Brian came up for the weekend, so you all are on your own. There is Laphroiag, there are porterhouses the size of my head, and there may be mayhem.
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This post is in: Open Threads
Brian came up for the weekend, so you all are on your own. There is Laphroiag, there are porterhouses the size of my head, and there may be mayhem.
Comments are closed.
What did we won?
Tom Hilton
There’s Laphroaig? Hey, did I happen to mention that I was coming over too?
Corner Stone
You’re going to get drunk and dare each other to walk barefoot through your house at night?
Corner Stone
General Stuck
We had lapfrogs in my holler in e,. KY. Till we cut their legs off and et em.
By mayhem you mean you might get a little drunk and take/post animals pictures? Well played.
Corner Stone
My local Kroger’s has been killing on some porterhouse deals lately. I must’ve had maybe 7 or so in the last month.
$6 and change for ones around 1.35lbs
I have issues with being on my won.
You’re drinking Laphroaig in this heat? Jeebus. I can’t imagine reaching for anything other than the gin, rum, or tequila right now.
It’s been a week. We can haz pet photoz plez.
screw that. I know how to party. freshly brewed coffee. You got your libations, I got mine.
Corner Stone
I think we should turn this thread into nothing but rampant speculation on what the range of outcomes this could possibly be.
Watch two DVD’s? Turn the stereo up to 7.5? Make hand puppets and pretend they are blog commenters but give them all British accents while they have conversations?
Do the crossword IN INK?!
The mind. Boggles.
General Stuck
Only elitist powdered Japanese Macha Green for me. The ultimate brane food
Chat Noir
@Mayur: Tanqueray ‘n’ tonic here.
And later tonight, continue watching “Mad Men” season #1 on DVD in anticipation of the season premiere of season #4 Sunday night.
I’m having a cup of coffee right now!
@Chat Noir: Excellent. I’ll probably be contradicting my above statement by having a sazerac to celebrate arriving in New Orleans tonight…
Sentient Puddle
Someone brought homebrew beer to work today. It was awesome.
On the other hand, it might be a conspiracy. I gorged, and don’t entirely feel comfortable driving just yet. So I’m waiting it off for a bit…which means I work more.
@Corner Stone:
I’m not uppity about many things, but crosswords should ALWAYS be done in ink. Blame my father, I sure do.
fucen tarmal
iced coffee is what is keeping the crime rate low in this specific vacinity.
LaFrog?! Blech. Do yourself a favor, man. Dalwhinnie.
Women, did you know that dancing in a bar constituted implied consent to have your sexual assault filmed and distributed for money?
Now you do:
@Bnut: Definitely agree. Filling the puzzle in with pencil is for people who can’t commit themselves…
Jesus, I am 1/2 Scotch-Irish and you need to be nuts to spend good money on single malt or any Scotch except Chivas. Scotch-Irish (Southern branch, at least) do not drink Scotch whiskey to speak of. When they discovered Bourbon, they said Holy Shit this stuff is goooood and they dumped the iodine-flavored Scotch into the creeks, never to be seen again. Bye-the-bye, the bizarre “no-wrap” screen screw-ups are gone, thank you.
Mark S.
Shit, I do Sudokus in ink. Of course, I have to abandon them when I realize I put three 5’s on one row.
As for coffee, I found a jar of instant in the pantry. I bought it to take along to the first YearlyKos.
It’s not bad, tastes like instant coffee. Doesn’t dissolve very well though.
Man, I really need to go to the grocery store.
@SteveinSC: Scandalous. Positively scandalous. I’d probably take Islay seawater over any bourbon on the market. Apples and oranges, to be sure, but if I had to lose one…
Roethlisberger’s Gone Wild!
I really like Congressman Clyburn. He reminds of my grandpa. And whenever he’s on TJMS, he is a hoot, when he and Jay Anthony Brown, kinda play the dozens on living in SC.
