Remember when the wingnuts freaked out because some jackass used government computers to snoop on Joe the Plumber? We’ll see if there is similar outrage over this, which is far more malicious:
State agencies are investigating whether any of their employees leaked Social Security numbers and other personal information after a list of 1,300 people who an anonymous group claims are illegal immigrants was circulated around Utah.
The anonymous group mailed the list to several media outlets, law enforcement agencies and others this week, frightening the state’s Hispanic community. A letter accompanying the list demanded that those on it be deported immediately.
The list also contains highly detailed personal information such as Social Security numbers, birth dates, workplaces, addresses and phone numbers. Names of children are included, along with due dates of pregnant women on the list.
So are Hispanics going to be the new villain for the next twenty years or so? Until someone new and exciting comes along?
Remember November
If they have Social Security #s they probably aren’t illegal.
Fortunately, the new “villain” will triumph demographically in the longrun and the wingnuts will end up on the dust heap of history. The one absolute is change and ignoring it does not insure survival. Too bad we all have to witness the extended death throes, however.
Omnes Omnibus
@Remember November: Like that matters…
For “undocumented” immigrants, they seem pretty well documented.
Randy P
Why due dates? I find that incredibly chilling.
Especially since this constitutes an open invite for every wingnut in the state to come over and harass your pregnant wife.
Joseph Nobles
The comments at the site show plenty of outrage. Unfortunately it’s focused at those who won’t let whites be as racist as they want to be. Sigh.
@Randy P:
Because it demonstrates the immediate need to deport them before they drop an anchor baby, duh.
Well, if this group is so well informed, then they should round up these illegals on their own. I don’t see anything wrong with that.
oh, wait…
yeah, Yahoo News comments are a usually a big bundle of stupid mixed with ignorance, racism and hatred. And most of the stories Yahoo lists are slanted towards the right. Gives me a big sad that my primary email is a account.
And I’m sure that the reasonable, easy going zealots in Utah will have no desire to shoot first, ask questions later.
If those Hispanics are smart, they’d run down and join the nearest Mormon Church as fast as possible. No chance the Mormons deport one of their own.
I can’t believe that they can still shock/disgust me.
Which Einsatzgruppe is responsible for Utah?
@Randy P: “Why due dates?”
A pre-emptive measure in the event the 14th Amendment is repealed, perhaps?
Or to get them out of the country before the little one is born, and becomes a legal citizen, and because whomever is responsible for the list has no decency, humanity or common sense.
Oh there’s always teh gays.
@Remember November:
that was my first thought
It’s really not too smart to make a villain out of the country’s most rapidly expanding demographic. Tiny, insular minorities serve this purpose better.
Yeah, I’m sure they’re alllllllll illegal immigrants. Because they’re hispanic, and no damned hispanic-looking mother fucker can be a REAL citizen. Must’ve been one of those goddamned border jumpers that stole a SSN# from a real, godfearing white Protestant American citizen.
Good goddamned mother fuckers. I’m wondering how many Filipinos probably got roped in there too, since you know, they’re brown and have Spanish last names, they must be some kind of goddamned Mexican, right?
You know John, I always wondered why, of all places, West Virginia seemed to have such a significant Filipino population. Aside from the medical field jobs around the 80s and 90s, I now know why. There’s less chance of being mistaken for some sorta ‘illegal Messican’ around there.
That’s sick, just utterly sick.
Here’s a great comment from that thread:
Isn’t that precious? Welfare state for me, and not for thee.
Remember November
@Randy P:
Because they want to throw out the 14th Amendment and kick out children who are born in this country even if parents are not.
El Cid
No. There won’t be. The right will deny any responsibility, and will demand to know who is complaining that we’re trying to protect our borders and stop all the narco-trafficking and beheadings.
David in NY
Wait, wait. Government jobs aren’t real jobs! Rush told me so!
@Remember November:
Hell, didn’t Paul Broun or something say he wanted the 14th to be replaced with an older (failed) amendment that explicitly barred children of non-citizens born here from EVER becoming citizens?
@Seanly: Yeah, its fascinating that so many news organizations are too cheap to hire someone to moderate their comment sections. The Chicago Sun-Times is just as vile with their unmoderated comments.
And yes, that’s an awful lot of documentation for an “undocumented” immigrant.
That’s what you read out of that? When I read this:
I see a sign that reads “Will be your Brown-shirted jack-booted thug for money. Or for shits and giggles. Whatever. Just let me put the boot into some spics.”
@aimai: working for free for the govt as an example of a job? wooo boy.
i like how “enforce the laws” only applies to laws against immigrants. laws against data theft? meh.
it’s apparently pretty easy to get a fake SSN.
The Mormon Church is one of the fastest growing churches in Latin America, apparently. A lot of them might be LDS already.
Wow. How would have guessed that Muslim panic would become passé so quickly?
That’s what I read from it as well. The only thing the comment left out was what color shirts to order.
