Apparently Snowe is joining Collins and Brown, so they are up to 60 now for financial reform. Guess that is solid news.
Some of you asked why no zucchini in the garden, and the answer is simple. When you start a garden with tomatoes, green beans, cabbage, peas, peppers, onions, and zucchini, by mid-summer you have a garden of zucchini, tomatoes, more zucchini, green beans, surprise- zucchini, cabbage, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD MORE ZUCCHINI, peas, FREE ZUCCHINI TO ANYONE WHO WANTS IT, peppers, CHRIST THAT ZUCCHINI IS THE SIZE OF A BOWLING PIN. So no zucchini. I’ll just live off the five extra tons of the stuff the other poor bastards in town accidentally grew when they decided to “throw in a zucchini plant or two.”
Going to watch that new show on TNT with always smashing Angie Harmon and the smoking hot former agent from NCIS. Because the plot looks good.
*** Update ***
My bad. I forgot about Ben Fucking Nelson. Wonder what kind of sweetheart deal his state needs now? Someone tell him the rules don’t apply to Warren Buffet or something.
Allison W.
So the two Lucies are going to play nice? we’ll see.
I’m watching the Mad Men marathon – season 2. I caught on late and want to catch up.
El Cid
Not yet. Ben Nelson hasn’t committed.
Greenhouse Guy
John, turn on HBO instead. Good documentary so far.
Yankee Jack
Ben Nelson being Ben Nelson Again.
If you do this to your caucus, you should pay a serious price for it. He’s single-handedly reminding the public that you can screw the Democratic Leadership royally without consequences.
No Belgian endive??!!
Am I allowed to miss Angie Harmon because of her politics?
She’s just not fetching enough to make up for that.
Cat Lady
@Allison W.:
I can’t WAIT for the new season. Oh Noes! Two more weeks!
No Sal? No Kinsey?
Can’t we threaten Nelson with an end to Ag subsidies?
I’d think he’d mess his shorts at that possibility.
Man, that guy sucks.
Ughh, I know dudes think she’s hot, but i can’t stand Angie Harmon, even before I found out she was a Republican. Didn’t like her on L&O, ain’t gonna watch her on this show either. The repub thins just makes it more confirmed decision. No interest before, no interest now. Besides, aside from the heavy azz accent she likes to use, she ain’t that good an actress either. She essentially holds her whole career to L&O. Every other acting job she has had has been shit.
I give this one 5 episodes, or if I’m being generous, I’m giving it 1 season.
El Cid
Also, it’s clear that we have to bomb Iran as soon as possible.
Stephen Kinzer, recently returned from a tour of Iran.
This cannot be allowed to continue, else our traditional approach to Middle Eastern foreign policy and all its careful planning to make enemies of as many civilians as possible be for nought.
Like that Garrison Keillor joke where the only time they lock their car doors in Lake Woebegone is during the summer because otherwise they come back to their vehicle, and the rear seat has been surreptitiously loaded up with some neighbor’s overwhelming zucchini harvest.
John, in the “True on Both Counts” post, the word “except” is misspelled “expect”.
I know this is no big deal, but it’s driving my OCD brain crazy.
@BGinCHI: You and me both…
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Am I missing something in my count? If Reid has three Republican votes (59-1+3), he doesn’t need Nelson, unless Holy Joe or one of the WalMart Senators are getting in the way?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
What does the lack of Byrd do to the count? I’m too tired to figure it out.
EDIT: Since there are only 99 Senators wouldn’t that mean they only need 59 to be filibuster-proof? Or does that not matter?
You said it better than I did. I could have unloaded on her but she’s just not worth it.
Without the whiskey voice there’s just nothing.
I love open threads BTW.
but last week, I posted the link to Tim Wise’s diary over on DKOS titled: “Collateral Damage: Racism, the Economy and the High Cost of White Ambivalence”.
Mr Wise is up with another post over at DKOS, and it’s another good one.
Black Power’s Gonna Get You Sucka: Right-Wing Paranoia and the Rhetoric of Modern Racism
(lamh: there are more to this list, check out the rest at the link)
He’s goes on to list the alleged “reasons” for their anger (i.e. bullshit reasons)… I highly recommend reading the rest of the diary. it’s pretty good.
Also, he posted on FB that he’s currently writing an essay on left/liberal racism, which I can’t wait to read.
I used to love her voice until I found out her politics. Glad I’m not the only one. Plus, the show looks stupid.
Warren Terra
I was surprised that the big New York Times story on Saturday about the Obama administration’s new approach to immigration enforcement has attracted so little attention. The first two paragraphs:
I’m not sure if this is the right approach to enforcement (it still leaves some poverty-stricken migrant labors unemployed and stranded, including those with families and children who were born here and are US citizens; and it seems to be attacking employers who treat their illegal work force well, not only those who exploit their illegal status) – but it’s got to be a huge improvement on the Bush administration’s practice of jackbooted raids that deported workers and shattered families while usually treating the employers with kid gloves.
I’ve long said that if we really think there’s a problem with illegal immigration, then the answer must be to reduce the opportunities for illegal immigrants, not to attempt further enforcement and to inflict further persecution upon the illegal immigrants. Anyone who suggests that the solution is a higher fence and more papers checks is either lying or is so stupid as to think these measures will deter migrants who’ve left behind everything and everyone they know, put their whole family in debt, and traveled thousands of miles to put their lives in the hands of criminals, drug smugglers, and murderers in the hopes of living in fear of the law and finding a job most Americans don’t want, which they will perform for pay and under conditions no worker should have to accept. I suspect that few of the politicians really are quite that stupid – I propose they throw this vindictively satisfying vision of more enforcement to placate the rubes without offending the business community by taking away their easily oppressed laboring underclass.
Given all that, and with some of the caveats I alluded to above, I’m really quite impressed and encouraged by this New York Times story of a shift to demand-side enforcement of immigration labor law. And I’m surprised that the blogs I read seem not to have commented on the story.
When can we get rid of Ben Nelson, again? I’m really not seeing what he adds to the Senate, from any perspective.
John, we have a very useful recipe for a chocolate zucchini cake should you become encumbered. It is a winner, to say the least, and disposes of excess zuccs toot suite.
Corner Stone
I’ve never cared for her. In any aspect.
WTS, can I just say Jeri Ryan ~ SHAZAM!!
She was in a Two and a Half Men rerun tonight and she is un~freakin~believable.
Corner Stone
I’m sorry but you’re most likely going to wake up in a black site tomorrow morning.
This is terrorism on some fundamental level.