House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-SC), who has a wicked sense of humor, introduced Vice President Joe Biden today to a crowd in South Carolina as “articulate and bright and clean and a nice looking guy.”
after an insane week in Cologne for that wedding and now back in DC for 100+ degree heat I am looking forward to a chill weekend. I think it might take a long time before have beer again–I had more beer while in germany than I had had in my whole lifetime…
Damn if Tancredo isn’t just too crazy even for Fox News:
Tom Tancredo: Impeach Obama! Fox News: That’s Ridiculous (VIDEO)
I love it! That’s very funny shit about Biden. Clyburn’s giving the keynote address at a conference I’m attending in about a week , and I can’t wait to hear him and maybe meet him in person if I’m lucky.
My thoughts exactly. If I had any thoughts, which, in this heat, I don’t.
@General Stuck:
You and my hub, both. Macha’s OK but every now and then it smells like fish and then I get the gags. (And I never want to hear a TMI complaint from you, ever again, General. Hear me?)
That’s simply appalling. What a horrible decision, and what a horrible reason. Makes me sick.
Anyone else remember when you could listen to NPR without fear of your head exploding? I almost drove into a ditch when Ruben Navarrette and Matt Continetti settled on the NAACP as the ultimate villain in the Sherrod story on Tell Me More. It went unchallenged by the host.
Apparently Beibart was minding own business, filling out his application for AmeriCorp and doin’ inner-city volunteer stuff until the NAACP smeared his pals Williams and Tancredo. They started it.
mr. whipple
@Sentient Puddle:
A friend had some moonshine last week. He’s had some in the past that I thought was really bad, but this stuff was smoooooth as butter.
General Stuck
Experiments in photography
@General Stuck:
Wow, that is stunning. Very cool.
General Stuck
@Svensker: Thanx
OMFG. I actually have stopped listening precisely because my head was ‘sploding too often.
@Mayur: Pimms.
The Dangerman
I’m having a little difficulty in picturing these steaks of increasing size and the related frames of reference. Lessee…
Porterhouse the size of Tom Tancredo’s brain (so sad for ya)
Porterhouse (my favorite cut)
Big Porterhouse (booya)
Porterhouse the size of a head (damn)
Porterhouse the size of Tunch (HOLY SHIT)
Porterhouse the size of…
That’s excellent. I bet both Clyburn and Biden were howling over that one.
Geeks FTMW.
Take that wingnuts.
Tom Hilton
@Corner Stone: It would be irresponsible not to.
fucen tarmal
they were out of dr. pepper?
Chat Noir
@lamh32: That’s funny. Thx for sharing.
Meh. Laiphroig is overrated. Give me a single malt bourbon any day. Even Beam is getting to be smoooooth these days – not sure if they’re upgrading or my taste buds are failing.
Not going to knock the porterhouses.
Ked +2.
Can you break that down into Laphraoig and porterhouse for me?
@Corner Stone: Maybe somebody got a prerelease of StarCraft II? Cutting edge, dude!
Fuck me.
Daniel Schorr died. I see it has been mentioned on another thread.
We talk about the death of journalism all the time around here, but this is the death of a real, and honest, journalist.
At the bar I work at we make what we call a “printemps” (french for spring). It’s muddled cucumbers with an organic cucumber vodka, chilled and served in a martini glass. It’s the best hot weather drink I’ve had in a long time/
@fucen tarmal: It makes me sad to know you ain’t got no cultcha.
@Ked: No such thing as a “single malt” bourbon.
Beam? And you’re knocking Laphroaig (one of our greatest <$50 spirits?) You sure you're just at +2? ;)
Glad to hear you’re a fellow Laphroaig fan, Mr. Cole.
Love Laphroig for cooking (try 1/2 to 1 shot in a stew), but not so much for drinking (too heavy and peaty) – like the lighter single malts. This ain’t scotch-drinking weather here in the NE, though. Now, mojitos, on the other hand…..
TX Expat
there may be mayhem
LOL! Oh John, you know that for you mayhem equals not vacuuming/furminating for the weekend.
