Boghan has landed!
I am informed he is sleeping in his cage in the back seat, and has quite a pudgy belly. If I had any idea how to send this picture on my phone to an email address, I would post a picture.
Sadly, you will just have to imagine a very cute puppy.
*** Update ***
I told Devon if she did not email me some pictures I was going to have a blog riot on my hand, so here you go:
Just Some Fuckhead
Waiting to hear if he eats, laps, and burps in the true Cole doggie tradition :-)
Sad and cute puppies don’t go together.
The Dangerman
I’m presently consuming a popular beer, so I’m imagining a stunning Babe finding me interesting. Given truth in advertising rules, this should happen soon.
Must see pudgy puppy belly.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
Puppies are the cutest. They are also little shit machines. Lots of old newspapers will be in order, and maybe some air freshener.
Dude. “Cage” is not the preferred nomenclature. “Crate”, please.
This isn’t a puppy that built the railroads.
This is giving me whiplash. We’ve gone from a Tucker Carlson/Death by Bowtie post to cute-yet invisible-puppies. Is it too early to drink?
General Egali Tarian Stuck
@beltane: Don’t know how, but somehow I think these things are related in a yin yang kind of way.
Polish the Guillotines
A pet thread. Perfect place to link to an awesome story about Oscar, the cat with bionic feet.
Oh, and don’t mess with the Boghan.
Ash Can
Congrats all around on the new addition to the family!
TaMara (BHF)
Galt: The time it takes me to leave work and come home and Cole has 3 more posts. But now he MUST find way to get us puppy picture. We could be come a restless mob if denied our daily puppy.
@General Egali Tarian Stuck: Did you like True Blood? I just watched the first 2 episodes of Season 2 and not liking it as much as Season 1 – much darker, less sex (so far).
@TaMara (BHF):
Hahah! You’ll soon learn why the town is named “Good Times”.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
@TaMara (BHF): It had terrific and funny dialogue, but didn’t really capture me to follow it. Though I can see why you called it teevee crack, or something like that.
Though I might like season 2, if it is darker. Vampire movies have to skeer me, at least a little. But not too much.
Another puppy for us! Welcome Boghan!
Pudgy puppy belly.
That’s poetry, that is.
Congrats on the new arrival.
@TaMara (BHF):
I just watched the first two episodes of season 2 this week…thank you Netflix…pretty bizarre… what do you think happened to Lafayette? Dinner or transformation?
TaMara (BHF)
@General Egali Tarian Stuck: I’m glad you tried it…can understand why it wouldn’t be everyone’s cup of tea.
Now, have you heard of a little show called Justified? (I seem to remember you like the southern hillbilly feel of the True Blood credits)
TaMara (BHF)
@Rosalita: I don’t know, but his whole storyline was pretty gruesome. I kind of liked him more lighthearted. He’d make an awesome vamp, though. I’m wondering what Bill is going to do to Jessica’s family.
TaMara (BHF)
@MikeJ: More sex? Yippee!
@Polish the Guillotines: Aww, that was great. Look at Oscar go with his two bionic feet.
Speaking of cats that move (even though in some cases the “movement” may be imperceptible to us hoomins), plz to haz live action Tunchcam? (I mean when you get home). kthx.
Welcome, Boghan!
General Egali Tarian Stuck
@TaMara (BHF): Hadn’t heard of it. Set in Kentucky, where I was raised. I will check it out. thanx
@TaMara (BHF):
I agree I liked him when he was his queen best… but who knows he may be even more into the “glamourous” if changed.
That MaryAnn broad is pretty f’ing weird
@TaMara (BHF):
I agree I liked him when he was his queen best… but who knows he may be even more into the “glamourous” if changed.
That MaryAnn broad is pretty f’ing weird
@TaMara (BHF):
I agree I liked him when he was his queen best… but who knows he may be even more into the “glamourous” if changed.
That MaryAnn broad is pretty f’ing weird
@TaMara (BHF):
sorry, submit button seemed to be stuck, guess it wasn’t
@General Egali Tarian Stuck: Justified is pretty good. Damn near as good as my mac n cheese.
Release the Boghan!
@Polish the Guillotines: that was delightful. Thank you. Go Oscar!
General Egali Tarian Stuck
@jeffreyw: Oh my. That looks like just north of paradise. Probly got enough cholesterol to send a body that way sooner rather than later.
@jeffreyw: You had me at sliced onion. /homer drool
@Polish the Guillotines:
Aww…that’s a great story. Oscar is lovely.
