More teabonics from Real “Murrika:
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[…] Geez guys, doesn’t a single one of you own a dictionary ? […]
[…] by DCPlod in America, Bigotry, Religion, The Crazy Is Strong In This One, The Stupid, It Burns Tags: Islam, Muslims, Park51, Religion, US, Wingnuts Anti-mosque bigots raise a monument to the ignorance that fuels their hate. (Via Balloon Juice) […]
groud = gay and proud.
not that there’s anything wrong with that…
Tonal Crow
groud = greedy and proud of it.
Emily L. Hauser/ellaesther
@cleek: I was thinking that perhaps they had meant “gourd” and were somehow trying to get rid of their extra zucchini while they were hatin’ on other Americans.
That sign is a monument to the terrorism of stupidity, the Holy Groud of the primate brain.
Like I said in a previous topic, I’m pondering a sign idea for when I go tomorrow, barring any rain again:
‘I support Hummus (because it’s delicious)‘
Any idea if the snark and mockery will be evident? Probably not, but hopefully it won’t end up on Newsbusters or some other dumb site as ‘proof the Mosque supports Hamas’.
I’m a horrible speeler, but I don’t typically commit my typos on 20ft banners.
Omnes Omnibus
@Emily L. Hauser/ellaesther: I am going with “grout.” They are concerned about the tile in the mosaics they anticipate will be used to decorate the not-mosque. Grout is a pain to clean, you know. Nice of them to be concerned.
Congrats on getting the system to accept your new name.
And you know that they looked up “mosque”, so they must have a dictionary.
Groud = Gray and Loud.
Pretty much sums up the protestors.
As a bred New Yorker, I just have 1 question. How many of these fuckers are actually from New York City? Which if these shit for brains fucktards really gave a rat’s ass about Manhattan before Pam “Atlas Juggs” Geller and her freak site got some mass media place? The urge to use the cussing skills honed at War on Faith is…huge right now. Hate these people.
You realize you’re trampling all over their treasured First Amendment rights by pointing out they can’t spell worth crap.
Maybe they should get their wish and there could be a written entrance exam before you get to vote. They’d fail pretty quickly when they couldn’t even spell their own fucking names correctly.
Emily L. Hauser/ellaesther
@Omnes Omnibus: I see your point! And I think zucchini season is behind us anyway. I’m going with “grout.”
And thank you! Anne Laurie explained it was a mere FYWP issue, at which point, I — an FYWP blogger, myself — went “D’oh.” Because I knew that. I just forgot that I knew it. When will technology stop making a mockery of my native intelligence? I ask you?
Given the time-honored metric, I’m going to say it’s about 27%.
How many of them are white “Christian” men over 30?
That’s the thing. For all the polls pointing to just how much America hates those goddamn muslims and their goddamn victory mosque, you know who the only group polled that actually supported it?
Manhattites, 53%-31%.
Funny how that works, huh? The only group as a whole that will be facefront with the damn center approves of it, while people who won’t be peeking in on it except maybe on weekends or vacations are raging against this ‘insult’. Guess it’s true, Manhattan isn’t ‘Real ‘Murika’. Because apparently Real ‘Murika hates every single Muslim in the world.
Of all the words that could have been misspelled in that sign…and it was “ground”.
@ruemara: Yeah, a demonstration of hate is the only thing that could motivate these people to drag their fat asses into Manhattan. It’s not like they would come for the museums or restaurants; culture and diversity scare the shit out of them.
Over 30? How many of them are white, “Christian” and over 45? Heck, over 50? From the videos I’ve seen the demographics definitely don’t skew young.
This is a Monday in August, and I am further away from my vacation than I am toward it, and the news is shitty, and things look down, so take all that into consideration when I say that the Republicans look like they are headed to a wave election, and if those motherfuckers win, I seriously hope the plainly stupid people of this country who don’t know any better, or choose to care not to, get it so hard in the heiney hole that they can’t even begin to know how to breathe, and then the magic that is the Tea party and its ilk can shrivel up and dessicate like a dead hermit crab.