My bet is on more of a sternly worded letter holiday i.e. drinking moderately and showing off whatever new yard tool you have acquired through reader suggestions.
fucen tarmal
if only i could get it from a label, on a liquor bottle. ah me, if that is the only way i can show how cultcha i am, i will try to make due without the approbation of the english bourgies and their american acolytes.
Oy, Tornado watch here in NJ until 1 am. So we’re supposed to be prepared to dash into the basement til the wee hours?
This summer’s weather is so fucked up.
Van Jones To Netroots: Quit Beating Up On Obama
So will this make Van Jones persona non grata in some circles?
I have heard tales of t-bones causing giggles and rib-eyes causing jubilation, therefore I wouldn’t be the least bit shocked to learn that porterhouses cause mayhem.
Grill-baby-grill and let those mental cogs fly free!
Tom Hilton
@lamh32: in some circles, maybe, but not in mine. In fact, if I ever see him I’m treating him to a porterhouse and a Laphroaig.
Country music?
S. cerevisiae
Fucking climate change bill is dead. Drink up, people! I’m going for the Bell’s Two Hearted ale.
edited to add: Fuck
Porterhouse? Sadly, no.
Speaking to a large second-day crowd, Jones reminded the group that he quit and wasn’t pushed out.
“I resigned. I did not want to be the banana peel that the president of the United States slipped on trying to win on health care,”
In other words, to the firebaggers who say Van Jones was thrown under the bus by Obama.
He says your full of shit.
@lamh32: I admit when I first saw a picture of him I thought he was one fine looking man. My respect and admiration (okay and attraction) has gone up all the more.
@valdivia: Insanity is releasing a bunch of American choir nerds to their own devices in a country where drinking water is frowned upon. When we finally got to a train station in a major city (not long after our arrival we realized how things worked in Deutschland) we cleaned them out of Evian. Hell we even took the stuff that wasn’t cold.
General Stuck
Maybe. But that still leaves the question of whether Vann Jones showered with Rahm./ Ug, whataya say to that Mr. Obot..
Porterhouse and single malt?
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yeah.
But as it happens, I’m enjoying sirloin and tequila. But I’m ecumenical.
+3 (because our car has died for the last time)
First tomato of the season! Still sub-marble size, but it’s early.
demo woman
Am I the only one that watches Friday Night Lights?
Actually, my favorite single malt is Glenmorangie.
The sixteen men of Tain!
And all those who think scotch tastes like Listerine… you’re right.
Unless it’s a good single malt. In which case it tastes like hallucinogenic fairy ballerinas pirouetting on your tongue.
Dang you John Cole! I was happy with my tequila. Before.
Linda Featheringill
Hotter than all fluff in Cleveland. Miserable. Everytime I walk out of the house, I regret it.
Tummy is too upset from the heat to think about eating and I REALLY don’t want to drink until I cool down some.
Excuse me. I’m going to sit in front of the AC and think calm thoughts.
@demo woman:
Judging from the ratings, no. I can’t bring myself to watch a show about high school football. I’m from Alabama, I lived that crap. Never again.
It’s 84 degrees here. In the Valley. In JULY. For some perspective, our normal weather pattern should be close to 100 every day right now. When we got married four years ago in July, it was 108.
This weather is really freaking me out.
@Mnemosyne: You got married in a fever? Hotter than a pepper sprout?
General Stuck
Received Green Zone today. Hope it’s not too bad.
@lamh32: Everyone knows that Van Jones resigned. Personally, I think Obama should not have accepted the resignation, but that’s neither here nor there. Van Jones will never be excommunicated. He’s made of too much awesome.
So on the last thread, I commented that I saw Inception last night. Well the movie is STILL on my mind, ideas are bouncing around in my head right now. Does anyone know of a good website, where I can go to blog with other film geeks like myself who have seen the movie? I don’t wanna spoil it for anyone, so I’m looking for sites where the majority of people have seen the movie.
Help a sista out ya’ll…lol!
Sullivan put the link up earlier and I’m shocked it has so few views. It is seriously the funniest and most honest news reporting on Palin. Someone oughta frontpage it.