Corner Stone
The old, “Hey, I go with my gut!” vs “I follow science!”
And yet they some how wackily enough work it out together while looking hot.
Just spare me.
He’s really a disgusting person.
I want Obama to appoint Elizabeth Warren, because they’re afraid of her.
Can they wait until they get the WV Senator and go around Nelson?
@Corner Stone:
Black Site Zucchini Cake is a good name.
Sounds delicious AND dangerous.
@BGinCHI: I’m not sure that’s a whiskey voice. Much more likely it’s a bulimia voice.
The poor hapless Cole is clearly suffering from a zucchini deficiency which is affecting his mind to the point of madness.
Like sugar or snap pea shoots, zucchini shoots with blossoms are delicious, either cooked up, stuffed, or just plan raw in salads. Or even stir fry. And zucchini blossoms are hard to find unless you have some Middle Eastern or Asian zucchini pals who are willing to share.
So, the answer to Cole’s paranoid freaking pants pissing fear and nameless dread of zucchini, is simply to nip it, nip it, NIP IT IN THE BUD. And eat it.
Barney Fife would approve.
Corner Stone
@Yankee Jack:
I do not advocate violence, but ala The Pelican Brief, someone should find Ben Nelson in a pr0n theater watching teh gay sex and choke him a lil.
Corner Stone
@lamh32: No top shelf.
Sue me.
The WSJ also suggests as potential candidates Martha Coakley, the Massachusetts attorney general, Lisa Madigan, the Illinois attorney general, and Lori Swanson, Minnesota’s AG, are mentioned, as are Susan Wachter and Nicolas Retsinas, academics with government backgrounds.
Coakley, however, thinks Warren would be the right pick. “I think, frankly, that Elizabeth Warren would be a terrific head of that agency,” she said on Fox Business when asked if she herself would be interested in the gig. “She’s thought a lot about the consumer protection piece.”
Madigan, too, declined to be considered and threw her weight behind Warren. “Not only was it [Warren’s] idea to create the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, but she has long understood the need for such an agency to ensure that another financial crisis doesn’t devastate the futures of millions of hardworking Americans,” Madigan said in a statement.
@Bill: Yeah, zucchini makes great cakes and baked goods of all kinds. Also too. Makes good low fat chocolate and carob flavored cakes and cookies.
Someone needs to save Cole from his zucchiniphobia.
If this is what is being quoted about this show, then the quality of the show does not bode well for me, and I’m a Sex and The City fan.
This is from other co-star. She was joking, but still.
Speaking of Buffet, The Telegraph reports that Buffet is pushing an anti-Keynesian tome amongst his European finance friends:
Should I feel pissed at Buffet or not? Specifically, IS Buffet anti-Keynesian, or is this just someone using his name to push a book he never recommended? Or, maybe, he once recommended it, but years ago in a completely different context. It’s not as if British newspapers are particularly reliable, and The Telegraph story doesn’t provide a direct quote.
Buffet always struck me as less dogmatic than that (I don’t see how fiscal conservatism helps him or the economy at the moment), but perhaps I’m just assuming a pragmatic foundation due to a genial facade.
El Cid
@Warren Terra: I thought this was huge. If you think the problem of non-residents without work permits holding jobs is a problem, then it’s an employer problem, not an illegal immigration problem.
Someone finally called their bluff, focused on the ones actually hiring undocumented employees — businesses — and began the logical enforcement.
Clearly this is going to massively agitate right wingers who will be screaming how it’s COMMUNIST to oppress businesses in this way, and also, why ain’t somebody doin’ somethin’ about all the damn illegals?
Speaking of stupid shows/movies, and building on JC’s “review” of Public Enemies.
We watched It’s Complicated (Streep, the awesome Alec Baldwin) last night and it was fucking intolerable. It’s a real estate porn-filled, spoiled rich assholes, shallow family drama disaster. I could give details but I’ll spare you all.
You expect all the good actors in it, and there are many, to just stop what they’re doing and stare at the camera and mouth “get me out of here.”
Others? Defenders?
Corner Stone
@El Cid:
You misread that first sentence. it should read:
Americans strike Iran first. Amazing people visit things.
John Cole
@Anonymous37: I fixed it for you.
The Main Gauche of Mild Reason
Stuffed, deep fried zucchini blossoms are awesome.
Does anyone here know why Manchin doesnt like Obama or the Admin?
Is it because he feels he is too liberal, negligent in some way, or is it just personal?
What the fuck ever. TV pitches are all the same. OOOh! New Season of Psych starts tomorrow!
@Corner Stone:
I only know the crime scene stuff from what I’ve seen on numerous shows on tv but when the medical examiner (not Harmon) says, while leaning over a dead body, that she sees a red substance and the cop (Harmon) says, “like … blood” in a “you dumbass” voice even I know that’s stupid. ME investigators/CSI types in real life apparently don’t declare something to be something until they know for sure.
The Main Gauche of Mild Reason
I assume it’s the same reason Southern Democrats don’t like the Admin–because it’s politically expedient in their home state to do so. Pretty sure WV didn’t go for Obama.
Edit: Yeah, McCain won the state by 13 points. Even if you’re a Democrat, I don’t think you get anywhere statewide by being pro-Obama.
Angie Harmon made Jason Sehorn famous.
That alone is unforgiveable.
@The Main Gauche of Mild Reason:
Mmmm. Deep fried zucchini blossoms!
Feingold is voting with the Republicans which is why they have to wait on Ben Nelson to make up his mind. He won’t even give them cloture. It is interesting how Feingold gets a pass but Ben Nelson is raked over the fire. I’m not saying Nelson doesn’t deserve it, I just think Feingold should also be taken to task.
Corner Stone
Ummm, Sehorn is a natural badass. He’s unfortunately playing out the real life version of Samuel L. Jackson’s character in Unbreakable.
If Feingold’s “no” results in Ben Nelson holding out for some guarantee of Anyone But Elizabeth Warren I will take him to task.
Because that would just be stupid, and incredibly counterproductive.
Thanks, John. Enjoy that new Harmon show. When you’re done watching, you may want to read this review so you can compare notes. I’d be interested to hear if you agree.
Corner Stone:
FTFY. Replaced the violence with: effective activism.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@cat48: Is it because he feels he is too liberal, negligent in some way, or is it just personal?
At a guess, I’d say guns and coal, but I don’t know.
I thought His Blessed Sanctimony had agreed to vote for cloture, but was going to vote against the bill itself. Again, I’m not sure of that. I’ve been slacking on my news coverage. Just watched TRMS for the first time in about a month.
