So over the weekend the National Tea Party Federation kicked out the very racist Mark Williams and his Tea Party Express. It didn’t take long for the Tea Party Leader to respond to the NTPF with a post titled, Tea Party Federation outburst sets us all back.
The question for the week became where the rest of Wingnutopia would come down on the expulsion. Earlier today a second Tea Party group, Tea Party Nation released a statement supporting the NTPF’s expulsion of Williams and the TPE, but they may be acting a bit in haste as Rushbo, Beck and Sarah have yet to comment on the dust-up.
And today, the Tea Party Express has released a response to their expulsion to the Wingnutopia gossip and fanboy site, The Daily Caller. Man, they really hate the National Tea Party Federation Judean People’s Front. For example:
Joe Wierzbicki, a founding member of TPX, told The Daily Caller in an e-mail that the federation was “wrong.”
“Circular firing squads of groups within the Tea Party movement attacking one another accomplish nothing, and on this issue the Tea Party Federation was wrong, and enabled and empowered the NAACP’s racist attacks on the Tea Party movement,” Wierzbicki said.
He said it’s no big deal that TPX, which has been a very visible organization in the grassroots movement, was expelled too. “We’re really not concerned by it,” he said. “The Tea Party Express with over 400,000 members is far larger than the Tea Party Federation’s entire membership.”
I like his focus on size and the smooth way he doubled down on the racism. Way to go Joe! What else have you got? Oh yeah, this is good:
Wierzbicki continued: “Most rank-and-file Tea Party activists think we’re talking about Star Trek when we try to explain who the ‘Federation’ is, which given the absurdity of their actions is quite fitting, since their action is alien to our membership.”
Not only are the National Tea Party Federation Judean People’s Front splitters, they are also Trekkies–TeaBaggers from another planet as it were. And dig how responding to the outburst of real racism–like the Lincoln letter from Williams–is defined as ‘alien’ to the Tea Party movement.
I guess once Rushbo and Beck set the talking points folks will fall in line. And yet, it will be interesting to see how Republicans respond to this issue. Some like McConnell will run away, but others like Sharron Angle will have a harder time of it as she owes her Primary win to the TPE. It will be interesting to see what she says if she ever emerges from her bunker to answer a question.
Still, I love this new Wingnut meme: the Federation is just a bunch of Trekkie Splitters!
Pass it on.
El Cid
i will not, no i will NOT, learn the names, sizes, and affiliations of the various teabagger sects.
fuck them all, equally, whatever they call themselves.
Where does that leave liberals in the Star Trek analogy? Maybe we’re the Borg, with our attempt to ruthlessly take over Real America. Or maybe the Romulans, all crafty and evil, but deep down pussies.
Indie Tarheel
Interesting tidbit (cannot remember the source) – both the TPE and TPM are part of the Dick Armey brain(?)trust.
Kinda gives the whole thing a shell-game quality to it…
Wierzbicki is an underling at Russo Marsh & Rogers, the PR group that rammed Melanie Morgan’s “Move America Forward” down America’s throat a few years back.
Anything he’s involved with can’t, and shouldn’t, be considered grassroots.
Randy P
What exactly did Williams say? Busy with family stuff the last few days, apparently I missed this one.
OK, not “exactly”, just give me the gist.
Wait, wait, wait. TPE = TPX? TPM = TPF or TPM = TPN?
Dennis G.
@Indie Tarheel:
This WaPo articles does a great job of laying it out. And Tom Frank added some more details in this WSJ column.
These are good starting places to understand how astroturf is made in Wingnutopia.
@Randy P:
TNC has a copy .
gist = he wrote a satirical “Dear Mr Lincoln” letter in which black people (all of them) proclaim that they don’t want to be emancipated because they enjoy not having to think for themselves, etc..
@MeDrewNotYou: Keeping up with the Cardassians?
Dennis G.
@Randy P:
This piece by TNC reprints the letter and gives some context. And here is a small example of the wit of Williams:
Happy to help.
@daryljfontaine: I would totally watch that show!
But we could indeed be Cardassian and then surrender to the Dominion in the form of the UN or whatever else world government bugaboo is current nowadays.
Wow, almost as if this is what the NAACP had planned all along.
a friend of mine was massively dissapointed to find out he’d misread the program title. I’m massively dissapointed that no one’s seen the potential for televisual gold.
