As they say “Fuck you America” and keep the other 60 billion or so they made the last two years.
by John Cole| 64 Comments
This post is in: Free Markets Solve Everything, Assholes
As they say “Fuck you America” and keep the other 60 billion or so they made the last two years.
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Cat Lady
But Fabulous Fab gets thrown under the
busMaybach. I hope he’s got pictures.BR
This is maybe a better post to pass along this link on what this whole financial system’s bailout has really done:
(I would separate the paragraphs if I ever figured out how to do that in a blockquote…)
General Stuck
Why don’t just be done with these money whores and go back to trading beaver pelts
At least they were not caught smoking a joint. That would really have landed them in some hot water.
@beltane: With what these masters of the universe pay for personal security, it’s a wonder if they are ever caught at anything.
Yeah, the fine was a cost of doing business, and they might not have liked what came out at trial. In their interest to settle.
Not a big enough punishment, but at least it was a punishment.
… And Sixteen Billion In Bonuses.
R. Porrofatto
Time to give these folks a tax cut!
Hunter Gathers
@General Stuck: I’ll take your beaver pelts and raise you this.
Kirk Spencer
The longer this goes, the more my “simple tax” idea moves from humor to serious.
1) All income is income, regardless of source.
2) The first $100,000 per person (single or married, not kids) is tax free.
3) Everything else is taxed at 50%.
Yea, another BIG Obama FAIL. McCain would have gotten the $60B, clawed back bonuses & shut the company down.
This is one reason business is so pissed at Obama. Things that we disregard as nothing. Fines. He has ICE investigating businesses & forcing them to fire illegals & then the Feds fine the business. Not employer raids. Just one ICE agent assigned to a business, perusing the record, taking the necessary action & moving on. Rethugs are really pissed off about this too, but I have not seen them publically criticizing him for it. I suppose they can’t because they want just “the border protected.” Not businesses hasseled! So far, ICE has hit 2900 businesses and fined $3M this yr.
Obama is a fining machine.
Cat Lady
@cat48: That is mega-awesome!
I’ve long said that’s all we really need to do. Funny, ain’t it, that it’s never been done!
Not sure how poor little GS is ever going to recover from that stinging slap. Wonder if it also came with a sternly worded letter. Bet it’s really going to scare the bejeebers out of the rest of the malfeasors on Wall St, fer sure.
@Cat Lady:
Guilty as charged. I are an Obot.
I’m especially proud of ICE too. Just so damn sneaky. So Obama.
General Stuck
@Hunter Gathers: Ha!!
Corner Stone
Sorry John Cole, but JMN really, really disagrees with you.
And he’ll be by shortly to spreadsheet the shit out of why for you in 5..4..3..2..
Cat Lady
I are an Obot too, but don’t tell Glenn Greenwald. Make them pay, then make them look over their shoulder – Rome didn’t fall in a day.
That's Master of Accountancy to You, Pal (JMN)
@Corner Stone: Well, other than the fact that decided to pull a number out of his ass that has no relationship to how much Goldman made over the last two years, not really. I mean, he was only off by a factor of four. Really, unless it’s a full order of magnitude, it’s nothing, right?
Honest to god, it pisses me off that so many people who object to their opponents making things up turn around and demonstrate that they don’t believe that numbers really mean anything. Any old figure will do, and it doesn’t matter whether it actually means what they want it to mean.
Given your past expressions that it’s a good thing that the job search process is filled with job seekers and potential employers lying to each other and trying to bait each other into inappropriate responses, I’m not surprised. Professional liars shouldn’t be expected to have respect for the truth in other contexts.
So, who will be the first republican to apologize to GS for this latest Chicago-esque “shakedown”?
Mike in NC
Mike in NC
I bet that won’t happen once they call out their whores in Congress for relief. Maybe half a million?
Stupid banksters.
I can’t wait until these Republicans are in the minority, and Democrats get a solid majority in both houses, then when Democrats get the White House, we can really stick it to those greedy bastiches, and their dirty Republican benefactors in government…
Oh wait…
That's Master of Accountancy to You, Pal (JMN)
Maybe one of these years, Congress will decide to raise the SEC’s budget enough that they can actually afford to take one of these to trial.
Wanna bet that if Obama, Pelosi or Reid called for a half billion dollar tax hike that Goldman Sachs would solemnly declare the tax hike would bankrupt them? And the GOP would claim Wall Street would shrivel up and die, taking thousands of well-paying jobs overseas? Wanna bet??
Yes, Sanka. They all work for the same people. Congratulations, you’re catching on.
That pic never gets old.
General Stuck
Wonder if bankers make a big noise when they hit the cement?
Corner Stone
@That’s Master of Accountancy to You, Pal (JMN): Wah waah. Wah waah waah wah.
Sorry, all I heard was Charlie Brown’s teacher talking.
