into the economy, the number of millionaires in the United States plunged.
But last year the number of millionaires bounced up sharply, new data show.
And after that decline and rebound, the millionaire class held a larger percentage of the country’s wealth than it did in 2007.
“It’s been a recession where everyone took a hit — with the bottom taking a bigger hit,” said Timothy Smeeding, a University of Wisconsin professor who studies economic inequality. But “the wealthy alone have bounced back.”
If people would sit still and wait for some to trickle down, everything will be ok.
Anyone have a pitchfork?
Class war isn’t class war when it’s the rich that are winning.
The Dangerman
Would it be too much to ask to have an economic system where wealth trickles UP?
Working as intended
licensed to kill time
I think most folks feel pretty pissed upon, so maybe somethin’s trickling down.
Tax them to tears.
fucen tarmal
and to think, my community college still doesn’t have a job retraining program in yacht building….
Sounds like they need some tax cuts!
The Dangerman
Fixed badly.
Allison W.
And after being gone for 10 days, congress is gone for another 4 days without voting on unemployment extension. Also, the GOP and some blue dogs won’t budge until they get more tax cuts for the rich and prevent Dems from closing the tax loopholes that would help raise revenue.
Corner Stone
You think that I’m some guinea, fresh off the boat, and you can kick me! But I’m too big for that now. I’m sick a’ takin the scrap from you, Leo. I’m a’ of marching into this goddamn office to kiss your Irish ass. And I’M SICK A’ THE HIGH HAT!
The rich, as in the time of Roosevelt, don’t seem to realize that Obama saved there @$$es. You want to see real socialism? Then unleash the kind of poverty that exists in Venezuala. Moderate income redistribution is good for the rich, because it quells populist movements that would be happy to take ALL of their money. I guess they’re too greedy to realize that.
Also too, why do I get put in moderation using the word @SS. Is it because of Obama. FYWP.
Between cutting defense and raising taxes on the rich, we could close the federal government’s current budget deficit without touching any other programs. But we won’t. We’ll just drifter closer to third world status to the sounds of American Idol.
Corner Stone
@fucen tarmal:
Your area is probably lacking a significant enough population of 16 year old girls.
Spats and monocles. What about spats and monocles?
And ascots.
It would look quite dashing to see our better sort of people wearing those as they dismounted from their Duesenbergs. Or maybe Cords.
I made a comment in a previous post with more detail on the composition of recent increase in consumer spending, and implications for economy. If you are not wealthy, do not have a college degree, or not older with retirement income, looks like no recovery for you:
Edit: This post is sexist. What about the ladies? What should they wear to stimulate the economy and edify of the peasants? All I can think of is snoods right now, but they were not high class, were they?
Jess Sayn
Trickle-down Economics = Human Centipede.
Davis X. Machina
Can’t read the title without hearing Hugh Laurie as Bertie Wooster singing it….
licensed to kill time
Hoop skirts and bustles.
El Cid
Wealth, Income, and Power in the US.
And, my favorite, from the same:
Free market. Lower taxes. Stop all the spendin’. Soshullism. Welfare cheats. Get the gubmit outta regulatin’ business. Geese who lay the golden eggs. Etc.
@jl: big, big hats and lots of fur. Also can we start having minor British and European royalty come over here on Rich-Daughter-Shopping exhibitions again? They can marry Paris Hilton as long as they promise to take her back with them.
I don’t think I have seen anyone hear comment on this, but it fits right in with this thread. The Supreme Court this week granted an injunction forbidding the state of Az from giving candidates matching funds so they can advertise on the theory by giving poorer candidates a better ability to “speak” somehow violates the free speech rights of the rich candidates who now can take unlimited corporate funding. Seriously, they actually did that.
I guess now is a good time as any to bust this out.
Lurking Canadian
You forgot, “No poor man ever gave me a job!”
check with Asiangirl
Corner Stone
@El Cid: And you can lay this data out in a very straightforward manner to any local wingnut you choose, because I have, and they will be completely unaffected by it.