@adolphus: Have we yet heard anything from Weigel “refudiating” his claim that the NAACP made a huge mistake?
I’d be surprised if half the folks getting their backs up on the TPX letter have even read it. At this point, “I’m not racist! You’re a racist!” is such a knee-jerk reaction for these people, they’ll happily defend just about anything if it came from within their own tribe.
El Cid
@MeDrewNotYou: The Federation is a giant Big Government soshullist system, one which vows to leave indigenous cultures without interference, much less bombing them all to shit and stealing their stuff.
Any TeaTard who claims that their little group of spasmodics are like ‘The Federation’ should immediately by excommodicated and refudiationized.
Let’s add Mirror Universe references when the time is ripe. Suspect anyone with a goatee!
Snarki, child of Loki
Well, in this version of the story, the One True Teabagger Party would be Klingons.
Or perhaps the Dingleberries. They’re so hard to tell apart.
The Other Chuck
Take a look at Mark’s page with Javascript turned off. Pwned by spammers.
Indie Tarheel
@Dennis G.: Thanks for the links – will be putting them to (hopefully) good use…
Also, since we’re working a Trek-related theme here, the Sisko is not amused.
licensed to kill time
“Racist attacks. You keep saying that phrase, Wierzbicki. I do not think it means what you think it means.”
Rick Taylor
This is the guy the last Republican candidate for the Presidency used to stump for him in public events. This is the guy who asked to give a briefing on political strategy by Republican congressional staffers. What a screwed up party.
El Cid
@Snarki, child of Loki: Klingons are brave and follow a strict code of honor and never send anyone to fight in their place.
This doesn’t sound at all like TeaTards.
The South Park epsiode that is forthcoming shall be epic
Dennis G.
I went with TPE because those are the first letters of Tea Party Express. But I can see how the group might prefer TPX. First, X is such a macho letter and second TPE could be said as teepee and that might sound a little too foreign for these folks. And then TPX could just be in the style book of that fanboy site, The Daily Caller.
My favorite headline over at the Daily Caller.
“Amish teen arrested after buggy chase.”
Rick Taylor
@Rick Taylor
Oooops. Joe the plumber, Joe Wurzelbacher, is not the same as Joe Wierzbicki. Can I please pretend I did not write that previous post?
Saw this on another blog and thought it summed it up…
And actually, the similarities between Trekkies and Teatards is not quite apt; Trekkies most closely resemble Objectivists, for their fanatical pursuit of ideology and utter lack of understanding of human relationships.
But I may be libeling the Trekkies in this.
Substitute “WBO” for TPE and “WBF” (or IBF, IBC, etc) for TPE, and….well….we’ve heard this before.
@El Cid: That reminds me of the episode of TNG where they find the three frozen people from the 20th century. The country musician and mother are nice, but the Wall Street/Corporate guy is the best. He keeps demanding to contact his bank and lawyer, and is dumbfounded and pissed when they tell him of the wonderful socialist paradise.
The Federation is the closest to being the ‘good guys,’ though, and is mostly human (Riker, McCoy) or near-human (Troi, LaForge). Its also easy enough to forget about the society and economy, especially when Kirk is kicking ass and boning the natives.
Keith G
Does any of this really matter? The teabaggers I know do not consume the type of media that would make these events relevant to the upcoming election.
Like a baby chick fresh hatched, they IDed on the bag party early on and few are changing their mind now.
Will Democrats be able to leverage teabag bullshit into a more energized base? I do not know, but I have my doubts.
Shorter me: We can laugh at the clown parade, but we better be willing to hit the streets and work our neighborhoods prior to Nov 2 lest our laughter be short lived.
D’oh! Used the naughty s-word and now I’m moderated. Here’s a revision.
That reminds me of the episode of TNG where they find the three frozen people from the 20th century. The country musician and mother are nice, but the Wall Street/Corporate guy is the best. He keeps demanding to contact his bank and lawyer, and is dumbfounded and pissed when they tell him of the wonderful soshulist paradise.
The Federation is the closest to being the ‘good guys,’ though, and is mostly human (Riker, McCoy) or near-human (Troi, LaForge). Its also easy enough to forget about the society and economy, especially when Kirk is kicking ass and boning the natives.
