Love the counterprotest at comic-con when the Westboro scum showed up. My favorite:
This Works
by John Cole| 46 Comments
This post is in: Excellent Links, Humorous
by John Cole| 46 Comments
This post is in: Excellent Links, Humorous
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Hurrah for mockery!
I could give an actual answer to that question, though I suspect it’s too early in the morning for most people to endure a lecture on quantum spin dynamics.
J.W. Hamner
That’s pretty awesome… but why is Fred Phelps protesting Comic-Con in the first place? I’ve never been to one… are they especially LBGT friendly? Or do the Phelps crazies just randomly protest grocery stores because there might be gay people in there?
Awesome. Crap like that probably had the Phelps clan squirming more than anything else. I love nerds.
I love the “Odin is God” and “Darkseid Is” signs, but I was actually expecting more superhero-god signs. “Thor Died For Your Sins” and stuff like that.
I just how so many facets of nerd/geek are showing up for this. Futrama fans, trekkies, no sign of Storm Troopers in the photos but I honesty believe they must have been there.
Even a fursuiter.
How awesome is this!
It’s like those Superman radio serials where he fights the Klan. They’ve utterly diffused anything the Phelps crowd could do into a joke.
@J.W. Hamner:
Because there’s a focus of media attention there.
He wants to get one camera with his signs.
The nerd counter-protest does an excellent job of undoing this, becuase now the focus is on the congoers with only a small mention of Phelps.
@J.W. Hamner:
The stated reason for the protest was:
That’s supposedly snipped from their website, but there’s no link back and their site isn’t resolving now. Sounds like something from one of their “press releases” though.
@J.W. Hamner: It’s really hard to tell his reasons. For giggles, his “upcoming picketing schedule” can be found here, which includes such nuggets as:
ComicCon wasn’t on their schedule page (which is only for future picketing events, and seems to be regularly updated), but I did find this press release (PDF), which states
So, nothing about gays this time.
wow….i wunner if we can book Phelps for Nan Desu Kan.
He would be ravished by my Major Motoko Kusanagi cosplay.
Fucking Jesus, how does it work?
or maybe
Fred Phelps, come out the the closet!
I’m so proud of these guys. I only wish I could be there with my “SUPERMAN IS YOUR GOD NOW” sign.
Brilliant — I think that’s the absolute best way to deal with Phelps and his misbegotten ilk. Just mock the living hell out of them. What Phelps wants is for people to get angry and assault them, so that they can make a lot of money in the subsequent lawsuits. But laughter? No law against laughter.
“god hates kittens”
it’s true. you know it’s true.
Ivan Ivanovich Renko
Now this here makes me proud to be a nerd.
@RedKitten: One of the *funniest* phone calls I ever received from my “kitten” was when some frat guys at the UChicago danced in their skivvies to “It’s Raining Men” to mock Phelps and his repulsive cult.
She was nearly crying with laughter at the sight– in the dead of winter no less. It’s on YouTube and worth a look for a good laugh. My kid was in the counter-demonstration and they had no idea ahead of time what was going to transpire….
Phelps meets a frat at UChicago
They ended up raising $500 that day.
Hmm, this makes me want to dig out my comic collection from the 80s (but also includes past issues pre-80s).
Speaking of which, anyone in buying mode?
Ash Can
Three cheers for the geeks!
The problem is that in most places where Phelps and his spawn protest, the mocking counter protest is inappropriate. Counterprotesting at a funeral just makes things worse. I thought that Phelps knew this and was careful about choosing his venues.
Phelps made a poor choice of venue here – there’s nothing reverent going on at all at Comic-Con, so staging an irreverent protest is exactly the right move. Plus most of these folks already have their costumes so they don’t have to go out of their way to be absurd – Phelps is the one who looks out of place here, not them.
Honestly though – outside of absurd situations like this where everyone gets to laugh at the man, there’s little to win in with a Phelps counterprotest. Phelps isn’t going to stop doing what he does – even if the press doesn’t cover it he’ll still do it to both feed his martyr complex and hope that someone throws a punch so he can sue. No one is going to stop Phelps from being an ass no matter how much he gets mocked. So in most cases ignoring him is the best option if you can’t get him arrested for violating some local ordinance just because anything else causes extra grief for the people he’s protesting.
@JCT: Sweet.
All hail the nerds!
Mind you, I’m biased. You’re talking to someone who is going with her husband to Halifax’s Comic-Con, as a little getaway for their third wedding anniversary. I have high hopes of kidnapping Aaron Douglas and making him my houseboy.
@NonyNony: Well yes, that makes sense. Obviously the setting has to be kept in mind — counter-protests at a funeral would just make things worse.