Edit: FYWP formatting. Put your cursor over ‘this’ or just follow this link:
@demo woman:
Hell No! Best thing on teevee. I won’t spoil it for you (I watched Season 4 last fall), but tonight’s episode has HUGE surprises.
The absolute love of my life, a Royal Marine Captain named Colin, had a fondness for Glenmorangie. Alas, I was young, and stupid, and decided that a tour in Hong Kong was more important than my love of said Colin. I miss him still. Whenever I see Glenmorangie my mind wanders to other times, and other places, and another me.
Oh, I agree with you about Van, but anyone else would be called an “obot, corporate shill, or hippy puncher”. Engaging in “Selective outrage” is real big pet peeve of mine, and no one does it better than the blogosphere (left & right).
So, I’m still waiting for the “Van Jones Punched Hippies” or “Van Jones…Obama Apologist” diaries, posts, and comments from the usual folks.
BTW, It’s real superficial of me, but damn if Van Jones ain’t a hottie.
@Litlebritdifrnt: I understand.
I’m sure you remain in fond memory, too.
Might be why we don’t stay young :)
@lamh32: You are right on all counts.
I am reminded of this (I have been married 19 years this month)
There are too many good-looking men out there.
SD + .5 but swiftly approaching +1.0, and planning to move on to +2.0 . . . .
Cat Lady
@Chat Noir:
Anticipation is not quite what I feel. I feel like a little kid waiting for Santa to come. This season will be 1964! I was eight, sharing a bedroom with my 14 year old sister, and we had an AM radio on our shared bedstand that she put on when she had to get up for freshman year in high school. When I Wanna Hold Your Hand came on, she would say “that’s the Beatles”. She had just started curling her hair with rollers – she’d get up at 6:00 and start putting her hair up in these huge rollers, then she had these little clips with bows on them that clipped on in front of the teased poof. I studied her like an anthropologist studies native customs. That is the year I came into consciousness. I hope that Weiner gets this season right. I’ll be watching.
Proper Gander
I once dated a woman who bought me a bottle of 96 proof Laphroiag Quarter Cask- and then drank the majority of it. Fun times. Laphroaig is best enjoyed while high- if you drink enough, and smoke enough, your mouth becomes coated with the peat smoke flavor and you awake with the perfect reminiscence of the night before on your tongue.
We were in court this week, trying a Simple Assault case where bascially two women were fighting over a damn man. Not only a man, but an old and ugly man to be honest. A man that I would not touch with someone elses barge pole. It is freaky out there. There are BILLIONS of men on the planet and yet some women feel it necessary to fight over one. I do not understand it. As I have always said, there are billions of them out there. While it would completely and utterly devastate me to lose my DH, I have no doubt that I could find a replacement (body wise) in about three minutes around here. I mean damn I have been solicited by local attorneys just on the off chance.
@Cat Lady:
G and I were talking about how the show always organizes itself around an iconic event of the early 1960s and he wondered what it would be.
I didn’t even have to hesitate before I said, “Beatlemania.” And I wasn’t even born until the year the Beatles played their last concert (sorry).
@Cat Lady:
I’m really interested to see how they handle the politics. If Roger doesn’t have a classic zinger about Goldwater, I’ll be disappointed. And I kinda wonder whether Don will make another trip out to San Pedro to visit his “ex-wife.” There was some interesting chemistry there.
Cat Lady
I remember Kennedy’s assassination and funeral, and bits and pieces of the Cuban missile crisis and Krushchev’s Soviet Union because we got Life Magazine, but the Beatles changed everyone’s world. Their influence really can’t be overstated.
@Litlebritdifrnt: Geez, that takes me back.
@Cat Lady:
You’ve got that absolutely right. 7th grade for me, and after the Ed Sullivan show it seems like we all just looked in the mirror at the same time and said “Crew cut? Why the heck do I have a crew cut?”