Corner Stone
I’m going out to pick up my Maryland crab cakes. And there’s nothing any of you can do to stop me.
@Corner Stone:
you shouldn’t call your kids that. It’s mean.
@John Cole:
A) Ha!
B) The one Prairie Home Companion piece that I remember with any degree of fondness is from years and years ago where he talked about all the people going around Lake Wobegone and leaving zucchini on other people’s porches in the dead of night.
Which leads me to: C) Hahahahaha!
Because you’re absoLUTEly funnier than Garrison Keillor (I know — damning with faint praise. I actually mean to say: YOU ARE STINKIN’ FUNNY).
I watched Munich for the first time last night and felt dirty afterwards.
Might as well have been a Mossad recruitment video.
@The Main Gauche of Mild Reason:
That makes sense. It just seems like everyone “hates” Obama right now. I’m just considering Dems when I say this. He has the one of most diverse bases ever and he has managed to do something while trying to govern that has made each group angry. I know a good percentage of that is the bad economy, but for some reason it just depresses me that he can’t please anyone. Of course, I have been told by numerous people I’m too empathetic & and a pushover about most things.
(I don’t consider progressives the only part of his base as some do.)
El Cid
Forgot about Feingold. Feh.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
TPM and Yglesias both indicate Feingold is in fact holding out. I wonder if Voinavich will go along with Snowe et al.
angie harmon. full-scale winger. just can’t get past it.
Yeah, I’m not a big Harmon fan either. I thought she was OK in L&O, but remarks she made about Democrats during the election season pretty much put nails in her coffin as far as my fan-ability. You might not care much for my politics, but if you want me to watch you on TV, you might not want to tell me I don’t have any class because I’m not a republican.
@The Main Gauche of Mild Reason:
@BGinCHI #36: I walked out on *It’s Compllicated* last year. Haven’t done that in prolly 40+ years. Bad movie. Really.
And that’s aggravated by the fact she can’t act worth shite.
There are other summer squash besides Zucchini. Patty Pan, yellow crookneck are two.
I like little green & yellow patty pans myself. You can stuff their blossoms too.
God forbid Obama should appoint someone who believes in the mission to head up a new agency.
Fuck Nelson. If he wants to nominate the heads of administrative agencies, he can fucking run for President.
I read that interview online. It’s one thing to be a repub, it’s another to just not be too bright and a repub. Angie Harmon is proof positive that Blond jokes don’t just apply to Blonds if ya know what I’m saying.
Corner Stone
Only time I’ve ever done that in theater is a Jackie Chan movie.
Couple buddies I went with still give me the business about it.
I played arcade Galaga til they finished.
I guarantee i had the much better time.
That pseudo interview was funny. I’m with that writer, Criminal Minds let’s the weekly serial killers run the show. Even though the writer do much crowing about Criminal MInds, I’d rather watch a Criminal Minds marathon on A&E than Harmon’s show.
Now if the show was about a lesbian couple, one a detective, one an M.E., then that’s enough of a diverse plot for me to maybe give it a chance…but it ain’t.
El Cid
Upon reading the front page Yahoo! story on the new BP cap on the Gulf Oil Volcano, they linked to the live streaming video page from BP with mini versions of all their underwater cams on scene on one page. Pretty fascinating.
The Angie Harmon bashing got me thinking…
Who is the best wingnut Actor/Actress?
Corner Stone
I don’t know. As a Sword of Gideon remake I thought it was pretty well done.
Corner Stone
@El Cid:
Gulf Oil Volcano = G.O.V.
We’re on to you El Cid.
Corner Stone
Shit. If my 5 year old isn’t home by 9pm CT he can hike his happy ass here.
In reference to my previous comment, based on Angie’s politics, I would not be surprised if “going gay” just wasn’t something she’d do
I’m unhappy that “Martini & Rossi, the Cops,” looks and sounds so awful, and that Harmon is one of the leads (thus guaranteeing I will not watch), because I really like Sasha Alexander. I was pleased to see she’d been cast in another series… and then found out the rest of the details. Pfui.
Oh, and thought I’d give everyone an update on the new job: It’s been a rough couple of weeks. I hope most of the problem is simply that I was out of work for so long, and so am not used to having to stay focused for 8-9 hours at a time. Either that, or I have adult ADHD. I’m still happy to be employed, mind you! Just not enjoying the job as much as I hoped.
Do you mean, who admits to being rightwing/gop in Hollywood? I don’t off hand know of any actresses, but wasn’t Dennis Hopper a repub?
@Corner Stone:
Okay, I have to ask. Why a Jackie Chan movie of all things?
It’s not like you go into one of those with the expectation of watching Academy Award material.
@Toni: I know he’s pure an’ all that, but I’m finding Feingold rather tiresome on this issue. From what I’ve read, it’s a decent bill. C’mon Russ, don’t make us perform sex acts on Ben again. We’d rather do it with you.
John Cole
I’m trashing Feingold on twitter trying to get people riled up.
El Cid
@Corner Stone: I was going to call it the Compression Cap Construction Project.
I am, for the first time since I was 11 (save for the three years of grad school, when I was [oh, that’s right!] in grad school and also [oh yes!] gestated and bore a baby) absolutely and entirely without employ. Bereft of work. Pushing up the fucking professional daisies.
Kerry Reid
My mom used to grow zucchini. Which meant I got zucchini bread in the mail every two days for the first month of college. I can only imagine how much of it my dad had to look at. And I love zucchini, but …
Corner Stone
Yes, god dammit. I am picking up the check. Again.
I read sections of a bankruptcy casebook where Warren was a contributor.
She did this great (vicious and biting) essay where she pointed to every lobbyist-written provision in the bankruptcy reform legislation.
Everyone was in there, from MADD to “Alaska’s commercial fisherman”.
I also watched her read a credit card contract aloud to a Sixty Minutes host, which was just hugely gratifying. She did this elaborate UNFOLDING and smoothing of paper, clearly for dramatic effect.
The two of them were like…sniggering by the end, at the ludicrousness of it all.
Actors I can think of off hand…
John Wayne
Charlton Heston
Ernest Borgnine
Clint Eastwood
Dennis Hopper
James Woods
John Voight
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Tom Selleck
Corner Stone
@El Cid: Or maybe the Under Stress Structural Rehabilitation?
Your number. We haz it.
@John Cole: I noticed that! I find it funny that you’re commenting in the Open Thread on your own blog about what you’re writing in your life as a micro-blogger.