Warren Terra
This was the subject of a big New York Times story on Saturday, and I was amazed by the resounding silence the story received in the blogs I read (I commented to this effect in an open thread here on Monday or Tuesday). The only way we can hope to reduce illegal immigration, if indeed we hope to do so, is to make sure there are fewer opportunities awaiting the illegal immigrant, and the way to do that is to crack down hard on people who knowingly employ undocumented workers (starting, ideally, with the most exploitative of these employers).
I’d like to see bigger fines for Goldman for the things it did, and I’d like downright extortionate fines for AIG and for those counterparties who’ve benefited most from the AIG bailout (see: Sachs, Goldman). So I’m not sure I’d agree with you that “Obama is a fining machine”. But he is using fines in some good ways in ways that are improvements over anything previous Presidents have done, not just bettering the low bar of his immediate predecessor.
@cat48: This.
And OT, I know, but without anyone noticing, the administration has also banned the use of antibiotics on healthy livestock, hopefully turning away one of the biggest threats to our nation’s food supply.
Put another fan on JC’s junk. He really is Mr. Crankypants lately. While it might/would be emotionally satisfying to see some GS folks hit the pavement — hard– I’d rather have half a billion fine than business as usual which is what we would have gotten out of President McCain.
Warren Terra
@General Stuck:
They have people to do that for them.
And it’s spelled “banksters”.
I read at TNR an article by Galbraith that said after 9/11, they took all the FBI agents that worked on Wall St and moved them to terror duty, etc. I wonder if any of them have been replaced down there. I’m hoping they will be soon if not. They helped investigate all these funny money tricks and people. They might have gotten harsher punishment for GS if they had had more investigative teeth. I wish someone in the useless WH press corp would ask the admin that everyday instead of if the Obamas were “going to vacation in the Gulf this year instead of fancy New England and if not, why?”
@Warren Terra: I like the term banksters. I believe I will use this term from now on. And, half a bill is better than nothing, but it’s basically the CEO team forgoing one night of coke, wimmenz, and dinner.
Blockquote primer:
(h/t Monkeyboy © 2009)
In practice, all you have to do is put two underscores on the blank lines between the paragraphs of the blockquote, then highlight the whole thing and mash the b-quote button above the comment box. The stuff above just shows you how it will end up looking, in case you (or anyone) want to roll your own.
Obviously bankers need a push in the right direction.
Right out the window.
Janet Strange
@JAHILL10: Wow! Antibiotics in the feed of healthy animals is stupid, stupid, stupid. It makes them put on weight faster (I don’t think anyone really understands why though there are several hypotheses) so I understand why ranchers do it.
But the threat is more to the effectiveness of the antibiotics than to our food supply. See MRSA. Evolution by natural selection in action, right before our eyes, in our lifetimes. Take that, creationists!
Those pesky pathogenic bacteria just keep evolving mechanisms to thrive in the presence of antibiotics when we just keep dumping them everywhere. Like in the feed of healthy animals. Then when we get a really serious bacterial infection . . . with a resistant strain of bacteria . . . sorry, don’t count on an antibiotic to help you out.
I tell my students – you get sick with a bacterial infection there’s really only two possible outcomes. You get well or you die. We do (most of us) have an immune system, so a lot of the time, you get well, even without an antibiotic. But a hundred years ago, before antibiotics, the dying option was a lot more common. If we don’t start using antibiotics wisely, we’ll be back in those days too soon.
Plus the stock went way up today.
GS, making America shittier and shittier one day at a time. Enjoy CT you douche bag pieces of shit.
The Main Gauche of Mild Reason
@Janet Strange:
I think the current theory about why weight gain happens in cattle in response to antibiotics is that the antibiotics kill intestinal flora that consume a significant amount of the animal’s calories. Seems pretty reasonable to me. The other possibility is that the bacteria produce something that’s important for satiation, and their absence makes the cattle voracious eaters.
@General Stuck:
. . .with gold. Buy Goldline!
@The Main Gauche of Mild Reason: This seems like an interesting theory that is falsifiable and one that would be of great interest to people that want to put lots of weight on cattle quickly. Surely somebody would want to test it.
Hehe, this is the ad that balloon juice ran for me just now:
Instant classic!
@Janet Strange: Yes, take this seriously. I have a 27 year old son, severely handicapped (CP, wheelchair, respirator) who was given 2 (!) antibiotic-resistant strains while in the hospital 4 years ago. He has both MRSA and a lesser known bug, pseudomonas. They flare up 2-3 times a year & he has to get a PIC line put in & have the only IV antibiotic that (kinda) works. He’s what they call “colonized” with both bugs. The drugs that work don’t clear it from his system, just make it back off for a while. It will kill him eventually. I’d love to have some way to show the hospital personnel whose errors caused this the pain & heartache they’ve caused. Bastards.
We passed thought control last year? Why are people still arguing about it if we control their thoughts?