One of the many, many things that never made sense about Williams’s letter was the whole “we don’t like work so make us slaves again” vibe- does that idiot actually think being a slave was a cushy gig?
i’m with the judean people’s front!
or maybe it’s the peoples front of judea? who knows!
This x1000.
I don’t give a crap about the seventeen different varieties of flag used by the civilian and military branches of the C.S.A. either. Jeebus, at this rate by 2095 we will have pasty white people doing Tea Party Renactments on the equatorial plains of Mars and complaining about the high taxes they have to pay to keep the colony oxygen generators running.
@Snarki, child of Loki: Klingon society was based on honor and a warrior code of ethics. I say the TP’ers are just Dingleberries in search of a mother planet.
Dengre @ Top:
They’re Jews In Space (tm Mel Brooks))!
Mike in NC
But they’d be great guys to sit down and have a beer with, right? Didn’t think so.
licensed to kill time
@ThatLeftTurnInABQ: Snurf! Snort! Gasp! TFF (too fookin’ funny :)
@beltane: Comic genius abounds on Planet Juice. You guys slay me :)
Randy P
@Socraticsilence: Maybe that one’s going around Wingnutistan somewhere. It was something along those lines that got BoB permanently banned, and I didn’t get the impression that Bob was known for originality in his right-wing pronouncements.
His Seven Liberal Arts schtick, that was unique to him. And I never figured out what the hell that was about. But anytime there was a Pronouncement, I could usually find the right wing source it originally emanated from.
@liberty60: There’s no way another Trek would exist in today’s political atmosphere. My mother is a full Becktard now but loved Star Trek and all its iterations before the media went full wingnut.
@Socraticsilence: Does it matter? It’s another way to say “blacks are lazy and deserve their lot, btw white people aren’t to blame.”
It’s the same fucking thing they’ve been saying for decades, but now they’re actually printed in newspapers and invited to the sunday talkies.
There was a STNG novel later that followed up on the Wall Street guy. he was the Federation ambassador to the Ferengi.
A. Regular
My first ratfuck.
Let’s see how that works out.
Roger Moore
If he’s a true Lost Causer, he probably does. The myth that the slaves had a decent life was popular even when slavery was still around to disabuse people of the notion, and is very popular with members of the Confederate Party today.
General Stuck
And we must remember to pace ourselves as this little Dante’s Inferno plays itself out. There will be time for tea and crumpets in between episodes, and 3 D glasses will be passed out later to see the monsters in all their dimension.
Alex S.
This will be interesting:
So most Teabaggers associate themselves with the racists? Is that what they’re saying?
HE Pennypacker, Wealthy Industrialist
The mother of the suspect in that Oakland freeway shootout over the weekend is quoted as saying that her son was upset about the “left-wing agenda” being driven in California and Washington DC. I wonder which tea party group it will turn out he belonged to…
arrested adolescent
since tp = toilet paper, here’s the inevitable ” the federation circling uranus in search of klingons” comment
dj spellchecka
from that huffpo article that alex s linked….
The rally, called Uni-Tea, will feature white and black Tea Party supporters in all-day event that will feature live music, a web cast and plenty of Obama bashing. The site for the event features 13 speakers, with at least 8 speakers being persons of color…..
sounds like affirmative action to me…
no report on the number of attendees that will be “persons of color”…2? 5? 8?
Let this be their last battlefield.
That would be the United Federation of Planets, which were founded in San Francisco,Earth, whose arguably most important founding species were the humans and which has a government consisting of an executive (lead by a democratically-elected President), a legislative with democratically elected representatives and a judicative (the highest branch of the is the Supreme Court).
Now, this may not be Kansas anymore, but it’s hardly alien…
Corner Stone
I’d say they are more close to being the “good guys” in an “American Exceptionalism” kinda way.
They break their own rules anytime they feel like it, yet punish the balls off of anyone weaker than they are when they do it.
The Enterprise severely outclasses most of their foes, and when sheer strength doesn’t do it Picard and/or Riker always outsmart their foe.
Even Q of The Continuum somehow seems to come in second best time and again.
Odd, that.
@MeDrewNotYou #32 & #34:
Fuck the teabaggers – THIS is the kind of ignorance that needs to be stamped out.
Geordi LaForge is human. 100% human. He’s blind and wears a special visor so he can see. Blind. Human. A blind human.
@Indie Tarheel:
I think the Sisko heard Sarah Palin use “refudiate” in a sentence.