Yeah, that’s what I read as well. It’s all about bringing the terror to the brown people.
Yeah. The comment is telling enough. They don’t care about the economy or employment or anything. Not really. They just wanna kick around a few wetbacks, since they deserve it, even the ones that really don’t. Because they’re all the same anyways, even the ones that have proof, because they probably got their cousin Juan to fake it and everything.
Considering all things, I still consider most of the ‘illegal immigrants’ I’m aware of to be infinitely better people than the ‘DEPORT THEM ALL NOW!’ crowd. Because they’re damned better workers and citizens than the frothing anti-immigration folks, who think the greatest act of citizenship they can commit is making sure no one else can get said citizenship.
@toujoursdan: it’s just the usual brown panic with new packaging. Sorta like Wheaties, they rotate.
What better way to fight government tyranny then to send well armed agents of the state to all corners of the nation knocking down doors and demanding to see people’s papers.
El Cid
Mr. “I really always have been a Democrat” Dick Morris now raising money for TeaTard looney Sharron Angle.
fucen tarmal
keeping up that many concurrent hatreds has to be exhausting, no wonder they had to let the jews go(some wingnuts) or the catholics(some wingnuts), i wonder who is next to be left off the hate list?
et, je répète, un joyeux 14 juilliet à tous et à bas les aristos (Sarko en premier)! Aux barricades!
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
Because of the recession there are tons of midle-aged, overweight, former “mall cops” just itching to bust some
teensMexicans.El Cid
Hopefully they’ll wear blue & white facepaint and kilts and scream FREEEEEEEDUM!
@El Cid:
Otherwise known as Mel Gibson’s Saturday night.
Can we get this tattooed on some folks?
Randy P
@scav: This is a good excuse to mention I just started reading a book called Sacrés Américains: Nous, les Yankees, on est comme ça, which is an American (Ted Stanger) trying to explain Americans to the French. And I’m getting kind of depressed. Because he wrote the book in 2003 on a trip back home to the US after a long absence, and he seems to have taken Fox News and Ken Blackwell’s Ohio, at the height of pro-war, anti-France hysteria, as his representation of America (his other evidence that Americans hate France comes from an editorial by Tom Friedman). At least as far as I’ve read so far.
SOP for the GOP. They can’t function without an enemy to demonize.
Any country that has a social contract
Any country that doesn’t say yes to us nicely
Young bucks
Welfare queens
Single women
The sick and disabled
Lucky duckies
School teachers
Govt employees
(BTW, fire fighters and cops are next on their list once they stamp out teachers, ie…)
Anyone with a pension
Anyone getting any govt money who isn’t already rich
Business owners who treat their employees halfway decently (ie Costco)
Joey Maloney
We’re just thrilled to be bumped out of the top spot.
The Child Molesters
Agreed, NonyNony. You can definitely read it both ways. Its kind of a “government keep your hands off my welfare” rorschack blot situation.
“Out of Work Fascist! Will Jackboot for fun!” Would be a good sign for these guys. Along, perhaps, with “Stimulus money is welfare money! Fire the teachers and the Police and Firemen/Hire more thugs!”
kommrade reproductive vigor
I simply can’t believe that the NAACP would suggest these poor America-loving patriots exhibit the mindset and rhetoric of white supremacist groups!
@Kryptik: How do you know all the people on the list are hispanic? Do you see the words “illegal immigrant” and hear “hispanic” because of some deep-seeded bigotry? Or did you research how the list was compiled and where the information was culled?
I don’t have the answers to the questions yet, but at least I’m asking them before turning on any hate-filled invective.
“So are Hispanics going to be the new villain for the next twenty years or so? Until someone new and exciting comes along?”
Don’t be ridiculous. Hispanics will always play second fiddle to Arabs and Muslims as villains for the right wing. They’re probably behind black people too.
Davis X. Machina
Just so long as they’re not well paid, or covered by a collective-bargaining agreement.
Does anybody else feel like we’re trapped in an old Twilight Zone episode? The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street. I keep looking for those sneaky aliens who are tricking us into turning on each other…
And all of those are second-fiddle to the Gay Menace.
Nice touch! I am pretty sure the Kulaks were the peasants with land, who were the number one enemies of the bolsheviks, right?
I don’t see why not. Remember how conservatives led the outrage when someone hacked into the email server of the University of East Anglia to steal the emails of climate scientists? Remember their demands for prosecution? And remember how the media covered that angle of the story with the same fervor they showed when a doofus got into Sarah Palin’s email by guessing her account name and researching the answer to her security question?
Yeah, fat fucking chance.
I LOL’d, but not in the good way…
But wait–the Mexicans *are* the Muslims: –at least, they apparently are the Iranians in disguise.
Its practically hegelian, or something.
How is it a job if you work for free or for peanuts?
El Cid
I don’t think that “FREEEEDUM” is what Mel Gibson is known for screaming any more.