Once every now and then I realize I have a secure job, a home that I can pay for, two healthy kids in a great school district, and I get this overwhelming sense of “Okay, fuckers, you want Sarah Palin or Newt Gingrich or Rand Paul? You want this age of fucking insanity to go full bore and see where that takes us? Well, fuck you, bring it on, I’ll be fine, assholes. And when you are in the streets eating your own I hope you fucking choke on it, you motherfucking apathetic insensitive assholes. I hope you get exactly the government you lazy fat pieces of brown-skin hating shitheads deserve, you obese red state dicks.” As a great man once said to his master Wayne, “Some men just want to see the world burn,” and sometimes — like now — I get into this funk and I want to throw up my hands and say, “Fine, take the House, take the Senate, take it all, see if I care. Drive it into the ditch you dicks, and i hope you truly, deeply suffer as a result. Cocks.”
But then I go smoke a cigarette and I reflect that even if they did fuck it all up beyond repair, they’d do what they always do, which is Blame the Other Guy, and, like they always do, the other guy — typically pussified Democrats — would just bend over and take it, wringing their hands the whole time. So burning the house down isn’t really smart when you realize the arsonist will just find a way out and then I’m left sitting there with my flesh rapidly turning into spicy original recipe.
And then I think: the arc bends long, but it bends; the wheel turns slowly, but we progress. For all the shouting and the screaming and the hollering, demographics will erode the insanity of the G.O.P. away. And anyway, look at the steady advance of gay rights. And the Supreme Court isn’t hopelessly lost yet. And each generation going back to Alexander Hamilton’s thinks this country is lost and we have it worse than anyone before, and that generation is usually wrong. And there’s always football.
Amen. Where’s the Tylenol?
I was at the demonstrations over the weekend. Those opposed were overwhelmingly from the NJ and Long Island suburbs, trucked in in rented buses.
I’ve learned from observing teabag events that they’re a very inclusive group–they accept participants from all regions of the IQ continuum. I’m thinking the median is somewhere in the solid 80s.
They do not, however, attract many proofreaders. This guy toted his sign for hours.
Mark S.
Shorter Mark Halperin:
Omnes Omnibus
You took a while to get there, but you got there. So I say: This.
@toujoursdan: The site of the world trade center no longer counts as New York. The infrastructure is now in the shape it would be in if those in jesusland ran things. They just assume any pile of rubble must be theirs.
Epic rant. Problem is most Americans are dumb as shit (present company excluded), and getting them to remember what happened two years ago much less four years ago, just ain’t going to happen.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@Kryptik: Let’s call it smockery.
I’ve been hearing from some of the staff where I work that there’s almost a “war” on Staten Island between muslims and the Italian/Irish Americans. Don’t know how much credence to lend it, so I’ll just leave it as an anecdote.
kommrade reproductive vigor
Groud = Get Ragheads Out Damnit!
A quick run through this guys 800+ photos from yesterday show plenty of tbaggers and rolling thunderers.
Sounds like an idea for the next “Jersey Shore” season.
Maybe it’s self referential.
The “D” of GROUD has a bit of a tail so maybe it’s “GROUp ZERO”.
kommrade reproductive vigor
@LarsThorwald: [Passes you a cig]
Amen brother.
Nom de Plume
@LarsThorwald: demographics will erode the insanity of the G.O.P. away.
Yes, but what will replace it? Nature abhors a vacuum. Who will be tomorrow’s reactionaries?
It’s an interesting question. A nation where the majority consists of today’s minorities and today’s young people grown to maturity won’t necessarily be a progressive paradise. What I’m saying is, somebody’s gotta step in and be the village idiot. Who’s it gonna be?
quaint irene
Forget lemonade stands. Kids should set up a stand at TeaBagger rallies with the sign “Will spellcheck your signs and banners. $1.00”
That font makes me think that the sign was professionally made.
Which makes the spelling even less excusable.
El Cid
Maybe they meant Grod, the mind-controlling gorilla supervillain in DC comics.
Yeesh. This photo is a little too close to German WWII imagery for comfort.
@Omnes Omnibus: We should give them some grout/tile sealant. That’s what the guy at Home Depot gave me when I asked about it.
Felonious Wench
What a moran.
@Violet: Bunch of em are.
Well at least they’re being consistent or is that consistently stupid?
Agreed, the banner is quite nicely done. “A” for penmanship; “I” for content and execution. Hopefully, somebody’s now displaying it proudly in the rumpus room. “We sure told off those ay-rabs!”
Like howler monkeys, they make a lot of noise, but I do not think they rule the forest.