Someday, we’re all going to cave in on ourselves from the weight of writing in one medium about what we’re writing about in another.
@lamh32: Wait, wait – that woman who was one SNL for some brief amount of time.
Isn’t she among the wing-nuttiest of Tea Baggers? Like, even Fox News cuts her off and stuff?
Long before I knew her politics Angie Harmon was always my least favorite Ass(istant DA) on Law&Order. She always came off as too mean-spirited for me. Maybe its because I’ve been stuck at work overnights in the local lockup and all I have to watch on late-night TV is TNT, but those promos of the show grate on my fucking nerves. It sounds like a terribly contrived piece of crap that won’t last a month.
OTOH, I think Memphis Beat will be a good show.
Corner Stone
No, I know. I admit it’s all my fault. He was doing what he’s supposed to do.
But at some point between the hovercraft being ruptured and the 115 pound soaking wet ultimate bad guy asking if Jackie really meant it when he said they should one day “have tea together”, I just freakin lost it.
I chose Galaga that day my friends, and I have never looked back.
@Corner Stone: Goddamn that show sucked. As somebody who lived in the neighborhood it’s set in, it suck, suck, suckity sucked. Someone should beat Jason Lee unconscious with a skateboard in the parking log of the Wiggly Pig to stop that show from continuing.
I’m so over St. Russ.
Corner Stone
She’s supposed to be from the Great State of Texas (aka The Texas of South America ~ Argentina), and therefore she has no “Off” on her killswitch.
She will fry your ass for stealing a pack of ding dongs from the corner Bodega.
James Woods a republican? didn’t know that.
as for the rest of them, maybe it’s cultural, but I’m not big fans of the whole bunch. The only one on that list that I consider myself a fan of is Tom Selleck, and that’s all from his Magnum P.I. and later Friends days.
What I will say is that other than Voight currently who’s a raging dingbat, all those guys were pretty good at keeping their politics outta their careers right? In other words, they donate, but they don’t readily pose for photo ops or frequent gop pep rallies.
Denzel Washingon and Sidney Poitier would be on list of greatest actors, and I’m pretty sure Sidney is a liberal. Although, I’ve heard that Denzel votes Repub most of the time, but I don’t know for sure of course!
Corner Stone
And can I just say? If I woke up every morning next to Marisa Miller I can guarantee you that…umm…shit. Sorry. I can’t finish what that would mean exactly, mainly because…um, Marisa Miller.
Nearly all Assistant DA’s are mean-spirited, and rock solid certain that everyone is guilty.
The ones on Law&Order with a streak of compassion/conscience were the unrealistic ones.
@Elisabeth, with 99 senators, you need 59.4 to get the 3/5 to invoke cloture. Since fractional senators are generally unavailable, you still need 60. The number of senators would have to drop to 98 before 59 would be enough for cloture.
Corner Stone
I liked it when he was gay in that one movie.
Of course, when he had a thing for Monica that also kind of told me how gay he was. Made sense at the time anyway.
James Woods claims he’s a Democrat, but spent the last decade w/ his tongue up the ass of George W. Bush and Rudy Giuliani.
One of them Joe Lieberman Democrats.
Best TV tonight: Amy is going to get turned into a rat on the Buffy rerun on Logo.
I have a certain affection for Bruce Willis — when he’s good, he’s really good and he does try to stretch as an actor. I like that even in his action movies he’s now accept that he is Dad Aged and skips the inappropriately young love interests.
Plus he stopped supporting the Iraq War when he realized how stupid it was, so he has that going for him.
Corner Stone
I love Jason Lee. But only when he’s giving someone the stink palm handshake.
Chad N Freude
@ellaesther: Yes. Victoria Jackson. You absolutely MUST watch the video on that link.
ETA: Too much even for Steve Doocy!
Is Bruce Willis a Republican? Man if that’s true, that’s sure gonna mess up his street cred.
And yes, don’t ask me how, maybe from the Die Hard movies, but Bruce Willis, who parties with P Diddy, and sometimes hangs out with Jay-Z, has some street cred.
@Corner Stone: what movie did he “play gay”?
Kerry Reid
Kelsey Grammar and Patricia Heaton. She’s exceedingly pro-life. Not sure what his deal is. I don’t think he’s obnoxious, like Jon Voight. Oh, and I think somebody mentioned Victoria Jackson, but she doesn’t have anything really resembling a career, so…
Dennis Miller joined the Bedwetter Republican Party after 9/11. Or maybe he was always one. I dunno. He’s an annoying putz, and Jon Stewart can clean his comedy clock any day.
Keith G
@Corner Stone:
@Kerry Reid:
The weirdest thing I found out about Kelsey Grammer that really boggles my mind is the fact that he was the Executive Producers of “Girlfriends” a tv show about 4 African American single females living in LA, some call it an African American version of Sex and the City (but I actually think it was way better that SATC). It was initially on UPN, and then on WB.
I got called for jury duty and had to sit through a whole trial where the (assistant) DA’s theory was that women always know exactly what they have in their purse at all times. So therefore there was no way that the UCLA PhD candidate on trial could have (as she claimed) forgotten that she had a knife in her purse and was deliberately trying to smuggle it into the courthouse where she was doing research.
Of course, there was absolutely no motive and no proof that she had any reason at all to do such a thing on purpose and many reasons to believe that, as she said, she forgot she had put it in that bag, but this fucktard refused to drop the charges.
I was one of the alternates, but it took the jury about half an hour to come back with “not guilty.” I think most of that time was spent picking a foreperson and filling out the paperwork for the verdict.
Chad N Freude
@Keith G: Maryland?
I think it was that comedy w/ Kevin Kline as the closeted high school drama teacher.
So I started a garden here in So Cal in January, and since my wife told me how much she loved zucchini, green beans and squash, I planted 3 of zucchini/ squash, 6 of the green beans.
And so now she is in the last stage of the frozen grim smile- “oh, how nice. ANOTHER zucchini…and oh, another pound of green beans?”
Pretty soon I will be driving by freeway overpasses, tossing them out the window to homeless people, and speeding off.
@Warren Terra:
Exactly. There’s definitely a case to be made for clamping down on illegal immigration, and it’s obvious that there’s one way to do it: start throwing employers in jail.
Corner Stone
@lamh32: For some reason my post got ated, but it’s In & Out
I dunno — I wouldn’t be surprised if P Diddy was a Republican, too. Charles Barkley was until they went fucking insane for the simple reason that he liked having money and wanted to keep as much of it as possible. It wouldn’t shock me in the least if P Diddy felt the same way.
