Dr. Laura on Palin in 2008 (via):
I’m stunned – couldn’t the Republican Party find one competent female with adult children to run for Vice President with McCain? I realize his advisors probably didn’t want a “mature” woman, as the Democrats keep harping on his age. But really, what kind of role model is a woman whose fifth child was recently born with a serious issue, Down Syndrome, and then goes back to the job of Governor within days of the birth?
mr. whipple
Mike Kay
Dr Laura’s family values pictorial.
Can’t wait for the nude photos of Palin to surface.
@Mike Kay:
To quote John Stewart, that is where boners go to die.
Little Boots
Dr. Laura unplugged is … interesting.
El Cid
She then called Palin a “wigger” about 60 times in the next three minutes.
And to think that if Dr. Laura was blogging instead of radio she could have exercised her first amendment rights and called Trig a retard.
(Just bridging the gap from JenJen to the quote)
Omnes Omnibus
@Mike Kay: Not interested. Not going to look.
Little Boots
Is it true she just needed an anchor baby in the lower 48?
@Mike Kay: You know, she was fucking Levi…
I’m ready to take odds.
@someguy #6: OMG! The “W” word!!
Linda Featheringill
Sometimes it looks like the Republicans cannot imagine anybody other than a white male being intelligent and competent and so when they try to diversify . . . .
Would he sleep with her? I keep hearing about these ‘starbursts’, so presumably someone would, but I look at Palin and think ‘eeewww’. The woman looks like she’s made out of linoleum.
@Mike Kay: I found that oddly unarousing. And now, “Looking for Hot woman?” is on my sidebar aloung with “Gay Mature Singles”. Gotta love it.
As for Dr. L’s quote on La Palina, well, Todd was home.
@Betty Cracker: Well, to be fair, she is a doctor…of physiology.
Betty Cracker
Why does “Dr.” Laura have one shred of credibility on marriage and family issues in the first place? She “stole” another woman’s husband. She was so thoroughly estranged from her own mother that when the woman’s mummified remains were found in her condo months after her death, it was a complete surprise to “Dr.” Laura. Her son is apparently a psycho.
In short, “Dr.” Laura is about as qualified to advise others on their interpersonal relationships as Lady Gaga is to dispense guidance on Amish standards of modesty. It was way past time for the invisible hand of the free market to punch that harpy in the snot locker.
Little Boots
Levi could do better, even if he is ashamed of his peen.
@Mike Kay:
Wasn’t there some story about how Dr. Laura’s mother’s was ignored and particularly starving to death in Florida?
Little Boots
What kind of masochist calls into “Dr” Laura anyway?
@Mike Kay:
That’s so many kinds of wrong.
HuffPo posted this article at 8:05 am this morning: Sarah Palin Said What? The 15 Craziest ‘Palinisms’
Not even 24 hours later, and it’s already out of date.
And the only surprising thing about that is how unsurprising it is.
But in Dr. Laura’s world, men go out and work and women stay home with the kids. That’s the way it works. There’s no way that a woman who had just had a special needs baby had any business being out working, even if her husband stayed home with the baby.
There is not enough liquor in the world for me to keep up with this crazy shit this evening. We need some cats and dogs. This is Lady Smudge’s contribution – the middle claw!
El Cid
It’s weird that people seem to have a thing for arrogant mean nitwits on the radio insulting the people who call in and who fail to live up to right wing 18th century yeoman culture war stereotypes.
@Violet: I know. Dr. Laura is like the modern version of Phyllis Schlafly. “I can do whatever the fuck I want, but you all need to get back into the kitchen.” It’s very frustrating.
@arguingwithsignposts: Happy sigh. New pics? How you be?
mr. whipple
@Mike Kay:
Man, I don’t even need to go there to remember the weed whacker joke from like 10 years ago. LOL.
@Betty Cracker: she confirms the preconceived notions of her audience, what they would call common sense. there is always a market for telling people what they want to hear, especially when you are telling a third party what the listener wants to hear.
Mark S.
@Little Boots:
That’s a good question.
I do love Lady Smudge. So young, yet so wise.
Dr. Laura! I am sending you this message from the FUTURE!
While you are correct in second-guessing what kind of
moron‘role model’ Sarah Palin will turn out to be, you need not worry about how the Governorship will tax her with regards to her special-needs child… She will quit that job.While I have your attention… If it’s not too late, you should avoid the use of racial epithets. You can thank me later.
Mark S.
And since Mike Kay is getting us all in the mood with those sexy pictures, let’s all imagine a hot threesome with Dr. Laura and Palin.
@Mark S.: Where’s my rusty pitchfork?
#Rustling through my tool shed#
Not a new pic, yet. She’s still adjusting. But licking my head when I’m asleep. I think she’s plotting with her fellow kittehs to take over the whole country and slap the idiots around a bit.
Hey, I can hope, right?
Mark S.
Hey, at least I didn’t add Sharon Angle to the imagery.
ETA: And shouldn’t you be saving that pitchfork for Favre? He just unretired for the twelfth time in his career.
I don’t think you’re supposed to lick your
fingerclaw when you flip someone off. It sends a mixed message. In my experience, anyway.asiangrrlMN
@arguingwithsignposts: Cool. So, um…there are other cats in your abode? I thought your situation had changed. You can tell me to MYOB if you like.
@Mark S.: Pitchfork AND torch for you, Sir! One word about Michele Bachmann, and I’m Roto-Rooterin’ you to boot.