@quaint irene: They should love this, in theory. Free market capitalism at work.
@beltane: Oh, there’s a Burger King and a McDonald’s down in the neighborhood. Hell, they’re even closer to the big hole than the Notmosque will be. There’s a Starbucks, too. They’ll almost feel right at home.
licensed to kill time
Hallowed on the Groud
Hallowed on the Groud
Lookin’ like a fool with your Hallowed on the Groud
So each word only has one “correct” spelling? Liberal fascism at work! What’s next, one world government?!
@WereBear: No, but they will fling poo at anyone who upsets them, so the comparison stands.
@Nom de Plume:
If the rank-and-file Teabaggers could get past their racism, they could easily be making common cause with the socially conservative elements among the Hispanic, Indian, and yeah, even Muslim immigrant communities. Not to mention the social conservatives among the African-American communities they’ve been ignoring for the last few decades.
I suspect that’s what the reactionaries a century from now will look like. Much like now, except less white. As a comparison, look at what the reactionaries in the 19th century looked like and compare them to now. They were much like the reactionaries we have these days, except that they were angry about the Irish, the Italians and the Jews that were threatening to overrun the country. Now some of the descendants of those Irish, Italians and Jews get to be part of the reactionary crowd and scream about Muslims and Hispanics. All part of the American Experience, I suppose.
When they protest, do they protest where the “mosque” will be? or at Ground Zero?
@soonergrunt: More genius posters
Someone had a head cold.
From the pictures, I’d say that it’s right along the WTC site, just outside the walkway along Vesey near the WTC PATH station.
If you wanna get dowd
Dowd on the groud
or something like that
Linda Featheringill
The spelling errors were sent to them by God to make sure that their hatred and stupidity did not contaminate too many of his children.
[and I’m not religious but still . . . . . ]
Come on guys, cut the sign a little slack, it’s got this awful head cold…
Felonious Wench
@licensed to kill time:
Intertoob (or boob) win!
Yeah. That was kicked off by an attempted purchase of an inactive Catholic convent facility by a Muslim group that wanted to turn it into a mosque. The rhetoric is very similar. (“It’s ‘ours’ and has crosses on it. You can’t do that!”)
There is a reason most NYers never go to Staten Island.
@licensed to kill time:
Lolz. Awesome.
Lets not forget the sacred groud that is Murfreesboro TN.
licensed to kill time
@Felonious Wench: @Violet:
thankyewveddymuch :)
Joseph Nobles
If the teapartyers could only recognize the separation of church and state in our government, they would be able to lighten up about Sharia law. But since they aspire to impose their religion on the rest of us, they fear Muslims imposing theirs on them.
And if my aunt had balls she’d be my uncle.
El Cid
Get past? That’s why they’re there.
They didn’t give a shit about any of this when R. Reagan, Bush Sr., or Bush Jr. were in power.
Only when it’s a Democrat and most intently when it’s one of them Kenyonesian darkie types.
@ruemara: They’re not from New York. They’re from Staten Island.
@Belafon (formerly anonevent):
Don’t mock my smock or I’ll clean your clock.
Gruad Zero!
Ewige Blumenkraft! :D
@toujoursdan: Not surprised at all. These are the same racists who “fled” NYC in the 60s and on during white flight. These are the same Archie Bunkers who threw rocks at school buses during busing. (and contrary to Annie Laurie’s fevered imagination – Northern schools WERE segregated and needed to be integrated – the rednecks in South Boston did not impale Ted Landsmark on the sharp end of a flagpole due to some Nixonian plot) They are the same Eye-talian goombas who shot and killed Yusuf Hawkins because he dared walk through “their” neighborhood while being black.
These people are not New Yorkers. They’re Mets fans.
another idiot against putting the mosque on that hallowed ground: Rima Fakih… Miss USA.
“However, she added: “I also agree that it shouldn’t be so close to the World Trade Center. We should be more concerned with the tragedy than religion.”
After all, the First Amendment is about freedom from tragedy.
We really need one for freedom from farce.