I was at the American Cinematheque lifetime achievement awards years ago when they gave it to Bruce Willis and, damn, people love the guy. George Clooney loved him. Julia Roberts loved him. They had a hard time fitting in all of the people who loved him so much that they wanted to participate. Apparently, if he doesn’t know you, you could die in the street and he’ll step over your dead body, but if he thinks of you as a friend, he’ll give you the shirt off his back without thinking twice.
@lamh32: Janine Turner (played Maggie in Northern Exposure) is a tea-partier. GAG.
I think it’s better to give reasoned arguments to those we oppose but it’s late, it’s been hot, and I just want to say…Fuck you you stupid fucking bitch.
Corner Stone
@Keith G: Fish City Grill. Their crab cakes are tasty but let me tell you, if you’re looking for a bowl of Gumbo and don’t want to spend 2 hours making a pot for just you ~ it is really good there.
Chain restaurant that’s meh overall, but I take the good, I take the bad, and there I have, the facts of life.
@Kerry Reid:
Kelsey Grammer at least has a sense of humor about his political inclinations, as evidenced by his Sideshow Bob character on the Simpsons.
Patricia Heaton is an anti-science wackadoodle.
Attack Of The Squash People – Marge Piercy
And thus the people every year
in the valley of humid July
did sacrifice themselves
to the long green phallic god
and eat and eat and eat.
They’re coming, they’re on us,
the long striped gourds, the silky
babies, the hairy adolescents,
the lumpy vast adults
like the trunks of green elephants.
Recite fifty zucchini recipes!
Zucchini tempura; creamed soup;
sauté with olive oil and cumin,
tomatoes, onion; frittata;
casserole of lamb; baked
topped with cheese; marinated;
stuffed; stewed; driven
through the heart like a stake.
Get rid of old friends: they too
have gardens and full trunks.
Look for newcomers: befriend
them in the post office, unload
on them and run. Stop tourists
in the street. Take truckloads
to Boston. Give to your Red Cross.
Beg on the highway: please
take my zucchini, I have a crippled
mother at home with heartburn.
Sneak out before dawn to drop
them in other people’s gardens,
in baby buggies at churchdoors.
Shot, smuggling zucchini into
mailboxes, a federal offense.
With a suave reptilian glitter
you bask among your raspy
fronds sudden and huge as
alligators. You give and give
too much, like summer days
limp with heat, thunderstorms
bursting their bags on our heads,
as we salt and freeze and pickle
for the too little to come.
naw diddy’s a Dem, is just never voted. In fact, if I remember correctly, his first vote ever was for Obama in 2008.
Bill E Pilgrim
Add John Malkovich.
Rather than suddenly disliking him because of hearing that, I had the reverse reaction of feeling confirmed or vindicated because I could never stand his acting. “Oh, that must be why” is what occurred to me. Or part of why anyway.
Actor William Hootkins, who worked with Malkovich in BBC Television’s Rocket to the Moon, stated, “In fact, he’s so right-wing you have to wonder if he’s kidding.
Corner Stone
@Chad N Freude: Ok, so maybe they’re just fillers, and they added the name “Maryland” to sucker me out of 2 more dollars.
But they’s tasty yo.
Corner Stone
Never really been a big fan of Jennie Finch.
what this guy said. July of last year.
what a chad.
Or asset forfeiture for any business owner who knowingly employs illegal laborers.
We already do it to drug dealers, and I for one would love to see Republicans squirm as they tried to justify their opposition to it.
Chad N Freude
I resent that!
Never been a fan of Northern Exposure, so therfore, I have no idea who janine Turner is.
Ya’ll gotta remember, that close to 15% of Americans (what the % for African American?) probably never heard of some of these people ya’ll are talking about. I would be surprised if any member of my community knew who Jon Voight or James Woods is. Not by name anyway. I’m such a “culture vulture” that I actually do know these people by name.
If you ask my aunt who Victoria Jackson is, she’s probably gonna ask you if it’s the lady up the street, or someone related to “The Jackson”…lol. Seriously.
Corner Stone
I hate it that you ruined it for me. And…Logo?
Que paso mi amigo, y dime la verdad!
Does anyone else smell a big fat whiff of bipartisan ‘villain rotation‘ going on here?
I am not an expert on German history, but that sounds fishy. The whole hyperinflation phenomenon was pretty much over by the end of 1923, with the introduction of the Rentenmark to replace the old Reichsbank mark. That was 10 years before the Nazis seized power. This sounds like someone cherry-picking facts to match a pet theory.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Robert Duvall for best wingnut actor.
Best wingnut actress….? Agnes Moorehead.
Keith G
@Corner Stone: Cool, there’s one on Buffalo Speedway near me, I have never tried their crab cakes.
Central Market makes good ones that you can take home to cook. Quite delish.
@Chad N Freude: That would be a bit of a drive.
Smashing? What exactly is she smashing? The economy? The Constitution? One wonders.
“Harmon is a Republican. She and her husband delivered a speech at the 2004 Republican National Convention,[8][9] and supported John McCain for president in 2008.[10][11] She has also said that she would support Sarah Palin were she to run for President in 2012.[12]”
@Corner Stone: I think Buffy and her husband, Chico, or “the man” or whoever he is, are Republicans too, to bring it back on topic.
But the cherry cupcakes on her shirt still held my attention through the last scene, regardless of what network it is being aired on.
Corner Stone
This is just baaaad.
I applaud you sir.
Chad N Freude
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Agnes Moorehead was a Bible-thumping conservative, but in an era before wingnuttery as we know it came into existence.
(From Wikipedia)
And she was a marvelous actress.
I salute you sir!!
“Chico, or “the man”…
@Anonymous37: Thanks for the link. I began watching it and turned it off. I’m not in the mood for another show using serial killers and cops for entertainment and this one doesn’t seem to have a new point of view or insights into the characters. Or interesting quirks, either. And I couldn’t buy these characters as being from Boston. I turned the TV off and came back to blog reading.
Bill E Pilgrim
I’m not sure why a lot of people are so surprised at how many conservatives there are in Hollywood. The product Hollywood puts out seems to me to be on balance a morass of right wing or at best “centrist” talking points in script form.
Liberal judges are always throwing out cases on “a technicality” and letting some clearly established evil douchebag go scot free (“Marge, he’s evil, just listen to the music!”) even though in the real world anyone who works in that system will tell you that prosecutors have all the power and can indict a ham sandwich if they just decide that they want to, and will get a conviction.