Meanwhile, @thread: I have decided my dog makes a better cat. It’s raining, I just got home after leaving her on her own for 8 hours, I KNOW she has to pee, but. It’s raining. I had to go stand out on the lawn, insist she stop trying to dig her way through the back door and join me, then ordered her to pee. In the rain. Sweet jeffreyw’s fried onions, you’d think I was torturing her.
@jeffreyw: Oooohh, with ONIONS on top! Guess that’s the ribs next to it. Drool.
Jon H
We need something that will give us an idea of his size, or lack thereof.
Oh my gosh! That second photo is adorable. Cutest puppeh EVAH!
Nope. Friday, Dude!
That is one seriously cute, serious puppy. Congrats to the new addition!
@General Egali Tarian Stuck:
Full of goodness, read all about it.
Oh my gosh. That sleeping puppy is beyond adorable. Our two dogs still sleep like that, on their backs, quite often. I guess they are all just big puppies no matter how old they are.
Ack, just got the blood screen back from the lab. Jack has Rocky Mtn spotted fever, Lyme’s disease, and some other tick borne ailment. Vet called with the news, antibiotics for 3 months or so. He thinks the prognosis is good.
Yay Puppeh porn!
Very cute. Squeeeeeee!
The Dangerman
Now that you mention it, we should have a blog riot anyway.
So far, popular beer has not attracted stunning Babe; wish I could borrow puppy, that’s a guaranteed magnet.
Oh, no! I’m glad there’s treatment that the vet thinks will help. That Jack sure gets into a lot of trouble, doesn’t he?
Oooooh – I have serious puppeh envy now.
Quaker in a Basement
It should be illegal to cram that much cute into so little beast.
Been suspecting some ailment with Jack, he has been acting tired, unwilling to go the distance on runs. We have been blaming it on a sore foot, he has been gimping lately.
@debit: You were. It’s taken you how long as a dog owner to understand that peeing in the rain is completely unacceptable? And you don’t make the rain stop for them. What a horrible owner. Mine look at me like I’m on 42 drugs when I try to shove them out in the rain.
On another note, I saw ten 9 week old spaniel puppies while I was picking up Pepper’s eye drops at the ophthalmologist’s office. It’s a good thing Pepper is a full blown pain in the ass right now, or someone would have heard me asking the lady how much she wanted for a pup. Especially the little girl pup who kept snuffling me and licking my toes.
Oh, and Boghan is beyond cute. Need more pics.
@TaMara (BHF):
Must … not … spoil …
(We’ve already started watching Season 3.)
I never saw most of S1, but I watched all of S2 last year. I loved it, but it’s definitely bizarre and goes to some very dark places. You may have been clued into that by the dead body with its heart ripped out that showed up in the first episode of S2.
Corner Stone
Hahahahaha!! Bwah…ha..haaaaa.
Thanks, that was a good one.
Mark S.
Awww. I love those white hairs around her nose.
Fred Fnord
Huh. Same breed?
Your mission, John Cole, should you choose to accept it, is to refrain from kidnapping the said puppeh of your brother (name: Bohgan) and accepting him into your own household.
In all seriousness, AAAAWWWW!! PUPPEH!!
(this had more shifted 1s, but FYWP)
That is a seriously cute puppeh. And the Oscar vid I picked up on BBCAmerica last night and tweeted it with “if you don’t cry…” it does my heart good to know that there is a vet out there like that who is willing to do amazing things for an animal. And Oscar trying to jump on the paper towels, “he’s not supposed to do that on the first day” and the vet laughing. He obviously loves him. You can see it.
@jeffreyw: I’m sorry to hear about Jack. Many years ago we had a Parkerline Pointer, and he and my husband both got the Rocky Mountain spotted fever during a trip to Colorado. The antibiotics set them both to rights, but it did take a while. Does he have to have injections or can you give it by mouth? Hope all goes well.
Phoenix Woman
@Polish the Guillotines:
Kitty! Didn’t you love how he just got up and started trotting along as if nothing had happened? And he can jump again!
Cat Lady
A high school friend writes True Blood. I like to let her know what people think. It gives me a happy to see how much random strangers love her work. She worked really really hard to make it.
Re: Boghan. Is that one of those names like Siobhan, that sounds different than it’s spelled? I just saw the movie Leap Year, and the main character (Amy Adams) goes to Ireland and goes up to the bartender who has the name Eoghan on the back of his shirt and says “excuse me, Eee’oh gin, can I have a drink? And he turns around and says, “it’s Owen”. Is it Boggin? Bogan? Bowen?