I fucking hate these people. They’re the terrorists now. They’re doing bin Laden’s work for him, scaring, or trying to scare us all about how if we don’t do just what they tell us, and bow to their demands, there will be blood and death. Sometimes they say it’ll be the scary mooslems who’ll come and kill us all if we let moderate Muslims build a cultural center and worship freely and peacefully–though I don’t undertstand how that’ll work–and other times they say they’ll kill the scary mooslems. Either way, it’s terrorism, and I’m sick to death of these fucking people. I wish we could dump them in a time machine and send them to Germany in 1938, where they belong. They would have loved it there back then. Pam Geller, too, the fucking fascist. Anybody think she wouldn’t have sold out as many Jews as she had to to get by back then? Asshole.
they should go back to what fox did right after 9/11 and call it ‘ground hero’. now that was smart.
i like how being concerned with tragedy more than religion results in making decisions based on religion.
@chopper: Oh, my holy jockstrap, I knew Fox was jingoistic and stupid to the point of near-coma, but they actually did that?
Emily L. Hauser/ellaesther
Do the wingers like basketball? They like basketball, right?
Apparently basketball great John Wooden used to like to say “Consider the rights of others before your own feelings, and the feelings of others before your own rights.”
The first clause = the whole of the Constitution. The second clause = the Golden Rule. All I can imagine is that these people really truly don’t care about either.
El Cid
None of this controversy would have occurred if Obama hadn’t pushed violently for building a giant statue of Osama bin Laden holding two jet planes on Ground Zero.
yep. i kept imagining going down to the deli and asking for 2 pounds of it.
The “D” is actually a “P”; it’s supposed to be “Group Zero”, the description of the mob’s combined IQ.
The spelling errors really get me. Aren’t these some of the people who grouse about how bad our schools are, yet they seem unable to use a dictionary. And it’s words that they should have learned how to spell in elementary school they they can’t spell. We should a find a tall building (like a 13-story community center) and defenestrate them all.
So she believes that an office complex keeps us concerned about the tragedy?
We need to draw up plans for Dachau Industrial Park.
@Emily L. Hauser/ellaesther:
Look at the color of the skin of the majority of NBA players. Does that answer your question? They may like it, but they don’t respect it. Plus, our commie soshulist Muslin President plays basketball. It’s not a Real Sport like bowling.
kommrade reproductive vigor
That first one is amazing. Apparently building a mosque is a sacrilige and they can’t be built on holy ground where “Heroes Died.” Sacred sites include:
Oklahoma City (too late)
Antietam & Gettysburg (I assume the person means the USNPS owned-battlefields, wonder how they feel about a WalMart?)
Vietnam (say what?)
Aaaand …
WW II (Jesus these people are stupid)
kommrade reproductive vigor
Not sure why I’m in moderation. Could it be … Holy?
You know, I have a new tack in this argument. I am really enjoying asking people who are arguing against the “mosque” what they think George Bush meant when he used to say “they hate us for our freedoms”.
Using the “hate us for our freedoms” as a starting point really does put the argument in a whole other place. You can just start it by saying something along the lines of “Bush said the terrorists hate us for our freedoms, and by God, the man was right!” What are they gonna do, disagree with you? “and if they hate us for our freedoms, you can bet the number one freedom they hate is that Christians and Jews and Muslims and Hindus and atheists can live together as Americans, respecting those religious differences as we celebrate the beliefs that bind us together as one people” (good to have the wife start humming Battle hymn of the republic as you say this) “Osama hates that freedom! He can’t stand a world where every individual American can choose what to believe or not believe!” (humming is getting stronger at this point) “Let rub it in his fookin face! Let’s build a mosque and a church and a synagogue on ground zero and shove it up his ass!” Cause I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free…………
@jeff: A Muslim congregation was almost in contract to buy a former convent from the NY Archdiocese. Neighborhood protests ensued…. the Archdiocese backed out of the deal. The Muslims wanted the convent because they need more space for their growing group and the convent was there, empty, unused.
Chuck Butcher
Isn’t fear a wonderful thing, especially as a political tool…
@Emily L. Hauser/ellaesther:
These folks fetishize the rights and freedoms enunciated in the Declaration of Independence and protected by the US Constitution while feeling with passionate intensity that those rights and freedoms do not belong to, and should not be extended to, anyone who does not look, smell, act or think just like them.
And at the same time they give unthinking allegiance and support to a globe spanning national security state whose raison d’État is that American values are universal values which are by divine providence intended to be spread throughout the entire world, by emulation if possible and by force if necessary.