Doesn’t even phase ’em. This is how it’s supposed to be because those are the people who create jobs. What’s wrong with someone being rich? They worked hard for it, why shouldn’t the do what they want with it?
Corner Stone
And meanwhile, they just cut Art class out the elementary schools in our ISD.
Bill E Pilgrim
The genius of this brand of capitalism is in its ability to convince people that riches are just around the corner. It lets them actually achieve it precisely as often as a casino lets the marks win: just enough to keep the others coming back for more.
El Cid
@Lurking Canadian: I was trying to remember that one. Also, ‘class warfare’, if you’re talking about returning upper income and dividend tax rates to sane levels.
El Cid
@handy: How about this classic?
Bill E Pilgrim
The genius of this brand of capitalism is in its ability to convince people that riches are just around the corner. It lets them actually achieve it precisely as often as a ca si no lets the marks win: just enough to keep the others coming back for more.
Edit: Okay, will try again. I was thinking it was the political word but then realized it was probably the other one that put me in purgatory.
speaking of nouveau millionairessesses:
Citizen Alan
@Bill E Pilgrim:
Why on earth does ca sin o trigger the mod filter?
@fucen tarmal:
You could enroll here (0:25 to 1:41):
@Corner Stone:
No, no, no. That’s just the *public* schools.
The private schools still have their art classes and galleries.
(Full disclosure: private school student, circa 1980s)
@El Cid:
Or from the other side of the pond:
@El Cid:
I’ll buy that for a dollar.
licensed to kill time
Oooh, I vote for Sarahstopheles! The little horns are such a fetching addition to her look, and would really set off the black leather jacket with Satanzippers.
El Cid
Obama doesn’t care about Arkansas. This happened just today and he hasn’t stopped the waters yet.
I’m PRETTY sure the lyrics are:
High hats and Arrow collars
White spats and lots of dollars
Spending every dime
For a wonderful time!
As in an Arrow brand shirt. The finest.
And who could forget the immortal Taco’s version of that song, released in the middle of the Big 80s pop music scene? Sold more records than the Stray Cats or Depeche Mode put together…
@El Cid:
Duh. He’s never liked Arkansas. Everyone knows that.
@El Cid:
Obama doesn’t care about the solar system – This was announced yesterday and he hasn’t declared war on the Sun.
El Cid
@kdaug: The librul science elites tried to hide this because it proves there’s no manmade global warming.
licensed to kill time
Obama must do a Sun Dance to fix this or he just doesn’t care. With piercing.
@kdaug: Clearly it’s a nefarious plot by Steve Jobs to take over the world.
@El Cid:
Welp, that’s what satellites fallin’ from the sky are for, son.
Bonk a few of them god-folks on their heads with crap shootin’ out of low-Earth orbit. Tends to wake ’em up right quick.
licensed to kill time
@licensed to kill time:
Like this.
I finally got my rain gutters fixed, so I’ve had enough of trickling down, thank you very much.
Column on Brooks’ latest attempt at commentary on economics.
Link to interesting study by a small business group that claims lack of demand among the mass of the common people is their biggest problem. I have never heard of this small business group before, but looks like it has interesting set of statistics.
David Brooks doesn’t inspire confidence
Jun 11th 2010, 15:45 by R.A. (Ryan Avent)
Well, bless their little hearts.
@Corner Stone: Eating the seed corn again.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Citizen Alan:
From what I understand of it the filter is all about catching marketing spam, not about some political squeamishness or censorship as people seem to assume.
So for instance soçialism is only a problem because it contains çialis, not because it contains soçialism.
So my first thought was “oops, “capitalism”, but then I realized, ah no, probably ads for online çasinos are more the issue.
Gee, if only the Democrats controlled Congress and the White House and could change tax policy. If only….