And the music, gawd, was like a finding the oasis after months in the desert. The only decent stuff in the early 60s was the girl groups (ooh, Shangri-Las!!) and then suddenly there’s these majors, minors, sevenths, bridges, lyrics pouring out of every corner of the UK. Just, wow.
frosty +2
@WereBear: Just wanted to acknowledge the sad passing of your car, though it may have been a love/hate relationship of late. Will you be hoofing it for awhile or is there another car on the horizon?
@WereBear: LOL I used to work in my Uncles pub and he had an eight track player, one of the things he used to play constantly was the Glen Campbell Greatest Hits, those songs are ingrained into my brain, every single one of them, you play me the opening and I can sing the entire song from then out.
Corner Stone
@lamh32: I don’t think so. Sounds like he’s made a very professional decision and a good career choice. Nothing wrong with that.
Haven’t watched the video of his speech but from what I’ve read it’s more of the same pablum.
Keep your hope alive and change will come. We can do this. Soldier on.
I’m not going to castigate him for his outlook, as I think it’s a positive one and applaud him for it.
But I also disagree it’s really anything of any import.
Cat Lady
Yeah. Small grainy black and white (13″?) tv with rabbit ears and a rotary dial, straining to hear the music over the screaming and tears, but being gobsmacked by both. My father shaking his head in incomprehension. It’s really all still there in my mind like it was just last week.
My aunt actually put the temperature in her Christmas newsletter. Not a joke.
Fortunately, we had planned pretty much everything to take place inside and served mojitos at the reception, so it was all good.
When you think about it it shows how fucked up life has become. How many of you know a female who stays home and does not HAVE to work to keep the bills paid. I would kill to wear my “house dress” and stay home. Aint going to happen.
Corner Stone
@Corner Stone: Or, IOW, what Atrios said:
Eh, the prevalence of the “stay at home housewife” thing was always greatly exaggerated. My grandmother worked until after she had her fourth child and that was in the 1940s.
We sometimes forget what a bizarre anomaly the 1950s were in so many ways.
@Corner Stone:
I love how yesterday Van Jones was a progressive martyr that Obama had thrown under the bus to appease the right wing and today he’s an Obamabot who’s not worth listening to.
Corner Stone
I’ve never said either of those things. So you may be speaking to some general audience, but that has nothing to do with me.
Cat Lady
Van Jones also proclaimed John Kerry a hero and confided that he likes to recover from a bad day by listening to the music of Barry Manilow. Plenty of “PNG” material for some folks, I’m sure. I found his remarks encouraging and long on perspective. We’ll see if his audience (and their respective audiences) take it to heart.
@Corner Stone:
You agreed with what Atrios said. So, what, now you’re trying to say you agree with part of what you chose to quote but not the whole quote? And we have to try and guess which parts you secretly disagree with?
Corner Stone
@Mnemosyne: Sigh.
I don’t need Van Jones to tell me to shut up and keep working.
If you had one ounce of brain cell in your bucket you’d read what I have said.
Even the quote from Atrios doesn’t call him an Obamabot not worth listening to.
You’re just a moron with severe comprehension skills.
@Corner Stone:
Dude, if you didn’t agree with what Atrios said, you shouldn’t have quoted him saying that Van Jones was telling us to clap harder. Maybe you should try to read the things you post before you get all defensive and start claiming that you were just quoting it, you didn’t agree with it.
Corner Stone
@Mnemosyne: Take a deep breath.
I do agree that Van Jones is saying “clap louder”. I previously called his speech “pablum”.
God damn you are fucking dumb.
Unlike you, I can disagree with the message of a speech and still feel the messenger has worth.
You are unable to separate the two.
Jesus. I can’t believe how really poor you are at reading comprehension.
General Stuck
@Mnemosyne: @Mnemosyne:
Sounds to me that was what CS is saying. Paraphrased of course.
Kered (formerly Derek)
Uh, as far as I know, there’s no such thing as “single malt bourbon.” Bourbon’s not made from malted barley, it’s made from corn, so…
Kered (formerly Derek)
Two competing viewpoints:
The second link is much more convincing to me.