As others have mentioned, we are the Saudi Arabia of cognitive dissonance – with the world’s largest proven reserves.
Great rant! I am printing it out to read to my early 20’s year old kids, just to get their opinion. I know they will love it!
“Follow the groud!”
“No! Follow the sheo!”
From – “Lief of Brain” – mon TEA-PIE-thon Party
@Chuck Butcher:
Franklin D. Roosevelt: The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself!
Audience member 1: And spiders!
Franklin D. Roosevelt: …Well yes. And spiders. That goes without saying…
Audience member 2: And snakes!
Franklin D. Roosevelt: Yes… snakes too.
Audience member 3: And don’t forget werewolves!
Franklin D. Roosevelt: There is no such thing!
[Everyone starts to argue]
Wow. There hasn’t been a World Trade Center there for, like, 9 years now.
@cleek: She probably figures she gets enough grief already, & incorrectly thinks caving in will protect her from the Ever-Expanding Hate Ball.
“All the best basketball players have always been white – Larry Bird,…” ~ Uncle Ruckus “The Boondocks”
Koch Brothers: The bastards fueling all the teabagger shit and other wingnut propaganda in this country.
At least ebonics has its roots in old english. Teabonics is just the results of homeschooling.
Suffern Ace
@Mumphrey: I agree. And I think that a lot of people feel that way. We are tired of being afraid of every little thing. Unfortunately, I don’t know how we can stop them from being afraid themselves. There are people with a specific interest in making other people afraid or angry at this moment in time, all the time and have been doing so for years. There is not much we can do about it. The people who have made them angry better know how to talk them down, if they even have an interest in talking them down. They don’t trust us. Their anger at this point isn’t ours, but they have managed to make a lot of people on our side pissed at the world as well.
The good news, if there is any, is that I went back to work today for the first time in two weeks of staycation. I have been spending too much time following this story from the sofa. I was heartened at least to hear that the office mates have been too busy to pay attention to this, even though it is kind of hard to ignore it. They think it is stupid and I wasn’t going to pop the bubble by saying things to make them angry.
I think what I needed was a little human interaction that doesn’t involve people on the TV trying to make you want to jump off a cliff to get some votes. We know this is a fraud mole hill issue that has been made into a mountain. It might make sense to stop following the right wing up that mountain by getting angry ourselves.
OT, sort of….
Read it. Rodda did some fine work reporting on some sick shit.
@Suffern Ace:
The media loves this shit, they know that the reasonable 80% of the population is filled with outrage junkies. One day, when I can get a la carte cable, I’ll get my news from the television once more.
Damn, but even spelling has a liberal bias!
@PurpleGirl: You used one of my favorite words–defenestrate. It’s right up there with exsanguinate and disembowel.
@Kryptik: It will go right over their heads, but I think it’s hilarious.
@Belafon (formerly anonevent): That’s too close to smock. How about snockery–if I can get all Palin/Shakespeare on ya. It even has the added bonus of being in the neighborhood of snockered–which all these people seem to be.
Raw Story covered it Saturday.
Good groud, what next. Get that mosquement off my lawn!
Someone needs to turn this bigoted crowd against their Masters – Newscorp.
It would not take much. Just keep pushing the fact Arabians! are funding Newscorp.
It’s distasteful, since its employing their very own standards. But it’s noble, since the aim is to separate Newscorp from it’s Fundie Fodder Armies.
But, would the dissonance be enough to prevent this? Probably. W’s former “oil company” was funded by the Bin Laden family, but you (surprisingly!) never heard about that from 2001 – till current. Imagine, if you will, if Obama had had financial dealings with the Bin Laden family in the past. Gosh! I wonder how the Right Wing would react?!
@farmette: For the win!!
General Stuck
Hope this hasn’t already been posted.
Today’s Wingnut Zen Logic
Religious Nuts on both sides try to outnut each other. Our nuts went first this time and then blamed the other nuts for acting like nuts when reacting to our nuts nuttery.. Well, that’s just nuts.
@General Stuck:
Tribalism is nuts. As far as I’m concerned, it’s all variations on checking the birth certificate.
One of the members of the RNC is claiming Obama is “half” Muslim. It’s the seed!
I think it’s interesting how much of this tribal mindset goes back to parentage.
We need a register, like they have for race horses, to comfort the tribalists among us.