Cops usually have their hands tied by some mealy-mouthed ineffective chief who’s beholden to evil publicity seeking liberal mayors, and government operatives routinely just break the law and torture people because those silly rules force them to just act as judge jury and executioner– and on and on and on. The stereotypes are right out of Glenn Beck’s paranoiac imagination.
I know that a lot of actors talk a good game about being progressive but they’re “the talent” as they say in Hollywood, so it doesn’t really go very far in what messages are actually put out in movies or TV. The same actors will turn and contribute to some hideously right wing product, things like the unashamedly non-right wing The West Wing are an anomaly, not the rule.
“LIberal Hollywood” strikes me as only slightly less bullshit than “the liberal media”, in the “even liberal Hollywood thinks that we should torture first and ask questions later. Or during” sense.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Chad N Freude:
Couldn’t resist a slight joke. For some reason it always cracked me up to think of her as a Bible thumper. Left all her money to Bob Jones University, IIRC. I can’t think of a current ‘wingnut actress to match Duvall’s caliber, or even Kelsey Grammer’s
Corner Stone
A refuge for a snarling mass of vitriolic vicious jackals
I’m cool with that.
If you weren’t taking the course at the time, that marks you as a serious masochist. What do you do in your spare time, train for the Ironman?
@bey: That’s hilarious!
In and Out (1997). “A Midwestern teacher (Kevin Kline) questions his sexuality after a former student makes a comment about him at the Academy Awards.”
Selleck had a supporting part, and the “gay” thing (for his character) was mostly one joke at the end.
ETA: That list bit might actually qualify as a bit of a spoiler, but too late now.
Corner Stone
@Bill E Pilgrim: I agree overall, but you forgot the most important and salient point. Actors et al make a fortune per episode/movie, and will agree to pretty much any mindset in order to keep it.
@MikeJ: From personal knowledge, I doubt that Sarah Michelle Gellar is a Republican. Or am I missing the joke?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Corner Stone:
That’s why Kelsey Grammer always bugged me. Made a billion dollars playing gay-vague and dresses his anti-tax selfishness up in a lot pretentious (Frasier-quality pretentions) drivel about ‘our founding principles’. You’re a greedy ex-cokehead with three ex-wives you picked off the pole. Go fuck yourself.
Apparently Barbara Streisand was wildly applauding some Pete Peterson type who was talking about how we need to get entitlement spending under control at that circle jerk in Aspen last week. So fuck her, too.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Corner Stone: Oh I agree, that’s what I was getting at partly with “the talent” idea.
Actually, taking that back a bit, not all of them do. They all want to make a fortune, and don’t forget that for every established star you see and everyone gossips about there are legions trying to get to that level, but all of them will do whatever it takes, because if you don’t, you’re just going to get trampled by all of the ones who will.
Reading the piece someone linked to upthread about the conservative actress wanting to leave Hollywood and get back to the homeland and etc, it’s something very familiar, I’ve known people just like that in Hollywood and they were not at all conservative, just had the same love/hate relationship with LA, Hollywood, worked in it and made their careers but thought it phony and not real and etc. Very common and not at all always linked to conservatism as it was is in her case.
Well, except for him tongue-kissing Kevin Kline about halfway through the film.
@lamh32: I agree that Willis can turn in a good performance. But Willis wasted a lot of money making a movie in Iraq about Iraq and never finished it because the war was never finished. If he now hates, or even dislikes, the war it’s because of the money he lost and how stupid it made him look.
Corner Stone
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I don’t know why, but this really spoke to me. Kind of poetry in its own way.
I don’t know how many people here will care, or if this was posted in an earlier thread, but ex-Fug Tuli Kupferberg has died. He was 86.
I would have guessed he was about 10-20 years younger, having seen him perform sometime in the 90’s (or maybe the late 80’s), and having no idea he must have been in his 60’s even then. He looked and acted a lot younger.
Dear Mr. Cole. I wish I had some zucchini. 2 plants and only one is producing anything besides mold. Plus, 5 plantings, all my seed and perhaps 1 carrot and 1 head of lettuce have sprouted. Obviously, my name is Black Thumb.
Corner Stone
I thought we won that shit a couple years ago?
@Mayur: I doubt that she’s a thoughtful republican, but her name comes up again and again on those lists of Republican celebs. In fact, if you type sarah michelle geller and then a space into google, republican is one of the suggested completions of the search term. Which doesn’t make it true, but does mean enough people are searching for it to make it a fairly common belief.
Chad N Freude
@PurpleGirl: The Bill Frist school of analysis. How do you know this?
@Chad N Freude:
Don’t forget, Walt Disney, who was a conservative’s conservative (and probably a Bundist, too) would be considered a bleeding-heart liberal by today’s teabaggers because he was an environmentalist and made an anti-hunting movie with Bambi.
Our notions of “conservative” and “liberal” have become very wacky in the 30 years since Reagan came to power and lots of conservatives have retroactively gotten pushed into the “lie-beral” camp because they just weren’t far right enough by today’s standards.
They may have Gellar mixed up with Emma Caulfield, who played Anya on “Buffy” and is a very vocal Republican.
Gotta go back to Law & Order for this one – Michael Moriarty. A lot of the suggestions IMO are either not very good actors or are Republicans and not necessarily wingnuts. Moriarty’s got an Emmy and a Tony, and if he had stayed in Hollywood, I bet he’d have at least an Oscar nom if not a statue. Now for his wingnut credentials:
Quote from Wikipedia:
And let’s not forget:
@kay: Yes. Of course they are afraid of her. Because she is always right, and on it like white on rice. I saw her in two documentaries: Maxed Out, and Capitalism A Love Story. Always the smartest.
In other news, here is a story that is mostly pictures, about Soldiers rescuing kittens in Afghanistan. Lots and lots of fabulous pictures.
Chad N Freude
@Mnemosyne: Don’t forget how his antisemitism would alienate the 21st century
Reichright. And possibly endeared him to some of the commenters on other threads.Good observation about about Bambi. If it were released today, it would probably be denounced as Michael Moore-inspired left wing propaganda.
Corner Stone
@Chad N Freude:
Don’t you mean anti-semetism?
@Corner Stone: Apparently not well enough to give Willis an ending for the movie. At least that was the last thing I read some time back… that he had no ending for it.
Jay in Oregon
Chad N Freude
@Corner Stone: Damn! I can’t spell fer shite.
ETA: Insert sarcastic smiley.
@Cacti: best wingnut actor is James Woods. No contest.
As for zucchini, the husband thinks it’s marvelous for target practice.