@That’s Master of Accountancy to You, Pal (JMN):
The SEC has a budget? I thought they were self-funding via all these fines. $300 million, or however much they get to keep from this settlement, will hire a lot of bean-counters.
By the way, it’s worth remembering that the SEC has 5 commissioners: 3 Democrats, 2 Republicans. Both Republicans voted against filing this case… the case that settled a couple months later for $550 million. Good call there, guys.
@Steve: It’s not as if the SEC get’s to keep *all* the fines. This year Obama asked for an 11% increase in the SEC budget, bringing the total to $1.23 billion.
That funding is based on SEC collecting $1.74B and funding operations with $1.23B.
Obviously it didn’t go far enough. Another wussed-out compromise from the Obama FAIL administration. I’m starting to think he never really supported thought control at all.
Bill E Pilgrim
we don’t need no education
we don’t need no thought control
no dark sarcasm in the clahssroom
teachers leave us kids alone……
OMG, Pink Floyd is Teh Obots too.
The most enormous mistakes Obama made early on were:
1) Geithner at Treasury
2) Summners as Chief Economic Adviser
Geithner is completely, thoroughly an inside creature of the Wall Street financial crowd. This (and his experience as head of the New York FED) supposedly gave him the understanding of the complexities of what went wrong and how to fix them, but what he inextricably brought with him was also a monsterously inflated sense of the the importance to the country of preserving the particular firms, institutions and people who ran it, including its compensation structure. Geithner’s key role in making the Obama Administration appear to give priority to generously serving and underwriting the Wall Street Financial class instead of making some heads roll and aggressively pursuing wholesale housecleaning was by far the most important factor in starting to undermine public confidence and support for his administration. That, more than Health Care Reform is what has made the Obama administration vulnerable to the whole series of GOP negative attacks, even though most of them are pure crap and the GOP itself was heavily responsible for fomenting the conditions that created the mess in the first place.
Larry Summers is not only an arrogant windbag with as much expertise in alienating other people as he supposedly has with finance and economics, but as importantly he was a key player during the Clinton Administration behind legislation and other measures that contributed that administration’s share of responsibility for laying essential groundwork for the crash at the end of the Bush Administration (e.g. repeal of Glass-Stegal). Summers may be brilliant, but in much the exact same sense as Anton Scalia’s supposed brilliance is harnessed to and crippled by an incredible lack of wisdom and obtuseness about how real life operates outside of his own narrow elite circles.
In short, some of the key help Obama hired turned out to be toxic assets. It is vastly less than reassuring that Obama has failed to recognize how necessary it is for him to fire both of them, and that he should have done so well over a year ago (and never should have hired either one in the first place).
fucen tarmal
Defenestrated Investors LLC.
Quaker in a Basement
$60 billion in stolen money and a half-billion in fines?
When you put it that way, it sounds less like punishment and more like the gov’t taking its cut of the vig.
@Quaker in a Basement: Even more so when you realize the government only gets $300 million of it. The rest gets distributed to the two counterparties as part of the settlement. So even by that standard it’s even weaker sauce. But now they have a stain of saying “Well, we didn’t do anything wrong, but we’ll still shell out a ton of cash to make it go away.” Now the civil suits will come in droves. This ain’t even close to the end for GS.
fucen tarmal
good luck on that, GS alums and their college buddies go to law school and become judges too. they will pay, some, but really, more like cooling the marks. also, too, i bet many who sue them, will still be making money with them, carving up some other pie. the govt took less than a percent…
that is a tax bracket i could live in.
bob h
A possible downside for Goldman is that this represents a settlement with just two defrauded clients. Presumably there will be a long line of others seeking to be compensated. I think the final cost goes much higher.
The market hates uncertainty. Thus, pretty much any stock will go up when it settles a lawsuit since the market hates uncertainty.
By the way, since late 2008 when this whole thing started, the GS stock has underperformed the Dow. This, in spite of having good earnings. So, if its stock went up today, it is still down when compared to 2008.
Corner Stone
@cmorenc: Why do you hate Obama? Is it because he didn’t give you your finance ponies?
The third baseman and I never get tired of looking at this photo.
Phoenix Woman
@R. Porrofatto: Scarily enough, Alan Greenspan of all people is begging Obama and the Democrats not to do this:
fyi –
Yves Smith at Naked Capitalism elaborates and there is an upside –
Jay in Oregon
Agreed. How John manages to not overuse the hell out of that picture, I don’t know; it seems like every 3rd post could use it.
Jay in Oregon
@Quaker in a Basement:
— Leverage, The Double-Blind Job
It’s not likely to appease anyone who’s not in the mood to be appeased, but Goldman has apparently agreed as part of the settlement that the $ it is paying is a “fine,” which is not tax-deductible. So it really is costing the firm that much.
So late, but until some of these banksters spend *hard* time in prison for their shenanigans, no amount of fines will do a damned bit of good.
And besides, won’t they be able to deduct these from their taxes?(thanks burnspbesq)