General Egali Tarian Stuck
Boghan ROCKS!!
Charlie pic – in soft focus, slow shutter speed.
@Cat Lady: In my mind, he’s already Booger. Sorry, puppeh.
Cat Lady
@General Egali Tarian Stuck:
Glamor – I haz it!
mr. whipple
@General Egali Tarian Stuck:
Beautiful. Well done!
General Egali Tarian Stuck
@Cat Lady:
another one
@Cat Lady:
Someone I know from high school has been working steadily as an actor for a while now, but for some reason he seems to be turning up in everything I watch lately. It’s extremely bizarre to be watching, say, “John Adams” or Vicky Cristina Barcelona and realize that you know that guy.
Last year our 10 yr old dog had pancreatitis and anaplasmosis (tick disease) at the same time. She spent a couple days at the vet clinic & then home with meds. She did well & recovered fast. We knew she was feeling good again when the young dog starting bugging her to play. It was interesting that the younger dog seemed to know to leave her alone when she was feeling sick but then sensed when it was ok to tease her again.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
@mr. whipple: thanx
Cat Lady
@General Egali Tarian Stuck: He’s a camera hound! Gorgeous coat. What a beaut.
Predict a riot, do ya?
(in honor of the world cup, a song by a band named after a South African football club).
Mark S.
For all you vuvuzela haters, a movie you might like.
Cat Lady
@Mark S.:
Anne Laurie
Ha! More ‘proof’ that your Chloe is part toy dog… Papillon, even… the plastered-against-the-door-at-the-first-drop-of-rain routine is a standing joke among Papillon devotees!
@Josie: By mouth as far as I know. Mrs J had Lyme’s a couple of years ago. Buddy has been through the RMS fever. They both did fine once diagnosed and treated. Seems the RMS and Lyme’s cause arthritis like symptoms in joints. Jack had a hurt forepaw soon after we took him in and we were blaming the gimp and the lack of interest in going for a run on that. Mrs J demanded the vet do a blood panel on Jack this time just to cover that angle.
Ehrlichiosis anaplasmosis is another positive for Jack. They found all three in the boy. Lucky, I guess.
@Anne Laurie:
Excellent tag line material right there.
@jeffreyw: It is such a good thing that she was informed enough to ask for the panel. Hopefully with treatment he will be okay. Let us know how things go. I know how upsetting it is when our furry friends are not well.
Anne Laurie
Poor Jack — and your poor wallet! One thing you might want to ask the vet, antibiotics are notorious for killing the good intestinal flora, so check if it’s okay to give Jack probiotics (or just feed him yogurt) while he’s taking them. Our late lamented Flicker-bug was on long-term antibiotic therapy for chronic bladder infections and she was actuallyrefusing to eat because it made her belly hurt — dramatic behavior for a dog otherwise known as Princess Piggy. Thank heavens, a capsule of ‘Gentle Digest’ sprinkled over her breakfast every morning made life a lot nicer for all of us. (The Spousal Unit thought I was imagining things till we ran out of GD, and 48 hours later, the canine vuvuzela returned.)
@Cat Lady:
Well, let’s see what some Google stalking reveals. After all, it’s a fairly unique name. Aha, jackpot. Someone calling themselves “coolpapacole” writes, “rhymes with Logan and has no meaning but I like to say it”.
Wonder what kind of flowers they grow at Boghan’s villa.
@Anne Laurie: Thanks for that tip, I’ll mention it to Mrs J.
sioban, from what I can recall is pronounced “shivaun” no idea why.
Cat Lady
Well, I wish him more luck with Boghan (rhymes with Logan) than he’ll ever get with the Pirates. A Pirates fan? Srsly? He’s the one, I guess.
Wow. That is some weapons-grade CUTE right there! Day-um!
Cool. “Boghan” is Australian for “redneck”. Give ‘im a VB, mate!
@Cat Lady #59:
I know a wonderful long shaggy joke about those British names and their unlikely pronunciations (Cholmondeley = Chumley; Featherstonehaugh = Fanshaw; Beauchamp = Beecham; etc.) My thumbs aren’t up to conveying the entire narrative, but imagine, say, Lady Leveson-Gower (Loosen-Gore) haughtily informing a young American visitor that he’s mispronouncing every British name he attempts and making him feel more inadequate with every correction.
Finally the Yank in self-defence changes the subject, asks Lady L-G if she’s ever been to the States. “Oh yes,” she says, “we travelled to your Niagara Falls.”