@NR: If only even a majority of Dems thought this was a problem, much less a priority.
licensed to kill time
Can we say shoes now, or does the spam filter still ban it? This is a test.
edit: shoes is a go! W00T!
Bill E Pilgrim
@jl: Thanks for that link. I read that Bobo column and just shook my head, hoping Krugman would debunk it also.
This writer says
Of course he does. David Brooks and George Will use that as their stock in trade, cherry picking or even just blatantly misquoting some study to “prove” some conservative nonsense, when even the study’s authors write in to complain that they came to the opposite conclusion.
did you see this:
June 9, 2010, 12:00 am
Legacy for One Billionaire: Death, but No Taxes
A Texas pipeline tycoon who died two months ago may become the first American billionaire allowed to pass his fortune to his children and grandchildren tax-free, The New York Times’s David Kocieniewski reports. …
Had his life ended three months earlier, Mr. Duncan’s riches — Forbes magazine estimated his worth at $9 billion, ranking him as the 74th wealthiest in the world — would have been subject to a federal tax of at least 45 percent. If he had lived past Jan. 1, 2011, the rate would be even higher — 55 percent.
Instead, because Congress allowed the tax to lapse for one year and gave all estates a free pass in 2010, Mr. Duncan’s four children and four grandchildren stand to collect billions that in any other year would have gone to the Treasury.
Mike Kay
They are ass hole. The Bush tax cuts are expiring in 6 months and they’ve elminated the sweetheart tax loophole for hedge funds. You know – hedge funds – like the one were your phoney hero John Edwards worked at after he left office.
Mike Kay
Why are all Naderites and Firebaggers so uninformed?
/there’s no difference btwn Bush and Gore!
@bkny: Dorothy Sayers did it better and first, Unnatural Death, 1927. BBC did a very good adaptation.
I guess the best we can hope for is to get tablescraps from millionaires?
Obama does care about Arkansas enough to alert FEMA to be on standby if Arkansas requests any help. Flash floods were a horrible story…..scary.
Sorry, mate. Tablescraps don’t trickle-down very well.
@licensed to kill time: Why won’t Obama get angry and yell at the rain? He doesn’t feel our pain!
OK, that warrants the obligatory “heh”.
It almost reads like some comic book from the 50s – “now that the great S-Jobs has decisively conquered the Sun Oracle, he’s now must do battle with his mightiest foe – the FLASH (3.0)!”
Mike Kay
More people have died in the Arkansas flood then in the BP oil disaster, yet the blogosphere doesn’t care.
Maybe if we hit them with sticks, candy will trickle down.
I went outside today and was waiting around for money to trickle down out of the sky and fill my pockets, but it turns out all the rich people aren’t flying around in corporate jets dropping money outside because they are too busy waiting in lines for awful socialized healthcare since they’ve all recently come down with a condition called “being taxed to death.” Karl Marx is holding the little guy down, I tell you!
Citizen Alan
@Bill E Pilgrim:
Aha. Also, “socialism contains cialis” should totally be our catchphrase. That would probably be enough to get the Teabaggers on our side.
@Mike Kay:
And the Democrats could have repealed them sooner if they’d wanted to, you fucking idiot. To say nothing of actually increasing taxes on the wealthy to the point where we might actually start to address some of this huge income inequality. But no, as jwb pointed out, the Democrats don’t even think this is a problem, let alone a priority.
Mr Furious
Yeah, that would have passed.
Mike kay
Just fucking brilliant. Raise taxes when the economy was losing hundred of thousands of jobs per month. Fucking Hippie-Firebag-Naderites with their heads up their Red asses. You ever heard of Smoot–Hawley, asshole?
No one — not a single economist would recommed raising any tax when an economy is emerging from a great depression.
Just ask K-Thug:
You Hippie-Firebag-Nadrites make me sick. You dim-wits are no better than Michelle Backman and Palin.
El Cid
@Citizen Alan: “If your national recovery plan lasts more than 4 years, please consult your local community workers’ council.”