El Cid
@Sloegin: Don’t forget Mitt Fucking Romney decrying the “Eastern establishment elites” at the 2008 GOP
FreakfestConvention.kommrade reproductive vigor
@aimai: They’re brown, they’ve got funny names and you can’t understand a dang word they say. What else do you need, a certified vault live copy of their birf certificates?
Liberals. Sheesh!
@DJ: From the article that John linked to.
and then
which strongly implies they are focused on Hispanics.
Ash Can
@DJ: Because publicizing Social Security numbers, home addresses, children’s names, and pregnant women’s due dates is no problem at all, right? Seriously, if you don’t think this is a problem, I’d hate to see what you do think is a problem. These people could all be politicians, Wall Street bankers, or KKK members, and it wouldn’t matter. Anyone who publicizes information like that is lucky if “hate-filled invective” is all that they get.
ends, means, blah, blah, blah
Utah, the Trig Palin of States.
As a UT resident I am outraged this this release of confidential information.
These scoundrels clearly have their eyes on demographic trends. But even here it has to be noted that an increasing Latino population is not quite the same thing as increasing numbers of Latino citizens.
And this is also why the clamoring over tinkering with the Constitution to but up barriers to citizenship is so repulsive.
First Arizona and now this vile, simpleminded data vigilantism out of Utah.
This is all the fault of PC liberals. Really.
You suddenly turned the word nigger into a “racist” term, and made accusations of racism against conservatives that are worse than both slavery (which happened to niggers) and the holocaust (kikes and faggots) because they impact white people so much.
You can free a nigger from his chains, but an accusation of racism is forever.
What choice do they have but to go after wetbacks? That rage has to go somewhere, or you end up like Mel Gibson.
That was 2005.
If anyone needs reminding how completely and utterly full of shit conservatives are, I give you The Heartfelt Apology.
Read it as they roll out Southern Strategy II. Or is it III? I’ve lost count.
Bubblegum Tate
Boss Limbaugh likened Mehlman’s apology to being forcibly sodomized, so it’s not like the rank and file bought that apology for a second anyway.
@Bubblegum Tate:
Is Limbaugh often this forthcoming about his sex life?
From the article you apparently didn’t bother to read:
ETA: MattR #59 beat me to it! Sorry, Matt.
Hispanics and TEH GHEYS. Poor Ricky Martin.
Frank Chow
Fear the Brown People followed by Fear the Yellow People. Rinse. Wash. Repeat.
Because we are really, really smart.
“Is Limbaugh often this forthcoming about his sex life?”
Sadly, yes.
I live in the affected state.
This thing is pretty scary. I keep hoping the list is riddled with errors (i.e., lists lots of people who are not even immigrants, much less “illegal immigrants”). Unfortunately since the names on the list are pretty much all Hispanic (“Rodriguez” and the like), it won’t list Gary Herbert, Orrin Hatch, Chris Buttars, and so on. But it would be hilarious if it did. Since it doesn’t … it falls into “scary”.
I take it that the people who prepared this list are part of the “Deport them all” crowd. I wonder if they realize that their cost of living will increase quite a bit as low wage immigrants are replaced by American labor which demand higher wages.
Furthermore, I wonder if these people who claim they care so much about the law will now prepare a list of all Mormon polygamists (yes, polygamy is a crime, even in Utah) and send to the media. Or do they only care about some laws and ignore others…
I’m sure they all cheer on Gitmo, torture, etc. This is why those crimes can’t be prosecuted IMHO. If they can’t tolerate a desperate poor person looking for work, and you would expose their entire family in this malicious way. What makes people think that prosecuting white men because they abused Muslims would be possible? (Left over from the 300+thread)
Also, I’m sick of hearing how that terminally ill Libyan terrorist exprisoner hasn’t died yet and how disappointed folks are he’s still alive. It just sounds unseemly coming from people who didnt have actual friends or relatives on that plane. Their hate I understand. The anchors on TV are inexcusable.
It’s real easy to write off the anti-illegal-Mexican furor unless you’ve lived in one of the cities in the border states near the Mexican frontier.
Spend some time in San Diego or El Paso or Calexico or Taos and you’ll get a real education about how bad things really are.
Obviously I’m not endorsing the insane AZ law any more than I endorsed Peter Wilson’s crazy proposition 187 back in 1995, but something has got to be done to control the border. Snarking about how “Mexicans are the new Hitler” isn’t gonna cut it. Something has to be done to control the border.
Oh, and by the way…if you think the illegal Mexican problem in the border states is bad now, wait till Mexico starts disintegrating into a failed state due to the drug cartels. You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.
If they’re going after people with Hispanic last names and it turns out these people are legal immigrants or even citizens who’ve been in the country for years, I say sue the fuckers.
Once it becomes open season on anyone who is Hispanic whether they’re citizens or not, Hispanics with money are not going to stand for it. This will motivate them to either get into politics or give money to candidates who are not racist pigs.
Until that happens, this will only get worse.