Are any of you foul-mouthed, vituperative commenters at the big hate-fest in Las Vegas? If so, what’s going on there so far?
I went to the ones in Chicago and Austin, but I wasn’t able to make it this summer.
Update. I like Netroots Nation, I’m objectively pro-Netroots Nation. The ones I went to were genuinely interesting, though the location for Chicago sucked.
low-tech cyclist
I’m in my cube in the D.C. area, working away as usual. Got job-related travel coming up shortly, and that’s about as much excitement as I can handle right now.
I was just going to post a comment about why none of youse are in Vegas for the Kos Wankfest ’10 (a.k.a The Professional Bitching Crew Convention). I’m guessin its 115F there and every internet cafe and patrulli oil kiosk is jammed.
You actually attended these, Doug? Yikes.
Yes, I liked them. The first one wasn’t as good as the second, but both were pretty interesting.
They have a lot of interesting panel discussions, it’s not what you think.
General Stuck
All that butthurt in one place could well tear the delicate fabric of space and time.
The Moar You Know
@DougJ: I’d expect that it probably is pretty interesting, as most of the idiot commentariat can’t scrape together the money for a plane ticket.
My suspicions are bourne out in that traffic at the GOS is just as plentiful and stupid this morning as always.
David in NY
@The Moar You Know:
“bourne out” ????
I think we should all be more careful in criticizing others as idiots. Most of the “idiot commentariat” is well meaning, and some of it can actually spell.
John Bird
These interblog catfights are pretty funny. It’s not like anyone outside of these blogs knows or cares.
@DougJ: Like the Stones in the post title. Let the good lord shine a light on you, Doug.
@David in NY: Ludlum Meets dKos.
We are very superior here at BJ.
before dismissing the event as just a bitch session, please look through the listing of panels and the list of guests
This panel featuring US Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood, and Atrios among others is an example of a valid policy discussion area, not some wank/bitch fest. (BTW, isn’t bitching about bitching still bitching?)
Yes, I’m sure some of our favorite members of the circular firing squad will be there, too.
If those “discussions” have even 1/10th the concern trolling, faint-couching, pearl clutching, and general acrimony of a typical DK diary, it’s exactly what I think.
I picture 14 “celebrity” bloggers + 400 no-name bloggers who think they’re famous, mixed in with a healthy dose of wine spritzers and cocktail weenies all kevetching about Obama’s poll numbers and the state of Oregon’s Democratic Party. Plus, not a hot chick within sight.
@Punchy: Ha ha! Hippie chicks don’t shave their legs! And ‘acrimonious’ is right. I prefer my womenfolk shaved and agreeable.
… and the place will be crawling with dozens of amateur Breitbarts, trying to catch liberals saying illiberal things on camera.
Now would be a good time to note that effete, wimpy liberals can handle the heat while rugged, hardy teabaggers cannot. Of course, we’re not wearing tricorn hats and knee breeches with stockings.
Liberals drink wine spritzers and their activist women are ug-ly!
Jesus, Punchy, you’re like something out of 1983. Let’s see a photo of your ‘do. Come on. That was a golden era for men’s hair. EDIT: Women’s, too, come to think of it.
kommrade reproductive vigor
Balloon Juice, your source of awesome post titles that also serve as great earworms!
David in NY
Thank you — I tried to think of a Ludlum joke, but have never read him and frankly, couldn’t remember his name at the moment.
I heartily agree with BJer’s superiority but find the constant need to proclaim it tiresome. Also, I think a good portion of the Kos commentariat is sensible, and it spends a lot of time punching down the stupid that rises from its ranks. The internal criticism is often quite effective.
Jim C
Where was it located in Chicago? McCormick Place?
Not there. Can’t afford it.
(Forlornly looked up all the synagogues in Las Vegas. Not walkable from convention center.) (But possible to get to on the bus.)
This is much more of an establishment event than it once was. See Greg Sargent. Also Donna Edwards, Alan Grayson, and Raul Grijalva will be on panels.
Bobby Thomson
I think the eighth ring of the inferno is filled with panel discussions.
@Jim C:
Yeah, awful location.
Jim C
Yeah, it’s in the middle of nowhere while still being right on the lake. It’s still actually better than the alternative: Rosemont.
@Jim C: Is anything South of the Loop “the middle of nowhere for you?”
“a lil gospley number from Exile on Main Street…”