El Cid
@Mike kay:
Smoot-Hawley had very little effect whatsoever on the Great Depression, first of all given the late time-frame of its application, secondly because the reason trade declined is that no one was buying anything, because of the Depression. In addition, at the time imports & exports were a small portion of the economy.
Smoot Hawley was not a factor in causing or worsening the Great Depression. This is mostly a myth cited over and over by people pushing certain types of trade deregulation.
The question of raising taxes in a recession / depression is a different one, and many agree that those are bad times for general tax increases, though it’s not agreed that higher taxes on the most wealthy have any detrimental effect on the larger economy, because their investments are typically not productive anyway when it can flow freely into financial instruments, and their impact on the consumer economy is fairly constant.
The main tax raise which had an economic impact under FDR in the 1937-1938 period was the beginning of Social Security deductions on workers.
But you couldn’t have Social Security as signed in 1935 and planned with its worker pay-in component without beginning deductions. In effect, that was a tax on ordinary workers, and was not compensated by additional immediate benefits or wage rises or other economic moves.
Can you ever treat anything other than an epinephrine jolt to your heart to scream about ‘firebaggers’ and ‘hippies’? Are you OCD? Do you take medication for this?
This is probably all due to Obama’s tax cuts for the rich. Democrats hate the poor.
Mike kay
@El Cid: Oh, I see. You’re gonna insult me for using insults. yes, take the high road. Heh! Welcome to the jungle. If you give them enough thread…. Amazing, the worst words have no effect on me (I didn’t plug my ears during “Goodfellas” or “The Godfather” or on the subway), yet some faint at hippie.
@El Cid:
The impact of Smoot-Hawley wasn’t in its actual effects on prices, really. It had more to do with how the debate surrounding it created a lot of uncertainty in an already volatile commodities market in 1929. You could, however, make a credible argument that the market in 1929 was so volatile that anything could have pushed it over the edge.
The effect of the tariff on actual international trade is disputed, largely because there are a lot of variables to account for. But I don’t know of any reputable economic historian who attributes anywhere near the entire ~60% decline in imports/exports between 1929-1934 to Smooth-Hawley.
On 1937, I don’t think the Social Security tax wasnt as significant as the cuts to public works (or perhaps even the small monetary contraction by the Fed). The initial tax on employees was 1%, and it was redistributed to other consumers who were just as (if not more) likely to spend the money.
Hayek had his economics assed backwards. The logical outcome of Austrian economics is serfdom and we are already halfway there. These greedy fackers have totally forgotten the ‘genius’ of Henry Ford, pay your workers more and then they’ll buy more of your crap. These ‘geniuses’ have decided instead to pay crap, keep all the money and turn you into a debt slave instead. It’s about time we just faced the reality that our society has 3 classes: the owners, the debt slaves and the un-credit worthy. Nothing will happen to correct this problem until bankruptcy law is made sane again. While it is not a solution, it is a beginning.
OTOH, Ford did try to break the unions. His idea of giving workers weekends off so they could drive was genius, but he was something of an asshole.
Interestingly, IIRC, he did not sell cars on credit, but layaway. GM was the one that came up with the credit method of selling cars (from an episode of American RadioWorks).
@El Cid: & Handy:
If the present condition gave us something like the spirit of the Warner Brothers’ musicals of the ’30s that would be something I suppose.
With long term unemployment where it is, something like Remember my forgotten Man (sung by the terrific Joan Blondell) is very much to the point.
@Mr Furious: The only reason it wouldn’t have passed is because Democrats wouldn’t have voted for it.
@Mike kay: God damn, you are stupid. Every time you open your mouth, more idiocy drops out.
Higher taxes on the rich do not cause economic recession. And lower taxes on the rich do not spur economic growth, as simple historical fact shows us:
I’d tell you to educate yourself about the effect that tax policy has on the economy, but someone as stupid as you is probably incapable of that. So just go back to eating paste in the corner and let the adults have a conversation, kay?