But if the opportunity and the setting lend themselves to mockery, I think it can be devastating. Phelps is looking for a fight. To be ignored, or worse, laughed at? I don’t know if it’ll stop him, but it’s GOT to piss him off. And that alone makes it worthwhile, IMHO.
fucen tarmal
love the sign, i named one of my fantasy football teams Insane Kiln Posse, of course i was referring to favre, magnets how the fuck do they work was a meme started by icp…
@dmsilev: I think I just finally found an excuse to buy another action figure and I may throw in an audio book for the hell of it!
Meaningless bonus detail: My favorite is the “Is this thing on?” one.
Fred wants someone to initiate an assault against one of his members on camera. Therefore he needs cameras and an audience that can be goaded into violence. The military funerals are perfect toward that end, but apparently he thinks geeks might throw a punch.
He needs to head down to Grand Isle instead and hang out with the oil cleanup workers. I’m sure he’ll get his lawsuit there.
God Hates Jedi is obviously the best sign especially because it is being held by a guy in a Deep Space Nine uniform.
Douche Baggins
Another delicious way to counter the Preacher’s Corner crazies:
Bobby Thomson
Counterprotests at funerals can absolutely be done respectfully, and are regularly organized by veterans’ groups. Mostly bikers.
scott charmin
Is it just me or does the guy holding the sign look a hell of a lot like Michael Stipe?
Some people have figured out the most effective Phelps counter-protest at a funeral — basically, standing in front of the Phelps group with your backs to them and silently blocking them from the view of the mourners.
But ComiCon? Yep, everything goes. I guess Phelps needed a good dose of “look at them mocking The LORD!” to keep his people going.
@scav: My favorite is the “Is this thing on?”
Mine too. This is the America I love.
That’s actually perfect if you can get all of the counter-protesters to agree to keep silent and ignore the Phelps Clan rather than ignore them. It’s tough to get people with strong enough stomach to be able to manage it, but good for them if they can make it work.
I don’t know – reports suggest that the clan left early in the face of a counter-protest that was larger and more news generating than their protest was going to be. Maybe you’re right and he just needed to pump up the martyr complexes of his flock a little bit.
Followed by a judgment for Defendants, and another ass-kicking outside the courthouse door….
Mr Furious
Best. Counterprotest. Ever.
and if he comes back again next year, folks will make it a point to have an even bigger counter next year, with even better costumes and even better signs. Heck, it’ll be a contest and draw even more attention, taking on a life of it’s own.
Yeah, Phelps ain’t coming back..his ego won’t allow it.
Kerry Reid
Counter-protesters at the trial for Matthew Shephard’s murderers wore giant angel wings that they would lift in order to block the Phelps signs — so Shepard’s loved ones wouldn’t have to see that garbage walking into court.
I think Jesus is my favorite superhero in this protest. As we know, love is kryptonite to bigots.
Kerry Reid
Oh, and one of my friends who grew up in Kansas, not far from Phelps headquarters, tells a great story:
As a teenager, he was in the car with his family one day — he and his brother (both gay, neither out yet) in the back seat, his dad driving, his mom the ex-nun in the front seat. They stop at a red light and Mom notices one of the Phelpsies is out with his God Hates Fags sign. She starts shaking her head at him. He begins screaming and she rolls down the window in time to hear “Read your bible, you fucking whore!”
And she responded with “LOVE one another, butthole!”
My friend says that the culture wars can be boiled down to that exchange.
The Spy holding the “God Hates Sentries” sign is the unnoticed hero of this thread. “SPAH SAPPIN MAH PROTEST”
Tom Hilton
Hey, I hate Ben Nelson as much as anyone, but I think that’s an exaggeration. Sort of.
The guy in the Bender suit with the “Kill All Humans” sign is my favourite. These are my people, and I love them!
Comrade Mary
@Kerry Reid: Oh, man. Now THAT is my kind of ex-nun.
@NonyNony: highly amusing if that is true. cause the people going to comic-con know they are reading fiction…
I”m partial to the Cdr. Shepherd.
Comics (and SF&F) fans rule.
@Kerry Reid:
Not only would that make a great counter-protest sign. I think it would be a great BJ sig.
I loved that someone dressed up as Buddy Jesus. Alanis Morrisette should have shown up, though, and recreated her screaming scene from Dogma.
Actually, @YellowJournalism, there is a Buddy Jesus in the crowd. God bless my nerds. Wish I could have been there to hold up a sign reading FOR JOR-EL SO LOVED THE WORLD HE GAVE US HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON.
@ Nonynony #6
I can’t think of anything that illustrates the demented mindset of a fundamentalist any better. They accuse comics fans of idolatry because everything in their mindset has to be taken literally. They can’t view comics as a work or art or literature any more than they can view the Bible as one.