@Chad N Freude: I googled Willis and Iraq, war, and movie a few years ago. There were pictures of him filming there — he had support from DoD. And then there was a story about the movie not being finished. Anyway, nothing ever went to the theaters.
@Yankee Jack: so what? Feingold did the same thing.
@Corner Stone:
Is that someone who hates semen?
Chad N Freude had it spelled right, he just forgot the dash that is typically used.
Chad N Freude
@JGabriel: The dash is optional. (Google says so). And the messpilling was a reference to a persistent idiot misspeller on another thread.
Bill E Pilgrim
Edit: Seems to be some inside baseball here so, never mind!
The earlier discussion about how bad Norton AV sucks showed how many people here are anti-Symantec.
Chad N Freude
@Bill E Pilgrim: Well actually either spelling, with or without the dash, is correct. It’s a stylistic preference, not a correct spelling issue.
Never enter into an argument with my inner English teacher.
Chad N Freude
@MikeJ: Well, we managed to avoid this terrible pun on the other discussion thread. Although the temptation was Strong.
ETA: I wondered who was going to break first. (Kind of like an episode of Lawn Ordure with several suspects.)
General Stuck
Am halfway thru watching Blade Runner, directors cut,. on nf instant. It’s been ten years since I watched it and had forgot what a unique and wonderful movie it is. The set and atmospherics have never been matched imo.
I thought that came toward the end, but I could be wrong.
Chad N Freude: Yep, optional, that’s why I said “typically”. Didn’t know you guys were mocking a messpeller on the previous thread, though. Fo’give my butting in.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Chad N Freude: No I was mostly referring to the “correction” from the other poster, which turns out to be some inside joke so- never mind!
My inner editor will take on your inner English teacher any day of the week. I try to suppress it for the most part, actually. It works far less well as an ice-breaker with the opposite sex at parties than you’d imagine.
Chad N Freude
@JGabriel: Dude, you’re an intelligent commenter. You can stick your butt in anytime you want to.
Corner Stone
@JGabriel: It was a re: other douchebags who are not me.*
Sometimes Face is right. People on this blog self-reference way too much for others to keep up.
*Ok. It was a slap at Nick because for some reason he insists on spelling it this way even after being called on it.
Chad N Freude
@Bill E Pilgrim:
Hmmm. I always wondered why my scoring was so low. Maybe that explains it.
What was that conversation we were having the other day about … untrustworthy drug companies?
Here’s another data point.
I take Actos; I’ve never taken Avandia because my primary care doc didn’t think it was any better than Actos. Thanks, Doc, I owe ya one.
Corner Stone
Damn. I just want to bash on Nick because he’s a mega-douche.
As displayed time and again.
I doesn’t means to call any others in on this bizness.
Chad N Freude
We’re a very exclusive community.
Corner Stone
@Bill E Pilgrim:
I thought all the women in France wanted to kiss deeply at every oppo.
“French Kiss” IOW.
Chad N Freude
@burnspbesq: Look, drugs are expensive to develop and the drug companies really have to recoup their costs. Dead people are irrelevant.
Davis X. Machina
Who could take violent enough exception to Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations to be anti-semet-ipsum?
Corner Stone
@Chad N Freude:
People not wanting to hang out != People not being allowed to hang out.
For God’s sake, can we please get back to the Angie Harmon bashing!
From wiki:
“Harmon began acting in 1995 after being discovered on a plane by David Hasselhoff.”
Will someone please tell me what “discovered” means?
Chad N Freude
@Davis X. Machina:That’s good. I haven’t tried punning in Latin since I got out of high school. And you have way too much erudition on your hands.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Corner Stone: Ah well I haven’t gotten to the point of actually trying to correct people speaking French, I mean not if they’re French anyway.
Actually, come to think of it, correcting English for people is a common and fairly effective part of casual cross-cultural mingling, and has been instrumental in the start of more than one long-term relationship. So I take it all back.
Go ahead and correct the English of people you meet at parties, but only if they’re not American. Or English. No actually I take that back, if they’re English, it’s even more fun. I used to work as an editor in the UK so I can professionally attest to that. The fun I mean.
Chad N Freude
@Corner Stone: You mistook my meaning. It’s just that we speak a secret language. Anyone is welcome to listen and attempt (usually unsuccessfully) to join in.
Bill E Pilgrim
@BGinCHI: “Offered her a floor hamburger”
Ash Can
Zucchini the size of bowling pins? Pikers. Get back to me when they’re the size of young alligators.
And they do get that big, too. I recall my neighbor friend, a couple of years ago, showing off a zucchini her sister gave her. That bastard was 18 inches long easily. Direct quote from my husband upon viewing said vegetable: “I feel so inadequate.”
Have I mentioned lately how much I love my neighbors and my husband?
Anyway, what to do with all the surplus zucchini: zucchini-parmesan pancakes. And if this particular recipe isn’t quite to your liking, by all means tweak it, or look for other zucchini pancake recipes on the web. They are delicious!
@BGinCHI: There’s an actress on the wing of the plane!
El Cid
Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
Chad N Freude
@Ash Can:
any math majors out there?
John Cole: Zucchini + Angie Harmon = ?
The Dangerman
How can James Woods be a Winger? He was great in Salvador (mid 80’s, during the Reagan years, recall it being pretty far left, but, then again, a paycheck is a paycheck to a Winger).
@lamh32: I always liked Northern Exposure, partly because we lived in Alaska for 4 years and I really loved it. Reading Janine Turner talking about crying when Palin gave her speech at the GOP Convention (and yeah I was crying to, but for different reasons) makes me gag. Ack!
Know what you mean about the majority of the population having no idea who most of the people (not just actors) we talk about even are.
Chad N Freude
@MikeJ: Obscure William Shatner reference. I am awed.
@Chad N Freude:
he could just feel the talent. How hammered does Hasselhof get on planes? Amazing they can get off the ground with that much booze on board.
“I can’t do it captain!”
Kittehs! Cats are actually quite revered in Islam since Muhammed had a favorite cat, Muezza. Dogs, not so much.
The Dangerman
How hammered do Germans have to be to think Hasselhof is a great talent?
(And I recall Harmon starring with Hasselhof on some sad show in various states of undress; not complaining, mind you…)
Chris G.
@Chad N Freude: We are aware of all Internet traditions.
Chad N Freude
I have to go, my pumpkin is about to leave. This conversation has been so much better than the ones I have with people I can actually see — I thank you all (well, some). And I harbor no ill will towards the hyphen brigade, so I will take my anti-viral anti-histamines, resting my head on the anti-macassar while avoiding anti-particles.