El Cid
@Sly: I wasn’t suggesting that the new SS deduction was the major factor in the economy, but it was the most significant ‘tax’ like change in the time period I’ve heard of.
@Edwin: @Rosalita:
I have many many rusty pitchforks, and for the remainder of the depression and the obscenity of the rich getting richer, they are free for the sole purpose of going after the oil (yes, oil) garchy.
El Cid
@Mike kay: You’re apparently under the illusion that I was emphasizing your OCD focus on hippies & firebaggers because I’m sensitive about it. This is unsurprising, because it matches what you say approximately 1,000x each day no matter the subject of the post. If you would try just to be relevant every now and then, instead of simply being proud of your blog Tourettes, it would be different.
Every time people point out you’re full of shit and irrelevant, you think it’s because you’ve bravely hit some nerve and you wish to call on the high school debate coach to award you one more point before the bathroom break.
Mike Kay
@El Cid: So now you’re replying to comments you find irrelevant. What does that say about you. hahahhahahahhaah You’re too much. Don’t you get it, you can’t claim the high ground with insults. Quit digging, the hole is only getting deeper.
This is what glen does. He’ll post something inflamatory. Someone will reply with an insult. Then he say how horrible it is resort to insults in a discourse. Then he proceeds to post a tirad with a bunch of insults. Someone calls him on trying to have it both ways (occupy the high ground with his feet in the gutter). To which he says no one has the right to criticize him for using insults after he’s been insulted, completely ignoring his self serving hypocritical moralizing.
This is why I’m convinced Glen doesn’t own a mirror – that and his selection of shirts.
Mr. Kay, might I raise the example (yet again) of the 1950-60s? One parent (OK, the dad) could work, afford a house and a car, and raise a family. Our military expanded at a pace the world has never known. We fielded both a nuclear deterrent and sent a man to the moon. Early computers, interstate highways, the Pentagon, NASA. It was, by most reckonings, the most prosperous period in US history.
Know what the Top Marginal Tax Rate was in that period?
And now we’re treated with boo-hoos of it going up to 41% (if you pay any at all).
Sorry, shithead. Wanna play, gotta pay.
@Mike Kay:
Urm, which Glen are you talking about, chief? Greenwald? Beck? John?
So much of the populace seems resigned, or even eager, to return to the Middle Ages, when most of the population of Europe was squashed between the castle ( today represented by the corporate-military complex) and the church (today represented by, well, the church), with no perception that they might be worse off for it.
As night descends the long knives come out.
And the rich are Eated.
Cluemobile to Mike Dumbass Kay, The key point being that SPENDING WENT DOWN.
Tax the rich and spend it on the rest. Not that hard.
Simply need to revoke residency of aliens. Unemployment solved.
El Cid
@Mike Kay: You’re just weird. You keep having this illusion that you’re cleverly getting under someone’s skin. Trust me, a blog comment requires close to zero energy, involves almost zero emotional investment, and I respond to whomever it interests me at the moment.
You really sometimes ought to read your own comments. Apparently you view yourself as some sort of bold, daring warrior, and it’s just odd.
Every single thing in the universe for you apparently revolves around Jane Hamsher, firebaggers, hippies, John Edwards, and Glenn Greenwald. This is not a list I have to come up with some sort of close following. You repeat these dozens of times a day on nearly every thread.
And if someone thinks it’s kind of silly — as if every single blog post I made some energetic, attempted insulting comment on Firestone tires (maybe I’ll start that) — then apparently you trumpet some sort of 7 year old’s notion of ‘victory’.
You said something dumb and uninformed about Smoot-Hawley, and I pointed it out, and also that you had done so in the context of ‘firebaggers’ and ‘hippies’. Maybe you don’t see it, well, I know you don’t, but, again, that’s not bold and insightful, it’s just OCD.