“In America,” says the young man, “we pronounce it Niffles.”
@SiubhanDuinne: You skipped the easy British names like St. John. Pronounced Sinjin. St. Clair, Sinclair, etc.
Anne Laurie
@Cat Lady:
Do not diss the mighty Gaelic language, which so respects the power of the spoken word that it throws many extra letters into every one of them to confuse the unprincipled. (Hugh Kenner had a wonderful piece explaining how Prince Olaf ended up getting called ‘Hamlet’ in that plagiarist Shakespeare’s little skit.)
As for Boghan, the middle consonant properly should be aspirated like the Yiddish sound at the beginning of Chanukkah. As with the holiday, Bo(chh)an usually gets reduced to rhyme with Logan (a name some families still spell ‘Lohan’).
@Anne Laurie: I tried learning how to read Gaelic once, I freely admit it confused the hell out of me. And I can read Cyrillic and Japanese.
@MikeJ: You’re right, I did. Also Magdalen = Maudlin. Gaius = Keys.
Sorry, *Caius* = Keys (not Gaius). Then there’s Bethlehem = Bedlam.
The confusion probably comes in because people generally use the same alphabet for both English and Gaelic even though the letters are often pronounced differently in Gaelic. And not just a little differently, like Romance languages vs. English. Which is why we now have little girls named Caitlin running around pronouncing it “Kate-lyn” when it really should sound more like “Catherine.”
Or my other favorite example, from the great film I Know Where I’m Going! where one of the characters is named Catriona — pronounced Katrina.
Corner Stone
@Mnemosyne: Personally I love the phonetic languages.
Every vowel gets its own pronunciation. It makes everything so much better.
Espanol es mucho mejor que ingles.
Polish the Guillotines
@Phoenix Woman:
I’ve watched this a few times and every time I see the vet’s expression as Oscar ambles across the floor for the first time, it chokes me up.
What a happy ending for that little cat.
@Corner Stone: D’accord, monsieur.
Corner Stone
@Yutsano: Estoy d’acuerdo.
As we say in Spanish.
@Polish the Guillotines: Oh my god. That’s beyond precious. I teared up when little Oscar woke up and started walking. Thanks for sharing the vid. It really made my day.
Cole! Cute little bugger pup. Does it make you broody for another?
@jeffreyw: It’s a good thing I don’t live closer to you, or I would be hounding you every day to FEED ME!
@General Egali Tarian Stuck: Charlie is so adorable!
Fuck you, WordPress. May you DIAF.
Repost, part one:
@Polish the Guillotines: Oh my god. That’s beyond precious. I teared up when little Oscar woke up and started walking. Thanks for sharing the vid. It really made my day.
Cole! Cute little bugger pup. Does it make you broody for another?
@General Egali Tarian Stuck: Charlie is so adorable!
FYWP, DIAF, part two:
@jeffreyw: It’s a good thing I don’t live closer to you, or I would be hounding you every day to FEED ME!
@asiangrrlMN: Umm, you are aware of the fact that distance is not keeping you from hounding him about feeding you now? I’m just sayin’…I think you’re just stalling the inevitable here.
@Yutsano: Yes, but, that would entail me making a trek to Chi-town or thereabouts. That’s a lot of work, even for such culinary delights. If he were to come here, on the other hand….
Fred Fnord
@Cat Lady: My favorite Irish language story:
There’s an Irish language school in Ireland (well, sort of, and that’s a good enough explanation for this story) called ‘Oideas Gael’, which is pronounced ‘id-juss’. One day, a gentleman of my acquaintance was tending bar in an excellent pub, which happened to be not far from Oideas Gael. Two ladies walked in, walked right up to him, and one said, in a lovely Manchester (England) accent, “Excuse me, but would you happen to know where we can find the, ah, the…” She stared at her handful of papers for a moment, and then continued, a little uncertainly, “…the odious gael?” The gentleman in question looked reflective for a few moments, and then said, “I’m sorry, ladies, I’m afraid you’ve just missed him.”
Cute puppy, podgy tummy = worms.
I can’t make heads or tails of that second picture. It looks like some kind of sloth with a gaping anus, and totally unrelated to that first photo, which is recognizably a little puppydog. Actually, scratch that. This is some sort of Rorschach deal, isn’t it? Now you’re gonna say I have some kind of obsession with gaping sloth anus, right?
Well, if gaping sloth anus is wrong I DON’T WANT TO BE RIGHT!
(What was the question again?)
I want to name a band “Gaping Anus”