“Out of…by….”
Resident Firebagger
Frankly, I’m impressed they got “mosque” right…
Joseph Nobles
Pam Geller has published and sourced remarks of Rauf that she says clinches her characterization of him. I’ll let you find your own ways over there. Be sure to carry your spittle shields.
ETA: Funny enough, one of the remarks has him saying “Whitey.”
Suffern Ace
@General Stuck: Yep. I think things would have looked quite different if there wasn’t already quite a bit of christian sectoral diversity when the founders were writing the constitution. That whole “don’t use our government to end your sectoral grievances” clause might have seemed like a good idea at the time. But would going with Anglicanism or Dutch Reformed or Congregationalism been that awful? When I read that one of the beefs that is being spread fear about Islam is that any cleric can issue a fatwah calling for the deaths of unbelievers, I wonder “look who’s talking.” Since we don’t have any control of our clerics inciting violence, why should we expect them to have any control over their clerics either.
I think New Yorker’s should start protesting building projects in other cities, just because I don’t know any New Yorkers who give a damn about the “mosque” being built in the empty Burlington Coat Factory building.
I wonder how the protesters would feel about a bunch of New Yorkers pouring into their town protesting whatever – a new Wal Mart, Target, Burger King, Exxon Gas station, church, synagogue, pre-school… – being built.
If these guys care so much about New York city, maybe they should make sure New York gets more of their tax dollars than New Yorkers pay to the federal government, rather than the other way around as it is now, because after all there’s “sacred ground” in NYC and the use of which requires a national consensus before building can commence.
I was in NYC today for some business. Usually I’m not wild about NY — too crowded, too pushy, too loud…I’m a trees and mountains kinda girl. But today, I loved NYC. All the thousands, millions of people, all going about their business, all different colors, all different faiths or no faith, all different sizes and shapes, all different nationalities, each one of these very different people rushing to do their thing in a typical New York hurry hurry hurry mode, but if you ask someone for help they’d go out of their way to do it, brusque but kind. That’s a great city. That’s Mayor Bloomberg’s city, and the local council that OK’d the Cordoba House, it’s their city. That city doesn’t belong to the small minded folks who got bussed in to protest “the mosque” downtown.
Yay, New York.
Suffern Ace
@gene108: If you ask me, I don’t think one side is actually looking for a “consensus” as they have lied through their teeth in ways that would make one think that they are more interested making people feel angry than bringing this to some kind of conclusion.
Ed Drone
With gay marriage, maybe this isn’t always so true.
Haha, I didn’t know that! I’m one of those groud people!
@Redshirt: The only conservatives that care about Saudi investment in Fox news are the survivalists that believe fluoride is a nazi plot to control them and reduce fertility.
What I don’t understand is the mosque is being built for need. The need includes Muslim bankers working in the financial district because of the emerging financial industry markets in places like Dubai and Malaysia.
What happens if they have no mosque to go to? They pray in their offices.
Sooooo, they’d rather have Muslims praying in the Freedom Tower than two blocks north?
Of course the answer is they’d rather not have Muslims praying at all.
I think I might have been mistaken on the spelling jabs.
Instead of “GROUD ZERO”, they were probably going for a hybrid between text message brevity and “the Little Rascals” cuteness (what looks like a “U” is really a backwards “N”) resulting in “GROND ZERO”.
I guess they really are the cool kids.
Mister Papercut
@kommrade reproductive vigor:
Hey, give ’em a break, they busted out their most solemn scrapbooking scissors for it, what more do you want from them?
Mr Stagger Lee
Groud, isn’t that what the orcs chanted, when they used the wolf to break down the doors at Minas Tririth? Teabaggers are the Orcs!
I dearly wish I had read this 11 hours ago, my afternoon would have been much more productive.
Nicely done.
@Svensker: Yay, svensker! I have never been to New York City, I’ve only bounced between airports, but the way you describe it is how I imagine it, and how I’ve heard it described by people I know.
Darn. I wonder if I’ll ever get there and wander around all googly-eyed and annoying. I used to go places, back when I had some, uh, what do you call it…oh, yeah: discretionary income. Who knows, maybe I’ll get some $$ again.
@cleek: @cleek:
Man… You are a fucking genius…
I’ve been laughing for 3 min after reading your reply…