@Steeplejack: Steepman! How you be?
OK. I really gotta take a nap. Got three hours last night/morning. Catch the nightshift later.
Chad N Freude
@Betty Cracker: I posted this on an earlier thread this morning:
(I often quote myself because my comments are so quotable.)
@Mark S.: Thanks for reminding me. Now I’m sure to have dreams of his grinning stupid mug. Ugh.
Meanwhile, the last combat troops have left Iraq.
Bella Q
I think Favre should be forced to have a fiveway with Bachmann, Palin, Angle & the “Dr” Laura, since he will.not.fucking.stay.retired. It should take place on Mark S’s back deck, since he started the hideous imagery.
@Bella Q:
I think there are Geneva Conventions against that. My brain! My brain!
@asiangrrlMN: No other kittehs in teh abode. Sadly, in some ways. Not an MYOB moment … yet. :)
@Mark S.: Dude, men who have shot at me did less to offend me than what you just did there.
@arguingwithsignposts: I consider this an excellent reason for keeping brain bleach on hand. It is very useful for washing out green balloons moments.
I’m getting worried about moving my own kitteh, mostly because he’s going to have to morph into an indoor only cat very quickly. I’m thinking I’ll just give him the back deck and compromise that way and hope he isn’t stupid enough to jump off.
@Bella Q:
It’s not that he won’t stay retired, although that is annoying, it’s that Favre needs to make a big honkin’ deal out of whether he will or won’t. Kind of a “piss or get off the pot” thing.
Is it OK to hate both of these horrible women? They are both the worst people imaginable.
@Mark S.:
That mental image is giving me a raging soft-on.
I’m fortunate to have a lock on the balcony. I open the balcony door and let her look out quite a bit, but I wouldn’t open the thing. I don’t think she’d make it as an outdoor kitteh.
They make pills for that you know. And no I’m not going to give names because FYWP.
@arguingwithsignposts: According to my landlady, the back windows are like Must See TV for cats for all the birds that fly in between the two trees behind the building. So it might be enough to keep him occupied while I’m in the city. But I’m just afraid of him sneaking out. The building is a maze on the inside, he could disappear and he’s very people shy.My only saving grace there is it’s rather difficult to get to the actual outside.
@arguingwithsignposts: My first view of Lady Smudge. Not sure I’ve ever seen a golden eyed cat before. She’s a beaut. The middle claw pic is kuhl, but I think I like the “I drink your milkshake” pic even better!
Mike in NC
We only have 50K “support” troops there now. What a sick joke.
Mark S.
If you loved the game (and hated training camp) as much as Favre, you’d do the same.
JeffreyW has a kitteh who is eerily similar. BTW, I’m partial to the Breitbart tractorbeam pic, but that’s just me.
Anne Laurie
@Linda Featheringill:
Well, yeah. And when they pick “tokens” like Palin (or Justice Clarence Thomas), who flail & fail spectacularly, they figure that just goes to show that Those People Aren’t Ready for real-world straight-white-male privileges, dammit.
@Anne Laurie:
Sadly, I think Thomas has succeeded rather spectacularly with his lifetime appt. to sleep through SCOTUS arguments.
@Mike in NC: My God, it seems like we’ll never get out of Germany.
@Martin: We really do need to discuss the massive welfare program we do for Germany there. Inasmuch as Europe likes to complain about Americans and the military presence there, the Germans have never even considered asking us to leave. Ramstein is a guaranteed economic support program that doesn’t cost the German government a dime. Why would they want us to ever leave?
Anne Laurie
@Elisabeth: Incidentally, the guys who do Tank Macnamara are making sport of Favre this week. “But I assure everyone that I am retired from football until I get scared when I think about not having football in my life anymore. Then I’ll go crazy.”
@Mark S.:
I’ll volunteer; just doing my part in drilling some democratic values into them.
@Cain: Dude. There is not enough brain bleach in existence to remove that image from my head.You shall be receiving my therapy bills forthwith.
Thought experiment that is guaranbygodteed to make you happy:
Imagine the song Frank Zappa would write about Sarah Palin if he were still alive.
If that doesn’t work, imagine a biography of Sarah Palin written by Molly Ivins and Steve Gilliard.
@arguingwithsignposts: Oh yeah! That is one mesmerizing look. Reminded me of this…
“Trust in me, just in me
Shut your eyes, and trust in me
You can sleep, safe and sound
Knowing I, am around”
Tractor beam, indeed!! haha!
Oh, come on DougJ. Here I am, blissful in my knowledge that I have Doctor Laura all figured out, and now here you come and upend my worldview by pointing out that she is capable of sane and sensible thought.
*Evil Laugh*
@Bella Q: You suck. Big time. Glad I read this AFTER my nap.
@Mark S.: BINGO! But dagnubit, he plays because he goshdarn loves the game!
@Yutsano: Don’t bogart the brain bleach, hon. I need my share.
kommrade reproductive vigor
@Cain: What a brave man. I wouldn’t fuck them with Ronald Reagan’s dick.
This thread is democracy whiskey sexy. Y’all are cracking me up.
I’m stunned – couldn’t the Republican Party find one competent female with adult children to run for Vice President with McCain?
CLOSEUP: OLYMPIA SNOWE’s hands opening an envelope, pulling out letter, fists clenching in frustration.
VOICEOVER: You were the best qualified for the job. But they had to give it to a MILF.