Just saw a weird Julia Stiles Stoli commercial where she talks to herself about not doing Indie films anymore.
Enjoy the hooch, girl, cuz your career is over.
Well, maybe Matt Damon will still throw you around in some Bourne movies.
The Zungie Harmonini. A sort of miniature Harmoniun invented by the Zungie family of Milton Keynes, UK circa 1973.
The initial production run was contracted for 10,000 units, but only 4,219 were ever made, due to a horrible accident involving a security worker being orally pleased by his girlfriend, who inadvertently restarted the mechanized production line afterhours, leading to the security guard’s untimely crushing – and resulting in a suit that cleaned out the investors.
Notable users of the Zungie Harmonini include Thomas Dolby, Jon Brion, The Osmonds, and Shari Lewis.
Ash Can
@BGinCHI: If she’s that much of a moron RW-er, she doesn’t deserve his 18″ zucchini.
Ash Can
@JGabriel: PS: That’s just plain fucking genius.
Your post on zucchini makes me think of my late grandparents, who were avid gardeners often plagued by an overabundance of the stuff. (And tomatoes, despite my grandmother claiming to have an allergy to them that never seemed to surface except when she didn’t want to eat Italian food at someone’s house.) Yet, year after year, they planted it faithfully because they were able to send the extras my family’s way, thanks to my mom’s baking skills.
My mom makes the best zucchini bread and zucchini bars, hands down. I was lucky that someone gave her some zucchini right before we visited my parents recently. She even came up with a chocolate version of the bread that my oldest son adores. I swear I ate almost two whole loaves of it just by myself.
Couldn’t sleep, so I got up to do some reading. Read Bob Herbert’s column in the NY Times. I wrote a comment and used the term “deficit vultures”. Let’s see if the comment is used.
@Phoebe: Sigh. And people wonder why I love Dawgs. :)
@YellowJournalism: Zucchini is absolutely essential in ratatouille. Not to mention you can make parmesan zucchini crisps that will make you never miss chips again, plus they’re ten times healthier for you.
Viva BrisVegas
Your piscine sense is very accurate.
Germany’s problems after 1930 were the same as everyone else’s. Deflation, unemployment and a massive credit squeeze.
Sound familiar?
Their situation, again like most everybody else, was made much worse by government austerity.
Until Hilter came in. He borrowed and spent money like water. So much so that at least one motive for the timing of the start of WWII was to stave off national bankruptcy.
But it certainly got the German economy moving.
@Phoebe: Awwww! Kittehs! Much better than talking about fucking Ben Nelson or fucking Russ Feingold or fucking Angie Harmon.
@Yutsano: Hi, hon! I suspect your love of Dawgs is for a very different reason.
@asiangrrlMN: Well pictures like those upset me for an entirely different reason: Dawgs may have tough exteriors, but I have yet to meet one who wasn’t a big ol’ softie at his/her core. I’m sure just like in the general population there are total dicks and psychopaths who wear the eagle and globe, I’m just fortunate enough that I’ve never encountered them. And I realize furioso is gonna get after me for spilling that too. Oh well, kitteh pictures says more than I ever could.
Brain bleach. Bottle. Now. Please and thank you.
EDIT: Thread needs moar turtle:
@Yutsano: Yeah. When I see pics like that, it just reminds me of how even the toughest of guys/gals can be jelly when it comes to the power of kittehs! I hope furioso checks in soon. Have you seen him recently?
Angie Harmon: I used to like her voice, but even that fails to impress now that I know she’s totally batshitcrazy.
@asiangrrlMN: He posted much much earlier today. Methinks he gets rather early/late sleep shifts out there in the sandbox. Glad to see he’s still about and kicking.
Trust me, Dawgs do a shit ton to maintain their image of invulnerability. It’s worth cracking though, after Uncle Sam has honed them well they turn into semi-decent humans every now and again.
@Yutsano: The love that truly dare not speak its name! Although, Kitty seems a bit freaked out by the attention.
@Yutsano: Glad that he posted and that he’s OK. Yeah. It’s gotta be hard to move from Dawg life to civilian life and back again. Sigh.
@asiangrrlMN: Getting them in uniform is rather easy, and the attitude change when they slip it on as opposed to civilian clothes is an amazing transformation to watch. Getting them out…uhh…well…oh look: Kylie Minogue singing with Kermit the Frog!
I gots modererated. I can’t even figure out why!
@Yutsano: You find it easy to get ’em out of their uniforms! Mmmmm, Kylie….
I have no idea why you were moderated. You didn’t use any of the typical naughty words. It must be the naughtiness of your thoughts that triggered the dreaded mod switch.
@asiangrrlMN: My brain must haz more powers than I realize. I must remember to utilize my powers for teh good. Course I already promised that for the IRS so I think I’m covered.
I thought maybe for a moment it had something to do with the Kylie link, but even that made zero sense. BTW find the vid of her doing it live in 2005, she turns the whole stadium into a giant karaoke machine.
@Yutsano: Bwahahahahaha! You must only use your power for EVIL! I really have no idea why you were moderated. You didn’t say sockulist or specia1ist or kitty the other way or the male organ or the oh-so-popular card game. Perhaps it was the ellipses, but I use them liberally myself, so I don’t think it’s that.
And, if FH#1 did not get moderated for posting the latest Kylie link, then I think any other link of hers would be fine.
John is right about the zucchini. I ignored it for five days, and last night picked six gigantic zucchini, each over a foot (or more!) long long. Literally the size of bowling pins.
Of course, one of them seeded and shredded and inserted into the proper mix of flour and other ingredients produces home-made zucchini bread.
Or at least I reminded my wife of that when I brought them into the house.
Hope springs eternal.
By the way, something is killing my tomatoes in addition to the usual battle with fungus and blight from the bottom up. Anyone else experiencing early tomato shrivel up and die syndrome?
The good news is, the okra started producing this weekend, and we should have our first batch of southern style breaded fried okra by Wednesday. That alone is worth the effort.
Scott Supak
Joke up here is that you have to lock your car in the summer because if you don’t, someone will put a zucchini in it.
Steaming Pile
@BGinCHI: If I’m right, those have to be renewed from time to time. All you’d have to say is, “no farm bill this year,” and he’d collapse like a house of cards.
Steaming Pile
@lamh32: I’d try winter squash. Butternuts. Acorns. Pumpkins. If you get too many, you just put them in a cardboard box and leave them in your basement, where they’ll keep all winter. That’s why they’re called winter squash. And I can’t think of any finer comfort food than butternut squash bisque.